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Alangilan, Batangas City

S.Y. 2018-2019
Course Syllabus: Entrepreneurship
Grade: 9 and 10
Course Description: The subject on entrepreneurship deals with the concepts, underlying principles, processes, and implementation of a business
First Grading
Chapter 1.  The students will be able to know  Analyzing the concept of  Explain the concept of
 Nature and Relevance of the concept of entrepreneurship entrepreneurship entrepreneurship
Entrepreneur  Development of entrepreneurship  Identifying the relevance of  Discuss entrepreneurship in some
 Relevance of Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship and entrepreneur countries and in the Philippines
entrepreneurs in economic in economic development and  Trace the development of
development and society society entrepreneurship
 Discuss the relevance of
entrepreneurship in economic
growth and society
Chapter 2  Students will be able to know the  Recognizing PECS  Describing and recognizing the
Recognizing Personal different personal entrepreneurial  Identifies the nature of personal entrepreneurial
Entrepreneurial Competencies and competencies and skills entrepreneurship competencies and skills
Skills  Entrepreneurship as an important  Recognizing the importance of
 Nature of Entrepreneurship factor in economic development entrepreneur in economic
 Entrepreneurship and Socio development
Economic Development
Chapter 3  Students will be able to know the  Identifies the different common  Recognizing the different Filipino
Filipino Values Favorable to different Filipino values favorable to Filipino Values Values favorable to
Entrepreneurship entrepreneurship entrepreneurship
 Searching different traits that
consider as great effect in business
Second Grading
Chapter 1  The students will be able to know  Describing primarily as a critical  Identify the different types of
The entrepreneurial Mindset what is entrepreneur, thinker, a creative thinker or a entrepreneur
characteristics of entrepreneur, strategic thinker.  Describe the entrepreneurial
risks, cognitive adaptability and  Understanding of cognitive process
entrepreneurial decisions adaptability  Describe the typical characteristics
of Filipino entrepreneurs
 Explain the factors that influence
individuals to pursue
entrepreneurial outcomes
 Explain how entrepreneurs think
and how they make decisions
 Explain the role of risk and failure
in the entrepreneurial process
Chapter 2  The students will be able to  Identifying the various sources of  Identify the various sources of
Generating Ideas: Harnessing understand the sources of ideas for ideas or entrepreneurial venture ideas or entrepreneurial ventures
Logic and Creativity entrepreneurial ventures, methods Explaining the different methods for Discuss the alternative methods for
for generating or testing new ideas, generating or testing new ideas generating ideas for a new venture
generating business ideas through Analyzing the different trends in  Discuss emerging trends that could
trends in business environment business environment be the source of new venture ideas
 Explain the factors that contribute
to creative thinking
 Explain the role of creativity in
generating new venture ideas
 Utilize some techniques in creative
problem solving
Chapter 3  The student will be able to  Identifying the process of  Explain the process of recognizing
Recognizing, assessing and understand the different opportunity recognizing opportunities opportunities
Exploiting Opportunities recognition process, the factors in  Valuing the important factors in  Explain the important factors in
opportunity recognition opportunity recognition opportunity recognition
 Creating an opportunity  Create an opportunity assessment
assessment plan plan
 Understanding the different  Discuss the different pathways to
pathways to seizing opportunities seizing opportunities
 Explain the product planning and
development process

Third Grading
CHAPTER 4  The student will be able to know  Explaining what a business plan is Define what a business plan
The business plan what a business plan is.  Valuing the important of business  Explain why business plans are
plan and its uses important to its user
 Analyzing the information needed  Identify the information needed in
in preparing a business plan preparing a business plan
 Describe the major sections of a
business plan
 Explain why some business plans

Chapter 5  The students will be able to  Explaining what marketing plan is  Define what a marketing plan is
The Marketing Plan understand what marketing plan is. Doing some research to determine Explain the relevance of the
the variable and fixed cost of industry analysis to the market
manufacturing and selling the planning process
product  Identify the steps in preparing the
 Preparing a marketing plan for a marketing plan
product idea  Determine the elements that must
be considered in developing
strategy for each component of the
marketing mix
 Prepare a marketing plan for a
product idea
Chapter 6  The students will understand what  Defining what organizational plan is Define what an organizational plan
The Organizational Plan organizational plan is  Identifying what are the advantages is
and disadvantages of different form Explain the advantages and
of ownership disadvantages of the different legal
forms of ownership
 Discuss the organizational
structure of the business
 Explain how the board of advisers
can provide support to the
management team of a new
business venture

Chapter 7  The students will be able to know  Giving the important for a new  Define what a financial plan is
The Financial Plan what a financial plan is business venture to prepare  Prepare projected financial
financial projection statements for a new business
 Making a projected financial venture
statements for a new business  Undertake a break-even analysis
venture for a new business venture

Fourth Grading
Chapter 8  Explaining the stages that  Explain how customers make
Managing the Marketing Functions The students will be able to know customers go through when decisions
about managing the marketing purchasing a product  Discuss how a new business
function  Analyzing how customers make a venture can cultivate customer
decision relationships
 Giving the importance of building a Explain how a new venture can
brand for a new venture build and manage its brands
 Describe the emerging marketing
practices that new business
ventures can adopt
Chapter 9 
Identifying the differences between Distinguish between performance
Managing the Operations Function The students will be able to effectiveness and efficiency. effectiveness and performance
understand the concept of  Describing company’s operation efficiency
operations management, assessing using the IPO  Describe a company’s operations
the performance of a business  Explaining the concept of using the Input-Process-Output
enterprise, the framework for productivity framework
analyzing the operations of an  Explain the concept of productivity
enterprise  Come up with ideas to enhance the
productivity of a particular business
 Explain how the balanced
scorecard works, and how this can
help organizations improve
performance effectiveness
Chapter 10  Explain the basic principles of
Managing the Finance Function  The students will be able to learn  Giving the importance of principles financial management
the principles of financial of financial management for the  Explain why raising capital for a
management, raising capital for entrepreneurs new venture is a challenge for
new ventures some challenges,  Identifying the major challenges in entrepreneurs
sources of capital for entrepreneur raising funds for new business  Define debt and equity financing
and social bricolage venture and explain how they differ
 Explaining the advantages and  Describe the different sources of
disadvantages of debt financing capital for entrepreneurial ventures
 Explaining why some  Explain why direct and indirect
entrepreneurs resort to social social ties are important when
bricolage raising money from external
 Explain why some entrepreneurs
resort to social bricolage
Chapter 11  Differentiate the strategic human
Managing the Human Resource  The students will be able to know  Discussing the difference between resource approach and the integral
Function the different alternative approaches the strategic human resource human development approach in
to managing people. approach and the integral human managing employees
development approach in  Discuss how a business can
managing employees attract, nurture, engage, and retain
 Explaining how business can it be the talent it needs to ensure its
retain and ensure its continued continued growth
growth  Discuss how companies can build
commitment among its employees
Chapter 12  The students will be able to know  Identify the different growth
Growth and Exit Strategies the different growth strategies  Discussing which is the most strategies that entrepreneurial
appropriate growth strategy for a ventures can adopt
small or medium scale company  Discuss the implications of growth
 Identifying what are the on a firm and on the entrepreneur
implications of rapid business  Identify the different exit strategies
growth to the entrepreneur that entrepreneurial ventures can
 Analyzing why do businesses go adopt

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