External Affairs Minister Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar

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Organogram of the Ministry of External Affairs*

External Affairs Minister

Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar
Overall supervision and coordination of policy and implementation; PAI, BM, IOR, North, EA, Indo-Pacific, Russia, EU, France,
Germany, UK, AMS, SAARC, BIMSTEC, UN, D&ISA, Parliament (including Starred questions), External Public Diplomacy,
ICCR; Administration (except JEB, SEB & equivalent appointments), CNV, CPV (except PSP and CPO), L&T, PP&R; Political
clearance in respect of Governors, Lt. Governors, Union Council of Ministers, Chief Minister, Judges of Supreme Court and High
Courts and Chairpersons and Members of National Level Commissions and Tribunals.

Minister of State for External Affairs

V. Muraleedharan
LAC, East and Southern Africa, Europe West (except France, Germany, UK), Central Europe, Eurasia (except Russia), South,
GCI, WANA, Central & West Africa, CT, MER, DPA; ED & States, Protocol, Establishment, GEM, Finance, OIA-I, OIA-II,
OE & PG, FSI, BOS, Welfare, A & RM; Coordination, Administration (JEB, SEB & equivalent appointments), PSP and CPO,
ICWA, Library; Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha (Unstarred questions); Political clearance (except for Governors, Lt. Governors,
Union Council of Ministers, Chief Minister, Judges of Supreme Court and High Courts and Chairpersons and Members of
National Level Commissions and Tribunals)

Secretary (CPV & Overseas Secretary (East) Secretary (West)

Foreign Secretary
Indian Affairs) Vijay Thakur Singh
Harsh Vardhan Shringla Vikas Swarup
Sanjay Bhattacharyya EA (except China & Japan), AMS (Canada), Southern, Indo-
Overall Coordination and supervision of work; EA (only China & Japan), AMS (only US), North, Pacific Divisions; ASEAN, ASEM, EAS, MGC, Nalanda,
OIA-I, OIA-II, OE & PEG, CPV & PSP, PBK, Gulf & WANA, BM, IOR, PAl Divisions; EW Division (only UK, France, Germany); ERS Division (only Russia); RIC; EU, Europe West (except UK, France and Germany),
Special Kuwait Cell, GCC, India-Arab League, Maghreb Central Europe Divisions; ERS Division (except
D&ISA Division; Administration, Estabtishment, GEM, CNV, BOS, PP&R, CCCS, Finance and A&RM, RTI Divisions; CT, Parliament & Coordination, RBB, Russia); Multilateral Diplomacy - UN, NAM,
Union, East & Southern Africa, Central & West Africa EG&IT and CD Divisions: ICCR; Development Partnership Administration; MER, Investment & l&T Divisions. CHOGM, UNCTAD; SCO, G-20; L&T, Protocol,
Divisions; AU, African Regional Economic Communities Trade Promotion, NEST, WTO Policy, WIPO, GCI, ED & States, IBSA, BRICS. Conference Division & XPD, Coordination of events
(SADC, IGAD, TEAM-9 and COMESA), India-Africa Forum; related to commemoration of Gandhi @150.

Addl. Secretary & Financial Adviser Addl. Secretary

Raj Kumar Goyal (AD)
Manoj K. Bharti

Finance Pr. Chief Controller of

Siddhartha Nath Accounts
(Director Finance) M. Sridharan

Division Head of Division Division Head of Division

Division Division Head of Division
Division Head of Division Head of Division
AMS Gourangalal Das Central Europe Neeta Bhushan
AMS Gourangalal Das G Balasubramanian
Pravasi Bharatiya Kendra Administration
Archives & Record Managment Dr. Ketan Shukla Eurasia Manish Prabhat
Consular, Passport & Visa Dr. Adarsh Swaika Bangladesh, Myanmar Smita Pant
Bureau of Security Pavan Kumar Rai BIMSTEC Dr. Virander Kumar Paul Europe West Sandeep Arya
Chief Passport Officer & (AS)
Passport Service Project Arun K. Chatterjee (AS) Centre for Contemporary
Srinivas Gotru Cypher, NGO & Vigilance & Dr. Adarsh Swaika
China Studies Division SAARC Dr. Virander Kumar Paul
Inspection External Publicity & Public
Anurag Srivastava
(AS) Diplomacy
Overseas lndian Affairs- I Yogeshwar Sangwan Disarmament & International Indra Mani Pandey E-Governance & Dr. S. Janakiraman
(AS) Information Technology Counter Terrorism Mahaveer Singhvi
Security Affairs Dr. A Sudhakara Reddy
Overseas lndian Affairs- II Mansih Legal & Treaties
East Asia Naveen Srivastava East Asia
Amrit Lugun Establishment Alok Ranjan Jha Naveen Srivastava
(AS) Protocol Nagesh Singh
Eurasia Manish Prabhat
Gulf Dr. T.V. Nagendra Prasad GEM Harsh K. Jain
Indo-Pacific Division Srinivas Gotru United Nations
Manish Chauhan
Europe West Sandeep Arya Welfare Ohm Prakash
Economic Social
West Asia and North Africa Nikhilesh Giri
Latin America & Caribbean Gloria Gangte
United Nations Political Sanjay Rana
East & Southern Africa Dr. Srikar K. Reddy IOR Division Amit Narang
Development Partnership A. Ajay Kumar Robert Shetkintong
Parliament & Coordination
Administration I
Central and West Africa Northern Conference Cell Sushil Kumar Singhal
R. Ravindra Piyush Srivastava Development Partnership
Dr. Devyani Khobragade Right To Information Devesh Uttam
Administration II
Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran Dr. Deepak Mittal Dir (ADP)
Development Partnership Namgya C. Khampa
Policy Planning & Dr. Anupam Ray Administration III Rajbhasha & Bharatiya Bhashayein Sanjeev Babu Kurup
Development Partnership Dr. Devyani Khobragade
Administration IV Southern Vishvas Vidu Sapkal
Multilateral Economic Relations Ravi shankar

P. Harish
ED & States Division

* Updated as on May 19, 2020

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