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Harnessing the power of evidence and ideas

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Who we are
ODI is an independent, global think tank.
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@odi.development Our vision is a sustainable and peaceful world in which every person thrives.

See our work We harness the power of evidence and ideas through research and partnership to confront challenges, develop solutions and create change.

Evidence. Ideas. Change.

Our values

Independence High quality Fairness, diversity and equality

Working together Transparency and accountability Sustainability

Evidence. Ideas. Change.

Responding to a changing world What we do
Extraordinary gains have been made in the life We undertake cutting-edge research and analysis to generate evidence, ideas and solutions.
span, literacy and food security of the world’s
poorest in recent decades. This progress was not We act as trusted, expert advisers to those making change around the world.
inevitable. Nor is it irreversible.
We bring people together to turn ideas into action.
We are also living in a time of rapidly changing
technology, norms and power structures, We communicate our work around the world to increase its reach and impact.
affecting everything from the future of our planet
to the food and energy we consume to how we
access information and evidence. Geopolitically,
we have arrived at a moment of deep uncertainty. Our theory of change ID
Many of the challenges facing the world – RESEARCH NG
climate change, violent extremism, rising
authoritarianism, financial instability, inequality,
pandemics, the future of work – affect all ADVISORY
countries, rich and poor. And complex global
challenges require multifaceted and evidence-
informed solutions.

ODI brings multiple perspectives, disciplines


and tools to understanding these complex and

interconnected problems. We work with a wide IMPACT
range of partners to collect robust evidence, find
and test creative solutions, and engage with those
who have the power to change policy, practice
and approach.

Evidence. Ideas. Change.
Guiding principles Our work
Our independence is At a time when the world Our work addresses four key global challenges, and explores the tools and approaches
the cornerstone of our is faced with complex needed to enable progress and address risks. Our multidisciplinary approach combines
credibility. It allows us to dilemmas, innovation will research, advisory work, convening and communications.
develop fresh ideas, challenge be essential to finding,
orthodoxies and take the testing and scaling bold
risks we need to succeed. ideas and solutions. We will
be increasingly innovative
in the ways in which we
bring people together,
communicate ideas and

We are a global organisation, increase our influence.

with staff, partners and

ODI fellows in 50 countries

around the world. The
changes we seek require local POVERTY AND INEQUALITY
knowledge, new relationships ODI exists to have real
and perspectives, and impact for those who need
credibility with decision- it most. This is at the centre


makers at both the national of our thinking about what

and international levels. to do, where to go and how
We will therefore strive to we measure our success.
broaden where we work in SUSTAINABILITY
the world, as well deepen and
strengthen our links with
who we work with, especially CONFLICT AND FRAGILITY
at country level.

Evidence. Ideas. Change.

Four challenges
Ending extreme poverty and Transforming economies and the
reducing inequality future of work
Progress in eliminating extreme poverty and Current patterns of economic growth in high- and low-
reducing inequality is too slow if we hope income countries are neither sufficiently sustainable
to achieve the global commitments in the and inclusive nor producing enough high-quality work
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In – especially for women and young people. There is too
some places, trends are going in the wrong little economic activity in fragile and conflict-affected
direction. Our work has been at the forefront states. These trends exacerbate disaffection, conflict
of understanding poverty, inequality and and inequality, and limit resilience to economic
exclusion, identifying barriers to addressing shocks. Our analysis and policy advice inform and
these issues, and influencing research and shape the debates, policies and institutions helping to
policy agendas to accelerate progress. We transform economies and create more – and better
are continuing to dig beneath data averages quality – work for all. We work to understand trends
to uncover where inequalities are deepest, and overcome constraints in political economy; the
and to lead on defining and embedding ‘no use of new technology; and gender, demographics and
one left behind’, with a focus on women and other dimensions of poverty and inequality. We will
girls, disabled people and others experiencing assess the impact of globalisation and the potential for
persistent discrimination and displacement. innovation by operating between global trends and
country-level policies and outcomes.

The impact we seek

The impact we seek
• We will put the global commitment to end
• We will increase support to enable lower income
extreme poverty and address corrosive
and fragile countries to make decisions and attract
inequality at the top of international,
investments that create inclusive and sustainable
national and subnational agendas. economic transformation and job creation.
• We will proactively influence policy and • We will work closely with global institutions to
investment choices to prioritise the poorest impact rule-making and policy-making and create
and most marginalised people first, and will incentives for positive change.
track and analyse the progress being made. • We will assess the dynamic impacts of
• We will bring together partners and data to demographics, migration, globalisation and
galvanise action and accountability. technology on economies and societies.

Evidence. Ideas. Change.

Ensuring sustainable water, land, Preventing conflict and violence
food and energy and addressing fragility
As consumption of food, water, energy and other natural As the duration and consequences of conflicts
resources rise, the world is not on track to effectively and violence increase and the international system
mitigate and adapt to climate change or manage its falters, a just and lasting peace remains elusive
finite resources sustainably. And those who are socially, for far too many. Our work seeks to understand
economically, culturally or politically marginalised are and disrupt the drivers of conflict that kill, injure
affected first – and worst. ODI looks at the pressure and displace millions every year. Engaging with
points between poverty eradication and sustainable our wide global network, we support a multitude
resource management and governance, examining of actors to develop coherent and comprehensive
data and technology, incentives and financing, and efforts to prevent and mitigate the impacts of
institutional innovation. We support governments, crisis and fragility, and support states and their
communities and industries to answer difficult questions, citizens to achieve long-term peace and stability.
to ensure sustainable transitions in energy, land,
agriculture, and water (and the connections between
them) and address key challenges of poverty eradication, The impact we seek
climate action and natural resource management.
• We will identify and encourage operational
and behavioural changes in the way that
international actors understand conflict, and
The impact we seek prevent and respond to crisis. This includes
• We will bring together the development, humanitarian more devolved humanitarian action, where
and climate communities to integrate sustainability local response is genuinely valued, supported
approaches , and highlight the links between climate and enabled.
change and the lives of the poorest people. • We will develop new approaches to de-risk
• We will support governments, international investments that support inclusive growth in
organisations and the private sector to make decisions fragile and conflict-affected countries.
based on an enhanced understanding of future climate • We will deepen understanding of the drivers of
and resource trends and how to effectively manage armed conflict and violence, including violent
and mitigate emerging risks. extremism, and will develop ideas and evidence
• We will facilitate transitions in energy, water, food to incentivise investments in prevention.
systems and land, and a shift to more sustainable and
efficient production and consumption patterns.

Evidence. Ideas. Change.

How progress happens: risks and enablers
Understanding how progress happens, and where we falter, is as important as understanding Unlocking the enablers of progress
the challenges themselves. We identify, analyse and demonstrate the factors integral to
securing and sustaining progress. These are key levers that enable the policy, practice, Politics, finance and technology ultimately As an adaptive organisation, we will also
investment and accountability that change lives. We will build on ODI’s pioneering work define the shape and scale of progress. continue to focus on emerging issues with
on ‘doing development differently’ and ‘risk-informed development’, concepts that are Understanding and unlocking these enablers is great positive and disruptive potential, and
transforming global understanding and practice. at the heart of ODI’s approach to identifying support our partners to do likewise. We
what works, where and why. will increase our pioneering work examining
how migration impacts the achievement of
Managing and mitigating risks Grounded in local contexts, our work the SDGs.
supports policy-makers and practitioners to
The rate, frequency, intensity and nature of ODI is developing a robust, interdisciplinary ‘do development differently’. We achieve this
risks are rapidly changing. Interconnected platform that identifies new and emerging by working with them to integrate evidence,
global risks threaten progress in human risks, develops evidence-based strategies to
The impact we seek
foresight, citizen perspectives and learning
development, and our world is not well manage vulnerabilities and uncertainty, and into decision-making, and to adaptively • We will help our partners to understand
positioned to understand, manage and provides decision-making support and manage their efforts. Politics and institutions how innovations in finance and technology
mitigate them. options for policy-makers, donors and the set the agenda and pathways for long-term can scale up impact and citizen engagement,
private sector. advancement, and our work will increase while mitigating the negative aspects of
To develop meaningful policies and allocate understanding of the political economy rapid disruption.
resources, citizens and decision-makers must of change and how to strengthen the • We will support development actors at all
understand emerging and interdependent The impact we seek social contract though accountable and levels to make decisions based on better
risks, opportunities and uncertainties. inclusive institutions. evidence and increased understanding of
Understanding and acting on risk is a • We will ensure decision-makers in institutions and politics, and to increase
foundation for effective poverty reduction, government, the private sector and civil their effectiveness and accountability
society are better informed about how At the same time rapid changes in technology
development and humanitarian action. Risk- are also having profound impacts. Our by adapting their strategies and
informed development pushes us to ground to identify and manage risks, trends and implementation.
opportunities. work on digitalisation, automation, access
our actions in the problem: are we prepared to finance and connectivity, and our new • We will provide an evidence base and
for shocks and crises, and do we really • We will foster collaboration between those collaborative platform to address both the
working on climatic, conflict, pandemic initiative on technology and development
understand them? How can we demonstrate will move this critical agenda forward with challenges and the potential of migration
that investing in prevention is both politically and economic risks to identify joined-up and displacement.
approaches to addressing these challenges. diverse partners. We will remain at the
and economically the right choice? Are we forefront of the transformation in financing
focusing on the most appropriate solutions? • We will identify opportunities, tools and
partnerships to scale up investments that for development and humanitarian
effectively prevent risks, build resilience and assistance, incorporating new partners,
improve millions of lives. tools and approaches.

Evidence. Ideas. Change.

A changing organisation for a changing world
ODI began its journey almost 60 years ago. To achieve this we will set goals, take
The Cold War, decolonisation, the birth deliberate steps and measure the following:
of development banks and agencies, the
green revolution – all spurred the acute need • We will further enhance our inclusiveness
for evidence and engagement about what and the diversity of our people and
was and wasn't working. Throughout its partners.
growth and evolution, ODI has stood as a • We will reduce our gender pay gap to 5% in
key partner to those actors and institutions either direction.
seeking progress and an end to the tyranny • We will track our carbon footprint and
of poverty and conflict. make significant cuts on a clear path to
carbon neutrality.
To deliver ODI’s ambition, we will continue • We will ensure that all our publications and
to evolve and ensure we are the partner of digital platforms meet a high standard of
the future. These changes will be guided by accessibility for disabled people and those
this strategy’s four overarching principles. with impairments.
• We will transition from using terms such as
This also means commitment to living ‘developing’ and ‘developed’ that create false
our values – to diversity and equality, to distinctions between countries, communities
sustainability, to inclusion and transparency. and the universal challenges we all face.
Our people are our greatest asset and our
success is testament to their hard work,
entrepreneurial spirit, skill and dedication.

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