Region of Interest Based Selective Medical Image Encryption Using Multi Chaotic System

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2017 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT)

Region of Interest Based Selective Medical Image

Encryption Using Multi Chaotic System
K Prabhavathi Sathisha C P Ravikumar K M
Department of ECE Department of ECE SJCIT
BGSIT, BG Nagara BGSIT, BG Nagara Chickballapur

Abstract— As of late, numerous fraudulent assaults Multiple Layer Perception’s to identify confront district
towards life/medical coverage's by giving fake wellbeing and for extra correct, Gaussian skin-shading connected to
data are in increment. Hence forth there is a requirement segregate among skin areas with non-skin locales.
for security of the images sent by the medical expert to the Brindha Murugan et al [41] proposes a disorder
insurance provider. This examination proposes a chaos- based picture encryption conspire utilizing Henon guide
based image encryption conspire utilizing Lorentz map and
and Lorenz condition with various levels of dispersion.
Logistic condition with numerous levels of diffusion. The
Lorentz map is utilized for confusion and the Logistic The Henon delineate utilized for disarray and the Lorenz
condition for diffusion, in this work, stenography and condition for dispersion. The proposed strategy yields the
encryption systems are joined to ensure the patient secrecy, entropy of 7.999 and the UACI of 33.44%. Chen Wei-bin
and increment the security in medicinal images. This et al [39] presented a latest picture encryption procedures
encryption calculation has high key space, entropy near support for combination of Arnold cat map and Henon
eight (for dim images) and less relationship among nearby confused scheme in organize to convene the necessities
pixels. of safe picture transport. To start with, the Arnold feline
guide is utilized to rearrange the places of the picture
Keywords— Selective encryption .Chaos .Chaotic image. pixels. Second, the rearranged picture is encoded in light
of Henon's riotous framework pixel by pixel.
An elective approach will be to encoding I-hinders in
I. INTRODUCTION general edges rather that I-outlines that improves
security. Droogen broeck similarly proposed two
The Data that can be used and implicit with no procedures to specific encryption from asserting both
special techniques or strategy is named as plain text or compacted likewise not compressed images [13]. The rest
clear content. The procedure of disguising plain text of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces
keeping in mind the end goal to shroud its specific the proposed selective image encryption algorithm.
material is called encryption. The impression of Section 3 provides results and discussions. Section 4
encryption is to make a message vast, but to the recipient. provides comparison. The conclusions are drawn in the
Information encryption innovation is utilized to final section.
profit assurance against misfortune, misuse or
modification of private data. Encoding plaintext brings II. PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE
about unintelligible garbage called image content. Based on chaotic systems many picture encryption
Encryption is utilized to ensure the concealed data from algorithms anticipated. In this work, we advise a
anybody of concern not expected to, even the individuals selective-image encryption scheme composed of two
who can fathom the scrambled information. The system chaotic systems. The method merge the usual bit flow
of descending into sin image content to its unique ciphers expertise and the spatial-domain encryption of
plaintext is considered as decoding. Ismail et al digital imagery. One of the chaotic systems used is the
anticipated image encryption procedures by integration of logistic map which is worn to produce a chaotic series.
2 Logistic charts for confusion and diffusion [24]. Based Using chaotic series the image is confused. The other
on the writing, the original strong picture encryption chaotic system is use is the Lorenz map which is use to
system is in work to create a cipher icon which withstand build a change medium P. As per the conventional bits
for some security attack. flow ciphers expertise, using the binary stream the pixel
A particular encryption move toward for standards of a basic image is adapted arbitrarily. Then by
uncompressed representation is to scramble 4 to 5 the permutation matrix P the customized picture is
minimum critical bits since it is arbitrary similar to plus encrypted. Thus the combination of two methods
plaintext assault on irregular like information is harder. enhances the safety of the encryption system
One more particular encryption technique that specified successfully.
K. Hong and K. Jung [16] planned an incomplete
encryption technique utilizing the face area as a
component on the grounds that a face has the similar data
and mainly critical part in a image or video. That utilized

978-1-5386-2361-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

Fig. 1. Block Diagram for Proposed Architecture.

Let the plain image I, whose pixels can be accessed

using i, j, can be represented as I (i, j).And the keys for
encryption can be represented as k (k1; k2) = k(a,
x0;r,s,x0,y0,z0 ),where the key1 using logistic map and
key2 using Lorenz map can be represented as k1= (a,x0),
k2 = (r,s,x0,y0,z0).The scheme of multi chaotic
encryption system consists of following steps.
The proposed work can be implemented with the
help of following flow chart shown with its steps in
below Fig.2 Fig. 2. Flow chart for proposed system.

1. Read the input plain Image I and select the region of

2. Via the key as the preliminary state of the initial The simulation results are shown in this section. Three
logistic chaotic scheme, generate a chaotic series. examples of images like two medical images and one
3. Using a very large number i,e 1015, change the Lena image are taken. For the given input, respective
obtained chaotic series keen on a flow of natural decrypted images are shown. Histogram analysis and
numbers. correlation analysis are shown for the respective input
4. From the obtained natural numbers, change the image.
position of the pixel ideals of the plan picture I (i, j) A. Entropy analysis
and get the first level ciphered image I’ (i, j).The
operation performed is called Confusion. The information of entropy as shown in the below
equation is always designed to calculate the uncertainty
5. With the key as the primary form of the next in a random variable.
Lorenz Chaotic scheme, Construct the permutation
matrix P.
6. Perform the second level encryption of the image I’
(i, j) by using the permutation matrix P and obtain (1)
the encrypted picture I” (i, j). The operation
performed is called Diffusion. Where F is1the gray1level and P (L=l) is
the1probability1of1pixels that1the value is equal to l. The
information1entropy1usually1can be used to1evaluate
the1randomness of an1image. For a gray2scale image Lena images are taken for the given input, respective
maximum1information2entropy is HL=8. decrypted images are shown.
The1information2entropy of the medical1image and For a brain medical image it’s selective as well as
Lena image after encryption should be close to 8 to complete encryption results are shown in Figure. 3
ensure security. As can be seen from the Table 1.
B. Histogram analysis
The histogram is the graphical representation of the
distribution of the pixels of different intensity levels as
against their numbers. Ideally the histogram for ciphered
image should be flat/uniform. This depicts that the image
is truly in disorder and uniformly distributed. The
uniform pixel level distribution reveals no leakage of
information. The histogram of the plain image has (a) (b)
several spikes.
The histogram of analysis as show in the Figure: 4.
Figure (a) is histogram of plain image and figure (b) is
histogram of encrypted image.
C. Correlation analysis
The A clearly visible image with proper brightness
has its correlation coefficient equal to one. But for the
ciphered image it has a significantly reduced value
(almost equal to zero). An encryption algorithm generates (c)
a ciphered image with randomly distributed pixels of Fig. 3 Encryption results a) Input Brain Medical Image, b) Selecting the
different intensities and has its correlation coefficient region of interest. c) Encrypting the selected region.
between adjacent pixels close to zero. A set of 4000
pairs1of1two1adjacent1pixels in1horizontal, The respective histogram and correlation analysis for
vertical1and1diagonal1directions were selected randomly original image as well as for the encrypted medical image
to determine the1correlation coefficient from the plain are shown.
and ciphered image. The correlation coefficient is given


Where is1the1Covariance1between1x and3y

can be formulated as

Where, x and y are two8adjacent2pixels values in the
image, V (x) is the variance of variable x,


Is the mean of variable x

= (5)
The correlation of results as show in
Figure:5.Figure5(a)5(c)and5(e)correlation of plain image
in horizontal, vertical and diagonal directions, fig5(b) (b)
5(d) and 5(f) is correlation of encrypted image in Fig. 4 Histogram results, (a) Histogram of Plain Image,
horizontal vertical and diagonal direction. Histogram of Encrypted image
The simulation results are shown in this section. Three
examples of images like two medical images and one

Horizo- Verti- Diago- Horizo- Vertic- Diagon-
Image ntal cal nal ntal al al
Plane Plane Plane Cipher Cipher Cipher
brain 0.7834 0.8532 0.8442 -0.0067 -0.0045 -0.0052
Womb 0.9228 0.9372 0.9434 0.00065 -0.02308 0.01772
Lena 0.9722 0.9892 0.9578 -0.0087 -0.0273 -0.0049




brain 1.8786x 5.392372 30.328907 99.477005 7.907750
Womb 1.139x 7.577339 22.742875 99.597931 7.99925

Lena 0.9089x 8.338365 20.426840 99.619293 7.999275

Fig. 5 Correlation results, (a), (e) Correlation of Plain Image in V. CONCLUSION

Horizontal, Vertical and Diagonal Directions, (b), (d) and (f)
Correlation of Encrypted Image in Horizontal, Vertical and Diagonal Among other different variety of image compression
procedures it can be completed that chaotic picture
For a Lena image its selective as well as complete compression method is one of the finest and provide us
encryption results are shown in Fig. 6. excellent mixture of speed, calculation power and
elevated height of safety. As of analysis, innovative
system for image encryption is introduced to encrypt
imagery by transformation and replacement process by
using chaotic map and LCG. in the anticipated system
chaotic map is worn to provide more encryption charge
and high level of safety, since chaos chart have pseudo-
random assets and non-periodicity as the chaotic sign are
typically noise-like and estimate some limit value as
(a) (b) (c) result. More security is provided in medical field, since
confusion uses logistic map and diffusion uses Lorenz
Fig.6 Encryption results for Lena a) Input Medical Image, b) Selecting
the region of interest, c) Complete Encryption. map.
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