Term Physics Final Examination For Grade 10 (2007 E.C) : Defense General Education Department

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Code -04 2nd Term Physics 10th


2nd Term Physics Final Examination for Grade 10 (2007 E.C)

Time Allowed: - 1 hr.

General Directions:

1. This examination booklet contains 45 questions and it has the following parts:
F Part I - True/ False (1-10)...…………………………………... 10%
F Part II – Matching (11-14)…………………………………… 8
F Part III - Short Answer (15-20)………………………………… 12 %
F Part IV – Multiple Choices (21-45)………………………….…….. 50 %
2. Read each DIRECTION carefully and write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET
3. Don’t forget writing your NAME, REGISTRATION NUMBER, ATTENDANCE 
NUMBER, COMMAND, DIVISIN and REGIMENT on the answer sheet.

Prepared by: -
Damenu E.
Edited by: - Awoke H.

Code -04 2nd Term Physics 10th



PART І. True or False (1% each)

Write “True” if the Statement is Correct or “False” if it is Incorrect.

1. Materials that have an electrical conductivity between that of a conductor and an insulator are semi-
2. As the distance from an Object is halved, the electric field strength created by an object
increases by a factor of 4.
3. The electric force between any two like charges is attractive.
4. The resistance of a conductor is directly proportional to its cross-sectional area and to be inversely
proportional to its length.
5. The potential energy possessed per unit of charge at any given location is referred to as the electric
6. If a positively charged rod is used to charge the electroscope, the electroscope becomes charged
7. The location on an electric circuit where the charge possesses the greatest amount of electric potential
energy is the positive terminal of the battery.
8. A charge moving through an electric circuit would gain electric potential energy in the internal circuit
and lose electric potential energy in the external circuit.
9. Suppose that three identical resistors with a resistance of 3ohms are placed in series with a 12Volt
battery. The current in the circuit is 4Amperes.
10. If an electric circuit were analogous to a water park, then the battery would be analogous to the pump.

PART ІІ. Matching (2% each)

Match the units under column “B” with the quantities under column “A”
“A” “B”
11. Self induced emf A.
12. Magnetic field B.
13. Electric field C.
14. Absolute Potential D.
Code -04 2nd Term Physics 10th


15. If a 120 Ω resistor, a 60 Ω resistor, and a 40 Ω resistor are connected in parallel and placed across a
12 V battery, then the equivalent resistance of the parallel circuit is              .
16. “The direction of the induced current is to oppose the induced current that produced it”. This law is
stated by                                          
17. A long, straight, current-carrying wire runs from north to south. A compass needle placed above the
wire points with its N-pole toward the east. In what direction is the current flowing?       
18. A transistor radio uses 4 ×10 – 4 A of current when it is operated by a 3 V battery. The resistance of the
radio circuit is                          .
19. The resistance of two identical resistors connected in parallel is 2 Ω. If these resistors are connected in
series, then their total resistance becomes                 .
20. If the voltage on the primary coil is 120 V and the ratio of primary windings to secondary windings is
10:1, then the voltage on the secondary coil is                   .

PROVIDED. (2% each)
21.                  is the amount of current that exists when one coulomb flows by a certain point in a
conductor in one second.
A. One ampere C. one watt
B. One volt D. one electron

22. In which of the following situations will the light bulb light?

A. B. C. D.

Code -04 2nd Term Physics 10th
23. Birds can safely stand on high voltage electric power lines. This is because ____.

A. the potential difference between their feet is low. C. they are perfect insulators.
B. they always choose power lines that are not in use. D. they are perfect conductors.

24. If the current at a given point in a circuit is 2.5 A, then how many electrons pass that point on the
circuit in a time of 1minute?

A. 95 х 10-19 electrons C. 9.375 x 1020electrons

B. 31.25 х 1018 electrons D. 5 х 1019 electrons

25. Metals are good conductors because they contain Large number of             
A. free electrons. C. neutrons.

B. protons. D. B & C is correct.

26. Which one the following methods of charging two materials each other give them similar charges?

A. Conduction C. Discharging

B. Induction D. Grounding

27. Two electric charges having magnitudes of 5х10 -8 C & 6х10-8 C are 5 cm apart. What is the magnitude
of the force between the charges? (use K=1/4Пε0 =9х109 Nm2/C2)

A. 10.8х10-3 N C. 10.8х103 N

B. 10.8х10-1 N D. 108 N

28. What is the resistance of a 1500 Watt electric grill connected to a 120Volt outlet?

A. 9.6 Ω C. 8.85 Ω

B. 9х109 Ω D. 9 Ω

29. What is the electric field strength at a point 10cm away from a charge of 4 х 10-10 C?
A. 360 N/C C. 60 х 10-10 N/C
B. 40 х 10-10 N/C D. None

Code -04 2nd Term Physics 10th
30. How much is the amount of force felt by a 20cm wire carrying 1.5A at right angles to the magnetic field
of 6 x 10-5 T?

A. 18 X 10-5 N C. 4.5 X 10-5 N

B. 9 X 10-5 N D. None

31. The electric field in the atmosphere is about 150 N/C, downward. What is the direction of the force on a
charged particle?
A. Downward C. cannot be identified
B. Upward D. None
32. A certain house uses five 40W lamps for 6hours every day. If electric energy costs 30cents per KWh,
what is the cost of electricity for one day?
A. 36 cents C. 2 Birr and 50 cents
B. 85 cents D. 4 Birr and 30 cents
33. An electron is bent in a circle of radius 0.04 m under the influence of a field of magnetic field strength

5 ×10−3 . What is the velocity of the electron?
7 m 7 m
A. 3.5 ×10 C. 5.2 ×10
s s
−7 m −7 m
B. 3.5 ×10 D. 5.2 ×10
s s
34. The current in the coil of 50 turns is changed from zero to 5A thereby producing a flux of 8 ×10−3 wb.
What is the self inductance of this coil?
A. −8 ×10−3 H C. 8 ×10 2 H
B. 8 ×10−3 H D. −8 ×10−2 H
35. Two coils P & Q are placed near each other. A current change of 4A in P produces a flux change of
32 ×10−3 wb in Q, which has 400 turns. What is the mutual inductance of the system?
A. 0.05 H C. 32 H
B. 3.2 H D. 16 H
36. A primary and secondary coils of a transformer has 500 and 2000 turns respectively. If the secondary
were connected to 200V line, what is the voltage in the primary coil?
A. 800 V C. 50 V
B. 500V D. 400 V

Code -04 2nd Term Physics 10th
37. A circular loop of wire has area of 0.5 m 2. The magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of the loop
and has a constant magnitude of 0.8T. How much is the magnetic flux through the loop?
A. 1.3 wb C. 1.6 wb
B. 0.4 wb D. 0.3 wb
38. What work is done when 5.0 C is moved through an electric potential difference of 1.5 V?
A. 1 J C. 16 J
B. 7.5 J D. 3 J
6 N
39. A positively charged oil drop weighs6.4 × 10– 13 N . An electric field of 4.0 × 10 suspends the drop.
What is the charge on the drop?
A. 1.6 ×1019 C B.1.6 ×10 – 19 C C. 1.6 ×10 – 19 C D. 1.6 ×10 – 19 C
40. A heating Coil has a resistance of 4 Ω and operates on 120 V. What energy is supplied to the coil in 5
A. 1.1 ×106 J B. 1.6 ×10 9 J C. 6 ×10 9 J D. ¿
41. A positive charge of 3.0 µC is pulled on by two negative charges. One, –2.0 µC, is 0.050 m
to the north and the other,–4.0 µC, is 0.030 m to the south. What total force is exerted on
the positive charge?
A. 140 N C. 160 N

B. 98 N D. 30 N

42. A 60 W lamp is connected to 120 V. What is the current through the lamp?

A. 180 A C. 60 A
B. 0.5 A D. 7200 A

43. Suppose you have 2 charged metal conducting spheres. Sphere A has a charge of -5 nC and sphere

B has a charge of -3 nC. You then bring the spheres together so that they touch each other.

Afterwards you move the two spheres apart so that they are no longer touching. What is the final

charge on each sphere?

A. −4 nC C. 15 nC
B. −2 nC D. −8 nC

44. The emf of a battery can best be explained as the . . .

A. rate of energy delivered per unit current.

B. rate at which charge is delivered.

Code -04 2nd Term Physics 10th
C. rate at which energy is delivered.
D. charge per unit of energy delivered by the battery.

45. When a current I is maintained in a conductor for a time of t, how many electrons with charge e pass
any cross-section of the conductor per second?
A. It C. Ite

B. It/e D. e/It

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2 Term Physics Final Examination for Grade 10 ( 2007 E.C.)
ስም                                                                   Reg. No.                         
Command Division Regiment

Part I: - True/False (10%)

1. 3. 5. 7. 9. \
2. 4. 6. 8. 10.         

Part II. Matching (8%)

11.    12. 13. 14.

Part III: - Completion (12%)

15.             16.                     17.                    18.                   19. 20.             

Part IV: - Multiple Choice (50%)

21.       26.    31.          36.          41.                 

22.       27.    32.          37.          42.                  

23.       28.    33.          38.          43.                   

24.      29.          34.          39.                     44.                  

25.      30.           35.          40.                     45.                 

Code -04 2nd Term Physics 10th

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