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WW. FEWILY.COM NW HEMMILY/. COMM ole Mark Twain EIN VA YAHEEN AWAY Se ak leet elt ag Se (V4N 9 2 SAY) yaa? of bay flay WV (le Ge a Myiey cana Cys OF tee KS YB tod GrlSe olpliad 5 OAV) Game py? (NA) iy sO HAD Sy Aly WANT ple iad cag tle aw 25 cog. cAstast WY IW pt Ol IAN BAS NB gl es el ey ay tl Gl) ay ecipry aayles elell aa) Sey chs dy OD ELEY a gat ALS Oly eet Coed LE lied gw gage sb ay, MD paella obs 5 9PULW Alun Mga tin ae v % ISBN 9953-75-066-1 = wy SBLinie gist a ayia eee Sellaloag sli — oreerrteetie rates = epowredetuhicon Bastiat Chapter 1 TOM SAWYER, THE NAUGHTY No answer. The old lady called again, butt bie answer, too, cohere's ta age in wondered. «if T ever catch him, TWtyyeBut the ‘cat running from under the bed stof ad have never seen anyone like that tes 1c added. There was a faint sound behind, «@. ‘turing round, she caught the small boy by back of his shirt. ‘1 ought to have remembered that cupboard! What were you doing near it?» she cried «Nothing! nothing at all, Auntic.» Nothing! look at your hands, and look at your mouth. Wath is that red struff» al don't know, Auntie.» «Well, I know. It's jam, I've told you forty times, if you steal that jam Ill take your skin off Pass me that little stick!» i 7 ON! all SLE al p pe pgb Weak Ips swig wee Os opt gSls HSL Spall Ll) cay Sol of Gp all ws gale sehlay Lal errr peat ne sas Joel J go east gb abe pil ens Mfp5 28 ey le Be pe 8, ot oO aed AB op hall all gle ; Opa ar sah dt ge wr ee, aS Ja _ te dale Stes ve BU) deb Aa ly wth, J) al He ve Lp (ae Ls Sp gel eB a gp Wl Syl ul kee Ladi i led tte Ww Spl yl C5 jetll She took the stick and raised it. It was in the air ready to bring down punishment when Tom shouted, «Oh! look behind, Auntie!» The old lady turned quickly, gathering ber long skirt out of danger. Meanwhile, Tom vanished. He ran out quickly, climbed up the garden fence, and disappeared over it on the other side, Aunt polly stood there astonished, then she understood his trick and laughed. «That boy! He's too clever for me! Can't I ever earn? He's always playing tricks on me, and every time the trick is different! I ought to be ready and more carefull. Anyway, I hate beating him, my poor dead sister's boy! At the same time, if I didn't beat him, he wouldn't grow up to be a good man, He's very naughty and hates school. He may not go to school today; if he doesn't, I have to punish him severely. I'll punish him by making him work hard tomorrow. I've got to punish him in one way or another, although this breaks my heart», Tom did miss school that day. Moreover, be enjoyed his afternoon so much that he came home late. In the garden, he saw Jim. the servant, cutting wood, so he offered to help him. Jim, ofcourse, did most of the work. Tom liked to work with him in order to tell him about his adventures. Soon the wood for fire was ready. Lee liad Bical oly B esiyy ball elem Be elisa Gre Uae SBE Lal ay dep pall Bt eal iy gel pb OS 5M a By De Jue SAM tpl de dots siete ay Gy ee tae ag pt ep at BLee lp UL cy Smty whe YW Uzi) tyUEadl, als aya af fall lle on cage as NN as pk of FL hal od oe pie pst tee OST OF pe NB Uae poke Ck CNS Sat pel od eed ah idle gl SE oS bate Le Sey tet ot wl ot oD Oy tpg Repel I ade Yb teal) Sey Se ates ails tae tle Gy! hal oak aS Ol gos nse sl Bake Gel ot omy tue pA ead STS sgl a Septal al pak ak othy lee hy se gp Ape UI LY ae gS (a) call ade chet gh path gor sas aay Ot ph ol By alae lines bab gee old Tpte chat 06 Lcleay alin oo ara of Tom had 2 younger brother called Sidney. But Sid was 2 quiet good boy who wasn't interested in adventures. He had already finished his duties 80 they sat down to have supper together. Tom used to steal sugar whenever he could, and his aunt did not always notice. she started asking ‘him many questions which she thought were very clever, but Tom understood her plans quite, well 4d expect it was hot in school. wasn't it?» Yes, Auntie.» «Didn't you ike to have a swim Tom?» She knows something; Tom thought, He studied her face, but it told him nothing. So he suid, «No, Auntie = well, not very much,» The old lady often sewed the collar of his shirt together so that he wouldn't be able to open it and take his shirt off to swim.-She felt his shirt, but it, was dry and the collar was still sewed together. Her face showed a smile, and she said, sl thought you went for a swim, but you're & ‘good boy and I forgive you.» All of a sudden, Sidney cried, «you sewed his collar with white cotton. Auntie, but the cotton is black now. 1ook at it!» ‘Tom ran out through the door as he cried, «f'll fight you for that, Sid!» Tom was really very angry with sid, He sat " Ge bs Se ote ek Al el poll a 1D cates Cpl ab oS lta gage Sule ae SIN See pyb OE -aLad Opts! ter bebe als oes “as ot a 8 ye Wpile pgh gk GS) thie 253 Lew es HHS pl Lepdall J Las als ll at gb gle ble Mpa stl oss ot De yy He SY ee ah ae Me dG Dot le a ol WSs ler thes yd tee YS Uae ne Th beg Gna Be cay ea ey Rol ae i A nels Lat rs Al He 93 i AS) La ei as oul Uy yikes eh oe coterie egal gh ceily chy aa age Gee thy Ny gaat Tat al hil Sy epee Maye Lngpes Ol ob phiert op lie Loe ob ole sal Tete rl oy 0 outside ‘and wondered, «Sometimes she uses white cotton, and sometimes she uses black. How can I remember that everytime?» As he sat gloomily thinking about his troubles, he saw a strange boy. He got interested and forgot about his problems. The boy was bigger than Tom. His clothes were neat, and he had shoes on his feet! Tom himself only wore shoes fon Sunday, and it was not Sunday. Tom liked neither the boy nor his fine clothes, so he decided to launch an attack on him, «I can knock you down,» he said. «Really? Try it,» said the strange boy. «lean do it» 4X0, you cane «yes, Tan» «You can't» phe os Ley aly ops ge Sh ell OS SLE iy ee elles eee Sp gh LB gb Ulnar ales at alt hae sel pe coal alld US Gy WET YY sale hace 5 5 RLS OLY geal sabe J ot hes gus eed Uo apg dey lanl ay wal oh she] chal ol ghewth ly Lab st pte al Nga ae Ga gel tals ges eT EIB aad Geb Jad Y tad Ute ? I'm going to throw a rock at your head.» Tom said. ‘Oh, no, you will do nothing at all. You just talk. You'te afraid to'do anything.» s'm not afraid!» yes, you are!» The two boys looked angrily at each other, thea they moved closer and closer. Tom Go away from here! If you don't, I'l fight ‘The boy stood still in his place. Then they both began pushing hard for some time, andgthen they stopped to rest. Tom drew a line in with his foot. He said, «Don't ever try over that. If you do, I‘! hit you.» As soon as Tom finished his word, the boy immediately stepped over the line. And ina moment the two boy were fighting fiercely. They rolled over the ground and blood spurted from the two boys! noses. They were soon very dirty, their hair ruffled, and their clothes became in a terrible condition. The quarrel ended up with Tom sitting on the other boy. «Have you had enough?» he asked triumphantly; the boy tried to free himself, but Tom hit him again. At last the boy. yelled, «Enough!» and Tom let him get up. He walked away, brushing the dust off his clothes. He 15 ty WRAL le Tae uly ty bu Aeib ASS cot aIbY Ub Le Ja VY ~ eWIS cal shh te SN silyl Lipee OLUN sHtlpd Vy Nn yo ait tpg dB SA ty aed Lagi lly thay gb Re all iy aa lal Be by lg A Syd WS Chad 0) olde Gs ghee OF TT abo ve tela %G,,. Y aly ot eal WE te Lyle) Lo sgl) Ene oly a aps pb Sy ot AA alte as Coe te outsell eal da IRS (oh Sy tea UL a ay ig oe q der eal) eas was gong Mie 2 goalless « pee Lndy ODE OLIN OIF dil ay 1 stopped and looked back angrily at Tom, but ‘Tom laughed. The strange boy grew mad agai He took @ stone and threw it at Tom, so Tom ran after him. The boy was quick and ran home, and ‘Tom saw his house, He decided to wait for him, Unluckily. the strange boy's mother stepped out and said that Tom was a bad boy. Thus he retreated slowly. When he reached home, his aunt Potly was ready for him. she looked at his dirty clothes and was extremely angry. She said strictly, «you will bbe punished for that! TM make you work hard tornorcow'!> 7 ay agi pesca toa pala i geal al AL bes nee geal OS silas cs ugar Wig eee li ely llth La ee pb chy oe FD cage aly gab] lly Sal el Hay oe i LM, yy DEN CaS Wp] se ce Sd aha by er Fsbo Beaynd fl fab Ue ant alae Nels fel ge 16 Chapter 2 TOM AND THE FENCE Saturday morning was fresh, and the world was full of happy life. The flowers and trees were very beautiful that morning. Tom wanted to g0 to Cardiff Hill, beyond the village: but he came out of the house sadly. He had a brush in one hend and a bucket in the other. The bucket contained a Jot of whitewash and Tom had to use it on the fence. He looked sadly at the fence. It was thirty yards long and nine feet high. Life ‘was very sad for Tor. He put the brush into the whitewash and moved it across the wood. It made # white mark, ‘but it was 8 very small mark. Then he looked up and saw Jim carrying a bucket. He was going to get the day's water at the pump. Tom remembered that there were other boys at the pump. Jim could talk to them, But there were no other boys at the fence, “Jim Tom called. «I'l get the water if you help me with this paints. 19 Poe] Leds eg ee AS plied ots, Lee Cat py che Os weld ls fae thar Lets agailh CAS tle Sly shail Gls Gps tb 3) ball pb abl al SPM poy ep pew oS Ep ely oF de ON pale le OSs atl oh le gine sll vis pe gE Sy 0} ay Opp ee OI aay 4 gol Fh Lae Ls All cals pl ag ality EB le ayy ue ibd pH ay Lette vipche De CHS UGS) coliy OMe le aad Tals O15) ls Jame per IS per hy GMI GI Ne ggg oll led Ky raed! ce Lyts gst BY,I al py Sis cape ee SVE le 3S ol CSIs opt SE Dl poe PB Pule Of ALN a lee Hpcet ph ally er) 18 Jim said no, «The old lady didn't say 1 must paint the fence,» he replied. «She said I must get the water.» «Oh, she always talks like that» Tom cried. “Give me that bucket. Let me bring the water. 11 give you a marble, Jim» «A marble!» Jim said. He was less certain now because he liked marbles. «But I'm afraid of the ol Lady.» he said, Tom beld out the marble in his hand, and Jim looked at it greedily, Jim put his bucket down and took the marble, He did mot notice Aunt Polly behind him. She was holding a shoe and she hit him with it. Jn another moment he wes running along the strect, Tom was painting hard. Aunt Polly waved the shoe above her head and then went back into the house, ‘Tom soon stopped painting. Me pot the: brush own and took out all the things in his pockets. He had some old marbles and bits of string. He had pieces of toys and many other things, He looked at them rather sadly. «No one wants these,» be thought. «No one will whitewash the fence if I give him a marble. No one will work for a bit of string.» But then he had @ new idea and picked up his brush again, Soon Ben Rogers appeared, 21 af sya tie) as lh SHE oul COTY Ge SB tA le le Of I yy lath ge eS pha Ue hss Lats Ug lh a ge eee Eis tel LN tel ges. Jt Ay US aa Tae yo als ln spe Oe Hippel Bll oe ALE pSIy IB YES cy Tig cee led) My coy 2 ASI pb Jom gee UA Mie ol ey USI ely LI ee op apdy He ad CAS volyy th OS) aL we ga OE 6 AM ial Meal Gob Aa oe UE cod Ad Kagem a eal Jeske Le BEAN ety HM oF py Git Ul Bs BD vin eal OS ae gb A ALAS IS zs SAMY ge glad Lal ane ot ligt ge chy daa Hee eI ee 8 Us Sn Ul sl Le el jaw ly dis testo) yt ate el Yy ads ie ce Bs is Pe AB GLE Mtl, tyte te any tee ay Jes oe oth Jedl 20 He was cating an apple and he was quite happy. He was pretending to be a great ship. He moved strangely along the road. He turned from side to side. In a loud voice be gave orders which the ship obeyed, Tom did not waich this strange ship. He just whitewashed the fence and said nothing. But Ben noticed Tom. Tom!» he cried. «What are you doing? You're in trouble, my boy! You're working!» ‘Tom painted another part of the fence and said nothing: Then he stood back like an artist and looked a the white paint. «Tom!» Ben cried again, «Why are you working? «Oh, you.» l'm going for a swim» Ben said: «But you don't want to come, do you? You want to work! It’s much nicer!» Ben laughed loudly, 's you, Ben,» Tom said. «f didn't notice ‘Tom looked at the boy quietly, and then said, ‘What is work? What do you call work?» sdsn't that work?» Ben asked, «Perhaps», Tom replied, He started painting again. alt suits me,» he said. 23 lags ei ch pile ats Ly ete sl obs Si te oe oe US Gull Ub ALA de OF Was aS AI pL Shay OF Ue rye ois el or aa Sl tte JB taal AN ole le tly op BY o Sy eda claw oh I ginke ly thy Bd Tas BL tegh grey hs ae tah oe LANNE ot Aad WU Heh AE ye Ge pb ub tls att al agg cid ot A gh Ey LL alse Uy tiny (126; pail of Ia ob ag Sais BLL Nee gh 0 este Geol eh Se oye 1SLe os Lh gy edb ERLE AIG Ley cnet ppb Sibel gets 22 Ben cried. He was. astonished. you like it? Le oul) biyey 2) bys ols AF al SNS Gt ey uta A gm OS Ss Ny ae oe atl dae aid ol lle 5b Tye Sel ak thy GT AG ge ge tl OST Lae ol, plied ts ay ely Lasts ea Gad Dime SLs HAL Gd MGs ESS Ulel pha dyes Opal pi ot ny Sy LN Mel YS Letegall seas UT ; arth ak Eas tile oben Te Gel, FA ps gab Ass Be bate (Sly gh Bad yy A a OS Sill ede a8 US a GaN GA pl yee cally SN ge HS JBL Uae tp A eet pl al ph UC ce ay AN NG ott aT pe wt fool Me ah I peat ley ae ols 4Y 5 Us ae Gil 30 bowl off the table. It fell on the floor and broke. Tom was very plad that this had happened, «When Auntie comes back» he thought, «she'll be angry with Sid!» He waited happily for her retur When she came in, she noticed the bow! immediately. Her angry face pleased Tom greatly and he smiled secretly. But sugdenly she knocked hhim down on the floor. «Why are you hitting me?» Tom cried, «Sid broke the bow. I didn't break it.» The old woman said nothing, but she was suddenly sorry ubout Tom. She wanted to speak Kindly, but it was very difficult, She said, «tl ‘ought to whip you more often, You're a bad boy.» She said no more, but worked in silence. ‘Tomunderstood her.He stayed quietly in a corner and was very sorry for himself. He tried to imagine that he was dying. «lf I died» he thought, «Auntie would be sorry for me» He imagined that she was bending over him. She was crying, She said that he must forgive her. But he turned his face to the wall and then he died. How did she feel after that? He felt very sad and began erying quietly, Suddenly his cousin Mary ran in and danced happily across the room. Tom could not bear het bright eyes and the went out of the house. He , 33 WW Tine poh Ry GAM Ge yA Le apd bet sa WU ase fale Wages aly ta dal ad doll J veg) Sie obs Lae eagles Sy ep ta ook Hl beers ed PU Mag te yeep BLY ie Ene Tapsl el oe Bape cals Ups st Spell all yo ol OS UB YS) th a ple ol ys cals gh My ed Las ysl of cope a wl Le toh eis cee che ey ye de Of ed YS Ta od se al yb 9 HB YS tel oe ae ibe O,Sab Le BOI JL ol oy ee Yl by Ss Fe ls Olly ol Sab ay te GS ty re BAN ee Cd Cut Qu cays eles as set Nes ‘ eA lee eal ams walked to the river and sat down by it. He got hhis flower out and looked at it sadly. «ls that gis] ‘ruel too?» he wondered. Tor Se + «You can come if you're not afraid.» «Of course I'm not afraid,» Tom said, WhenTom reached the little school, he walked in quickly. The master awoke when he heard Tom, Thomas Sawyer!» Mr. Dobbins called. «Sir? «Come up here. Why are you late again?» Wis aplace in America, eats Sy dps, By OAS a oo pth Gb om OS Hy SF SB pg ag Hl of atl a te Det of aw Lake he oh tse Be ta gong Uw Bre te By et ete tee HN Samal Gole cat? == SLB ALN, dU Sm yerratls ehiDla sya gf al peat opb JE %, sarang + tae ot ch 44 Tom almost told a lie. But he saw some beautiful yellow hair hanging down a girl's back He also noticed an cmpty place near the girl, It was the only empty place on the girls! side af the room. So Tom replied to the master’s question bravely. af stopped to talk to Huckleberry Finn!» Mr, Dobbins was 0 astonished that his heart almost stopped. He gave Tom a very strange look, The other boys thought that Tom had lost his senses Mr. Dobbins spoke again. «Did I hear you correctly, Thomas Sawyer? Repeat that.» 1 stopped to talk to Huckleberry Finn,» Tom Said again, He said it quite clearly. «Take off your coatl» the master said. He found his stick, and his arm moved up and down, He whipped Tom hard. Tom bore it in silence. He did not groan once. When his arm was tired, the master said cruelly, A laugh went sound the room, and’ Tom walked sadly to the girls! side. But he was not sad. He wanted to sit sar that wonderful girl. When he sat down, the girl moved away. Tom could hear whispers from the others in the class. But he sat and waited. Soon everything was quiet again. ar SW) tt ae yy STS fe lus wlohe a dont Se in kk Tones pL Ue ale cab el Wo Mgd glsta lS cits ah ig BS ge pa tell cee Oe age aga Moby tad a pk dee et 4 an BES eel tee) OR (Pe BAS Se OT Bogle I sey OS Lap oS gt Aly OD ag erent ea eon a Bis os cy wha Bae on Oh et ae Feet eed fot 46 Tom looked secretly at the girl. and she noticed him. She turned her head away for a minute. But when she turned it back again, an apple was standing on the desk. she pushed it away, but Tom gently put it back. She pushed it away again, but less angrily. Tom placed the apple before her again, and she let it remain there. Tom began drawing a house, but the girl looked away. He drew some more, and she tried to see the picture. «Let me ‘see it.» she whispered. He Iet her see it. «ft's nice» she said. «Draw a man,» ‘The artist drew 2 very big man in the garden of the house. ‘its a beautiful man,» she whispered. «Now draw me» ‘He drew a fat girl with very thin arms. «That's hice,» she said, «I can't draw.» «Ill teach you.» Tom whispered. «Ob, will you? When?» “After school this morning. Do you go home to dinner?» af'll stay if you stay the girl said «Good! I will. What's your name?» 49 eA) AS coke Vy GLANS} Sat po con SUE ly Ag ail tae Ay TH Tas Weld wig sah os Ss Wl NY A) itil py gt eae BT OSs Ut e Sa Saar tle Wes baat 4 as apy pis HM gy pe ae poh 7 fut a eens ope gs LS ost as beads Wot edge Sade g Lie Sieg dll peasy at peesd OW eae dea OP ae pets lap gales gate Bee 38h ka seu wales Melts dled igh oe hago fe ast eh al) gener Jo oleh Ha ap an sid ea fl cnlon Jo och sn Shes ol ale Wat sek o) Lo sta 6 (fale Joie tt 48 ‘Becky Thatcher. What's yours? Oh, T know. I's Thomas Sawyer.» «That's my aame when they whip me. Call me ‘Tom, I'm Tom when I'm good." He began writing something, and she wanted to see it. alts nothing.» he said Please Ict me see.» «No. You'll tell someone.» 1 won't, Truly T won't tell anyone, Now let me see.» She put her small hand on his, and tried to took. Tom pretended to stop her, but he let his hand move slowly. Then she saw the word: «f love you. «Oh, you bad boy!» sbe said, and hit his hand. ‘But she had 2 happy look on her face, ‘At that moment Tom felt a hand on his ear, the master pulled him up by the ear. He led him to this own place across the room. All the boys and girsl were laughing, bat the master did not sey a word. Tom's ear was hurting, but his heart was Jad. He tried to study his work, but it was very sifficall. 1 hh Spl tel ob a Se a CW gb patel andy Ue ct aie LF a Islnd nt HS, yy hy Oyst Lae nl ol dé 45) geo Soest el Spice 18 8 ON Taal td Lag UST fall th th Pe Bh Iglesia gle tall ey Cady Ny pF ety ety cll osly Uplal a, Ol ppb wtb ts Is ade le pd lal gal Ugh le Te ty ea lal ee il ail lo ay ge ool Sls Rea LEE BAS sland lke a Ley cil oo Bt cts Res fh lal Sy OS IL HSly salen GLa Dake Lays 21S ab OSs cals pe Lin Law ols Chapter 5 BEKY THATCHER AND THE PROMISE After school Tom met Becky Thatcher. «Pretend that you're going home,» he said. «But turn back when you reach the corner, Ill meet you» She agreed and went off with some of the girls. Tom went away with some of the boys, but he and Becky were soon back in the school. No ‘one else was there, and they sat together, Tom gave Becky a pencil and guided her hand. She ‘drew a house, and after that they began talking. «Have you ever promised to marry anyone, Becky?» be asked. «No, never. «Do you want to?» ‘ ‘There was a pause in the conversation, and then Tom touched Huck's arm. “What is it, Tom? Huck asked. Their hearts were beating hard. ‘Didn't you hea it? There itis againt» “Oh, Tom! They're coming! ‘The spirits are coming! What shall we do? «al don't know,» Tom said. «Will they see us’ {Certainly his «Oh, yest They can see at night like eats» « 63 yee NAS Gel Jul Sy aycll ye lye Ugo ol 3 oe We pb Oe Ge a Paik Bek ences ly ods Lat " 5 eas Let sala OE cal Ga oly CW We Sop TH I Gy as othe tt Wirt La SL ages Zyall ne a ips Us 1896 pros ety 01K te SY Gly sae Get Mela he ALLY eye ol oho a Ye tag, Ws hes bess gli lls aebipdyly sus ay bay LAL OS ash | MLE rae JL HOE yo Ge Ha gas le FL ago CLAN Ho pall if Ip be J EEA Moniiy hier gh Sal Ye sesh JG HMMS GANS Sy I Opens teal ald 62 Perhaps they won't notice us if we dont move,» Tom whispered. The boys bent their heads down and were very quict. They heard some voice at the end of the graveyard. said Tom quietly. «What's that?» is! They're carrying fire with them! Oh, Tom, this is terrible.» Some strange shapes moved towards between the graves. They were carrying an lamp. sella he des tL oS is inal Dp gts cil) ye LS Jos J ibs Bes os pe a Uy pe pe sped Ohad Oi ee teal yp oe wo obey valet ee eth gales cyte ay iy Da onyy TSI ety oath Uebel) bels .gualdit wed Bly GLa! pty BL OB ogal ote pe, cel Bln spy UE pt cll yaad 1 5h els La} ste aad iy Lae sol as hy ay Rall pe ae ae cals ky cgbike Gl) yl Le Veda cell AS Gall Gy pl a egal you were dead. You knew that, dida't you? But you did nothing to comfort me. Why didn't you tell me the truth? Why didn't you come back here to tell me?» sh,» Mary said, «Tom never thinks about other people.» «You know that I care for you, Auntie,» Tom said, «1 dreamt about you, Auntie, ‘That's something.» it's better than nothing,» his aunt replied. «What did you dream?» ‘cl dreamt about you on Wednesday night, You were sitting there by the bed, Sid was sitting by the box, and Mary was next to him.» We did sit like that.» his aunt said, «But of course we always do» And 1 dreamt that Joe Harper's mother was here,» Tom added. «Ob, did you% his aunt said.’ at's true! She ‘was here! Did you dream any more?» ‘Oh, yes. but it isn't very clear now.» “fry to remember, Tom!» she said. al think the wind was blowing. It blew the flame of the candle.» «Yes, Yes! Go on, Tom! Go on!» 127 wel et Sp ad ee ail cab a agubr galls OLS po Aisa as air gd ubRy ais Sygate) es pd pd Rael le AY poh ca gol Nt ea a ley a peal I ga pb UG LN al Lin 4 St Goh tae tal Wheake BL Y ge all Lad seal cated Bp MD genes 2S ol NI US oh cole aah adhe I goby Gaal 25 gale WE de gel HS as Lab Sy WS Stab Lede ade LE IS hts, ft ets ile pe aally at cabo ipsh Ut Dp Mee AS A Ie Ma Sle ayyth ree ews Nagpal cae WW testy Glesy gat seh pbb 8s ot yb elt Bad pe ay EAS pel ol ysl Het hast Hpsb ast Wal ale 126 «And you said-What did you say? Let me think. You said that the door was open.» «dl did sey thet,» his aunt cried, «I did say it, didn't I Mary? Go on, Tom! This is wonderfull «And Then - and then I think -» What do you think?» ‘1 think you spoke to Sid. «Please shut the door, Sid,» You said. Yes, did say that! T've never heard anything like this before! I must tell Mrs. Harper about this! Go on, Tom!» «Oh, It's clearer now,» Tom said. «You ssid that I wasa!t really a bad boy.» Yes, Yes! And what then?» «Then you began to ery. Then Mrs, Harper hhegan to ery. She said that Joe was just the same, She said that she whipped him. But she also said that she was wrong. And Sid suid-» ‘a1 don't think I said anything.» Sid said boldly, «Oh, yes, you did, Sid» Mary declared. Es do} Ob anit apab J oY ol ly AS ay Just Un bol) Mola 56 jig Sle oT tow geal ipyh Ob sigh Ste ge Cadac JON. yy Ste Lato tel aged daly Gal of apt tat cs tay olis tad Le Stet GL pal ge WT ga il igh UL hee bs AE eel iy Ee a pS Lab yo By US gta ge Dol gee OF lll goed VS Goa be pel ASD gel ga aes} gh VIP gE de Oped d Wad Oly pyb weld Glee VP Ling pL Lely sll iad Legale SY gy 160 time, but found no comfort, They went 10 the prison, and talked to Muff. They could do this through the window. He liked the two boys and thanked them, «You've been good friends to me,» he said. «You've been a great comfort in my trouble. ‘Tom. went sadly Home. His dreams that night were full of terrible things. On the next day he went to the court. He waited near it. Potters triat had begun and was going on inside, Tom was also near the court on the next day. Huck was there f00, but the two boys did not meet. When one of them saw the other, he avoided him. At the end of the second day, all the people believed Red Joe, He always said the same thing. His words never changed. He said that Potter had murdered the doctor. ‘Tom reached home that night very late. The evening's events had excited him and he did not sleep for some hours. On the next day the court was completely full, It was the day of important events. When they led Muff Potter into the court, his face was white, There was no sign of hope on it. Red Joe was there as before 1 saw Potter washing his hands,» One man said, bie was washing in the stream. This was fon the day of the murder, When he had finished, he went away secretly.» = 163 Daley WE cde J) tansy gel J) Lad ie J 0B La Sty gh ol sid BLN) go ls Pod ted Sb les ad OY Geb gis Les ates HLAVY Sle Late ats Up ojee gh abe Ma BLE) 45 Pes gy al PN pall Bo EU Bly ab iy Listes cals Sy Lal dua olsy Cost o,5 Lal gps ols AALS PM pled sly Lass LE Gemal ae 82 ihm can OIE A Nl ell UNG OIE LIS pi ob aes etl a Leah ols ooh J iy le ad Tete dee gy) UN a ph Joos fhe At pal hed ly Tee oka cate Se pal a OS teas LK CaS el py Bagel cay pl Ladd ges SIS eS no ry (piel Latey GMS Bem yoy OAS el gh Mr os PAH OS see Jose ag ea a pel HS et Ley eel pe ed US BLS pp Hay 162 Another man explained about Potter's knife. It had been near the body in the graveyard. No one spoke for Muff Potter. Everything was against him. the case seemed clear. But suddenly a voice ‘tied, wCall Thomas Sawyer!» Everyone in the court was very astonished. Even Potter himself was astonished. Nobody had expected to sce Tom Sawyer there. «What docs he know about it?» People were asking. Tom stood in his place and cenone igs him. He heard # voice which was asking % question, He tried to think clearly. «Thomas Sawyer, where were yor night of June the seventeenth?» q Tom saw Red Joe's face in the court not speak. Everyone in court waited ey €) 1 no. words came from Tom's mouth. suddenly, he felt able to reply, ‘I was in the graveyard,» be said quietly. Louder, please! Don't be afraid, boy!» «<1 was in the graveyard,» Tom repeated, ‘A smile passed across Red Joe's face. «Were you near Horse «Yes, sirn Tom said. «How near were you, Tom Sawyer?» jams's grave?» PP OB SiS Fy OS oe AT fey Suny ed ot JS OS. ig Rela del lS) ht pial Nypitelt eye tye thes 45y analy Laill oy tga pab OS i yyy GRE Sb ye Cae ts Hy OL Be oe ob 33, ol Gia I Lea Sal ge Gay LI Bose gees sah Dari eam Lt) ule pg city Cree 2S Uae Vp dL Wola ge Ae LIL aly os el Bets AS ples ly poy ay pb cL, ha hehe Ofte rie BS gl eae Bly ven a MeN gto Wall ai ey vas ote rete taee hal Nal BEY WIL lel pat pd gp OSH eh Sy vrs ees eh gly ple oe bs SS Nghe be? iggh fae pb hs os 164 «As near as Tam to you now,» Tom declared, Were you hiding or not?» ‘«l was hiding,» Tom said. Where?» «Behind the tees near the grave Tom said. He was speakig clearly now. Red Joe was looking astonished and anxious. The questions continved. “eWell, sir, I went with...» «Wait moment! Don't give your friend’s name. What did you see in the graveyard? Just tell. us that.» ‘Tom began slowly, but soon he was speaking more quickly. There was no other sound in the court and Tom (old his story well, He reached the end of it. «The docior hit Potter with the board» he said. «Potter fell on the ground, and Red Joe jumped up with the knife. Then Red Joe pushed the kaife.. But Red Joe did not wait to hear the end. He jumped up from his seat in the court. He ran towards an open window. He knocked everybody ‘out of his way and jumped through the window. He had gone! ‘Tom was now an inportant man again. Everybody was talking about him. His days were wonderful, but his nights were terrible. He could not forget Red Joe, The man was free! Perhaps. 167 BS UL US pg UE WY pec eos ar 280 pg lit Segd AS OS) il a LY Gil re JU ALM cosy Lay Liyate yeay ly OW ly Sigal Gp Ue sel dey bt tog cab ail ig fe pel Ulery Hye walls ass Al tp ple Se oly se gh Uy hey Thr ead pb oss USmall GB Spe Dee YS Fa a eal Ag hast Uy Rte IL Be SN Se ges) 8s eM $ragalg I) fle PRS eB He od te gle oy Sy fey oS pt dee ai ps pl) ES Nea FOF GUL a iy adh Byles cant OS IE Ly Sey OW phe Qoal wt pd an OE IY OSI) at) OU ae ce OT hey ph ES Oy IT fh or ges 166 he was just waiting for Tom. He could Kill Tom ‘on any night in the dark, Tom never wanted te 0 out at night. Huck was afraid too, Huck was sorry about ‘Tom's part in the case. Tom had promised to say nothing. Then he had gone into court and told everything! «Perhaps he has told someone about me too! Huck thougth anxiously. «How dol know?» said, «We'll do tabat.» Muff Potter thanked Tom for his help. Muff was a free man now, but no one could find Red Joe, The sheriff was always looking for him, but no one ever saw him, Where was he? The days passed in doubt, but Red Joe did not come back. Tom began to lose his fears, and the anxious Took left his face. 169 WI AA pb og gl polit YU ly pb Je sll Ph BY & Tab os Lal BE ab ols Eb dst ob Al gh il a) ail Ba by Vogt JS Diy Small ad gt SGA Gs Hal ge Kael Tl OW lb fy geod stele Ge Jy, UL SE Ce tl AT age 95a OL aed lene ol gly AM S73 WWI ol Tal el ap gl Aly Lab oo eS sb Usage (jar syigAyi ced igs oer ge UNG BN) easy ay 168 Chapter 19 A TREASURE INTHE HAUNTED HOUSE Finding treasure in the ground is the dream of every boy. It was one of Tom's dreams too. One day be told Huck that he wanted to dig for treasure. Huck agreed. «It's a good idea,» he said. «Where shall we dig?» Oh, we can dig almost anywhere,» Tom said. «Do people hide treasure anywhere?» No, They hide it in special places. Pirates hhide their weasure on islands. Some men hide it jn old boxes in the ground. Others hide it under special trees. They waich the shadow of the tee. In the middle of the might the shadow covers one special place. That's the place for the treasure But some people hide their gold in old houses. There are lots of spirits in some old houses. Those are good houses for treasure. «Who hides gold like that?» Huck asked. «Thieves and pirates. They hide it. Then they think they'll come back for it. But they go to prison, of they die; So they don't come back,-and- m te ell ail! Oma CoN BS AS Dall eae ple AM 5 55 ley aD 8 yl py ely Lal pb pet as es ES NGI Uy tle Sily SI ye Ln, oy od yy fine al Ww ot& glo alt gheo spb uli OM GES ALAS lll ee ORR ell te ostl BW ag OS wee 3 ded sae all be iss sae tet) cos Wty gael aS TS ON Joy uN ae JS Ssiles Gs AN ge 58s 2S LS ye Cie Le Ogee gan, gp LAT tae sen tah Ute egad SU Late Jill yo ey taal WBS GSU ote get tle dley cel Bee ge isthe ge Eolas oples SO gipae IN acd! I Osetly ely lel ge Sse yee 170 the treasure slays there. Clever fellows can Find i if they look properly.» «How do you find the right place? Huck said. he did aot feel sure about this. «We can look in all the place,» Tom said. «We can look in old houses and under big trees.» «Oh, Tom, we shall be looking all the summer!» ‘We can try that old dead tree om the hill First, Shall we go there?» Yes,» Huck said., tle ory eel Pw fos gle Y phy a ge cans Ere BN) gers Sal alas yd ll Hee Lae pdt) Ged Yy tis LY gw! af ey A MAM en Jai gad gg UB I IL pb gu 8s oS Ut wo Hea Ul aepdall Jl aplez ot tees geet AST Aaesall Zoe hall YY etal TU tas Li as of as oil op be ue Hf LY ges Gb lls CLs a) lal, cd Bry AN ele SM oe Mayle Td pil Gt wlll ghee lle MIS Bata ye Jal 0,6 pil PES a a fall BB pat gay all OY LR he gd Sa JL if you leave Mrs, Douglas's house. If we take rough men, What will people think? They'll all say that Sawyer's men are a rough crowd. I can't accept that, Huck, So either you go back home, cr you stay out of our band. A very sad look crossed Huck’s face. «You've always been my friend, Tom, You don't want to shut me out, do you?» 1 don't want to do that, Huck, bur 1 you the facts.» dy Huck was silent for a long time, Then he sai fe But you'll let me join. Tom?» {Il go back for a month. After that os «Yes, | will, Good!» 4] ean go ait of the house sometime.» ‘ke said softy «And the, L can have 9 smoke. TIL be with the other «llows. Trl be better wt, those pirates.» 251 Bld Tbe Ve, Gist of regs HL Up Sey Bye np Sly Ot oie Me LU Gh ays TL] MY ey AS Jal gly chbsill dle J Hs OE AI ll Ls cs adh dy Se ees Glee Ls wag, Wallis aN ge ths ol ae Vs pbb ade, yt tel psy oe tb at Ye te sla et Lb as oe oe Heb play J pee tisy iT Late Hae egal ayes J Uzall op eal ot hele ahh, ge Us SY Uae go o,sley sgotilh get Las, Oo AR AT oe al as

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