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Engineering Mechanics
Chapter 07: Torsion
• In previous chapters, we calculate the deformations and
stresses that are caused by the loading.
• In this chapter, we investigate shafts that are twisted by
external torques. The basic equations of torsion will be
introduced. For simplicity, we will consider:

Circular shafts
a) Concentrate torque
b) Distributed torque
• Now we want to analyze the case of an external
moment which acts to twist a member about the
longitudinal axis. This type of loading is associated
with a torque acting on the cross section of the
member. Axis

Circular Shaft
• Consider a straight circular shaft with a constant
radius R. The shaft is clamped at one end and
subjected to an external torque Mx (acting about the
longitudinal axis) at its free end.
• The cross sections remain unchanged during
torsion, i.e. all the points of a cross section undergo
the same twist. Points on a straight line within the
cross section before twisting remain on a straight line
after the deformation: radial lines of a cross section
remain straight.
• Plane cross sections remain plane, i.e. they do not
warp. Therefore, we do not observe any deformation
perpendicular to the cross sections.
Circular Shaft
• There is a relative rotation
of two adjacent cross
sections (distance dx) by
an infinitesimal angle of
twist dϑ.
• The angle of twist is +ve
(right-hand rule/ corkscrew
• For small deformations,
the strain  is given by
• A linear distribution of the shear strain 
corresponds to a linear distribution of the
shear stress  along any radial line of the
cross section.
• At the boundary of the cross section the
radial components of the shear stresses
vanish since there are no applied forces at
the boundary.
• Therefore, the shear stresses  are tangential to the
outer surface and also perpendicular to any radial
line on the cross section.

The shear stresses

acting on an element
isolated from the
Circular Shaft
• Using Hooke’s law  = G yields,

• Hence, the shear stress  varies linearly from zero at

r = 0 to a maximum value at the outer surface
r = R of a circular shaft.
• The torque MT is statically equivalent to the moment
resulting from the shear stresses.
Circular Shaft
• In general,

Where IT is called torsion constant.

➢ In the case of a circular shaft, IT = Ip. in the case of
a non-circular cross section, IT  Ip.
➢ The quantity GIT is known as torsional rigidity.
• In each arbitrary section perpendicular to the x-axis
the stress resultant is a torque MT , which is constant
over the length l of the member and equal to the
external moment:
Torsion formula
• The total angle of twist ϑ1 at the free end is given by

• The distribution of the shear stress across the section

(torsion formula) is

• The maximum value appears at the outer boundary,

i.e. at r = R:
Section modulus of torsion
• In general, we can define a section modulus of
torsion WT as follows:

• For the circular shaft WT = IT /R, hence

• The above torsion formula can also be applied to

hollow circular cross sections with

where Ra & Ri denote the outer & inner radius respectively.

Distributed torque
• If a distributed torque per unit length mT (x) acts along
the longitudinal axis of a rod.
Distributed torque
• Consider the moment equilibrium condition at an
infinitesimal rod element.

Distributed torque
• Hence, for mT = 0, we get MT = const.

Called “Second-order differential equation for the angle of twist”

• By integrations and applying boundary conditions, we
can determine the twist ϑ distribution. Some boundary
conditions are listed below:
a) ϑ vanishes at a clamped boundary
b) If the free end of a shaft is subjected to an applied
torque Mx we have MT = Mx.
Example #1
• A homogeneous shaft with a circular cross section
(diameter d) is clamped at point A and subjected to
two external torques M0 and M1 at points B and C.

a) The M0 is given. Determine M1 so that the angle of twist

is zero at the free end C.
b) Calculate the maximum shear stress and its location in
this case.
Example #1
• Solution:
➢ The region AB is subjected to the torque M0 +M1,
whereas the region BC is subjected to M1.
➢ The angle of twist ϑc at the free end follows from
the superposition of the angles of twist of both
parts of the shaft.
Example #1
➢ This angle ϑc is zero for
Example #1
➢ The maximum shear stress occurs in the cross
sections where the maximum torque appears.
➢ According to the bending moment diagram, the
shaft is subjected to the maximum stressing in the
region BC:

➢ Hence, we find the maximum stress as

Example #1
➢ With the section modulus of torsion

for a circular shaft and R = d/2 we obtain

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