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Correct Answers Marked with Asterik (*)

1. Premalignant lesion
A. Intradermal nevus
B. Compound nevus.*
C. Seborrheic keratosis

2. Regarding middle meningeal artery most appropriate....

A. Involved in extradural hemorrhage. (I marked)
B. Can be fairly located outside the skull at pterion...
C. Enters middle cranial fossa through foramen spinosum...
D. Grooves inside of skull
E. Supply supratentorial dura

3. Minerals not found in or minerals with low bioavalibility

A. Green Vegetables..
B. Cereals
C. Pulses...
E. Roots

4. Medial boundary of ischiorectal fossa.

A. External anal sphincter*...
B. Levator ani.
C. Ramus something(not sure)

5. Boy with h/o trauma to perineal region, swelling in scrotum and ant. Abd wall but didnt go
to thigh. Rupture of..
A. Membranous urethra. ..
B. Bulbar urethra*...
C. Neck of urethra...
D. Perineal body..
6. Turner syndrome...
A. Short stature*. B. Autosomal dominant. . .c. Autosomal recessive.

7. Pseudo hermaphrodite. With 46xy.....

A. Adrenogenital synd.*
8. Abdominal aorta.
a. Gives renal arteries at L2*. B. Lateral br. To parieties c. Present on the right of ivc...

9. Hepatic artery bile canaliculus and vein something

. exact stem not remembered.
a. Classic hepatic lobule b. Simple acinus .c. Compound acinus. C. Principal acinus

10. Stab to chest...air in pleural space will cause.

a. Lung to collapse and chest wall to sprung out.*

11. Dead space doesnt change in

A. Standing. B. Shallow breathing.*

12. Regarding 1st lumbrical.

A. Arises from 2nd metacarpal b. Bipennate. C. Attaches to radial side of index finger. D.
Attaches to proximal phalanx*

13. Lateral thenar muscles spared but other short muscles of hand paralysed. Injury?
A. Ulnar*. B. Median .c. C5 c6. D. C8 t1

14 axillary artery.
a. Lateral to pect minor. B. Post to pect minor*.c lat. To lat. Cord of brachial plexus..

15. Infection ant. To pretracheal fascia spread to .

A. Ant. Mediastinum*. B. Sup. C. Post. D. Neck maybe. E. Middle

16. Sarcomas.
A. Spread to bone.
B. Clumps/clusters
C. Radiosensitive
D. Aggressive
Read yourself- controversial

17. Primitve streak mesoderm migrates to anterior abdominal wall and around cloaca. A rupture
of this mesoderm cranially will produce
a.ectopic anal opening*
b. Imperforate anus
c. Rectovesical fistula
D. Bladder exstrophy.
E. Hypospadias.

18. Hbeab +ve, hbcab +ve. Igm -ve. Hbsag -ve

A. Acute resolving hepatitis.*
B. Chr hep. ..repeated mcq from asim shoaib iguess.

19. Systemic fungal infection .drug given.

A. Amphotericin*
b. B.ketoconazole.
20. Vitamin a.
A. Rhodopsin*. B. Collagen synthesis. Other options not remembered.

21. S2 in comparison to s1 sound.

A. Inc. Frequency*. B. Longer duration. Other options.. . .???

22. B/l recurrent laryngeal nerve cut. Muscle spared.

a. Cricothyroids*. B. All other arytenoids were in
Other 4 options.

23. Superficial cardiac plexus.

a. Contain both symp n parasympath*. B. Parasympath mainly. C. Contain fibers from all
heart/vagal?? Nerves.

24. Gastric ulcer pain.

A. Greater splanchnic*. B. Lesser splanc. C. Least splanch.

25. Appendicitis pain radiates to umblicus thru.

A. T10*

26. H/o fall bladder incontinence unable to void urine. Spinal segment involved.
a. S2s3s4.*
C. L5s1s2.

27. Neck of fibula fracture. Dorsiflexion n eversion gone.

a. Common peroneal n*.

28 excessive eversion lig. Ruptured.

A. Deltoid.*

29. Person standing. Venous return from legs mainly facilitated thru.
A. Venous valves.
b. Contraction of sk. Muscles*. C. Other options. ??

30. Medial side of arm stabbed. Flexion n supination affected.

A. Musculocutaneous n.*

31. Mediolateral episiotomy. Structure cut.

A. Bulbospongiosus muscle.* B. Levator ani muscle...c. .???

32. Regarding withdrawal reflex?

A. Relaxation of flexor muscles
B. Stretch of muscles(option not correctly remembered)
C. Multisynaptic*

33. Tension in the muscle is limited

by a.golgi tendon organ*
34. Alpha adrenergics causes.
a. Mydriasis*. B. Bronchodilation. C. Lipolysis.

35. Due to stress of surgery inc peripheral something is due to secondary action
from. a.acth*. B. Serotonin. C. Cytokines.

36. In crf unlikely

A. Hypophosphatemia*
37. Opsonin.
A. Fc igg and c3b* . B. Fab igg. C3b. C. Others like these options.

38. Tcell receptor complex bind with.

A. Mhc*. B. Apc.

39. Gluteus medius n minimus.

A. Abduct n medially rotate.*

40. Ciliary body .

A. Pigment epithelium produces aqueous humor.
b. Pigment epi of retina is cont. With pigment epi of ciliary body.*
C. Non pigment epi produces aq. Humor....
D. Supplied by short ciliary arteries

41. Isthmus infront of.

A. Rings 2 3 4*. B. Rings 3 4 . C. Rings 2 3

42. 4ml vial of 2percent lidocaine.. Total lidocaine.

A. 80mg*. B.8mg. C.2mg.

43. 0.85percent nacl is equal to.

A. 850mg/100ml* b. 85mg/1000ml. .options not remembered

44. St elevation v4. Artery involved. if v4 only then rca and if v1-v4 then
A. Lad.* B. Lt.circumflex. C. Rca.

45. Lt.circumflex artery involved in mi. Old mi with new mi. Area
Lt. Atrium
involved. A. n lt.
46. Bundle of his blood supply.
A. Rca*. B. Main lca. C. Interventricular br of lca. D. Marginal art.
Controversial-Read yourself

47. Most commonly involved heart valve.

A. Aortic. B. Mitral.* C. Tricuspid. D. Pulmonary.

48. Dka pt. Died. Which fungal inf.

A. Mucurmycosis.*
49. Stroke death. Autopsy brain. Necrosis.
A. Liquefactive.*

50. Abdominal angina. Artery involved.

.A. SMA.*

51. 50 yrs old. Hypertensive. Severe chest pain radiating to back. Died. On autopsy findings.
A. Medial necrosis of aorta*. B. Atherosclerosis

52. Median umblical lig is remnant of.

A. Urachus.*
B. Allantois

53. Premature baby born. Most common finding is

A. PDA*. B. Patent foramen ovale

54. Pulmonary arteries supply. Part of lungs.

A. Bronchioles. B. Alveoli*...other options..??

55. In adult head of femus blood supply.

A. Obturator. B. Med n lat circumflex femoral art.*

56. During l.p structure punctured.

A. Lig.flavum*
57. Return of blood during exercise from
A. Calf muscles*

58. Testosterone main funtion.

a. Grows hair on scalp. B. Inc muscle and bone growth*

59. Sertoli cells function.

A androgen binding protein*. B. Testosterone production

60. Adult female breat atrophy.

A. Estrogen*. B. Estrogen plus progesterone.

61. Carb protein fat synthesis hormone.

a. Insulin*. B.cortisol. C. Thyroid.

62. Most common salivary gland tumor is of which salviary gland.

a. Parotid*.
B. Submandibular.
C. Sublingual

63. Cervical ca. Lymph nodes involved.

A. Internal iliac*. B. Superficial inguinal.

64. Regarding rectum.

a. Starts at s1. B. 9 inches long. C. Also supplied by median sacral artery*.
65. Regarding anal canal.
A. supplied by both sup n inf rectal arteries*.
B. Inferior rect artery part of Portal system... Something like that. Options not remembered.

66. Pt. Started on oral anticoagulant. Test to monitor.

A. PT.* B. Bt. C. Aptt

67. Coumadin (warfarin) question.. Options.

A. Inc bleeding time. B inc coagulation time maybe.

68. Trachea commences at.


69. Vit k not absorbed. Coagulation factor decreased ...?

a. Prothrombin*. B. factor VIII c. Options..????

70. Vit k def. First n foremost coagulation factor depleted.

A. 7 b.2 c.10 d. Protein c.*

71. Female presents with dvts . Says she has been taking some kind of pills.
a. Ocps.

72. 10 days fever. Chest pain unrelated to respiration.

A. Myocardium* b. Pericardium

73. Chr. 9/22

a. Cml* b. Aml. C. Hodgkins.

74. Breast outer quadrant .

A. Pectoral (anterior ) group*

75. Pregnant with jaudice. Went to remote village. To see her parents. Cause.
A. Hepa b. Hep b. C.
Hepc. D. Hepd. E. Hep e*

76. Liver transplant pt. I think died.

B. Ebv.
C. Hep a.
D. Hep b.
E. Hep d.

77. Which ca rarely metastasizes.

A. Bcc*

78 bcc features. Most likely

A. Locally malignant*
79. which ca spreads to large vessels.
A. Clear cell ca of kidney*. B. Transitional cell ca of kidney .
C. Lung ca...
Other options not remembered.

80. Cholangicarcinoma..
A. Clonorchis sinensis.*

81. Most common ca of epiphysis.

A. Osteoblastoma*. B. Osteoma. C. Ewings. D. Osteosarcoma.
E.oteoid osteoma.

82. limb growth will be affected if fracture passes thru.

A. Epiphyseal plate*. B. P.epiphyseal line. C.
Metaphysis. D. Diaphysis.

83. Acoustic neuroma.

A. Vestibular component of cn 8*. B. Cochlear part of cn 8. C. Trigeminal n. D.

84. Hypoglossal nrv injured.

A. Tongue deviated to same side*. B. Other side. C. Not deviated.

85. Deep part of parotid fascia forms.

A. Sphenomandibular lig. B. Stylomandibular lig*. C
Buccopharyngeal membrane.

86. Intraarticular disc of tmj involved.. Muscle paralyzed.

A. Lat.pterygoid*. B. Med pterygoid. C.

87. Lung ca fungiform growth.

A. Bronchogenic ca. B. Small cell ca. C. Sq.cell ca. D. Undiff. Large
Cell ca.

88. Gastric lymphoma ass with.

A. H pylori gastritis.*

89. Terminal ileum resected more to 100 cm.

A. Less absorption of bile salts*. B. More absorption of
Bile acids. ..other options not remembered.

90. Femoral arterial pulse.

A. Mid inguinal point*. B. Mid inguinal ligament. C. Adductor canal.

91. Inguinal canal.

A. Absent in infants. B. Extends from ant.sup.iliac spine to pubic tubercle. C. Roof
Formed by conjoined tendon*.
92. In. Old age .
A. Vc decreases*. B. Co decreases.

93. Decrease in esr is due increase in .

A. Fibrinogen. B. Albumin*. according
to fa

94. Cytoskeleton connected to ecm environment thru.

A. Intermediate fil.
b. Proteoglycan*.
C. Integrin.
D. Cadherins

95. Glycocalyx contains.

A. Carbohydrate moiety*. B. Lipid membrane......options not clear.

96. Not electrical active transport of na occurs in.

a. Pct*. B. Dct. C. Loops .d. Collecting duct.

97. Greatest clearance is of

A. Pah*. B. Insulin-yes it was written insulin.


98. Rt. Testicular vein enters.

a. Ivc. *

99. Tibial nerve severed. Which muscle will still flex the knee joint.
A. Short head of biceps*.
B. Long head biceps.
C. Semitendinosus
D. Semimembranosus

100. oraganelle with double membrane.

A. Nucleus.* B. Golgi. C. Rer. D.ribosome.

101. Bupivacaine. Overdose initial symptom.

A. Unconsciousness. B. Vent arrhythmia. C. Ringing in ears*(I marked)
Other options not remembered.

102. Pt. Anesthetized heat will not produce due to a. Loss of musle tone*. B. Na/k
pump blockage.

103. 60 percent ventricle fill during .a. Rapid inflow*. B. Isovolumetric relaxation. C.
Atrial contraction.

104. Regarding post. Comm artery. A. Connects PCA to ICA above occulomotor nrv*. B.
Pca below occulomotor nev. C. Connect ica to basilar artry.
105. Dorsal vagal nuclei present in. A. Medulla*. B. Upper pons. C. Lower pons. D. Midbrain.

106. Which hormone causes uncoupling of

oxidative phosphorylation with increase
heat production:
a. Thyroid hormones*
b. Insulin
c. Growth hormone
d. Epinephrine

107. Patient had previous episodes of diplopia nd dizziness now acutely comatose reason...
A. Basilar artery thrombosis*, b .c .d.3 type of hemorrhages were in options, e .carotid artery

108. Child has episodes of bleeding nd echymosis i guess since birth hb 9.8 mg/dl nd
platelets count was normal 180 x 10^3 bt prolonged...
A. Hemophilia, b.itp c.,platelet functional defect*

109. Patient given warfarin on second day had large echymosis on thigh...
a. Ttp
B. Overdose of warfarin
C. Protein c def*

110. Csf has low conc of which of the following than plasma...
A. Osmolarity,
B. Na,
C. K+,
D. Mg2+

111. Corona radiata forms from.

A. Germ cells. B.theca interna. C. Theca externa d. Granulosa*

112. Surgery grade 3 tumor.

A) more than 75% cells undifferentiated

B) 50 to 75 % cells undifferentiated* (i

marked) C. 100%

D. 25% or less i guess

113. Muscle attached to bone by.

A. Tendon*. B. Ligament.

114. treponyma pallidum for intial diagnosis sample can be taken form?
A. Genital sore scrapping*
115. Pt with jaundice hepatosplenomegaly.. .complete stem not remembered. Which test to be
A. Antimitochondrial ab*

116. 1 litre blood loss quest.

A. Inc venous tone*

117. While playing cricket got abrasions. Immediate mechanism.

A. Vasoconstriction*
Repeated mcq.

118. Highest diffusion both across resp membrane and body fluids.
a. O2.
B. Co2
C. Helium.
E. Nitrogen

118. Tumor supressor gene.

A. P53*

119. Mc cause of fatty liver in our population.

A. Hep B & C*
B. Alcoholism

120. Ecf volume can be increased by.

A. Hypertonic saline*. B. Hypotonic saline. C. Distilled water.

121. Most radiosensitive tumor.

A. Seminoma*
B. Glioma.
Surface tension forces also draw fluid from capillaries to the alveolar spaces. Surfactant reduces fluid
122. Alveolar surface dry due to.accumulation and keeps the airways dry by reducing these forces
A. Surfactant. B. Inflammatory cells. C. Negative interstitial pressure* (i marked)
controversial- better to read topic

123. Pseudomonas aureginosa.....complete stem???

A. Endotoxin*.b. Exotoxin. The Pseudomonas exotoxin (or exotoxin A) is an exotoxin produced by Pseudomonas
aeruginosa Exotoxin A & Exotoxins S and T,,,,,LPS is for endotoxic activity . Both are present
124. Corynebacterium diphtheria lethal effect on?
A. Tonsil.b. Heart*. C. Kidney.

125. Benign tumor.

A. Leiomyoma*.

126. Histoplasmosis effect on .

A. Reticuloendothelial sys*.
127. Highest na. Iguess.
A. Node of ranveir*. B. Axon. C. In the myelin.

128. Rectus sheath post.lower limit

A. Arcuate line*. B. Pectineal lig or line. C. Lacunar.

129. Bioavailability is not affected by?

A. Sex/gender*

130. Regardig morphine use.

A. Ternimal cancer pt.*

131. Heparin prevent.

A. Propagation*. B. Embolization. C. Dissolution. D. Organification.

132.upper motor neuron lesion??

A.fasiculation b. Increase muscle tone* c. Dec tendon reflexes

133.passes throug cavernous sinus

A. Abducent*

134.young girl,used a drug for back ache, platelets were in normal range,wbc 7000,neutropenia,
hb was 9, small imature cell in peripheral film???

A. aplastic anemia

B. acute need to check


leukemia* C.itp

D.analgesic induced (i marked)

135.difference btween arterial nd venous blood??

A. Packed cell volume*

b. PH.

136.gastric emptying

accelerated A.gastrin*

B.secritin juxta glomerular nephron,sodium is activaly reabsorbed electrically neutral from lumen
of nephron in which segmnt of nephron???
a. Pct.* B. Dct. C. Loops.

138.about follicular ca of thyroid???

A. Psamoma bodies
B. Vascular invasion*

139.transplanted auto graft survives most in

A. Uremia
B. Agamaglobinemia*...
C. third degree burns ,

140 local edema


141. increase in creatinine,,source??

A. Liver

B. Skelatal muscle*

142. gametogenesis,,one cell get extra than normal haploid???

A. Trisomy*

B. Monosomy

C. Non disjunction

143.chronic hepatitis histology

A.lymphocytes b. Fibrosis*

144. strongest layer-

A. mucosa,
b. Sub mucosa*
c. Longitudinal layer
d. Circular layer

145. Right atrium wala question was ,,,if presure in right atrium increases with in normal
limits what
Would happen
A. Hr inc*
B. cardiac output inc
C. Decrease venous tone (options not correctly remembered)

146. Weight bearing line in pelvis pass thru??

A. ischial tuberosity*

B. Coccyx.

C. Pubic ramus
147. sugar in urine will be detected if its concentration in blood becomes

A. 250mg/dl

B. 200mg/dl* (according to f.a)

C. 180 mg/dl

D. 150 mg/dl

E. 375mg/dl

148. Which of the following is ectoparasite.

A. Lice*

B. Fleas

C. Ticks

D. Bed bugs

149. Farmer organophosphate poisoning what should be given.

A. Atropine* b. Pralidoxime

150. For chemotaxis. Exact stem not remembered.

A. Lymphokones*

151. Baroreceptors responds to?

A. Dec blood pressure*. Complete options not remembered.

152. All preganglionics neurotrasmitter

A. Acetylcholine*

153. Sweat gland by.


154. Rt upper n lower limb paralysis. Angle of mouth deviates to left while talking.
A. Internal capsule*
B. Pons.

155. sulfur containing aminoacid

A. Cystine* Methionine, cysteine, homocysteine, and taurine are the 4 common sulfur-containing amino

156. Truncal vagotomy

A. Dec acid secretion and pepsin*
157. Insulin is inhibited by.
A. B.blockers*
B. Secretin
C. Glucagon

158. Primary active transport...

A. Enzymes b. Carriers c. Proteins d. Pumps*

159. Non bacterial thrombotic endocarditis

A. Terminal cancer* .b sle

160. mid arm circumferece.

A. Proteins* b. Fat. Options and stem not clearly remembered

161. Injury to pulmonary alveoli causing constriction of alveoli

by a.hypoxia
d.prolonged oxygen therapy*

162. On autopsy finding... Complete stem required...

a. Hypertrophied parathyroid gland*

163. Boy. H/o taking antimalarials.

A. G6pd def*

164. Chloride shift in rbc

A. Ankyrin
B. Spectrin
C. Band 3*

165. Ppd false negative

A. Malnutrition
B. Immunosuppressant*

166. Fisherman bleeding gums

A. Scurvy*

167. Mcq related to wilsons disease

A. Ceruloplasmin*

168. Following lymphoid organ recive lymph from subscapular

sinus a.thymus
c. Lymph node*
169. Adrenectomy taste preferences?
A. Nacl*
170. Most important cell of chronic inflammation
A. Lymphocytes
B. Macrophages*

171. Test for typhoid in ist week...

A. Blood culture*
172. patient with lung abscess develops meningitis, causative organism.?
A. Staphylococcus*

173. Question regarding edema---

A. Lymphatic blockage*

174. 41% hematocrit...

A rbcs only*
b. Rbcs wbcs, platelets (i marked)
-kindly confirm it by yourself-

In ganong’s physio
“the number of red cells is also conveniently expressed as the hematocrit , or the percentage of
the blood, by volume, that is occupied by erythrocytes”

175. Low dose estrogen pill causes.....

A.breast cancer..b.dvt...c.uterine cancer. .d.cervical cancer e. Hepatic adenoma*

176. Human is an intermediate host of

A. Hydatid cyst*

177. Severe transfusion rxn.

a. Apos to oneg*
B. O to bpos.
C. Apos to ab pos.
(behavioral sciences/ questions…)
178. 2x2 table
A. T test. B. Anova . C. Chi square.

179. Correlation of two things by which test

A. Student t-test
B. Anova test
C. Mc witneys
D. Chi square

180. How can doctor provide better management to patients:

a. By better communication *
181. Another behavioral sciences question. (see rabia ali mcqs b.sciences section
) Ans by active listening to patient.*
182 eeg of a patient shows
A. Increase frequency of waves in active mind than in deep sleep
B. Is symmetrical in both hemispheres
C. Small amplitude of waves in intense thinking
D. Determine intelligence

183. Regarding eeg...

184. .sodium regulation is

through A osmoreceptors*
B .sodium absorption
C .adh
D .reninangiotensin
E .aldosteron

185. Teratogenic effect in which embryonic age?

A. 2 to 8 wks*
B. 1 to 3 wks
C. After 12 wks

186. Which form of thyroxin is an active form

A. Reverse t3
B. Unbound form*
C. Bound to albumin
D. Bound to prealbumin

187. Beta receptor stimulatin causes

A. Increase heart rate*
B. Increase force of contraction
C. increase renin from kidney
D. increase lipolysis

188. Drug interaction occur

A. With drug only
B. Pharmacodynamic only
C. Pharmacokinetic only
D. Pharmacodynamic and Pharmacokindetic Both*

189. Parasympathetic effect on Heart-A. Increase PR interval*

190. DIC activated by?--A. Tissue thromboplastin*

191. Regarding PseudoHYPERparathyroidism?

A. because of Hypocalcemia
B. Because of PTHrP by various tumor*
C. associated with Nephritic syndrome
D. because of Vit D def

192. which of the following augment the effect of immune system?

A. Complement System*
Other options not remembered

193. For sodium neutralization

A. K+
B. organic ions
c. Cl
d. Mg
e. HCO3

194. Regarding occupational diseases increase risk of problems with exposure to:

a. coalmines
b. asbestos*
c. silicons
d. textile industry

195. Regarding biceps brachi

a. insertion on humerus
b. Arises from supraglenoid tubercle*
c. pronation
d. extention of elbow

196. Inf wall MI:--A.Right marginal artery*

197..A person had an accident and there was severe bleeding from his body.He got multiple
transfusions but Ecg showed
Changes after transfusion due to
a hypocalcemia
b hyperkalemia*
c hypokalemia
d hypermagnesemia
e PH changes

Surgery (185 MCQS)
1.Regarding abdominal angina which artery is involved
a..inf mesentericartery
c..sup mesenteric artery (answer)
2 50 years old hypertensive patient presented with severe chest pain radiating to back
suddenly collased On autopsy what can be seen
a..ischemic necrosis
b.medial necrosis (answer)
c.athero sclerosis
3 Medial umbilical ligament is the remnant of
a..umbilical artery
b..umbilical vein
d..urachus (answer)
4 Pulmonary artery supplies
a.alveoli (answer)
c.terminal broncioles
5 premature baby born with
a..PDA (answer)
b.patent foramen ovale
c.right atrial pressure increases
6..........2×2table.......chi square test
7.......Cause of adult female atrophy.. . .Estrogen
8....Which harmone causes fatty acid synthesis and protein synthesis
9.Most common salivary gland....
10......Lymph nodes invol vein Ca of cervix...
Internal iliac nodes (answer)
11.....Regarding rectum
c.has two lateral curves
d.covered by peritoneum all around
e.also supplied by median sacral artery(asim key) (answer)
12.....Regarding anal canal
a.supplied by both sup n inf rectal artereis (answer)
b.inf rectal artery part of portalsystem
c.external anal sphincter is involuntary
d.ha stwo lateral curves
e.sup inguinal lymph nodes drain the upper half of anal canal(asim key)
13....Patient started on anti coagulant how to moniter further
c.Pt (answer)

14.....Trachea commences at C6
15 First clotting factor decreased in vitK deficiency
factor 7 depleted
cfactors first
d.Factor2 (answer)
16 Afemale of reproductive age presented with dvt.she gave history
Of taking some kind of pill what is the cause of her condition
a.thrombo embolism
c..OCPs (answer)
17 45 years old man presented with chest pain not related to respiration
myocardium (answer)
18 9:22 translocation of grnesin
19 A fisherman presented with echymosis n bleeding from gum she is
Mostlikely suffering from
a.Vit c def (answer)
cFolic acid def
d.Iron def
20 A pregnant lady from remote village presented with
Mildly raised sgpt n bilirubin from 2 months what can be the cause
d.Hep a (answer)
21 A patient with liver transplantation there is increase risk of problems from
b.CMV (answer)
22 which cancer rarely metastasizes
Basal cell carcinoma (answer)
23 The features of BCC
d.Locally malignant(asim key) (answer)
24 cancer spreading to large vessels
a.Clear cell ca of kidneys (answer)
c.transitional cell ca (asim key)
25 Acoustic neuroma invoving
a..cochlearpartof 8thnerve
b.vestibular part of 8thnerve (answer)
26 Epiphysial bone tumor
d.Osteoblastoma (answer)
● osteoblastoma is a large group of bone tumor which also consists of ostepidosteoma.they all
involve epiphysis.They are rare tumors.The most common is Giant cell ca which was not in the

27 Hypoglossal nerve paralysis can lead to

Tongue is deviated towards the leision site (answer)
28....Deep part of the parotid fascia forms
a.bucco pharyngeal membrane
b.stylomandibular lig
c.sheno mandibular lig (answer)
d.stylo hyoid lig
29 Intra articular disc of TM JOINTgvs origin to
d.lateral pterygoid muscle (answer)
30 a 30years old heavysmoker presented with emptysis.On xray film there is a fungating
a.squamous cellca (answer)
31 Gastric lymphoma most probable cause
a.Hpylori (answer)
32....first Lumbrical
b.attached to proximal phalynx
c.origin near the radial side off first meta carpal bone (answer)
●First n second are unipennate while third n fourth are bipennate●
33....Ina surgery1 00 cms of ileum was resected. what will be the
a.les absorption of bile salts (answer)
b.less absorption of bile acids
c.more absorption of bile salts
d.increase sodium loss
34.....Regarding inguinal
a.extends from sup iliac spine to pubic tubercle
b.roof is formed by conjoint tendon
35.......In old age
d.VC decreases (answer)
36 decrease ESR is due to
Increase albumin (answer) f.a says
37 Cytoskeleton connected to ECM through

d.integrins (answer)
● principal role of integrins is connection of cytoskeleton to extracellular
matrix Wheras e cadherins bind to both ecm n icm●
38 Neutral electric transport of Na occurs in
c Pct (answer)
d.collecting ducts
39.....Greatest clearance is
PAH (answer)
40....Regarding cardiac plexus
a.formed by both symathetic n parasympathetic nerves (answer)
b.thoracic splanchnic nerves are the main nerves
c.starts at trachea bifurcation
d.present at the base of heart
e.anterior cardiac nerves are the main
nerves 41 Baroreceptors
a.hypotention arterial baroreceptors respond to high bp and venous
b.respond to progressively increasing arteriolar pressure (answer) baroreceptors respond to low bp
c.respondsto progressively decreasing arteriolar pressure
42....Insuline is inhibited by
d betablockers (answer)
43 Glycocalyx contains
A carbs moities(back bone of glycocalyx) (answer)
44 Biaoavailibity of minerals is lowest in
oots leaves
c cereals
d pulses
e.Tubers (answer)
● All others must have mineral sexcepttuberehich have less.Tubers are potatoe family rich
in starch●
45 Drug drug interaction by
Both pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (answer)
46 Glucose start appearing in urine at
e 250mg (answer)
47 a patient suffering from lobar pneumonia causative organ
taphylococci (answer)
48 correlation of two things by which test
a.studentt test
b anova test
c mc witneys
d.chi squared
make it clear..i did chi square
49 Regarding sweat glands Cuboidal
epithelium(ppq) (answer) 50
Bioavailibility is not affected by
c sex/gender (answer)
51 The alveoli are kept dry by
b.negative intra pleural pressure
d.surfactant (answer)
52 The dorsal vagal nucleus is presentin
a.medullaoblongata (answer)
53 A person present with diplopia and dizziness for the past one month suddenly went
into comma the cause lies in
a.cerebellar haemmorhage
b.pontine haemmorhage (answer)
c.thallamic hmg
54 muscles are attached to the bones by
d.tendons (answer)
55 Dimercaprol a.increases
clotting b.decreases clotting
(answer) c.decreases
56 A young lady presented with increase bleeding time.It is due to
a.vonwilli brand factor (answer)
e.platelet dysfunction
57 For sodium neutralization
c.Cl (answer)
58 Amino acid containing sulphur
Cystein (answer)
59 Sodium regulationis through
A osmoreceptors (answer)
b.sodium absorption
60 Circumflex artery supplies
b.left atrium n ventricle (answer)
61 41%haematocrit contains
b.rbcs,wbcs,platelets (answer)
62 arterial blood as comparedto venous blood has
b.more packed cell volume (answer)
d.increase ph...(asim key)
63........ During Lp which structure is ruptures......ligamentum flavum (answer)
64 during stab injury
Ipsilateral lung collapse n ipsilateral chest expands (repeated question) (answer)
65 a person got lacerated injury on his elbow what will be the initial affect of blood
vasoconstriction. . .rmem vessels on the top always (answer)
66 during a one km running the venousreturn to the heart is by
c.skeletal muscles contraction (answer)
67 right atrial pressure is increased this will lead to cardiac output (answer)
68 regarding occupational diseases increase risk of problems with exposure to
b.asbestos (answer)
d.textile industry
69 Eversion of foot leads to ligamentum fractured
c.Deltoid ligamentum (answer)
70 Most common causeof fatty liver in our society is
HepB and HepC (answer)
71 whichnerveleavesthethenarmusclesandallothermusclesofthehandareaffected.Thenerveinj
a.ulnar nerve (answer)
edian nerve
d.Radial nerve. .asim key
● in this question thenar muscles are spared.The answer is not c8t1 because e all the muscles
of the hand are supplied by this root
N here all muscles are not affected●
72 A farmer while spraying suddenly got collapsed with salivation from his mouth n
broncho spasm.What is the specific antidote
d.Pralidoxime. . .asim key (answer)
73 Seventy years oldmale develops sudden loss of power in both right upper n lower limb
with angle of mouth deviated to the
Left during talking.The most likely site of leision is in
a.internal capsule asim key (answer)
74 Larynx lost its supply but its still can be contracted due to the nerve supply to
b.postcrici thyroid
c.cricothyroid (answer)
75..........Regarding biceps brachi
a.insertion on humerus
b.supplied by musculo cutaneous nerve (answer)
76 blood supply in an adult to head of femure gets its branch from
A lateral n medial circumflex femoral (answer)
B arcuate artery
C abturator artery
d inf gluteal
e supepigastric.. .retinacular wasn’t ino ptions
77 A person was walking bare feet suddenly stepped upon some sharp object.he quickly
removed his leg due to which reflex
a.flexor response
b.mono synaptic reflex
c.multi synapticreflex (answer)
78 Regarding general anesthesia body temp decreases due to which mechanism
a.dec na k pump
b.dec skeletal muscle tone (answer)
c.stimulated by post hypothalamus
79.......Nucleus anmbiguos is in
a.upper midbrain
b.lower midbrain
c.medulla (answer)
A epiphyseal plate (answer)
B metaphysis
C epiphysealline
D diaphysis
81 low estrogen used by a 35 years old married femal.there is increase risk of
a.liver adenoma asim key (answer)
82 action of gluteus medius and gluteus minimus
Abduction and medial rotation (answer)
83 Opsonization due to interaction of
FCportionofigGandC3b (answer)
d.aggamaglobunimia (answer)
85...... . .Morphinisusedin
(answer) 86 Aorta
d.GivesrenalarteriesatL2 (answer)
87 InfwallMI
Right marginal artery cpsp demo quest (answer)
88 Bundle of hiss is suppliedby
d.interventricular branch of LCA (answer)
● itsacontroversialqueation.IhvalotdiscussionregardingdiswdseniorsbutstillitsindoubttheysayRCA
saysLCAalsoasim keysaysLCA.sodoitonurownrisk.ididwhatmymindtoldme●
89......double membrane bounded organnel
Golgi apparatus..endoplasmic reticulum..nucleus (answer)
these all were given now we dnt know wats cpsp key (answer)
90........Regarding MMA
a.pterionis the surface marking
b.its branches form grooves on the under surface of skull
c.cause extradural hmg wen ruptures (answer)
d.enters skull thru foramen spinosum
● all the options were correct.And was asked about most appropriate.i did extradural hmg due to
its specificity most common adversity●
91 A female delivered a baby and she was started on warfarin as she developed dvt.The
next day she has a purplish patch on
Her right thight what can be the cause
A lupus anticoagulant (answer)
b.warfarin overdose
c.proteinc def
d.proteins def
92 Frst factor affected in anticoagulation
factor7 (answer)
93 Bupivacain first sign of over doze
b-ringingine ars (answer)
●it was asked initial affect so Cns excitation is the initia affects followed by CNs
depression● 94 V4stelevationMidue
LAD (answer)
95 vagotomy done for
d.dec gastric acidity n pepsin motility of gut (answer)
96 pain of Gastric ulcer is due
Greater splanchnic nerve involvement (answer)
97 medial wall of ischiorectal fossa is formed by
Levator ani muscles (answer)
98 most radio sensitive tumoris
seminoma》》glialglioma》》craniopharyngioma (answer)
99 Man is intermediate host in
Hydatid cyst
100 a person got fracture of neck of fibula now he cant do dors flexion n eversion
Common peroneal nerve (answer)
101 a young man fell from two storey building and now he has urinary incotinence.leision is at
s2s3s4 (answer)
102 s2 differs from s1 by
c s2 has inc frequency (answer)
103 a child presented to opd with 104 fever for th e last 4 days.He has been passing cola
colored urine for the last one
day.He has bee n on anti malarials too.His lfts are deranged wdincunconjugatedbilirubin.What is
the most probable diagnosis
e G6pd (answer)
104 post communicating artery connects
Internal carotid artery with post cerebral artery (answer)
105 ayoungmangotsomeinjuryandafterthattherewasswellingindascrotum
b.bulbar urethra (answer)
106 pseudo hermaphrodite with 46XX karyotype in
Aadrenogenital syndrome (answer)
107 Turnor syndrome with
c shows secondary infertility
d stunted growth (answer)
108 ECF is increased by infusion of A
hypotonic saline
chypertonic saline (answer)
d dextrose water
109 peri capsular sinuses in
a.lymph node (answer)
b thymus
c palatine tonsils
110 weight bearing line passes through
Ischial tuberosities (answer)
111 A14 years old girl presented with right iliac fossa pain.pain associated with vomiting and
was radiated to periumbilical
region.Which segmen is involved/or pain radiation due to
a. ilioinguinal nerve
b.iliohypogastric nerve
d L2level
e T10 level (answer)
112 microscopic slide of liver shows portal vein hepatic artery and bile duct at periphery
and central vein in the centre.What is
This called
a.hepatic lobule
b portal acinus
c heatic acinus (also called liver acinus) (answer)
113 EEG of a patient shows
A increase frequency of waves in active mind than in deep sleep (answer)
B is symmetrical in both hemispheres
C small amplitude of waves in intense thinking
D determine intelligence
114 what is produced in muscles
A phospholipids
B creatinine (answer)
C urea
D uricacid
E glycogen
115 Cervical lyph nodes drain into
Internal iliac nodes (answer)
116 about sertoli cells A
produce testosterons
B rapidly deviding cells
C release androgen inhibiting factor (INHIBIN) (answer)
D break blood testis barrier
E reinkes crystals
117 histoplasmosis whic sytem affected mostly
A cvs
b git
c cns
d reticulo endothelial system (answer)
118 in CRF whatcantbepresent A
b hypo phasphatemia (answer)
c enlargedparathyroids
d metabolicacidosis
119 on autopsy of CRFpatient which organ was hypertrophied
Para thyroid glands (answer)
120 strongest layerof smallbowel
asubmucosa (answer)
121 chronic hepatitis histology on microscope shows
A fibrosis
b neutrophills
c lymphocytes asim key (answer)
●remember the pre dominant feature of chronic inflammations is LYMPHOCYTES●
122.........Dilute tubular fliud in which segmentof nephron
A thick ascending limb (answer)
B thindecending limb
c distaltu bule
d macula densa
e collecting ducts
123 sarcoma is differentiated from carcinoma
A metastasis
B aggressive (answer)
C radiosensitive
● SOME says mets but mets are in both but with sarcoma through blood and carcinoma
thorough lymph nodes.Sarcoma involves
Large areas wd increase necros is increase haemmorhages n mostly creul to therapy●
124 systemic antifungal is
Amphoterecin (answer)
125.......heparin inhibits
A organization of clot
B retraction of cot
C dissolution of clot
D propagation of clot....asim key (answer)
126 During pregnancy which period affects fetus mostly
A 1to2weeks
B 2to8weeks (answer)
C 22to36weeks
D last trimester
E 7to12weeks
(organogenes is from 3 to8 week so b suits da best)
127 muscle is prevented from tearing under action of which receptor
a.muscle spindles
b GTO (answer)
c ruffinis
d meissners
e phosphate bonds
128 max sodium entry in nerve fibre takes place at
A during depolarization
B during repolarization
C at nodes of Ranvier (answer)
D as the impulse propagates along lenth of nerve fibre
129.....Regarding Axillary artery
A it lies post to pectoralis minor muscle (answer)
B lateralchordliesposttoit
C startsatthelateralborderof pectoralis minor
D all the chords are lateral to it
130......Primary Brain vesicleis
Mesen cephalon (answer)
131. . .0.85%normalsalinecontains
b 8.5mg/100ml
c 8.5mg/1lit
e 85mg/100ml
(idid option B but iam not sure about its answer.aplogies)
132.....the valve which has more propensity toward diseases is
133 marranticendocarditisleadingtomitralstenosisisdueto A
C streptococcal glumerulonefritis
D thrombo embolism
E neoplastic diseases (answer)
● marranticisanoldnamefornonbacterialendocarditis.Marrantic means wasting dats
why it is strongly related to
Diseases causing wasting■■cancers■■although also due to sle but neoplasms have stong
134 A young lady came to ur clinic.How can u treat herina best way
A good medicalknowledge
B beneficial lab tests
C clear conversation (answer)
135.......23 years old boy came with mild jaundice.His hbsAg is negative...anti Hbc igM is
neg.....anti Hbe positive.Whats the current situation
a acute resolving phase (answer)
b acutehepatitis
c window period
d chronic hepatitis
136 difference between csf and cerebra capillaryis
b carbohydrates
c incpco2
d less proteins(they are almost negligible in csf) (answer)
137 Lower limit of rectus sheath posteriorly is
Arcuateline (answer)
Leiomyoma (answer)
139 pseudomonas producing shock through
b catalase
c endotoxins (answer)
d exotoxins
e lymphokines
140 Highest diffusing capacity across respiratory membrane and in bodyfluids is
A helium
b carbonmonooxide
c carbondioxide (answer)
d nitrogen
e oxygen
141.........Tumor suppresser gene-p53
142......upper motor neuron leision leads to
A dectendonreflexes
B fasiculations
C inc muscle tone (answer)
D flaccidparalysis
143 which nerve passes through cavernous sinus -6th nerve
144 premalignant growth
A sebborhickeratosis
B compoundnevus. .asim key (answer)
C intradermalnevus
D dysplasia
e junctionalnevus
a acute leukemia (answer)
c aplasticanemia
d druginduced
146 vitKdeficiencyleadstodec
A proteins
B proteinc
C factor8
D prothrombin (answer)
147 Gastric emptyng increasesby a.secretin b.Gastrin (answer) c.Cck d.ach inhibition
148 Grade 3 means
c. 50to70%undiff (answer)
d. morethan70%undiff
e .100%undiff
149 local edema cause-Allergy (answer)
150....... Exogenous antigens..(stem nt clearly remembered but answer was MHC)
151... .most lethal effect of Diphtheria is on
A cns
b neurons
c heart (answer)
d lungs
152 During meiosis abnormalities may occur.If one of the cell get san extra chromosome
instead of haploid number.The
Condition is called
A non disjunction
B monosomy
C robertsonian dislocation
D Trisomy (answer)
153 a lady presented with yellow eye s and she has got hepato megally.Alsoxanthomas
present.What can be the cause in her
A AMA (answer)
C sclerosing cholangitis
D lipidemia
154 pseudo hyperparathyroisim A parathyroidharmone B pthrp (answer) c.hypocalcemia
155 Right ovarian artery drains into IVC
156 ciliary muscle supplied by –short ciliarynerves (answer)
157 Biceps brachi attached to -Supra glenoid tubercle (answer)
158 Which is ecto parasite- A Lice (answer) B tics C fleas D leech E mites
159 Breast outer quadrant lymphatic drainage by A post B supraclavicular C lateral
D anterior(pectoral) (answer)
160 A 22years old man came to Opd with ALT raised viral marker s were negative.He
has got some problem in the eye and
Immunological tests were derranged.Whats the most useful investigation for him
A liverbiopsy
B HbsAg
d serum copperlevel
e cerulo plasmin level (answer)
161 adiabeticpatientpresentedwithincreasingdegreeofprogressiveillnessinvolvingrespiratory
system.gastrointestinal.What can be the cause
a histoplasma
b acidbasebalance
c Mucormycosis (answer)
d hyperkalemia
e bloodglucose
162 A person got an accident and there was h severe bleeding from his body.He got
multiple transfusios but Ecg showed
C hangesaftertransfusiondueto
A hypocalcemia
B .hyperkalemia (answer)
C hypokalemia
D hypermagnesemia
E PHchanges
163 DIC activatedby
A lowerythropoitine
B endothelialdamage
c. thromboplastine (answer)
d clottingfactors
e septicemia
164 Cardiac plexus has vagus nerve supplyfrom which nerve nucleus
medullaoblongata (answer)
165 one question was regarding rhodopsin answer was VitA
166 Doctor patient relationship
Active listening (answer)
167 lidocain vial contains 4ml normal saline of2%
c4mg answer is 8o
d.8mg (answer)
168 isthmus lies at
234 tracheal rings (answer)
169 after adrenelectomy taste preference increases for
A sweets
b.Nacl (answer)
c sour
170 60%of ventricular filling is because of
A Rapid inflow asim (answer)
B slow inflow
C diathesis
D slowejectionphase
E isovolumetricrelaxation
171 about follicular cancer of thyroid
a.vascular invasion (answer)
b psammomabodies
c lymphaticspread
d hyperchromatism
172 proteinon Rbc membrane for chloride exchane
b.protein band3 (answer)
173 Regarding cholangio carcinoma
chlonorcissinensis (answer)
174 treponema pallidum initial diagnosis
b.genital sore (answer)
175 Dead space doesnt decrease in
a.shallow breathing (answer)
b.deep breathing
c.lung diseases
176 necrosis of Brain Liquefactive necrosis (answer)
177 chemical mediator of inflammation
a.histamine (answer)
178 a young. Man while walking most of cardiac output is due to
Skeletal muscle contraction (in both papers) (answer)
179 Adverse blood transfusion reaction occurs in A
B onegtoA+
C AnegtoA+
d. AB+toA+ (answer)
e AbnegtoA+
Choroid is continue with the pigment layer of retina (answer)
181 Regarding un coupling of Oxygen that’s produced by
a.thyroid (answer)
182 If a 70kg healthy adult loses one litre ofblood within 5 minutes there would be
bi.ncGFR venous tone (answer)
d.dec diastolic pressure
e.splanchnic vasodilatation
183 injury to pulmonary alveoli causing constriction of alveoli by
d.prolonged oxygen therapy (answer)
l84....Primitive streakmesoderm cells migrate Round cloaca lmembranetoform antabdominal
wall cells.If this migration doesnt
happen around cloacal membrane will rupture and open cranially as
a extrophyofbladder
b imperforateanus
c ectopi canal opening (answer)
d hypospadias was that sum flexion can still be maintained after nerve injury
Answe was short head of Biceps(dnt remember clearly)
All the tough ones have been covered under the given questions
Keep in prayers feel free to discuss wish u a goodluck.......

Surgery (156+)

1. Pt had anorexia diarrhea ,Alpha feto normal ,CEA raised,Bilurubin 16,GGt raised,Alt ast
normal,Diagnosis ?
a.-CA Liver b.-CA colon c.-Ulcerative colitis
2. Somatostatin dec insulin in which fashion ?
a.Endocrine b.Neuroendocrine c.Apocrine d.Holocrine e.Paracrine
3. Old age pt presented wid chest pain from last 4-6 hrx at 2AM Emergency managemnt done
Labs were Na 141 K 4.1 Sugar 103 Which will make diagnosis ?
a.Cpk b.Ldh c.Ck mb
4. Prozone phenomenon- a. inc antigen titer-b. inc antibody titer- c. Dec antibody titer
5.90 years old lady has bruise on hand n arm...she has no other complaint
A thrombocytopenia
B treatment vik k
C capilary defect
6. Pt had epidural anesthesia feeling tingling sensation in
thumb Nerve involved
7. Adaptation of receptor:
A dec sensation bcx of change in concentration to sum other sensory input
B den in sensation bcx sensory input is repeated over time
Sum other options like that dnt remember exactly
8. Regarding breast
-Tubuloalveolar glands
-2nd to 6th ICS
-15-20 lacteferous ducts

9. Extraembryonic coelomic membrane derived

from Epiblast

10. After splenectomy child is least susceptible to following

infection A streptococcus
B H influenza
C pneumococcal
D e coli
E Neisseria

11. Ureter is posteriorly related

to Ovarian vessels
Genitofemoral nerve
psoas major and fascia, genitofemoral nerve and tips of transverse processes of
Root of mesentry vertebrae

.Investing Fascia: Outermost layer below skin. Encloses the Sternocleidomastoid and Trapezius muscles.

2.Pretracheal Fascia: Anterior to the spine, completely enclosed within investing fascia. Contents:

1.Thyroid Gland


12. Regarding trachea
Moves down during deglutition u 3.Prevertebral Fascia: Enclosing the musculature surrounding the spine.
Bifurcates at T2 t4 4.Carotid Sheath: Completely enclosed within investing fascia, on either side of the pretracheal fascia.

fixed in Fixed in children n mobile in adults Contents: 1.Common Carotid Artery

18cm in adults 10- 2.Internal Jugular Vein
Enclosed in prevertebral fascia 3.Vagus Nerve

5.Retropharyngeal Space: Potential space between the pretracheal fascia and prevertebral fascia.
13. Descending thoracic aorta
A becomes abdominal aorta at L2
B Begins at upper border of body of T4
C Supplies lower 8 intercoastal spaces on both sides
D Supplies esophagus pericardium n lungs
E lies in middle mediastinum

14. Vagus nerve

Supplies longitudinal muscles in esophagus
Leaves the skull through middle of jugular foramen

15. Girl feels pain in one half of neck...pain is due study related...pain will relieve by
dividing which nerve
Spinal accesory

16. Pt had nodule on ant 2/3 of tongue...lumphatic drainage

to Superior deep cervical
Inferior deep cervical

17. In von willebrand

disease A Inc pt
B inc aptt
C Inc BT
D Thrombocytopenia
E Normal platelets count

18. Congenital cataract cardiac defects n deafness related

to A maternal rubella

19. Haesselbach
triangle Femoral hernia
Direct inguinal
Indirect inguinal

20. Internal spermatic fascia derived

from External oblique
Internal oblique
Transversallis fascia

21. Left shift Hb dissociation curve

A 2-3 biphosphoglycerate
B altitude
C inc temp
E acidosis

22. Most obvious ecg changes in

MI Tall P waves
Inc PR interval
ST elevation

23. Scanty barr body

Klinefelter syndrome

24. Male wid small legs n small arms, head n trunk normal in size , intellectual normal
A autosomal dominant
B autosomal recessive
C X linked recessive

25. First sign of lidocaine toxicity

A Light headedness
B tonic clonic seizures
C nausea vomiting

26. Exposure to hydrocarbons

causes A seminomas
B acute leukemias
Weakness, nausea and
C bronchogenic carcinoma vomiting Impaired breathing
respirations Low
27. Hypermagnecemia blood pressure Low
blood calcium
causes A hyperreflexia Abnormal heart rhythms and Asystole
Decreased or absent deep tendon reflexes
B dec acetylcholine Low heart rate
C inc acetylcholine n muscle twitching
28. Superficail temporal nerve is
açcompanied A auriculotemporal nerve

29. Second arch derivative

A stylohyoid ligament
B stylomandibular ligament
C thyroid cartilage
30. Lymphatic nodule not present
in A lymph node
B thymus
C spleen

31. Glucose as sole source of energy in

Skeletal muscle

32. Following transplant most common tumour

is Renal
Skin malignancy

33. Which of the following inc GFR

Bowmann capsule pressure
Efferent arteriole
Dec in plasma proteins
Constricting external urethra

34. Blood group antigens are

A polysaccharides
B glycolipids
C polypeptides

35. Which will cause severe form of steatorrhea

A gastric resection
B zolljnger ellinson syndrome
C gall bladder resection
D pancreatic resection

36. Baby at 6 weeks of age previously healthy presented first tym wid jaundice n bilirubin in
wet diaper
A crigler najjar
B gilbert
C biliary atresia
D physiologic jaundice

37. Imp in wound healing

A collagen I
B collagen ll
C collagen lll
D collagen lV
E collagen V

38. Glycocalx is
A role in absorption
B a glycoprotein
C has a positively charged sulphate group

39. Regarding motor neuron

A single nerve supplies many muscle fibres
B many nerve fibers supply single muscle fiber
C single nerve fiber supplies many muscle fibers

40. During appendicectomy at mcburney point the injury

to A deep circumflex artery
B inferior epigastric artey
C genitofemoral nerve

41. Rupture of bulbar urethra urine

goes A superficial perineal pouch
B deep perineal pounch

42. Levator ani supplied by

A pudendal nerve
B pudendal nerve via sacral 2
C Obturator nerve

43. Sigmoid colon supplied by

A L3,4,5
B S1,2,3
C S2,3,4

44. Pain fibers travel thru

A B fibers
B A alpha
C A delta fasat
D C fibers pain
45. Presynaptic cholinergic fibers travel
thru fibers
B A alpha
C A delta
D C fibers

46. Cholinnergic fibers

causes A gall bladder
Sympathetic stimulation inhibits detrusor contraction, while parasympathetic stimulation causes detrusor
relaxtion contraction
B detrusor relaxtion
C ciliary muscle contraction

47. Which of the following causes septic sepsis


48. Old man presented wid persistant cough n thick mucoid sputum
A mycobactrium Tuberculosis
B H influenza
C pseudomonas
D klebsiella

49. Subacute endocarditis

A spreptococcus viridians
B staph aureus

50. Scenerio of endocarditis most common

organism A staph aureus
B viridian grp

51. Female taking contraceptive pills will have inc risk

of thromboembolism
B osteoporosis

52. Female taking estrogen to relieve post menupausal symptoms will inc risk
of thromboembolism
B cerical carcinoma
C osteoporosis

53. Pt has dilatd umbilical veins will have portal hypertension bcx of which
structure A hepatic veins
B portal vein
C hepatic artery
D sup mesenteric artry

54. A patient has dependnt edema is diagnosed as having hepatoma caused by compression
of A portal vein
C hepatic artery

55. 1st cervical vertebrae has which of following

A absent foramen transversarium
B has odontoid process c
C lacks body
D massive body

56. Basic drugs bind preferentially

with A albumjn
In general, acidic and neutral drugs primarily bind to albumin, and basic drugs bind to the acidic alpha-1 acid glycoprotein or
B alpha globulin Lipoproteins

C beta globuljn

57. In our culture support is provided

by A Volunteer
B edhi centre
C family mambers
D health care professional

58. Confidentiality can b breached when

A pt has treated priviously wid sum unknown drugs
B pt is from sum other country
C cannot afford
D when he allows to do so

59. subArachnoid space ends at


60. Clara cells are present

in A terminal bronchioles
B respiratory bronchioles
C larynx
D trachea
E bronchi

61. Meckel
diverticulim Vetilline


leukocyte adhesion molecules

63. Cervical epithilium stratified

squamous Metaplasia

64. Epithelium in lungs of a

smoker A stratified squamous
B patchy stratified squamous with stratified columnar

65. Sec paristalsis will b observed

when A achalasia esophagus as it causes relaxation of
B vagotomy les

C distension of esophagus
66. Columnar epithelium in esophagus

67. Microscopic Diagnosis of

tb AFB
B casseous necrosis

68. Hilar mases n non casseating granulomas


69. Dec absorption of bile salts by resection

of ilium
B jejunjm
C colon

70. Pleural effusion

Upper border of lower rib at the point of max dullness

71. Aneurysm descending thoracic aorta will

compress Azygous vein n thoracic duct

72. Aortic aneurysm

Medial necrosis

73. Cardiac reserve

A amount of blood that can b pump after normal flow
B cardiac out per total body surface area

74. Anaphylactic shock differs from hypovolumic shock

by A inc carfiac output
B inc peripheral resistance
C inc heart rate

75. A boy has blood loss n doctor do not find any vein for iv maintainance...ideal vein
for venesection
Great saphenous

76. A female has post partum hemorrhage n diagnosed has having acute rrnal
failure...the structure most probably affected is
C collecting ducts
D asc limb of loop of henle

77. Which of the following is different from plasma osmotically

A 0.9% N/S
B 5% D/w
C Plasma protein fraction
D Ranger lactate

78. Vasopressin n oxytocin originate

in A Hypothalamus
B ant pituitary
C post pituitary

79. Vasopressin acts via

A osmoregulation
B sympathetiv regulation
C pH

80. Cerebral blood flow is maintained

by A sympathetic discharge
B pO2
C pCO2

81. Dec in functional hemoglobin as in anemia Carbon monoxide poisoning

n methemoglobenemia will not causes hyperoxia bcx
A stimulated by central receptors
B stimultd by carotid body
C arterial pO2 remains normal
D arterial oxygen content is kept in normal range

82. Serum iron stores as


83. Inc need of iron during pregnany is represnted by inc

in A iron
B feritin

84. Myxedema is caused by

A total lack of thyroid hormone
B partial lack of thyroid hormone
C lack of hypothalamic pituitary
D aldosterone

85. Fisherman wid sensory

loss Diphylobothrium latum

86. Scenerio showing necrosis of

brain Liquifactive necrosis
87. Superficial temporal artey accompanies
Auriculotemporal nerve

88. Left ovarian artery is a branch of

Abdominal aota

89. Most common lesion caused by chewing bettle nuts

pan submucosal fibrosis

90. When blood is acidified

A dec bicarb excretion
B inc H reabsorbtion
C aldosterone

91. Fracture neck of femur most common


92. Pseudomembranous colitis is associated wid antibiotic

use A clindamycin
B cefulexin
C gentamycin
D erythroxycin

93. ADPKD associated wid

renal failure
Dnt remember other options

94. Calculate median in following

data... Total 8 values middle two were
25 n 30 So median27.5was

95. During ka study of two populations in which population having risk factors in history
developing CHD n other population who do not have risk factor study is called (sumthing like
A case control need complete
B cohort
C random ampling

96. Accessory spinal nerve to sternoceidomastoid

accessory is motor supply,,,,,,C2 ,C3,,, right answers but they both were given as separate

97. In spermiogenesis acrosomal cap is formed

by A lysosomes
B mitochondria
C golgi complec
D Endoplasmic reticulum
98. A pt was prescribed tricyclic antidepressant ...its analgesic action is mediated
in A 1 day
B 3,4 days
C 3,4 weeks
D more than 6 weeks

99. There was question of cerebellum that do appropriate action of motor cortex. ..

i marled climbing n mossy fibers...statement ni hae mind mei

100. Penetrating injrury to 4th incoastal space jst on left side of sternum will
damage A right atrium
B intercoastal musvle
C intercoastal membrane

101. Posterior rectus sheath end as--Arcuate line

102. Most common breast

tumour A carcinoma in situ
B invasive ductal
C comedocarcinoma
D lobular carcinoma
E indraductal pappiloma

103. In polycythemia vera which cells not

raised A neutrophills
B lumphocytes
neutrophils and platelets are not
C monocytes raised

D eosinophils
E basophills

104. Posterior relation of hip

joint A sacral nerves anteriorly femoral vessels and
B piriform bursa nerve posteriorly sciatic nerve
inferiorly obturator internus

105. Rupture of posterior cruciate ligament will result

in A ant displacemnt of tibia
B ant displacemnt of femur

106. Pt of hurshsprunge disease of sigmoid colon which spinal nerve supply

. S1.s2.s3

107. Coibital fossa nidal pass which nerve demage.

. Median nerve

108. Myelin sheath is formed

by A oligodendrocytes
B schwann cells
C astrocytes

109. Exocelomic membrane derived from ? I marked a.hypoblast b.meso?

110. Middle meningeal

artery Foramen spinosum
111. High canc of co2 in which PO2 = 100 mm Hg
PCO2 = 40 mm
.. Pulmonary vein Hg
Alveolar capillaries
Pulmonary arteries Entering the alveolar capillaries
PO2 = 40 mm Hg (relatively low because this blood has just returned from the systemic circulation & has lost
Experied air.. much of its oxygen)
PCO2 = 45 mm Hg (relatively high because the blood returning from the systemic circulation has picked up

112. Which organ can not regenerate ? Leaving the alveolar Entering the systemic
capillaries PO2 = 100 mm Hg capillaries PO2 = 100 mm Hg
A lens PCO2 = 40 mm Hg PCO2 = 40 mm Hg
Body cells (resting conditions)
B neuron Leaving the systemic PO2 = 40 mm Hg
capillaries PO2 = 40 mm Hg PCO2 = 45 mm Hg
C skeletal muscle PCO2 = 45 mm Hg

113. Regarding symphysis

pubis Synarthrosis
Sec ossification

114. Q abt abducting of shoulder intial 30 degree.

.. Supraspinatus

115. Q.abt injury to hip joint capsule

.. Ans .avascular necrosis

116. A patient is askd to lower his arm slowly from right angle but when he does so drops
his arm

117. Which of the following has shortest pre erythrocytic phase

A falciparum
B vivax
C malariae
D ovale

118. Post natal conjuctivitis

A Gonorrhea
B chlymadia trachomatis
119. Pt having multiple polyps in colon ...his grandfather died of similar
illness Adenomatous polyps

120. Which drug cause psodo membranous colitis. .


121. Diagnostic of thalasemia

major A Hbf more 90%
B iron deficiency anemia

122. Pt had anorexia

diarrhea Alpha feto normal
CEA raised
Bilurubin 16
GGt raised
Alt ast normal
Diagnosis ?
-CA Liver
-CA colon
-Ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis due to involvement of biliary system

Primary biliary cirrhosis
Thats y bilirubin is raised n also Ggt

123. Breast tumour

(T3,N2,M0) Stage ?
A stage ll a
B stage ll b
C Stage lll
D stage IV
E stage l

124. During thyroidectomy superior thyroid artery is ligated close to gland to

save A external laryngeal nerve
B Recurrent laryngeal nerve
C internal laryngeal nerve

125. Large amount of dextrose infusion given inhibit which hormone ? ADH

126. Phopholipase A2 is inhibited by -Corticosteroids

127. Clostridium botulinum causes Flaccid paralysis

128. Something regarding atropine ?

ANS was it counters the effectsof parasympathetic nervous system in effector orgens
129. Medial meniscus attachd wid -Medial colletaral ligament

130. Structure which remains in true pelvis-Middle rectal artery ?

131. Lymphatic drainage of

cervix A internal iliac
B external iliac
C deep inguinal
D superficial inguinal

132. Pt had abdominal surgery for mass for which he remained hospitalized ...he got
some cardiac abnormality...his labs shows inc potassium
Most probable cause of this inc is
A prolong antibiotic use
B postoperative infection
C prolonged bedrest

133. Antibiotic should b

given A 6 hrx before surgery
B 12 hrx before srgery
C on operating table
D after the surgery
E on first dressing

134. Substance which is maximally reabsorbed by the

kidney A Na
C glucose
D urea
E bicarb

135. Most common factor for a tumor to b called malignant


136. Pain is reffered to shoulder by A C2,3,4, B C3,4,5

137. Hydrocephalus most commonly caused by stenosis

of A duct of sylvier
B formen lushka aqueduct of
C foramen mejendie

138. Very small particles in respiratory tract are cleared

by A cilia
B mass transport
C phagocytosis
139. Surgeon accidently removed parathyroid gland during
thyroidectomy Hypocalcemia numbness n positive chivostek sign

140. All the short muscles of hand are supplied

by A median nerve
B ulnar nerve
C radial nerve
D T1
E C5

141. Perforation of duodenum most common source of bleeding-Gastroduodenal artery

142. Hereditary spherocytosis is defect of--Structural proteins

143. Regarding RBC fragility-0.35% N/S

144. H202 present in-Peroxisomes

145. Regarding irreversible injury of cardiac

cell A Cell swelling
B clumping of chromatin material

146. 40 years old female having 4 children has cervical epithelial change--HPV

147. Golgi tendons- Tension in muscles

148. Most common cause of hyperthyroidism--Graves disease

149. Exogenous steroids will dec which one of following--Corticotropin

150. Q there was 2 q abt autosomal dominat disease --Acgondroplasia -Adult polycystic disease

151.Q was abt renal faliar hemorrhage which area of nephron effected
a.PCT,b.Collecting duct ,c.Asanding loop henle

152. old man cough with thick mucoid sputum?A ) Klebsiella, B) mycobacterium,3 pseudomonas

153. EARLIEST SIGN OF LIDOCAINE TOXICITY???,,,,A.) Lightheadedness,,,,B) Tonic

clonic seizures

154. Q: A man develops pain in calf muscles after walking for 100 yards , which settles after
taking rest.. which artery involved? Anterior perforating, popliteal , int iliac, ext iliac,
common iliac ??

155. Q was abt which type of collagen fiber take part in wound
repair Tpye ,I mark type 13 in granulation tissue and type 1 in late wound

156. Tissue taken for transplantation from identical twin...true

statement A never rejected
B require immunosuppesants
Prozone phenomenon is a false negative response resulting from high antibody titer which interferes with formation of antigen-
C always rejctd due to minor HLA
antibody incompatibility
lattice, necessary to visualize a positive flocculation test.

acidic and neutral drugs will bind to albumin and if it is sat. then

fast pain fibre is a delta, fastest transmission in a alpha and type c are slow pain

achondroplasia is autosomal dominant


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