CASE: Frito-Lay North America: The Making of A Net-Zero Snack Chip

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CASE: Frito-Lay North America: The Making of a Net-Zero Snack Chip


Frito-Lay has been identified as a global leader in energy saving strategies as one of the
largest companies in the Forbes 500 and has yet continued to pursue energy efficiency steps
well beyond the philosophy or experience of any other business in the same sector or in any
other field. The company has introduces numerous energy conservation measures at different
plants in the portfolio of the company and has now determined that the time is right to take
the initiatives to the next stage and to incorporate all the steps simultaneously resulting in a
net zero facility that will pave way for a new path of growth in the future of the company.
The management company has decided to pilot a net zero project at the Case Grande facility
for a number of reasons, some of which include that the facility allows multiple water and gas
and solar energy consumption techniques to be implemented in one place. Second the facility
is a medium sized manufacturing facility such that the data derived from this facility may
easily be extrapolated to larger facilities. After months of preparation, the team has now come
together to decide whether or not the initiative is feasible and whether to proceed with the
implementation of new technologies and processes specifically designed and tested for
maximum energy consumption.
Combined Heat and Power System Reduces Emissions and Increases Reliability
A system can be devised in order to reduce the energy cost and environmental impact, while
easing congestion on the constrained power grid FritoLay has installed.
The system can be used in a wide range of applications and range of industrial installations.
Industry high and continuous demand for both electrical and thermal energy particularly can
cater to such installations and a system. The systems added power of reliability can help in
avoiding product losses and along with it also prevent the need for food safety re-inspections,
resulting in significant cost savings.
Another alternative could be instead of restructuring the organization, the employees could be
trained to manage the changing working environment.
They can also merge will other firms and through efficient networking can make better
The organization must identify and keep itself updated with new technological innovations.

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