Lesson Plan in English Grade 7

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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

A. Identify the types of sentences;

B. Appreciate good health through the literary piece;
C. Construct simple, compound and complex sentences.


Types of Sentences (Simple, Compound, Complex)
Pictures, cartolinas, reading selections, colored papers
Ladera et. al. (2003). The New Dimensions in Learning English I. Rex Bookstore Inc. .


1. Preliminaries
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 Class Orderliness

2. Review
The Teacher will ask the following questions:
 Who can make here a kind of sentence?
 What are the Types of Sentences?
 Give me an example of sentences.

3. Motivation

The teacher will show pictures to the students in relation to the reading
selection that they will read later on.

The teacher will ask the following questions:

1. What can you see in the picture?
2. Is it healthy or not?
3. How do you keep yourself healthy?
4. Presentation
A. The teacher will distribute copies of the reading selection and
will ask the students to read.

B. The teacher will select students of is each paragraph to read

aloud “Health is Strength” by M.E. Jacobo

Questions for Discussion:

1.What does the writer mean by health?
2.How important is health to an individual?
3.Do you suffer from ill health now and then? Asthma?
Allergies? How do you deal with it?

The following sentences and phrases come from the reading selection.

 Health is strength and soundness of body and mind

 Health is taken as ordinary, normal health and not necessarily implying the
strength of a carabao or the genius of Eisntein.
 But vigor and soundness sufficient for the demands of ordinary needs and
 If the body drops, the spirit drops.
 It is a well-known fact that poor digestion makes the boss grouchy.
 The devil, in order to shake Job's faith in the Lord, attacked his spirit through his

What did you notice from the italicized words?


A conjunction is a word that connects other words or sentences.

What is a sentence?

5. Lesson Proper

Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences

Simple Sentences

-Simple sentences have one verb.

 The man walked home.
 The tall man with a beard walked home in the pouring

Compound Sentences

-Compound sentences have two verbs and are joined together by a conjunction (like
but, so, or,and), both parts of the sentence make sense on their own.

 The dog barked and it woke the baby.
 I opened the door so she could come inside.

Complex Sentences

-Complex sentences can have more than one verb. They usually have conjunctions like,
if, when, because, whenever etc. They have a main clause and subordinate clause. The
subordinate clause cannotwork without the main clause
 The baby woke up when the doorbell rang.
 I can't help you if you can't tell me what's wrong.


The teacher will organize a game called “Rags to Riches”. The teacher will divide
the class into two and will have a representative to play the game. The players
will identify the following sentence if it's a simple, compound or complex
sentence. The player will be out if s/he will have one mistake.

1. She ate carrots for many years but she didn't like it.
2. The dog barked because it was hungry.
3. Because the dog barked, the baby woke up
4. The dog barked until the baby woke up
5. I was very happy when I first ate vegetables.

Criteria: Correctness of answer -15

Presentation -10
Teamwork -5

Total 30 points
 What are the Basis to identify if the sentence is simple, compound ore
complex sentence?
 How did you describe the sentence?
 What are your strategies in identifying a sentence?

 What is Simple sentence?
 What are the examples of Simple sentences?
 What is Compound sentence?
 What are the examples of Compound sentence?
 What is a Complex sentence?
 What are the examples of Complex sentence?
 Are this three sentences are important?

D. APPLICATION (Short Activity)

 The teacher will give a short task to the student:

Using the three Sentences, give at least five example every sentences
that being discussed and be submitted after five(5) minutes.


Read the following sentence and decide if they are simple,compound or complex.

1. The boy at his lunch.

2. The unhappy boy with no shoes ate his tiny lunch on the door step in the rain.
3. After dinner, the baby woke up his mother with a loud yell.
4. The dog barked and the baby woke up
5.The police caught them and put them in jail.

Write one simple sentences

1. _________________________________________________
Write two compound sentences
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
Write two complex sentences
1. _________________________________________________


Study in advance: What is Verb?

Prepared by:
Nyljun S. Baceles

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