Key For Future Jobs Speeech

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Ladies and the gentlemen,

The world is shifting, the population is ageing, and our work is going to change forever and
the change has already begun. Automation in Manufacturing started it all. Then Big Data
came out and now Artificial Intelligence or AI is almost as good as human.

Well, Good morning Judges, Audiences and all the committee members. I am…. From SHS
Global Madani, and I am going to deliver a speech under the title” The keys to Lead our
Future in Revolution Industry 4.0”

Let me ask you a question, what do you want to be when you grow up? How many of you
guys and ask ourselves this question before everyone ask this question? I used to ask
myself this question all the time. When I was in the “ and kindergarten school my teacher
ask this question, “(your name) what do you want to be? And without any doubt “ I want to
be Superman, I saw it in television they are very cool.” when I grew up I stopped asking this
question. Why? Please don’t get me wrong. It’s not that because I stop to pursue my dream.
NO. it’s because I came to one simple realization, I realized that I had no idea what kind of
job I would be in in 20 years and it's not just me, an entire society is changing. Technology
is changing the economy in fundamental ways, industries are rising and dying, we have
jobs today that didn't even exist 10 years ago. We never know a job like Youtuber, Vlogger,
or even online transportation such as Gojek or Grab exists right now.

My dear listener, how many of you have heard of Google's self-driving car? In San Francisco
where Google Head Quarters are located, self-driving cars being tested on the streets.
Experts predict that in 12to 15 years most of the cars on America's highways will be self-
driving. So what's going to happen to the most common job in that we have right now?
They predict it will disappear; it's going to disappear ladies and Gentlemen. This is not just
driving, it's not just transportation, and all jobs in all industries are changing in the
revolution Industry 4.0. Sixty-five percent of today's grade school kids will be in a job that
hasn't been invented yet. So this brings me to the central questions of my topic what do
you need to know to succeed in a job, what kind of competencies should we prepare in
facing this disruptive era? That also called as the era of IOTS, The era of Robots and
Artificial Intelligence.

Well, here's the interesting thing, although the jobs of our future has been invented yet, the
skills you'll need to know to succeed these jobs is no top employers or top graduate
schools. There are 4 key skills you need to know to lead the future. These four key skills
are critical thinking, creative thinking, effective communication and effective manner. In
other words, being able to great down homes, being able to come up with creative solutions,
being able to communicate those solutions to other people and being able to work in teams
and lead teams to make these solutions a reality. I do believe that these four skills are more
important than the major you study at schools. In other words in order to succeed in the
jobs of future, you, need to know how to think not what to do. Furthermore, the creativity
and innovation are also necessary for our future jobs. Why? With the avalanche of new
products, new technologies and new ways of working, people will have to become more
creative in order to benefit from these changes. We need to understand that the changing
environment, challenge the assumptions of their operating teams, and relentlessly &
continuously innovate.

Ladies and Gentlemen, technological change is picking up the speed, but human capacity
is struggling to keep up. The thing that we have to do is keep learning in the world that
never stops changing. Technology can replace the physical and mental work. To thrive we
need to develop human abilities, Creativity and innovation, critical thinking, collaboration
and communication. we can’t sit back and let’s change. People with the right qualities will
thrive in the complex future. In the technological future, is the answer to be more human?
For me of course Yes. Thank you for your attention. Have a nice day.

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