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nO 4g) Designation: A 276 - 92 snd rally will are ene road, Id in © sare 120s ant om is ined fon Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes’ ‘This standard is sved under the facd Gestion A276 she uruber lmmedaaty following the detection indicates the eee of original adoption of. he caso of eisian the yer of lam revision. A quater i partaeettadcaen th ear of Wt ceappeone A supereriecpalon (judas an editoialchange since the last revlon or ceapprgva This stand fas ven opgvove or ae te agente af he Departmen of Refense. Cunrul the GE) index of Specieators and Staion Sori specie yor af iskee wick hasbeen adopid the Deparment of Defeare. 1, Scope 1.1. This specification covers hot-finised or cold-finished bars except bars for reforging (Note 1), [t includes rounds, squares, and hexagons, and hot-olled or extruded shapes, such as angles. tees, and channels in the more commonly. used types of stainless steels. The free-machining types (Note 2. for general cosrosion resistance and high-temperarare seeviee, are covered in a separate specification. ‘Note 1—For bars for reforging, see Specificatioa A 314, Nore 2—For fie-machining stainless tars decane eines for vptimure machina, see Somifcation A 382 Nore 3—There are’ mandards covering high, nickel, chromium. sustenticconasion, ard heat cesta aloy caster, Those sandards urs under the jurigdiction of ASTM Subcommittee BO2.07 and may be Jound in Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 02.04. 1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. 2, Referenced Documents 21 ASTM Standards: A 314 Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Billets and Bars for Forging? A370 Test Methods and Definisions for Mechanical Test- ing of Steel Products? A484/A 484M Spocifcation for General Reauirements for Stainless and Heat Resisting Bars, Billets, and Forgings A582 Specification for Free-Machining Stainless and Heat-Resisting Stee! Bars, Hot-Rolled or Cold Finised? A751 Test Methods, Practices, and Definitions for Chem- ical Analysis of Sigel Products? E 527 Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys! 2.2 Other Document: SAE 11086 Recommended Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys? 3. Ordering Information Ail Orders for material under this specification shall clude the following information: 3.1.1 Quantity (weight or number of pieces}, | This section i under txt juratction of ASTM Commitee Aci on Ste. inl See and Reloted alloys aea ctke deel repgnatldy of SUSCOMMEAE SLU on Wrought Swinlss Steal Produc. ‘Corcmt eatin approiss Oks, 18,1982. Publ December 1892, Orgy ‘Wiss a5 427% —48°T- Lag presicu eaition A275 — a, loniet Buk of ASTM Stonaonds. Wot 6s * inmuet Bak of AST Steaua, Vals O14 and 01.05 inet Book ef AST Stomdurds Wels OLD) taro 01.08. nese, » Somlstis from Socty of Automate Enginees 40) Commanealt Deve, “arene Pa 2095, .2 Name of materiakstainiess steel. .3 Form (bars, angles, etc.), 4 Condition (Section 5.1), 5 Fittish (Section 4 of A 484/A 484M), 6 Surtice preparation of shapes (Section 4 of 4 484/ 3.1.7 Applicable dimensions including size, thickness, width, and length, 3.1.8 Cross section (round, square, etc.), 3.L9 Type or UNS designation (Table 0), 3.1.10 ASTM designation and date of issue, and. 3.2 Orders for material under this apecification shouid consider including the following: 3.2.1 Whether bars are to be rolled as bars or cut ftom strip or plate, 3.2.2 Test for magnetic pezmeability when specified by customer purtiiase order when ordering Types 201 and 205. 3.2.3 Special cequirements, Note 4—A rypical ordering desorigtion is as follows: S000 Ib (2268 ‘eg Staintess Stes! Bars, Annee woe Centerless Ground, 14 in. (38.10 ram) Round, 10 to 12 ft (3.05 to 3.66 m) i length, Type 304, ASTM Speciation A276 dated. End use: machined valve pass, 4. General Requirements, 4.1 In addition to the requirements of this specification. all requirements of the current edition of Specification A.484/A 484M shall apply. Failure 10 comply with the general requirements of Specification A 484/A 484M consti- tutes nonconformance to this specification. 5. Manufacture 5.1 Condition: 5.1.1 Bars may be furnished in one of the following conditions lisied in the Mechanical Requirements table: S.LL-L Condition A—Annealed Condition H—Hardened and tempered at a rela. tively low temperature Condition T—Hardened and tempered at rela- tively high temperature 5.1.14 Condition S-Strain Hardened—fRelatively light cold work S.LLS Condition B—Relativety severe cold work 6, Chemical Composition 6.1 The steel shall conform to the requirements for chemical composition specified in Table { 6.2 Methods and practices relating to chemical analysis, required by this specification shall be in accordance with Test Methods Practices, and Definitions A 751 77SEC: Te Gh A276 7, Mechanical Properties Requirements 7.1 The material shall_conform to the mechanical test requirements specified in Table 2. 7.2 ‘The martensitic aiades shall be capable of meeting the hardness requirements after heat treating as specified in Table 3. 1. Magnetic Permeability 6.1 When required by the purchase order, the magnetic permeability of Types 201 and 205 in the annealed condition shall not exceed 1.2 a5 tested by 2 Severnetype indicator. 9, Cextification 9.1 Upon request of the purchaser in the contract ender, the producer’s certification that the materiel » manufactured and tested in accordance with this specific tion, together with a certified report of the test results shall furnished at the time of the shipment. 10. Keywords 10.1 bars; shapes: stainless steel TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements T Canpostion. & ws | im 1 Designo: | Ty a enece,| PPE | sun. Namegen, ee | TH | caton, | wangengse| ar, | SMe | SAE | rom | wskat | lm | Nace | Over Eamence ‘toni Grades Sang [ar 1058 —«gaa7es | O08) | 0000 | 1.00 Te00 TA 00 |S50-550 0a5 Sze {.., [ass — [aoa-e00 | aos | a9a0 | a00-«c0 | 15.90-1800 [400-600 908-020 Szc200 |202 [ons |7so-tneo | vase | 0.090 | 1.00 rro0-r8.00 {400-600 om 20500 |206 | oa8.25 |—iss0] oom | 9000 | 100 3850-1800 1.000170 o32.040 sa xMae | 005 soso | 0930 | 1.80 2060-2860 [11.50-1950| 1.s0-900 / 020-040 } cx 0.10-0.0. vo1oo30 21800 x0 ‘oat | 0050 | 820-69 ) 1800-%600 |2.00-2.00 2100 | x10 | 008 ‘soso | oo2c | 1.00 yao0-21g0 |550-750 sgroce | xwit | 008 ‘ane | 0.030 | 1.00 weoc-at.ce [520-750 szen0a janes | 900 ‘neo | 0080 | 1.00, rroc-18.00 |225-a75 920-040 Saar00 | x23) 015 9.960 | o080 | 1.90 1650-18.00 [050-250 020-045 §§74508 ‘20 aso | acre | 1.00 30-250 [160760 |ecsa |0408 | chotoma ‘S7me00 Bis firge19c0) BoKs | oc20 ) 3.00 w700-18.00 |. 6.125 | 040-060 | Cu 9.75-125 scam |502 [01s (200) oss | 030 | 1.00 3790-38.00 [200-1000 paces [anes ots eon ees | oev9 | zo0-ao0 | i7c9-19.c0 300-1000 satioo |sce foos — |aa0 ‘ones } onso | 100 1800-2000 |2.00-10.59 3009 [sous [os 200 ‘ooes | nora | 100 1800-20.00 |800-1200, S305; jaan O03 200 ‘oes | acca | 106 weoo-20.00 Jea-1059 Saneez |xwar [oos [200 ‘04s | ooa0 | 1.00 1800-2000 |ec0-10.60 sansa |anun fons |aco 04s | caso | 100 1g.00-20.00 800-1260, aaoase |... [one [eco ‘ous | oso | 200 s8.00-20.00 |é0.12.09, 2500 | 308 lore aco oes | 0.090 | 400 17.00-10.00 |1050-12.00 335000 [308 jons aod .0e8 } 0090 ) 3.09 1990-21 of | 1040-12.00| 550815, ox (cee 8.089 | 0099 | 440-200 | 2000-2200 | 10.00~12.00 gx.z0 | Goon 6a 30800 |%09 joz 2.00 9.085 | 8.020 | 1.00, 2200-24100 |1200-15.001 saceos |s058 [tos [200 bess | 0030 | too | 9200-2400 |1200-18.00] 20040 |acscy jos — |200 ‘gas | oan | 1.00 2200-2400 |7200-16.00 ong | Gaeta toxc-1.10 e310 |g” |o2s ao 43 | 0030 | 1.50 zang-2500 |i900-2200 . ssoce jaws |o58 [200 oss | 030 | 1.50 4.0025.00 |13.00-22 00 sgioa0 [a16co /0.09 [200 Sons + 0.030 | 150 24.00-26.00 13:09+22.00| oxo | Geeta oxo. to gps |... nom fro 9.990 | ocro | 98 3880-20.50 1759-1850 | 690-860 | 018-022 | Ge050-1 09 save [ais }egs Jay doxg | 0.090 | 130-800 | 22.00-25.00 | 1900-22 00 sac (3:6 [oe face ones | coao | 1.09 46.00-19.90 | 1060-14.05| 200-300 | 0x0 egies jaeie [oo feo 1.088 | 2000 | 1.09 4800-48.00 | 10.09-14.00] 200.2.00 | 0x0 aga [5:71 ]oos [200 oes | o0s0 | 100 yee01e00 |ro00-13.00| 299-800 [oto | Nstceny-070 me Gh a27e TABLE 1 Goruinied ‘0 =n " we Phos. i aesigne | Ty sm) Mar 2, | Sul ion, perm fee fener ayer | sas [owe Pw [tae | omeeme be “Austenitic Grades (Continua) Pyea [ecb] O65) 2.00" C045 |) 0050 | 100 6.D0-40.00 |40.00-1400 | 200-000 | 0.10 CbeTA TORE TA MEE fe (eis | See weiss Bee 2 (66, | [EG |SRE)I% | MRR Mee [dag ies Bee lie [HE EEG TREE i | WA RS HG ES Beefs (RS | [REYES | SEBS Mabe eee lt Eee PT Jas Le ETS | ae eee a arte Bat (RB) |HEUEEIE ) SERS RUSE [ha cues ila [3 /#B /ME)BE]IS | HSRRE MBSR ee Cae | [#2 RIESE [GEREN eee BEB |B ES |BS RE )R | SEGR ERE sem ee | (65 9.20 max 7 ‘Austereo Ferrite Graces ma EE Ee Se EE ee eeae 200, eae | ance | 1.00 2100-2400 | 450-450 | 250-460] on8-20 race SSE Se Ee aE @ Se 2 Se se ; ieee |B |e HSS |e | AAS PRES (EE 2 [EEE NE [PEEP fis |arean|eas | figaamno i voi loo, [am fame Faas fame | samen =, |, f2 [SR JAE MER SBS | BRET ome [eran Sr | Seite ese cum |. fone amram [orm jaar | emis fttem faxous|enm | SREe eee cues |. Joos fora [eam [ass | usin orem faces ano | BEE Shee aaa = Se = Se ee $41000 | 410 025 ! 400 9.040 } 0.030 | 1.00 19.50-13.60 ie. | HERI | SR ieee “OBS IE® [2 GE BBV HB TE ERE New BP’ |B 28S TIE | BRR ese |e s42000 | 420 oerois | 1.00 oad | 0.080 | 1.00 12.00-14.09 saano osee0s0 | 1.00 boa | 0080 | 1.00 WASe15.00 [0.95085 | O.40-0.85 tele [eee 2 [HEURES] | BREE hese SETS, [in REBEL |. eS eee REESE | ER Nae HGS (GES S [ES HB LS jamie: lee 2S [AP | Bd MST | | [Bw {2 Davariebeta elaine aa dana wih Pronk © 7 ne BAB J508B, Sarina, unless olvervse nee Foe dame appanatiene, he causation of Type Qt for Type 904, oF Type SHEL fer Type 916 may be uncesitana Becauto ot sign, fapmEon. ef eve ‘ezaomonts. in Such cases, te purcraser should so edicts en the order. ‘Bhatogan contort Ba reponaa lr We ga. Enioee plus copper sr be 6.0% max. "brocict analy tlsance over tes esau ln for eaten and rrogen eal bs 0.002 © reugat version of A ENA 4140 8 fh azz ‘TABLE 2 _tochanialRequmens Two tres. wah FS teas, ae = Tye conten fan === ERLE THe, nigbone fone Me eee Dim a Tete ae mame ae a aa oe sees ko nettignc se at ee hese 5 A eimacer ot ee ee ‘ogee ven A rstbrnader al mo 8 m # & “ootennes fe bake es up 9 26005 ns ms ae eee toe carp seaneren we me EH st ejwagezicz em MG si seve A hating re soiree vata) aloe wo mm Sods vena A take m =m 8 m % aatneres sane teed @ oo 6 » » 8 ‘goes sasete 6 orstinwessr at ee) ‘unas sana A heen a 1 mM anes soa, seve, 294004 Atte meow home So 06 ese, ‘iad uet929 carte eS ¢ 8 sw fw poise 0.3.08, eran 8 xe mB Boe. 214 si Sie ansea Sven neuran ae sett. A hettrtes t ne 2 om @ 8 aac Loto esa, B& S hk BS 8 oye ana 8 & 3 @ 3 # son, a1 a textoareser 8 2 m 8 cans a.gie Lao 516, 8 etn ote OE he som meS sit er 40519 nem mo asso) owt oan tot om os @ 2 & (BU engine 7a} 1s et ee 8.40) anise) wom 6 om eS eas) jouamngsu 6 etokkins wing taneg em 8 ss = 3 pert ow, = fo cmbwpseasnm] = mw cs nai sonst 8 fetter wo mm 8 MO rest caine ran 2c0st ee eo 1 oo we Scie! ome) 1% ws ea ona eta} 1 ee ee Set exgeraesoye we om mw as ams A take a ne wo £ wm 2 & selene 2 & mM 8 & same a» petite oe a 223 8 = 8 ‘ears sar Anemos ee ‘canned same A total ee ee er une ) 276 TABLE 2 Coniud “Terate Srwrgih, Yaka Suensth A EOE pecue- Err Seva SE esi te tonome ra ETAT Bane ee Me, we we ane Tee 1a Fes at ine oe 3 aon e 33Ne03 a gt fig et a 20, 820 4h 26 . 290 Samo BB 8 8 £ : na = sa TT - = Tenoe a es a “a . Sarg eo me & or] 8 2.02 2 & ‘0 » See, a 88 Sm pe conta satan A tote a ee a ee eee | 22 88 8 8 & sar see em ¢ Ros ¢ % eo £6 $$ & @ 2 i seate 5 Sanat Sm & @ & 2 4 nem Ot 2S 8m FS : seo ee 3S 8 & & & mn 2 BS Gm 8 OS Tana aoe 8 [a a a cone 38 £& @ @ a0 > eee oS =e 8 s8 & & cee Be 8 8 & & vaso + meg ee 88 § 8 @ Soca 3 28 8 8 8 & ane . Soe 2 2 88 bob Euler Branceon BS £§B ¢ 8 x sa . eee g eS Em bf ow @ codingbod al 7 480 ao 2 35 . oe . Se, S : 2 tae bs 1 ioe re ance sestp + trot Ws me wm ores as see Lon om mae 3 Don Don 8 sim 2) a ot Lon camrbes enw ce ee « ee m8 : s oyicae ean scenes 8 teehee . ws = sone, S S eo 8 ss soum, Se bows a 8 : ‘rare + oie we oS, 7 Viel swangin shal be deerviney by ha 02% ofeak method in aeeoTdance vor Test Mathoss and Deannons AQMD, An akerrave mained of deermnrg yd ‘ieength may be uatd booed on & foe anecn under lst ot 0.5 5. Zar seme apeci srosuot, it may ok be pracoeate to ube a Zan, cr Sen gece enh The use of subsize fast specimens. when ecessry, 6 permissible in osggante wh Test ethene za Detrtors A370. Aaduarion of eres see nt acpi on Re ars a. 8.76 evn) ar under in thickness as tis estenatons act general made in ths presuet sts 2 Qe extant Rock wer naranees, Ear cxmaded shagat of 23 Cr paces Of Conaion A, the yd suercth shal be 25 ks (170 MPa} min ard terse engi shel be 70 ks (480 MPa) me. * Rigo shes be capaci of being naan Tete fo 8 abanaR Rew arn £280 whan Gl quenched from 1750°P (58°C). For shazes haved Sectea (NeATess off. (B5 eno" ess, IO mar. sengeton & eneeptble n qh ave TABLE 3 Responve to Hest Troammant est Trestnent Type Temper *F —Querchnst AGP ie =. min as 1759 (85), e s pir 1750655, ae s sa $750 (85) ou 2 eo) 1828 (935) a 50 sane 1959 (1019) o a a 49751020), om 2 ‘son ‘175 (1020) he s 203 1878 (1020), om 6 00 875 (100) Ar x "Gama or 7i"a aha bein the torn of a vector not anasoaing Mn (850 meni isn, "*Temperaure iloanen ie AQSYr (14°C ‘Tha Amartan Soci fe Tog and Matai takes potion repoeting the vale ary eet fant asserted in canner wth avy tam narond ms standard. Users of ths sander are expressly edobed tal dolermnetia o he vali of amy such [vant right and the kof gare af Bu nght, ra arity INE GWM responsa. “hs stu subject rei gy eta Bf me ogpanaiblerchricl comin wi Be revawed avery fo yor 3 nce reciead sehr reeporeved or wcrc, You COM ants eed whe for revsicn ol zis etandd ore adeonal tad (fos ono oo actoesea fo ASTM Meadavotes. Your comimants WM reclve owe conearaton wa meding of Ye eapOnsre ‘nica commana, whic yu ry ae. 7s Yel then your camments ave nt receled afer hearing you saul ake yOu? ‘rews Aton eo the ASTM Commatiee en Stanaaras, 4918 ace St. Phe, FA 18105. 8

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