OCS GCS Network + GCS Pipeline Info

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Nole..n F;ei{j Gu: Pipe!!

n,: dr;d il:i Bsvanlpirig Plo$

or RoW ocquisition would be moior hindronce olong with complionce of other stolutory

I 1.2 Another moior chqllenge is corrying post crqcker gas lo yqrious instollotions for inlernql
ufilizorion so os lo moke os much rich gos ovoiloble os possible for Gos Crocker. Accordingly,
conslruction of l3 segments of lines of vorious sizes is in progress under PLF Deportment' These
lines will corry leon gos to instollolions in Hopjon, Mokum oreos ond olso to Dikom-Kotholoni
oreos. Leon gqs line lowords Ushopur-Jorojon-Digboi oreos hos olreody been consfructdd ond is
in operotion,

I 1.3 The more the producing field oreo ond gos production is, the more the pipeline requiremenl
for gos evocuolion ond to bring ii lo the point of utilizotion. Therefore, the present 500 Km of gos
distribution network is bound to increose further with oddition of new fields ond cqpocities. With
the present quonlum of oclivilies olone, fhe mointenonce of the field Pipeline is not up to the mork
os it should be os per stondard proctices. Unlike Pipeline DePqriment ot Noonmofi, the PLF
deportment, entrusled lo corry out conslruction ond moinlenqnce of the pipeline in the fields, is
not equipped for the purpose. Although lhe deportment wos formed to toke the single point
responsibility of oll the ospects of pipeline construction ond moinlenonce in the field, its present
octivities ore concerned with procurement ond construciion of pipeline only. Other octiYities like
RoW ocquisiiion & mointenence, pipeline inspection, moinlenonce etc. ore slill coniinuing in legocy
system. ln the present scenorio of increosing field octivities ond increosing pipeline infrostruclure,
it hos become desiroble to hove q single point responsibility for field pipeline covering lhe entire
ronge of qclivities of moferiol procuremenl, RoW ocquisilion & mointenonce, conslruclion,
inspection ond moinfenonce. Therefore it would be prudent to strengthen the PLF deportment io
meet the fulure chollenges of pipeline conslruction ond mointenonce in the field.

l2.O Conclusion:

12.'l Pipelines ore liyewires of qn E&P Compony wiih respect to gothering ond tronsporting the
block gold ond green energy - noturol gos to the ultimqle consumers. So, its proper consfruction,
operotion ond moinienonce would enoble OIL to mointoin uninterrupted produclion ond supply
choin sofely ond securely. With this os ultimote oim, OIL moy consider giving on integroted
opprooch fowords construction ond mointenonce of ihe field pipeline, for which re-orgonizotion
of the concerned deportment qppeors to be the need of the hour.

12.2 lhe nole wqs discussed omongst lhe members of the Production Gos Deportment qnd their
views hove been incorporqted. The dqto produced in the nofe ore collected from the
deportmenlol onnuol reports ond other developmentol octivities' Views of Shri B. Gogoi, GMPG
(i/c) hove olso been incorporoied. Contribution from S' lntoz, SEPG ond Shri PJ Dos, Dy' SEPG in
moking the finol report is sincerely ocknowledged

(S. Bordoloi)
Heod -Production Gos

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