ST T Popular Words Meaning Synonym

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Popular words Meaning Synonym


- have;
to have or own something, or to have a particular
1 V Possess - own;
quality (sở hữu gì, có đặc tính gì)
- hold.

- exaggerate;
to react in an extreme, especially an angry or frightened,
2 V Overreact - react excessively.
way (Phản ứng thái quá)

- occurrence;
the fact that someone or something is in a place (sự hiện - attendance;
3 N Presence
diện, sự có mặt) - existence.

- interrupt;
to interrupt what someone is doing (làm phiền, quấy
4 V Disturb - distract;
- bother.

behaving in an angry and violent way towards another - violent;

5 Adj Aggressive
person (hung hăng, hùng hổ) - hostile.

- appear;
to appear by coming out of something or out from
6 V Emerge - come into sight;
behind something (nổi lên, hiện lên, lòi ra)
- come out.

- challenge;
to face, meet, or deal with a difficult situation or person - encounter;
7 V Confront
(đối mặt) - deal with;
- face.

an occasion when you seem to suggest something - insinuation;

8 N Implication
without saying it directly (ám chỉ, ngụ ý) - inference.

- observe;
to watch and check a situation carefully for a period of
9 V Monitor time in order to discover something about it (theo dõi, - perceive;
quan sát) - witness.
- menacing;
making you feel that something bad or evil might
10 Adj Sinister - ominous;
happen (điềm gở)
- threatening.

- confidence;
great trust or confidence in something or someone (niềm
11 N Faith - trust;
tin, sự tin tưởng)
- belief.

to reduce something to the least possible level or

12 V Minimize
amount (giảm đến mức tối thiểu)

- agreeable;
having a pleasant tune or harmony (hài hòa, cân đối, hòa - congruous;
13 Adj Harmonious
hợp) - matching;
- corresponding.

- emphasize;
to give emphasis or special importance to something
14 V Stress - underline;
(nhấn mạnh)
- highlight.

- reduce;
to reduce or be reduced in size or importance (thu nhỏ,
15 V Diminish - shrink.
giảm bớt, hạ bớt)

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