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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in Educational Leadership / M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction
EDUC 5324 Integrating Technology into Education

Name:__________Emilse Rosa____ Date: __________05/27/20___

Cite the reviewed article in APA format:

Waxman, H., Boriack, A., Yuan-Hsuan, L., & MacNeil, A. (2013). Principals'
Perceptions of the Importance of Technology in Schools. Contemporary
Educational Technology, 4(3), 187-196.

Research Questions (if research questions are not specifically mentioned, what is the theoretical background or
overarching theme):
This article covers principals’ perceptions related to technology. This study was made up

of a large sample composed of 310 principals from the United States both male and female with

differing years of experience in the principal role.

Purpose of the research:

This study found that perception can affect the use of technology and how it is

implemented by those in leadership. Integration of technology in the classroom is still not

widely used in schools today and this article shows the differences about the uses of technology

in schools.

What is the methodology for the research or approach used to understand the issue? Provide information
regarding the following:

310 principals
124 males
186 females


Data Collection Methods/Data Source:


Data Analysis:

“The present study indicates that principals’ perceptions of the major functions of

technology in their schools are varied by sex and years of experience.” From this study we

learned that principals view technology as an important tool in schools especially when it comes

to communication and instruction but just a few principals thought that it was used in student

learning which proves that schools need to spend more funds on purchasing technology for

student learning to take place in classrooms.


Findings or Results (or main points of the article):

This article shows the different studies that have been done in the past that revolve

around technology implementation in schools. In this study they used a questionnaire and a

survey but only the answers provided in the interviews were used in the data as a part of data

reduction. The data acquired was compiled into six different categories; communication,

instruction, resource, administrative tasks, student learning, and data sharing and management.

These categories represent the principals’ view on technology implementation. There were three

tables created; one was cumulative and included all 310 participants, the second table was

separated by gender; made up of 126 males and 184 females, the third table was separated by

years of experience as a principal.

Each table provides different results, all 310 participants, and the same six categories.
The first table shows a generalized perception of technology. The second table shows perception

of technology by gender. The third table shows perception of technology by years of experience.

“The present study indicates that principals’ perceptions of the major functions of technology in

their schools are varied by sex and years of experience.” From this study we learned that

principals view technology as an important tool in schools especially when it comes to

communication and instruction but just a few principals thought that it was used in student

learning which proves that schools need to spend more funds on purchasing technology for

student learning to take place in classrooms.


Conclusions/Implications (for your profession):

An administrator needs to provide a variety of professional development opportunities for
teachers and staff. Specifically technology training for principals and school leaders on the
advantages of technology and how to use it in the classroom. Based on this research,
administrators need to implement technology programs that promote student learning.
Administrators need technology in the classrooms because technology facilitates learning by
providing interactive personalized content that monitors student progress which can be used to
assess the students and work on bridging their learning gaps.

Student’s Reflections (changes to your understanding; implications for your school/work):

As a teacher and department chair I feel like technology is a good resource that we do not have

access to in our classrooms. I think schools should make sure that no matter your content area

you have access to technology in order to promote student learning. Most of our textbooks

nowadays have a companion site with student activities but oftentimes due to budget cuts the

elective classes do not get chromebooks for students to work on their stuff in class. I think that

every class should have access to technology so that learning can happen and be relevant to our

students. Technology provides assistance to students like sounding out words and providing

definitions of unknown vocabulary which helps in the acquisition of a new language.

Unfortunately technology access to electives is limited and it creates challenges for the teacher
even if the teacher wants to implement technology they have to think creatively to make it

happen or take away the technological aspect of a lesson. I think that administrators need to

make sure that technology is accessible to every content.

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