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Examination 1.

Introduction to World Religion and Beliefs

I. Identify the following.

________________1. It refers to the season of waiting for the birth of the Messiah.
________________2. It is celebrated as a holiday to commemorate the coming of
the Holy Spirit on the early Christians.
________________3. It refers to the season observed by Christians in preparation
for Easter, a celebration of the resurrection of Christ.
________________4. Latin word for Advent which means “coming” or “visit”.
________________5. These were done to represent the gods that were often
revered and offered blood sacrifices.
________________6. The sacred writing of the Muslims.
________________7. God of his speech.
________________8. Muhammad was commanded by __________________.
________________9. The only language in which Quran was revealed.
________________10. Companion and secretary of Muhammad.
________________11. These pertain to religious ideals.
________________12. It deals with the organization of Muslim community.
________________13. Numbers of chapters in Quran.
________________14. How many chapters are classified as Meccan?
________________15. How many chapters are classified as Medinian?

II. Match the following with its correct meaning.

1. Al - Baqarah a. Recite
2. Al – Kawthar b. evidence or sign
3. Iqra c. god or deity
4. Kalam d. The Heifer
5. Quran e. recitation or reading
6. Ayahs f. Abundance
7. Surahs g. chapters of Quran
8. Fatihah h. The Opening
9. Hijra i. God of his speech
10. Ilah j. journey of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina

III. Write T is the statement is true and F if the statement is false.

_________1. Muhammad ibn Abdullah was the real name of Muhammad.

_________2. His father died before he was born and his mother died before he was
7 years old.
_________3. Muhammad was raised by his grandfather Abdal- Muttalib.
_________4. He worked as a performer travelling across the Arabian Peninsula.
_________5. He married an older wealthy widow named Khadija.
_________6. He began hearing the voice of God in a cave on the summit of Mount
_________7. Islam is originated from an Arabic word meaning “submit”.
_________8. A Muslim is a person who surrenders or submits himself.
_________9. After almost 9 years of struggle, Muhammad marched to Mecca and
took over the city almost unopposed.
_________10. Muhammad died at the age of 62.

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