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Just Imagine Ladies and Gentlemen,

What if a cashier in the supermarket replaced by autonomous machine, what if

hospitals and restaurants run by robots, what’s if organ donations are no longer
Good morning Judges, Audiences and all the committee members, I am……. from SHS
Global Madani. Today I want to deliver a speech under the title “INDUSTRY 4.0 LIFE’S

Well my dear listener, are you excited or are you worried because the next 20 years will
bring more change than the previous 300 years. Technology is rebooting the very idea of
work, how we work, when we work, where we work and sooner or later why we were. Do
you know that computer nowadays are very smart, the same as human, they listening,
they’re reading, they’re speaking, they’re learning and they may even be speaking. Let
me tell you the good news first. The circle is complete all the elements that every one of
us in autonomous and free are available which spent no cost over the next years. We will
see a significant shift in power away from institutions and organizations that have
somewhat controlled our lives. Every one of us in this room will be a participant in a new
industry 4.0 that centered on us. The Power is changing from them to you, to us. And
the bad news is.. well I hate to say this but we are nowhere near to comprehend the
power, the digital technologies are putting in our hands we are using it for cat pictures.
We're nowhere near to comprehend the implication of technologies in our lives, we’re
letting ourselves being led and manipulated and do you know what's worse the worse is
we're nowhere near to understand the responsibility the digital technologies put on our
shoulders. Are you ready to face the disruptive changing of our life? Are you ready to be
your own boss and to manage your own self and what will it look like when it started?

My dear listeners, I want to be succeed, my parents wants me to be succeed, and

everybody wants to build their own business. However, we do believe that in the next ten
or 15 years the world will be changing, and anyone who cares about future needs to list
some competences which most valued in today's complex globalized and rapidly
changing world. Some of them are the traditional hard skills such as reading, writing
and arithmetic that called as IQ; the other skills are social and creative skills like
creativity, curiosity communication collaboration and critical thinking along with great
leadership. Moreover, there are more skills we need to have in facing this disruptive era.
I called it Me and We skills. Peter Ducker has predicted that the 20th century was the
era of business management, and the revolution industry 4.0 to be the era of self-
management. The self-management will allow you to have more self-awareness, self-
control or impulse control along with focus and allow you to control our own thoughts,
feeling and action. Let me tell you one story, at school we are not allowed to use
smartphone during the learning process, except when the teacher asks us to bring and
of course with permission. Sometimes it makes me upset, since we are millennials, our
life cannot be separate from it. However, t’s not because the school ban it from the whole
of our life, they just limit the use of smart phone to learn us how to control our desire, to
be more focus and teach us about self-management. So, later we can compete in this
disruptive era. The next is WE skills, we skills refers to people skills and the
relationship skills like communication, collaboration, teamwork, active listening,
empathy and perspective taking to read other people.

Then the last is WHY skill, it’s the skill not to stop questioning and it includes the
exploration of curiosity and ask all shorts question to have better understanding how
the world fueled by the technology. Nowadays you can access more information in the
internet; it was available at our fingertips. The goal was to make all information in the
world available to everyone with one click and very no cost and it happened, Mega, Tera,
Penta bytes of information are available to everyone. Moreover, 2.5 quintillion bytes of
information are created every single day. Today; if we want to know something, we
Google it. Information has now put so many answers right at our collective fingertips
that it is no wonder that the ability to ask good questions has become so much more

Well, my dear listener, the industry 4.0 presents us with many opportunities, challenges
and question. But the most important thing is what will you do to face the next
changing? Let’s shape the future together creatively, effectively with our quality and
efficiency. That’s all from me, thank you for your unwavering attention. Have a nice day.

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