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2nd Term physics 10th


2nd Term Physics Final Examination for Grade 10 (2005 E.C)

Time Allowed:-

General Directions:

1. This examination booklet contains 40 questions, and it has the

following parts:

Part I. True/ False ( 1 - 10)……….. 20%

Part II. Completion ( 11 – 15)……… 10%
Part II. Multiple Choice ( 16- 35)……….. 50%
Total……………………………….. 80%

2. Read each Direction carefully and write your answers on the

Answer sheet provided separately
3. Don’t forget writing your NAME, REGISTRATION NUMBER,
on the answer sheet.

Prepared by:- Damenu E.

Editby:- Awoke H.


CODE 04 2nd Term physics 10th

Part I: True/False
Directions:- Write “True” If the statement is correct and “False” if it is incorrect.
1. Charging by rubbing produces to oppositely charged bodies.
2. The force of interaction of two point charges at rest located in an electric field
depends on the quantity of electric charge on the body and distance between them.
3. The electric field is zero in the interior of metals.
4. The absolute potential at a point is the potential difference between infinity and that point.
5. The insertion of dielectric between plates of a capacitor affects the capacitance of the
6. The length of the conductor affects its resistance
7. Metals are good conductors, because they contain large number of protons.
8. The work done per unit charge in bringing a small object from infinity to a point in
an electric field is electric force.
9. A transformer is a device for transferring electrical energy from one circuit to another
by electromagnetic induction.
10. The number of lines of force that pass a given area is called the magnetic flux.
Direction:- Fill the blank spaces with an appropriate word or phase.
11. The potential difference between any point and infinity is called .
12. If the potential difference from point A to B is +12V. Then the work required to
carry a 3μc charge from B to A is .
13. Give a formula used to calculate the energy stored in a charged capacity or is .
14. The unit of electrical resistance is .
15. If the direction of current between two parallel conductors are in opposite direction,
then the force b/n them will be .
Part III. Multiple choice
Direction:- Choose the best answer from the given alternatives and write the letter of your
choice on the answer sheet provided.
16. Two identical tiny metal balls carrying charges of 3nc and -12nc are brought in
contact and then separated to a distance of 3 cm. what is the electric force after contact?
A. 2.03 x 10-4 N B. 4.06 x 10-4 N C. 1.2 x 10-4N D. 3.11 x 10-4N
17. What is the electric field strength at a point 10 cm from a point charge of 4 x 10-10C?
A. 360 B. 720 C. 980 D. None
18. Two equal point charges separated by 1m experience a force of 90N. The charge on
each point is: (K = 9x109 NM2/c2)
A. 3.16 x 10-3c B. 10-4c C. 10-5c D. 2x 10-4c
19. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. Electric charge is an intrinsic property of protons of electrons.
B. Electric charge can not be transferred from one object to another.
C. Electric charge can be created or destroyed.
D. There is only one type of charge.

CODE 04 2nd Term physics 10th

20. Two charges of quantity + Q each are 1cm apart. If one of the charges is replaced by
a charge of quantity – Q. What will be the force b/n them?
A. The same as before. B. Smaller than before. C. Larger than before . D. Zero.
21. Which of the following is the unit of permittivity?
A. C2, N-1, m2 B. N.C2/m2 C. Faract/meter D. A and C
22. The potential at a certain distance from a point charge is 500 volts, and the electric
field is 100N/C. The distance between the point charge is:-
A. 5 m B. 0.2 m C. 0.5 m D. 2 m
23. A capacitor having a capacitance of 6μF is connected to a 100V battery. What
charge will be stored in the capacitor?
A. 6μc B. 600 μc C. 6000 μc D. 606 μc
24. A parallel plate capacitor is disconnected from the charging battery. When the
separation between the plates is increased.
A. the capacitance increases. C.the capacitance decreases.
B. the voltage decreases. D. the charge increases.
25. A parallel plate capacitor has an area of 0.01m2 and a plate separation of 1 cm in air.
What is the capacitance of the capacitor?
A. 8.85 x 106 μF B. 8.85 x 10-6 μF C. 8.85 x 10-10F D. None
26. By what factor does the potential energy in a parallel plate capacitor change when the
applied voltage is doubled?
A. 2 B. 4 C. ½ D. ¼
27. The current in a common electric heater is 5 A. What quantity of electric charge
flows through the heater in 8.0 minute?
A. 13 c B. 2400 c C. 40 c D. 1.6 c
28. The resistance of a bulb is 24Ω. How much current flows through it when it is
connected across a 120v source?
A. 124A B. 0.02A C. 5 A D. 96 A
29. A battery of emf 1.5V is connected across a 2.8 Ω resistor. If the current through the
resistor is 0.5A, what is the power dissipated in the internal resistance of the battery?
A. 0.5 watt B. 1.0 watt C. 5 watt D. 12 watt
30. In a certain resistor there is a current of 0.5A when the terminal potential difference
is 40V. What is the resistance of the resistor?
A. 80 Ω B. 20 Ω C. 0.0125 Ω D. None.
31. In an electric circuit, which of the following quantities transports electrical energy
from the source to the components?
A. Resistance B. current C. voltage D. Resistivity

CODE 04 2nd Term physics 10th

32. The field created by a solenoid can be made stronger by

A. using more windings C. inserting an iron bar into the center of the solenoid.
B. using a bigger current B. All of the above.
33. What is the force on a wire 50cm long carrying a currant of 20A. Which is placed
with in a uniform magnetic field of 10 Tesla.
A. 10, 000 N B. 8N C. 5N D. 10N
34. A circular loop of wire has an area of 0.5m2, The magnetic field is perpendicular to
the plane of the loop and has a magnitude of 0.8T.klhat it the magnetic flux through
the loop?
A. 1.6 wb B. 1.3 wb C. 0.3 wb D. 0.4 wb
35. When a current in an electromagnet decreases from 8A to 3A in 0.01s, the emf
induced is 1000V. What is the self inductance of the coil?
A. 2H B. 3H C. 4H D. 5H
36. The magnetic flux passing through a 500 turn coil is reduced from 4 x 10-5 wb to
2x10-5 wb in 0.02 seconds. What is the average induced emg?
A. 0.5 V B. -2.0V C. 1.5V D. 2.5V
37. Which of the following equals one Hennery?
A. Volt sec/Amp B. We ber/A mp C. Weber s/coul D. All of the above.
38. Which of the following laws state that “The direction of the induced current is to
oppose the change that produced it”?
A. Faraday’s law B. Magnetic force law C. Newton’s law D. Lenz’s law
39. A 6v ac supply for an electronic synthesizer consists of a transformer that steps the
mains voltage from 240v to 6v. The primary coil has 1200 turns. How many turns
are on the secondary?
A. 60 B. 50 C. 40 D. 30
40. A transformer which is 80% efficient gives an output of 10v and 4A. What is the
input power?
A. 25W B. 32W C. 40W D. 50W.

CODE 04 2nd Term physics 10th

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2nd Term Physics Exam. for Grade 9

Name Reg. No.

Command Division

Part I:- True/False ( 20%)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part II. Completion (10%)






Part III:- Multiple Choice ( 50%)

16. 21. 26. 31. 36.

17. 22. 27. 32. 37.

18. 23. 28. 33. 38.

19. 24. 29. 34. 39.

20. 25. 30. 35. 40.

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