SAA Script For Contest PDF

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Call the meeting to Order by banging the gavel.

Hello and welcome Toastmasters and guests to _____[name of club]_________
______[name of contest]__________.
I am Chief Sergeant-at-arms Toastmaster ____________I welcome you all on this great
Sunday morning.

I would like to begin by stating the mission of a Toastmasters Club.

“We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are
empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-
confidence and personal growth”.

Some rules to be respected during the contest:

1. No flash photography is permitted during the entire contest.

2. Please turn off all noise-making devices or put them to silent mode.
3. Speakers are requested to refrain from making any references to politics, sex or religion
in their speeches.
4. The audience is requested to refrain from cross-talk, which is talking with one another
during the contest.
5. No member of the audience will be allowed to move in or out of the room once the
contest has begun.
6. After the contest, no one will be permitted to leave the room until all ballots are
7. The restrooms are located at the end of the corridor as you step out.

I wish you all a fantastic contest!

Please help me welcome TM ________, the contest chair for ____[name of contest]____.


[ After the entire contest is over, the Contest Chair will hand it over to SAA]

It has been a fantastic Contest and I congratulate all the winners. All the very best for the
Contests ahead! We are also extremely grateful to all Contest officials and Toastmasters
present. Thank you.

I now bring the contest to a close.

[ Bang the gavel]

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