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Good evening everyone!

Welcome to a night of celebration of a wonderful life for a girl

who is now turning into a fine lady. All of you who are here tonight have watched her
grow over the years into the wonderful person she is now.

Tonight is a celebration of adulthood and a thanksgiving of the life God has given to our
lovely celebrant. Let us put our hands together, as we welcome the main highlight of
this celebration, and as she stepped into a higher level of life, ladies and gentlemen, our
debutant, ____________________.

Grand Entrance of Debutant

At this moment, I’d like to request everybody to please stand as we say our prayer
before meals to be led by ___________________________.


To open tonight’s celebration, let me give you a simple story about a great person who
is the reason behind this celebration.

Introduction of the Debutante

To fill the room with wonderful music and entertaining dance moves, here is a dance
number from ___________________________. Let’s give them a warm round of

Dance Number

Like a pretty flower that attracts bees and butterflies, Cham will be surrounded by 18
equally handsome gentlemen who will represent the debutant’s 18 roses. Starting off

18 Roses

The last dance is of course reserved to the forever most handsome and most loving guy
in her life. To dance with our debutant, her 18 th rose, ladies and gentlemen, Daddy

Father and daughter dance

 (In the middle of the father and daughter dance) The father and daughter dance is
probably one of the most loved traditions in any Filipino debut celebration. This signifies
the daughter’s first step to womanhood and the father’s acceptance of this period in his
daughter’s life.

Sabi nga ni Willa Cather “Where there is great love, there are always wishes.” Because
birthdays are always new beginnings, new endeavors with new set of goals, sending
birthday messages and wishes is a tradition especially in our country, where we give
high value to family ties and relationship. Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, I present to
you these 18 Candles for our debutant. These are the people close to the heart of our
celebrant, and whom she listens and confides to for inspiring words and friendly
advices. Starting off with:

18 Candles

Many ancient cultures believed that smoke carried their prayers to the heavens. So, at
the count of three, all members of the 18 Wishes, let’s say “May all our wishes come
true” and blow our candles together. 1, 2, and 3…

Everybody blows the candle

To fill the room with music while we are having our dinner, we will be serenaded
by ____________________________ Bon appétit!


The journey to womanhood is never complete without the right set of apparels. True
they say that clothes aren’t going to change the world, the woman who wear them will.
This is the idea behind this ritual. So let’s start with the first in our list for 18 Clothes..

18 Clothes

Let me share with you a trivia about our debutante. She is an avid fan of Hello Kitty. As
they say, not every girl is a Hello Kitty girl, but those who are, are just happier. That is
the very reason for the next part of this program, 18 Hello Kitty collectibles. Let us start
18 Hello Kitty

Gifts symbolize ever flowing love, caring and admiration.  As the debutante celebrates
the beginning of womanhood, she will need tools that either help her in the future,
encourage her in the present, or give her something fond to look back on.  These
“treasures” indicate how well the giver and the debutante know each other. Let’s start
our 18 Gifts with

18 Gifts

Let me share another good-to-know trivia to everyone on how birthday cakes and
candles came about as a tradition during birthdays. Some believe that the tradition of
birthday candles began in Ancient Greece. Putting candles on a cake was a special way
to pay tribute to the Greek moon goddess, Artemis. They baked round cakes to
symbolize the moon. Candles were added to represent the reflected moonlight. Today’s
tradition of making wishes before blowing out the birthday candles may have started
with that belief. Enough of all those did-you-know trivia because at this part of the
program, our lovely and stunning debutant will blow the candles on her birthday cake.
And to complete that customary practice, let us all sing joyfully a song I am very sure
everybody is familiar with, the happy birthday song!

Debutant makes a wish and blows the candles.

Tonight’s celebration tells me that the best demonstration of gratitude in response to a

wonderful experience like this one can be contained in an overwhelming thank you.
Maraming salamat po for making me a part of this memorable occasion. And if there’s
one person here tonight who is more than grateful to see all of you that would be our
beloved celebrant. I’m giving the floor to our dear debutant to give her message for all of

Thank you message from debutant

The night is young, and so are we, diba? Are you ready to party? We have just actually
started. Again, thank you for having me here to celebrate with all of you. Isang malakas
na “Happy birthday, _______________! naman diyan. At the count of three…1, 2, 3,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, _________________!

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