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SNC2D1 – Cancer Name:

Some cells, instead of leaving the cell cycle to die, divide repeatedly and excessively, forming a

clump of cells called a ______________________. Cancer is a disease that eventually ____________

bodily functions, whereas a tumour is a ____________________________ with no apparent function

in the body. Cancer

is the ___________________________________________ and spread of abnormal cells.

There are three types of tumours:

Benign: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Malignant: __________________________________________________________________________________

Metastatic: _________________________________________________________________________________

Different Kinds of Cancer:

Example of Normal Growth:

The Beginning of Cancerous Growth: Invasion and Metastasis:


Why are older people more prone to

getting cancer? ________________________________________



What causes cancer?

Cancer arises from the accumulation of genetic changes or

_________________. Most cancers have a minimum of 6-9 genes

_________________. People can be __________________________

to cancer based on their genetic makeup but cancer is not

directly passed from parent to child. Many genes that are

involved in cancer are involved in regulating the cell cycle.

Cancer cells generally have multiple mutations before control

over cell division is lost.

Malignant cells divide too quickly and can leave the original site and enter the _______________,

____________________ or ____________________. Most cells divide a set number _________ of times,

then they stop dividing. This usually limits benign tumours to __________________________. Cancer

cells can divide _________________________.

Cancer Treatments:

Radiation: __________________________________________________________________________________

Chemotherapy: _____________________________________________________________________________

Surgery: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Many patients will use combinations of these.

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