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Persoana= individual uman concret
= Constructie teoretica utila pentru intelegerea si
explicarea modalitatii de fiintare si functionare a
organismului psihofizic pe care il numim persoana.
= Ansamblu de caracteristici ce permit descrierea unei
Trasaturi si calitati de personalitate grupate dupa
 Dinamico-energetice = TEMPERAMENT
 Socio-morale si valorice=CARACTER
 Instrumentale = APTITUDINILE
b)Instrumente de identificare a temperamentului
A)Eysenk - Functie de:
Instabilitate emotionala – stabilitate emotionala
Stabileste 4 tipuri temperamentale:
1. Coleric
2. Sangvinic
3. Flegmatic
4. Melancolic

B) G. Berger - Functie de:

Emotivitate (E) – neemotivitate (nE)
Activitate (A) – nonactivitate (nA)
(P) primaritate – rasunet – secundaritate (S)
1.Pasionat = EAS
2.Coleric= EAP
3.Sentimental = EnAS
8.Amorf= nEnAP
c) Exercitii

1. Activitate de grup: Caracterizati tipul

temperamental caruia ii apartineti considerand
urmatoarele criterii:
- Tonus psiho-fizic
- Comportament intr-o activitate stresanta
(examen, comunicarea unei informatii cu
greutate, interviu, etc)
- Comportament intr-o activitate placuta
- Relationarea cu personae necunoscute
(usurinta in comunicare, deschiderea catre
celalalt, natura subiectelor abordate, etc.)
- Exprimarea sentimentelor

2. Activitate independenta. Imaginati-va si descrieti

comportamentul unui elev in situatie de examen,
de la intrare in clasa si pana la iesire, functie de
temperamental lui.
3. Cum v-ati simtit lucrand singur si cum in echipe?
Cum va este mai confortabil? In ce situatie
considerati ca ati obtine performante mai bune?

Extraversion/Introversion: Extraversion is
characterized by being outgoing, talkative, high on
positive affect (feeling good), and in need of
external stimulation. According to Eysenck's
arousal theory of extraversion, there is an optimal
level of cortical arousal, and performance
deteriorates as one becomes more or less aroused
than this optimal level. Arousal can be measured
by skin conductance, brain waves or sweating. At
very low and very high levels of arousal,
performance is low, but at a better mid-level of
arousal, performance is maximized. Extraverts,
according to Eysenck's theory, are chronically
under-aroused and bored and are therefore in
need of external stimulation to bring them up to an
optimal level of performance. About 16 percent of
the population tend to fall in this range. Introverts,
on the other hand, (also about 16 percent of the
population) are chronically over-aroused and jittery
and are therefore in need of peace and quiet to
bring them up to an optimal level of performance.
Most people (about 68 percent of the population)
fall in the midrange of the extraversion/introversion
continuum, an area referred to as ambiversion.[2]
Neuroticism/Stability: Neuroticism or emotionality
is characterized by high levels of negative affect
such as depression and anxiety. Neuroticism,
according to Eysenck's theory, is based on
activation thresholds in the sympathetic nervous
system or visceral brain. This is the part of the
brain that is responsible for the fight-or-flight
response in the face of danger. Activation can be
measured by heart rate, blood pressure, cold
hands, sweating and muscular tension (especially
in the forehead). Neurotic people — who have low
activation thresholds, and unable to inhibit or
control their emotional reactions, experience
negative affect (fight-or-flight) in the face of very
minor stressors — are easily nervous or upset.
Emotionally stable people — who have high
activation thresholds and good emotional control,
experience negative affect only in the face of very
major stressors — are calm and collected under
The two dimensions or axes, extraversion-
introversion and emotional stability-instability,
define four quadrants. These are made up of:
 Stable extraverts (sanguine qualities such as
outgoing, talkative, responsive, easygoing, lively,
carefree, leadership)
 Unstable extraverts (choleric qualities such as
touchy, restless, excitable, changeable,
impulsive, irresponsible)
 Stable introverts (phlegmatic qualities such as
calm, even-tempered, reliable, controlled,
peaceful, thoughtful, careful, passive)
 Unstable introverts (melancholic qualities such
as quiet, reserved, pessimistic, sober, rigid,
anxious, moody)
G. Berger a elaborat un chestionar uşor de
utilizat pentru a încadra o persoană în cele 8 tipuri
temperamentale. Acest chestionar poate fi aplicat
şi în cazul elevilor, deoarece pentru educator
cunaşterea temperamentului elevilor este
importantă. Astfel se poate stabili dacă un copil
este emotiv sau nu, este activ sau nu. Dacă un
copil este activ el poate fi harnic, energic,
indiferent de gradul de emotivitate, iar dacă este
inactiv, ar putea fi lent, leneş, fără iniţiativă. Dacă
este emotiv poate avea reacţii emotive foarte
puternice, va fi implicat afectiv în tot ceea ce face,
iar dacă este non-emotiv, astfel de manifestări vor
fi minime. Dar nu este de ajuns pentru un educator
identificarea acestor caracteristici, ci ei pot şi
trebuie să ia măsuri necesare stimulării sau
controlării acestora după caz. Copii activi trebuie
orientaţi spre activităţi utile şi temperarea tendinţei
de a lua hotărâri pripite, iar cei inactivi au nevoie
de o stimulare constantă şi de un program de lucru
strict supravegheat.
e Gall subliniază valoarea muncii în grup pentru
cei neemotivi şi inactivi. Pentru alte tipuri, de
exemplu pentru sentimentali rolul muncii în echipă
este discutabil, deoarece sentimentalul poate avea
probleme de integrare în grup, preferând

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