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i) 2 executives were transferred to Production Oil Department.

department remains grateful to their commendable services to the

ii) 3 work persons were superannuated and 05 work persons expired

during the year. The department sincerely acknowledge their contribution to
the department and to the company as a whole. lt also offers heartfelt
condolences on the demise of its 5 beloved work persons.

iii) 07 work persons joined the department during the year. Department
wishes them best of luck.

. Work person:
a) In house
b) ln Country
. Executive:
a) ln house 28
b) ln Country 37
c) Overseas training / Conference 6


The undersigned would like to express his deep appreciation and gratitude to each
and every member of the Department for their conststent dedication and
commitment to achieve the best. Their large hearted efforts only made it possible
to achieve a few milestones during the year despite various constraints.

All the members of the department joins the under:signed to record their sincere
thanks and gratefulness to all the Departments for extending their whole hearted
support and cooperation as and when required for achieving the departmental

The department also gratefully acknowledges the continuous guidance and

supports received from the Local as well as the Corporate Management.

aruah, CEPG is duly acknowledged.

(Bipin Gogoi)
GMP (Gas) i/c
& Head of the Department,
Production Gas Department

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