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**The following settings and recommendations are in accordance with zoom application.

Before the Contest:

Print the Time Record Sheet (Timer 2)

Put your Timing Devices on Do Not Disturb mode. Also, remove the Locking Mechanism
on your timing device for the duration of the contest.

Please test the timing device prior to the contest to ensure it is working properly

Make a PPT with 5 slides

- green color
- yellow color
- red color
- agenda
- a slide that says “silence”.


1. Thank you for participating as a timer in this contest and for attending the briefing.

2.. Given below are the timing guidelines for all speeches.


ISC 5:00 6:00 7:00

HSC 5:00 6:00 7:00

Table Topics 1:00 1:30 2:00

Evaluation 2:00 2:30 3:00

3. Timing will begin with the contestant’s first definite verbal or nonverbal communication with
the audience. This usually will be the first word uttered by the contestant, but would include any
other communication such as sound effects, gestures, a staged act by another person, etc.
4. In case of any Technical Glitch from the Contestant or your end, additional 30 seconds
overtime will be allowed to the Contestant(s) before being disqualified. Please inform me
as soon as there is a glitch in the timing device.

Timer 1

1. You will be responsible to show the Timer slide at the appropriate time. Your camera will be
ON throughout the meeting.

2. As this is an online contest, a speaker will first be given 30 seconds to check his camera and
microphone. He will say “check check”. You will show red color at the completion of 30 seconds

3. Display the green color at the appropriate time.

4. Leave the green color up until it is time to display the yellow color.

5. Leave the yellow color up until it is time to display the red color.

6. Leave the red color up until the speaker has concluded his/her speech. Do not give any
indication that a contestant has gone over the qualification time.

7. The Contest Chair will ask you to time the 1 minute of silence between contestant speeches.
Show the “silence” slide then.

8. The Contest Chair will ask you to time 3 minutes at the end of the contest. Show the “agenda”
slide at that time. You should notify the Contest Chair by showing the red color.


1. Select “Slide Share” option. When asked “Select a window or an application that you want to
share”, choose the PPT with the color slides and share. See image below.
2. Once your screen is shared, choose your color card and go full screen. See image below.

3. Choose the “Show small active speaker video”. See image below.

Timer 2

Timer 2 should turn on “Speaker View” to see the Active Contestant.

Remember : non-verbal communication is also communication.
1. You will be responsible to time the speeches and record it on the Time Record Sheet.

2. After the last contestant has finished and as the judges are completing their ballots, I will ask
you to give me the Timer Record Sheet over whatsapp.

3. Please keep the Time Record Sheet with you till the Results are announced. If the winner
announcement made at the end of the contest mentions the name of any contestant who had
crossed the max time + 30 Second grace, immediately interrupt the proceedings so that the
announced results can be corrected.

Are there any questions?

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