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Oracle Procurement


Security Reference for


Oracle Procurement Cloud
Security Reference for Procurement


Part Number: F24660-01

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Oracle Procurement Cloud
Security Reference for Procurement


Preface .................................................................................................................................. i

1 Introduction 1
Overview of Security Reference ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Procurement Oering ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1

2 What's New 3
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
New Duties ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
New Aggregate Privileges ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
New Privileges ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4

3 Advanced Procurement Requester (Abstract Role) 5

Description ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Role Hierarchy ................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Duties ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Privileges .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Data Security Policies .................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Privacy ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 14

4 Anonymous User (Abstract Role) 15

Description ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Role Hierarchy ................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Aggregate Privileges .................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Privileges ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Data Security Policies .................................................................................................................................................................. 20

5 Buyer (Job Role) 33

Description ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Oracle Procurement Cloud
Security Reference for Procurement

Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................... 33

Duties .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 34
Privileges ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 36
Data Security Policies .................................................................................................................................................................. 47
Privacy ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 55

6 Category Manager (Job Role) 57

Description ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 57
Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................... 57
Duties .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 59
Privileges ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 61
Data Security Policies .................................................................................................................................................................. 83
Privacy ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 94

7 Contingent Worker (Abstract Role) 97

Description ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 97
Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................... 97
Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 100
Aggregate Privileges .................................................................................................................................................................. 102
Privileges ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 107
Data Security Policies ................................................................................................................................................................. 117
Privacy ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 143

8 Employee (Abstract Role) 145

Description ................................................................................................................................................................................... 145
Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................. 145
Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 149
Aggregate Privileges ................................................................................................................................................................... 151
Privileges ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 157
Data Security Policies ................................................................................................................................................................ 169
Privacy .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 205

9 Line Manager (Abstract Role) 207

Description .................................................................................................................................................................................. 207
Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................. 207
Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 210
Oracle Procurement Cloud
Security Reference for Procurement

Aggregate Privileges .................................................................................................................................................................. 212

Privileges ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 217
Data Security Policies ................................................................................................................................................................ 224

10 Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role) 263

Description ................................................................................................................................................................................... 263
Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................. 263
Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 264
Aggregate Privileges ................................................................................................................................................................. 265
Privileges ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 265
Data Security Policies ............................................................................................................................................................... 288

11 Procurement Catalog Administrator (Abstract Role) 301

Description ................................................................................................................................................................................... 301
Privileges ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 301
Data Security Policies ................................................................................................................................................................ 302
Privacy .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 305

12 Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role) 307

Description .................................................................................................................................................................................. 307
Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................. 307
Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 310
Privileges ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 313
Data Security Policies ................................................................................................................................................................ 339
Privacy ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 352

13 Procurement Integration Specialist (Job Role) 355

Description ................................................................................................................................................................................... 355
Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................. 355
Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 355
Privileges ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 356
Data Security Policies ................................................................................................................................................................ 357
Privacy .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 360

14 Procurement Manager (Job Role) 361

Description ................................................................................................................................................................................... 361
Oracle Procurement Cloud
Security Reference for Procurement

Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................. 361

Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 362
Privileges ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 365
Data Security Policies ................................................................................................................................................................ 377
Privacy .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 386

15 Procurement Preparer (Abstract Role) 389

Description .................................................................................................................................................................................. 389
Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................. 389
Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 389
Privileges ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 390
Data Security Policies ............................................................................................................................................................... 394
Privacy .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 398

16 Procurement Requester (Abstract Role) 399

Description .................................................................................................................................................................................. 399
Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................. 399
Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 399
Privileges ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 400
Data Security Policies ............................................................................................................................................................... 404
Privacy .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 407

17 Purchase Analysis (Abstract Role) 409

Description .................................................................................................................................................................................. 409
Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................ 409
Duties ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 409
Data Security Policies ................................................................................................................................................................ 410
Privacy ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 411

18 Sourcing Project Collaborator (Abstract Role) 413

Description ................................................................................................................................................................................... 413
Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................. 413
Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 413
Privileges ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 414
Data Security Policies ............................................................................................................................................................... 420
Privacy .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 426
Oracle Procurement Cloud
Security Reference for Procurement

19 Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist (Job Role) 427

Description ................................................................................................................................................................................... 427
Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................. 427
Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 427
Privileges ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 428
Data Security Policies ................................................................................................................................................................ 432
Privacy .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 438

20 Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role) 439

Description .................................................................................................................................................................................. 439
Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................. 439
Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 439
Privileges ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 440
Data Security Policies ............................................................................................................................................................... 450
Privacy .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 454

21 Supplier Bidder (Abstract Role) 457

Description .................................................................................................................................................................................. 457
Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................. 457
Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 457
Privileges ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 458
Data Security Policies ............................................................................................................................................................... 460

22 Supplier Customer Service Representative (Job Role) 465

Description .................................................................................................................................................................................. 465
Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................ 465
Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 465
Privileges ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 466
Data Security Policies ............................................................................................................................................................... 470

23 Supplier Demand Planner (Job Role) 477

Description .................................................................................................................................................................................. 477
Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................. 477
Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 477
Privileges ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 478
Oracle Procurement Cloud
Security Reference for Procurement

Data Security Policies ............................................................................................................................................................... 479

24 Supplier Manager (Abstract Role) 483

Description .................................................................................................................................................................................. 483
Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................. 483
Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 483
Privileges ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 484
Data Security Policies ............................................................................................................................................................... 495
Privacy .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 498

25 Supplier Qualication (Discretionary Role) 503

Description .................................................................................................................................................................................. 503
Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................. 503
Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 503
Privileges ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 504
Data Security Policies ................................................................................................................................................................ 510
Privacy ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 516

26 Supplier Sales Representative (Job Role) 517

Description ................................................................................................................................................................................... 517
Role Hierarchy .............................................................................................................................................................................. 517
Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 517
Privileges ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 518
Data Security Policies ................................................................................................................................................................ 524

27 Supplier Self Service Administrator (Abstract Role) 533

Description ................................................................................................................................................................................... 533
Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................. 533
Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 533
Privileges ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 534
Data Security Policies ................................................................................................................................................................ 536
Privacy .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 542

28 Supplier Self Service Clerk (Abstract Role) 545

Description .................................................................................................................................................................................. 545
Oracle Procurement Cloud
Security Reference for Procurement

Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................. 545

Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 545
Privileges ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 546
Data Security Policies ............................................................................................................................................................... 548
Privacy .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 554

29 Team Collaborator (Abstract Role) 557

Description ................................................................................................................................................................................... 557
Role Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................................. 557
Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 557
Privileges ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 557
Data Security Policies ............................................................................................................................................................... 559

30 Unassigned Duties 561

Duties ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 561
Oracle Procurement Cloud
Security Reference for Procurement
Oracle Procurement Cloud Preface
Security Reference for Procurement

This preface introduces information sources that can help you use the application.

Using Oracle Applications

Using Applications Help

Use help icons to access help in the application. If you don't see any help icons on your page, click your user image
or name in the global header and select Show Help Icons. Not all pages have help icons. You can also access Oracle
Applications Help.

Watch: This video tutorial shows you how to nd help and use help features.

You can also read Using Applications Help.

Additional Resources
• Community: Use Oracle Cloud Customer Connect to get information from experts at Oracle, the partner
community, and other users.
• Guides and Videos: Go to the Oracle Help Center to nd guides and videos.
• Training: Take courses on Oracle Cloud from Oracle University.

The following table explains the text conventions used in this guide.

Convention Meaning

boldface Boldface type indicates user interface elements, navigation paths, or values you enter or select.

monospace Monospace type indicates le, folder, and directory names, code examples, commands, and URLs.

> Greater than symbol separates elements in a navigation path.


Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Preface
Security Reference for Procurement

Videos included in this guide are provided as a media alternative for text-based help topics also available in this guide.

Contacting Oracle
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit My Oracle Support or visit Accessible Oracle Support if you are hearing impaired.

Comments and Suggestions

Please give us feedback about Oracle Applications Help and guides! You can send an e-mail to:

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 1
Security Reference for Procurement Introduction

1 Introduction

Overview of Security Reference

If you are an IT Security Manager, this guide is for you. Use the reference information for implementing security for an
oering in Oracle Applications Cloud. Depending on the needs of your enterprise, determine what works best for your
oering, and make the required conguration changes.

Broadly, the reference information includes these details:

• Abstract and job roles for an oering

• Duty roles and the role hierarchy for each job role and abstract role
• Privileges that are required to perform duties dened by a duty role
• Data security policies for each job role or abstract role
• Policies that protect personally identiable information
To know more about the roles, privileges, and polices and to learn how to implement and administer security for your
oering, refer to your product security guide.

How to Use This Guide

You can review the information in this guide to decide how to assign roles and privileges to specic users. For each role,
you will nd these details:

• The role hierarchy that lists the other inherited roles

• A list of duties assigned to that role
• Privileges granted to that role
• Data security policies and their implementation scope

Note: The changes you make to the security reference implementation are preserved during upgrades or
maintenance patches.

Procurement Oering
This guide describes the security reference implementation for the roles applicable to the Procurement oering.

For the common roles applicable to the all oerings, see the Oracle Applications Cloud Security Reference for Common

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 1
Security Reference for Procurement Introduction

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 2
Security Reference for Procurement What's New

2 What's New

This release of the oering includes new job roles, abstract roles, duties, aggregate privileges, or privileges.

New Duties
This table lists the new duties for the Procurement oering.

Duty Role Description

HCM Connections REST Services Grants access to REST services used by HCM connections UI

New Aggregate Privileges

This table lists the new aggregate privileges for the Procurement oering.

Aggregate Privilege Description

Edit Time Zone Overrides Allows users to edit time zone overrides for a worker.

Manage Person Biographical Information Allows management of a person's biographical information.


Use REST Service - Talent Review Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Talent Review Managers list of values REST
Managers List of Values Service.

View Person Biographical Information Allows access to a person's biographical information.


View Time Zone Overrides Allows users to view time zone overrides for a worker.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 2
Security Reference for Procurement What's New

New Privileges
This table lists the new privileges for the Procurement oering.

Granted Role Privilege Description

Contingent Worker Use REST Service - Job Families List of Values Allows the user to call the GET method
    associated with the job families list of values
REST Service.

Employee Use REST Service - Job Families List of Values Allows the user to call the GET method
    associated with the job families list of values
REST Service.

HCM Connections REST Services Use REST Service - Department Connections Allows users to call the GET method associated
  Read Only with the department connections REST Service.

HCM Connections REST Services Use REST Service - Location Connections Read Allows users to call the GET method associated
  Only with the location connections REST Service.

HCM Connections REST Services Use REST Service - Person Notes Visibility Allows the user to call the GET method
  Options List of Values associated with the Person Notes Visibility
  Options list of values REST service.

HCM Connections REST Services Use REST Service - Prole Tag Searches Allows the user to search for prole tags using
    REST services.

Line Manager Use REST Service - Job Requisition Templates Allows the user to call the GET method
  List of Values associated with the job requisition template lists
  of values REST Services.

PSC Anonymous Code Enforcement Incident Access Public Sector Recent issues Allows users to access recent issues.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 3
Security Reference for Procurement Advanced Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

3 Advanced Procurement Requester (Abstract

Prepares requisitions on behalf of others and has access to advanced requisition creation permissions.

Role Hierarchy
The Advanced Procurement Requester abstract role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.
• Advanced Procurement Requester
◦ Procurement Preparer
- Procurement Requester
◦ Business Intelligence Applications Worker
◦ Payables Invoice Inquiry
◦ Procurement Folder Reporting
◦ Receiving Management Requester
• Item Inquiry
◦ Requisition Self Service User
◦ Requisition Viewing
• Payables Invoice Inquiry
◦ Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control
• Business Intelligence Consumer

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Advanced Procurement Requester abstract role.

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring
  within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions,
Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.

Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence
  Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.
This role allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from
a subject area.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 3
Security Reference for Procurement Advanced Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

Duty Role Description

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.


Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.


Procurement Folder Reporting Grants access to the Procurement web catalog folder.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts, and return receipts.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, searching, and viewing requisitions, creating noncatalog
  requests, creating requisitions with one-time locations, and changing deliver-to locations on
requisition lines.

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents.


Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform transactions that are subject to
  budgetary control, such as accounts payable manager.

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Advanced Procurement Requester abstract role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Advanced Procurement Requester Prepares requisitions on behalf of others and Create Requisition with Changes to Negotiated
  has access to advanced requisition creation Indicator

Advanced Procurement Requester Prepares requisitions on behalf of others and Create Requisition with Inventory Destination
  has access to advanced requisition creation Type

Advanced Procurement Requester Prepares requisitions on behalf of others and Create Requisition with Manual Item Source
  has access to advanced requisition creation Selection

Advanced Procurement Requester Prepares requisitions on behalf of others and Create Requisition with Quick Entry
  has access to advanced requisition creation  

Advanced Procurement Requester Prepares requisitions on behalf of others and Request Budgetary Control Override
  has access to advanced requisition creation  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 3
Security Reference for Procurement Advanced Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Aachment

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Catalog

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Global Search

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Unit of Measure

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item Organization Association

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item Relationship

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. Manage Payables Invoices

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice

Procurement Preparer Prepares requisitions on behalf of others. Create Requisition with Changes to Requester

Procurement Preparer Prepares requisitions on behalf of others. Create Requisition with Emergency Purchase

Procurement Requester Prepares requisitions for themselves. Cancel Purchase Order as Procurement

Procurement Requester Prepares requisitions for themselves. Change Purchase Order as Procurement

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Correct Self-Service Receiving Receipt
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Create Self-Service Receiving Receipt
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Manage Inventory Transfer Order
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 3
Security Reference for Procurement Advanced Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Manage Self-Service Receiving Receipt Return
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Monitor Self-Service Receiving Receipt Work
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts, Area
and return receipts.  

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Review Inbound Shipment Details
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Review Receiving Receipt Summary
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Review Self-Service Receiving Receipt
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion View Purchase Order
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion View Receiving Receipt Notication
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion View Requisition

  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition for Internal Material
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating Transfers
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with  
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition with Changes to Deliver-to
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating Location
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with  
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition with Noncatalog Requests
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 3
Security Reference for Procurement Advanced Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition with One Time Location
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Get Internal Transfer Requesting Organization
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating Price
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with  
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Manage Inventory Transfer Order
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Manage Requisition
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Submit Requisition with One Click
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, View Requisition
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. Review Inbound Shipment Details

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. Review Receiving Transaction History

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. View Purchase Order as Procurement Requester

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. View Requisition


Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. View Supplier Negotiation

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Check Funds
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 3
Security Reference for Procurement Advanced Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Reserve Funds
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budget Impact
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budget Period Statuses
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budgetary Control Balances
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budgetary Control Transactions
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Transfer Budget Balances to Budget Cubes
  roles who perform transactions that are subject Continuously
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable  

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job View Funds Available Balances
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Advanced Procurement
Requester abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Procurement Requester

  delete application aachment for the purchase  
order categories including miscellaneous, to Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, and  
to payables Resource: Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 3
Security Reference for Procurement Advanced Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment An Advanced Procurement Requester can read Role: Procurement Requester
  application aachment for the negotiation  
categories including miscellaneous, to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
approver, to buyer, to payables, to receiver, and  
to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment An Advanced Procurement Requester can read Role: Procurement Requester
  application aachment for the purchase order  
categories including document, miscellaneous, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver,  
and to payables Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Procurement Requester

  update application aachment for the purchase  
order categories including miscellaneous, to Privilege: Update Application Aachment
supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, and  
to payables Resource: Application Aachment

Public Person An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Procurement Requester

  choose public person for all workers in the  
enterprise Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Requisition A Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Advanced Procurement Requester

  manage requisition for themselves for the  
business units for which they are authorized Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)
Resource: Business Unit

Requisition An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Procurement Preparer

  manage requisition for themselves for the  
business units for which they are authorized Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)
Resource: Business Unit

Requisition An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Procurement Requester

  manage requisition for themselves for the  
business units for which they are authorized Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)
Resource: Business Unit

Requisition An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Requisition Self Service User
  manage requisition for themselves for the  
business units for which they are authorized Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)
Resource: Business Unit

Requisition An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Requisition Self Service User
  manage requisition for themselves for the  
nancial business unit associated with their Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)
primary assignment  
  Resource: Business Unit

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 3
Security Reference for Procurement Advanced Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Requisition Self Service User
Contact Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Requisition Self Service User
Contact Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry
  view trading community organization for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Procurement Requester
  view trading community organization for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Phone An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Requisition Self Service User
Contact Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 3
Security Reference for Procurement Advanced Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Party An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Procurement Requester
  view trading community contact for all trading  
community persons in the enterprise except Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
contacts created by partners. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party An Advanced Procurement Requester can view Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry
  trading community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party An Advanced Procurement Requester can view Role: Procurement Requester
  trading community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party An Advanced Procurement Requester can view Role: Procurement Requester
  trading community person for all people in the  
enterprise other than sales accounts and sales Privilege: View Trading Community Person
prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party An Advanced Procurement Requester can view Role: Procurement Requester
  trading community person for all resources in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Requisition Self Service User
Contact Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 3
Security Reference for Procurement Advanced Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Trading Community Person Email

Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship An Advanced Procurement Requester can view Role: Procurement Requester
  trading community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Procurement Requester
  view trading community relationship for  
all trading community relationships in the Privilege: View Trading Community
enterprise except partner contact relationships, Relationship (Data)
or relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Requisition Self Service User
  view trading community relationship for  
all trading community relationships in the Privilege: View Trading Community
enterprise except partner contact relationships, Relationship (Data)
or relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Advanced Procurement Requester abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Person Phone An Advanced Procurement Requester can Role: Procurement Requester
  view trading community person mobile phone  
number for all trading community person Privilege: View Trading Community Person
mobile phone numbers Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 4
Security Reference for Procurement Anonymous User (Abstract Role)

4 Anonymous User (Abstract Role)

Maps to OPSS system Anonymous Role

Role Hierarchy
The Anonymous User abstract role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.
• Anonymous User
◦ Aachments User
- CRM Stage Write
◦ PSC Anonymous User
- PSC Anonymous Code Enforcement Incident Inquiry
- PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry
- PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning Application Inquiry
◦ PSC Hearings Inquiry
◦ PSC Review Summary Inquiry
- PSC Anonymous User Landing Page
- PSC Execute OPA Questionnaire
- PSC Map User
- PSC Projects Inquiry
◦ PSC View Permit Project Aachments OBSOLETE
- PSC Self Registration

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Anonymous User abstract role.

Duty Role Description

Aachments User UCM application role for access to aachments using the integrated user interface or the standalone

CRM Stage Write Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server

PSC Anonymous Code Enforcement Anonymous Code Enforcement Incident Inquiry Duty
Incident Inquiry  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 4
Security Reference for Procurement Anonymous User (Abstract Role)

Duty Role Description

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty


PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning The anonymous Planning and Zoning application inquiry duty.
Application Inquiry  

PSC Anonymous User Unregistered public users


PSC Anonymous User Landing Page Anonymous User Landing Page Duty

PSC Execute OPA Questionnaire Execute OPA Questionnaire Duty


PSC Hearings Inquiry Allows users to view hearings.


PSC Map User Map User Duty


PSC Projects Inquiry Allows users to view Public Sector projects. This access is assigned to all users.

PSC Review Summary Inquiry Allows users to view Pre-Application Review Summary.

PSC Self Registration Self Registration Duty


Aggregate Privileges
This table lists aggregate privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the Anonymous User abstract role.

Aggregate Privilege Description

PSC View Permit Project Aachments View Project Aachments


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Anonymous User abstract role.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 4
Security Reference for Procurement Anonymous User (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Anonymous User Maps to OPSS system Anonymous Role Add Class to Shopping Cart

Anonymous User Maps to OPSS system Anonymous Role CRM Anonymous Permissions

Anonymous User Maps to OPSS system Anonymous Role Create Self Service Partner Registration

Anonymous User Maps to OPSS system Anonymous Role Get Chat Congurations

Anonymous User Maps to OPSS system Anonymous Role HCM Anonymous Role Permissions

Anonymous User Maps to OPSS system Anonymous Role Make Adjustments to Shopping Cart

Anonymous User Maps to OPSS system Anonymous Role Register Self Service Student Record

Anonymous User Maps to OPSS system Anonymous Role Register Supplier


Anonymous User Maps to OPSS system Anonymous Role Request for chat

Anonymous User Maps to OPSS system Anonymous Role Use REST Service - Recruiting Internal Only

Anonymous User Maps to OPSS system Anonymous Role View Supplier Negotiation Abstract

Anonymous User Maps to OPSS system Anonymous Role View User Page Permissions

PSC Anonymous Code Enforcement Incident Anonymous Code Enforcement Incident Inquiry Access Public Sector Recent issues
Inquiry Duty  

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty Access Apply for Permit Page

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty Access Permit Level Communication List

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty View Applicant Information

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty View Communication in Permit Level
    Communication List

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty View Inspector Calendar

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty View Permit

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty View Permit Amendment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 4
Security Reference for Procurement Anonymous User (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty View Permit Application Information

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty View Permit Comments

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty View Permit Conditions

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty View Permit Fees

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty View Permit Overview

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty View Permit Projects

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty View Permit Property Information

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty View Permit Related Records

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty View Permit Workow

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty View Permit Workow Comments

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty View Permits

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty View Planning and Zoning Fees

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty View Refund Fees and Payments

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty View Void Fees and Payments

PSC Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Anonymous Permit Application Inquiry Duty View Workow list

PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning The anonymous Planning and Zoning Access Apply for Planning and Zoning Page
Application Inquiry application inquiry duty.  

PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning The anonymous Planning and Zoning View Planning and Zoning Conditions
Application Inquiry application inquiry duty.  

PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning The anonymous Planning and Zoning View Planning and Zoning Overview
Application Inquiry application inquiry duty.  

PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning The anonymous Planning and Zoning View Planning and Zoning Projects
Application Inquiry application inquiry duty.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 4
Security Reference for Procurement Anonymous User (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning The anonymous Planning and Zoning View Planning and Zoning Property Information
Application Inquiry application inquiry duty.  

PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning The anonymous Planning and Zoning View Planning and Zoning Workow
Application Inquiry application inquiry duty.  

PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning The anonymous Planning and Zoning View Refund Fees and Payments
Application Inquiry application inquiry duty.  

PSC Anonymous User Landing Page Anonymous User Landing Page Duty Access Anonymous User Landing Page

PSC Anonymous User Landing Page Anonymous User Landing Page Duty Access PSC default access needed by all PSC

PSC Anonymous User Landing Page Anonymous User Landing Page Duty View Communication in Permit Level
    Communication List

PSC Execute OPA Questionnaire Execute OPA Questionnaire Duty Execute OPA Questionnaire

PSC Execute OPA Questionnaire Execute OPA Questionnaire Duty Save OPA Recommended Permits

PSC Hearings Inquiry Allows users to view hearings. View Hearings


PSC Map User Map User Duty View GIS


PSC Projects Inquiry Allows users to view Public Sector projects. This View Project Fees and Payments
  access is assigned to all users.  

PSC Projects Inquiry Allows users to view Public Sector projects. This View Project Inspections
  access is assigned to all users.  

PSC Projects Inquiry Allows users to view Public Sector projects. This View Public Sector Project Permits
  access is assigned to all users.  

PSC Projects Inquiry Allows users to view Public Sector projects. This View Public Sector Project Property
  access is assigned to all users.  

PSC Projects Inquiry Allows users to view Public Sector projects. This View Public Sector Projects
  access is assigned to all users.  

PSC Review Summary Inquiry Allows users to view Pre-Application Review View Pre-Application Required Applications on
  Summary. Review Summary

PSC Self Registration Self Registration Duty Self Registration


Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 4
Security Reference for Procurement Anonymous User (Abstract Role)

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Anonymous User
abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Anonymous User can delete application Role: Anonymous User
  aachment for the supplier category from  
supplier Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Anonymous User can delete application Role: Anonymous User
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
response category including from supplier Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Anonymous User can modify application Role: Anonymous User
  aachment for the supplier category from  
supplier Privilege: Update Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Anonymous User can modify application Role: Anonymous User
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
response category including from supplier Privilege: Update Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Anonymous User can view application Role: Anonymous User
  aachment for the supplier category from  
supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Anonymous User can view application Role: Anonymous User
  aachment for the supplier category to supplier  
  Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Anonymous User can view application Role: Anonymous User
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
question category including to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 4
Security Reference for Procurement Anonymous User (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Anonymous User can view application Role: Anonymous User
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
questionnaire category including to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Anonymous User can view application Role: Anonymous User
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
response category including from supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Public Sector Cloud Aachments An Anonymous User can view psc aachments Role: PSC View Permit Project Aachments
  for no access project aachments as role is OBSOLETE
  Privilege: View PSC Aachments (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Aachments

Public Sector Cloud Cash Drawer An Anonymous User can view psc cash drawer Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  for all cash drawer Inquiry
Privilege: View PSC Cash Drawer (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Cash Drawer

Public Sector Cloud Cashier Session An Anonymous User can view psc cashier Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  session for all cashier session Inquiry
Privilege: View PSC Cashier Session (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Cashier Session

Public Sector Cloud Communication An Anonymous User can view psc Role: PSC Anonymous User
  communication for ad hoc alerts with visibility  
set to public users Privilege: View PSC Communication (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Communication

Public Sector Cloud Communication An Anonymous User can view psc Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  communication for communication with Inquiry
visibility is set to public users  
  Privilege: View PSC Communication (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Communication

Public Sector Cloud Communication An Anonymous User can view psc Role: PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning
  communication for planning applications Application Inquiry
communication with visibility is set to public  
users Privilege: View PSC Communication (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Communication

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 4
Security Reference for Procurement Anonymous User (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Public Sector Cloud Condition List An Anonymous User can view psc condition list Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  for permits with system status not in pending, Inquiry
void, expired, denied or withdrawn  
  Privilege: View PSC Condition List (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Condition List

Public Sector Cloud Condition List An Anonymous User can view psc condition list Role: PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning
  for planning applications with system status not Application Inquiry
in pending, void, expired, denied or withdrawn  
  Privilege: View PSC Condition List (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Condition List

Public Sector Cloud Hearings An Anonymous User can view hearings for Role: PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning
  hearings with status not set as tentative Application Inquiry
Privilege: View Hearings (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Hearings

Public Sector Cloud Parcel An Anonymous User can view psc parcel for Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  all parcel of permits not in pending, void, Inquiry
withdrawn, expired or denied statuses  
  Privilege: View PSC Parcel (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel

Public Sector Cloud Parcel An Anonymous User can view psc parcel for all Role: PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning
  parcel of planning applications not in pending, Application Inquiry
void, withdrawn, expired or denied statuses  
  Privilege: View PSC Parcel (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel

Public Sector Cloud Parcel Address An Anonymous User can view psc parcel Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  address for all parcel address of permits not in Inquiry
pending, void, withdrawn, expired or denied  
statuses Privilege: View PSC Parcel Address (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel Address

Public Sector Cloud Parcel Address An Anonymous User can view psc parcel Role: PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning
  address for all parcel address of planning Application Inquiry
applications not in pending, void, withdrawn,  
expired or denied statuses Privilege: View PSC Parcel Address (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel Address

Public Sector Cloud Parcel Owner An Anonymous User can view psc parcel owner Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  for all parcel owner of permits not in pending, Inquiry
void, withdrawn, expired or denied statuses  
  Privilege: View PSC Parcel Owner (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel Owner

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 4
Security Reference for Procurement Anonymous User (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Public Sector Cloud Parcel Owner An Anonymous User can view psc parcel owner Role: PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning
  for all parcel owner of planning applications not Application Inquiry
in pending, void, withdrawn, expired or denied  
statuses Privilege: View PSC Parcel Owner (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Parcel Owner

Public Sector Cloud Payment Cart An Anonymous User can view psc payment cart Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  for no permits Inquiry
Privilege: View PSC Payment Cart (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Payment Cart

Public Sector Cloud Property Setup An Anonymous User can view psc property Role: PSC Anonymous User
  setup for all property setup  
  Privilege: View PSC Property Setup (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Property Setup

Public Sector Cloud Property Setup Address An Anonymous User can view psc property Role: PSC Anonymous User
District setup for all property setup  
    Privilege: View PSC Property Setup (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Property Setup
Address District

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view psc record for Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  permits with system status not in pending, void, Inquiry
expired, denied or withdrawn  
  Privilege: View PSC Record (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view psc record for Role: PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning
  planning applications with system status not in Application Inquiry
pending, void, expired, denied or withdrawn  
  Privilege: View PSC Record (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted address Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  line 1 for applicant details of applicants who are Inquiry
not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 1 (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted address Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  line 2 for applicant details of applicants who are Inquiry
not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 2 (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 4
Security Reference for Procurement Anonymous User (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted address Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  line 3 for applicant details of applicants who are Inquiry
not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 3 (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted address Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  line 4 for applicant details of applicants who are Inquiry
not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 4 (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  applicant city for applicant details of applicants Inquiry
who are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Applicant City (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  applicant country for applicant details of Inquiry
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Country
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  applicant county for applicant details of Inquiry
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Applicant County
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  applicant email address1 for applicant details of Inquiry
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Email
Address1 (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  applicant email address2 for applicant details of Inquiry
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Email
Address2 (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 4
Security Reference for Procurement Anonymous User (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  applicant rst name for applicant details of Inquiry
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Applicant First Name
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  applicant id for applicant details of applicants Inquiry
who are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Applicant ID (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  applicant last name for applicant details of Inquiry
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Last Name
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  applicant last updated by for applicant details of Inquiry
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Last
Updated by (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  applicant middle name for applicant details of Inquiry
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Middle
Name (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  applicant name for applicant details of Inquiry
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Name (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  applicant name prex for applicant details of Inquiry
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Name Prex
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 4
Security Reference for Procurement Anonymous User (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  applicant name sux for applicant details of Inquiry
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Name Sux
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  applicant phone area code for applicant details Inquiry
of applicants who are not law and judicial  
ocers Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Phone Area
  Code (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  applicant phone country code for applicant Inquiry
details of applicants who are not law and  
judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Phone
  Country Code (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  applicant phone number for applicant details of Inquiry
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Phone
Number (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  applicant postal code for applicant details of Inquiry
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Postal Code
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  applicant prole id for applicant details of Inquiry
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Prole Id
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  applicant province for applicant details of Inquiry
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Province
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 4
Security Reference for Procurement Anonymous User (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  applicant state for applicant details of Inquiry
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Applicant State (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted created Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  by for applicant details of applicants who are Inquiry
not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Created By (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted date of Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  birth for applicant details of applicants who are Inquiry
not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Date Of Birth (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted person Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  title for applicant details of applicants who are Inquiry
not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Person Title (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted phone Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  extension for applicant details of applicants Inquiry
who are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Phone Extension
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted postal Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  plus code for applicant details of applicants who Inquiry
are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Postal Plus Code
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  submied by for applicant details of applicants Inquiry
who are not law and judicial ocers  
  Privilege: View Redacted Submied By (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record

Public Sector Cloud Record Fees An Anonymous User can view psc record fees Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  for permits with system status not in pending, Inquiry
void, expired, denied or withdrawn  
  Privilege: View PSC Record Fees (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 4
Security Reference for Procurement Anonymous User (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record Fees


Public Sector Cloud Record Fees An Anonymous User can view psc record fees Role: PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning
  for planning applications with system status not Application Inquiry
in pending, void, expired, denied or withdrawn  
  Privilege: View PSC Record Fees (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Record Fees

Public Sector Cloud Related Record Type An Anonymous User can view psc related Role: PSC Anonymous Permit Application
  record type for all related record type Inquiry
Privilege: View PSC Related Record Type (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Related Record

Public Sector Cloud Related Transactions An Anonymous User can view public sector Role: PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning
  related transactions for all related transactions Application Inquiry
Privilege: View Public Sector Related
Transactions (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Related

Public Sector Cloud Related Transactions An Anonymous User can view required Role: PSC Anonymous Planning and Zoning
  applications in pre-application for all required Application Inquiry
applications of pre-applications  
  Privilege: View Required Applications in Pre-
Application (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Cloud Related

Public Sector Project Addresses An Anonymous User can view public sector Role: PSC Projects Inquiry
  project property for all projects  
  Privilege: View Public Sector Project Property
Resource: Public Sector Project Addresses

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view public sector Role: PSC Projects Inquiry
  project contacts for no access  
  Privilege: View Public Sector Project Contacts
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted address Role: PSC Anonymous User
  line 1 for applicant details of applicants who are  
not law and judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 1 (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 4
Security Reference for Procurement Anonymous User (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted address Role: PSC Anonymous User
  line 2 for applicant details of applicants who are  
not law and judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 2 (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted address Role: PSC Anonymous User
  line 3 for applicant details of applicants who are  
not law and judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 3 (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted address Role: PSC Anonymous User
  line 4 for applicant details of applicants who are  
not law and judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Address Line 4 (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous User
  applicant city for applicant details of applicants  
who are not law and judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Applicant City (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous User
  applicant country for applicant details of  
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Country
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous User
  applicant county for applicant details of  
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Applicant County
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous User
  applicant email address for applicant details of  
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Email
  Address (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous User
  applicant rst name for applicant details of  
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Applicant First Name
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous User
  applicant last name for applicant details of  
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 4
Security Reference for Procurement Anonymous User (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Last Name

Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous User
  applicant middle name for applicant details of  
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Middle
  Name (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous User
  applicant name for applicant details of  
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Name (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous User
  applicant name prex for applicant details of  
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Name Prex
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous User
  applicant name sux for applicant details of  
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Name Sux
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous User
  applicant phone area code for applicant details  
of applicants who are not law and judicial Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Phone Area
ocers Code (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous User
  applicant phone country code for applicant  
details of applicants who are not law and Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Phone
judicial ocers Country Code (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous User
  applicant phone number for applicant details of  
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Phone
  Number (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 4
Security Reference for Procurement Anonymous User (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous User
  applicant postal code for applicant details of  
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Postal Code
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous User
  applicant province for applicant details of  
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Applicant Province
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted Role: PSC Anonymous User
  applicant state for applicant details of  
applicants who are not law and judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Applicant State (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted person Role: PSC Anonymous User
  title for applicant details of applicants who are  
not law and judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Person Title (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted phone Role: PSC Anonymous User
  extension for applicant details of applicants  
who are not law and judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Phone Extension
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Contacts An Anonymous User can view redacted postal Role: PSC Anonymous User
  plus code for applicant details of applicants who  
are not law and judicial ocers Privilege: View Redacted Postal Plus Code
Resource: Public Sector Project Contacts

Public Sector Project Parcel Owners An Anonymous User can view public sector Role: PSC Projects Inquiry
  project property for all projects  
  Privilege: View Public Sector Project Property
Resource: Public Sector Project Parcel Owners

Public Sector Project Parcels An Anonymous User can view public sector Role: PSC Projects Inquiry
  project property for all projects  
  Privilege: View Public Sector Project Property
Resource: Public Sector Project Parcels

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 4
Security Reference for Procurement Anonymous User (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Public Sector Project Record Cross Reference An Anonymous User can view public sector Role: PSC Projects Inquiry
  project permit for all projects  
  Privilege: View Public Sector Project Permit
Resource: Public Sector Project Record Cross

Public Sector Projects An Anonymous User can view public sector Role: PSC Projects Inquiry
  projects for all projects  
  Privilege: View Public Sector Projects (Data)
Resource: Public Sector Projects

Trading Community Organization Party A Anonymous User can view trading Role: Anonymous User
  community organization party for all  
organizations in the enterprise with usage Privilege: View Partner (Data)
  Resource: Trading Community Organization

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

5 Buyer (Job Role)

Procurement professional responsible for transactional aspects of the procurement processes.

Role Hierarchy
The Buyer job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.
• Buyer
◦ Agreement Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
- Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
◦ Business Intelligence Applications Worker
◦ Implemented Change Order Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Item Inquiry
◦ Payables Invoice Inquiry
◦ Pending Change Order Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Procurement Folder Reporting
◦ Purchase Agreement Administration
- FSCM Load Interface Administration
◦ Purchase Agreement Authoring
◦ Purchase Agreement Control
◦ Purchase Agreement Inquiry
◦ Purchase Order Administration
- FSCM Load Interface Administration
◦ Purchase Order Authoring
- Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control
◦ Business Intelligence Consumer
◦ Purchase Order Control
◦ Purchase Order Inquiry
◦ Purchase Order Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
- Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
◦ Purchase Requisitions Transaction Analysis

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

- Business Intelligence Authoring

- Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
◦ Requisition Line Processing
◦ Spend Transaction Analysis
◦ Supplier Prole Inquiry
- Payee Bank Account Management
◦ FSCM Load Interface Administration
- Supplier Qualication Viewing
◦ Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
- Transactional Analysis
◦ Upload data for Blanket Purchase Agreement Import
◦ Upload data for Contract Purchase Agreement Import
◦ Upload data for Purchase Orders for Import
◦ Upload data for Requisition Import

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Buyer job role.

Duty Role Description

Agreement Transaction Analysis Analyzes Agreement transactional information


Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring
  within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions,
Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.

Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence
  Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.
This role allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from
a subject area.

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import

Implemented Change Order Transaction Analyzes Implemented Change Order information


Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.


Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.


Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Duty Role Description

Pending Change Order Transaction Analyzes Pending Change Order information


Procurement Folder Reporting Grants access to the Procurement web catalog folder.

Procurement Transactional Analysis This role is used to get the supported currencies in Procurement and Spend Transactional Analysis
Currency Preference module.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration tasks including importing agreements from external
  applications, applying retroactive price changes, reassigning agreements from one agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements.


Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks including importing purchase orders from external
  applications, applying retroactive price changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Purchase Order Transaction Analysis Analyzes Purchase Order transactional information


Purchase Requisitions Transaction Analyzes Purchase Requisitions transactional information


Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including creating purchasing documents.

Spend Transaction Analysis Provides real time information related to approved invoice headers, line and distributions in the
  Spend subject area. It also provides real time spend information across Requisitions, Purchase Orders,
Invoices and Receipts in the Procure to Pay subject area.

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information.


Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualications.

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform transactions that are subject to
  budgetary control, such as accounts payable manager.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Duty Role Description

Transactional Analysis This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and ltering purposes and is therefore required for
  all OTBI users.

Upload data for Blanket Purchase Allows to upload data le to import blanket agreements.
Agreement Import  

Upload data for Contract Purchase Allows to upload data le to import contract agreements.
Agreement Import  

Upload data for Purchase Orders for Allows to upload data le to import purchase orders.

Upload data for Requisition Import Allows to upload data le to import requisitions.

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Buyer job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Generate Approved Supplier List Entry
  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Manage Contract Deliverable

  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Manage File Import and Export
  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Research Suppliers

  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Run Purchasing Document Background

  transactional aspects of the procurement Scheduler

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Search Approved Supplier List Entry
  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for View Purchase Agreement Work Area
  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for View Purchase Order Work Area
  transactional aspects of the procurement  

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load File to Interface

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load Interface File for Import

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Manage File Import and Export

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Transfer File

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Aachment

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Catalog

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Global Search

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Unit of Measure

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item Organization Association

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item Relationship

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. Manage Payables Invoices

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Import Supplier Bank Accounts
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage External Payee Payment Details
  payment details.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Payment Instrument Assignment
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other View Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Communicate Purchase Order and Purchase
  tasks including importing agreements from Agreement
external applications, applying retroactive price  
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Generate Approved Supplier List Entry
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Import Blanket Purchase Agreement
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Import Contract Purchase Agreement
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Purge Purchasing Document Open Interface
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Reassign Purchasing Document
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Refresh Purchasing Document Signature Status
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Retroactively Price Purchase Order
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Author Standard Contract Terms and
  and contract agreements. Conditions

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Cancel Purchase Agreement
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Change Purchase Agreement
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Change Supplier Site
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Communicate Purchase Order and Purchase
  and contract agreements. Agreement

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Create Blanket Purchase Agreement Line
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Create Blanket Purchase Agreement Line from
  and contract agreements. Catalog

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Create Purchase Agreement
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Download Contract for External Parties
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Enable Purchase Agreement Catalog Authoring
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Manage Purchasing Document Signatures
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Search Purchase Agreement
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Transfer Blanket Purchase Agreement to
  and contract agreements. Catalog Administrator

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Transfer Blanket Purchase Agreement to
  and contract agreements. Supplier

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket View Contract Terms
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket View Purchase Agreement
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Acknowledge Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Cancel Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Finally Close Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Freeze Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Hold Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Search Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks View Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. Download Contract for External Parties

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. Search Purchase Agreement

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. Search Supplier Negotiation

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. View Contract Terms

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. View Purchase Agreement

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. View Supplier Negotiation

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. View Supplier Negotiation Response

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Communicate Purchase Order and Purchase
  including importing purchase orders from Agreement
external applications, applying retroactive price  
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Generate Purchase Order
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Import Purchase Order
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Purge Purchasing Document Open Interface
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Reassign Purchasing Document
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Refresh Purchasing Document Signature Status
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Retroactively Price Purchase Order
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Author Standard Contract Terms and
  backing requisition lines. Conditions

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Cancel Purchase Order
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Change Purchase Order
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Change Purchase Order Line Negotiated
  backing requisition lines. Indicator

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Change Supplier Site
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Communicate Purchase Order and Purchase
  backing requisition lines. Agreement

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Create Purchase Order
  backing requisition lines.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Create Purchase Order Line from Catalog
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Create Purchase Order from Requisitions
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Download Contract for External Parties
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Import Approved Requisition
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Import Requisition
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Manage Purchasing Document Signatures
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Request Budgetary Control Override
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Search Purchase Order
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without View Contract Terms
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without View Purchase Order
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Acknowledge Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Cancel Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Close Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Finally Close Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Freeze Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Hold Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Search Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including View Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Download Contract for External Parties
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Review Inbound Shipment Details
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Review Receiving Receipt Summary
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Review Receiving Transaction History
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Search Purchase Order
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Search Requisition Line as Buyer
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Search Supplier Negotiation
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Contract Terms
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Payables Invoice
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Purchase Order
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Receiving Notication as Buyer
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Requisition Details as Buyer
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Requisition Lifecycle as Procurement
  procurement agent. Agent

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Supplier Negotiation
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Supplier Negotiation Response
  procurement agent.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Change Requisition Line Grouping
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Increase Requisition Line Quantity or Amount
  creating purchasing documents. as Buyer

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Process Requisition Line
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Reassign Requisition Line
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Replace Requisition Line from Catalog
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Return Requisition Line
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Search Requisition Line as Buyer
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Split Requisition Line
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including View Requisition Details as Buyer
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including View Requisition Lifecycle as Procurement
  creating purchasing documents. Agent

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. Run Supplier Background Scheduler

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. Search Supplier


Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Location of Final Discharge

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Party Fiscal Classication

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Address

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Aachment

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Business Classication

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Contact

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Contact Change Request

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Contact User Account

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Income Tax

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Payment

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Products and Services Categories

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Prole Change Request

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Registration Bank Account

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Registration Request

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Site

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Site Assignment

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Site Invoicing Information

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Site Purchasing Information

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Site Receiving Information

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Transaction Tax

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Third-Party Site Tax Prole

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Third-Party Tax Prole

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier Search Supplier Assessment

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier Search Supplier Qualication

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Assessment

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication Initiative

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication Question

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Check Funds
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Reserve Funds
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budget Impact
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budget Period Statuses
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budgetary Control Balances
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budgetary Control Transactions
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Transfer Budget Balances to Budget Cubes
  roles who perform transactions that are subject Continuously

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

to budgetary control, such as accounts payable  


Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job View Funds Available Balances
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Buyer job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Buyer can delete application aachment for Role: Buyer
  the purchase document categories including  
miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
to approver, to payables, and internal to  
purchasing Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Buyer can modify application aachment for Role: Buyer
  the purchase document categories including  
miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, Privilege: Update Application Aachment
to approver, to payables, and internal to  
purchasing Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Buyer can read application aachment for Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  the supplier assessment categories including  
internal to supplier qualication, miscellaneous Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Buyer can read application aachment for Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  the supplier qualication categories including  
internal to supplier qualication, miscellaneous Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Buyer can read application aachment for Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  the supplier qualication question category  
including to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Buyer can read application aachment for Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  the supplier qualication response categories  
including from supplier, from internal Privilege: Read Application Aachment
responder, miscellaneous, to buyer, to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Buyer can view application aachment access Role: Buyer
  the contracts application aachments for  
the purchase document categories including Privilege: Read Application Aachment
document, from supplier, miscellaneous, to  
supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to Resource: Application Aachment
payables, and internal to purchasing  

Application Aachment A Buyer can view application aachment for the Role: Buyer
  negotiation award categories including sourcing  
negotiation award and miscellaneous Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Buyer can view application aachment for Role: Buyer
  the negotiation categories including internal to  
sourcing, miscellaneous, to approver, to buyer, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
to payables, to receiver, and to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Buyer can view application aachment for Role: Buyer
  the negotiation response categories from  
supplier, from supplier: technical, from supplier: Privilege: Read Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Buyer can view application aachment for Role: Buyer
  the purchase document categories including  
document, from supplier, miscellaneous, to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to  
payables, and internal to purchasing Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Buyer can view application aachment for Role: Buyer
  the supplier assessment categories including  
internal to supplier qualication, miscellaneous Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Buyer can view application aachment for Role: Buyer
  the supplier qualication categories including  
internal to supplier qualication, miscellaneous Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Buyer can view application aachment for Role: Buyer
  the supplier qualication response categories  
including from supplier, from internal Privilege: Read Application Aachment
responder, miscellaneous, to buyer, to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Contract Expert Rule A Buyer can view contract expert rule for all the Role: Buyer
  business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Contract Expert Rule


Contract Library Clause A Buyer can view contract library clause for all Role: Buyer
  business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause Folder A Buyer can view contract library clause folder Role: Buyer
  for all the business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause Folder

Payment Card A Buyer can view employee credit card for any Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  employee corporate cards in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Employee Credit Card (Data)
Resource: Payment Card

Person Email A Buyer can view person email for all workers in Role: Buyer
  the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Person Email (Data)
Resource: Person Email

Public Person A Buyer can choose public person for all Role: Buyer
  workers in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Buyer can view public person for all workers Role: Buyer
  in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Buyer can view public person for persons and Role: Buyer
  assignments in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Purchasing Document Header A Buyer can manage purchasing document Role: Buyer
  header for themselves in the business units for  
which they are authorized Privilege: View Purchasing Document Header
Resource: Purchasing Document Header

Receiving Receipt Transaction A Buyer can manage receiving receipt Role: Buyer
  transaction for the purchase orders for which  
they are authorized

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  Privilege: View Purchasing Document Receiving

Transaction (Data)
Resource: Receiving Receipt Transaction

Requisition A Buyer can manage requisition for themselves Role: Buyer

  for the business units for which they are  
authorized Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)
Resource: Requisition

Requisition A Buyer can view requisition analysis for Role: Requisition Line Processing
  themselves for the business units for which  
they are authorized Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)
Resource: Requisition

Requisition Line A Buyer can manage requisition line for Role: Buyer
  themselves for the business units for which  
they are authorized Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)
Resource: Requisition Line

Requisition Line A Buyer can view requisition analysis for Role: Requisition Line Processing
  themselves for the business units for which  
they are authorized Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)
Resource: Requisition Line

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Buyer can manage trading community legal Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Preference contact preference for all trading community  
  contact preferences not of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Buyer can manage trading community org Role: Buyer
Preference address email contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Buyer can manage trading community legal Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all trading community  
  contact preferences not of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Buyer can manage trading community org Role: Buyer
Contact Preference address phone contact preference for all trading  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Buyer can manage trading community legal Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all trading community  
  contact preferences not of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Buyer can manage trading community Role: Buyer
Contact Preference organization address contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Buyer can manage trading community legal Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Preference contact preference for all trading community  
  contact preferences not of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Buyer can manage trading community Role: Buyer
Preference organization email contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party A Buyer can view trading community Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry
  organization for all organizations in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Buyer can view trading community Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  organization for all organizations in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Organization Party A Buyer can view trading community Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  organization for all organizations in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Buyer can view trading community Role: Buyer
  organization party for all organizations in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Phone A Buyer can manage trading community legal Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all trading community  
  contact preferences not of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone A Buyer can manage trading community Role: Buyer
Contact Preference organization phone contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Buyer can view trading community contact Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  for all trading community persons in the  
enterprise except contacts created by partners. Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Buyer can view trading community party for Role: Buyer
  all people in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Buyer can view trading community party for Role: Buyer
  all people in the enterprise other than sales  
accounts and sales prospects. Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Buyer can view trading community party for Role: Buyer
  all resources in the enterprise  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Privilege: View Trading Community Person

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Buyer can view trading community party for Role: Buyer
  all trading community persons in the enterprise  
except contacts created by partners. Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Buyer can view trading community person for Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry
  all people in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Buyer can view trading community person for Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  all people in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Buyer can view trading community person for Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  all people in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Buyer can view trading community person Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  for all people in the enterprise other than sales  
accounts and sales prospects. Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Buyer can view trading community person for Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  all resources in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Buyer can manage trading community legal Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Preference contact preference for all trading community  
  contact preferences not of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Buyer can manage trading community person Role: Buyer
Preference address contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Buyer can manage trading community legal Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all trading community  
  contact preferences not of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Buyer can manage trading community person Role: Buyer
Contact Preference address phone contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Buyer can manage trading community legal Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Preference contact preference for all trading community  
  contact preferences not of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Buyer can manage trading community Role: Buyer
Preference person email contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Buyer can manage trading community legal Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Preference contact preference for all trading community  
  contact preferences not of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Buyer can manage trading community Role: Buyer
Preference person phone contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Relationship A Buyer can view trading community Role: Buyer
  relationship for all trading community  
relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Buyer can view trading community Role: Buyer
  relationship for all trading community  
relationships in the enterprise except partner Privilege: View Trading Community
contact relationships, or relationships created Relationship (Data)
by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Buyer can view trading community Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  relationship for all trading community  
relationships in the enterprise except partner Privilege: View Trading Community
contact relationships, or relationships created Relationship (Data)
by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Buyer job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Party Tax Prole A Buyer can access party tax prole for any Role: Buyer
  party tax prole dened in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Manage Party Tax Prole (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Prole

Party Tax Prole A Buyer can manage party tax prole for any Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  party tax prole dened in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Manage Party Tax Prole (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Prole

Supplier A Buyer can maintain supplier corporate Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  identiers for all suppliers for nonindividual  
types in the enterprise Privilege: Maintain Supplier Corporate
  Identiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Tax Registration A Buyer can access tax registration for any tax Role: Buyer
  registration dened in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 5
Security Reference for Procurement Buyer (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Tax Registration

Tax Registration A Buyer can manage tax registration for any tax Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  registration dened in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration

Taxable Transaction A Buyer can access taxable transaction for any Role: Buyer
  taxable transaction existing in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Manage Taxable Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable Transaction

Trading Community Person Phone A Buyer can view trading community Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  person mobile phone number for all trading  
community person mobile phone numbers Privilege: View Trading Community Person
  Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Trading Community Person Phone A Buyer can view trading community person Role: Buyer
  phone for all trading community person mobile  
phone numbers Privilege: View Trading Community Person
  Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

6 Category Manager (Job Role)

Procurement professional responsible for identifying savings opportunities, determining negotiation strategies,
creating request for quote, request for information, request for proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business typically in the form of contracts or purchase orders to suppliers.

Role Hierarchy
The Category Manager job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.
• Category Manager
◦ Agreement Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
- Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
◦ Buyer
- Agreement Transaction Analysis
◦ Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
- Business Intelligence Applications Worker
- Implemented Change Order Transaction Analysis
◦ Business Intelligence Authoring
- Item Inquiry
- Payables Invoice Inquiry
- Pending Change Order Transaction Analysis
◦ Business Intelligence Authoring
- Procurement Folder Reporting
- Purchase Agreement Administration
◦ FSCM Load Interface Administration
- Purchase Agreement Authoring
- Purchase Agreement Control
- Purchase Agreement Inquiry
- Purchase Order Administration
◦ FSCM Load Interface Administration
- Purchase Order Authoring
◦ Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control
• Business Intelligence Consumer
- Purchase Order Control
- Purchase Order Inquiry

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

- Purchase Order Transaction Analysis

◦ Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
- Purchase Requisitions Transaction Analysis
◦ Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
- Requisition Line Processing
- Spend Transaction Analysis
- Supplier Prole Inquiry
◦ Payee Bank Account Management
• FSCM Load Interface Administration
◦ Supplier Qualication Viewing
- Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
◦ Transactional Analysis
- Upload data for Blanket Purchase Agreement Import
- Upload data for Contract Purchase Agreement Import
- Upload data for Purchase Orders for Import
- Upload data for Requisition Import
◦ Implemented Change Order Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Negotiation Award
◦ Negotiation Contract Management
◦ Negotiation Management
◦ Negotiation Response Evaluation
◦ Negotiation Update
◦ Negotiation Viewing
◦ Pending Change Order Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Purchase Order Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
- Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
◦ Seller Negotiation Award
◦ Seller Negotiation Creation
◦ Seller Negotiation Management
◦ Seller Negotiation Response Evaluation
◦ Seller Negotiation Viewing
◦ Sourcing Administration
◦ Sourcing Program Management
◦ Sourcing Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

- Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Category Manager job role.

Duty Role Description

Agreement Transaction Analysis Analyzes Agreement transactional information


Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring
  within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions,
Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.

Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence
  Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.
This role allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from
a subject area.

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import

Implemented Change Order Transaction Analyzes Implemented Change Order information


Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.


Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the purchasing documents resulting from those award decisions.

Negotiation Contract Management Create and manage procurement contracts for awarded suppliers in a negotiation.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the
  collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation responses.


Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations.


Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details pages.


Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.


Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Duty Role Description

Pending Change Order Transaction Analyzes Pending Change Order information


Procurement Folder Reporting Grants access to the Procurement web catalog folder.

Procurement Transactional Analysis This role is used to get the supported currencies in Procurement and Spend Transactional Analysis
Currency Preference module.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration tasks including importing agreements from external
  applications, applying retroactive price changes, reassigning agreements from one agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements.


Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks including importing purchase orders from external
  applications, applying retroactive price changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Purchase Order Transaction Analysis Analyzes Purchase Order transactional information


Purchase Requisitions Transaction Analyzes Purchase Requisitions transactional information


Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including creating purchasing documents.

Seller Negotiation Award Make award decisions, share award decision with bidders, and export award decisions.

Seller Negotiation Creation Create seller negotiations.


Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and other such

Seller Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, and shortlist seller negotiation responses.

Seller Negotiation Viewing Search and view seller negotiation details.


Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Duty Role Description

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other
  administrative operations.

Sourcing Program Management Manage all aspects of sourcing programs including creating, updating, monitoring, and completing the

Sourcing Transaction Analysis Analyzes Sourcing transactional information


Spend Transaction Analysis Provides real time information related to approved invoice headers, line and distributions in the
  Spend subject area. It also provides real time spend information across Requisitions, Purchase Orders,
Invoices and Receipts in the Procure to Pay subject area.

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information.


Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualications.

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform transactions that are subject to
  budgetary control, such as accounts payable manager.

Transactional Analysis This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and ltering purposes and is therefore required for
  all OTBI users.

Upload data for Blanket Purchase Allows to upload data le to import blanket agreements.
Agreement Import  

Upload data for Contract Purchase Allows to upload data le to import contract agreements.
Agreement Import  

Upload data for Purchase Orders for Allows to upload data le to import purchase orders.

Upload data for Requisition Import Allows to upload data le to import requisitions.

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Category Manager job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Generate Approved Supplier List Entry
  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Manage Contract Deliverable

  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Manage File Import and Export
  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Research Suppliers

  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Run Purchasing Document Background

  transactional aspects of the procurement Scheduler

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Search Approved Supplier List Entry
  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for View Purchase Agreement Work Area
  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for View Purchase Order Work Area
  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Change Approved Supplier List Entry
  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Create Approved Supplier List Entry
  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Create Supplier Negotiation

  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

typically in the form of contracts or purchase

orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Delete Supplier Negotiation Owner Manager
  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Determine Sourcing Requirement

  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Edit Seller Negotiation

  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Manage Contract Deliverable

  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Manage Supplier Negotiation Watchlist by Web
  identifying savings opportunities, determining Service
negotiation strategies, creating request for  
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Publish Supplier Negotiation Response
  identifying savings opportunities, determining Tabulation
negotiation strategies, creating request for  
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Submit Supplier Negotiation

  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Submit Supplier Registration

  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for View Procurement Dashboard

  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for View Source to Sele Infolet Page
  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for View Supplier Negotiation Work Area
  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load File to Interface

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load Interface File for Import

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Manage File Import and Export

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Transfer File

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Aachment

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Catalog

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Global Search

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Unit of Measure

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item Organization Association

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item Relationship

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the Allocate Supplier Negotiation Award to
  purchasing documents resulting from those Requisition
award decisions.  

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the Analyze Negotiation Response
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the Award Supplier Negotiation
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the Award Supplier Negotiation as Owner
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the Complete Supplier Negotiation Award
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the Research Suppliers
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the Search Supplier Negotiation
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the Submit Supplier Negotiation Award
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the Update Supplier Qualication Question
  purchasing documents resulting from those Response
award decisions.  

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the View Question Response History
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the View Supplier Business Classication
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the View Supplier Eligibility
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the View Supplier Negotiation Award
  purchasing documents resulting from those Recommendation
award decisions.  

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the View Supplier Negotiation Response
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the View Supplier Negotiation Response History
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Contract Management Create and manage procurement contracts for Author Standard Contract Terms and
  awarded suppliers in a negotiation. Conditions

Negotiation Contract Management Create and manage procurement contracts for Create Contract
  awarded suppliers in a negotiation.  

Negotiation Contract Management Create and manage procurement contracts for Edit Contract
  awarded suppliers in a negotiation.  

Negotiation Contract Management Create and manage procurement contracts for Enable Buy Intent
  awarded suppliers in a negotiation.  

Negotiation Contract Management Create and manage procurement contracts for Manage Contract Work Area
  awarded suppliers in a negotiation.  

Negotiation Contract Management Create and manage procurement contracts for View Contract Terms
  awarded suppliers in a negotiation.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Cancel Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Close Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Complete Supplier Negotiation Stage One For
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Two Stage Negotiation
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Create Supplier Negotiation Response as
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Surrogate
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Disqualify Supplier Negotiation Response
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Extend Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Lock Negotiation Supplier Out
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Manage Negotiation Supplier Invitation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Manage Project Task Progress
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Manage Supplier Negotiation Collaboration
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Team
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Manage Supplier Negotiation Requirements
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Manage Supplier Negotiation Response as
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Surrogate
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Manage Supplier Negotiation Scoring
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Monitor Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Pause Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Research Suppliers
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Search Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unlock Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unlock Supplier Negotiation Response Draft as
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Surrogate
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unlock Supplier Negotiation Stage One For Two
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Stage Negotiation
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unlock Supplier Negotiation Stage Two For Two
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Stage Negotiation
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unseal Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unseal Supplier Negotiation Stage One For Two
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Stage Negotiation
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unseal Supplier Negotiation Stage Two For Two
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Stage Negotiation
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Update Supplier Qualication Question
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Response
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, View Supplier Business Classication
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, View Supplier Eligibility
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, View Supplier Negotiation Response
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, View Supplier Negotiation Response History
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Analyze Negotiation Response

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Apply Internal Cost Factors

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Change Supplier Negotiation Response
  responses. Shortlist Status

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Close Supplier Negotiation Scoring

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Override Supplier Negotiation Response Score

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Research Suppliers

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Score Supplier Negotiation Response

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Search Supplier Negotiation

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Update Response Scores for Another Member

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation View Question Response History

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation View Supplier Business Classication

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation View Supplier Eligibility

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation View Supplier Negotiation Response

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation View Supplier Negotiation Response History

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Author Standard Contract Terms and

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Edit Supplier Negotiation


Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Manage Negotiation Line Default

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Manage Supplier Negotiation Draft

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Research Suppliers


Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Search Supplier Qualication Area

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Search Supplier Qualication Question

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Unlock Supplier Negotiation Draft Owned by

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. View Contract Terms


Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. View Supplier Eligibility


Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. View Supplier Negotiation


Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. View Supplier Qualication Area

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. View Supplier Qualication Question

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details Create Supplier Negotiation Online Message

Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details Reply Supplier Negotiation Online Message

Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details Search Supplier Negotiation

Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details View Contract Terms

Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details View Supplier Negotiation

Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details View Supplier Negotiation Online Message

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. Manage Payables Invoices

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Import Supplier Bank Accounts
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage External Payee Payment Details
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Payment Instrument Assignment
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other View Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Communicate Purchase Order and Purchase
  tasks including importing agreements from Agreement
external applications, applying retroactive price  
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Generate Approved Supplier List Entry
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Import Blanket Purchase Agreement
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Import Contract Purchase Agreement
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Purge Purchasing Document Open Interface
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Reassign Purchasing Document
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Refresh Purchasing Document Signature Status
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Retroactively Price Purchase Order
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Author Standard Contract Terms and
  and contract agreements. Conditions

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Cancel Purchase Agreement
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Change Purchase Agreement
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Change Supplier Site
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Communicate Purchase Order and Purchase
  and contract agreements. Agreement

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Create Blanket Purchase Agreement Line
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Create Blanket Purchase Agreement Line from
  and contract agreements. Catalog

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Create Purchase Agreement
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Download Contract for External Parties
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Enable Purchase Agreement Catalog Authoring
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Manage Purchasing Document Signatures
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Search Purchase Agreement
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Transfer Blanket Purchase Agreement to
  and contract agreements. Catalog Administrator

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Transfer Blanket Purchase Agreement to
  and contract agreements. Supplier

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket View Contract Terms
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket View Purchase Agreement
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Acknowledge Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Cancel Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Finally Close Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Freeze Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Hold Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Search Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks View Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. Download Contract for External Parties

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. Search Purchase Agreement

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. Search Supplier Negotiation

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. View Contract Terms

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. View Purchase Agreement

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. View Supplier Negotiation

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. View Supplier Negotiation Response

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Communicate Purchase Order and Purchase
  including importing purchase orders from Agreement
external applications, applying retroactive price  
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Generate Purchase Order
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Import Purchase Order
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Purge Purchasing Document Open Interface
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Reassign Purchasing Document
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Refresh Purchasing Document Signature Status
  including importing purchase orders from  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

external applications, applying retroactive price

changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Retroactively Price Purchase Order
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Author Standard Contract Terms and
  backing requisition lines. Conditions

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Cancel Purchase Order
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Change Purchase Order
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Change Purchase Order Line Negotiated
  backing requisition lines. Indicator

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Change Supplier Site
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Communicate Purchase Order and Purchase
  backing requisition lines. Agreement

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Create Purchase Order
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Create Purchase Order Line from Catalog
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Create Purchase Order from Requisitions
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Download Contract for External Parties
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Import Approved Requisition
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Import Requisition
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Manage Purchasing Document Signatures
  backing requisition lines.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Request Budgetary Control Override
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Search Purchase Order
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without View Contract Terms
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without View Purchase Order
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Acknowledge Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Cancel Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Close Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Finally Close Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Freeze Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Hold Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Search Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including View Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Download Contract for External Parties
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Review Inbound Shipment Details
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Review Receiving Receipt Summary
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Review Receiving Transaction History
  procurement agent.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Search Purchase Order
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Search Requisition Line as Buyer
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Search Supplier Negotiation
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Contract Terms
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Payables Invoice
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Purchase Order
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Receiving Notication as Buyer
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Requisition Details as Buyer
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Requisition Lifecycle as Procurement
  procurement agent. Agent

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Supplier Negotiation
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Supplier Negotiation Response
  procurement agent.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Change Requisition Line Grouping
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Increase Requisition Line Quantity or Amount
  creating purchasing documents. as Buyer

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Process Requisition Line
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Reassign Requisition Line
  creating purchasing documents.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Replace Requisition Line from Catalog
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Return Requisition Line
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Search Requisition Line as Buyer
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Split Requisition Line
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including View Requisition Details as Buyer
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including View Requisition Lifecycle as Procurement
  creating purchasing documents. Agent

Seller Negotiation Award Make award decisions, share award decision Award Seller Negotiation
  with bidders, and export award decisions.  

Seller Negotiation Award Make award decisions, share award decision Complete Seller Negotiation Award
  with bidders, and export award decisions.  

Seller Negotiation Creation Create seller negotiations. Create Seller Negotiation


Seller Negotiation Creation Create seller negotiations. Submit Seller Negotiation


Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Cancel Seller Negotiation
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and  
other such operations.

Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Close Seller Negotiation
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and  
other such operations.

Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Delete Draft Seller Negotiation
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and  
other such operations.

Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Manage Seller Negotiation Bidder Invitation
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and  
other such operations.

Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Monitor Seller Negotiation
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and  
other such operations.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Pause Seller Negotiation
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and  
other such operations.

Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Unlock Seller Negotiation Draft Owned by
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and Others
other such operations.  

Seller Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, and shortlist seller negotiation Analyze Seller Negotiation Response

Seller Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, and shortlist seller negotiation Disqualify Seller Negotiation Response

Seller Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, and shortlist seller negotiation View Seller Negotiation Response

Seller Negotiation Viewing Search and view seller negotiation details. Search Seller Negotiation

Seller Negotiation Viewing Search and view seller negotiation details. View Seller Negotiation

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Create Supplier Negotiation Template
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Delete Seller Negotiation

  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Delete Supplier Negotiation

  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Edit Supplier Qualication Question
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Manage Supplier Negotiation Aribute List
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Manage Supplier Negotiation Cost Factor
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Manage Supplier Negotiation Cost Factor List
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Manage Supplier Negotiation Notications
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Manage Supplier Negotiation Style
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Manage Supplier Negotiation Template
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Search Supplier Qualication Question
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation View Supplier Qualication Question
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Program Management Manage all aspects of sourcing programs Complete Sourcing Program
  including creating, updating, monitoring, and  
completing the program.

Sourcing Program Management Manage all aspects of sourcing programs Delete Sourcing Program Owner Manager
  including creating, updating, monitoring, and  
completing the program.

Sourcing Program Management Manage all aspects of sourcing programs Edit Sourcing Program
  including creating, updating, monitoring, and  
completing the program.

Sourcing Program Management Manage all aspects of sourcing programs Manage Sourcing Program
  including creating, updating, monitoring, and  
completing the program.

Sourcing Program Management Manage all aspects of sourcing programs Monitor Sourcing Program
  including creating, updating, monitoring, and  
completing the program.

Sourcing Program Management Manage all aspects of sourcing programs View Sourcing Program
  including creating, updating, monitoring, and  
completing the program.

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. Run Supplier Background Scheduler

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. Search Supplier


Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Location of Final Discharge

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Party Fiscal Classication

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier


Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Address

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Aachment

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Business Classication

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Contact

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Contact Change Request

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Contact User Account

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Income Tax

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Payment

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Products and Services Categories

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Prole Change Request

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Registration Bank Account

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Registration Request

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Site

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Site Assignment

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Site Invoicing Information

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Site Purchasing Information

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Site Receiving Information

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Transaction Tax

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Third-Party Site Tax Prole

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Third-Party Tax Prole

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier Search Supplier Assessment

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier Search Supplier Qualication

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Assessment

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication Initiative

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication Question

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Check Funds
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Reserve Funds
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budget Impact
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budget Period Statuses
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budgetary Control Balances
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budgetary Control Transactions
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Transfer Budget Balances to Budget Cubes
  roles who perform transactions that are subject Continuously
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable  

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job View Funds Available Balances
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Category Manager job

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Category Manager can delete application Role: Category Manager
  aachment for the negotiation award  
categories including sourcing negotiation award Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
and miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can delete application Role: Category Manager
  aachment for the negotiation categories  
including internal to sourcing, miscellaneous, to Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
approver, to buyer, to payables, to receiver, and  
to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can delete application Role: Category Manager
  aachment for the negotiation response  
categories from supplier, from supplier: Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
technical, from supplier: commercial  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can delete application Role: Buyer

  aachment for the purchase document  
categories including miscellaneous, to supplier, Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables,  
and internal to purchasing Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can delete application Role: Category Manager
  aachment for the seller negotiation categories  
including internal to sourcing and to bidder Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Category Manager can delete application Role: Category Manager
  aachment for the seller negotiation category  
including seller negotiation award Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can modify application Role: Category Manager
  aachment for the negotiation award  
categories including sourcing negotiation award Privilege: Update Application Aachment
and miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can modify application Role: Category Manager
  aachment for the negotiation categories  
including internal to sourcing, miscellaneous, to Privilege: Update Application Aachment
approver, to buyer, to payables, to receiver, and  
to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can modify application Role: Category Manager
  aachment for the negotiation response  
categories from supplier, from supplier: Privilege: Update Application Aachment
technical, from supplier: commercial  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can modify application Role: Category Manager
  aachment for the seller negotiation categories  
including internal to sourcing and to bidder Privilege: Update Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can modify application Role: Category Manager
  aachment for the seller negotiation category  
including seller negotiation award Privilege: Update Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can read application Role: Buyer

  aachment access the contracts application  
aachments for the purchase document Privilege: Read Application Aachment
categories including document, from supplier,  
miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, Resource: Application Aachment
to approver, to payables, and internal to  

Application Aachment A Category Manager can read application Role: Buyer

  aachment for the negotiation award  
categories including sourcing negotiation award Privilege: Read Application Aachment
and miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can read application Role: Buyer

  aachment for the negotiation categories  
including internal to sourcing, miscellaneous, to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
approver, to buyer, to payables, to receiver, and  
to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation


Application Aachment A Category Manager can read application Role: Buyer

  aachment for the negotiation response  
categories from supplier, from supplier: Privilege: Read Application Aachment
technical, from supplier: commercial  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can read application Role: Buyer

  aachment for the purchase document  
categories including document, from supplier, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver,  
to approver, to payables, and internal to Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can read application Role: Buyer

  aachment for the supplier assessment  
categories including internal to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can read application Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  aachment for the supplier assessment  
categories including internal to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can read application Role: Buyer

  aachment for the supplier qualication  
categories including internal to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can read application Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
categories including internal to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can read application Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
question category including to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can read application Role: Buyer

  aachment for the supplier qualication  
response categories including from supplier, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
from internal responder, miscellaneous, to  
buyer, to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can read application Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
response categories including from supplier, Privilege: Read Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

from internal responder, miscellaneous, to Resource: Application Aachment

buyer, to supplier  

Application Aachment A Category Manager can update application Role: Buyer

  aachment for the purchase document  
categories including miscellaneous, to supplier, Privilege: Update Application Aachment
to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables,  
and internal to purchasing Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can view application Role: Category Manager
  aachment for the negotiation award  
categories including sourcing negotiation award Privilege: Read Application Aachment
and miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can view application Role: Category Manager
  aachment for the negotiation categories  
including internal to sourcing, miscellaneous, to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
approver, to buyer, to payables, to receiver, and  
to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can view application Role: Category Manager
  aachment for the negotiation response  
categories from supplier, from supplier: Privilege: Read Application Aachment
technical, from supplier: commercial  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can view application Role: Category Manager
  aachment for the seller negotiation bid  
category including from bidder Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can view application Role: Category Manager
  aachment for the seller negotiation categories  
including internal to sourcing and to bidder Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can view application Role: Category Manager
  aachment for the seller negotiation category  
including seller negotiation award Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can view application Role: Category Manager
  aachment for the supplier assessment  
categories including internal to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can view application Role: Category Manager
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
Privilege: Read Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

question categories including miscellaneous  

and to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Category Manager can view application Role: Category Manager
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
response categories including from supplier, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
miscellaneous, to buyer, and to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Contract A Category Manager can manage contract for Role: Category Manager
  the business units for which they are authorized  
  Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)
Resource: Contract

Contract Expert Rule A Category Manager can view contract terms Role: Buyer
  library for all the business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Expert Rule

Contract Library Clause A Category Manager can view contract terms Role: Buyer
  library for all business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause Folder A Category Manager can view contract terms Role: Buyer
  library for all the business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause Folder

Payment Card A Category Manager can view employee credit Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  card for any employee corporate cards in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Employee Credit Card (Data)
Resource: Payment Card

Person Email A Category Manager can report person email Role: Buyer
  for all workers in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Person Email (Data)
Resource: Person Email

Public Person A Category Manager can choose public person Role: Buyer
  for all workers in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Category Manager can report public person Role: Buyer
  for all workers in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Category Manager can report public person Role: Buyer
  for persons and assignments in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Category Manager can view public person for Role: Category Manager
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Purchasing Document Header A Category Manager can view purchasing Role: Buyer
  document header for themselves in the  
business units for which they are authorized Privilege: View Purchasing Document Header
Resource: Purchasing Document Header

Receiving Receipt Transaction A Category Manager can view purchasing Role: Buyer
  document receiving transaction for the  
purchase orders for which they are authorized Privilege: View Purchasing Document Receiving
  Transaction (Data)
Resource: Receiving Receipt Transaction

Requisition A Category Manager can view requisition Role: Buyer

  analysis for themselves for the business units  
for which they are authorized Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)
Resource: Requisition

Requisition A Category Manager can view requisition Role: Requisition Line Processing
  analysis for themselves for the business units  
for which they are authorized Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)
Resource: Requisition

Requisition Line A Category Manager can view requisition Role: Buyer

  analysis for themselves for the business units  
for which they are authorized Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)
Resource: Requisition Line

Requisition Line A Category Manager can view requisition Role: Requisition Line Processing
  analysis for themselves for the business units  
for which they are authorized Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)
Resource: Requisition Line

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Sourcing Negotiation Document and Template A Category Manager can view sourcing Role: Category Manager
  negotiation document and template for the  
agents and business units for which they are Privilege: View Sourcing Negotiation Document
authorized and Template Analysis (Data)
Resource: Sourcing Negotiation Document and

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Category Manager can manage trading Role: Buyer
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Category Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Category Manager can manage trading Role: Buyer
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Category Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Category Manager can manage trading Role: Buyer
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Category Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Category Manager can manage trading Role: Buyer
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Category Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party A Category Manager can view trading Role: Buyer
  community organization for all organizations in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Category Manager can view trading Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry
  community organization for all organizations in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Category Manager can view trading Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  community organization for all organizations in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Category Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  community organization for all organizations in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Phone A Category Manager can manage trading Role: Buyer
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Organization Phone A Category Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Category Manager can view trading Role: Buyer
  community contact for all trading community  
persons in the enterprise except contacts Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
created by partners. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Category Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  community contact for all trading community  
persons in the enterprise except contacts Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
created by partners. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Category Manager can view trading Role: Buyer
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Category Manager can view trading Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Category Manager can view trading Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Category Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Category Manager can view trading Role: Buyer
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise other than sales accounts and sales Privilege: View Trading Community Person
prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Party A Category Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise other than sales accounts and sales Privilege: View Trading Community Person
prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Category Manager can view trading Role: Buyer
  community person for all resources in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Category Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  community person for all resources in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Category Manager can manage trading Role: Buyer
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Category Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Category Manager can manage trading Role: Buyer
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Category Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Category Manager can manage trading Role: Buyer
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Category Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Category Manager can manage trading Role: Buyer
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Category Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship A Category Manager can view trading Role: Buyer
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Category Manager can view trading Role: Buyer
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
except partner contact relationships, or Relationship (Data)
relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Category Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
except partner contact relationships, or Relationship (Data)
relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Category Manager job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Party Tax Prole A Category Manager can manage party tax Role: Buyer
  prole for any party tax prole dened in the  
enterprise Privilege: Manage Party Tax Prole (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Prole

Party Tax Prole A Category Manager can manage party tax Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  prole for any party tax prole dened in the  
enterprise Privilege: Manage Party Tax Prole (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Prole

Supplier A Category Manager can maintain supplier Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  corporate identiers for all suppliers for  
nonindividual types in the enterprise Privilege: Maintain Supplier Corporate
  Identiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Tax Registration A Category Manager can manage tax Role: Buyer

  registration for any tax registration dened in  
the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration

Tax Registration A Category Manager can manage tax Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  registration for any tax registration dened in  
the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration

Taxable Transaction A Category Manager can manage taxable Role: Buyer

  transaction for any taxable transaction existing  
in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Taxable Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable Transaction

Trading Community Person Phone A Category Manager can view trading Role: Buyer
  community person mobile phone number for  
all trading community person mobile phone Privilege: View Trading Community Person
numbers Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Trading Community Person Phone A Category Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  community person mobile phone number for  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

all trading community person mobile phone Privilege: View Trading Community Person
numbers Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 6
Security Reference for Procurement Category Manager (Job Role)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

7 Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Identies the person as a contingent worker.

Role Hierarchy
The Contingent Worker abstract role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.
• Contingent Worker
◦ Access Family and Emergency Contacts by Worker
◦ Access Person Contact Information by Worker
◦ Access Person Extra Information by Worker
◦ Access Person Gallery
◦ Access Person Identication Information by Worker
◦ Access Personal Details by Worker
◦ Access Portrait Payslip
◦ Access Portrait Personal Payment Method
◦ Aachments User
- CRM Stage Write
◦ Business Intelligence Consumer
◦ Change Person Address
◦ Change Person Marital Status
◦ Compare HCM Information
◦ Edit Person Career Planning
◦ Edit Person Skills and Qualications
◦ Employee Enrollment
◦ Expense Entry
- Business Intelligence Consumer
- Payee Bank Account Management
◦ FSCM Load Interface Administration
- Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control
◦ Business Intelligence Consumer
◦ HCM Connections REST Services
- Use REST Service - Public Workers Read Only
- Use REST Service - Talent Person Proles

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

- Use REST Service - Talent Person Proles Read Only

◦ Maintain Absence Records
◦ Manage Availability Paerns
◦ Manage Cash Disbursements
◦ Manage Development Goal by Worker
◦ Manage Donations
◦ Manage My Account
- Manage Approval Delegations
- Manage Role Delegations
◦ Manage Onboarding by Worker
◦ Manage Performance Goal by Worker
◦ Manage Person Biographical Information
◦ Manage Person Citizenship
◦ Manage Person Contact Details
◦ Manage Person Disability by Worker
◦ Manage Person Documentation by Worker
◦ Manage Person Driver License
◦ Manage Person Ethnicity
◦ Manage Person Extra Information by Worker
◦ Manage Person Image
◦ Manage Person Legislative
◦ Manage Person Name
◦ Manage Person National Identier
◦ Manage Person Passport
◦ Manage Person Religion
◦ Manage Person Visa or Permit
◦ Manage Personal Compensation
◦ Manage Worker Information Sharing
◦ Performance Management Worker
- Create Anytime Performance Document
- Manage Check-In Document
- Request Feedback
- View Performance Summary
- View Requested Feedback
◦ Person Communication Methods Management
◦ Person Communication Methods View
◦ Portrait Benets
◦ Portrait Current and Completed Tasks
◦ Print Worker Portrait

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

◦ Procurement Requester
- Business Intelligence Applications Worker
- Payables Invoice Inquiry
- Procurement Folder Reporting
- Receiving Management Requester
◦ Item Inquiry
- Requisition Self Service User
- Requisition Viewing
◦ Payables Invoice Inquiry
- Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control
◦ Business Intelligence Consumer
◦ Project Time Entry Mobile
- Use REST Service - Time Record Events
- Use REST Service - Time Record Groups Read Only
- Use REST Service - Time Records Read Only
◦ Share Personal Data Access
◦ Share Personal Information
◦ Social Connection Worker
◦ Submit Resignation
◦ Time and Labor Worker
- Worker Time Card Entry
◦ Use REST Service - Eligible Contacts List of Values
◦ Use REST Service - HCM Countries List of Values
◦ Use REST Service - HR Document Types List of Values
◦ Use REST Service - Locations List of Values
◦ Use REST Service - Performance Goals List of Values
◦ Use REST Service - Person Reference Data Lists of Values
◦ Use REST Service - Recruiting Hierarchy Lists of Values
◦ Use REST Service - Workers List of Values
◦ Use User Details Service
◦ View Accrual Type Absence Plan Balance
◦ View Additional Assignment Info
◦ View Compensation Details for Worker
◦ View Development Goal by Worker
◦ View Eligible Jobs
◦ View Employment Information Summary
◦ View Person Address
◦ View Person Biographical Information
◦ View Person Citizenship

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

◦ View Person Disability by Worker

◦ View Person Driver License
◦ View Person Ethnicity
◦ View Person Legislative
◦ View Person Name
◦ View Person National Identier
◦ View Person Passport
◦ View Person Religion
◦ View Person Visa or Permit
◦ View Portrait Availability Card
◦ View Portrait Contact Card
◦ View Portrait Personal Information Card
◦ View Portrait User Account Details Card
◦ View Secured Help Content
◦ View Total Compensation Statements
◦ View Worker Assignment History Details
◦ View Worker Contract
◦ Workforce Prole Worker

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Contingent Worker abstract role.

Duty Role Description

Aachments User UCM application role for access to aachments using the integrated user interface or the standalone

Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring
  within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions,
Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.

Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence
  Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.
This role allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from
a subject area.

CRM Stage Write Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server

Employee Enrollment Manages employee enrollments.


Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Duty Role Description

Expense Entry Creates and updates expense items and expense reports.

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import

HCM Connections REST Services Grants access to REST services used by HCM connections UI

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.


Manage My Account Manages worker roles.


Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.


Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Performance Management Worker Adds content to rate to performance document and evaluates self.

Person Communication Methods Grants access to the employee, contingent worker and Human Resource Specialist to manage the
Management phones, emails and other communication methods in the portrait.

Person Communication Methods View Grants access to the employee, contingent worker and Human Resource Specialist to view the phones,
  emails and other communication methods in the portrait.

Portrait Current and Completed Tasks Grants access to the current and completed tasks card in the portrait, which includes HCM worklist
  tasks and user provisioning requests.

Procurement Folder Reporting Grants access to the Procurement web catalog folder.

Project Time Entry Mobile Allows the user to report time and manage time cards on mobile device.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts, and return receipts.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, searching, and viewing requisitions, creating noncatalog
  requests, creating requisitions with one-time locations, and changing deliver-to locations on
requisition lines.

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents.


Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection employee duties.

Time and Labor Worker Reports time as a worker.


Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform transactions that are subject to
  budgetary control, such as accounts payable manager.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Duty Role Description

Use REST Service - Eligible Contacts List of Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Eligible Contacts list of values REST Service.

Use REST Service - HR Document Types Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the HR document types list of values REST
List of Values service.

Use REST Service - Workers List of Values Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Workers list of values REST Service.

View Secured Help Content Views help content that was added or edited, containing the security lookup value Secured.

Worker Time Card Entry Reports time by time card, as a worker.


Workforce Prole Worker Performs workforce prole duties as an employee or contingent worker.

Aggregate Privileges
This table lists aggregate privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the Contingent Worker abstract role.

Aggregate Privilege Description

Access Family and Emergency Contacts by Grants access to persons to view their own contacts.

Access Person Contact Information by Allows access to Person contact information such as phones, emails, other communication accounts,
Worker and addresses.

Access Person Extra Information by Allows access to a person's extensible exelds.


Access Person Gallery Searches worker deferred data and views the portrait page.

Access Person Identication Information Allows access to Person documents such as citizenship, passport, visa and permits, and driver licenses.
by Worker  

Access Personal Details by Worker Allows access to Person Information such as such as name, national identier, biographical,
  demographic, and disability information.

Access Portrait Payslip Grants access to a person's own payslip in the portrait.

Access Portrait Personal Payment Method Grants access to a person's payment methods in the portrait.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Aggregate Privilege Description

Change Person Address Grants access to persons to manage their own address data.

Change Person Marital Status Grants access to a person to manage their own marital status and related data.

Compare HCM Information Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any combinations of these objects.

Create Anytime Performance Document Allows creation of anytime performance documents


Edit Person Career Planning Allows editing the Person Career Planning.

Edit Person Skills and Qualications Allows editing the Person Skills and Qualications.

Maintain Absence Records Allows workers to enter, update and delete their absence records.

Manage Approval Delegations Allows management of user approval delegations.


Manage Availability Paerns Allows users to create, delete, and update availability paerns.

Manage Cash Disbursements Allows administrator to dispense part of an accrual plan balance for payment.

Manage Check-In Document Allows to create, view, edit and delete check-in document.

Manage Development Goal by Worker Manages worker's own development goals.


Manage Donations Allows users to create, delete and update donation of plan balances.

Manage Onboarding by Worker Allows worker to complete the onboarding tasks.


Manage Performance Goal by Worker Manages worker's own performance goals.


Manage Person Biographical Information Allows management of a person's biographical information.


Manage Person Citizenship Grants access to persons to manage their own citizenship.

Manage Person Contact Details Allows management of a person's contacts.


Manage Person Disability by Worker Allows worker to manage their own disability information.

Manage Person Documentation by Worker Grants access to persons to manage their own document data.

Manage Person Driver License Grants access to persons to manage their own driver licenses.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Aggregate Privilege Description

Manage Person Ethnicity Grants access to persons to manage their own ethnicity.

Manage Person Extra Information by Allows access to a person's extensible exelds.


Manage Person Image Manages Person Image


Manage Person Legislative Grants access to persons to manage their own legislative information.

Manage Person Name Maintains persons' name related aributes.


Manage Person National Identier Grants access to persons to manage their own national identier.

Manage Person Passport Grants access to persons to manage their own passports.

Manage Person Religion Grants access to persons to manage their own religion.

Manage Person Visa or Permit Grants access to persons to manage their own visas and permits.

Manage Personal Compensation Manages contributions made toward savings and contribution type plans.

Manage Role Delegations Allows management of user roles delegations.


Manage Worker Information Sharing Allows sharing of person information with internal and external recipients. Used in the non-responsive

Portrait Benets Views benets data for a worker in the portrait.


Print Worker Portrait Grants access to the portrait maintenance duties for the portrait cards.

Request Feedback Allows to request feedback


Share Personal Data Access Allows sharing of access to personal data.


Share Personal Information Allows sharing of personal information.


Submit Resignation Allows worker to submit their own resignation.


Use REST Service - HCM Countries List of Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the HCM Countries list of values REST Service.

Use REST Service - Locations List of Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Locations LOV REST Service.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Aggregate Privilege Description

Use REST Service - Performance Goals List Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Performance Goals List of Values REST
of Values Service.

Use REST Service - Person Reference Data Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the person reference data lists of values REST
Lists of Values services.

Use REST Service - Public Workers Read Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Public Workers REST Service.

Use REST Service - Recruiting Hierarchy Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Recruiting hierarchy lists of values REST
Lists of Values Services.

Use REST Service - Talent Person Proles Allows the user to call all methods associated with the Talent Person Prole REST Service.

Use REST Service - Talent Person Proles Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Talent Person Prole REST Service.
Read Only  

Use REST Service - Time Record Events Allows users to call all methods on time record events associated with the time records REST service.

Use REST Service - Time Record Groups Allows users to call the GET method on time record groups associated with the time records REST
Read Only service.

Use REST Service - Time Records Read Allows users to call the GET method on time records associated with the time records REST service.

Use User Details Service Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Accrual Type Absence Plan Balance Allows workers to view balances of the accrual type absence plans.

View Additional Assignment Info Allows viewing of additional assignment info.


View Compensation Details for Worker Views compensation data for a worker.

View Development Goal by Worker View worker's own development goals.


View Eligible Jobs Allows viewing of eligible jobs for relief in higher class.

View Employment Information Summary Grants access to view a worker's employment information summary.

View Performance Summary Allows viewing of workers performance summary information.


View Person Address Grants access to persons to view their own address data.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Aggregate Privilege Description

View Person Biographical Information Allows access to a person's biographical information.


View Person Citizenship Grants access to persons to view their own citizenship.

View Person Disability by Worker Allows access to a person's disability information.


View Person Driver License Grants access to persons to view their own driver licenses.

View Person Ethnicity Grants access to persons to view their own ethnicity.

View Person Legislative Grants access to persons to view their own legislative information.

View Person Name Views persons' name related aributes.


View Person National Identier Grants access to persons to view national identier.

View Person Passport Grants access to persons to view their own passports.

View Person Religion Grants access to persons to view their own religion.

View Person Visa or Permit Grants access to persons to view their own visas and permits.

View Portrait Availability Card Grants access to the availability card in the portrait, which includes schedule, absence, and accrual

View Portrait Contact Card Grants access to view the contact card in the portrait, which includes phone number, e-mail, other
  communication methods, work location information, manager, directs and peers.

View Portrait Personal Information Card Grants access to a person's own personal and employment information in the portrait.

View Portrait User Account Details Card Views the User Account Details card in the Person Gallery.

View Requested Feedback Allows workers and line managers to view requested feedback

View Total Compensation Statements Views generated total compensation statements for individuals within their security prole.

View Worker Assignment History Details Allows viewing of worker's assignment history details.

View Worker Contract Allows viewing of worker contracts.


Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Contingent Worker abstract role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Absence Entry Using Calendar

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Access FUSE Directory Page

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Access FUSE Performance and Career Planning

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Access FUSE Personal Information Page

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Access HCM Common Components

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Access Internal Candidate Experience

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Access Knowledge from HCM

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Access My Career and Performance

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Access My Pay


Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Access My Time and Absences

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Access Quick Actions

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Approve Transactions


Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Create Service Request from HCM

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Launch Oracle Social Network

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Manage Development Goal

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Manage Favorite Colleagues

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Manage Goal Management Notications

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Manage Mentorship


Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Manage My Portrait Work Area

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Manage Performance Goal

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Manage Person Allocated Checklist by Worker

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Manage Reputation Overview

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Manage Reputation Scores

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Manage Social Roles

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Report Time by Web Clock

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Request Time Change

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Run Talent Prole Summary Report

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Use REST Service - Content Items List of Values

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Use REST Service - Job Families List of Values

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Use REST Service - Model Proles List of Values

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Use REST Service - Questionnaire Lists of

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Use REST Service - Scheduling Lists of Values

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Use REST Service - Time Card Lists of Values

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Use REST Service - Users and Roles Lists of

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Use REST Service - Workforce Reputation Lists
    of Values

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Validate Project Time and Labor Time Card

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. View Calendar by Worker

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. View Notication Details

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. View Performance Goal

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. View Team Schedule by Worker

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. View Time by Calendar

Contingent Worker Identies the person as a contingent worker. Workforce Reputation Subscription User

Employee Enrollment Manages employee enrollments. Dene Benet Participant Enrollment Result

Employee Enrollment Manages employee enrollments. Elect Benets


Employee Enrollment Manages employee enrollments. Maintain Plan Beneciary Designation


Employee Enrollment Manages employee enrollments. Maintain Primary Care Provider


Employee Enrollment Manages employee enrollments. Review Benet Participant Enrollment Result

Expense Entry Creates and updates expense items and Manage Bank Account for Expense
  expense reports. Reimbursement

Expense Entry Creates and updates expense items and Manage Expense Report
  expense reports.  

Expense Entry Creates and updates expense items and Review Expense Reimbursement
  expense reports.  

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load File to Interface

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load Interface File for Import

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Manage File Import and Export

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Transfer File

HCM Connections REST Services Grants access to REST services used by HCM Use REST Service - Department Connections
  connections UI Read Only

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

HCM Connections REST Services Grants access to REST services used by HCM Use REST Service - Department Searches
  connections UI  

HCM Connections REST Services Grants access to REST services used by HCM Use REST Service - Location Connections Read
  connections UI Only

HCM Connections REST Services Grants access to REST services used by HCM Use REST Service - Person Notes Visibility
  connections UI Options List of Values

HCM Connections REST Services Grants access to REST services used by HCM Use REST Service - Prole Tag Searches
  connections UI  

HCM Connections REST Services Grants access to REST services used by HCM Use REST Service - Worker Searches
  connections UI  

HCM Connections REST Services Grants access to REST services used by HCM Use REST Service - Workers
  connections UI  

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Aachment

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Catalog

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Global Search

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Unit of Measure

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item Organization Association

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item Relationship

Manage My Account Manages worker roles. Delete Roles Delegated To Me


Manage My Account Manages worker roles. Manage User Account and My Account

Manage My Account Manages worker roles. Reset Password


Manage My Account Manages worker roles. View Own Account Details


Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. Manage Payables Invoices

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Import Supplier Bank Accounts
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage External Payee Payment Details
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Payment Instrument Assignment
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other View Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Performance Management Worker Adds content to rate to performance document Create Performance Document by Worker
  and evaluates self.  

Performance Management Worker Adds content to rate to performance document Print Performance Document
  and evaluates self.  

Performance Management Worker Adds content to rate to performance document Provide Performance Evaluation Feedback
  and evaluates self.  

Performance Management Worker Adds content to rate to performance document Select Feedback Participants
  and evaluates self.  

Performance Management Worker Adds content to rate to performance document Track Participant Feedback Status
  and evaluates self.  

Performance Management Worker Adds content to rate to performance document View Performance Information on Worker
  and evaluates self. Dashboard

Person Communication Methods Management Grants access to the employee, contingent Manage Person Communication Method
  worker and Human Resource Specialist  
to manage the phones, emails and other
communication methods in the portrait.

Person Communication Methods Management Grants access to the employee, contingent Manage Person Email
  worker and Human Resource Specialist  
to manage the phones, emails and other
communication methods in the portrait.

Person Communication Methods Management Grants access to the employee, contingent Manage Person Phone
  worker and Human Resource Specialist  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

to manage the phones, emails and other

communication methods in the portrait.

Person Communication Methods View Grants access to the employee, contingent Manage Person Communication Method
  worker and Human Resource Specialist to view  
the phones, emails and other communication
methods in the portrait.

Person Communication Methods View Grants access to the employee, contingent Manage Person Email
  worker and Human Resource Specialist to view  
the phones, emails and other communication
methods in the portrait.

Person Communication Methods View Grants access to the employee, contingent Manage Person Phone
  worker and Human Resource Specialist to view  
the phones, emails and other communication
methods in the portrait.

Procurement Requester Prepares requisitions for themselves. Cancel Purchase Order as Procurement

Procurement Requester Prepares requisitions for themselves. Change Purchase Order as Procurement

Project Time Entry Mobile Allows the user to report time and manage time Report Time for Project Tasks
  cards on mobile device.  

Project Time Entry Mobile Allows the user to report time and manage time View Project Expenditure Types Service
  cards on mobile device.  

Project Time Entry Mobile Allows the user to report time and manage time View Project Financial Tasks Service
  cards on mobile device.  

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Correct Self-Service Receiving Receipt
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Create Self-Service Receiving Receipt
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Manage Inventory Transfer Order
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Manage Self-Service Receiving Receipt Return
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Monitor Self-Service Receiving Receipt Work
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts, Area
and return receipts.  

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Review Inbound Shipment Details
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Review Receiving Receipt Summary
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Review Self-Service Receiving Receipt
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion View Purchase Order
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion View Receiving Receipt Notication
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion View Requisition

  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition for Internal Material
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating Transfers
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with  
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition with Changes to Deliver-to
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating Location
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with  
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition with Noncatalog Requests
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition with One Time Location
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Get Internal Transfer Requesting Organization
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating Price
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with  
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Manage Inventory Transfer Order
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Manage Requisition
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Submit Requisition with One Click
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, View Requisition
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. Review Inbound Shipment Details

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. Review Receiving Transaction History

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. View Purchase Order as Procurement Requester

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. View Requisition


Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. View Supplier Negotiation

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Add Someone to Social Group
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Create Social Group
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Invite Social Connection
  employee duties.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Invite Someone to Social Group
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Link Social Group
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Manage Kudos
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Manage Message Board
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Manage Social Bookmarks
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Manage Social Connections
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Manage Social Group
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Manage Social Self-descriptive Information
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Unlink Social Group
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection View Activity Stream
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection View Related Social Groups
  employee duties.  

Time and Labor Worker Reports time as a worker. Access Time Work Area

Time and Labor Worker Reports time as a worker. Report Time by Calendar

Time and Labor Worker Reports time as a worker. View Calendar by Worker

Time and Labor Worker Reports time as a worker. View Team Schedule by Worker

Time and Labor Worker Reports time as a worker. View Time by Calendar

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Check Funds
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

to budgetary control, such as accounts payable


Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Reserve Funds
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budget Impact
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budget Period Statuses
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budgetary Control Balances
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budgetary Control Transactions
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Transfer Budget Balances to Budget Cubes
  roles who perform transactions that are subject Continuously
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable  

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job View Funds Available Balances
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Use REST Service - Eligible Contacts List of Allows the user to call the GET method Use REST Service - Eligible Contacts List of
Values associated with the Eligible Contacts list of Values
  values REST Service.  

Use REST Service - HR Document Types List of Allows the user to call the GET method Use REST Service - HR Document Types List of
Values associated with the HR document types list of Values
  values REST service.  

Use REST Service - Workers List of Values Allows the user to call the GET method Use REST Service - Workers List of Values
  associated with the Workers list of values REST  

Worker Time Card Entry Reports time by time card, as a worker. Create Time Card

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Worker Time Card Entry Reports time by time card, as a worker. Manage Time Cards by Worker

Worker Time Card Entry Reports time by time card, as a worker. Search Time Cards

Workforce Prole Worker Performs workforce prole duties as an Dene Talent Prole
  employee or contingent worker.  

Workforce Prole Worker Performs workforce prole duties as an Dene Talent Prole Item
  employee or contingent worker.  

Workforce Prole Worker Performs workforce prole duties as an Manage Person Talent Prole
  employee or contingent worker.  

Workforce Prole Worker Performs workforce prole duties as an Manage Talent Prole Interest List
  employee or contingent worker.  

Workforce Prole Worker Performs workforce prole duties as an Match Talent Prole
  employee or contingent worker.  

Workforce Prole Worker Performs workforce prole duties as an Update Talent Prole Item
  employee or contingent worker.  

Workforce Prole Worker Performs workforce prole duties as an View Talent Prole
  employee or contingent worker.  

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Contingent Worker
abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Contingent Worker can delete application Role: Procurement Requester
  aachment for the purchase order categories  
including miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
to receiver, to approver, and to payables  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Contingent Worker can read application Role: Procurement Requester
  aachment for the negotiation categories  
including miscellaneous, to approver, to buyer, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
to payables, to receiver, and to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Contingent Worker can read application Role: Procurement Requester
  aachment for the purchase order categories  
including document, miscellaneous, to supplier, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
to buyer, to receiver, to approver, and to  
payables Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Contingent Worker can update application Role: Procurement Requester
  aachment for the purchase order categories  
including miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, Privilege: Update Application Aachment
to receiver, to approver, and to payables  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Reference Territory A Contingent Worker can choose application Role: Change Person Marital Status
  reference territory for countries in their country  
security prole Privilege: Choose Application Reference
  Territory (Data)
Resource: Application Reference Territory

Application Reference Territory A Contingent Worker can choose application Role: Use REST Service - HCM Countries List of
  reference territory for countries in their country Values
security prole  
  Privilege: Choose Application Reference
Territory (Data)
Resource: Application Reference Territory

Beneciary Organization A Contingent Worker can view worker benets Role: Portrait Benets
  portrait card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Benets Portrait Card
Resource: Beneciary Organization

Benet Covered Dependent A Contingent Worker can view worker benets Role: Portrait Benets
  portrait card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Benets Portrait Card
Resource: Benet Covered Dependent

Benet Participant Enrollment Action A Contingent Worker can view worker benets Role: Portrait Benets
  portrait card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Benets Portrait Card
Resource: Benet Participant Enrollment Action

Benet Participant Enrollment Result A Contingent Worker can report person for Role: Employee Enrollment
  Privilege: Report Person (Data)
Resource: Benet Participant Enrollment Result

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Benet Participant Enrollment Result A Contingent Worker can review benet Role: Employee Enrollment
  participant enrollment result for themselves  
  Privilege: Review Benet Participant Enrollment
Result (Data)
Resource: Benet Participant Enrollment Result

Benet Participant Enrollment Result A Contingent Worker can view worker benets Role: Portrait Benets
  portrait card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Benets Portrait Card
Resource: Benet Participant Enrollment Result

Benet Participant Rate A Contingent Worker can view worker benets Role: Portrait Benets
  portrait card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Benets Portrait Card
Resource: Benet Participant Rate

Benet Relation A Contingent Worker can manage benet Role: Employee Enrollment
  relation for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Benet Relation (Data)
Resource: Benet Relation

Cash Advance Approval Note A Contingent Worker can manage expense Role: Expense Entry
  report approval note for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Expense Report Approval
Note (Data)
Resource: Cash Advance Approval Note

Corporate Card Transaction Dispute Note A Contingent Worker can manage expense for Role: Expense Entry
  Privilege: Manage Expense (Data)
Resource: Corporate Card Transaction Dispute

Delegated Role A Contingent Worker can manage role Role: Manage Role Delegations
  delegations for persons and assignments in  
their person and assignment security prole Privilege: Manage Role Delegations (Data)
Resource: Delegated Role

Delegated Role A Contingent Worker can view role delegations Role: Manage Role Delegations
  for persons and assignments in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: View Role Delegations (Data)
Resource: Delegated Role

Employment Contract A Contingent Worker can view worker contract Role: View Worker Contract
  for themselves  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  Privilege: View Worker Contract (Data)

Resource: Employment Contract

Expense A Contingent Worker can manage expense for Role: Expense Entry
  Privilege: Manage Expense (Data)
Resource: Expense

Expense Report A Contingent Worker can manage expense Role: Expense Entry
  report for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Expense Report (Data)
Resource: Expense Report

Expense Report Approval Note A Contingent Worker can manage expense Role: Expense Entry
  report approval note for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Expense Report Approval
Note (Data)
Resource: Expense Report Approval Note

HR Job A Contingent Worker can choose hr job for all Role: Contingent Worker
  jobs in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job

Help Topic A Contingent Worker can view secured help Role: View Secured Help Content
  content for all secured help content they are  
authorized Privilege: View Secured Help Content
Resource: Help Topic

Location A Contingent Worker can choose location for all Role: Use REST Service - Locations List of
  locations in the enterprise Values
Privilege: Choose Location (Data)
Resource: Location

Organization A Contingent Worker can choose recruiting Role: Use REST Service - Recruiting Hierarchy
  organization for organizations in their Lists of Values
organization security prole  
  Privilege: Choose Recruiting Organization
Resource: Organization

Payment Card A Contingent Worker can view employee credit Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  card for any employee corporate cards in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Employee Credit Card (Data)
Resource: Payment Card

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Performance Document A Contingent Worker can view performance Role: View Performance Summary
  summary for themselves  
  Privilege: View Performance Summary (Data)
Resource: Performance Document

Performance Feedback Request A Contingent Worker can request feedback for Role: Request Feedback
  Privilege: Request Feedback (Data)
Resource: Performance Feedback Request

Performance Feedback Request A Contingent Worker can view requested Role: View Requested Feedback
  feedback for people for whom feedback was  
requested by you or was shared with you Privilege: View Requested Feedback (Data)
Resource: Performance Feedback Request

Performance Goal A Contingent Worker can manage performance Role: Manage Performance Goal by Worker
  goal by worker for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Performance Goal by Worker
Resource: Performance Goal

Performance Goal A Contingent Worker can view development Role: View Development Goal by Worker
  goal by worker for themselves  
  Privilege: View Development Goal by Worker
Resource: Performance Goal

Performance Goal A Contingent Worker can view performance Role: Use REST Service - Performance Goals
  goal for persons in their person security prole List of Values
Privilege: View Performance Goal (Data)
Resource: Performance Goal

Person A Contingent Worker can change person Role: Change Person Address
  address for themselves  
  Privilege: Change Person Address (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Contingent Worker can change person Role: Change Person Marital Status
  marital status for themselves  
  Privilege: Change Person Marital Status (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Contingent Worker can compare person for Role: Compare HCM Information

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  Privilege: Compare Person (Data)

Resource: Person

Person A Contingent Worker can manage worker public Role: View Portrait Personal Information Card
  portrait for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Worker Public Portrait (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Contingent Worker can print worker portrait Role: Print Worker Portrait
  for themselves  
  Privilege: Print Worker Portrait (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Contingent Worker can report person for Role: Contingent Worker
  Privilege: Report Person (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Contingent Worker can share worker Role: Manage Worker Information Sharing
  information for themselves  
  Privilege: Share Worker Information (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Contingent Worker can view person for Role: HCM Connections REST Services
  Privilege: View Person (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Contingent Worker can view worker Role: View Portrait Availability Card
  availability portrait card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Availability Portrait Card
Resource: Person

Person A Contingent Worker can view worker Role: Portrait Current and Completed Tasks
  current and completed tasks portrait card for  
persons and assignments in their person and Privilege: View Worker Current and Completed
assignment security prole Tasks Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Contingent Worker can view worker Role: Portrait Current and Completed Tasks
  current and completed tasks portrait card for  
themselves Privilege: View Worker Current and Completed
  Tasks Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Person

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Person A Contingent Worker can view worker personal Role: View Portrait Personal Information Card
  and employment portrait card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Personal and
Employment Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Person

Person Absence Entry A Contingent Worker can maintain self service Role: Maintain Absence Records
  absence record for people and assignments in  
their person and assignment security prole Privilege: Maintain Self Service Absence Record
Resource: Person Absence Entry

Person Absence Entry A Contingent Worker can maintain self service Role: Maintain Absence Records
  absence record for themselves  
  Privilege: Maintain Self Service Absence Record
Resource: Person Absence Entry

Person Address A Contingent Worker can manage person Role: View Portrait Personal Information Card
  private address details for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Private Address
Details (Data)
Resource: Person Address

Person Address A Contingent Worker can view person address Role: View Person Address
  for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Address (Data)
Resource: Person Address

Person Address A Contingent Worker can view person address Role: View Portrait Personal Information Card
  for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Address (Data)
Resource: Person Address

Person Assignment A Contingent Worker can access person contact Role: Access Person Contact Information by
  information for themselves Worker
Privilege: Access Person Contact Information
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Contingent Worker can access person Role: Access Person Identication Information
  identication information for themselves by Worker
Privilege: Access Person Identication
Information (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Person Assignment A Contingent Worker can access personal Role: Access Personal Details by Worker
  details for themselves  
  Privilege: Access Personal Details (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Contingent Worker can choose person Role: Contingent Worker
  assignment for persons and assignments in  
their person and assignment security prole Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Contingent Worker can manage person image Role: Manage Person Image
  for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Image (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Contingent Worker can view eligible jobs for Role: View Eligible Jobs
  Privilege: View Eligible Jobs (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Contingent Worker can view person Role: View Additional Assignment Info
  assignment for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Contingent Worker can view person contact Role: Access Family and Emergency Contacts by
  details for themselves Worker
Privilege: View Person Contact Details (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Contingent Worker can view person extra Role: Access Person Extra Information by
  information for themselves Worker
Privilege: View Person Extra Information (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Contingent Worker can view person extra Role: Manage Person Extra Information by
  information for themselves Worker
Privilege: View Person Extra Information (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Contingent Worker can view worker Role: View Worker Assignment History Details
  assignment history details for themselves  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  Privilege: View Worker Assignment History

Details (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Availability Paerns A Contingent Worker can manage availability Role: Manage Availability Paerns
  paerns for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Availability Paerns (Data)
Resource: Person Availability Paerns

Person Checklist A Contingent Worker can manage onboarding Role: Manage Onboarding by Worker
  by worker for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Onboarding by Worker (Data)
Resource: Person Checklist

Person Citizenship A Contingent Worker can manage person Role: Manage Person Citizenship
  citizenship for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Citizenship (Data)
Resource: Person Citizenship

Person Citizenship A Contingent Worker can view person Role: Manage Person Citizenship
  citizenship for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Citizenship (Data)
Resource: Person Citizenship

Person Citizenship A Contingent Worker can view person Role: View Person Citizenship
  citizenship for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Citizenship (Data)
Resource: Person Citizenship

Person Communication Method A Contingent Worker can manage person Role: Person Communication Methods
  communication method for themselves Management
Privilege: Manage Person Communication
Method (Data)
Resource: Person Communication Method

Person Communication Method A Contingent Worker can view person Role: Person Communication Methods View
  communication method for private  
communication methods granted to the user Privilege: View Person Communication Method
for persons in their person and assignment (Data)
security prole  
  Resource: Person Communication Method

Person Communication Method A Contingent Worker can view person Role: Person Communication Methods
  communication method for themselves Management
Privilege: View Person Communication Method

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Person Communication Method

Person Contact Relationship A Contingent Worker can manage person Role: Manage Person Contact Details
  contact details for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Contact Details (Data)
Resource: Person Contact Relationship

Person Contact Relationship A Contingent Worker can manage person Role: View Portrait Personal Information Card
  contact details for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Contact Details (Data)
Resource: Person Contact Relationship

Person Contact Relationship A Contingent Worker can manage person Role: View Portrait Personal Information Card
  private contact details for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Private Contact
Details (Data)
Resource: Person Contact Relationship

Person Contact Relationship A Contingent Worker can view person contact Role: Access Family and Emergency Contacts by
  details for themselves Worker
Privilege: View Person Contact Details (Data)
Resource: Person Contact Relationship

Person Contact Relationship A Contingent Worker can view person contact Role: View Portrait Personal Information Card
  details for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Contact Details (Data)
Resource: Person Contact Relationship

Person Detail A Contingent Worker can access person contact Role: Access Person Contact Information by
  information for themselves Worker
Privilege: Access Person Contact Information
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail A Contingent Worker can access person Role: Access Person Identication Information
  identication information for themselves by Worker
Privilege: Access Person Identication
Information (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail A Contingent Worker can access personal Role: Access Personal Details by Worker
  details for themselves  
  Privilege: Access Personal Details (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Person Detail


Person Detail A Contingent Worker can choose person for Role: Use REST Service - Eligible Contacts List
  persons and assignments in their person and of Values
assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Choose Person (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail A Contingent Worker can choose person for Role: Use REST Service - Workers List of Values
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Choose Person (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail A Contingent Worker can manage approval Role: Manage Approval Delegations
  delegations for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Approval Delegations (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail A Contingent Worker can manage person Role: Manage Person Biographical Information
  biographical for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Biographical (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail A Contingent Worker can manage person extra Role: Manage Person Extra Information by
  information for themselves Worker
Privilege: Manage Person Extra Information
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail A Contingent Worker can share personal data Role: Share Personal Data Access
  access for themselves  
  Privilege: Share Personal Data Access (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail A Contingent Worker can share personal Role: Share Personal Information
  information for themselves  
  Privilege: Share Personal Information (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail A Contingent Worker can view approval Role: Manage Approval Delegations
  delegations for persons and assignments in  
their person and assignment security prole Privilege: View Approval Delegations (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Person Detail A Contingent Worker can view person Role: Manage Person Biographical Information
  biographical for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Biographical (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail A Contingent Worker can view person Role: View Person Biographical Information
  biographical for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Biographical (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail A Contingent Worker can view person extra Role: Access Person Extra Information by
  information for themselves Worker
Privilege: View Person Extra Information (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail A Contingent Worker can view person extra Role: Manage Person Extra Information by
  information for themselves Worker
Privilege: View Person Extra Information (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Disability A Contingent Worker can manage person Role: Manage Person Disability by Worker
  disability for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Disability (Data)
Resource: Person Disability

Person Disability A Contingent Worker can view person disability Role: View Person Disability by Worker
  for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Disability (Data)
Resource: Person Disability

Person Documentation A Contingent Worker can manage person Role: Manage Person Documentation by Worker
  documentation for document types in their  
document types security prole for themselves Privilege: Manage Person Documentation
Resource: Person Documentation

Person Documentation A Contingent Worker can manage person Role: Use REST Service - HR Document Types
  documentation for document types in their List of Values
document types security prole for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Documentation
Resource: Person Documentation

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Person Documentation A Contingent Worker can view person Role: Use REST Service - HR Document Types
  documentation for document types in their List of Values
document types security prole for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Documentation (Data)
Resource: Person Documentation

Person Driver License A Contingent Worker can manage person driver Role: Manage Person Driver License
  license for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Driver License (Data)
Resource: Person Driver License

Person Driver License A Contingent Worker can view person driver Role: Manage Person Driver License
  license for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Driver License (Data)
Resource: Person Driver License

Person Driver License A Contingent Worker can view person driver Role: View Person Driver License
  license for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Driver License (Data)
Resource: Person Driver License

Person Email A Contingent Worker can manage person email Role: Person Communication Methods
  for themselves Management
Privilege: Manage Person Email (Data)
Resource: Person Email

Person Email A Contingent Worker can view person email for Role: Person Communication Methods
  themselves Management
Privilege: View Person Email (Data)
Resource: Person Email

Person Email A Contingent Worker can view person email Role: Person Communication Methods View
  for work e-mail addresses and private e-mail  
addresses granted to the user for persons in Privilege: View Person Email (Data)
their person and assignment security prole  
  Resource: Person Email

Person Ethnicity A Contingent Worker can manage person Role: Manage Person Ethnicity
  ethnicity for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Ethnicity (Data)
Resource: Person Ethnicity

Person Ethnicity A Contingent Worker can view person ethnicity Role: Manage Person Ethnicity
  for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Ethnicity (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Person Ethnicity


Person Ethnicity A Contingent Worker can view person ethnicity Role: View Person Ethnicity
  for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Ethnicity (Data)
Resource: Person Ethnicity

Person Image A Contingent Worker can manage person image Role: Manage Person Image
  for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Image (Data)
Resource: Person Image

Person Image A Contingent Worker can view person image for Role: Manage Person Image
  Privilege: View Person Image (Data)
Resource: Person Image

Person Legislative Data A Contingent Worker can manage person Role: Manage Person Legislative
  legislative for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Legislative (Data)
Resource: Person Legislative Data

Person Legislative Data A Contingent Worker can view person Role: Manage Person Legislative
  legislative for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Legislative (Data)
Resource: Person Legislative Data

Person Legislative Data A Contingent Worker can view person Role: View Person Legislative
  legislative for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Legislative (Data)
Resource: Person Legislative Data

Person Life Event A Contingent Worker can manage person life Role: Employee Enrollment
  event for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Life Event (Data)
Resource: Person Life Event

Person Name A Contingent Worker can change person name Role: Manage Person Name
  for themselves  
  Privilege: Change Person Name (Data)
Resource: Person Name

Person Name A Contingent Worker can view person name for Role: Manage Person Name
  Privilege: View Person Name (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Person Name


Person Name A Contingent Worker can view person name for Role: View Person Name
  Privilege: View Person Name (Data)
Resource: Person Name

Person National Identier A Contingent Worker can manage person Role: Manage Person National Identier
  national identier for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person National Identier
Resource: Person National Identier

Person National Identier A Contingent Worker can view person national Role: Manage Person National Identier
  identier for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person National Identier (Data)
Resource: Person National Identier

Person National Identier A Contingent Worker can view person national Role: View Person National Identier
  identier for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person National Identier (Data)
Resource: Person National Identier

Person Passport A Contingent Worker can manage person Role: Manage Person Passport
  passport for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Passport (Data)
Resource: Person Passport

Person Passport A Contingent Worker can view person passport Role: Manage Person Passport
  for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Passport (Data)
Resource: Person Passport

Person Passport A Contingent Worker can view person passport Role: View Person Passport
  for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Passport (Data)
Resource: Person Passport

Person Phone A Contingent Worker can manage person Role: Person Communication Methods
  phone for themselves Management
Privilege: Manage Person Phone (Data)
Resource: Person Phone

Person Phone A Contingent Worker can view person phone for Role: Person Communication Methods
  themselves Management

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Privilege: View Person Phone (Data)
Resource: Person Phone

Person Phone A Contingent Worker can view person phone Role: Person Communication Methods View
  for work phone numbers and private phone  
numbers granted to the user for persons in Privilege: View Person Phone (Data)
their person and assignment security prole  
  Resource: Person Phone

Person Plan Accrual A Contingent Worker can manage cash Role: Manage Cash Disbursements
  disbursements for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Cash Disbursements (Data)
Resource: Person Plan Accrual

Person Plan Accrual A Contingent Worker can manage donations for Role: Manage Donations
  Privilege: Manage Donations (Data)
Resource: Person Plan Accrual

Person Plan Accrual A Contingent Worker can view accrual plan Role: View Accrual Type Absence Plan Balance
  balance for people and assignments in their  
person and assignment security prole Privilege: View Accrual Plan Balance (Data)
Resource: Person Plan Accrual

Person Plan Accrual A Contingent Worker can view accrual plan Role: View Accrual Type Absence Plan Balance
  balance for themselves  
  Privilege: View Accrual Plan Balance (Data)
Resource: Person Plan Accrual

Person Religion A Contingent Worker can manage person Role: Manage Person Religion
  religion for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Religion (Data)
Resource: Person Religion

Person Religion A Contingent Worker can view person religion Role: Manage Person Religion
  for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Religion (Data)
Resource: Person Religion

Person Religion A Contingent Worker can view person religion Role: View Person Religion
  for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Religion (Data)
Resource: Person Religion

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Person Type A Contingent Worker can choose person type Role: Use REST Service - Person Reference Data
  for person types in their person security prole Lists of Values
Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)
Resource: Person Type

Person Visa A Contingent Worker can manage person visa Role: Manage Person Visa or Permit
  or permit for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Visa or Permit (Data)
Resource: Person Visa

Person Visa A Contingent Worker can view person visa for Role: Manage Person Visa or Permit
  Privilege: View Person Visa (Data)
Resource: Person Visa

Person Visa A Contingent Worker can view person visa for Role: View Person Visa or Permit
  Privilege: View Person Visa (Data)
Resource: Person Visa

Plan Beneciary Designation A Contingent Worker can view worker benets Role: Portrait Benets
  portrait card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Benets Portrait Card
Resource: Plan Beneciary Designation

Portrait Private Note A Contingent Worker can manage portrait Role: Contingent Worker
  private note for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Portrait Private Note (Data)
Resource: Portrait Private Note

Position A Contingent Worker can choose position for Role: Compare HCM Information
  positions in their position security prole  
  Privilege: Choose Position (Data)
Resource: Position

Position A Contingent Worker can choose position for Role: Contingent Worker
  positions in their position security prole  
  Privilege: Choose Position (Data)
Resource: Position

Primary Care Provider A Contingent Worker can dene plan primary Role: Employee Enrollment
  care provider for themselves  
  Privilege: Dene Plan Primary Care Provider

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Primary Care Provider


Public Assignment A Contingent Worker can choose public Role: Contingent Worker
  assignment for persons and assignments in  
their public person and assignment security Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
  Resource: Public Assignment

Public Assignment A Contingent Worker can search person Role: Access Person Gallery
  deferred for persons and assignments in their  
public person and assignment security prole Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)
Resource: Public Assignment

Public Person A Contingent Worker can choose proxy for role Role: Manage Role Delegations
  delegation for persons and assignments in their  
public person and assignment security prole Privilege: Choose Proxy for Role Delegation
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Contingent Worker can choose public person Role: Procurement Requester
  for all workers in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Contingent Worker can choose public person Role: Contingent Worker
  for persons and assignments in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Contingent Worker can choose public person Role: Use REST Service - Eligible Contacts List
  for persons and assignments in their public of Values
person and assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Contingent Worker can choose public person Role: Use REST Service - Workers List of Values
  for persons and assignments in their public  
person and assignment security prole Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Contingent Worker can compare hcm Role: Compare HCM Information
  information for themselves  
  Privilege: Compare HCM Information (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Public Person A Contingent Worker can search person Role: Access Person Gallery
  deferred for persons and assignments in their  
person and assignment security prole Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Contingent Worker can search person Role: Use REST Service - Public Workers Read
  deferred for persons and assignments in their Only
public person security prole  
  Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Contingent Worker can search person Role: Use REST Service - Talent Person Proles
  deferred for persons and assignments in their  
public person security prole Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Contingent Worker can search person Role: Use REST Service - Talent Person Proles
  deferred for persons and assignments in their Read Only
public person security prole  
  Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Contingent Worker can view person deferred Role: Use User Details Service
  for persons and assignments in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Contingent Worker can view person deferred Role: Use REST Service - Public Workers Read
  for persons and assignments in their public Only
person security prole  
  Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Contingent Worker can view worker contact Role: View Portrait Contact Card
  portrait card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Contact Portrait Card
Resource: Public Person

Requisition A Contingent Worker can manage requisition Role: Procurement Requester

  for themselves for the business units for which  
they are authorized Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)
Resource: Business Unit

Requisition A Contingent Worker can manage requisition Role: Requisition Self Service User
  for themselves for the business units for which  
they are authorized Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Business Unit

Requisition A Contingent Worker can manage requisition Role: Requisition Self Service User
  for themselves for the nancial business unit  
associated with their primary assignment Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)
Resource: Business Unit

Salary A Contingent Worker can view worker Role: View Compensation Details for Worker
  compensation portrait card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Compensation Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Salary

Talent Prole A Contingent Worker can edit person career Role: Edit Person Career Planning
  planning for themselves  
  Privilege: Edit Person Career Planning (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole

Talent Prole A Contingent Worker can edit person skills and Role: Edit Person Skills and Qualications
  qualications for themselves  
  Privilege: Edit Person Skills and Qualications
Resource: Talent Prole

Talent Prole A Contingent Worker can match talent prole Role: Workforce Prole Worker
  person for themselves  
  Privilege: Match Talent Prole Person (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole

Talent Prole A Contingent Worker can view talent prole Role: Workforce Prole Worker
  model for jobs in their job security prole  
  Privilege: View Talent Prole Model (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole

Talent Prole A Contingent Worker can view talent prole Role: Workforce Prole Worker
  person for themselves  
  Privilege: View Talent Prole Person (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole

Talent Prole Item A Contingent Worker can view talent prole Role: Workforce Prole Worker
  item worker for themselves  
  Privilege: View Talent Prole Item Worker (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole Item

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Time Record A Contingent Worker can manage time records Role: Use REST Service - Time Records Read
  for persons and assignments in their person Only
and assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Manage Time Records (Data)
Resource: Time Record

Time Record Event A Contingent Worker can manage time record Role: Use REST Service - Time Record Events
  events for persons and assignments in their  
person and assignment security prole Privilege: Manage Time Record Events (Data)
Resource: Time Record Event

Time Record Group A Contingent Worker can manage time record Role: Use REST Service - Time Record Groups
  groups for persons and assignments in their Read Only
person and assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Manage Time Record Groups (Data)
Resource: Time Record Group

Time Record Group Summary A Contingent Worker can manage time cards Role: Worker Time Card Entry
  for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Time Cards (Data)
Resource: Time Record Group Summary

Total Compensation Statement A Contingent Worker can view total Role: View Total Compensation Statements
  compensation statement already generated for  
themselves Privilege: View Total Compensation Statement
  Already Generated (Data)
Resource: Total Compensation Statement

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Contingent Worker can manage trading Role: Expense Entry
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Contingent Worker can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Contingent Worker can manage trading Role: Expense Entry
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Contingent Worker can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Contingent Worker can manage trading Role: Expense Entry
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Contingent Worker can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Contingent Worker can manage trading Role: Expense Entry
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Contingent Worker can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party A Contingent Worker can view trading Role: Expense Entry
  community organization for all organizations in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Contingent Worker can view trading Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry
  community organization for all organizations in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Organization Party A Contingent Worker can view trading Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  community organization for all organizations in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Contingent Worker can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community organization for all organizations in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Phone A Contingent Worker can manage trading Role: Expense Entry
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone A Contingent Worker can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Contingent Worker can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community contact for all trading community  
persons in the enterprise except contacts Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
created by partners. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Contingent Worker can view trading Role: Expense Entry
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Contingent Worker can view trading Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Party A Contingent Worker can view trading Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Contingent Worker can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Contingent Worker can view trading Role: Expense Entry
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise other than sales accounts and sales Privilege: View Trading Community Person
prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Contingent Worker can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise other than sales accounts and sales Privilege: View Trading Community Person
prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Contingent Worker can view trading Role: Expense Entry
  community person for all resources in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Contingent Worker can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community person for all resources in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Contingent Worker can manage trading Role: Expense Entry
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Contingent Worker can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Trading Community Person Address

Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Contingent Worker can manage trading Role: Expense Entry
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Contingent Worker can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Contingent Worker can manage trading Role: Expense Entry
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Contingent Worker can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Contingent Worker can manage trading Role: Expense Entry
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Contingent Worker can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship A Contingent Worker can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Relationship (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Trading Community Relationship


Trading Community Relationship A Contingent Worker can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
except partner contact relationships, or Relationship (Data)
relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Contingent Worker can view trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
except partner contact relationships, or Relationship (Data)
relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

User A Contingent Worker can view user accounts for Role: Manage My Account
  Privilege: View User Accounts (Data)
Resource: User

User Role A Contingent Worker can view own account Role: Manage My Account
  details for themselves  
  Privilege: View Own Account Details (Data)
Resource: User Role

Variable Compensation Allocation A Contingent Worker can manage variable Role: Manage Personal Compensation
  compensation allocation by worker for  
themselves Privilege: Manage Variable Compensation
  Allocation by Worker (Data)
Resource: Variable Compensation Allocation

Work Relationship A Contingent Worker can submit resignation for Role: Submit Resignation
  Privilege: Submit Resignation (Data)
Resource: Work Relationship

Work Relationship A Contingent Worker can view employment Role: View Employment Information Summary
  information summary for themselves  
  Privilege: View Employment Information
Summary (Data)
Resource: Work Relationship

Worker A Contingent Worker can choose worker for Role: Contingent Worker
  people and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Choose Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Worker A Contingent Worker can compare worker Role: Compare HCM Information
  employment information for themselves  
  Privilege: Compare Worker Employment
Information (Data)
Resource: Worker

Worker A Contingent Worker can review worker Role: View Portrait Availability Card
  availability for themselves  
  Privilege: Review Worker Availability (Data)
Resource: Worker

Worker A Contingent Worker can search worker for Role: View Employment Information Summary
  Privilege: Search Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker

This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Contingent Worker abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Person Phone A Contingent Worker can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community person mobile phone number for  
all trading community person mobile phone Privilege: View Trading Community Person
numbers Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 7
Security Reference for Procurement Contingent Worker (Abstract Role)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

8 Employee (Abstract Role)

Identies the person as an employee.

Role Hierarchy
The Employee abstract role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

• Employee
◦ Access Family and Emergency Contacts by Worker
◦ Access Learning Common Components
◦ Access Person Contact Information by Worker
◦ Access Person Extra Information by Worker
◦ Access Person Gallery
◦ Access Person Identication Information by Worker
◦ Access Personal Details by Worker
◦ Access Portrait Payslip
◦ Access Portrait Personal Payment Method
◦ Aachments User
- CRM Stage Write
◦ Business Intelligence Consumer
◦ Canadian Employee
◦ Change Person Address
◦ Change Person Marital Status
◦ Compare HCM Information
◦ Edit Person Career Planning
◦ Edit Person Skills and Qualications
◦ Employee Enrollment
◦ Expense Entry
- Business Intelligence Consumer
- Payee Bank Account Management
◦ FSCM Load Interface Administration
- Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control
◦ Business Intelligence Consumer
Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

◦ HCM Connections REST Services

- Use REST Service - Public Workers Read Only
- Use REST Service - Talent Person Proles
- Use REST Service - Talent Person Proles Read Only
◦ Hide HCM Person Public Note
◦ Indian Employee Portrait Gallery
◦ Maintain Absence Records
◦ Manage Availability Paerns
◦ Manage Cash Disbursements
◦ Manage Development Goal by Worker
◦ Manage Donations
◦ Manage External Payroll Information by Worker
◦ Manage HCM Non-Person Note
◦ Manage HCM Person Note
◦ Manage Learning Communities
◦ Manage Learning Self-Service Tutorials
◦ Manage Learning Self-Service Videos
◦ Manage My Account
- Manage Approval Delegations
- Manage Role Delegations
◦ Manage My Voluntary Learning
◦ Manage Oine Learning
◦ Manage Onboarding by Worker
◦ Manage Performance Goal by Worker
◦ Manage Person Biographical Information
◦ Manage Person Citizenship
◦ Manage Person Contact Details
◦ Manage Person Disability by Worker
◦ Manage Person Documentation by Worker
◦ Manage Person Driver License
◦ Manage Person Ethnicity
◦ Manage Person Extra Information by Worker
◦ Manage Person Image
◦ Manage Person Legislative
◦ Manage Person Name
◦ Manage Person National Identier
◦ Manage Person Passport
◦ Manage Person Religion

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

◦ Manage Person Visa or Permit

◦ Manage Personal Compensation
◦ Manage Personal Payment Method
◦ Manage Recommended Learning
◦ Manage Worker Information Sharing
◦ Payee Bank Account Management
- FSCM Load Interface Administration
◦ Performance Management Worker
- Create Anytime Performance Document
- Manage Check-In Document
- Request Feedback
- View Performance Summary
- View Requested Feedback
◦ Person Communication Methods Management
◦ Person Communication Methods View
◦ Portrait Benets
◦ Portrait Current and Completed Tasks
◦ Print Worker Portrait
◦ Procurement Requester
- Business Intelligence Applications Worker
- Payables Invoice Inquiry
- Procurement Folder Reporting
- Receiving Management Requester
◦ Item Inquiry
- Requisition Self Service User
- Requisition Viewing
◦ Payables Invoice Inquiry
- Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control
◦ Business Intelligence Consumer
◦ Project Time Entry Mobile
- Use REST Service - Time Record Events
- Use REST Service - Time Record Groups Read Only
- Use REST Service - Time Records Read Only
◦ Share Personal Data Access
◦ Share Personal Information
◦ Social Connection Worker
◦ Submit Resignation
◦ Time and Labor Worker
- Worker Time Card Entry
◦ UK New Starter Declaration
◦ US Employee Portrait Gallery

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

◦ Use REST Service - Eligible Contacts List of Values

◦ Use REST Service - HCM Countries List of Values
◦ Use REST Service - HR Document Types List of Values
◦ Use REST Service - Locations List of Values
◦ Use REST Service - Performance Goals List of Values
◦ Use REST Service - Person Reference Data Lists of Values
◦ Use REST Service - Recruiting Hierarchy Lists of Values
◦ Use REST Service - Workers List of Values
◦ Use User Details Service
◦ View Accrual Type Absence Plan Balance
◦ View Additional Assignment Info
◦ View Chinese Accounts
◦ View Compensation Change Statement
◦ View Compensation Details for Worker
◦ View Development Goal by Worker
◦ View Eligible Jobs
◦ View Employment Information Summary
◦ View HCM Person Note
◦ View Learner Contributions
◦ View Learning Communities
◦ View My Recommended Learning
◦ View My Required Learning
◦ View Payslip
◦ View Person Address
◦ View Person Biographical Information
◦ View Person Citizenship
◦ View Person Disability by Worker
◦ View Person Driver License
◦ View Person Ethnicity
◦ View Person Legislative
◦ View Person Name
◦ View Person National Identier
◦ View Person Passport
◦ View Person Religion
◦ View Person Visa or Permit
◦ View Portrait Availability Card
◦ View Portrait Contact Card

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

◦ View Portrait Personal Information Card

◦ View Portrait User Account Details Card
◦ View Public Learning Communities
◦ View Secured Help Content
◦ View Seniority Dates
◦ View Total Compensation Statements
◦ View Worker Assignment History Details
◦ View Worker Contract
◦ View Year-End Documents
◦ Workforce Prole Worker

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Employee abstract role.

Duty Role Description

Access Learning Common Components Access common learning components.


Aachments User UCM application role for access to aachments using the integrated user interface or the standalone

Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring
  within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions,
Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.

Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence
  Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.
This role allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from
a subject area.

CRM Stage Write Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server

Canadian Employee Allows an employee within a CA legal employer to access CA specic tasks.

Employee Enrollment Manages employee enrollments.


Expense Entry Creates and updates expense items and expense reports.

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import

HCM Connections REST Services Grants access to REST services used by HCM connections UI

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Duty Role Description


Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.


Manage My Account Manages worker roles.


Manage Oine Learning Allows download and management of learning item content on mobile device in learning self-service

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.


Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Performance Management Worker Adds content to rate to performance document and evaluates self.

Person Communication Methods Grants access to the employee, contingent worker and Human Resource Specialist to manage the
Management phones, emails and other communication methods in the portrait.

Person Communication Methods View Grants access to the employee, contingent worker and Human Resource Specialist to view the phones,
  emails and other communication methods in the portrait.

Portrait Current and Completed Tasks Grants access to the current and completed tasks card in the portrait, which includes HCM worklist
  tasks and user provisioning requests.

Procurement Folder Reporting Grants access to the Procurement web catalog folder.

Project Time Entry Mobile Allows the user to report time and manage time cards on mobile device.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts, and return receipts.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, searching, and viewing requisitions, creating noncatalog
  requests, creating requisitions with one-time locations, and changing deliver-to locations on
requisition lines.

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents.


Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection employee duties.

Time and Labor Worker Reports time as a worker.


Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform transactions that are subject to
  budgetary control, such as accounts payable manager.

US Employee Portrait Gallery Allows an employee within a US legal employer to access US specic tasks.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Duty Role Description

Use REST Service - Eligible Contacts List of Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Eligible Contacts list of values REST Service.

Use REST Service - HR Document Types Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the HR document types list of values REST
List of Values service.

Use REST Service - Workers List of Values Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Workers list of values REST Service.

View Secured Help Content Views help content that was added or edited, containing the security lookup value Secured.

Worker Time Card Entry Reports time by time card, as a worker.


Workforce Prole Worker Performs workforce prole duties as an employee or contingent worker.

Aggregate Privileges
This table lists aggregate privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the Employee abstract role.

Aggregate Privilege Description

Access Family and Emergency Contacts by Grants access to persons to view their own contacts.

Access Person Contact Information by Allows access to Person contact information such as phones, emails, other communication accounts,
Worker and addresses.

Access Person Extra Information by Allows access to a person's extensible exelds.


Access Person Gallery Searches worker deferred data and views the portrait page.

Access Person Identication Information Allows access to Person documents such as citizenship, passport, visa and permits, and driver licenses.
by Worker  

Access Personal Details by Worker Allows access to Person Information such as such as name, national identier, biographical,
  demographic, and disability information.

Access Portrait Payslip Grants access to a person's own payslip in the portrait.

Access Portrait Personal Payment Method Grants access to a person's payment methods in the portrait.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Aggregate Privilege Description

Change Person Address Grants access to persons to manage their own address data.

Change Person Marital Status Grants access to a person to manage their own marital status and related data.

Compare HCM Information Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any combinations of these objects.

Create Anytime Performance Document Allows creation of anytime performance documents


Edit Person Career Planning Allows editing the Person Career Planning.

Edit Person Skills and Qualications Allows editing the Person Skills and Qualications.

Hide HCM Person Public Note Allows hiding or not hiding HCM public person notes.

Indian Employee Portrait Gallery Allows an employee within an Indian legal employer to submit their tax investment declaration.

Maintain Absence Records Allows workers to enter, update and delete their absence records.

Manage Approval Delegations Allows management of user approval delegations.


Manage Availability Paerns Allows users to create, delete, and update availability paerns.

Manage Cash Disbursements Allows administrator to dispense part of an accrual plan balance for payment.

Manage Check-In Document Allows to create, view, edit and delete check-in document.

Manage Development Goal by Worker Manages worker's own development goals.


Manage Donations Allows users to create, delete and update donation of plan balances.

Manage External Payroll Information by Allows conguration of payroll data maintained in external payroll system in an employee self service
Worker ow

Manage HCM Non-Person Note Views and manages HCM notes that are not person notes

Manage HCM Person Note Views and manages all types of HCM person notes

Manage Learning Communities Allows users to create learning communities.


Manage Learning Self-Service Tutorials Allows users to author tutorials.


Manage Learning Self-Service Videos Allows users to publish and edit videos.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Aggregate Privilege Description


Manage My Voluntary Learning Allows users join and manage their voluntary learning assignments.

Manage Onboarding by Worker Allows worker to complete the onboarding tasks.


Manage Performance Goal by Worker Manages worker's own performance goals.


Manage Person Biographical Information Allows management of a person's biographical information.


Manage Person Citizenship Grants access to persons to manage their own citizenship.

Manage Person Contact Details Allows management of a person's contacts.


Manage Person Disability by Worker Allows worker to manage their own disability information.

Manage Person Documentation by Worker Grants access to persons to manage their own document data.

Manage Person Driver License Grants access to persons to manage their own driver licenses.

Manage Person Ethnicity Grants access to persons to manage their own ethnicity.

Manage Person Extra Information by Allows access to a person's extensible exelds.


Manage Person Image Manages Person Image


Manage Person Legislative Grants access to persons to manage their own legislative information.

Manage Person Name Maintains persons' name related aributes.


Manage Person National Identier Grants access to persons to manage their own national identier.

Manage Person Passport Grants access to persons to manage their own passports.

Manage Person Religion Grants access to persons to manage their own religion.

Manage Person Visa or Permit Grants access to persons to manage their own visas and permits.

Manage Personal Compensation Manages contributions made toward savings and contribution type plans.

Manage Personal Payment Method Manages payment methods used to pay a person and denes how the payments are split if multiple
  payment methods are specied.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Aggregate Privilege Description

Manage Recommended Learning Allows users to recommend learning and view recommendations received.

Manage Role Delegations Allows management of user roles delegations.


Manage Worker Information Sharing Allows sharing of person information with internal and external recipients. Used in the non-responsive

Portrait Benets Views benets data for a worker in the portrait.


Print Worker Portrait Grants access to the portrait maintenance duties for the portrait cards.

Request Feedback Allows to request feedback


Share Personal Data Access Allows sharing of access to personal data.


Share Personal Information Allows sharing of personal information.


Submit Resignation Allows worker to submit their own resignation.


UK New Starter Declaration Allows UK employees to enter their new starter declaration

Use REST Service - HCM Countries List of Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the HCM Countries list of values REST Service.

Use REST Service - Locations List of Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Locations LOV REST Service.

Use REST Service - Performance Goals List Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Performance Goals List of Values REST
of Values Service.

Use REST Service - Person Reference Data Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the person reference data lists of values REST
Lists of Values services.

Use REST Service - Public Workers Read Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Public Workers REST Service.

Use REST Service - Recruiting Hierarchy Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Recruiting hierarchy lists of values REST
Lists of Values Services.

Use REST Service - Talent Person Proles Allows the user to call all methods associated with the Talent Person Prole REST Service.

Use REST Service - Talent Person Proles Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Talent Person Prole REST Service.
Read Only  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Aggregate Privilege Description

Use REST Service - Time Record Events Allows users to call all methods on time record events associated with the time records REST service.

Use REST Service - Time Record Groups Allows users to call the GET method on time record groups associated with the time records REST
Read Only service.

Use REST Service - Time Records Read Allows users to call the GET method on time records associated with the time records REST service.

Use User Details Service Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Accrual Type Absence Plan Balance Allows workers to view balances of the accrual type absence plans.

View Additional Assignment Info Allows viewing of additional assignment info.


View Chinese Accounts Allows an employee within a Chinese legal employer to view their PHF and social insurance account

View Compensation Change Statement Allows workers to view compensation change statements after the workforce compensation cycle.

View Compensation Details for Worker Views compensation data for a worker.

View Development Goal by Worker View worker's own development goals.


View Eligible Jobs Allows viewing of eligible jobs for relief in higher class.

View Employment Information Summary Grants access to view a worker's employment information summary.

View HCM Person Note Views HCM person notes


View Learner Contributions Allows users to view a person's learning contributions.


View Learning Communities Allows users to view learning communities they are members of.

View My Recommended Learning Allows users to view learning items recommended to them.

View My Required Learning Allows users to view their required learning assignments.

View Payslip Views payslips.


View Performance Summary Allows viewing of workers performance summary information.


View Person Address Grants access to persons to view their own address data.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Aggregate Privilege Description


View Person Biographical Information Allows access to a person's biographical information.


View Person Citizenship Grants access to persons to view their own citizenship.

View Person Disability by Worker Allows access to a person's disability information.


View Person Driver License Grants access to persons to view their own driver licenses.

View Person Ethnicity Grants access to persons to view their own ethnicity.

View Person Legislative Grants access to persons to view their own legislative information.

View Person Name Views persons' name related aributes.


View Person National Identier Grants access to persons to view national identier.

View Person Passport Grants access to persons to view their own passports.

View Person Religion Grants access to persons to view their own religion.

View Person Visa or Permit Grants access to persons to view their own visas and permits.

View Portrait Availability Card Grants access to the availability card in the portrait, which includes schedule, absence, and accrual

View Portrait Contact Card Grants access to view the contact card in the portrait, which includes phone number, e-mail, other
  communication methods, work location information, manager, directs and peers.

View Portrait Personal Information Card Grants access to a person's own personal and employment information in the portrait.

View Portrait User Account Details Card Views the User Account Details card in the Person Gallery.

View Public Learning Communities Allows users to view the learning communities a person is a member of.

View Requested Feedback Allows workers and line managers to view requested feedback

View Seniority Dates Allows viewing of seniority dates.


View Total Compensation Statements Views generated total compensation statements for individuals within their security prole.

View Worker Assignment History Details Allows viewing of worker's assignment history details.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Aggregate Privilege Description


View Worker Contract Allows viewing of worker contracts.


View Year-End Documents Allows users to view year-end documents for current or prior tax years.

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Employee abstract role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Access Learning Common Components Access common learning components. Access Learning Common Components

Canadian Employee Allows an employee within a CA legal employer Manage Canadian Personal Tax Credits
  to access CA specic tasks.  

Canadian Employee Allows an employee within a CA legal employer View Canadian End of Year Tax Form
  to access CA specic tasks.  

Employee Identies the person as an employee. Absence Entry Using Calendar


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Access FUSE Directory Page


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Access FUSE Performance and Career Planning

Employee Identies the person as an employee. Access FUSE Personal Information Page

Employee Identies the person as an employee. Access HCM Common Components


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Access Internal Candidate Experience


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Access Knowledge from HCM


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Access Learner Self-Service Work Area

Employee Identies the person as an employee. Access My Career and Performance


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Access My Pay


Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Employee Identies the person as an employee. Access My Time and Absences


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Access Oracle Taleo Recruiting Cloud Service

Employee Identies the person as an employee. Access Quick Actions


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Access Tap Application


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Access What to Learn


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Approve Transactions


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Create Non-Catalog Learning Requests by


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Create Service Request from HCM

Employee Identies the person as an employee. Launch Oracle Social Network


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Manage Development Goal


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Manage Favorite Colleagues


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Manage Goal Management Notications


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Manage Mentorship


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Manage My Contact Information Mobile


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Manage My Documents Mobile


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Manage My Personal Information Mobile


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Manage My Portrait Work Area


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Manage My Wellness


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Manage My Wellness Team


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Manage Performance Goal


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Manage Person Allocated Checklist by Worker

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Manage Reputation Overview


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Manage Reputation Scores


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Manage Social Roles


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Manage Volunteering


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Record External Learning by Learner


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Record and View Issue


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Report Time by Web Clock


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Request Time Change


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Run Talent Prole Summary Report

Employee Identies the person as an employee. Use REST Service - Content Items List of Values

Employee Identies the person as an employee. Use REST Service - Job Families List of Values

Employee Identies the person as an employee. Use REST Service - Model Proles List of Values

Employee Identies the person as an employee. Use REST Service - Questionnaire Lists of

Employee Identies the person as an employee. Use REST Service - Scheduling Lists of Values

Employee Identies the person as an employee. Use REST Service - Time Card Lists of Values

Employee Identies the person as an employee. Use REST Service - Users and Roles Lists of

Employee Identies the person as an employee. Use REST Service - Volunteering Lists of Values

Employee Identies the person as an employee. Use REST Service - Wellness Lists of Values

Employee Identies the person as an employee. Use REST Service - Workforce Reputation Lists
    of Values

Employee Identies the person as an employee. Validate Project Time and Labor Time Card

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Employee Identies the person as an employee. View Calendar by Worker


Employee Identies the person as an employee. View Notication Details


Employee Identies the person as an employee. View Performance Goal


Employee Identies the person as an employee. View Team Schedule by Worker


Employee Identies the person as an employee. View Time by Calendar


Employee Identies the person as an employee. Workforce Reputation Subscription User


Employee Enrollment Manages employee enrollments. Dene Benet Participant Enrollment Result

Employee Enrollment Manages employee enrollments. Elect Benets


Employee Enrollment Manages employee enrollments. Maintain Plan Beneciary Designation


Employee Enrollment Manages employee enrollments. Maintain Primary Care Provider


Employee Enrollment Manages employee enrollments. Review Benet Participant Enrollment Result

Expense Entry Creates and updates expense items and Manage Bank Account for Expense
  expense reports. Reimbursement

Expense Entry Creates and updates expense items and Manage Expense Report
  expense reports.  

Expense Entry Creates and updates expense items and Review Expense Reimbursement
  expense reports.  

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load File to Interface

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load Interface File for Import

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Manage File Import and Export

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Transfer File

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

HCM Connections REST Services Grants access to REST services used by HCM Use REST Service - Department Connections
  connections UI Read Only

HCM Connections REST Services Grants access to REST services used by HCM Use REST Service - Department Searches
  connections UI  

HCM Connections REST Services Grants access to REST services used by HCM Use REST Service - Location Connections Read
  connections UI Only

HCM Connections REST Services Grants access to REST services used by HCM Use REST Service - Person Notes Visibility
  connections UI Options List of Values

HCM Connections REST Services Grants access to REST services used by HCM Use REST Service - Prole Tag Searches
  connections UI  

HCM Connections REST Services Grants access to REST services used by HCM Use REST Service - Worker Searches
  connections UI  

HCM Connections REST Services Grants access to REST services used by HCM Use REST Service - Workers
  connections UI  

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Aachment

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Catalog

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Global Search

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Unit of Measure

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item Organization Association

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item Relationship

Manage My Account Manages worker roles. Delete Roles Delegated To Me


Manage My Account Manages worker roles. Manage User Account and My Account

Manage My Account Manages worker roles. Reset Password


Manage My Account Manages worker roles. View Own Account Details

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Manage Oine Learning Allows download and management of learning Manage Oine Learning
  item content on mobile device in learning self-  

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. Manage Payables Invoices

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Import Supplier Bank Accounts
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage External Payee Payment Details
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Payment Instrument Assignment
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other View Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Performance Management Worker Adds content to rate to performance document Create Performance Document by Worker
  and evaluates self.  

Performance Management Worker Adds content to rate to performance document Print Performance Document
  and evaluates self.  

Performance Management Worker Adds content to rate to performance document Provide Performance Evaluation Feedback
  and evaluates self.  

Performance Management Worker Adds content to rate to performance document Select Feedback Participants
  and evaluates self.  

Performance Management Worker Adds content to rate to performance document Track Participant Feedback Status
  and evaluates self.  

Performance Management Worker Adds content to rate to performance document View Performance Information on Worker
  and evaluates self. Dashboard

Person Communication Methods Management Grants access to the employee, contingent Manage Person Communication Method
  worker and Human Resource Specialist  
to manage the phones, emails and other
communication methods in the portrait.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Person Communication Methods Management Grants access to the employee, contingent Manage Person Email
  worker and Human Resource Specialist  
to manage the phones, emails and other
communication methods in the portrait.

Person Communication Methods Management Grants access to the employee, contingent Manage Person Phone
  worker and Human Resource Specialist  
to manage the phones, emails and other
communication methods in the portrait.

Person Communication Methods View Grants access to the employee, contingent Manage Person Communication Method
  worker and Human Resource Specialist to view  
the phones, emails and other communication
methods in the portrait.

Person Communication Methods View Grants access to the employee, contingent Manage Person Email
  worker and Human Resource Specialist to view  
the phones, emails and other communication
methods in the portrait.

Person Communication Methods View Grants access to the employee, contingent Manage Person Phone
  worker and Human Resource Specialist to view  
the phones, emails and other communication
methods in the portrait.

Procurement Requester Prepares requisitions for themselves. Cancel Purchase Order as Procurement

Procurement Requester Prepares requisitions for themselves. Change Purchase Order as Procurement

Project Time Entry Mobile Allows the user to report time and manage time Report Time for Project Tasks
  cards on mobile device.  

Project Time Entry Mobile Allows the user to report time and manage time View Project Expenditure Types Service
  cards on mobile device.  

Project Time Entry Mobile Allows the user to report time and manage time View Project Financial Tasks Service
  cards on mobile device.  

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Correct Self-Service Receiving Receipt
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Create Self-Service Receiving Receipt
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Manage Inventory Transfer Order
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Manage Self-Service Receiving Receipt Return
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Monitor Self-Service Receiving Receipt Work
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts, Area
and return receipts.  

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Review Inbound Shipment Details
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Review Receiving Receipt Summary
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Review Self-Service Receiving Receipt
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion View Purchase Order
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion View Receiving Receipt Notication
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion View Requisition

  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition for Internal Material
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating Transfers
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with  
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition with Changes to Deliver-to
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating Location
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with  
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition with Noncatalog Requests
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

one-time locations, and changing deliver-to

locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition with One Time Location
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Get Internal Transfer Requesting Organization
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating Price
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with  
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Manage Inventory Transfer Order
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Manage Requisition
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Submit Requisition with One Click
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, View Requisition
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. Review Inbound Shipment Details

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. Review Receiving Transaction History

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. View Purchase Order as Procurement Requester

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. View Requisition


Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. View Supplier Negotiation

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Add Someone to Social Group
  employee duties.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Create Social Group
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Invite Social Connection
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Invite Someone to Social Group
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Link Social Group
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Manage Kudos
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Manage Message Board
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Manage Social Bookmarks
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Manage Social Connections
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Manage Social Group
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Manage Social Self-descriptive Information
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection Unlink Social Group
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection View Activity Stream
  employee duties.  

Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection View Related Social Groups
  employee duties.  

Time and Labor Worker Reports time as a worker. Access Time Work Area

Time and Labor Worker Reports time as a worker. Report Time by Calendar

Time and Labor Worker Reports time as a worker. View Calendar by Worker

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Time and Labor Worker Reports time as a worker. View Team Schedule by Worker

Time and Labor Worker Reports time as a worker. View Time by Calendar

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Check Funds
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Reserve Funds
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budget Impact
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budget Period Statuses
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budgetary Control Balances
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budgetary Control Transactions
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Transfer Budget Balances to Budget Cubes
  roles who perform transactions that are subject Continuously
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable  

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job View Funds Available Balances
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

US Employee Portrait Gallery Allows an employee within a US legal employer Update US W-4
  to access US specic tasks.  

US Employee Portrait Gallery Allows an employee within a US legal employer View US End of Year Tax Form
  to access US specic tasks.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

US Employee Portrait Gallery Allows an employee within a US legal employer View US End-of-Year 1095-C Form
  to access US specic tasks.  

Use REST Service - Eligible Contacts List of Allows the user to call the GET method Use REST Service - Eligible Contacts List of
Values associated with the Eligible Contacts list of Values
  values REST Service.  

Use REST Service - HR Document Types List of Allows the user to call the GET method Use REST Service - HR Document Types List of
Values associated with the HR document types list of Values
  values REST service.  

Use REST Service - Workers List of Values Allows the user to call the GET method Use REST Service - Workers List of Values
  associated with the Workers list of values REST  

Worker Time Card Entry Reports time by time card, as a worker. Create Time Card

Worker Time Card Entry Reports time by time card, as a worker. Manage Time Cards by Worker

Worker Time Card Entry Reports time by time card, as a worker. Search Time Cards

Workforce Prole Worker Performs workforce prole duties as an Dene Talent Prole
  employee or contingent worker.  

Workforce Prole Worker Performs workforce prole duties as an Dene Talent Prole Item
  employee or contingent worker.  

Workforce Prole Worker Performs workforce prole duties as an Manage Person Talent Prole
  employee or contingent worker.  

Workforce Prole Worker Performs workforce prole duties as an Manage Talent Prole Interest List
  employee or contingent worker.  

Workforce Prole Worker Performs workforce prole duties as an Match Talent Prole
  employee or contingent worker.  

Workforce Prole Worker Performs workforce prole duties as an Update Talent Prole Item
  employee or contingent worker.  

Workforce Prole Worker Performs workforce prole duties as an View Talent Prole
  employee or contingent worker.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Employee abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Employee can delete application aachment Role: Employee

  for items, item revisions, catalogs, categories,  
and trading partner items that use aachments. Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Employee can maintain application Role: Employee

  aachment for items, item revisions, catalogs,  
categories, and trading partner items that use Privilege: Update Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Employee can view application aachment Role: Employee

  for items, item revisions, catalogs, categories,  
and trading partner items that use aachments. Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment An Employee can delete application aachment Role: Procurement Requester
  for the purchase order categories including  
miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
to approver, and to payables  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment An Employee can read application aachment Role: Procurement Requester
  for the negotiation categories including  
miscellaneous, to approver, to buyer, to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
payables, to receiver, and to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment An Employee can read application aachment Role: Procurement Requester
  for the purchase order categories including  
document, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
to receiver, to approver, and to payables  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment An Employee can update application Role: Procurement Requester

  aachment for the purchase order categories  
including miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, Privilege: Update Application Aachment
to receiver, to approver, and to payables  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Reference Territory An Employee can choose application reference Role: Change Person Marital Status
  territory for countries in their country security  
prole Privilege: Choose Application Reference
  Territory (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Application Reference Territory

Application Reference Territory An Employee can choose application reference Role: Use REST Service - HCM Countries List of
  territory for countries in their country security Values
  Privilege: Choose Application Reference
Territory (Data)
Resource: Application Reference Territory

Beneciary Organization An Employee can view worker benets portrait Role: Portrait Benets
  card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Benets Portrait Card
Resource: Beneciary Organization

Benet Covered Dependent An Employee can view worker benets portrait Role: Portrait Benets
  card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Benets Portrait Card
Resource: Benet Covered Dependent

Benet Participant Enrollment Action An Employee can view worker benets portrait Role: Portrait Benets
  card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Benets Portrait Card
Resource: Benet Participant Enrollment Action

Benet Participant Enrollment Result An Employee can report person for themselves Role: Employee Enrollment
Privilege: Report Person (Data)
Resource: Benet Participant Enrollment Result

Benet Participant Enrollment Result An Employee can review benet participant Role: Employee Enrollment
  enrollment result for themselves  
  Privilege: Review Benet Participant Enrollment
Result (Data)
Resource: Benet Participant Enrollment Result

Benet Participant Enrollment Result An Employee can view worker benets portrait Role: Portrait Benets
  card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Benets Portrait Card
Resource: Benet Participant Enrollment Result

Benet Participant Rate An Employee can view worker benets portrait Role: Portrait Benets
  card for themselves  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Privilege: View Worker Benets Portrait Card

Resource: Benet Participant Rate

Benet Relation An Employee can manage benet relation for Role: Employee Enrollment
  Privilege: Manage Benet Relation (Data)
Resource: Benet Relation

Cash Advance Approval Note An Employee can manage expense report Role: Expense Entry
  approval note for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Expense Report Approval
Note (Data)
Resource: Cash Advance Approval Note

Check In Document An Employee can manage check-in document Role: Manage Check-In Document
  for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Check-In Document (Data)
Resource: Check In Document

Compensation Allocation An Employee can view compensation change Role: View Compensation Change Statement
  statement for themselves  
  Privilege: View Compensation Change
Statement (Data)
Resource: Compensation Allocation

Corporate Card Transaction Dispute Note An Employee can manage expense for Role: Expense Entry
  Privilege: Manage Expense (Data)
Resource: Corporate Card Transaction Dispute

Delegated Role An Employee can manage role delegations for Role: Manage Role Delegations
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Manage Role Delegations (Data)
Resource: Delegated Role

Delegated Role An Employee can view role delegations for Role: Manage Role Delegations
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: View Role Delegations (Data)
Resource: Delegated Role

Employment Contract An Employee can view worker contract for Role: View Worker Contract
  Privilege: View Worker Contract (Data)
Resource: Employment Contract

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Expense An Employee can manage expense for Role: Expense Entry

  Privilege: Manage Expense (Data)
Resource: Expense

Expense Report An Employee can manage expense report for Role: Expense Entry
  Privilege: Manage Expense Report (Data)
Resource: Expense Report

Expense Report Approval Note An Employee can manage expense report Role: Expense Entry
  approval note for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Expense Report Approval
Note (Data)
Resource: Expense Report Approval Note

HCM Non-Person Note An Employee can manage hcm non-person Role: Manage HCM Non-Person Note
  note for non-person notes that they created  
  Privilege: Manage HCM Non-Person Note
Resource: HCM Non-Person Note

HCM Person Note An Employee can manage hcm person note for Role: Manage HCM Person Note
  all types of person notes that they created  
  Privilege: Manage HCM Person Note (Data)
Resource: HCM Person Note

HCM Person Note An Employee can view hcm person note for all Role: View HCM Person Note
  types of person notes that they created  
  Privilege: View HCM Person Note (Data)
Resource: HCM Person Note

HCM Person Public Note An Employee can hide hcm person public note Role: Hide HCM Person Public Note
  for public notes that are about themselves  
  Privilege: Hide HCM Person Public Note (Data)
Resource: HCM Person Public Note

HCM Person Public Note An Employee can view hcm person public note Role: View HCM Person Note
  for public person notes that are about people in  
their public person security prole Privilege: View HCM Person Public Note (Data)
Resource: HCM Person Public Note

HCM Person Shared Note An Employee can view hcm person shared Role: View HCM Person Note
  note for shared person notes that are about  
Privilege: View HCM Person Shared Note (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

themselves and that have been shared with  

them Resource: HCM Person Shared Note

HR Job A Employee can choose hr job for all jobs in the Role: Employee
  Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job

Help Topic An Employee can view secured help content for Role: View Secured Help Content
  all secured help content they are authorized  
  Privilege: View Secured Help Content
Resource: Help Topic

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item Asset Maintenance
  Group (Data)
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item Aribute (Data)
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item Basic (Data)
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item Costing Group (Data)
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item General Planning
  Group (Data)
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item Inventory Group (Data)
Resource: Item

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item Invoicing Group (Data)
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item Lead Times Group
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item MRP and MPS Group
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item Order Management
  Group (Data)
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item Pack (Data)
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item People (Data)
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item Physical Group (Data)
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item Primary Group (Data)
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item Process Manufacturing
  Group (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item Purchasing Group
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item Receiving Group (Data)
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item Revision (Data)
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item Service Group (Data)
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item Structure (Data)
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item Structure Group (Data)
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item Web Option Group
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can maintain item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: Maintain Item Work in Process Group
Resource: Item

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Item A Employee can view item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: View Item Aribute (Data)
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can view item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: View Item Basic (Data)
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can view item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: View Item Pack (Data)
Resource: Item

Item A Employee can view item for the items Role: Employee
  they have access to in item and inventory  
organizations Privilege: View Item Structure (Data)
Resource: Item

Item Catalog A Employee can administrator item catalog for Role: Employee
  the catalogs they have access to  
  Privilege: Administrate Catalog (Data)
Resource: Item Catalog

Item Catalog A Employee can maintain item catalog for the Role: Employee
  catalogs they have access to  
  Privilege: Maintain Catalog (Data)
Resource: Item Catalog

Item Catalog A Employee can view item catalog for the Role: Employee
  catalogs they have access to  
  Privilege: View Catalog (Data)
Resource: Item Catalog

Item Category A Employee can maintain item category for the Role: Employee
  categories they have access to  
  Privilege: Maintain Category (Data)
Resource: Item Category

Item Category A Employee can view item category for the Role: Employee
  categories they have access to  
  Privilege: View Category (Data)
Resource: Item Category

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Item Category A Employee can view item category for the Role: Employee
  categories they have access to  
  Privilege: View Parent Category (Data)
Resource: Item Category

Learning Assignment An Employee can manage voluntary learning Role: Manage My Voluntary Learning
  for voluntary learning assignments they have  
received Privilege: Manage Voluntary Learning (Data)
Resource: Learning Assignment

Learning Assignment An Employee can view recommended learning Role: View My Recommended Learning
  for recommendations they have received  
  Privilege: View Recommended Learning (Data)
Resource: Learning Assignment

Learning Assignment An Employee can view required learning for Role: View My Required Learning
  required learning assignments they have  
received Privilege: View Required Learning (Data)
Resource: Learning Assignment

Learning Assignment Event An Employee can manage recommended Role: Manage Recommended Learning
  learning for recommendations they made  
  Privilege: Manage Recommended Learning
Resource: Learning Assignment Event

Learning Assignment Event An Employee can view recommended learning Role: View My Recommended Learning
  public person for recommendations made by  
persons in their public person security prole Privilege: View Recommended Learning Public
  Person (Data)
Resource: Learning Assignment Event

Learning Item An Employee can manage learning Role: Manage Learning Communities
  communities for self-service communities they  
created Privilege: Manage Learning Communities
Resource: Learning Item

Learning Item An Employee can manage learning self-service Role: Manage Learning Self-Service Tutorials
  tutorials for self-service tutorials they created  
  Privilege: Manage Learning Self-Service
Tutorials (Data)
Resource: Learning Item

Learning Item An Employee can manage learning self-service Role: Manage Learning Self-Service Videos
  videos for self-service videos they created  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Privilege: Manage Learning Self-Service Videos

Resource: Learning Item

Learning Item An Employee can manage oine learning for Role: Manage Oine Learning
  catalog items visible to them in learning self-  
service Privilege: Manage Oine Learning (Data)
Resource: Learning Item

Learning Item An Employee can view catalog learning items in Role: Access Learning Common Components
  self-service for catalog items visible to them in  
learning self-service Privilege: View Catalog Learning Items in Self-
  Service (Data)
Resource: Learning Item

Learning Item An Employee can view learning communities Role: View Learning Communities
  for communities they are a member or  
manager of Privilege: View Learning Communities (Data)
Resource: Learning Item

Learning Item An Employee can view self-service learning Role: Access Learning Common Components
  items for self- service videos published by  
communities visible to them Privilege: View Self-Service Learning Items
Resource: Learning Item

Learning Item An Employee can view self-service learning Role: Access Learning Common Components
  items for self-service communities visible to  
them Privilege: View Self-Service Learning Items
Resource: Learning Item

Learning Item An Employee can view self-service learning Role: Access Learning Common Components
  items for self-service tutorials published by  
communities visible to them Privilege: View Self-Service Learning Items
Resource: Learning Item

Location An Employee can choose location for all Role: Use REST Service - Locations List of
  locations in the enterprise Values
Privilege: Choose Location (Data)
Resource: Location

Organization An Employee can choose recruiting Role: Use REST Service - Recruiting Hierarchy
  organization for organizations in their Lists of Values
organization security prole  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  Privilege: Choose Recruiting Organization

Resource: Organization

Payment Card An Employee can view employee credit card for Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  any employee corporate cards in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Employee Credit Card (Data)
Resource: Payment Card

Payroll Archive Information An Employee can view worker payslip portrait Role: Access Portrait Payslip
  card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Payslip Portrait Card
Resource: Payroll Archive Information

Payroll Personal Deduction An Employee can enter uk new starter Role: UK New Starter Declaration
  declaration for themselves if they are employed  
by a uk legal employer Privilege: Enter UK New Starter Declaration
Resource: Payroll Personal Deduction

Payroll Personal Deduction An Employee can manage canadian personal Role: Canadian Employee
  tax credits for themselves if they are employed  
by a ca legal employer Privilege: Manage Canadian Personal Tax
  Credits (Data)
Resource: Payroll Personal Deduction

Payroll Personal Deduction An Employee can update US W-4 for Role: US Employee Portrait Gallery
  themselves if they are employed by a US legal  
employer Privilege: Update US W-4 (Data)
Resource: Payroll Personal Deduction

Payroll Personal Deduction An Employee can view canadian end of year tax Role: Canadian Employee
  form for themselves if they are employed by a  
ca legal employer Privilege: View Canadian End of Year Tax Form
Resource: Payroll Personal Deduction

Payroll Personal Deduction An Employee can view chinese accounts for Role: View Chinese Accounts
  themselves if they are employed by a chinese  
legal employer Privilege: View Chinese Accounts (Data)
Resource: Payroll Personal Deduction

Payroll Personal Deduction An Employee can view indian tax investment Role: Indian Employee Portrait Gallery
  declaration for themselves if they are employed  
by an indian legal employer Privilege: View Indian Tax Investment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Payroll Personal Deduction

Payroll Personal Deduction An Employee can view us end of year tax form Role: US Employee Portrait Gallery
  for themselves if they are employed by a us  
legal employer Privilege: View US End of Year Tax Form (Data)
Resource: Payroll Personal Deduction

Payroll Relationship An Employee can manage payroll person Role: View Payslip
  process results for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Payroll Person Process
Results (Data)
Resource: Payroll Relationship

Payroll Relationship An Employee can manage payroll relationship Role: Manage Personal Payment Method
  for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Payroll Relationship (Data)
Resource: Payroll Relationship

Payroll Relationship An Employee can view payroll relationship for Role: Manage Personal Payment Method
  Privilege: View Payroll Relationship (Data)
Resource: Payroll Relationship

Payroll Relationship An Employee can view person payroll process Role: View Payslip
  results for legislative data groups in their  
legislative data group security prole and Privilege: View Person Payroll Process Results
people and assignments in person and (Data)
assignment security prole and for payroll  
statutory units in their organization security Resource: Payroll Relationship

Payroll Relationship An Employee can view year-end documents for Role: View Year-End Documents
  Privilege: View Year-End Documents (Data)
Resource: Payroll Relationship

Performance Document An Employee can create anytime performance Role: Create Anytime Performance Document
  document for themselves  
  Privilege: Create Anytime Performance
Document (Data)
Resource: Performance Document

Performance Document An Employee can view performance summary Role: View Performance Summary
  for themselves  
  Privilege: View Performance Summary (Data)
Resource: Performance Document

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
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Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Performance Feedback Request An Employee can request feedback for Role: Request Feedback
  Privilege: Request Feedback (Data)
Resource: Performance Feedback Request

Performance Feedback Request An Employee can view requested feedback for Role: View Requested Feedback
  people for whom feedback was requested by  
you or was shared with you Privilege: View Requested Feedback (Data)
Resource: Performance Feedback Request

Performance Goal An Employee can manage development goal by Role: Manage Development Goal by Worker
  worker for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Development Goal by Worker
Resource: Performance Goal

Performance Goal An Employee can manage performance goal by Role: Manage Performance Goal by Worker
  worker for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Performance Goal by Worker
Resource: Performance Goal

Performance Goal An Employee can view development goal by Role: View Development Goal by Worker
  worker for themselves  
  Privilege: View Development Goal by Worker
Resource: Performance Goal

Performance Goal An Employee can view performance goal for Role: Use REST Service - Performance Goals
  persons in their person security prole List of Values
Privilege: View Performance Goal (Data)
Resource: Performance Goal

Person A Employee can report person for themselves Role: Employee

Privilege: Report Person (Data)
Resource: Person

Person An Employee can change person address for Role: Change Person Address
  Privilege: Change Person Address (Data)
Resource: Person

Person An Employee can change person marital status Role: Change Person Marital Status
  for themselves  
  Privilege: Change Person Marital Status (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
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Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Person

Person An Employee can compare person for Role: Compare HCM Information
  Privilege: Compare Person (Data)
Resource: Person

Person An Employee can manage worker public Role: View Portrait Personal Information Card
  portrait for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Worker Public Portrait (Data)
Resource: Person

Person An Employee can print worker portrait for Role: Print Worker Portrait
  Privilege: Print Worker Portrait (Data)
Resource: Person

Person An Employee can share worker information for Role: Manage Worker Information Sharing
  Privilege: Share Worker Information (Data)
Resource: Person

Person An Employee can view person for themselves Role: HCM Connections REST Services
Privilege: View Person (Data)
Resource: Person

Person An Employee can view us end-of-year 1095-c Role: US Employee Portrait Gallery
  form for themselves if they are employed by a  
us legal employer Privilege: View US End-of-Year 1095-C Form
Resource: Person

Person An Employee can view worker availability Role: View Portrait Availability Card
  portrait card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Availability Portrait Card
Resource: Person

Person An Employee can view worker current and Role: Portrait Current and Completed Tasks
  completed tasks portrait card for persons and  
assignments in their person and assignment Privilege: View Worker Current and Completed
security prole Tasks Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Person

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Person An Employee can view worker current and Role: Portrait Current and Completed Tasks
  completed tasks portrait card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Current and Completed
Tasks Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Person

Person An Employee can view worker personal and Role: View Portrait Personal Information Card
  employment portrait card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Personal and
Employment Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Person

Person Absence Entry An Employee can maintain self service absence Role: Maintain Absence Records
  record for people and assignments in their  
person and assignment security prole Privilege: Maintain Self Service Absence Record
Resource: Person Absence Entry

Person Absence Entry An Employee can maintain self service absence Role: Maintain Absence Records
  record for themselves  
  Privilege: Maintain Self Service Absence Record
Resource: Person Absence Entry

Person Address An Employee can manage person private Role: View Portrait Personal Information Card
  address details for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Private Address
Details (Data)
Resource: Person Address

Person Address An Employee can view person address for Role: View Person Address
  Privilege: View Person Address (Data)
Resource: Person Address

Person Address An Employee can view person address for Role: View Portrait Personal Information Card
  Privilege: View Person Address (Data)
Resource: Person Address

Person Assignment A Employee can choose person assignment for Role: Employee
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment An Employee can access person contact Role: Access Person Contact Information by
  information for themselves Worker

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
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Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Privilege: Access Person Contact Information
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment An Employee can access person identication Role: Access Person Identication Information
  information for themselves by Worker
Privilege: Access Person Identication
Information (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment An Employee can access personal details for Role: Access Personal Details by Worker
  Privilege: Access Personal Details (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment An Employee can manage person image for Role: Manage Person Image
  Privilege: Manage Person Image (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment An Employee can view eligible jobs for Role: View Eligible Jobs
  Privilege: View Eligible Jobs (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment An Employee can view person assignment for Role: View Additional Assignment Info
  Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment An Employee can view person contact details Role: Access Family and Emergency Contacts by
  for themselves Worker
Privilege: View Person Contact Details (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment An Employee can view person extra information Role: Access Person Extra Information by
  for themselves Worker
Privilege: View Person Extra Information (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment An Employee can view person extra information Role: Manage Person Extra Information by
  for themselves Worker

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
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Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Privilege: View Person Extra Information (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment An Employee can view seniority dates for Role: View Seniority Dates
  Privilege: View Seniority Dates (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment An Employee can view worker assignment Role: View Worker Assignment History Details
  history details for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Assignment History
Details (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Availability Paerns An Employee can manage availability paerns Role: Manage Availability Paerns
  for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Availability Paerns (Data)
Resource: Person Availability Paerns

Person Checklist An Employee can manage onboarding by Role: Manage Onboarding by Worker
  worker for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Onboarding by Worker (Data)
Resource: Person Checklist

Person Citizenship An Employee can manage person citizenship Role: Manage Person Citizenship
  for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Citizenship (Data)
Resource: Person Citizenship

Person Citizenship An Employee can view person citizenship for Role: Manage Person Citizenship
  Privilege: View Person Citizenship (Data)
Resource: Person Citizenship

Person Citizenship An Employee can view person citizenship for Role: View Person Citizenship
  Privilege: View Person Citizenship (Data)
Resource: Person Citizenship

Person Communication Method An Employee can manage person Role: Person Communication Methods
  communication method for themselves Management
Privilege: Manage Person Communication
Method (Data)
Resource: Person Communication Method

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Person Communication Method An Employee can view person communication Role: Person Communication Methods View
  method for private communication methods  
granted to the user for persons in their person Privilege: View Person Communication Method
and assignment security prole (Data)
Resource: Person Communication Method

Person Communication Method An Employee can view person communication Role: Person Communication Methods
  method for themselves Management
Privilege: View Person Communication Method
Resource: Person Communication Method

Person Contact Relationship An Employee can manage person contact Role: Manage Person Contact Details
  details for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Contact Details (Data)
Resource: Person Contact Relationship

Person Contact Relationship An Employee can manage person contact Role: View Portrait Personal Information Card
  details for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Contact Details (Data)
Resource: Person Contact Relationship

Person Contact Relationship An Employee can manage person private Role: View Portrait Personal Information Card
  contact details for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Private Contact
Details (Data)
Resource: Person Contact Relationship

Person Contact Relationship An Employee can view person contact details Role: Access Family and Emergency Contacts by
  for themselves Worker
Privilege: View Person Contact Details (Data)
Resource: Person Contact Relationship

Person Contact Relationship An Employee can view person contact details Role: View Portrait Personal Information Card
  for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Contact Details (Data)
Resource: Person Contact Relationship

Person Detail An Employee can access person contact Role: Access Person Contact Information by
  information for themselves Worker
Privilege: Access Person Contact Information
Resource: Person Detail

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
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Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Person Detail An Employee can access person identication Role: Access Person Identication Information
  information for themselves by Worker
Privilege: Access Person Identication
Information (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail An Employee can access personal details for Role: Access Personal Details by Worker
  Privilege: Access Personal Details (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail An Employee can choose person for persons Role: Use REST Service - Eligible Contacts List
  and assignments in their person and of Values
assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Choose Person (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail An Employee can choose person for persons Role: Use REST Service - Workers List of Values
  and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Choose Person (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail An Employee can manage approval delegations Role: Manage Approval Delegations
  for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Approval Delegations (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail An Employee can manage external payroll Role: Manage External Payroll Information by
  information for themselves Worker
Privilege: Manage External Payroll Information
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail An Employee can manage person biographical Role: Manage Person Biographical Information
  for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Biographical (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail An Employee can manage person extra Role: Manage Person Extra Information by
  information for themselves Worker
Privilege: Manage Person Extra Information
Resource: Person Detail

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
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Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Person Detail An Employee can share personal data access Role: Share Personal Data Access
  for themselves  
  Privilege: Share Personal Data Access (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail An Employee can share personal information Role: Share Personal Information
  for themselves  
  Privilege: Share Personal Information (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail An Employee can view approval delegations for Role: Manage Approval Delegations
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: View Approval Delegations (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail An Employee can view person biographical for Role: Manage Person Biographical Information
  Privilege: View Person Biographical (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail An Employee can view person biographical for Role: View Person Biographical Information
  Privilege: View Person Biographical (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail An Employee can view person extra information Role: Access Person Extra Information by
  for themselves Worker
Privilege: View Person Extra Information (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail An Employee can view person extra information Role: Manage Person Extra Information by
  for themselves Worker
Privilege: View Person Extra Information (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Disability An Employee can manage person disability for Role: Manage Person Disability by Worker
  Privilege: Manage Person Disability (Data)
Resource: Person Disability

Person Disability An Employee can view person disability for Role: View Person Disability by Worker
  Privilege: View Person Disability (Data)
Resource: Person Disability

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
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Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Person Documentation An Employee can manage person Role: Manage Person Documentation by Worker
  documentation for document types in their  
document types security prole for themselves Privilege: Manage Person Documentation
Resource: Person Documentation

Person Documentation An Employee can manage person Role: Use REST Service - HR Document Types
  documentation for document types in their List of Values
document types security prole for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Documentation
Resource: Person Documentation

Person Documentation An Employee can view person documentation Role: Use REST Service - HR Document Types
  for document types in their document types List of Values
security prole for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person Documentation (Data)
Resource: Person Documentation

Person Driver License An Employee can manage person driver license Role: Manage Person Driver License
  for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Driver License (Data)
Resource: Person Driver License

Person Driver License An Employee can view person driver license for Role: Manage Person Driver License
  Privilege: View Person Driver License (Data)
Resource: Person Driver License

Person Driver License An Employee can view person driver license for Role: View Person Driver License
  Privilege: View Person Driver License (Data)
Resource: Person Driver License

Person Email An Employee can manage person email for Role: Person Communication Methods
  themselves Management
Privilege: Manage Person Email (Data)
Resource: Person Email

Person Email An Employee can view person email for Role: Person Communication Methods
  themselves Management
Privilege: View Person Email (Data)
Resource: Person Email

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Person Email An Employee can view person email for work Role: Person Communication Methods View
  e-mail addresses and private e-mail addresses  
granted to the user for persons in their person Privilege: View Person Email (Data)
and assignment security prole  
  Resource: Person Email

Person Ethnicity An Employee can manage person ethnicity for Role: Manage Person Ethnicity
  Privilege: Manage Person Ethnicity (Data)
Resource: Person Ethnicity

Person Ethnicity An Employee can view person ethnicity for Role: Manage Person Ethnicity
  Privilege: View Person Ethnicity (Data)
Resource: Person Ethnicity

Person Ethnicity An Employee can view person ethnicity for Role: View Person Ethnicity
  Privilege: View Person Ethnicity (Data)
Resource: Person Ethnicity

Person Image An Employee can manage person image for Role: Manage Person Image
  Privilege: Manage Person Image (Data)
Resource: Person Image

Person Image An Employee can view person image for Role: Manage Person Image
  Privilege: View Person Image (Data)
Resource: Person Image

Person Legislative Data An Employee can manage person legislative for Role: Manage Person Legislative
  Privilege: Manage Person Legislative (Data)
Resource: Person Legislative Data

Person Legislative Data An Employee can view person legislative for Role: Manage Person Legislative
  Privilege: View Person Legislative (Data)
Resource: Person Legislative Data

Person Legislative Data An Employee can view person legislative for Role: View Person Legislative
  Privilege: View Person Legislative (Data)
Resource: Person Legislative Data

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Person Life Event An Employee can manage person life event for Role: Employee Enrollment
  Privilege: Manage Person Life Event (Data)
Resource: Person Life Event

Person Name An Employee can change person name for Role: Manage Person Name
  Privilege: Change Person Name (Data)
Resource: Person Name

Person Name An Employee can view person name for Role: Manage Person Name
  Privilege: View Person Name (Data)
Resource: Person Name

Person Name An Employee can view person name for Role: View Person Name
  Privilege: View Person Name (Data)
Resource: Person Name

Person National Identier An Employee can manage person national Role: Manage Person National Identier
  identier for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person National Identier
Resource: Person National Identier

Person National Identier An Employee can view person national Role: Manage Person National Identier
  identier for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person National Identier (Data)
Resource: Person National Identier

Person National Identier An Employee can view person national Role: View Person National Identier
  identier for themselves  
  Privilege: View Person National Identier (Data)
Resource: Person National Identier

Person Passport An Employee can manage person passport for Role: Manage Person Passport
  Privilege: Manage Person Passport (Data)
Resource: Person Passport

Person Passport An Employee can view person passport for Role: Manage Person Passport
  Privilege: View Person Passport (Data)
Resource: Person Passport

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Person Passport An Employee can view person passport for Role: View Person Passport
  Privilege: View Person Passport (Data)
Resource: Person Passport

Person Phone An Employee can manage person phone for Role: Person Communication Methods
  themselves Management
Privilege: Manage Person Phone (Data)
Resource: Person Phone

Person Phone An Employee can view person phone for Role: Person Communication Methods
  themselves Management
Privilege: View Person Phone (Data)
Resource: Person Phone

Person Phone An Employee can view person phone for work Role: Person Communication Methods View
  phone numbers and private phone numbers  
granted to the user for persons in their person Privilege: View Person Phone (Data)
and assignment security prole  
  Resource: Person Phone

Person Plan Accrual An Employee can manage cash disbursements Role: Manage Cash Disbursements
  for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Cash Disbursements (Data)
Resource: Person Plan Accrual

Person Plan Accrual An Employee can manage donations for Role: Manage Donations
  Privilege: Manage Donations (Data)
Resource: Person Plan Accrual

Person Plan Accrual An Employee can view accrual plan balance for Role: View Accrual Type Absence Plan Balance
  people and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: View Accrual Plan Balance (Data)
Resource: Person Plan Accrual

Person Plan Accrual An Employee can view accrual plan balance for Role: View Accrual Type Absence Plan Balance
  Privilege: View Accrual Plan Balance (Data)
Resource: Person Plan Accrual

Person Religion An Employee can manage person religion for Role: Manage Person Religion
  Privilege: Manage Person Religion (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
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Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Person Religion

Person Religion An Employee can view person religion for Role: Manage Person Religion
  Privilege: View Person Religion (Data)
Resource: Person Religion

Person Religion An Employee can view person religion for Role: View Person Religion
  Privilege: View Person Religion (Data)
Resource: Person Religion

Person Type An Employee can choose person type for Role: Use REST Service - Person Reference Data
  person types in their person security prole Lists of Values
Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)
Resource: Person Type

Person Visa An Employee can manage person visa or permit Role: Manage Person Visa or Permit
  for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Person Visa or Permit (Data)
Resource: Person Visa

Person Visa An Employee can view person visa for Role: Manage Person Visa or Permit
  Privilege: View Person Visa (Data)
Resource: Person Visa

Person Visa An Employee can view person visa for Role: View Person Visa or Permit
  Privilege: View Person Visa (Data)
Resource: Person Visa

Personal Payment Method An Employee can manage payroll relationship Role: Manage Personal Payment Method
  for legislative data groups in their legislative  
data group security prole Privilege: Manage Payroll Relationship (Data)
Resource: Personal Payment Method

Personal Payment Method An Employee can manage personal payment Role: Manage Personal Payment Method
  method for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Personal Payment Method
Resource: Personal Payment Method

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Personal Payment Method An Employee can view payroll relationship for Role: Manage Personal Payment Method
  legislative data groups in their legislative data  
group security prole Privilege: View Payroll Relationship (Data)
Resource: Personal Payment Method

Personal Payment Method An Employee can view worker payment method Role: Access Portrait Personal Payment Method
  portrait card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Payment Method
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Personal Payment Method

Plan Beneciary Designation An Employee can view worker benets portrait Role: Portrait Benets
  card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Benets Portrait Card
Resource: Plan Beneciary Designation

Portrait Private Note A Employee can manage portrait private note Role: Employee
  for themselves  
  Privilege: Manage Portrait Private Note (Data)
Resource: Portrait Private Note

Position A Employee can choose position for positions in Role: Employee

  their position security prole  
  Privilege: Choose Position (Data)
Resource: Position

Position An Employee can choose position for positions Role: Compare HCM Information
  in their position security prole  
  Privilege: Choose Position (Data)
Resource: Position

Primary Care Provider An Employee can dene plan primary care Role: Employee Enrollment
  provider for themselves  
  Privilege: Dene Plan Primary Care Provider
Resource: Primary Care Provider

Public Assignment A Employee can choose public assignment for Role: Employee
  persons and assignments in their public person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Assignment

Public Assignment An Employee can search person deferred for Role: Access Person Gallery
  persons and assignments in their public person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
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Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Public Assignment


Public Learning Item An Employee can view self-service learning Role: View Public Learning Communities
  items for communities persons in their public  
person security prole are members of Privilege: View Self-Service Learning Items
Resource: Public Learning Item

Public Learning Item An Employee can view self-service learning Role: Access Learning Common Components
  items for self-service tutorials published by  
persons in their public person security prole Privilege: View Self-Service Learning Items
Resource: Public Learning Item

Public Learning Item An Employee can view self-service learning Role: Access Learning Common Components
  items for self-service videos published by  
persons in their public person security prole Privilege: View Self-Service Learning Items
Resource: Public Learning Item

Public Learning Item An Employee can view self-service learning Role: View Learner Contributions
  items for videos and tutorials created by  
persons in their public person security prole Privilege: View Self-Service Learning Items
Resource: Public Learning Item

Public Person A Employee can choose public person for Role: Employee
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person An Employee can choose proxy for role Role: Manage Role Delegations
  delegation for persons and assignments in their  
public person and assignment security prole Privilege: Choose Proxy for Role Delegation
Resource: Public Person

Public Person An Employee can choose public person for all Role: Procurement Requester
  workers in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person An Employee can choose public person for Role: Use REST Service - Eligible Contacts List
  persons and assignments in their public person of Values
and assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Public Person An Employee can choose public person for Role: Use REST Service - Workers List of Values
  persons and assignments in their public person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person An Employee can choose public person for Role: Access Learning Common Components
  persons in their public person security prole  
  Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person An Employee can compare hcm information for Role: Compare HCM Information
  Privilege: Compare HCM Information (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person An Employee can search person deferred for Role: Access Person Gallery
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person An Employee can search person deferred for Role: Use REST Service - Public Workers Read
  persons and assignments in their public person Only
security prole  
  Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person An Employee can search person deferred for Role: Use REST Service - Talent Person Proles
  persons and assignments in their public person  
security prole Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person An Employee can search person deferred for Role: Use REST Service - Talent Person Proles
  persons and assignments in their public person Read Only
security prole  
  Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person An Employee can view person deferred for Role: Use User Details Service
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person An Employee can view person deferred for Role: Use REST Service - Public Workers Read
  persons and assignments in their public person Only
security prole  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
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Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person An Employee can view worker contact portrait Role: View Portrait Contact Card
  card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Contact Portrait Card
Resource: Public Person

Requisition An Employee can manage requisition for Role: Procurement Requester

  themselves for the business units for which  
they are authorized Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)
Resource: Business Unit

Requisition An Employee can manage requisition for Role: Requisition Self Service User
  themselves for the business units for which  
they are authorized Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)
Resource: Business Unit

Requisition An Employee can manage requisition for Role: Requisition Self Service User
  themselves for the nancial business unit  
associated with their primary assignment Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)
Resource: Business Unit

Salary An Employee can view worker compensation Role: View Compensation Details for Worker
  portrait card for themselves  
  Privilege: View Worker Compensation Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Salary

Talent Prole An Employee can edit person career planning Role: Edit Person Career Planning
  for themselves  
  Privilege: Edit Person Career Planning (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole

Talent Prole An Employee can edit person skills and Role: Edit Person Skills and Qualications
  qualications for themselves  
  Privilege: Edit Person Skills and Qualications
Resource: Talent Prole

Talent Prole An Employee can match talent prole person Role: Workforce Prole Worker
  for themselves  
  Privilege: Match Talent Prole Person (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
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Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Talent Prole An Employee can view talent prole model for Role: Workforce Prole Worker
  jobs in their job security prole  
  Privilege: View Talent Prole Model (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole

Talent Prole An Employee can view talent prole person for Role: Workforce Prole Worker
  Privilege: View Talent Prole Person (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole

Talent Prole Item An Employee can view talent prole item Role: Workforce Prole Worker
  worker for themselves  
  Privilege: View Talent Prole Item Worker (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole Item

Time Record An Employee can manage time records for Role: Use REST Service - Time Records Read
  persons and assignments in their person and Only
assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Manage Time Records (Data)
Resource: Time Record

Time Record Event An Employee can manage time record events Role: Use REST Service - Time Record Events
  for persons and assignments in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: Manage Time Record Events (Data)
Resource: Time Record Event

Time Record Group An Employee can manage time record groups Role: Use REST Service - Time Record Groups
  for persons and assignments in their person Read Only
and assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Manage Time Record Groups (Data)
Resource: Time Record Group

Time Record Group Summary An Employee can manage time cards for Role: Worker Time Card Entry
  Privilege: Manage Time Cards (Data)
Resource: Time Record Group Summary

Total Compensation Statement An Employee can view total compensation Role: View Total Compensation Statements
  statement already generated for themselves  
  Privilege: View Total Compensation Statement
Already Generated (Data)
Resource: Total Compensation Statement

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact An Employee can manage trading community Role: Expense Entry
Preference legal contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact An Employee can manage trading community Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference legal contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone An Employee can manage trading community Role: Expense Entry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone An Employee can manage trading community Role: Requisition Self Service User
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address An Employee can manage trading community Role: Expense Entry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address An Employee can manage trading community Role: Requisition Self Service User
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact An Employee can manage trading community Role: Expense Entry
Preference legal contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact An Employee can manage trading community Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference legal contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party An Employee can view trading community Role: Expense Entry
  organization for all organizations in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party An Employee can view trading community Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry
  organization for all organizations in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party An Employee can view trading community Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  organization for all organizations in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party An Employee can view trading community Role: Procurement Requester
  organization for all organizations in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Phone An Employee can manage trading community Role: Expense Entry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone An Employee can manage trading community Role: Requisition Self Service User
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party An Employee can view trading community Role: Procurement Requester
  contact for all trading community persons  
in the enterprise except contacts created by Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
partners. (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party An Employee can view trading community Role: Expense Entry
  person for all people in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party An Employee can view trading community Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry
  person for all people in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party An Employee can view trading community Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  person for all people in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party An Employee can view trading community Role: Procurement Requester
  person for all people in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party An Employee can view trading community Role: Expense Entry
  person for all people in the enterprise other  
than sales accounts and sales prospects. Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party An Employee can view trading community Role: Procurement Requester
  person for all people in the enterprise other  
than sales accounts and sales prospects. Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party An Employee can view trading community Role: Expense Entry
  person for all resources in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party An Employee can view trading community Role: Procurement Requester
  person for all resources in the enterprise  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Privilege: View Trading Community Person

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact An Employee can manage trading community Role: Expense Entry
Preference legal contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Contact An Employee can manage trading community Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference legal contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone An Employee can manage trading community Role: Expense Entry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone An Employee can manage trading community Role: Requisition Self Service User
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact An Employee can manage trading community Role: Expense Entry
Preference legal contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact An Employee can manage trading community Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference legal contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact An Employee can manage trading community Role: Expense Entry
Preference legal contact preference for all trading  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact An Employee can manage trading community Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference legal contact preference for all trading  
  community contact preferences not of type Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship An Employee can view trading community Role: Procurement Requester
  relationship for all trading community  
relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship An Employee can view trading community Role: Procurement Requester
  relationship for all trading community  
relationships in the enterprise except partner Privilege: View Trading Community
contact relationships, or relationships created Relationship (Data)
by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship An Employee can view trading community Role: Requisition Self Service User
  relationship for all trading community  
relationships in the enterprise except partner Privilege: View Trading Community
contact relationships, or relationships created Relationship (Data)
by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Partner Item A Employee can administrator trading partner Role: Employee
  item for the trading partner item they have  
access to Privilege: Administrate Trading Partner Item
Resource: Trading Partner Item

Trading Partner Item A Employee can maintain trading partner item Role: Employee
  for the trading partner item they have access to  
  Privilege: Maintain Trading Partner Item (Data)
Resource: Trading Partner Item

Trading Partner Item A Employee can view trading partner item for Role: Employee
  the trading partner item they have access to  
  Privilege: View Trading Partner Item (Data)
Resource: Trading Partner Item

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

User An Employee can view user accounts for Role: Manage My Account
  Privilege: View User Accounts (Data)
Resource: User

User Role An Employee can view own account details for Role: Manage My Account
  Privilege: View Own Account Details (Data)
Resource: User Role

Variable Compensation Allocation An Employee can manage variable Role: Manage Personal Compensation
  compensation allocation by worker for  
themselves Privilege: Manage Variable Compensation
  Allocation by Worker (Data)
Resource: Variable Compensation Allocation

Work Relationship An Employee can submit resignation for Role: Submit Resignation
  Privilege: Submit Resignation (Data)
Resource: Work Relationship

Work Relationship An Employee can view employment Role: View Employment Information Summary
  information summary for themselves  
  Privilege: View Employment Information
Summary (Data)
Resource: Work Relationship

Worker A Employee can choose worker for people and Role: Employee
  assignments in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Choose Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker

Worker An Employee can compare worker employment Role: Compare HCM Information
  information for themselves  
  Privilege: Compare Worker Employment
Information (Data)
Resource: Worker

Worker An Employee can review worker availability for Role: View Portrait Availability Card
  Privilege: Review Worker Availability (Data)
Resource: Worker

Worker An Employee can search worker for themselves Role: View Employment Information Summary
Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Worker

This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Employee abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Person Phone An Employee can view trading community Role: Procurement Requester
  person mobile phone number for all trading  
community person mobile phone numbers Privilege: View Trading Community Person
  Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 8
Security Reference for Procurement Employee (Abstract Role)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

9 Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Identies the person as a line manager.

Role Hierarchy
The Line Manager abstract role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.
• Line Manager
◦ Absence Management Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Access Learning Common Components
◦ Access Person Gallery
◦ Add Worker Assignment
◦ Availability Paerns Transaction Analysis
◦ Business Intelligence Applications Worker
◦ Career Development Transaction Analysis
◦ Change Worker Legal Employer
◦ Change Worker Location
◦ Change Worker Manager
◦ Change Worker Working Hour
◦ Compare HCM Information
◦ Compensation Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Contingent Worker Addition
◦ Create Non-Catalog Learning Request by Learner Manager
◦ Create Succession Plan for Worker
◦ Create Work Relationship
◦ Documents of Record Transaction Analysis
◦ Edit Person Career Planning
◦ Edit Person Skills and Qualications
◦ Edit Succession Plan and Manage Candidates
◦ Edit Time Zone Overrides
◦ Employee Hire

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

◦ Expense Approval
◦ Goal Management Line Manager
◦ Goal Management Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Line Manager Workforce Compensation Management
◦ Maintain Absence Records
◦ Manage Availability Paerns
◦ Manage Cash Disbursements
◦ Manage Development Goal by Manager
◦ Manage Direct Report
◦ Manage Donations
◦ Manage Eligible Jobs
◦ Manage Individual Compensation
◦ Manage Learning Communities
◦ Manage Learning Community Required Members
◦ Manage Learning Self-Service Tutorials
◦ Manage Learning Self-Service Videos
◦ Manage Oine Learning
◦ Manage Onboarding by Manager
◦ Manage Performance Goal by Manager
◦ Manage Person Documentation
◦ Manage Person Identiers for External Applications
◦ Manage Recommended Learning
◦ Manage Required Learning by Learner Manager
◦ Manage Salaries
◦ Manage Schedules and Exceptions Assignment
◦ Manage Time Cards by Line Manager
◦ Manage Time Change Requests by Line Manager
◦ Manage User Account
- Edit User Name
- Manage User Roles
◦ Manage Vacancy
◦ Manage Voluntary Learning by Learner Manager
◦ Manage Worker Checklist
◦ Manage Worker Contract
◦ Manage Worker Information Sharing
◦ Manage Workforce Compensation Budgets by Line Manager
◦ Moderate User Generated Learning

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

◦ Nonworker Addition
◦ Pending Worker Addition and Hire
◦ Performance Management Line Manager
- Create Anytime Performance Document
- Manage Check-In Document
- Request Feedback
- View Performance Summary
- View Requested Feedback
◦ Performance Management Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Print Worker Portrait
◦ Promote Worker
◦ Record External Learning by Learner Manager
◦ Report Manager Transaction Dashboard
◦ Request a Position Change
◦ Share Personal Data Access
◦ Share Personal Information
◦ Submit a Payroll Flow
◦ Terminate Work Relationship
◦ Time and Labor Transaction Analysis
◦ Transfer Worker
◦ Use REST Service - HR Document Types List of Values
◦ Use REST Service - Legislative Data Groups List of Values
◦ Use REST Service - Performance Goals List of Values
◦ Use REST Service - Person Reference Data Lists of Values
◦ Use REST Service - Succession Management Lists of Values
◦ Use REST Service - Talent Review Managers List of Values
◦ Use REST Service - Workers List of Values
◦ Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values
◦ Vacancy Transaction Analysis
◦ View Accrual Type Absence Plan Balance
◦ View Additional Assignment Info
◦ View Compensation Details for Worker
◦ View Compensation History
◦ View Development Goal by Manager
◦ View Employment Information Summary
◦ View HCM Person Note
◦ View Learner Contributions

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

◦ View Learning Communities

◦ View Portrait Availability Card
◦ View Portrait Contact Card
◦ View Portrait Employment Information Card
◦ View Portrait User Account Details Card
◦ View Positions
◦ View Public Learning Communities
◦ View Recommended Learning by Learner Manager
◦ View Required Learning by Learner Manager
◦ View Seniority Dates
◦ View Succession Plan
◦ View Talent Ratings
◦ View Team Schedule by Line Manager
◦ View Time Zone Overrides
◦ View Voluntary Learning by Learner Manager
◦ View Worker Assignment History Details
◦ View Worker Contract
◦ View Workforce Predictions as Line Manager
◦ Workforce Model Plan Line Manager
- View Salary Data Only
◦ Workforce Modeling Transaction Analysis
◦ Workforce Prole Line Manager
◦ Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Workforce Scheduling Transaction Analysis
◦ Workforce Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Line Manager abstract role.

Duty Role Description

Absence Management Transaction Analyzes Workforce absences transactional information


Access Learning Common Components Access common learning components.


Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Duty Role Description

Availability Paerns Transaction Analysis Analyzes employee availability paern transactional information

Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring
  within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions,
Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.

Career Development Transaction Analysis HCM Career Development Transaction Analysis Duty Role

Compensation Transaction Analysis Analyzes Compensation transactional information


Contingent Worker Addition Adds contingent workers.


Documents of Record Transaction Analysis Analyzes Documents of Records transactional information


Employee Hire Hires employees.


Expense Approval Approves expense reports of Oracle Fusion Expenses users.


Goal Management Line Manager Goal Management Line Manager - inherited by Line Manager

Goal Management Transaction Analysis Analyzes Workforce Goals transactional information


Line Manager Workforce Compensation Manages workforce compensation by allocating compensation, rating performance, and promoting
Management workers on a periodic basis.

Manage Oine Learning Allows download and management of learning item content on mobile device in learning self-service

Manage User Account Manages user roles.


Nonworker Addition Adds nonworkers.


Pending Worker Addition and Hire Adds and hires pending workers.

Performance Management Line Manager Views performance documents from line manager dashboard.

Performance Management Transaction Analyzes Workforce Performance Management transactional information


Time and Labor Transaction Analysis HCM Time and Labor Transaction Analysis Duty Role

Use REST Service - HR Document Types Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the HR document types list of values REST
List of Values service.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Duty Role Description

Use REST Service - Workers List of Values Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Workers list of values REST Service.

Vacancy Transaction Analysis HCM Vacancy Transaction Analysis Duty Role


Workforce Model Plan Line Manager Manages workforce model plans, including creating and editing the plans.

Workforce Modeling Transaction Analysis Analyzes Workforce Modeling transactional information


Workforce Prole Line Manager Performs workforce prole duties as a line manager.

Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis Analyzes Workforce Prole transactional information.


Workforce Scheduling Transaction Analyses workforce scheduling transactional information


Workforce Transaction Analysis Analyzes Workforce transactional information.


Aggregate Privileges
This table lists aggregate privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the Line Manager abstract role.

Aggregate Privilege Description

Access Person Gallery Searches worker deferred data and views the portrait page.

Add Worker Assignment Allows adding of a worker assignment.


Change Worker Legal Employer Allows changes to be made to a worker's legal employer.

Change Worker Location Changes persons' locations.


Change Worker Manager Changes persons' managers.


Change Worker Working Hour Changes the working hours of persons.


Compare HCM Information Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any combinations of these objects.

Create Anytime Performance Document Allows creation of anytime performance documents


Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Aggregate Privilege Description

Create Non-Catalog Learning Request by  

Learner Manager

Create Succession Plan for Worker Create succession plans.


Create Work Relationship Adds work relationships to persons.


Edit Person Career Planning Allows editing the Person Career Planning.

Edit Person Skills and Qualications Allows editing the Person Skills and Qualications.

Edit Succession Plan and Manage Manages succession plan candidates.


Edit Time Zone Overrides Allows users to edit time zone overrides for a worker.

Edit User Name Updates the user name associated with a person.

Maintain Absence Records Allows workers to enter, update and delete their absence records.

Manage Availability Paerns Allows users to create, delete, and update availability paerns.

Manage Cash Disbursements Allows administrator to dispense part of an accrual plan balance for payment.

Manage Check-In Document Allows to create, view, edit and delete check-in document.

Manage Development Goal by Manager Manages development goals of subordinates.


Manage Direct Report Manages direct reports.


Manage Donations Allows users to create, delete and update donation of plan balances.

Manage Eligible Jobs Allows managing of eligible jobs for relief in higher class.

Manage Individual Compensation Privilege to manage individual compensation awards for workers within the user's security prole.

Manage Learning Communities Allows users to create learning communities.


Manage Learning Community Required Allows adding required members to a community.


Manage Learning Self-Service Tutorials Allows users to author tutorials.


Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Aggregate Privilege Description

Manage Learning Self-Service Videos Allows users to publish and edit videos.

Manage Onboarding by Manager Allows manager to manage the onboarding tasks.


Manage Performance Goal by Manager Manages performance goals of subordinates.


Manage Person Documentation Manages documents.


Manage Person Identiers for External Manages person identiers for external applications.

Manage Recommended Learning Allows users to recommend learning and view recommendations received.

Manage Required Learning by Learner Allows managers to create and manage required assignments.

Manage Salaries Privilege to manage o-cycle salary adjustments as a stand alone transaction or as part of a larger
  business process such as a promotion or transfer.

Manage Schedules and Exceptions Manages the association of schedules to an assignment. This role is associated with the line manager
Assignment or HR specialist.

Manage Time Cards by Line Manager Manages time cards that need to be adjusted or submied for processing, when a worker cannot
  access their time card.

Manage Time Change Requests by Line Allows the line manager to see and approve time change requests data for workers.

Manage User Roles Allows management of user roles assignments.


Manage Vacancy Allows management of vacancies.


Manage Voluntary Learning by Learner Allows managers to create and manage voluntary assignments.

Manage Worker Checklist Manages checklist denitions.


Manage Worker Contract Allows management of worker contracts.


Manage Worker Information Sharing Allows sharing of person information with internal and external recipients. Used in the non-responsive

Manage Workforce Compensation Budgets Manages compensation budgets by distributing and publishing budgets to lower manager.
by Line Manager  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Aggregate Privilege Description

Moderate User Generated Learning Allows access to moderate and approve self-service learning items.

Print Worker Portrait Grants access to the portrait maintenance duties for the portrait cards.

Promote Worker Promotes persons.


Record External Learning by Learner Allows to record external learning completion by learner manager

Report Manager Transaction Dashboard Reports Manager Transaction Dashboard


Request Feedback Allows to request feedback


Request a Position Change Allows requesting a position change.


Share Personal Data Access Allows sharing of access to personal data.


Share Personal Information Allows sharing of personal information.


Submit a Payroll Flow Submits new payroll ows.


Terminate Work Relationship Terminates work relationships.


Transfer Worker Transfers persons.


Use REST Service - Legislative Data Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Legislative Data Groups LOV REST Service.
Groups List of Values  

Use REST Service - Performance Goals List Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Performance Goals List of Values REST
of Values Service.

Use REST Service - Person Reference Data Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the person reference data lists of values REST
Lists of Values services.

Use REST Service - Succession Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Succession Management list of values REST
Management Lists of Values Services.

Use REST Service - Talent Review Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Talent Review Managers list of values REST
Managers List of Values Service.

Use REST Service - Workforce Structure Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Workforce Structure list of values REST
List of Values Services.

View Accrual Type Absence Plan Balance Allows workers to view balances of the accrual type absence plans.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Aggregate Privilege Description


View Additional Assignment Info Allows viewing of additional assignment info.


View Compensation Details for Worker Views compensation data for a worker.

View Compensation History Provides access to view compensation history for workers within the users security prole.

View Development Goal by Manager View development goals of subordinates.


View Employment Information Summary Grants access to view a worker's employment information summary.

View HCM Person Note Views HCM person notes


View Learner Contributions Allows users to view a person's learning contributions.


View Learning Communities Allows users to view learning communities they are members of.

View Performance Summary Allows viewing of workers performance summary information.


View Portrait Availability Card Grants access to the availability card in the portrait, which includes schedule, absence, and accrual

View Portrait Contact Card Grants access to view the contact card in the portrait, which includes phone number, e-mail, other
  communication methods, work location information, manager, directs and peers.

View Portrait Employment Information Grants access to view the employment card in the Portrait, which includes assignment and contract
Card information. This role is associated with the line manager and HR specialist.

View Portrait User Account Details Card Views the User Account Details card in the Person Gallery.

View Positions Views positions in the user's position security prole.


View Public Learning Communities Allows users to view the learning communities a person is a member of.

View Recommended Learning by Learner Allows managers to view recommendations received by people in their person security prole, and
Manager learning items recommended for people in their public person security prole.

View Requested Feedback Allows workers and line managers to view requested feedback

View Required Learning by Learner Allows managers to view required learning assignments assigned to people in their person security
Manager prole.

View Salary Data Only Views salary data embedded or used in non-compensation product pages or processes.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Aggregate Privilege Description


View Seniority Dates Allows viewing of seniority dates.


View Succession Plan Views succession plans.


View Talent Ratings Grants access to view the talent ratings.


View Team Schedule by Line Manager Allows line manager to view team schedule.

View Time Zone Overrides Allows users to view time zone overrides for a worker.

View Voluntary Learning by Learner Allows managers to view voluntary learning assignments assigned to people in their person security
Manager prole.

View Worker Assignment History Details Allows viewing of worker's assignment history details.

View Worker Contract Allows viewing of worker contracts.


View Workforce Predictions as Line Allows Line Manager to view worker predictions.

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Line Manager abstract role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Access Learning Common Components Access common learning components. Access Learning Common Components

Contingent Worker Addition Adds contingent workers. Add Contingent Worker


Contingent Worker Addition Adds contingent workers. Create User


Contingent Worker Addition Adds contingent workers. Renew Placement


Employee Hire Hires employees. Create User


Employee Hire Hires employees. Hire Employee


Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Employee Hire Hires employees. Rehire Employee


Expense Approval Approves expense reports of Oracle Fusion Approve Expense Report
  Expenses users.  

Expense Approval Approves expense reports of Oracle Fusion Approve Travel Authorization or Cash Advance
  Expenses users.  

Goal Management Line Manager Goal Management Line Manager - inherited by Assign Development Goal to Groups of Workers
  Line Manager  

Goal Management Line Manager Goal Management Line Manager - inherited by Manage Development Goal
  Line Manager  

Goal Management Line Manager Goal Management Line Manager - inherited by Manage Development Goal in Goal Library
  Line Manager  

Goal Management Line Manager Goal Management Line Manager - inherited by Manage Development Goal of Other Workers
  Line Manager  

Goal Management Line Manager Goal Management Line Manager - inherited by Manage Performance Goal
  Line Manager  

Goal Management Line Manager Goal Management Line Manager - inherited by Manage Performance Goals of Others
  Line Manager  

Goal Management Line Manager Goal Management Line Manager - inherited by View Development Goal
  Line Manager  

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Absence Entry Using Calendar

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Access FUSE My Team Page

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Access FUSE Team Talent Page

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Access HCM Common Components

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Access Learner Manager Self-Service Work

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Access Oracle Taleo Recruiting Cloud Service

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Access Tap Application

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Access Time Work Area

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Add New Task for Worker

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Add Task for Worker from Task Library

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Allocate Checklist to Worker

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Analytical view of team's compliance violations

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Analyze Team Compensation

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Approve Individual Compensation Award

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Approve Salary Updates

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Assign Performance Goal to Groups of Workers

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Assign Workers Goals Mass Process

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Change Manager Mobile

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Edit Access Certication Manager Worksheet

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Manage Goal Management Notications

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Manage Learning Community Members using

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Manage Learning Community Required

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Manage Outstanding Corporate Card

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Manage Performance Goal

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Manage Questionnaires


Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Manage Questions


Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Manage Salary Mobile

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Manage Social Network Connections

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Manage Talent Pool

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Manage Talent Review Content

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Manage Team Compensation

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Manage Team Compliance Violations List View

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Manage Team Reputation Scores List View

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Manage Team Reputation Tasks

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Manager Suggest Mentorship Relationships

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Manager's View of Employee's Reputation

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Manager's View of Employee's Social Roles

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. New Person Work Area As Line Manager

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Perform Performance Evaluations Mobile

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Promote Worker Mobile

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Request a New Position

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Run Talent Prole Summary Report

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Search and Review Skills

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Use Assignment Status Type Service

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Use Position lookup Service

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Use REST Service - Collective Agreements List
    of Values

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Use REST Service - Content Items List of Values

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Use REST Service - Job Requisition Templates
    List of Values

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Use REST Service - Model Proles List of Values

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Use REST Service - Salary Bases List of Values

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Use REST Service - Scheduling Lists of Values

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. Use REST Service - Users and Roles Lists of

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. View Calendar by Line Manager

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. View Career Overview by Manager

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. View Employee Social Connections

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. View Performance Overview by Manager

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. View Team Compliance Outlier Reports

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. View Team Reputation Outlier Reports

Line Manager Identies the person as a line manager. View Team Reputation Scores Analytic View

Line Manager Workforce Compensation Manages workforce compensation by allocating Allocate Compensation Person Rate by Line
Management compensation, rating performance, and Manager
  promoting workers on a periodic basis.  

Line Manager Workforce Compensation Manages workforce compensation by allocating Approve and Submit Compensation Allocation
Management compensation, rating performance, and by Line Manager
  promoting workers on a periodic basis.  

Line Manager Workforce Compensation Manages workforce compensation by allocating Assign Compensation Performance Rating by
Management compensation, rating performance, and Line Manager
  promoting workers on a periodic basis.  

Line Manager Workforce Compensation Manages workforce compensation by allocating Award Compensation Promotion by Line
Management compensation, rating performance, and Manager
  promoting workers on a periodic basis.  

Line Manager Workforce Compensation Manages workforce compensation by allocating Create Compensation Distribution Model for
Management compensation, rating performance, and Allocation by Line Manager
  promoting workers on a periodic basis.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Line Manager Workforce Compensation Manages workforce compensation by allocating Export Compensation Allocation Details to
Management compensation, rating performance, and Spreadsheet by Line Manager
  promoting workers on a periodic basis.  

Line Manager Workforce Compensation Manages workforce compensation by allocating Generate Compensation Allocation Statements
Management compensation, rating performance, and by Line Manager
  promoting workers on a periodic basis.  

Line Manager Workforce Compensation Manages workforce compensation by allocating Print Performance Document
Management compensation, rating performance, and  
  promoting workers on a periodic basis.

Line Manager Workforce Compensation Manages workforce compensation by allocating Run Group Compensation Line Manager
Management compensation, rating performance, and Reports by Line Manager
  promoting workers on a periodic basis.  

Line Manager Workforce Compensation Manages workforce compensation by allocating View Worker Performance Management
Management compensation, rating performance, and Document
  promoting workers on a periodic basis.  

Manage Oine Learning Allows download and management of learning Manage Oine Learning
  item content on mobile device in learning self-  

Manage User Account Manages user roles. Copy Personal Data to LDAP

Manage User Account Manages user roles. Manage User Account


Manage User Account Manages user roles. Manage User Account and My Account

Manage User Account Manages user roles. Reset Password


Nonworker Addition Adds nonworkers. Create Person Nonworker


Nonworker Addition Adds nonworkers. Create User


Pending Worker Addition and Hire Adds and hires pending workers. Add Worker Pending Hire

Pending Worker Addition and Hire Adds and hires pending workers. Correct Oracle Taleo Recruiting Candidate
    Import Errors

Pending Worker Addition and Hire Adds and hires pending workers. Edit Pending Worker

Pending Worker Addition and Hire Adds and hires pending workers. Hire Pending Worker

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Performance Management Line Manager Views performance documents from line Approve Worker Performance Document
  manager dashboard.  

Performance Management Line Manager Views performance documents from line Cancel Worker Performance Document by
  manager dashboard. Manager

Performance Management Line Manager Views performance documents from line Change Participant Due Date by Manager
  manager dashboard.  

Performance Management Line Manager Views performance documents from line Complete Worker Performance Document by
  manager dashboard. Manager

Performance Management Line Manager Views performance documents from line Create Performance Document by Manager
  manager dashboard.  

Performance Management Line Manager Views performance documents from line Delete Worker Performance Document by
  manager dashboard. Manager

Performance Management Line Manager Views performance documents from line Print Performance Document
  manager dashboard.  

Performance Management Line Manager Views performance documents from line Reopen Performance Document by Manager
  manager dashboard.  

Performance Management Line Manager Views performance documents from line Reset Worker Performance Evaluation Status by
  manager dashboard. Manager

Performance Management Line Manager Views performance documents from line Restore Performance Document by Manager
  manager dashboard.  

Performance Management Line Manager Views performance documents from line Select Feedback Participants
  manager dashboard.  

Performance Management Line Manager Views performance documents from line Track Participant Feedback Status
  manager dashboard.  

Performance Management Line Manager Views performance documents from line Transfer Performance Document by Manager
  manager dashboard.  

Performance Management Line Manager Views performance documents from line View Performance Information on Manager
  manager dashboard. Dashboard

Performance Management Line Manager Views performance documents from line View Performance Information on Worker
  manager dashboard. Dashboard for Manager

Performance Management Line Manager Views performance documents from line View Performance and Potential
  manager dashboard.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Use REST Service - HR Document Types List of Allows the user to call the GET method Use REST Service - HR Document Types List of
Values associated with the HR document types list of Values
  values REST service.  

Use REST Service - Workers List of Values Allows the user to call the GET method Use REST Service - Workers List of Values
  associated with the Workers list of values REST  

Workforce Model Plan Line Manager Manages workforce model plans, including Manage Workforce Model Plan as Line Manager
  creating and editing the plans.  

Workforce Prole Line Manager Performs workforce prole duties as a line Dene Talent Prole

Workforce Prole Line Manager Performs workforce prole duties as a line Dene Talent Prole Item

Workforce Prole Line Manager Performs workforce prole duties as a line Manage Person Talent Prole

Workforce Prole Line Manager Performs workforce prole duties as a line Manage Talent Prole Interest List

Workforce Prole Line Manager Performs workforce prole duties as a line Match Talent Prole

Workforce Prole Line Manager Performs workforce prole duties as a line Update Talent Prole Item

Workforce Prole Line Manager Performs workforce prole duties as a line View Talent Prole

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Line Manager abstract

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Reference Territory A Line Manager can choose application Role: Line Manager
  reference territory for countries in their country  
security prole Privilege: Choose Application Reference
  Territory (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Application Reference Territory

Applied Cash Advance A Line Manager can view applied cash Role: Line Manager
  advance for the employees for whom they are  
responsible Privilege: View Employee Expense (Data)
Resource: Applied Cash Advance

Assignment Grade A Line Manager can choose assignment grade Role: Line Manager
  for all grades in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)
Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade A Line Manager can choose assignment grade Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure
  for all grades in the enterprise List of Values
Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)
Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade A Line Manager can report assignment grade Role: Absence Management Transaction
  for all grades in the enterprise Analysis
Privilege: Report Assignment Grade (Data)
Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade A Line Manager can report assignment grade Role: Availability Paerns Transaction Analysis
  for all grades in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Assignment Grade (Data)
Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade A Line Manager can report assignment grade Role: Career Development Transaction Analysis
  for all grades in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Assignment Grade (Data)
Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade A Line Manager can report assignment grade Role: Compensation Transaction Analysis
  for all grades in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Assignment Grade (Data)
Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade A Line Manager can report assignment grade Role: Goal Management Transaction Analysis
  for all grades in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Assignment Grade (Data)
Resource: Assignment Grade

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Assignment Grade A Line Manager can report assignment grade Role: Performance Management Transaction
  for all grades in the enterprise Analysis
Privilege: Report Assignment Grade (Data)
Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade A Line Manager can report assignment grade Role: Time and Labor Transaction Analysis
  for all grades in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Assignment Grade (Data)
Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade A Line Manager can report assignment grade Role: Vacancy Transaction Analysis
  for all grades in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Assignment Grade (Data)
Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade A Line Manager can report assignment grade Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis
  for all grades in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Assignment Grade (Data)
Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade Ladder A Line Manager can report assignment grade Role: Absence Management Transaction
  ladder for all grades in the enterprise Analysis
Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Ladder
Resource: Assignment Grade Ladder

Assignment Grade Ladder A Line Manager can report assignment grade Role: Availability Paerns Transaction Analysis
  ladder for all grades in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Ladder
Resource: Assignment Grade Ladder

Assignment Grade Ladder A Line Manager can report assignment grade Role: Compensation Transaction Analysis
  ladder for all grades in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Ladder
Resource: Assignment Grade Ladder

Assignment Grade Ladder A Line Manager can report assignment grade Role: Vacancy Transaction Analysis
  ladder for all grades in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Ladder
Resource: Assignment Grade Ladder

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Assignment Grade Ladder A Line Manager can report assignment grade Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis
  ladder for all grades in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Ladder
Resource: Assignment Grade Ladder

Assignment Grade Rate A Line Manager can report assignment grade Role: Absence Management Transaction
  rate for all grades in the enterprise Analysis
Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Rate (Data)
Resource: Assignment Grade Rate

Assignment Grade Rate A Line Manager can report assignment grade Role: Availability Paerns Transaction Analysis
  rate for all grades in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Rate (Data)
Resource: Assignment Grade Rate

Assignment Grade Rate A Line Manager can report assignment grade Role: Compensation Transaction Analysis
  rate for all grades in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Rate (Data)
Resource: Assignment Grade Rate

Assignment Grade Rate A Line Manager can report assignment grade Role: Vacancy Transaction Analysis
  rate for all grades in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Rate (Data)
Resource: Assignment Grade Rate

Assignment Grade Rate A Line Manager can report assignment grade Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis
  rate for all grades in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Rate (Data)
Resource: Assignment Grade Rate

Business Unit A Line Manager can choose business unit for Role: Line Manager
  business units in their organization security  
prole Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization
Resource: Business Unit

Business Unit A Line Manager can choose business unit Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure
  organization for business units in their List of Values
organization security prole  
  Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization
Resource: Business Unit

Cash Advance A Line Manager can view cash advance for the Role: Line Manager
  employees for whom they are responsible  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  Privilege: View Employee Expense (Data)

Resource: Cash Advance

Check In Document A Line Manager can manage check-in Role: Manage Check-In Document
  document for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Manage Check-In Document (Data)
Resource: Check In Document

Check In Document A Line Manager can report check-in document Role: Performance Management Transaction
  for people and assignments in their person and Analysis
assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Report Check-In Document (Data)
Resource: Check In Document

Compensation Allocation A Line Manager can allocate compensation Role: Line Manager Workforce Compensation
  person rate by line manager for subordinates in Management
their person and assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Allocate Compensation Person Rate
by Line Manager (Data)
Resource: Compensation Allocation

Compensation Allocation A Line Manager can approve and submit Role: Line Manager Workforce Compensation
  compensation allocation by line manager for Management
subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Approve and Submit Compensation
  Allocation by Line Manager (Data)
Resource: Compensation Allocation

Compensation Allocation A Line Manager can report compensation Role: Compensation Transaction Analysis
  allocation for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Report Compensation Allocation
Resource: Compensation Allocation

Compensation History A Line Manager can view compensation Role: View Compensation History
  history for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: View Compensation History (Data)
Resource: Compensation History

Compensation Note A Line Manager can manage compensation Role: Line Manager Workforce Compensation
  note for public compensation notes for Management
subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole and for private compensation Privilege: Manage Compensation Note (Data)
notes that they own  
  Resource: Compensation Note

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Compensation Promotion A Line Manager can award compensation Role: Line Manager Workforce Compensation
  promotion by line manager for subordinates in Management
their person and assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Award Compensation Promotion by
Line Manager (Data)
Resource: Compensation Promotion

Compensation Stock Grant A Line Manager can report compensation stock Role: Compensation Transaction Analysis
  grant for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Report Compensation Stock Grant
Resource: Compensation Stock Grant

Compensation Stock Grant A Line Manager can view compensation stock Role: Line Manager Workforce Compensation
  grant by line manager for subordinates in their Management
person and assignment security prole  
  Privilege: View Compensation Stock Grant by
Line Manager (Data)
Resource: Compensation Stock Grant

Corporate Card Transaction A Line Manager can view corporate card Role: Line Manager
  transaction for the employees for whom they  
are responsible Privilege: Manage Outstanding Corporate Card
  Transaction (Data)
Resource: Corporate Card Transaction

Department A Line Manager can choose department for Role: Line Manager
  departments in their organization security  
prole Privilege: Choose Department (Data)
Resource: Department

Department A Line Manager can choose department for Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure
  departments in their organization security List of Values
  Privilege: Choose Department (Data)
Resource: Department

Department A Line Manager can report department for Role: Absence Management Transaction
  departments in their organization security Analysis
  Privilege: Report Department (Data)
Resource: Department

Department A Line Manager can report department for Role: Availability Paerns Transaction Analysis
  departments in their organization security  
prole Privilege: Report Department (Data)
Resource: Department

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Department A Line Manager can report department for Role: Career Development Transaction Analysis
  departments in their organization security  
prole Privilege: Report Department (Data)
Resource: Department

Department A Line Manager can report department for Role: Compensation Transaction Analysis
  departments in their organization security  
prole Privilege: Report Department (Data)
Resource: Department

Department A Line Manager can report department for Role: Goal Management Transaction Analysis
  departments in their organization security  
prole Privilege: Report Department (Data)
Resource: Department

Department A Line Manager can report department for Role: Performance Management Transaction
  departments in their organization security Analysis
  Privilege: Report Department (Data)
Resource: Department

Department A Line Manager can report department for Role: Time and Labor Transaction Analysis
  departments in their organization security  
prole Privilege: Report Department (Data)
Resource: Department

Department A Line Manager can report department for Role: Vacancy Transaction Analysis
  departments in their organization security  
prole Privilege: Report Department (Data)
Resource: Department

Department A Line Manager can report department for Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis
  departments in their organization security  
prole Privilege: Report Department (Data)
Resource: Department

Employment Contract A Line Manager can manage worker Role: Manage Worker Contract
  contract for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Manage Worker Contract (Data)
Resource: Employment Contract

Employment Contract A Line Manager can view worker contract for Role: View Worker Contract
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: View Worker Contract (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Employment Contract


Expense A Line Manager can view expense for the Role: Line Manager
  employees for whom they are responsible  
  Privilege: View Employee Expense (Data)
Resource: Expense

Expense Report A Line Manager can view expense report for the Role: Line Manager
  employees for whom they are responsible  
  Privilege: View Employee Expense (Data)
Resource: Expense Report

Expense Report Approval Note A Line Manager can manage expense report Role: Expense Approval
  approval note for the employees for whom they  
are responsible Privilege: Manage Expense Report Approval
  Note (Data)
Resource: Expense Report Approval Note

HCM Person Shared Note A Line Manager can view hcm person shared Role: View HCM Person Note
  note for shared person notes that are about  
subordinates in their person security prole Privilege: View HCM Person Shared Note (Data)
Resource: HCM Person Shared Note

HR Document Type A Line Manager can report document type Role: Documents of Record Transaction
  for document types in their document type Analysis
security prole  
  Privilege: Report Document Type (Data)
Resource: HR Document Type

HR Job A Line Manager can choose hr job for all jobs in Role: Line Manager
  the enterprise  
  Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job

HR Job A Line Manager can choose hr job for all jobs in Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure
  the enterprise List of Values
Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job

HR Job A Line Manager can report hr job for all jobs in Role: Absence Management Transaction
  the enterprise Analysis
Privilege: Report HR Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

HR Job A Line Manager can report hr job for all jobs in Role: Availability Paerns Transaction Analysis
  the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report HR Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job

HR Job A Line Manager can report hr job for all jobs in Role: Career Development Transaction Analysis
  the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report HR Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job

HR Job A Line Manager can report hr job for all jobs in Role: Compensation Transaction Analysis
  the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report HR Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job

HR Job A Line Manager can report hr job for all jobs in Role: Goal Management Transaction Analysis
  the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report HR Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job

HR Job A Line Manager can report hr job for all jobs in Role: Performance Management Transaction
  the enterprise Analysis
Privilege: Report HR Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job

HR Job A Line Manager can report hr job for all jobs in Role: Time and Labor Transaction Analysis
  the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report HR Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job

HR Job A Line Manager can report hr job for all jobs in Role: Vacancy Transaction Analysis
  the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report HR Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job

HR Job A Line Manager can report hr job for all jobs in Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis
  the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report HR Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job

Learning Assignment A Line Manager can manage required learning Role: Manage Required Learning by Learner
  for required learning assignments assigned to Manager
subordinates in their person security prole  
  Privilege: Manage Required Learning (Data)
Resource: Learning Assignment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Learning Assignment A Line Manager can manage voluntary learning Role: Manage Voluntary Learning by Learner
  for voluntary learning assignments received by Manager
subordinates in their person security prole  
  Privilege: Manage Voluntary Learning (Data)
Resource: Learning Assignment

Learning Assignment A Line Manager can view recommended Role: View Recommended Learning by Learner
  learning for recommendations received by Manager
subordinates in their person security prole  
  Privilege: View Recommended Learning (Data)
Resource: Learning Assignment

Learning Assignment A Line Manager can view required learning Role: View Required Learning by Learner
  for required learning assignments received by Manager
subordinates in their person security prole  
  Privilege: View Required Learning (Data)
Resource: Learning Assignment

Learning Assignment A Line Manager can view voluntary learning Role: View Voluntary Learning by Learner
  for voluntary learning assignments received by Manager
subordinates in their person security prole  
  Privilege: View Voluntary Learning (Data)
Resource: Learning Assignment

Learning Assignment Event A Line Manager can manage recommended Role: Manage Recommended Learning
  learning for recommendations made by  
subordinates in their person security prole Privilege: Manage Recommended Learning
Resource: Learning Assignment Event

Learning Assignment Event A Line Manager can view recommended Role: View Recommended Learning by Learner
  learning public person for recommendations Manager
made by persons in their public person security  
prole Privilege: View Recommended Learning Public
  Person (Data)
Resource: Learning Assignment Event

Learning Item A Line Manager can manage learning Role: Manage Learning Communities
  communities for self-service communities  
owned by subordinates in their person security Privilege: Manage Learning Communities
prole (Data)
Resource: Learning Item

Learning Item A Line Manager can manage learning self- Role: Manage Learning Self-Service Tutorials
  service tutorials for self-service tutorials created  
by subordinates in their person security prole Privilege: Manage Learning Self-Service
  Tutorials (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Learning Item

Learning Item A Line Manager can manage learning self- Role: Manage Learning Self-Service Videos
  service videos for self-service videos created by  
subordinates in their person security prole Privilege: Manage Learning Self-Service Videos
Resource: Learning Item

Learning Item A Line Manager can manage oine learning for Role: Manage Oine Learning
  catalog items visible to them in learning self-  
service Privilege: Manage Oine Learning (Data)
Resource: Learning Item

Learning Item A Line Manager can view learning communities Role: View Learning Communities
  for communities which subordinates in  
their person security prole are members or Privilege: View Learning Communities (Data)
managers of  
  Resource: Learning Item

Legal Employer A Line Manager can choose legal employer for Role: Line Manager
  legal employers in their organization security  
prole Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)
Resource: Legal Employer

Legal Employer A Line Manager can choose legal employer for Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure
  legal employers in their organization security List of Values
  Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)
Resource: Legal Employer

Legislative Data Group A Line Manager can choose legislative data Role: Line Manager
  group for legislative data groups in their  
legislative data group security prole Privilege: Choose Legislative Data Group (Data)
Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Data Group A Line Manager can choose legislative data Role: Use REST Service - Legislative Data
  group for legislative data groups in their Groups List of Values
legislative data group security prole  
  Privilege: Choose Legislative Data Group (Data)
Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Position Aribute A Line Manager can view legislative position Role: View Positions
  aribute for countries in their country security  
prole Privilege: View Legislative Position Aribute
Resource: Legislative Position Aribute

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Location A Line Manager can choose location for all Role: Line Manager
  locations in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Choose Location (Data)
Resource: Location

Location A Line Manager can choose location for all Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure
  locations in the enterprise List of Values
Privilege: Choose Location (Data)
Resource: Location

Location A Line Manager can report location for all Role: Absence Management Transaction
  locations in the enterprise Analysis
Privilege: Report Location (Data)
Resource: Location

Location A Line Manager can report location for all Role: Availability Paerns Transaction Analysis
  locations in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Location (Data)
Resource: Location

Location A Line Manager can report location for all Role: Career Development Transaction Analysis
  locations in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Location (Data)
Resource: Location

Location A Line Manager can report location for all Role: Compensation Transaction Analysis
  locations in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Location (Data)
Resource: Location

Location A Line Manager can report location for all Role: Goal Management Transaction Analysis
  locations in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Location (Data)
Resource: Location

Location A Line Manager can report location for all Role: Performance Management Transaction
  locations in the enterprise Analysis
Privilege: Report Location (Data)
Resource: Location

Location A Line Manager can report location for all Role: Time and Labor Transaction Analysis
  locations in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Location (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Location

Location A Line Manager can report location for all Role: Vacancy Transaction Analysis
  locations in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Location (Data)
Resource: Location

Location A Line Manager can report location for all Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis
  locations in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Location (Data)
Resource: Location

Payroll Checklist A Line Manager can view payroll ow for Role: Submit a Payroll Flow
  legislative data groups in their legislative data  
group security prole and payroll ows in their Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)
payroll ow security prole  
  Resource: Payroll Checklist

Payroll Checklist Annotation A Line Manager can view payroll ow for Role: Submit a Payroll Flow
  legislative data groups in their legislative data  
group security prole Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Checklist Annotation

Payroll Denition A Line Manager can choose payroll denition Role: Line Manager
  for payrolls in their payroll security prole  
  Privilege: Choose Payroll (Data)
Resource: Payroll Denition

Payroll Flow Denition A Line Manager can view payroll ow for Role: Submit a Payroll Flow
  legislative data groups in their legislative data  
group security prole and payroll ows in their Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)
payroll ow security prole  
  Resource: Payroll Flow Denition

Payroll Flow Denition Parameter A Line Manager can view payroll ow for Role: Submit a Payroll Flow
  legislative data groups in their legislative data  
group security prole and payroll ows in their Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)
payroll ow security prole  
  Resource: Payroll Flow Denition Parameter

Pending Worker Import Error A Line Manager can correct oracle taleo Role: Pending Worker Addition and Hire
  recruiting cloud service candidate import  
errors for subordinates in their person and Privilege: Correct Oracle Taleo Recruiting Cloud
assignment security prole Service Candidate Import Errors (Data)
Resource: Pending Worker Import Error

Performance Document A Line Manager can create anytime Role: Create Anytime Performance Document
  performance document for subordinates in  
their person and assignment security prole

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  Privilege: Create Anytime Performance

Document (Data)
Resource: Performance Document

Performance Document A Line Manager can create performance Role: Performance Management Line Manager
  document for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Create Performance Document (Data)
Resource: Performance Document

Performance Document A Line Manager can manage performance Role: Performance Management Line Manager
  document for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Manage Performance Document
Resource: Performance Document

Performance Document A Line Manager can report performance Role: Performance Management Transaction
  document for people and assignments in their Analysis
person and assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Report Performance Document (Data)
Resource: Performance Document

Performance Document A Line Manager can view performance Role: View Performance Summary
  summary for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: View Performance Summary (Data)
Resource: Performance Document

Performance Feedback Request A Line Manager can report requested feedback Role: Performance Management Transaction
  for people in their person and assignment Analysis
security prole  
  Privilege: Report Requested Feedback (Data)
Resource: Performance Feedback Request

Performance Feedback Request A Line Manager can request feedback for Role: Request Feedback
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Request Feedback (Data)
Resource: Performance Feedback Request

Performance Feedback Request A Line Manager can view requested feedback Role: View Requested Feedback
  for people for whom feedback was requested by  
you or was shared with you Privilege: View Requested Feedback (Data)
Resource: Performance Feedback Request

Performance Goal A Line Manager can manage development goal Role: Manage Development Goal by Manager
  by manager for subordinates in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: Manage Development Goal by
  Manager (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Performance Goal


Performance Goal A Line Manager can manage development goal Role: Goal Management Line Manager
  for subordinates in their person security prole  
  Privilege: Manage Development Goal (Data)
Resource: Performance Goal

Performance Goal A Line Manager can manage performance goal Role: Manage Performance Goal by Manager
  by manager for subordinates in their person  
security prole Privilege: Manage Performance Goal by
  Manager (Data)
Resource: Performance Goal

Performance Goal A Line Manager can manage performance Role: Goal Management Line Manager
  goal for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Manage Performance Goal (Data)
Resource: Performance Goal

Performance Goal A Line Manager can report career development Role: Career Development Transaction Analysis
  for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Report Career Development (Data)
Resource: Performance Goal

Performance Goal A Line Manager can report performance goal Role: Goal Management Transaction Analysis
  for people and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Report Performance Goal (Data)
Resource: Performance Goal

Performance Goal A Line Manager can view development goal by Role: View Development Goal by Manager
  manager for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: View Development Goal by Manager
Resource: Performance Goal

Performance Goal A Line Manager can view performance goal for Role: Use REST Service - Performance Goals
  persons in their person security prole List of Values
Privilege: View Performance Goal (Data)
Resource: Performance Goal

Person A Line Manager can add pending worker for Role: Pending Worker Addition and Hire
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Add Pending Worker (Data)
Resource: Person

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Person A Line Manager can add person for Role: Line Manager
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Add Pending Worker (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Line Manager can compare person for Role: Compare HCM Information
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Compare Person (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Line Manager can edit pending worker for Role: Pending Worker Addition and Hire
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Edit Pending Worker (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Line Manager can hire pending worker for Role: Pending Worker Addition and Hire
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Hire Pending Worker (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Line Manager can print worker portrait for Role: Print Worker Portrait
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Print Worker Portrait (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Line Manager can rehire employee for Role: Employee Hire
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Rehire Employee (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Line Manager can renew placement for Role: Contingent Worker Addition
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Renew Placement (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Line Manager can report person for Role: Career Development Transaction Analysis
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Report Person (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Line Manager can report person for Role: Compensation Transaction Analysis
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Report Person (Data)
Resource: Person

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Person A Line Manager can report person for Role: Documents of Record Transaction
  persons and assignments in their person and Analysis
assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Report Person (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Line Manager can report person for Role: Goal Management Transaction Analysis
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Report Person (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Line Manager can report person for Role: Performance Management Transaction
  persons and assignments in their person and Analysis
assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Report Person (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Line Manager can report person for Role: Time and Labor Transaction Analysis
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Report Person (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Line Manager can report person for Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Report Person (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Line Manager can search person for Role: Line Manager
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Search Person Live (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Line Manager can share worker information Role: Manage Worker Information Sharing
  for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Share Worker Information (Data)
Resource: Person

Person A Line Manager can view worker availability Role: View Portrait Availability Card
  portrait card for subordinates in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: View Worker Availability Portrait Card
Resource: Person

Person A Line Manager can view worker employment Role: View Portrait Employment Information
  information portrait card for subordinates in Card
their person and assignment security prole  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Privilege: View Worker Employment Information

Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Person

Person Absence Entry A Line Manager can maintain self service Role: Maintain Absence Records
  absence record for people and assignments in  
their person and assignment security prole Privilege: Maintain Self Service Absence Record
Resource: Person Absence Entry

Person Absence Entry A Line Manager can maintain self service Role: Maintain Absence Records
  absence record for themselves  
  Privilege: Maintain Self Service Absence Record
Resource: Person Absence Entry

Person Assignment A Line Manager can add worker assignment for Role: Add Worker Assignment
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Add Worker Assignment (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Line Manager can choose person assignment Role: Line Manager
  for persons and assignments in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Line Manager can manage eligible jobs for Role: Manage Eligible Jobs
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Manage Eligible Jobs (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Line Manager can manage person identiers Role: Manage Person Identiers for External
  for external applications for subordinates in Applications
their person and assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Manage Person Identiers for
External Applications (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Line Manager can promote worker for Role: Promote Worker
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Promote Worker (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Line Manager can report person assignment Role: Compensation Transaction Analysis
  for persons and assignments in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Person Assignment (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Person Assignment


Person Assignment A Line Manager can report person assignment Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis
  for persons and assignments in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Person Assignment (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Line Manager can report seniority date for Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Report Seniority Date (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Line Manager can search person assignment Role: Line Manager
  for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Search Person Live (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Line Manager can search worker for Role: Promote Worker
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Search Worker (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Line Manager can search worker for Role: Transfer Worker
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Search Worker (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Line Manager can transfer worker for Role: Transfer Worker
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Transfer Worker (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Line Manager can view person assignment Role: View Additional Assignment Info
  for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Line Manager can view seniority dates for Role: View Seniority Dates
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: View Seniority Dates (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Line Manager can view team schedule by line Role: View Team Schedule by Line Manager
  manager for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: View Team Schedule by Line Manager

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Line Manager can view worker assignment Role: View Worker Assignment History Details
  history details for subordinates in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: View Worker Assignment History
  Details (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Availability Paerns A Line Manager can manage availability Role: Manage Availability Paerns
  paerns for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Manage Availability Paerns (Data)
Resource: Person Availability Paerns

Person Availability Paerns A Line Manager can report availability Role: Availability Paerns Transaction Analysis
  paerns for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Report Availability Paerns (Data)
Resource: Person Availability Paerns

Person Checklist A Line Manager can manage onboarding for Role: Manage Onboarding by Manager
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Manage Onboarding (Data)
Resource: Person Checklist

Person Checklist A Line Manager can report person checklist for Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Report Person Checklist (Data)
Resource: Person Checklist

Person Detail A Line Manager can choose learner for persons Role: Create Non-Catalog Learning Request by
  in their person security prole Learner Manager
Privilege: Choose Learner (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail A Line Manager can choose learner for persons Role: Record External Learning by Learner
  in their person security prole Manager
Privilege: Choose Learner (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail A Line Manager can choose learner for Role: Manage Learning Community Required
  subordinates in their person security prole Members
Privilege: Choose Learner (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Person Detail A Line Manager can choose learner for Role: Manage Required Learning by Learner
  subordinates in their person security prole Manager
Privilege: Choose Learner (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail A Line Manager can choose learner for Role: Manage Voluntary Learning by Learner
  subordinates in their person security prole Manager
Privilege: Choose Learner (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail A Line Manager can choose person for Role: Use REST Service - Workers List of Values
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Choose Person (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail A Line Manager can report person for Role: Availability Paerns Transaction Analysis
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Report Person (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail A Line Manager can share personal data Role: Share Personal Data Access
  access for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Share Personal Data Access (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail A Line Manager can share personal information Role: Share Personal Information
  for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Share Personal Information (Data)
Resource: Person Detail

Person Document of Record A Line Manager can report worker documents Role: Documents of Record Transaction
  of record for people and assignments in their Analysis
person assignment security prole and for  
documents in their document types security Privilege: Report Worker Documents of Record
prole (Data)
Resource: Person Document of Record

Person Documentation A Line Manager can manage person Role: Manage Person Documentation
  documentation for document types in their  
document types security prole belonging to Privilege: Manage Person Documentation
subordinates in their person and assignment (Data)
security prole  
  Resource: Person Documentation

Person Documentation A Line Manager can manage person Role: Use REST Service - HR Document Types
  documentation for document types in their List of Values

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

document types security prole belonging to  

subordinates in their person and assignment Privilege: Manage Person Documentation
security prole (Data)
Resource: Person Documentation

Person Documentation A Line Manager can search person Role: Manage Person Documentation
  documentation for document types in their  
document types security prole belonging to Privilege: Search Person Documentation (Data)
persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Resource: Person Documentation

Person Documentation A Line Manager can view person Role: Use REST Service - HR Document Types
  documentation for document types in their List of Values
document types security prole belonging to  
subordinates in their person and assignment Privilege: View Person Documentation (Data)
security prole  
  Resource: Person Documentation

Person Identier for External Applications A Line Manager can manage person identiers Role: Manage Person Identiers for External
  for external applications for subordinates in Applications
their person and assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Manage Person Identiers for
External Applications (Data)
Resource: Person Identier for External

Person Plan Accrual A Line Manager can manage cash Role: Manage Cash Disbursements
  disbursements for subordinates in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: Manage Cash Disbursements (Data)
Resource: Person Plan Accrual

Person Plan Accrual A Line Manager can manage donations for Role: Manage Donations
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Manage Donations (Data)
Resource: Person Plan Accrual

Person Plan Accrual A Line Manager can view accrual plan balance Role: View Accrual Type Absence Plan Balance
  for people and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: View Accrual Plan Balance (Data)
Resource: Person Plan Accrual

Person Plan Accrual A Line Manager can view accrual plan balance Role: View Accrual Type Absence Plan Balance
  for themselves  
  Privilege: View Accrual Plan Balance (Data)
Resource: Person Plan Accrual

Person Type A Line Manager can choose person type for any Role: Manage Vacancy
  person type  
  Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Person Type

Person Type A Line Manager can choose person type for Role: Use REST Service - Person Reference Data
  person types in their person security prole Lists of Values
Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)
Resource: Person Type

Person Type A Line Manager can choose person type for Role: Contingent Worker Addition
  person types in their person type security  
prole Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)
Resource: Person Type

Person Type A Line Manager can choose person type for Role: Employee Hire
  person types in their person type security  
prole Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)
Resource: Person Type

Person Type A Line Manager can choose person type for Role: Nonworker Addition
  person types in their person type security  
prole Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)
Resource: Person Type

Person Type A Line Manager can choose person type for Role: Pending Worker Addition and Hire
  person types in their person type security  
prole Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)
Resource: Person Type

Position A Line Manager can choose position for Role: Compare HCM Information
  positions in their position security prole  
  Privilege: Choose Position (Data)
Resource: Position

Position A Line Manager can choose position for Role: Line Manager
  positions in their position security prole  
  Privilege: Choose Position (Data)
Resource: Position

Position A Line Manager can choose position for Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure
  positions in their position security prole List of Values
Privilege: Choose Position (Data)
Resource: Position

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Position A Line Manager can report position for Role: Absence Management Transaction
  positions in their position security prole Analysis
Privilege: Report Position (Data)
Resource: Position

Position A Line Manager can report position for Role: Availability Paerns Transaction Analysis
  positions in their position security prole  
  Privilege: Report Position (Data)
Resource: Position

Position A Line Manager can report position for Role: Career Development Transaction Analysis
  positions in their position security prole  
  Privilege: Report Position (Data)
Resource: Position

Position A Line Manager can report position for Role: Compensation Transaction Analysis
  positions in their position security prole  
  Privilege: Report Position (Data)
Resource: Position

Position A Line Manager can report position for Role: Goal Management Transaction Analysis
  positions in their position security prole  
  Privilege: Report Position (Data)
Resource: Position

Position A Line Manager can report position for Role: Performance Management Transaction
  positions in their position security prole Analysis
Privilege: Report Position (Data)
Resource: Position

Position A Line Manager can report position for Role: Time and Labor Transaction Analysis
  positions in their position security prole  
  Privilege: Report Position (Data)
Resource: Position

Position A Line Manager can report position for Role: Vacancy Transaction Analysis
  positions in their position security prole  
  Privilege: Report Position (Data)
Resource: Position

Position A Line Manager can report position for Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis
  positions in their position security prole  
  Privilege: Report Position (Data)
Resource: Position

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Position A Line Manager can request a position change Role: Request a Position Change
  for positions in their position security prole  
  Privilege: Request a Position Change (Data)
Resource: Position

Position A Line Manager can view position for positions Role: View Positions
  in their position security prole  
  Privilege: View Position (Data)
Resource: Position

Public Assignment A Line Manager can choose public assignment Role: Line Manager
  for persons and assignments in their public  
person and assignment security prole Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Assignment

Public Assignment A Line Manager can search person deferred for Role: Access Person Gallery
  persons and assignments in their public person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)
Resource: Public Assignment

Public Person A Line Manager can choose public person for Role: Line Manager
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Line Manager can choose public person for Role: Workforce Model Plan Line Manager
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Line Manager can choose public person for Role: Use REST Service - Talent Review
  persons and assignments in their public person Managers List of Values
and assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Line Manager can choose public person for Role: Use REST Service - Workers List of Values
  persons and assignments in their public person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Line Manager can compare hcm information Role: Compare HCM Information
  for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Compare HCM Information (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Public Person


Public Person A Line Manager can report public person for Role: Compensation Transaction Analysis
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Line Manager can report public person for Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Line Manager can view worker contact Role: View Portrait Contact Card
  portrait card for subordinates in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: View Worker Contact Portrait Card
Resource: Public Person

Salary A Line Manager can enter salary details for Role: Manage Salaries
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Enter Salary Details (Data)
Resource: Salary

Salary A Line Manager can report salary for Role: Compensation Transaction Analysis
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Report Salary (Data)
Resource: Salary

Salary A Line Manager can view salary details for Role: View Salary Data Only
  people and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: View Salary Details (Data)
Resource: Salary

Salary A Line Manager can view salary details for Role: Manage Salaries
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: View Salary Details (Data)
Resource: Salary

Salary A Line Manager can view worker compensation Role: View Compensation Details for Worker
  portrait card for subordinates in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: View Worker Compensation Portrait
  Card (Data)
Resource: Salary

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Schedule Assignment A Line Manager can manage work schedule Role: Manage Schedules and Exceptions
  assignment for persons and assignments in Assignment
their person and assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Manage Work Schedule Assignment
Resource: Schedule Assignment

Schedule Assignment A Line Manager can manage work schedule Role: Manage Schedules and Exceptions
  assignment for subordinates in their person Assignment
and assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Manage Work Schedule Assignment
Resource: Schedule Assignment

Schedule Assignment A Line Manager can report work schedule Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis
  assignment for subordinates in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Work Schedule Assignment
Resource: Schedule Assignment

Succession Plan Candidate A Line Manager can manage succession plan Role: Edit Succession Plan and Manage
  candidate for succession plans for which they Candidates
are an administrator or a candidate manager  
  Privilege: Manage Succession Plan Candidate
Resource: Succession Plan Candidate

Succession Plan Candidate A Line Manager can view succession plan Role: View Succession Plan
  candidate for all public succession plans  
  Privilege: View Succession Plan Candidate
Resource: Succession Plan Candidate

Succession Plan Candidate A Line Manager can view succession plan Role: View Succession Plan
  candidate for private succession plans for  
which they are an administrator or a viewer or a Privilege: View Succession Plan Candidate
candidate manager (Data)
Resource: Succession Plan Candidate

Succession Plan Detail A Line Manager can add worker to succession Role: Edit Succession Plan and Manage
  plan for subordinates in their person and Candidates
assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Add Worker to Succession Plan (Data)
Resource: Succession Plan Detail

Succession Plan Detail A Line Manager can choose succession plan for Role: Use REST Service - Succession
  people in their person and assignment security Management Lists of Values
prole and for succession plans for which they  
are an administrator or a candidate manager Privilege: Choose Succession Plan (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Succession Plan Detail

Succession Plan Detail A Line Manager can create succession plan for Role: Create Succession Plan for Worker
  worker for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Create Succession Plan for Worker
Resource: Succession Plan Detail

Succession Plan Detail A Line Manager can manage succession plan Role: Edit Succession Plan and Manage
  for succession plans for which they are an Candidates
  Privilege: Manage Succession Plan (Data)
Resource: Succession Plan Detail

Succession Plan Detail A Line Manager can view succession plan for all Role: View Succession Plan
  public succession plans  
  Privilege: View Succession Plan (Data)
Resource: Succession Plan Detail

Succession Plan Detail A Line Manager can view succession plan for Role: View Succession Plan
  private succession plans for which they are  
an administrator or a viewer or a candidate Privilege: View Succession Plan (Data)
  Resource: Succession Plan Detail

Talent Prole A Line Manager can edit person career Role: Edit Person Career Planning
  planning for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Edit Person Career Planning (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole

Talent Prole A Line Manager can edit person skills and Role: Edit Person Skills and Qualications
  qualications for subordinates in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: Edit Person Skills and Qualications
Resource: Talent Prole

Talent Prole A Line Manager can match talent prole Role: Workforce Prole Line Manager
  person for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Match Talent Prole Person (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole

Talent Prole A Line Manager can report talent prole for Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  people and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Report Talent Prole (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Talent Prole A Line Manager can view talent prole model Role: Workforce Prole Line Manager
  for jobs in their job security prole  
  Privilege: View Talent Prole Model (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole

Talent Prole A Line Manager can view talent prole Role: Workforce Prole Line Manager
  person for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: View Talent Prole Person (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole

Talent Prole A Line Manager can view talent ratings for Role: View Talent Ratings
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: View Talent Ratings (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report accomplishments Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  content type for persons and assignments in  
their person and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Accomplishments Content
  Type (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report advancement Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  readiness content type for persons and  
assignments in their person and assignment Privilege: Report Advancement Readiness
security prole Content Type (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report area of studies Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  content type for persons and assignments in  
their person and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Area of Studies Content Type
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report behaviors content Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  type for persons and assignments in their  
person and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Behaviors Content Type (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report career potential Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  content type for persons and assignments in  
their person and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Career Potential Content Type
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report career preferences Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  content type for persons and assignments in  
their person and assignment security prole

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  Privilege: Report Career Preferences Content

Type (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report career statement Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  content type for persons and assignments in  
their person and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Career Statement Content
  Type (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report competency content Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  type for persons and assignments in their  
person and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Competency Content Type
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report degrees content Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  type for persons and assignments in their  
person and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Degrees Content Type (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report education levels Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  content type for persons and assignments in  
their person and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Education Levels Content Type
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report highest education Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  level content type for persons and assignments  
in their person and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Highest Education Level
  Content Type (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report honors and awards Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  content type for persons and assignments in  
their person and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Honors and Awards Content
  Type (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report languages content Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  type for persons and assignments in their  
person and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Languages Content Type
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report license and Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  certications content type for persons and  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

assignments in their person and assignment Privilege: Report License and Certications
security prole Content Type (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report memberships Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  content type for persons and assignments in  
their person and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Memberships Content Type
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report n box cell Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  assignment content type for persons and  
assignments in their person and assignment Privilege: Report N Box Cell Assignment
security prole Content Type (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report performance rating Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  content type for persons and assignments in  
their person and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Performance Rating Content
  Type (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report previous Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  employment content type for persons and  
assignments in their person and assignment Privilege: Report Previous Employment Content
security prole Type (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report risk of loss content Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  type for persons and assignments in their  
person and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Risk of Loss Content Type
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report special projects Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  content type for persons and assignments in  
their person and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Special Projects Content Type
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report talent score content Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  type for persons and assignments in their  
person and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Talent Score Content Type
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
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Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Talent Prole Content Type A Line Manager can report work requirements Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  content type for persons and assignments in  
their person and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Work Requirements Content
  Type (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole Content Type

Talent Prole Item A Line Manager can report talent prole item Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  for jobs in their job security prole  
  Privilege: Report Talent Prole Item (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole Item

Talent Prole Item A Line Manager can report talent prole item Role: Workforce Prole Transaction Analysis
  for people and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Report Talent Prole Item (Data)
Resource: Talent Prole Item

Talent Prole Item A Line Manager can view talent prole item Role: Workforce Prole Line Manager
  manager for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: View Talent Prole Item Manager
Resource: Talent Prole Item

Time Change Request A Line Manager can manage time change Role: Manage Time Change Requests by Line
  requests by line manager for subordinates in Manager
their person and assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Manage Time Change Requests by
Line Manager (Data)
Resource: Time Change Request

Time Record A Line Manager can report time and labor for Role: Time and Labor Transaction Analysis
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Report Time and Labor (Data)
Resource: Time Record

Time Record Group Summary A Line Manager can manage time cards by line Role: Manage Time Cards by Line Manager
  manager for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Manage Time Cards by Line Manager
Resource: Time Record Group Summary

Time Zone Override A Line Manager can edit time zone overrides for Role: Edit Time Zone Overrides
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Edit Time Zone Overrides (Data)
Resource: Time Zone Override

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Time Zone Override A Line Manager can view time zone overrides Role: View Time Zone Overrides
  for persons and assignments in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: View Time Zone Overrides (Data)
Resource: Time Zone Override

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Line Manager can manage trading Role: Expense Approval
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Line Manager can manage trading Role: Expense Approval
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Line Manager can manage trading Role: Expense Approval
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Line Manager can manage trading Role: Expense Approval
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party A Line Manager can view trading community Role: Expense Approval
  organization for all organizations in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Line Manager can view trading community Role: Line Manager Workforce Compensation
  organization for all organizations in the Management
  Privilege: View Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Organization Phone A Line Manager can manage trading Role: Expense Approval
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Line Manager can view trading community Role: Line Manager Workforce Compensation
  person for all organizations in the enterprise Management
Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Line Manager can view trading community Role: Expense Approval
  person for all people in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Line Manager can view trading community Role: Expense Approval
  person for all people in the enterprise other  
than sales accounts and sales prospects. Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Line Manager can view trading community Role: Expense Approval
  person for all resources in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Line Manager can manage trading Role: Expense Approval
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Line Manager can manage trading Role: Expense Approval
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Line Manager can manage trading Role: Expense Approval
Preference community legal contact preference for all  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Line Manager can manage trading Role: Expense Approval
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

User A Line Manager can edit user name for persons Role: Edit User Name
  in their person security prole.  
  Privilege: Edit User Name (Data)
Resource: User

User A Line Manager can link user account for Role: Manage User Account
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Link User Account (Data)
Resource: User

User A Line Manager can manage user accounts for Role: Manage User Account
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Manage User Accounts (Data)
Resource: User

User A Line Manager can view user accounts for Role: Manage User Account
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: View User Accounts (Data)
Resource: User

User Role A Line Manager can assign user roles for Role: Manage User Account
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Assign User Roles (Data)
Resource: User Role

User Role A Line Manager can view person account Role: View Portrait User Account Details Card
  details for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: View Person Account Details (Data)
Resource: User Role

Vacancy Requisition A Line Manager can manage vacancy for Role: Manage Vacancy
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Manage Vacancy (Data)
Resource: Vacancy Requisition

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Vacancy Requisition A Line Manager can report vacancy for Role: Vacancy Transaction Analysis
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Report Vacancy (Data)
Resource: Vacancy Requisition

Vacancy Requisition A Line Manager can view vacancy for Role: Manage Vacancy
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: View Vacancy (Data)
Resource: Vacancy Requisition

Variable Compensation Allocation A Line Manager can enter variable Role: Manage Individual Compensation
  compensation allocation for subordinates in  
their person and assignment security prole Privilege: Enter Variable Compensation
  Allocation (Data)
Resource: Variable Compensation Allocation

Work Relationship A Line Manager can create work relationship for Role: Change Worker Legal Employer
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Create Work Relationship (Data)
Resource: Work Relationship

Work Relationship A Line Manager can terminate work Role: Change Worker Legal Employer
  relationship for subordinates in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: Terminate Work Relationship (Data)
Resource: Work Relationship

Work Relationship A Line Manager can terminate work Role: Terminate Work Relationship
  relationship for subordinates in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: Terminate Work Relationship (Data)
Resource: Work Relationship

Work Relationship A Line Manager can view employment Role: View Employment Information Summary
  information summary for subordinates in their  
person and assignment security prole Privilege: View Employment Information
  Summary (Data)
Resource: Work Relationship

Work Relationship A Line Manager can view employment Role: View Employment Information Summary
  information summary for themselves  
  Privilege: View Employment Information
Summary (Data)
Resource: Work Relationship

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Worker A Line Manager can change worker legal Role: Change Worker Legal Employer
  employer for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Change Worker Legal Employer (Data)
Resource: Worker

Worker A Line Manager can change worker location for Role: Change Worker Location
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Change Worker Location (Data)
Resource: Worker

Worker A Line Manager can change worker manager Role: Change Worker Manager
  for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Change Worker Manager (Data)
Resource: Worker

Worker A Line Manager can change worker working Role: Change Worker Working Hour
  hour for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Change Worker Working Hour (Data)
Resource: Worker

Worker A Line Manager can choose worker for Role: Line Manager
  people and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Choose Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker

Worker A Line Manager can compare worker Role: Compare HCM Information
  employment information for subordinates in  
their person and assignment security prole Privilege: Compare Worker Employment
  Information (Data)
Resource: Worker

Worker A Line Manager can report worker for Role: Absence Management Transaction
  persons and assignments in their person and Analysis
assignment security prole  
  Privilege: Report Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker

Worker A Line Manager can review worker availability Role: Report Manager Transaction Dashboard
  for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Review Worker Availability (Data)
Resource: Worker

Worker A Line Manager can review worker availability Role: View Portrait Availability Card
  for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Review Worker Availability (Data)
Resource: Worker

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Worker A Line Manager can search worker for Role: Change Worker Location
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Search Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker

Worker A Line Manager can search worker for Role: Change Worker Manager
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Search Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker

Worker A Line Manager can search worker for Role: Change Worker Working Hour
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Search Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker

Worker A Line Manager can search worker for Role: View Employment Information Summary
  subordinates in their person and assignment  
security prole Privilege: Search Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker

Worker A Line Manager can view manager transaction Role: Report Manager Transaction Dashboard
  dashboard for subordinates in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: View Manager Transaction Dashboard
Resource: Worker

Worker A Line Manager can view manager transaction Role: Report Manager Transaction Dashboard
  dashboard for themselves  
  Privilege: View Manager Transaction Dashboard
Resource: Worker

Worker Prediction A Line Manager can view worker prediction for Role: View Workforce Predictions as Line
  subordinates in their person and assignment Manager
security prole  
  Privilege: View Worker Prediction (Data)
Resource: Worker Prediction

Worker Supervisor A Line Manager can manage direct reports for Role: Manage Direct Report
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Manage Direct Reports (Data)
Resource: Worker Supervisor

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 9
Security Reference for Procurement Line Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Workforce Model Plan A Line Manager can create workforce model Role: Workforce Model Plan Line Manager
  plan for top managers in their public person  
security prole Privilege: Create Workforce Model Plan (Data)
Resource: Workforce Model Plan

Workforce Model Plan A Line Manager can manage workforce model Role: Workforce Model Plan Line Manager
  plan for plans that they own or for which they  
are the top manager and have been granted Privilege: Manage Workforce Model Plan (Data)
  Resource: Workforce Model Plan

Workforce Model Plan A Line Manager can report workforce model Role: Workforce Modeling Transaction Analysis
  plan for plans that they own or those owned by  
subordinates in their person and assignment Privilege: Report Workforce Model Plan (Data)
security prole  
  Resource: Workforce Model Plan

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

10 Procurement Application Administrator

(Job Role)

Responsible for technical aspects of keeping procurement applications systems available as well as conguring the
applications to meet the needs of the business.

Role Hierarchy
The Procurement Application Administrator job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.
• Procurement Application Administrator
◦ Application World Reference Administration
◦ B2B Messaging Administration
- Collaboration Messaging Manager
- Collaboration Messaging Read Only
- Collaboration Messaging Setup
- SOA Infra Designer
◦ Business Process Human Taskow Administration Duty
- Business Process Engineering Human Taskow Administration
◦ Contract Setup
- Resource Administration
◦ Application World Reference Administration
◦ Manage Users
• Manage User Account
- Edit User Name
- Manage User Roles
◦ Use User Details Service
◦ Functional Setups
◦ Manage Users
- Manage User Account
◦ Edit User Name
◦ Manage User Roles
◦ Payables Invoice Import Submission
- FSCM Load Interface Administration
◦ Procurement Folder Reporting
◦ Purchasing Administration

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

◦ Review Procurement Approval Transactions as Administrator

◦ Sourcing Administration
◦ Supplier Qualication Administration
◦ Upload data for Supplier Import

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Procurement Application Administrator job role.

Duty Role Description

Application World Reference Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural
Administration and ISO language.

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Business Process Engineering Human This role grants a user the privilege to perform administrative actions in the workow functionality via
Taskow Administration the worklist UI. A user in this role will be able to view all tasks in the system, recover errored (incorrectly
  assigned) tasks, create approval groups and edit task conguration / rules DT@RT UI (both AMX
functionality) This is a business administrator type role. This role is granted to SOAAdmin.

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.


Collaboration Messaging Read Only Searches and views collaboration messaging setup and administration information.

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.


Contract Setup Contract Setup


FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import

Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Manage User Account Manages user roles.


Manage Users Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Payables Invoice Import Submission Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice import program.

Procurement Folder Reporting Grants access to the Procurement web catalog folder.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Duty Role Description

Purchasing Administration Perform setup tasks including dening procurement conguration, procurement agents, approved
  supplier list statuses, document styles, change order templates, line types, carriers, UN numbers, and
hazard classes.

Resource Administration Administers resource information.


Review Procurement Approval Allows viewing of basic information for Procurement approval transactions by an administrator.
Transactions as Administrator  

SOA Infra Designer This role grants view/edit dictionary privileges for a user in SOA Rules Composer. This is a business
  administrator type role. Any team using the Rules Composer would need to grant this role to their
admin enterprise role. This role is granted to SOAAdmin and BPMWorkowAdmin. By default this
application role is granted to "Administrators" enterprise role.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other
  administrative operations.

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier qualication questions, areas, and models.

Upload data for Supplier Import Allows import of suppliers, supplier site, supplier site assignment and supplier contact

Aggregate Privileges
This table lists aggregate privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the Procurement Application Administrator job

Aggregate Privilege Description

Edit User Name Updates the user name associated with a person.

Manage User Roles Allows management of user roles assignments.


Use User Details Service Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Procurement Application Administrator job role.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Application World Reference Administration Manages application reference industry, Manage Application Reference Currency
  territory, time zone, currency, and language,  
including natural and ISO language.

Application World Reference Administration Manages application reference industry, Manage Application Reference ISO Language
  territory, time zone, currency, and language,  
including natural and ISO language.

Application World Reference Administration Manages application reference industry, Manage Application Reference Industry
  territory, time zone, currency, and language,  
including natural and ISO language.

Application World Reference Administration Manages application reference industry, Manage Application Reference Language
  territory, time zone, currency, and language,  
including natural and ISO language.

Application World Reference Administration Manages application reference industry, Manage Application Reference Natural
  territory, time zone, currency, and language, Language
including natural and ISO language.  

Application World Reference Administration Manages application reference industry, Manage Application Reference Territory
  territory, time zone, currency, and language,  
including natural and ISO language.

Application World Reference Administration Manages application reference industry, Manage Application Reference Timezone
  territory, time zone, currency, and language,  
including natural and ISO language.

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Cancel Collaboration Message
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Create Collaboration Messaging Setup Data File
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Create External Partner
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Get Message Processing Conguration
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Get Message Transformation Conguration
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Application Partner
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Application Partners by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Associated External Partner
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage B2B Customer Trading Partners
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage B2B Locations by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage B2B Message Transactions using a
  administration tasks. REST Service

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage B2B Supplier Trading Partners
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage B2B Trading Partners
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Document Data Access
  administration tasks. for Users

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Message Denitions by
  administration tasks. Web Service

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Message Logging
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Messages
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Messaging Conguration
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Messaging Domain
  administration tasks. Value Map

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Messaging History
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Customer Account Collaboration
  administration tasks. Conguration

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage External Partner
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage External Partner Message
  administration tasks.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Failed Collaboration Messages
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Message Delivery Endpoint
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Service Provider
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Service Providers by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Supplier by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Trading Partners by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Monitor Collaboration Messaging
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Process Brazil Electronic invoices
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Process Collaboration Message
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Process Inbound Collaboration Document
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Reprocess Collaboration Message
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Review Collaboration Messaging Setup Data
  administration tasks. Import

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Send Outbound Collaboration Messaging
  administration tasks. Document

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Validate Inbound Collaboration Messaging
  administration tasks. Setup

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Validate Outbound Collaboration Messaging
  administration tasks. Setup

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Collaboration Message Output Document
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Collaboration Message Source Document
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View B2B Locations by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Collaboration Message
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Collaboration Message Denitions by Web
  administration tasks. Service

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Collaboration Message Payload
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Collaboration Message Setup Details
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Output Document
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Service Providers by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Supply Chain Collaboration B2B Infolets
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Undelivered Collaboration Messages
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Cancel Collaboration Message

  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Get Message Processing Conguration
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Get Message Transformation Conguration
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Invoke Collaboration Message Inbound Service
  administration tasks.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Manage B2B Message Transactions using a
  administration tasks. REST Service

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Manage Collaboration Message Logging
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Manage Collaboration Messaging History
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Manage Failed Collaboration Messages
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Manage Message Delivery Endpoint
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Monitor Collaboration Messaging

  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Process Brazil Electronic invoices
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Process Collaboration Message

  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Process Inbound Collaboration Document
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Reprocess Collaboration Message

  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Send Outbound Collaboration Messaging
  administration tasks. Document

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Validate Outbound Collaboration Messaging
  administration tasks. Setup

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging View Collaboration Message

  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging View Collaboration Message Payload
  administration tasks.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging View Supply Chain Collaboration B2B Infolets
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Read Only Searches and views collaboration messaging View Application Partners by Web Service
  setup and administration information.  

Collaboration Messaging Read Only Searches and views collaboration messaging View B2B Locations by Web Service
  setup and administration information.  

Collaboration Messaging Read Only Searches and views collaboration messaging View Collaboration Message Denitions by Web
  setup and administration information. Service

Collaboration Messaging Read Only Searches and views collaboration messaging View Service Providers by Web Service
  setup and administration information.  

Collaboration Messaging Read Only Searches and views collaboration messaging View Trading Partners by Web Service
  setup and administration information.  

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Create Collaboration Messaging Setup Data File

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Create External Partner

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Application Partner

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Application Partners by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Associated External Partner

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage B2B Customer Trading Partners

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage B2B Locations by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage B2B Message Transactions using a
    REST Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage B2B Supplier Trading Partners

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage B2B Trading Partners

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Collaboration Document Data Access
    for Users

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Collaboration Message Denitions by
    Web Service

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Collaboration Messages

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Collaboration Messaging Conguration

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Collaboration Messaging Domain
    Value Map

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Customer Account Collaboration

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage External Partner

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Service Provider

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Service Providers by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Supplier by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Trading Partners by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Review Collaboration Messaging Setup Data

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. View B2B Locations by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. View Collaboration Message Denitions by Web

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. View Service Providers by Web Service

Contract Setup Contract Setup Administer Sandbox


Contract Setup Contract Setup Build Keyword Search Index for the Contract
    Terms Library

Contract Setup Contract Setup Congure Contract UI


Contract Setup Contract Setup Dene Project Contract Billing Conguration


Contract Setup Contract Setup Generate PDF Contract for Text Search

Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage All Application Prole Values


Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Application Common Lookup


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Application Descriptive Flexeld


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Application Document Sequence


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Application Document Sequence


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Application Extensible Flexeld


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Application Flexeld Value Set


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Application Standard Lookup


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Contract Currency Conversion Rate


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Contract Customer Account


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Contract Customer Account Site


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Contract Defaults


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Contract Global Employee


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Contract Interaction Reference


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Contract Layout Templates


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Contract Line Item


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Contract Line Type


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Contract Note Type Mapping


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Contract Organization Party


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Contract Party Contact

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Contract Party Location


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Contract Party Role and Contact

Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Contract Payment Terms


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Contract Person Party


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Contract Risk Event


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Contract Standard Clauses, Templates,

    and Contract Expert Rules

Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Contract Type


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Contract and Pricing Integration


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Coverage Times


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Default Coverage


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Electronic Signature Setup


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Matrix Classes


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Pricing Algorithms


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Service Mappings


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Standard Coverage


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage Time Unit Mappings


Contract Setup Contract Setup Manage User Statuses and Transitions


Contract Setup Contract Setup Process Installed Base updates


Contract Setup Contract Setup Specify Customer Contract Management

    Business Function Properties

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Contract Setup Contract Setup Specify Procurement Contract Management

    Business Function Properties

Contract Setup Contract Setup Track Purchasing Activity for Contract

    Fulllment Line

Contract Setup Contract Setup Update Contract Status


Contract Setup Contract Setup View Administration Link


Contract Setup Contract Setup View Contract Type


FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load File to Interface

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load Interface File for Import

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Manage File Import and Export

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Transfer File

Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
  assigned tasks, and task lists.  

Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Review Applications Oering
  assigned tasks, and task lists.  

Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Review Setups Functional User Overview
  assigned tasks, and task lists.  

Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Setup and Maintain Applications
  assigned tasks, and task lists.  

Manage User Account Manages user roles. Copy Personal Data to LDAP

Manage User Account Manages user roles. Manage User Account


Manage User Account Manages user roles. Manage User Account and My Account

Manage User Account Manages user roles. Reset Password


Manage Users Creates and updates users and assigns roles to Manage User Details

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Payables Invoice Import Submission Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice import Create Payables Invoice by Web Service

Payables Invoice Import Submission Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice import Import Payables Invoice

Payables Invoice Import Submission Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice import View Payables Invoice

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Administer Sandbox
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Assign Roles to User
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Calculate Supply Base Data
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Congure New Supplier Notication
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Congure Procurement UI
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Congure Requisitioning Business Function
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Congure Supplier Match Party Relationship
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Congure Supplier Qualication Controls
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Congure Supplier Registration
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Conrm Receiving Receipt Process
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Enable Buy Intent
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Enable Supplier Eligibility for Sourcing
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Import Supplier
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Launch Oracle Social Network
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Maintain Procurement Keyword Search Index
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Maintain Reports and Analytics Region
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Maintain Supplier News Content
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Maintain Supplier Numbering Setup
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage All Application Prole Values
  procurement applications systems available as  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

well as conguring the applications to meet the

needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage Application Common Lookup
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage Application Descriptive Flexeld
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage Application Extensible Flexeld
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage Application Flexeld Value Set
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage Application Message
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage Application Standard Lookup
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage Approval Task
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage Basic Enterprise Structure for
  procurement applications systems available as Procurement
well as conguring the applications to meet the  
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage Carrier Inbound Tracking
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage Contract and Procurement System
  procurement applications systems available as Integrations
well as conguring the applications to meet the  
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage Help Content
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage Item Catalog
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage Item Default Functional Area
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage Oracle Social Network Tracking
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage Procurement Category Hierarchy
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage Sandbox
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage Supplier Certifying Agency
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage Supplier Notication Conguration for
  procurement applications systems available as Prole Management
well as conguring the applications to meet the  
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Manage Supplier User Role Usages
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Pay on Receipt
  procurement applications systems available as  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

well as conguring the applications to meet the

needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Reset Password
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Run Send Pending LDAP Requests Process
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Search Carrier
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Set Watchlist Options
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Submit Receiving Transaction Manager Web
  procurement applications systems available as Service
well as conguring the applications to meet the  
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping Update Carrier
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping View Administration Link
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping View Requisition Diagnostics
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Procurement Application Administrator Responsible for technical aspects of keeping View Sandbox
  procurement applications systems available as  
well as conguring the applications to meet the
needs of the business.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchasing Administration Perform setup tasks including dening Manage Approved Supplier List Status
  procurement conguration, procurement  
agents, approved supplier list statuses,
document styles, change order templates,
line types, carriers, UN numbers, and hazard

Purchasing Administration Perform setup tasks including dening Manage Buyer Assignment Rules
  procurement conguration, procurement  
agents, approved supplier list statuses,
document styles, change order templates,
line types, carriers, UN numbers, and hazard

Purchasing Administration Perform setup tasks including dening Manage Inventory Organization Locations
  procurement conguration, procurement  
agents, approved supplier list statuses,
document styles, change order templates,
line types, carriers, UN numbers, and hazard

Purchasing Administration Perform setup tasks including dening Manage Procurement Agent
  procurement conguration, procurement  
agents, approved supplier list statuses,
document styles, change order templates,
line types, carriers, UN numbers, and hazard

Purchasing Administration Perform setup tasks including dening Manage Procurement Conguration
  procurement conguration, procurement  
agents, approved supplier list statuses,
document styles, change order templates,
line types, carriers, UN numbers, and hazard

Purchasing Administration Perform setup tasks including dening Manage Procurement Document Numbering
  procurement conguration, procurement Options
agents, approved supplier list statuses,  
document styles, change order templates,
line types, carriers, UN numbers, and hazard

Purchasing Administration Perform setup tasks including dening Manage Purchasing Change Order Template
  procurement conguration, procurement  
agents, approved supplier list statuses,
document styles, change order templates,
line types, carriers, UN numbers, and hazard

Purchasing Administration Perform setup tasks including dening Manage Purchasing Document Style
  procurement conguration, procurement  
agents, approved supplier list statuses,
document styles, change order templates,
line types, carriers, UN numbers, and hazard

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchasing Administration Perform setup tasks including dening Manage Purchasing Hazard Class
  procurement conguration, procurement  
agents, approved supplier list statuses,
document styles, change order templates,
line types, carriers, UN numbers, and hazard

Purchasing Administration Perform setup tasks including dening Manage Purchasing Line Type
  procurement conguration, procurement  
agents, approved supplier list statuses,
document styles, change order templates,
line types, carriers, UN numbers, and hazard

Purchasing Administration Perform setup tasks including dening Manage Purchasing UN Number
  procurement conguration, procurement  
agents, approved supplier list statuses,
document styles, change order templates,
line types, carriers, UN numbers, and hazard

Purchasing Administration Perform setup tasks including dening Run Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
  procurement conguration, procurement Upgrade for Procurement
agents, approved supplier list statuses,  
document styles, change order templates,
line types, carriers, UN numbers, and hazard

Purchasing Administration Perform setup tasks including dening Verify Upgraded Procurement Enterprise
  procurement conguration, procurement Structure
agents, approved supplier list statuses,  
document styles, change order templates,
line types, carriers, UN numbers, and hazard

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Add Trading Community Resource to My Social

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Administer Sandbox


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Contact Trading Community Resource


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Edit Trading Community Resource Prole

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Enter Trading Community Resource


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Identify Trading Community Person as a

    Trading Community Resource

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage All Application Prole Values

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Application Aachment Category


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Application Aachment Entity


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Application Common Lookup


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Application Data Security Policy

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Application Database Resource


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Application Descriptive Flexeld


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Application Extensible Flexeld


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Application Flexeld Value Set

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Application Message


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Application Prole Category


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Application Prole Option


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Application Reference Data Set

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Application Reference Data Set

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Application Standard Lookup


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Application Taxonomy


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Customer Data Management

    Foundation Custom Objects

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Goal Management Notications


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage My Application Prole Values


Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Person Talent Prole


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Talent Education Establishment


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Talent Notications


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Talent Prole Content Item

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Talent Prole Rating Model

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Talent Prole Sources


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Trading Community Resource


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Trading Community Resource Address

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Trading Community Resource Contact

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Trading Community Resource History

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Trading Community Resource Lookups

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Trading Community Resource Note
    Descriptive Flexelds

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Trading Community Resource Note
    Type Mapping

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Trading Community Resource

    Organization Memberships

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Trading Community Resource Role

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Trading Community Resource Sales
    Representative Information

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Trading Community Resource Skills

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Trading Community Resource Social

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Manage Trading Community Resource Team

Resource Administration Administers resource information. Remove Trading Community Resource


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Reset Password


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Search Trading Community Resource


Resource Administration Administers resource information. Upload Trading Community Resource Picture

Resource Administration Administers resource information. View Administration Link


Resource Administration Administers resource information. View Trading Community Resource Address

Resource Administration Administers resource information. View Trading Community Resource

    Administration Detail Information

Resource Administration Administers resource information. View Trading Community Resource

    Collaboration Information

Resource Administration Administers resource information. View Trading Community Resource Contact

Resource Administration Administers resource information. View Trading Community Resource Details

Resource Administration Administers resource information. View Trading Community Resource History

Resource Administration Administers resource information. View Trading Community Resource Note

Resource Administration Administers resource information. View Trading Community Resource

    Organization Memberships

Resource Administration Administers resource information. View Trading Community Resource Overview

Resource Administration Administers resource information. View Trading Community Resource Prole

Resource Administration Administers resource information. View Trading Community Resource Role

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Resource Administration Administers resource information. View Trading Community Resource Sales
    Representative Information

Resource Administration Administers resource information. View Trading Community Resource Skills

Resource Administration Administers resource information. View Trading Community Resource Social

Resource Administration Administers resource information. View Trading Community Resource Team

Review Procurement Approval Transactions as Allows viewing of basic information for Review Approval Transactions
Administrator Procurement approval transactions by an  

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Create Supplier Negotiation Template
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Delete Seller Negotiation

  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Delete Supplier Negotiation

  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Edit Supplier Qualication Question
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Manage Supplier Negotiation Aribute List
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Manage Supplier Negotiation Cost Factor
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Manage Supplier Negotiation Cost Factor List
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Manage Supplier Negotiation Notications
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Manage Supplier Negotiation Style
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Manage Supplier Negotiation Template
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Search Supplier Qualication Question
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation View Supplier Qualication Question
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier Edit Supplier Qualication Area
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier Edit Supplier Qualication Model
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier Edit Supplier Qualication Question
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier Edit Supplier Registration Rule Set
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier Requalify Supplier Qualication
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier Search Supplier Qualication Area
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier Search Supplier Qualication Automation Error
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier Search Supplier Qualication Model
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier Search Supplier Qualication Question
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier Search Supplier Registration Rule Set
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier View Supplier Qualication Area
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier View Supplier Qualication Model
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier View Supplier Qualication Question
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Procurement Application
Administrator job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  delete application aachment for the supplier  
category to supplier Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  delete application aachment for the supplier  
qualication area category including internal to Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
supplier qualication  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  delete application aachment for the supplier  
qualication model category including internal Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
to supplier qualication  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  delete application aachment for the supplier  
qualication question categories including Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
internal to supplier qualication, miscellaneous,  
to internal responder, and to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  delete application aachment for the supplier  
qualication rule set categories including to Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
internal responder, to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  modify application aachment for the supplier  
category to supplier Privilege: Update Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  modify application aachment for the supplier  
qualication area category including internal to Privilege: Update Application Aachment
supplier qualication  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  modify application aachment for the supplier  
qualication model category including internal Privilege: Update Application Aachment
to supplier qualication  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  modify application aachment for the supplier  
qualication question categories including Privilege: Update Application Aachment
internal to supplier qualication, miscellaneous,  
to internal responder, and to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  modify application aachment for the supplier  
qualication rule set categories including to Privilege: Update Application Aachment
internal responder, to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  view application aachment for the supplier  
category to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  view application aachment for the supplier  
qualication area category including internal to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
supplier qualication  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  view application aachment for the supplier  
qualication model category including internal Privilege: Read Application Aachment
to supplier qualication  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  view application aachment for the supplier  
qualication question categories including Privilege: Read Application Aachment
internal to supplier qualication, miscellaneous,  
to internal responder, and to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  view application aachment for the supplier  
Privilege: Read Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

qualication rule set categories including to  

internal responder, to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Document Sequence Category A Procurement Application Administrator Role: Contract Setup
  can manage application document sequence  
category for all applications common Privilege: Manage Application Document
applications data Sequence Category (Data)
Resource: Application Document Sequence

Business Unit A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  choose business unit for business units in their  
organization security prole Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization
Resource: Business Unit

Business Unit A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration

  choose business unit organization for business  
units in their organization security prole Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization
Resource: Business Unit

Collaboration Document Header A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  manage collaboration document header for  
the collaboration document of document type Privilege: Manage Collaboration Document
cancel purchase order outbound (Data)
Resource: Collaboration Document Header

Collaboration Document Header A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  manage collaboration document header for  
the collaboration document of document type Privilege: Manage Collaboration Document
change purchase order outbound (Data)
Resource: Collaboration Document Header

Collaboration Document Header A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  manage collaboration document header for  
the collaboration document of document type Privilege: Manage Collaboration Document
process purchase order outbound (Data)
Resource: Collaboration Document Header

Default Coverage File Export Object A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Contract Setup
  manage default coverage export for all the  
default coverage objects Privilege: Manage Default Coverage Export
Resource: Default Coverage File Export Object

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Default Coverage File Import Object A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Contract Setup
  manage default coverage import for all the  
default coverage objects Privilege: Manage Default Coverage Import
Resource: Default Coverage File Import Object

Employee Resource File Import Activity A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  view employee resource le import activity  
object type for all employee resource le import Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import
activities of object type 'employee resource' Activity Object Type (Data)
Resource: Employee Resource File Import

Employee Resource File Import Mapping A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  view employee resource le import mapping  
object type for all employee resource le import Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import
mappings of object type 'employee resource' Mapping Object Type (Data)
Resource: Employee Resource File Import

Employee Resource File Import Object A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  view employee resource le import object type  
for all employee resource le import objects of Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import
object type 'employee resource' Object Type (Data)
Resource: Employee Resource File Import

File Import Activity A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Contract Setup
  manage default coverage import activity object  
for all the default coverage import activity Privilege: Manage Default Coverage Import
objects Activity Object (Data)
Resource: File Import Activity

File Import Mapping A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Contract Setup
  manage default coverage import mapping  
object for all the default coverage import Privilege: Manage Default Coverage Import
mapping objects Mapping Object (Data)
Resource: File Import Mapping

HCM Approval Process Denition A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Review Procurement Approval
  review approval transactions for procurement Transactions as Administrator
  Privilege: Review Approval Transactions (Data)
Resource: HCM Approval Process Denition

HCM Pending Transaction Header A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Review Procurement Approval
  review approval transactions for procurement Transactions as Administrator
  Privilege: Review Approval Transactions (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: HCM Pending Transaction Header

HR Job A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator

  choose hr job for all jobs in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job

HR Job A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration

  choose hr job for all jobs in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job

Legal Employer A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  choose legal employer for legal employers in  
their organization security prole Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)
Resource: Legal Employer

Legal Employer A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration

  choose legal employer for legal employers in  
their organization security prole Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)
Resource: Legal Employer

Partner File Import Activity A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  view partner le import activity object type for  
all partner le import activities of object type Privilege: View Partner File Import Activity
'partner company' Object Type (Data)
Resource: Partner File Import Activity

Partner File Import Mapping A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  view partner le import mapping object type for  
all partner le import mappings of object type Privilege: View Partner File Import Mapping
'partner company' Object Type (Data)
Resource: Partner File Import Mapping

Partner File Import Object A Procurement Application Administrator Role: Resource Administration
  can view partner le import object type for  
all partner le import objects of object type Privilege: View Partner File Import Object Type
'partner company' (Data)
Resource: Partner File Import Object

Partner Member File Import Activity A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  view partner member le import activity object  
type for all partner member le import activities Privilege: View Partner Member File Import
of object type 'partner member' Activity Object Type (Data)
Resource: Partner Member File Import Activity

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Partner Member File Import Mapping A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  view partner member le import mapping  
object type for all partner member le import Privilege: View Partner Member File Import
mappings of object type 'partner member' Mapping Object Type (Data)
Resource: Partner Member File Import Mapping

Partner Member File Import Object A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  view partner member le import object type for  
all partner member le import objects of object Privilege: View Partner Member File Import
type 'partner member' Object Type (Data)
Resource: Partner Member File Import Object

Payables Standard Invoice A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Payables Invoice Import Submission
  manage payables invoice for all business units  
in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Payables Standard Invoice

Person Assignment A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Manage Users

  search worker for persons and assignments in  
their person and assignment security prole Privilege: Search Worker (Data)
Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment A Procurement Application Administrator Role: Manage Users

  can view person assignment for persons and  
assignments in their person and assignment Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)
security prole  
  Resource: Person Assignment

Person Type A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Manage Users

  choose person type for person types in their  
person type security prole Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)
Resource: Person Type

Public Person A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  choose public person for all workers in the  
enterprise Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Procurement Application Administrator Role: Use User Details Service
  can view person deferred for persons and  
assignments in their person and assignment Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)
security prole  
  Resource: Public Person

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Procurement Application Administrator Role: Resource Administration
Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Trading Community Org Address

Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
Preference manage trading community org address email  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Procurement Application Administrator Role: Resource Administration
Contact Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
Contact Preference manage trading community org address phone  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Procurement Application Administrator Role: Resource Administration
Contact Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Procurement Application Administrator Role: Procurement Application Administrator
Contact Preference can manage trading community organization  
  address contact preference for all trading Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
community contact preferences not of type Contact Preference (Data)
  Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Procurement Application Administrator Role: Resource Administration
Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
Preference manage trading community organization email  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Payables Invoice Import Submission
  view trading community organization for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  view trading community organization for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  view trading community organization party for  
all organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Phone A Procurement Application Administrator Role: Resource Administration
Contact Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone A Procurement Application Administrator Role: Procurement Application Administrator
Contact Preference can manage trading community organization  
  phone contact preference for all trading Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
community contact preferences not of type Contact Preference (Data)
  Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  view trading community party for all people in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  view trading community party for all people in  
the enterprise other than sales accounts and Privilege: View Trading Community Person
sales prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Party A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  view trading community party for all resources  
in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Payables Invoice Import Submission
  view trading community person for all people in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  view trading community person for all people in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  view trading community person for all people  
in the enterprise other than sales accounts and Privilege: View Trading Community Person
sales prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Application Administrator Role: Resource Administration

  can view trading community person for all  
resources in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Procurement Application Administrator Role: Resource Administration
Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
Preference manage trading community person address  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Procurement Application Administrator Role: Resource Administration
Contact Preference can manage trading community legal contact  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
Contact Preference manage trading community person address  
  phone contact preference for all trading Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
community contact preferences not of type Contact Preference (Data)
  Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Procurement Application Administrator Role: Resource Administration
Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
Preference manage trading community person email  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Procurement Application Administrator Role: Resource Administration
Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
Preference manage trading community person phone  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship A Procurement Application Administrator Role: Resource Administration

  can view trading community relationship for  
all trading community relationships in the Privilege: View Trading Community
enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource Note A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  manage trading community resource notes for  
all resource notes

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  Privilege: Manage Trading Community

Resource Notes (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Trading Community Resource Note A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  manage trading community resource notes for  
the resource notes for which they are the owner Privilege: Manage Trading Community
  Resource Notes (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Trading Community Resource Note A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  view trading community resource notes for all  
resource notes Privilege: View Trading Community Resource
  Notes (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Trading Community Resource Prole A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  manage trading community resource contact  
point information for all resource contacts in Privilege: Manage Trading Community
the enterprise Resource Contact Point Information (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Resource Prole

Trading Community Resource Prole A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  manage trading community resource skill for all  
resource skills Privilege: Manage Trading Community
  Resource Skill (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Resource Prole

Trading Community Resource Prole A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  manage trading community resource skill for  
the resource skills of persons who they manage Privilege: Manage Trading Community
  Resource Skill (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Resource Prole

Trading Community Resource Prole A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  manage trading community resource skill for  
their resource skills Privilege: Manage Trading Community
  Resource Skill (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Resource Prole

Trading Community Resource Prole A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  remove trading community resource for all  
resources in the enterprise Privilege: Remove Trading Community
  Resource (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Resource Prole

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Resource Prole A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  update trading community resource for all  
resources in the enterprise Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource
Resource: Trading Community Resource Prole

Trading Community Resource Prole A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
  update trading community resource for their  
resource record Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource
Resource: Trading Community Resource Prole

Trading Community Resource Sales A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
Representative Setup manage trading community salesperson setup  
  for all the trading community salesperson setup Privilege: Manage Trading Community
data Salesperson Setup (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Resource Sales
Representative Setup

Trading Community Resource Sales A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
Representative Setup manage trading community salesperson setup  
  for the reference data sets for which they are Privilege: Manage Trading Community
authorized Salesperson Setup (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Resource Sales
Representative Setup

Trading Community Resource Sales A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
Representative Setup view trading community salesperson setup for  
  all the trading community salesperson setup Privilege: View Trading Community Salesperson
data Setup (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Resource Sales
Representative Setup

Trading Community Resource Sales A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Resource Administration
Representative Setup view trading community salesperson setup  
  for the reference data sets for which they are Privilege: View Trading Community Salesperson
authorized Setup (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Resource Sales
Representative Setup

User A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator

  change user for persons in their person security  
prole. Privilege: Link User Account (Data)
Resource: User

User A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator

  change user for subordinates in their person  
security prole. Privilege: Link User Account (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 10
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Application Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: User

User A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator

  create user for persons in their person security  
prole. Privilege: Create User Name Data OBSOLETE
Resource: User

User A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator

  create user for subordinates in their person  
security prole. Privilege: Create User Name Data OBSOLETE
Resource: User

User A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Edit User Name

  edit user name for persons in their person  
security prole. Privilege: Edit User Name (Data)
Resource: User

User A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Manage User Account

  link user account for persons and assignments  
in their person and assignment security prole Privilege: Link User Account (Data)
Resource: User

User A Procurement Application Administrator Role: Manage User Account

  can manage user accounts for persons and  
assignments in their person and assignment Privilege: Manage User Accounts (Data)
security prole  
  Resource: User

User A Procurement Application Administrator Role: Manage User Account

  can view user accounts for persons and  
assignments in their person and assignment Privilege: View User Accounts (Data)
security prole  
  Resource: User

User Role A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  view user role for persons and assignments in  
their person and assignment security prole Privilege: Assign User Roles (Data)
Resource: User Role

User Role A Procurement Application Administrator can Role: Procurement Application Administrator
  view user role for subordinates in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: Assign User Roles (Data)
Resource: User Role

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 11
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Catalog Administrator (Abstract Role)

11 Procurement Catalog Administrator

(Abstract Role)

Manages agreements and catalog content including catalogs, category hierarchy, content zones, information templates,
map sets, public shopping lists, and smart forms.

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Procurement Catalog Administrator abstract role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Procurement Catalog Administrator Manages agreements and catalog content Change Purchase Agreement
  including catalogs, category hierarchy, content  
zones, information templates, map sets, public
shopping lists, and smart forms.

Procurement Catalog Administrator Manages agreements and catalog content Create Blanket Purchase Agreement Line
  including catalogs, category hierarchy, content  
zones, information templates, map sets, public
shopping lists, and smart forms.

Procurement Catalog Administrator Manages agreements and catalog content Create Blanket Purchase Agreement Line from
  including catalogs, category hierarchy, content Catalog
zones, information templates, map sets, public  
shopping lists, and smart forms.

Procurement Catalog Administrator Manages agreements and catalog content Manage Application Descriptive Flexeld
  including catalogs, category hierarchy, content  
zones, information templates, map sets, public
shopping lists, and smart forms.

Procurement Catalog Administrator Manages agreements and catalog content Manage Application Extensible Flexeld
  including catalogs, category hierarchy, content  
zones, information templates, map sets, public
shopping lists, and smart forms.

Procurement Catalog Administrator Manages agreements and catalog content Manage Application Flexeld Value Set
  including catalogs, category hierarchy, content  
zones, information templates, map sets, public
shopping lists, and smart forms.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 11
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Catalog Administrator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Procurement Catalog Administrator Manages agreements and catalog content Manage Procurement Catalog Content
  including catalogs, category hierarchy, content  
zones, information templates, map sets, public
shopping lists, and smart forms.

Procurement Catalog Administrator Manages agreements and catalog content Manage Procurement Category Hierarchy
  including catalogs, category hierarchy, content  
zones, information templates, map sets, public
shopping lists, and smart forms.

Procurement Catalog Administrator Manages agreements and catalog content Search Purchase Agreement
  including catalogs, category hierarchy, content  
zones, information templates, map sets, public
shopping lists, and smart forms.

Procurement Catalog Administrator Manages agreements and catalog content View Purchase Agreement
  including catalogs, category hierarchy, content  
zones, information templates, map sets, public
shopping lists, and smart forms.

Procurement Catalog Administrator Manages agreements and catalog content View Requisition Diagnostics
  including catalogs, category hierarchy, content  
zones, information templates, map sets, public
shopping lists, and smart forms.

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Procurement Catalog
Administrator abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Procurement Catalog Administrator can Role: Procurement Catalog Administrator
  delete application aachment for the purchase  
agreement categories including miscellaneous, Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
to supplier, to buyer, to approver, and internal to  
purchasing Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Catalog Administrator can Role: Procurement Catalog Administrator
  modify application aachment for the purchase  
agreement categories including miscellaneous, Privilege: Update Application Aachment
to supplier, to buyer, to approver, and internal to  
purchasing Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Catalog Administrator can Role: Procurement Catalog Administrator
  view application aachment for the purchase  
agreement categories including document, Privilege: Read Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 11
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Catalog Administrator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

from supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to Resource: Application Aachment

buyer, to approver, and internal to purchasing  

Public Person A Procurement Catalog Administrator can Role: Procurement Catalog Administrator
  choose public person for all workers in the  
enterprise Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Procurement Catalog Administrator can Role: Procurement Catalog Administrator
Preference manage trading community org address email  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Procurement Catalog Administrator can Role: Procurement Catalog Administrator
Contact Preference manage trading community org address phone  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Procurement Catalog Administrator can Role: Procurement Catalog Administrator
Contact Preference manage trading community organization  
  address contact preference for all trading Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
community contact preferences not of type Contact Preference (Data)
  Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Procurement Catalog Administrator can Role: Procurement Catalog Administrator
Preference manage trading community organization email  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party A Procurement Catalog Administrator can view Role: Procurement Catalog Administrator
  trading community organization party for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Phone A Procurement Catalog Administrator can Role: Procurement Catalog Administrator
Contact Preference manage trading community organization  
  phone contact preference for all trading Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
community contact preferences not of type Contact Preference (Data)
  Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 11
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Catalog Administrator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Party A Procurement Catalog Administrator can view Role: Procurement Catalog Administrator
  trading community party for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Catalog Administrator can view Role: Procurement Catalog Administrator
  trading community party for all people in the  
enterprise other than sales accounts and sales Privilege: View Trading Community Person
prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Catalog Administrator can view Role: Procurement Catalog Administrator
  trading community party for all resources in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Catalog Administrator can Role: Procurement Catalog Administrator
  view trading community party for all trading  
community persons in the enterprise except Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
contacts created by partners. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Procurement Catalog Administrator can Role: Procurement Catalog Administrator
Preference manage trading community person address  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Procurement Catalog Administrator can Role: Procurement Catalog Administrator
Contact Preference manage trading community person address  
  phone contact preference for all trading Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
community contact preferences not of type Contact Preference (Data)
  Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Procurement Catalog Administrator can Role: Procurement Catalog Administrator
Preference manage trading community person email  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Procurement Catalog Administrator can Role: Procurement Catalog Administrator
Preference manage trading community person phone  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 11
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Catalog Administrator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship A Procurement Catalog Administrator can Role: Procurement Catalog Administrator
  view trading community relationship for  
all trading community relationships in the Privilege: View Trading Community
enterprise except partner contact relationships, Relationship (Data)
or relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Procurement Catalog Administrator abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Person Phone A Procurement Catalog Administrator can view Role: Procurement Catalog Administrator
  trading community person phone for all trading  
community person mobile phone numbers Privilege: View Trading Community Person
  Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 11
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Catalog Administrator (Abstract Role)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

12 Procurement Contract Administrator (Job


Procurement professional responsible for creating, managing, and administering procurement contracts.

Role Hierarchy
The Procurement Contract Administrator job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

• Procurement Contract Administrator

◦ Agreement Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
- Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
◦ Business Intelligence Applications Worker
◦ Buyer
- Agreement Transaction Analysis
◦ Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
- Business Intelligence Applications Worker
- Implemented Change Order Transaction Analysis
◦ Business Intelligence Authoring
- Item Inquiry
- Payables Invoice Inquiry
- Pending Change Order Transaction Analysis
◦ Business Intelligence Authoring
- Procurement Folder Reporting
- Purchase Agreement Administration
◦ FSCM Load Interface Administration
- Purchase Agreement Authoring
- Purchase Agreement Control
- Purchase Agreement Inquiry
- Purchase Order Administration
◦ FSCM Load Interface Administration
- Purchase Order Authoring
◦ Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control
• Business Intelligence Consumer

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

- Purchase Order Control

- Purchase Order Inquiry
- Purchase Order Transaction Analysis
◦ Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
- Purchase Requisitions Transaction Analysis
◦ Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
- Requisition Line Processing
- Spend Transaction Analysis
- Supplier Prole Inquiry
◦ Payee Bank Account Management
• FSCM Load Interface Administration
◦ Supplier Qualication Viewing
- Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
◦ Transactional Analysis
- Upload data for Blanket Purchase Agreement Import
- Upload data for Contract Purchase Agreement Import
- Upload data for Purchase Orders for Import
- Upload data for Requisition Import
◦ Category Manager
- Agreement Transaction Analysis
◦ Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
- Buyer
◦ Agreement Transaction Analysis
• Business Intelligence Authoring
• Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
◦ Business Intelligence Applications Worker
◦ Implemented Change Order Transaction Analysis
• Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Item Inquiry
◦ Payables Invoice Inquiry
◦ Pending Change Order Transaction Analysis
• Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Procurement Folder Reporting
◦ Purchase Agreement Administration
• FSCM Load Interface Administration
◦ Purchase Agreement Authoring
◦ Purchase Agreement Control
◦ Purchase Agreement Inquiry

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

◦ Purchase Order Administration

• FSCM Load Interface Administration
◦ Purchase Order Authoring
• Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control
- Business Intelligence Consumer
◦ Purchase Order Control
◦ Purchase Order Inquiry
◦ Purchase Order Transaction Analysis
• Business Intelligence Authoring
• Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
◦ Purchase Requisitions Transaction Analysis
• Business Intelligence Authoring
• Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
◦ Requisition Line Processing
◦ Spend Transaction Analysis
◦ Supplier Prole Inquiry
• Payee Bank Account Management
- FSCM Load Interface Administration
• Supplier Qualication Viewing
◦ Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
• Transactional Analysis
◦ Upload data for Blanket Purchase Agreement Import
◦ Upload data for Contract Purchase Agreement Import
◦ Upload data for Purchase Orders for Import
◦ Upload data for Requisition Import
- Implemented Change Order Transaction Analysis
◦ Business Intelligence Authoring
- Negotiation Award
- Negotiation Contract Management
- Negotiation Management
- Negotiation Response Evaluation
- Negotiation Update
- Negotiation Viewing
- Pending Change Order Transaction Analysis
◦ Business Intelligence Authoring
- Purchase Order Transaction Analysis
◦ Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
- Seller Negotiation Award
- Seller Negotiation Creation
- Seller Negotiation Management
- Seller Negotiation Response Evaluation

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

- Seller Negotiation Viewing

- Sourcing Administration
- Sourcing Program Management
- Sourcing Transaction Analysis
◦ Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
◦ Contract Terms Library Administration
◦ Contract Terms and Conditions Override Controls
◦ Implemented Change Order Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authoring
◦ Pending Change Order Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Purchase Order Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
- Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
◦ Purchase Requisitions Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
- Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
◦ Sourcing Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
- Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
◦ Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
- Transactional Analysis

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Procurement Contract Administrator job role.

Duty Role Description

Agreement Transaction Analysis Analyzes Agreement transactional information


Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring
  within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions,
Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.

Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence
  Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.
This role allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from
a subject area.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including dening and maintaining terms templates, clauses,
  Contract Expert rules, sections, variables, folders, questions, constants, and numbering schemes.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Duty Role Description

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory clauses and sections in addition to authoring
Controls nonstandard terms and conditions.

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import

Implemented Change Order Transaction Analyzes Implemented Change Order information


Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.


Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the purchasing documents resulting from those award decisions.

Negotiation Contract Management Create and manage procurement contracts for awarded suppliers in a negotiation.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the
  collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation responses.


Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations.


Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details pages.


Nonstandard Contract Terms and Authors nonstandard terms and conditions in addition to standard terms and conditions. Nonstandard
Conditions Authoring terms authoring includes editing standard clauses, creating nonstandard clauses, deleting
  nonstandard clauses and sections, and removing contract terms.

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.


Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Pending Change Order Transaction Analyzes Pending Change Order information


Procurement Folder Reporting Grants access to the Procurement web catalog folder.

Procurement Transactional Analysis This role is used to get the supported currencies in Procurement and Spend Transactional Analysis
Currency Preference module.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration tasks including importing agreements from external
  applications, applying retroactive price changes, reassigning agreements from one agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Duty Role Description


Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements.


Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks including importing purchase orders from external
  applications, applying retroactive price changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Purchase Order Transaction Analysis Analyzes Purchase Order transactional information


Purchase Requisitions Transaction Analyzes Purchase Requisitions transactional information


Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including creating purchasing documents.

Seller Negotiation Award Make award decisions, share award decision with bidders, and export award decisions.

Seller Negotiation Creation Create seller negotiations.


Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and other such

Seller Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, and shortlist seller negotiation responses.

Seller Negotiation Viewing Search and view seller negotiation details.


Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other
  administrative operations.

Sourcing Program Management Manage all aspects of sourcing programs including creating, updating, monitoring, and completing the

Sourcing Transaction Analysis Analyzes Sourcing transactional information


Spend Transaction Analysis Provides real time information related to approved invoice headers, line and distributions in the
  Spend subject area. It also provides real time spend information across Requisitions, Purchase Orders,
Invoices and Receipts in the Procure to Pay subject area.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Duty Role Description

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information.


Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualications.

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform transactions that are subject to
  budgetary control, such as accounts payable manager.

Transactional Analysis This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and ltering purposes and is therefore required for
  all OTBI users.

Upload data for Blanket Purchase Allows to upload data le to import blanket agreements.
Agreement Import  

Upload data for Contract Purchase Allows to upload data le to import contract agreements.
Agreement Import  

Upload data for Purchase Orders for Allows to upload data le to import purchase orders.

Upload data for Requisition Import Allows to upload data le to import requisitions.

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Procurement Contract Administrator job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Generate Approved Supplier List Entry
  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Manage Contract Deliverable

  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Manage File Import and Export
  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Research Suppliers

  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Run Purchasing Document Background

  transactional aspects of the procurement Scheduler

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Search Approved Supplier List Entry
  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for View Purchase Agreement Work Area
  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for View Purchase Order Work Area
  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Change Approved Supplier List Entry
  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Create Approved Supplier List Entry
  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Create Supplier Negotiation

  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Delete Supplier Negotiation Owner Manager
  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Determine Sourcing Requirement

  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

quote, request for information, request for

proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Edit Seller Negotiation

  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Manage Contract Deliverable

  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Manage Supplier Negotiation Watchlist by Web
  identifying savings opportunities, determining Service
negotiation strategies, creating request for  
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Publish Supplier Negotiation Response
  identifying savings opportunities, determining Tabulation
negotiation strategies, creating request for  
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Submit Supplier Negotiation

  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for Submit Supplier Registration

  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

typically in the form of contracts or purchase

orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for View Procurement Dashboard

  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for View Source to Sele Infolet Page
  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Category Manager Procurement professional responsible for View Supplier Negotiation Work Area
  identifying savings opportunities, determining  
negotiation strategies, creating request for
quote, request for information, request for
proposal, or auction events on behalf of their
organization and awarding future business
typically in the form of contracts or purchase
orders to suppliers.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including Adopt Global Clauses for a New Business Unit
  dening and maintaining terms templates,  
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including Analyze Contract Clause Usage
  dening and maintaining terms templates,  
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including Dene Clause in the Contract Terms Library
  dening and maintaining terms templates,  
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including Dene Contract Expert Rule in the Contract
  dening and maintaining terms templates, Terms Library
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,  
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including Dene Folders in the Contract Terms Library
  dening and maintaining terms templates,  
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including Dene Numbering Scheme in the Contract
  dening and maintaining terms templates, Terms Library
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,  
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including Dene Section in the Contract Terms Library
  dening and maintaining terms templates,  
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including Dene Terms Template in the Contract Terms
  dening and maintaining terms templates, Library
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,  
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including Dene Variable in the Contract Terms Library
  dening and maintaining terms templates,  
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including Import Contract Clauses
  dening and maintaining terms templates,  
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including Manage Contract Terms Library Work Area
  dening and maintaining terms templates,  
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including Purge Contract Clause Import Tables
  dening and maintaining terms templates,  
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including Purge Contract Temporary Tables
  dening and maintaining terms templates,  
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
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Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including Search Clauses in the Contract Terms Library
  dening and maintaining terms templates,  
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including Search Contract Expert Rules in the Contract
  dening and maintaining terms templates, Terms Library
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,  
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including Search Folders in the Contract Terms Library
  dening and maintaining terms templates,  
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including Search Numbering Schemes in the Contract
  dening and maintaining terms templates, Terms Library
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,  
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including Search Sections in the Contract Terms Library
  dening and maintaining terms templates,  
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including Search Terms Templates in the Contract Terms
  dening and maintaining terms templates, Library
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,  
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including Search Variables in the Contract Terms Library
  dening and maintaining terms templates,  
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including View Clause in the Contract Terms Library
  dening and maintaining terms templates,  
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including View Contract Expert Rule in the Contract
  dening and maintaining terms templates, Terms Library
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,  
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
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Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including View Folder in the Contract Terms Library
  dening and maintaining terms templates,  
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including View Numbering Schemes in the Contract
  dening and maintaining terms templates, Terms Library
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,  
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including View Section in the Contract Terms Library
  dening and maintaining terms templates,  
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including View Terms Template in the Contract Terms
  dening and maintaining terms templates, Library
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,  
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms Library Administration Manages the Contract Terms Library, including View Variable in the Contract Terms Library
  dening and maintaining terms templates,  
clauses, Contract Expert rules, sections,
variables, folders, questions, constants, and
numbering schemes.

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory Author Additional Standard Contract Terms and
Controls clauses and sections in addition to authoring Conditions
  nonstandard terms and conditions.  

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory Author Nonstandard Contract Terms and
Controls clauses and sections in addition to authoring Conditions
  nonstandard terms and conditions.  

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory Author Standard Contract Terms and
Controls clauses and sections in addition to authoring Conditions
  nonstandard terms and conditions.  

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory Delete Contract Documents
Controls clauses and sections in addition to authoring  
  nonstandard terms and conditions.

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory Delete Supporting Documents
Controls clauses and sections in addition to authoring  
  nonstandard terms and conditions.

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Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory Manage Contract Documents
Controls clauses and sections in addition to authoring  
  nonstandard terms and conditions.

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory Manage Supporting Documents
Controls clauses and sections in addition to authoring  
  nonstandard terms and conditions.

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory Override Contract Terms and Conditions
Controls clauses and sections in addition to authoring Controls
  nonstandard terms and conditions.  

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory View Contract Terms
Controls clauses and sections in addition to authoring  
  nonstandard terms and conditions.

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load File to Interface

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load Interface File for Import

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Manage File Import and Export

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Transfer File

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Aachment

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Catalog

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Global Search

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Unit of Measure

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item Organization Association

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item Relationship

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the Allocate Supplier Negotiation Award to
  purchasing documents resulting from those Requisition
award decisions.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
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Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the Analyze Negotiation Response
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the Award Supplier Negotiation
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the Award Supplier Negotiation as Owner
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the Complete Supplier Negotiation Award
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the Research Suppliers
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the Search Supplier Negotiation
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the Submit Supplier Negotiation Award
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the Update Supplier Qualication Question
  purchasing documents resulting from those Response
award decisions.  

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the View Question Response History
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the View Supplier Business Classication
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the View Supplier Eligibility
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the View Supplier Negotiation Award
  purchasing documents resulting from those Recommendation
award decisions.  

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Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the View Supplier Negotiation Response
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Award Make award decisions and create the View Supplier Negotiation Response History
  purchasing documents resulting from those  
award decisions.

Negotiation Contract Management Create and manage procurement contracts for Author Standard Contract Terms and
  awarded suppliers in a negotiation. Conditions

Negotiation Contract Management Create and manage procurement contracts for Create Contract
  awarded suppliers in a negotiation.  

Negotiation Contract Management Create and manage procurement contracts for Edit Contract
  awarded suppliers in a negotiation.  

Negotiation Contract Management Create and manage procurement contracts for Enable Buy Intent
  awarded suppliers in a negotiation.  

Negotiation Contract Management Create and manage procurement contracts for Manage Contract Work Area
  awarded suppliers in a negotiation.  

Negotiation Contract Management Create and manage procurement contracts for View Contract Terms
  awarded suppliers in a negotiation.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Cancel Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Close Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Complete Supplier Negotiation Stage One For
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Two Stage Negotiation
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Create Supplier Negotiation Response as
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Surrogate
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Disqualify Supplier Negotiation Response
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Extend Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
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Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Lock Negotiation Supplier Out
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Manage Negotiation Supplier Invitation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Manage Project Task Progress
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Manage Supplier Negotiation Collaboration
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Team
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Manage Supplier Negotiation Requirements
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Manage Supplier Negotiation Response as
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Surrogate
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Manage Supplier Negotiation Scoring
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Monitor Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Pause Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Research Suppliers
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Search Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unlock Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

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Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unlock Supplier Negotiation Response Draft as
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Surrogate
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unlock Supplier Negotiation Stage One For Two
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Stage Negotiation
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unlock Supplier Negotiation Stage Two For Two
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Stage Negotiation
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unseal Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unseal Supplier Negotiation Stage One For Two
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Stage Negotiation
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unseal Supplier Negotiation Stage Two For Two
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Stage Negotiation
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Update Supplier Qualication Question
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Response
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, View Supplier Business Classication
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, View Supplier Eligibility
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, View Supplier Negotiation Response
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, View Supplier Negotiation Response History
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Analyze Negotiation Response

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Apply Internal Cost Factors

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
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Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Change Supplier Negotiation Response
  responses. Shortlist Status

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Close Supplier Negotiation Scoring

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Override Supplier Negotiation Response Score

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Research Suppliers

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Score Supplier Negotiation Response

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Search Supplier Negotiation

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Update Response Scores for Another Member

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation View Question Response History

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation View Supplier Business Classication

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation View Supplier Eligibility

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation View Supplier Negotiation Response

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation View Supplier Negotiation Response History

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Author Standard Contract Terms and

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Edit Supplier Negotiation


Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Manage Negotiation Line Default

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Manage Supplier Negotiation Draft

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Research Suppliers

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Search Supplier Qualication Area

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Search Supplier Qualication Question

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Unlock Supplier Negotiation Draft Owned by

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. View Contract Terms


Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. View Supplier Eligibility


Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. View Supplier Negotiation


Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. View Supplier Qualication Area

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. View Supplier Qualication Question

Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details Create Supplier Negotiation Online Message

Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details Reply Supplier Negotiation Online Message

Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details Search Supplier Negotiation

Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details View Contract Terms

Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details View Supplier Negotiation

Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details View Supplier Negotiation Online Message

Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authors nonstandard terms and conditions Author Additional Standard Contract Terms and
Authoring in addition to standard terms and conditions. Conditions
  Nonstandard terms authoring includes editing  
standard clauses, creating nonstandard clauses,
deleting nonstandard clauses and sections, and
removing contract terms.

Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authors nonstandard terms and conditions Author Nonstandard Contract Terms and
Authoring in addition to standard terms and conditions. Conditions
  Nonstandard terms authoring includes editing  
standard clauses, creating nonstandard clauses,

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

deleting nonstandard clauses and sections, and

removing contract terms.

Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authors nonstandard terms and conditions Author Standard Contract Terms and
Authoring in addition to standard terms and conditions. Conditions
  Nonstandard terms authoring includes editing  
standard clauses, creating nonstandard clauses,
deleting nonstandard clauses and sections, and
removing contract terms.

Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authors nonstandard terms and conditions Delete Contract Documents
Authoring in addition to standard terms and conditions.  
  Nonstandard terms authoring includes editing
standard clauses, creating nonstandard clauses,
deleting nonstandard clauses and sections, and
removing contract terms.

Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authors nonstandard terms and conditions Delete Supporting Documents
Authoring in addition to standard terms and conditions.  
  Nonstandard terms authoring includes editing
standard clauses, creating nonstandard clauses,
deleting nonstandard clauses and sections, and
removing contract terms.

Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authors nonstandard terms and conditions Manage Contract Documents
Authoring in addition to standard terms and conditions.  
  Nonstandard terms authoring includes editing
standard clauses, creating nonstandard clauses,
deleting nonstandard clauses and sections, and
removing contract terms.

Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authors nonstandard terms and conditions Manage Supporting Documents
Authoring in addition to standard terms and conditions.  
  Nonstandard terms authoring includes editing
standard clauses, creating nonstandard clauses,
deleting nonstandard clauses and sections, and
removing contract terms.

Nonstandard Contract Terms and Conditions Authors nonstandard terms and conditions View Contract Terms
Authoring in addition to standard terms and conditions.  
  Nonstandard terms authoring includes editing
standard clauses, creating nonstandard clauses,
deleting nonstandard clauses and sections, and
removing contract terms.

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. Manage Payables Invoices

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Import Supplier Bank Accounts
  payment details.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
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Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage External Payee Payment Details
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Payment Instrument Assignment
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other View Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Communicate Purchase Order and Purchase
  tasks including importing agreements from Agreement
external applications, applying retroactive price  
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Generate Approved Supplier List Entry
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Import Blanket Purchase Agreement
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Import Contract Purchase Agreement
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Purge Purchasing Document Open Interface
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Reassign Purchasing Document
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Refresh Purchasing Document Signature Status
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
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Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

changes, reassigning agreements from one

agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Retroactively Price Purchase Order
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Author Standard Contract Terms and
  and contract agreements. Conditions

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Cancel Purchase Agreement
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Change Purchase Agreement
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Change Supplier Site
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Communicate Purchase Order and Purchase
  and contract agreements. Agreement

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Create Blanket Purchase Agreement Line
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Create Blanket Purchase Agreement Line from
  and contract agreements. Catalog

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Create Purchase Agreement
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Download Contract for External Parties
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Enable Purchase Agreement Catalog Authoring
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Manage Purchasing Document Signatures
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Search Purchase Agreement
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Transfer Blanket Purchase Agreement to
  and contract agreements. Catalog Administrator

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
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Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Transfer Blanket Purchase Agreement to
  and contract agreements. Supplier

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket View Contract Terms
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket View Purchase Agreement
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Acknowledge Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Cancel Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Finally Close Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Freeze Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Hold Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Search Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks View Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. Download Contract for External Parties

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. Search Purchase Agreement

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. Search Supplier Negotiation

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. View Contract Terms

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. View Purchase Agreement

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. View Supplier Negotiation

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. View Supplier Negotiation Response

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
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Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Communicate Purchase Order and Purchase
  including importing purchase orders from Agreement
external applications, applying retroactive price  
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Generate Purchase Order
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Import Purchase Order
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Purge Purchasing Document Open Interface
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Reassign Purchasing Document
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Refresh Purchasing Document Signature Status
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Retroactively Price Purchase Order
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Author Standard Contract Terms and
  backing requisition lines. Conditions

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Cancel Purchase Order
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Change Purchase Order
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Change Purchase Order Line Negotiated
  backing requisition lines. Indicator

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Change Supplier Site
  backing requisition lines.  

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Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Communicate Purchase Order and Purchase
  backing requisition lines. Agreement

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Create Purchase Order
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Create Purchase Order Line from Catalog
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Create Purchase Order from Requisitions
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Download Contract for External Parties
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Import Approved Requisition
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Import Requisition
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Manage Purchasing Document Signatures
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Request Budgetary Control Override
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Search Purchase Order
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without View Contract Terms
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without View Purchase Order
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Acknowledge Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Cancel Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Close Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Finally Close Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

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Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Freeze Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Hold Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Search Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including View Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Download Contract for External Parties
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Review Inbound Shipment Details
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Review Receiving Receipt Summary
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Review Receiving Transaction History
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Search Purchase Order
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Search Requisition Line as Buyer
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Search Supplier Negotiation
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Contract Terms
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Payables Invoice
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Purchase Order
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Receiving Notication as Buyer
  procurement agent.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Requisition Details as Buyer
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Requisition Lifecycle as Procurement
  procurement agent. Agent

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Supplier Negotiation
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Supplier Negotiation Response
  procurement agent.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Change Requisition Line Grouping
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Increase Requisition Line Quantity or Amount
  creating purchasing documents. as Buyer

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Process Requisition Line
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Reassign Requisition Line
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Replace Requisition Line from Catalog
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Return Requisition Line
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Search Requisition Line as Buyer
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Split Requisition Line
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including View Requisition Details as Buyer
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including View Requisition Lifecycle as Procurement
  creating purchasing documents. Agent

Seller Negotiation Award Make award decisions, share award decision Award Seller Negotiation
  with bidders, and export award decisions.  

Seller Negotiation Award Make award decisions, share award decision Complete Seller Negotiation Award
  with bidders, and export award decisions.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Seller Negotiation Creation Create seller negotiations. Create Seller Negotiation


Seller Negotiation Creation Create seller negotiations. Submit Seller Negotiation


Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Cancel Seller Negotiation
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and  
other such operations.

Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Close Seller Negotiation
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and  
other such operations.

Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Delete Draft Seller Negotiation
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and  
other such operations.

Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Manage Seller Negotiation Bidder Invitation
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and  
other such operations.

Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Monitor Seller Negotiation
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and  
other such operations.

Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Pause Seller Negotiation
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and  
other such operations.

Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Unlock Seller Negotiation Draft Owned by
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and Others
other such operations.  

Seller Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, and shortlist seller negotiation Analyze Seller Negotiation Response

Seller Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, and shortlist seller negotiation Disqualify Seller Negotiation Response

Seller Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, and shortlist seller negotiation View Seller Negotiation Response

Seller Negotiation Viewing Search and view seller negotiation details. Search Seller Negotiation

Seller Negotiation Viewing Search and view seller negotiation details. View Seller Negotiation

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Create Supplier Negotiation Template
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Delete Seller Negotiation

  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Delete Supplier Negotiation

  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Edit Supplier Qualication Question
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Manage Supplier Negotiation Aribute List
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Manage Supplier Negotiation Cost Factor
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Manage Supplier Negotiation Cost Factor List
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Manage Supplier Negotiation Notications
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Manage Supplier Negotiation Style
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Manage Supplier Negotiation Template
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Search Supplier Qualication Question
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation View Supplier Qualication Question
  styles, aribute lists, cost factor lists, and other  
administrative operations.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Sourcing Program Management Manage all aspects of sourcing programs Complete Sourcing Program
  including creating, updating, monitoring, and  
completing the program.

Sourcing Program Management Manage all aspects of sourcing programs Delete Sourcing Program Owner Manager
  including creating, updating, monitoring, and  
completing the program.

Sourcing Program Management Manage all aspects of sourcing programs Edit Sourcing Program
  including creating, updating, monitoring, and  
completing the program.

Sourcing Program Management Manage all aspects of sourcing programs Manage Sourcing Program
  including creating, updating, monitoring, and  
completing the program.

Sourcing Program Management Manage all aspects of sourcing programs Monitor Sourcing Program
  including creating, updating, monitoring, and  
completing the program.

Sourcing Program Management Manage all aspects of sourcing programs View Sourcing Program
  including creating, updating, monitoring, and  
completing the program.

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. Run Supplier Background Scheduler

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. Search Supplier


Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Location of Final Discharge

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Party Fiscal Classication

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier


Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Address

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Aachment

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Business Classication

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Contact

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Contact Change Request

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Contact User Account

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Income Tax

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Payment

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Products and Services Categories

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Prole Change Request

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Registration Bank Account

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Registration Request

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Site

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Site Assignment

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Site Invoicing Information

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Site Purchasing Information

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Site Receiving Information

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Transaction Tax

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Third-Party Site Tax Prole

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Third-Party Tax Prole

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier Search Supplier Assessment

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier Search Supplier Qualication

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Assessment

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication Initiative

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication Question

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Check Funds
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Reserve Funds
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budget Impact
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budget Period Statuses
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budgetary Control Balances
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budgetary Control Transactions
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Transfer Budget Balances to Budget Cubes
  roles who perform transactions that are subject Continuously
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable  

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job View Funds Available Balances
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Procurement Contract
Administrator job role.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator Role: Category Manager

  can delete application aachment for the  
negotiation award categories including sourcing Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
negotiation award and miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator Role: Category Manager

  can delete application aachment for the  
negotiation categories including internal to Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
sourcing, miscellaneous, to approver, to buyer,  
to payables, to receiver, and to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator Role: Category Manager

  can delete application aachment for the  
negotiation response categories from supplier, Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
from supplier: technical, from supplier:  
commercial Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer

  delete application aachment for the purchase  
document categories including miscellaneous, Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to  
payables, and internal to purchasing Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Category Manager

  delete application aachment for the seller  
negotiation categories including internal to Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
sourcing and to bidder  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator Role: Category Manager

  can delete application aachment for the  
seller negotiation category including seller Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
negotiation award  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can read Role: Buyer

  application aachment access the contracts  
application aachments for the purchase Privilege: Read Application Aachment
document categories including document, from  
supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to Resource: Application Aachment
receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal  
to purchasing

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer

  read application aachment for the negotiation  
award categories including sourcing negotiation Privilege: Read Application Aachment
award and miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Category Manager

  read application aachment for the negotiation  
award categories including sourcing negotiation Privilege: Read Application Aachment
award and miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer

  read application aachment for the negotiation  
categories including internal to sourcing, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
miscellaneous, to approver, to buyer, to  
payables, to receiver, and to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Category Manager

  read application aachment for the negotiation  
categories including internal to sourcing, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
miscellaneous, to approver, to buyer, to  
payables, to receiver, and to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer

  read application aachment for the negotiation  
response categories from supplier, from Privilege: Read Application Aachment
supplier: technical, from supplier: commercial  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Category Manager

  read application aachment for the negotiation  
response categories from supplier, from Privilege: Read Application Aachment
supplier: technical, from supplier: commercial  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer

  read application aachment for the purchase  
document categories including document, from Privilege: Read Application Aachment
supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to  
receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal Resource: Application Aachment
to purchasing  

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Category Manager

  read application aachment for the seller  
negotiation bid category including from bidder Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Category Manager

  read application aachment for the seller  
negotiation categories including internal to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
sourcing and to bidder  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator Role: Category Manager

  can read application aachment for the  
seller negotiation category including seller Privilege: Read Application Aachment
negotiation award  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer

  read application aachment for the supplier  
assessment categories including internal to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
supplier qualication, miscellaneous  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  Resource: Application Aachment


Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Category Manager

  read application aachment for the supplier  
assessment categories including internal to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
supplier qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  read application aachment for the supplier  
assessment categories including internal to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
supplier qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer

  read application aachment for the supplier  
qualication categories including internal to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
supplier qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  read application aachment for the supplier  
qualication categories including internal to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
supplier qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Category Manager

  read application aachment for the supplier  
qualication question categories including Privilege: Read Application Aachment
miscellaneous and to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  read application aachment for the supplier  
qualication question category including to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer

  read application aachment for the supplier  
qualication response categories including Privilege: Read Application Aachment
from supplier, from internal responder,  
miscellaneous, to buyer, to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  read application aachment for the supplier  
qualication response categories including Privilege: Read Application Aachment
from supplier, from internal responder,  
miscellaneous, to buyer, to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Category Manager

  read application aachment for the supplier  
qualication response categories including Privilege: Read Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

from supplier, miscellaneous, to buyer, and to Resource: Application Aachment


Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator Role: Category Manager

  can update application aachment for the  
negotiation award categories including sourcing Privilege: Update Application Aachment
negotiation award and miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator Role: Category Manager

  can update application aachment for the  
negotiation categories including internal to Privilege: Update Application Aachment
sourcing, miscellaneous, to approver, to buyer,  
to payables, to receiver, and to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator Role: Category Manager

  can update application aachment for the  
negotiation response categories from supplier, Privilege: Update Application Aachment
from supplier: technical, from supplier:  
commercial Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer

  update application aachment for the purchase  
document categories including miscellaneous, Privilege: Update Application Aachment
to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to  
payables, and internal to purchasing Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Category Manager

  update application aachment for the seller  
negotiation categories including internal to Privilege: Update Application Aachment
sourcing and to bidder  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Contract Administrator Role: Category Manager

  can update application aachment for the  
seller negotiation category including seller Privilege: Update Application Aachment
negotiation award  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Contract A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Category Manager

  manage contract for the business units for  
which they are authorized Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)
Resource: Contract

Contract Expert Rule A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Contract Terms Library Administration
  manage contract terms library for the business  
units for which they are authorized Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Expert Rule

Contract Expert Rule A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Buyer
  contract terms library for all the business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Contract Expert Rule

Contract Expert Rule A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Contract Terms and Conditions Override
  contract terms library for all the business units Controls
Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Expert Rule

Contract Expert Rule A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Nonstandard Contract Terms and
  contract terms library for all the business units Conditions Authoring
Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Expert Rule

Contract Expert Rule A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Contract Terms Library Administration
  contract terms library for the business units for  
which they are authorized Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Expert Rule

Contract Library Clause A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Procurement Contract Administrator
  manage contract library clause for all non  
standard clauses irrespective of business unit Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Contract Terms and Conditions Override
  manage contract terms library for all non Controls
standard clauses irrespective of business unit  
  Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Nonstandard Contract Terms and
  manage contract terms library for all non Conditions Authoring
standard clauses irrespective of business unit  
  Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Contract Terms Library Administration
  manage contract terms library for the business  
units for which they are authorized Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Buyer
  contract terms library for all business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Contract Library Clause A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Contract Terms and Conditions Override
  contract terms library for all business units Controls
Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Nonstandard Contract Terms and
  contract terms library for all business units Conditions Authoring
Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Contract Terms Library Administration
  contract terms library for the business units for  
which they are authorized Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause Folder A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Contract Terms Library Administration
  manage contract terms library for the business  
units for which they are authorized Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause Folder

Contract Library Clause Folder A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Buyer
  contract terms library for all the business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause Folder

Contract Library Clause Folder A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Contract Terms and Conditions Override
  contract terms library for all the business units Controls
Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause Folder

Contract Library Clause Folder A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Nonstandard Contract Terms and
  contract terms library for all the business units Conditions Authoring
Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause Folder

Contract Library Clause Folder A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Contract Terms Library Administration
  contract terms library for the business units for  
which they are authorized Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause Folder

Contract Terms Template A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Contract Terms Library Administration
  manage contract terms library for the business  
units for which they are authorized Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Contract Terms Template

Contract Terms Template A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Contract Terms Library Administration
  contract terms library for all global templates  
irrespective of business unit Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Terms Template

Contract Terms Template A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Contract Terms Library Administration
  contract terms library for the business units for  
which they are authorized Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Terms Template

Payment Card A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  view employee credit card for any employee  
corporate cards in the enterprise Privilege: View Employee Credit Card (Data)
Resource: Payment Card

Person Email A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer

  report person email for all workers in the  
enterprise Privilege: Report Person Email (Data)
Resource: Person Email

Public Person A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer

  choose public person for all workers in the  
enterprise Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer

  report public person for all workers in the  
enterprise Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Procurement Contract Administrator Role: Buyer

  can report public person for persons and  
assignments in their person and assignment Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)
security prole  
  Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Procurement Contract Administrator Role: Category Manager

  can report public person for persons and  
assignments in their person and assignment Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)
security prole  
  Resource: Public Person

Purchasing Document Header A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Buyer
  purchasing document header for themselves in  
the business units for which they are authorized

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  Privilege: View Purchasing Document Header

Resource: Purchasing Document Header

Receiving Receipt Transaction A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Buyer
  purchasing document receiving transaction  
for the purchase orders for which they are Privilege: View Purchasing Document Receiving
authorized Transaction (Data)
Resource: Receiving Receipt Transaction

Requisition A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer

  view requisition analysis for themselves for the  
business units for which they are authorized Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)
Resource: Requisition

Requisition A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Requisition Line Processing

  view requisition analysis for themselves for the  
business units for which they are authorized Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)
Resource: Requisition

Requisition Line A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer

  view requisition analysis for themselves for the  
business units for which they are authorized Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)
Resource: Requisition Line

Requisition Line A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Requisition Line Processing
  view requisition analysis for themselves for the  
business units for which they are authorized Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)
Resource: Requisition Line

Sourcing Negotiation Document and Template A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Category Manager
  sourcing negotiation document and template  
analysis for the agents and business units for Privilege: View Sourcing Negotiation Document
which they are authorized and Template Analysis (Data)
Resource: Sourcing Negotiation Document and

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer
Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Preference manage trading community legal contact  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer
Contact Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Contact Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer
Contact Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Contact Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer
Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Organization Party A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer
  view trading community organization for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry
  view trading community organization for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  view trading community organization for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  view trading community organization for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Phone A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer
Contact Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Contact Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer

  view trading community contact for all trading  
community persons in the enterprise except Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
contacts created by partners. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Party A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  view trading community contact for all trading  
community persons in the enterprise except Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
contacts created by partners. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Buyer
  trading community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry
  trading community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  trading community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  trading community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Buyer
  trading community person for all people in the  
enterprise other than sales accounts and sales Privilege: View Trading Community Person
prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  trading community person for all people in the  
enterprise other than sales accounts and sales Privilege: View Trading Community Person
prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Buyer
  trading community person for all resources in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Party A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  trading community person for all resources in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer
Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer
Contact Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Contact Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer
Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer
Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship A Procurement Contract Administrator can view Role: Buyer
  trading community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer

  view trading community relationship for  
all trading community relationships in the Privilege: View Trading Community
enterprise except partner contact relationships, Relationship (Data)
or relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  view trading community relationship for  
all trading community relationships in the Privilege: View Trading Community
enterprise except partner contact relationships, Relationship (Data)
or relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Procurement Contract Administrator job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Party Tax Prole A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer

  manage party tax prole for any party tax  
prole dened in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party Tax Prole (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Prole

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Party Tax Prole A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  manage party tax prole for any party tax  
prole dened in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party Tax Prole (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Prole

Supplier A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry

  maintain supplier corporate identiers for  
all suppliers for nonindividual types in the Privilege: Maintain Supplier Corporate
enterprise Identiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Tax Registration A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer

  manage tax registration for any tax registration  
dened in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration

Tax Registration A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  manage tax registration for any tax registration  
dened in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration

Taxable Transaction A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer

  manage taxable transaction for any taxable  
transaction existing in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Taxable Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable Transaction

Trading Community Person Phone A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Buyer
  view trading community person mobile phone  
number for all trading community person Privilege: View Trading Community Person
mobile phone numbers Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Trading Community Person Phone A Procurement Contract Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  view trading community person mobile phone  
number for all trading community person Privilege: View Trading Community Person
mobile phone numbers Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 12
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Contract Administrator (Job Role)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 13
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Integration Specialist (Job Role)

13 Procurement Integration Specialist (Job

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of procurement
information systems.

Role Hierarchy
The Procurement Integration Specialist job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.
• Procurement Integration Specialist
◦ FSCM Load Interface Administration
◦ Procurement Folder Reporting
◦ Upload data for Blanket Purchase Agreement Import
◦ Upload data for Contract Purchase Agreement Import
◦ Upload data for Purchase Orders for Import
◦ Upload data for Requisition Import
◦ Upload data for Supplier Import

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Procurement Integration Specialist job role.

Duty Role Description

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import

Procurement Folder Reporting Grants access to the Procurement web catalog folder.

Upload data for Blanket Purchase Allows to upload data le to import blanket agreements.
Agreement Import  

Upload data for Contract Purchase Allows to upload data le to import contract agreements.
Agreement Import  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 13
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Integration Specialist (Job Role)

Duty Role Description

Upload data for Purchase Orders for Allows to upload data le to import purchase orders.

Upload data for Requisition Import Allows to upload data le to import requisitions.

Upload data for Supplier Import Allows import of suppliers, supplier site, supplier site assignment and supplier contact

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Procurement Integration Specialist job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load File to Interface

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load Interface File for Import

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Manage File Import and Export

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Transfer File

Procurement Integration Specialist Individual responsible for planning, Import Approved Requisition
  coordinating, and supervising all activities  
related to the integration of procurement
information systems.

Procurement Integration Specialist Individual responsible for planning, Import Blanket Purchase Agreement
  coordinating, and supervising all activities  
related to the integration of procurement
information systems.

Procurement Integration Specialist Individual responsible for planning, Import Contract Purchase Agreement
  coordinating, and supervising all activities  
related to the integration of procurement
information systems.

Procurement Integration Specialist Individual responsible for planning, Import Purchase Order
  coordinating, and supervising all activities  
related to the integration of procurement
information systems.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 13
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Integration Specialist (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Procurement Integration Specialist Individual responsible for planning, Import Requisition

  coordinating, and supervising all activities  
related to the integration of procurement
information systems.

Procurement Integration Specialist Individual responsible for planning, Import Supplier

  coordinating, and supervising all activities  
related to the integration of procurement
information systems.

Procurement Integration Specialist Individual responsible for planning, Merge Supplier

  coordinating, and supervising all activities  
related to the integration of procurement
information systems.

Procurement Integration Specialist Individual responsible for planning, Purge Purchasing Document Open Interface
  coordinating, and supervising all activities  
related to the integration of procurement
information systems.

Procurement Integration Specialist Individual responsible for planning, Run Send Pending LDAP Requests Process
  coordinating, and supervising all activities  
related to the integration of procurement
information systems.

Procurement Integration Specialist Individual responsible for planning, Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
  coordinating, and supervising all activities  
related to the integration of procurement
information systems.

Procurement Integration Specialist Individual responsible for planning, Submit Receiving Transaction Manager Web
  coordinating, and supervising all activities Service
related to the integration of procurement  
information systems.

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Procurement Integration
Specialist job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Collaboration Document Header A Procurement Integration Specialist can Role: Procurement Integration Specialist
  manage collaboration document header for  
the collaboration document of document type Privilege: Manage Collaboration Document
cancel purchase order outbound (Data)
Resource: Collaboration Document Header

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 13
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Integration Specialist (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Collaboration Document Header A Procurement Integration Specialist can Role: Procurement Integration Specialist
  manage collaboration document header for  
the collaboration document of document type Privilege: Manage Collaboration Document
change purchase order outbound (Data)
Resource: Collaboration Document Header

Collaboration Document Header A Procurement Integration Specialist can Role: Procurement Integration Specialist
  manage collaboration document header for  
the collaboration document of document type Privilege: Manage Collaboration Document
process purchase order outbound (Data)
Resource: Collaboration Document Header

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Procurement Integration Specialist can Role: Procurement Integration Specialist
Preference manage trading community org address email  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Procurement Integration Specialist can Role: Procurement Integration Specialist
Contact Preference manage trading community org address phone  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Procurement Integration Specialist can Role: Procurement Integration Specialist
Contact Preference manage trading community organization  
  address contact preference for all trading Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
community contact preferences not of type Contact Preference (Data)
  Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Procurement Integration Specialist can Role: Procurement Integration Specialist
Preference manage trading community organization email  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party A Procurement Integration Specialist can view Role: Procurement Integration Specialist
  trading community organization party for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 13
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Integration Specialist (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Organization Phone A Procurement Integration Specialist can Role: Procurement Integration Specialist
Contact Preference manage trading community organization  
  phone contact preference for all trading Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
community contact preferences not of type Contact Preference (Data)
  Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Procurement Integration Specialist can view Role: Procurement Integration Specialist
  trading community party for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Integration Specialist can view Role: Procurement Integration Specialist
  trading community party for all people in the  
enterprise other than sales accounts and sales Privilege: View Trading Community Person
prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Integration Specialist can view Role: Procurement Integration Specialist
  trading community party for all resources in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Procurement Integration Specialist can Role: Procurement Integration Specialist
Preference manage trading community person address  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Procurement Integration Specialist can Role: Procurement Integration Specialist
Contact Preference manage trading community person address  
  phone contact preference for all trading Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
community contact preferences not of type Contact Preference (Data)
  Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Procurement Integration Specialist can Role: Procurement Integration Specialist
Preference manage trading community person email  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Procurement Integration Specialist can Role: Procurement Integration Specialist
Preference manage trading community person phone  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 13
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Integration Specialist (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship A Procurement Integration Specialist can view Role: Procurement Integration Specialist
  trading community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Procurement Integration Specialist job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Person Phone A Procurement Integration Specialist can Role: Procurement Integration Specialist
  manage trading community person phone for  
all trading community person mobile phone Privilege: Manage Trading Community Person
numbers Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Trading Community Person Phone A Procurement Integration Specialist can view Role: Procurement Integration Specialist
  trading community person phone for all trading  
community person mobile phone numbers Privilege: View Trading Community Person
  Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

14 Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Procurement professional responsible managing a group of buyers in an organization.

Role Hierarchy
The Procurement Manager job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.
• Procurement Manager
◦ Agreement Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
- Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
◦ Business Intelligence Applications Worker
◦ Buyer
- Agreement Transaction Analysis
◦ Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
- Business Intelligence Applications Worker
- Implemented Change Order Transaction Analysis
◦ Business Intelligence Authoring
- Item Inquiry
- Payables Invoice Inquiry
- Pending Change Order Transaction Analysis
◦ Business Intelligence Authoring
- Procurement Folder Reporting
- Purchase Agreement Administration
◦ FSCM Load Interface Administration
- Purchase Agreement Authoring
- Purchase Agreement Control
- Purchase Agreement Inquiry
- Purchase Order Administration
◦ FSCM Load Interface Administration
- Purchase Order Authoring
◦ Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control
• Business Intelligence Consumer
- Purchase Order Control
- Purchase Order Inquiry

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

- Purchase Order Transaction Analysis

◦ Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
- Purchase Requisitions Transaction Analysis
◦ Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
- Requisition Line Processing
- Spend Transaction Analysis
- Supplier Prole Inquiry
◦ Payee Bank Account Management
• FSCM Load Interface Administration
◦ Supplier Qualication Viewing
- Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
◦ Transactional Analysis
- Upload data for Blanket Purchase Agreement Import
- Upload data for Contract Purchase Agreement Import
- Upload data for Purchase Orders for Import
- Upload data for Requisition Import
◦ Contract Terms and Conditions Override Controls
◦ Functional Setups
◦ Implemented Change Order Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Pending Change Order Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Purchase Order Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
- Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
◦ Purchase Requisitions Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
- Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
◦ Sourcing Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
- Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
◦ Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
- Transactional Analysis

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Procurement Manager job role.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Duty Role Description

Agreement Transaction Analysis Analyzes Agreement transactional information


Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring
  within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions,
Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.

Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence
  Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.
This role allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from
a subject area.

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory clauses and sections in addition to authoring
Controls nonstandard terms and conditions.

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import

Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Implemented Change Order Transaction Analyzes Implemented Change Order information


Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.


Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.


Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Pending Change Order Transaction Analyzes Pending Change Order information


Procurement Folder Reporting Grants access to the Procurement web catalog folder.

Procurement Transactional Analysis This role is used to get the supported currencies in Procurement and Spend Transactional Analysis
Currency Preference module.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration tasks including importing agreements from external
  applications, applying retroactive price changes, reassigning agreements from one agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements.


Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Duty Role Description

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks including importing purchase orders from external
  applications, applying retroactive price changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Purchase Order Transaction Analysis Analyzes Purchase Order transactional information


Purchase Requisitions Transaction Analyzes Purchase Requisitions transactional information


Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including creating purchasing documents.

Sourcing Transaction Analysis Analyzes Sourcing transactional information


Spend Transaction Analysis Provides real time information related to approved invoice headers, line and distributions in the
  Spend subject area. It also provides real time spend information across Requisitions, Purchase Orders,
Invoices and Receipts in the Procure to Pay subject area.

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information.


Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualications.

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform transactions that are subject to
  budgetary control, such as accounts payable manager.

Transactional Analysis This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and ltering purposes and is therefore required for
  all OTBI users.

Upload data for Blanket Purchase Allows to upload data le to import blanket agreements.
Agreement Import  

Upload data for Contract Purchase Allows to upload data le to import contract agreements.
Agreement Import  

Upload data for Purchase Orders for Allows to upload data le to import purchase orders.

Upload data for Requisition Import Allows to upload data le to import requisitions.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Procurement Manager job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Generate Approved Supplier List Entry
  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Manage Contract Deliverable

  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Manage File Import and Export
  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Research Suppliers

  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Run Purchasing Document Background

  transactional aspects of the procurement Scheduler

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for Search Approved Supplier List Entry
  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for View Purchase Agreement Work Area
  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Buyer Procurement professional responsible for View Purchase Order Work Area
  transactional aspects of the procurement  

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory Author Additional Standard Contract Terms and
Controls clauses and sections in addition to authoring Conditions
  nonstandard terms and conditions.  

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory Author Nonstandard Contract Terms and
Controls clauses and sections in addition to authoring Conditions
  nonstandard terms and conditions.  

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory Author Standard Contract Terms and
Controls clauses and sections in addition to authoring Conditions
  nonstandard terms and conditions.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory Delete Contract Documents
Controls clauses and sections in addition to authoring  
  nonstandard terms and conditions.

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory Delete Supporting Documents
Controls clauses and sections in addition to authoring  
  nonstandard terms and conditions.

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory Manage Contract Documents
Controls clauses and sections in addition to authoring  
  nonstandard terms and conditions.

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory Manage Supporting Documents
Controls clauses and sections in addition to authoring  
  nonstandard terms and conditions.

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory Override Contract Terms and Conditions
Controls clauses and sections in addition to authoring Controls
  nonstandard terms and conditions.  

Contract Terms and Conditions Override Edits protected clauses, and deletes mandatory View Contract Terms
Controls clauses and sections in addition to authoring  
  nonstandard terms and conditions.

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load File to Interface

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load Interface File for Import

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Manage File Import and Export

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Transfer File

Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
  assigned tasks, and task lists.  

Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Review Applications Oering
  assigned tasks, and task lists.  

Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Review Setups Functional User Overview
  assigned tasks, and task lists.  

Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Setup and Maintain Applications
  assigned tasks, and task lists.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Aachment

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Catalog

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Global Search

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Unit of Measure

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item Organization Association

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item Relationship

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. Manage Payables Invoices

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Import Supplier Bank Accounts
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage External Payee Payment Details
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Payment Instrument Assignment
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other View Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Procurement Manager Procurement professional responsible Change Approved Supplier List Entry
  managing a group of buyers in an organization.  

Procurement Manager Procurement professional responsible Create Approved Supplier List Entry
  managing a group of buyers in an organization.  

Procurement Manager Procurement professional responsible Manage Application Common Lookup

  managing a group of buyers in an organization.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Procurement Manager Procurement professional responsible Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup

  managing a group of buyers in an organization.  

Procurement Manager Procurement professional responsible Manage Application Standard Lookup

  managing a group of buyers in an organization.  

Procurement Manager Procurement professional responsible Manage Buyer Assignment Rules

  managing a group of buyers in an organization.  

Procurement Manager Procurement professional responsible Manage Procurement Agent

  managing a group of buyers in an organization.  

Procurement Manager Procurement professional responsible View Procurement Dashboard

  managing a group of buyers in an organization.  

Procurement Manager Procurement professional responsible View Source to Sele Infolet Page
  managing a group of buyers in an organization.  

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Communicate Purchase Order and Purchase
  tasks including importing agreements from Agreement
external applications, applying retroactive price  
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Generate Approved Supplier List Entry
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Import Blanket Purchase Agreement
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Import Contract Purchase Agreement
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Purge Purchasing Document Open Interface
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Reassign Purchasing Document
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

changes, reassigning agreements from one

agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Refresh Purchasing Document Signature Status
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Administration Perform purchase agreement administration Retroactively Price Purchase Order
  tasks including importing agreements from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, reassigning agreements from one
agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Author Standard Contract Terms and
  and contract agreements. Conditions

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Cancel Purchase Agreement
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Change Purchase Agreement
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Change Supplier Site
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Communicate Purchase Order and Purchase
  and contract agreements. Agreement

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Create Blanket Purchase Agreement Line
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Create Blanket Purchase Agreement Line from
  and contract agreements. Catalog

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Create Purchase Agreement
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Download Contract for External Parties
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Enable Purchase Agreement Catalog Authoring
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Manage Purchasing Document Signatures
  and contract agreements.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Search Purchase Agreement
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Transfer Blanket Purchase Agreement to
  and contract agreements. Catalog Administrator

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket Transfer Blanket Purchase Agreement to
  and contract agreements. Supplier

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket View Contract Terms
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Authoring Create purchase agreements including blanket View Purchase Agreement
  and contract agreements.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Acknowledge Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Cancel Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Finally Close Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Freeze Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Hold Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks Search Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Control Perform purchase agreement control tasks View Purchase Agreement
  including close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. Download Contract for External Parties

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. Search Purchase Agreement

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. Search Supplier Negotiation

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. View Contract Terms

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. View Purchase Agreement

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. View Supplier Negotiation

Purchase Agreement Inquiry Search for and review purchase agreements. View Supplier Negotiation Response

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Communicate Purchase Order and Purchase
  including importing purchase orders from Agreement
external applications, applying retroactive price  
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Generate Purchase Order
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Import Purchase Order
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Purge Purchasing Document Open Interface
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Reassign Purchasing Document
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Refresh Purchasing Document Signature Status
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Administration Perform purchase order administration tasks Retroactively Price Purchase Order
  including importing purchase orders from  
external applications, applying retroactive price
changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Author Standard Contract Terms and
  backing requisition lines. Conditions

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Cancel Purchase Order
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Change Purchase Order
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Change Purchase Order Line Negotiated
  backing requisition lines. Indicator

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Change Supplier Site
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Communicate Purchase Order and Purchase
  backing requisition lines. Agreement

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Create Purchase Order
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Create Purchase Order Line from Catalog
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Create Purchase Order from Requisitions
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Download Contract for External Parties
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Import Approved Requisition
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Import Requisition
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Manage Purchasing Document Signatures
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Request Budgetary Control Override
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without Search Purchase Order
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without View Contract Terms
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Authoring Create and update purchase orders without View Purchase Order
  backing requisition lines.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Acknowledge Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Cancel Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Close Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Finally Close Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Freeze Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Hold Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including Search Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Control Perform purchase order control tasks including View Purchase Order
  close, nally close, freeze, and hold.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Download Contract for External Parties
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Review Inbound Shipment Details
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Review Receiving Receipt Summary
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Review Receiving Transaction History
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Search Purchase Order
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Search Requisition Line as Buyer
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a Search Supplier Negotiation
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Contract Terms
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Payables Invoice
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Purchase Order
  procurement agent.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Receiving Notication as Buyer
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Requisition Details as Buyer
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Requisition Lifecycle as Procurement
  procurement agent. Agent

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Supplier Negotiation
  procurement agent.  

Purchase Order Inquiry Search for and review purchase orders as a View Supplier Negotiation Response
  procurement agent.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Change Requisition Line Grouping
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Increase Requisition Line Quantity or Amount
  creating purchasing documents. as Buyer

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Process Requisition Line
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Reassign Requisition Line
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Replace Requisition Line from Catalog
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Return Requisition Line
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Search Requisition Line as Buyer
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including Split Requisition Line
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including View Requisition Details as Buyer
  creating purchasing documents.  

Requisition Line Processing Processes requisition demand including View Requisition Lifecycle as Procurement
  creating purchasing documents. Agent

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. Run Supplier Background Scheduler

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. Search Supplier


Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Location of Final Discharge

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Party Fiscal Classication

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier


Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Address

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Aachment

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Business Classication

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Contact

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Contact Change Request

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Contact User Account

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Income Tax

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Payment

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Products and Services Categories

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Prole Change Request

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Registration Bank Account

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Registration Request

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Site

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Site Assignment

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Site Invoicing Information

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Site Purchasing Information

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Site Receiving Information

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Supplier Transaction Tax

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Third-Party Site Tax Prole

Supplier Prole Inquiry View supplier prole information. View Third-Party Tax Prole

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier Search Supplier Assessment

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier Search Supplier Qualication

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Assessment

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication Initiative

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication Question

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Check Funds
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Reserve Funds
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budget Impact
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budget Period Statuses
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budgetary Control Balances
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budgetary Control Transactions
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Transfer Budget Balances to Budget Cubes
  roles who perform transactions that are subject Continuously
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable  

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job View Funds Available Balances
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Procurement Manager
job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Procurement Manager can delete application Role: Buyer

  aachment for the purchase document  
categories including miscellaneous, to supplier, Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables,  
and internal to purchasing Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Manager can read application Role: Buyer

  aachment access the contracts application  
aachments for the purchase document Privilege: Read Application Aachment
categories including document, from supplier,  
miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, Resource: Application Aachment
to approver, to payables, and internal to  

Application Aachment A Procurement Manager can read application Role: Buyer

  aachment for the negotiation award  
categories including sourcing negotiation award Privilege: Read Application Aachment
and miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Manager can read application Role: Buyer

  aachment for the negotiation categories  
including internal to sourcing, miscellaneous, to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
approver, to buyer, to payables, to receiver, and  
to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation


Application Aachment A Procurement Manager can read application Role: Buyer

  aachment for the negotiation response  
categories from supplier, from supplier: Privilege: Read Application Aachment
technical, from supplier: commercial  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Manager can read application Role: Buyer

  aachment for the purchase document  
categories including document, from supplier, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver,  
to approver, to payables, and internal to Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Manager can read application Role: Buyer

  aachment for the supplier assessment  
categories including internal to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Manager can read application Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  aachment for the supplier assessment  
categories including internal to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Manager can read application Role: Buyer

  aachment for the supplier qualication  
categories including internal to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Manager can read application Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
categories including internal to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Manager can read application Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
question category including to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Manager can read application Role: Buyer

  aachment for the supplier qualication  
response categories including from supplier, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
from internal responder, miscellaneous, to  
buyer, to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Manager can read application Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
response categories including from supplier, Privilege: Read Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

from internal responder, miscellaneous, to Resource: Application Aachment

buyer, to supplier  

Application Aachment A Procurement Manager can update application Role: Buyer

  aachment for the purchase document  
categories including miscellaneous, to supplier, Privilege: Update Application Aachment
to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables,  
and internal to purchasing Resource: Application Aachment

Contract Expert Rule A Procurement Manager can view contract Role: Buyer
  terms library for all the business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Expert Rule

Contract Expert Rule A Procurement Manager can view contract Role: Contract Terms and Conditions Override
  terms library for all the business units Controls
Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Expert Rule

Contract Library Clause A Procurement Manager can manage contract Role: Procurement Manager
  library clause for all non standard clauses  
irrespective of business unit Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause A Procurement Manager can manage contract Role: Contract Terms and Conditions Override
  terms library for all non standard clauses Controls
irrespective of business unit  
  Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause A Procurement Manager can view contract Role: Buyer
  terms library for all business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause A Procurement Manager can view contract Role: Contract Terms and Conditions Override
  terms library for all business units Controls
Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause Folder A Procurement Manager can view contract Role: Buyer
  terms library for all the business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause Folder

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Contract Library Clause Folder A Procurement Manager can view contract Role: Contract Terms and Conditions Override
  terms library for all the business units Controls
Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause Folder

Payment Card A Procurement Manager can view employee Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  credit card for any employee corporate cards in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Employee Credit Card (Data)
Resource: Payment Card

Person Email A Procurement Manager can report person Role: Buyer

  email for all workers in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Person Email (Data)
Resource: Person Email

Public Person A Procurement Manager can choose public Role: Buyer

  person for all workers in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Procurement Manager can report public Role: Buyer

  person for all workers in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Procurement Manager can report public Role: Buyer

  person for persons and assignments in their  
person and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Purchasing Document Header A Procurement Manager can view purchasing Role: Buyer
  document header for themselves in the  
business units for which they are authorized Privilege: View Purchasing Document Header
Resource: Purchasing Document Header

Receiving Receipt Transaction A Procurement Manager can view purchasing Role: Buyer
  document receiving transaction for the  
purchase orders for which they are authorized Privilege: View Purchasing Document Receiving
  Transaction (Data)
Resource: Receiving Receipt Transaction

Requisition A Procurement Manager can view requisition Role: Buyer

  analysis for themselves for the business units  
for which they are authorized Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Requisition

Requisition A Procurement Manager can view requisition Role: Requisition Line Processing
  analysis for themselves for the business units  
for which they are authorized Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)
Resource: Requisition

Requisition Line A Procurement Manager can view requisition Role: Buyer

  analysis for themselves for the business units  
for which they are authorized Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)
Resource: Requisition Line

Requisition Line A Procurement Manager can view requisition Role: Requisition Line Processing
  analysis for themselves for the business units  
for which they are authorized Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)
Resource: Requisition Line

Sourcing Negotiation Document and Template A Procurement Manager can view sourcing Role: Procurement Manager
  negotiation document and template for the  
agents and business units for which they are Privilege: View Sourcing Negotiation Document
authorized and Template Analysis (Data)
Resource: Sourcing Negotiation Document and

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Procurement Manager can manage trading Role: Buyer
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Procurement Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Procurement Manager can manage trading Role: Buyer
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Procurement Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Procurement Manager can manage trading Role: Buyer
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Procurement Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Procurement Manager can manage trading Role: Buyer
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Procurement Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party A Procurement Manager can view trading Role: Buyer
  community organization for all organizations in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Procurement Manager can view trading Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry
  community organization for all organizations in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Organization Party A Procurement Manager can view trading Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  community organization for all organizations in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Procurement Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  community organization for all organizations in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Phone A Procurement Manager can manage trading Role: Buyer
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone A Procurement Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Procurement Manager can view trading Role: Buyer
  community contact for all trading community  
persons in the enterprise except contacts Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
created by partners. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  community contact for all trading community  
persons in the enterprise except contacts Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
created by partners. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Manager can view trading Role: Buyer
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Manager can view trading Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry
  community person for all people in the  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  Privilege: View Trading Community Person

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Manager can view trading Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Manager can view trading Role: Buyer
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise other than sales accounts and sales Privilege: View Trading Community Person
prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise other than sales accounts and sales Privilege: View Trading Community Person
prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Manager can view trading Role: Buyer
  community person for all resources in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  community person for all resources in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Procurement Manager can manage trading Role: Buyer
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Procurement Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Procurement Manager can manage trading Role: Buyer
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Procurement Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Procurement Manager can manage trading Role: Buyer
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Procurement Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Procurement Manager can manage trading Role: Buyer
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Procurement Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Relationship A Procurement Manager can view trading Role: Buyer
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Procurement Manager can view trading Role: Buyer
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
except partner contact relationships, or Relationship (Data)
relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Procurement Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
except partner contact relationships, or Relationship (Data)
relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Procurement Manager job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Party Tax Prole A Procurement Manager can manage party tax Role: Buyer
  prole for any party tax prole dened in the  
enterprise Privilege: Manage Party Tax Prole (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Prole

Party Tax Prole A Procurement Manager can manage party tax Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  prole for any party tax prole dened in the  
enterprise Privilege: Manage Party Tax Prole (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Prole

Supplier A Procurement Manager can maintain supplier Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  corporate identiers for all suppliers for  
nonindividual types in the enterprise Privilege: Maintain Supplier Corporate
  Identiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Tax Registration A Procurement Manager can manage tax Role: Buyer

  registration for any tax registration dened in  
the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Tax Registration

Tax Registration A Procurement Manager can manage tax Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  registration for any tax registration dened in  
the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration

Taxable Transaction A Procurement Manager can manage taxable Role: Buyer

  transaction for any taxable transaction existing  
in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Taxable Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable Transaction

Trading Community Person Phone A Procurement Manager can view trading Role: Buyer
  community person mobile phone number for  
all trading community person mobile phone Privilege: View Trading Community Person
numbers Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Trading Community Person Phone A Procurement Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry
  community person mobile phone number for  
all trading community person mobile phone Privilege: View Trading Community Person
numbers Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 14
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Manager (Job Role)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 15
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Preparer (Abstract Role)

15 Procurement Preparer (Abstract Role)

Prepares requisitions on behalf of others.

Role Hierarchy
The Procurement Preparer abstract role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.
• Procurement Preparer
◦ Procurement Requester
- Business Intelligence Applications Worker
- Payables Invoice Inquiry
- Procurement Folder Reporting
- Receiving Management Requester
◦ Item Inquiry
- Requisition Self Service User
- Requisition Viewing
◦ Payables Invoice Inquiry
- Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control
◦ Business Intelligence Consumer

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Procurement Preparer abstract role.

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring
  within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions,
Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.

Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence
  Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.
This role allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from
a subject area.

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.


Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 15
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Preparer (Abstract Role)

Duty Role Description

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.


Procurement Folder Reporting Grants access to the Procurement web catalog folder.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts, and return receipts.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, searching, and viewing requisitions, creating noncatalog
  requests, creating requisitions with one-time locations, and changing deliver-to locations on
requisition lines.

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents.


Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform transactions that are subject to
  budgetary control, such as accounts payable manager.

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Procurement Preparer abstract role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Aachment

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Catalog

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Global Search

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Unit of Measure

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item Organization Association

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item Relationship

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. Manage Payables Invoices

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 15
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Preparer (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Procurement Preparer Prepares requisitions on behalf of others. Create Requisition with Changes to Requester

Procurement Preparer Prepares requisitions on behalf of others. Create Requisition with Emergency Purchase

Procurement Requester Prepares requisitions for themselves. Cancel Purchase Order as Procurement

Procurement Requester Prepares requisitions for themselves. Change Purchase Order as Procurement

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Correct Self-Service Receiving Receipt
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Create Self-Service Receiving Receipt
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Manage Inventory Transfer Order
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Manage Self-Service Receiving Receipt Return
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Monitor Self-Service Receiving Receipt Work
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts, Area
and return receipts.  

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Review Inbound Shipment Details
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Review Receiving Receipt Summary
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Review Self-Service Receiving Receipt
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion View Purchase Order
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 15
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Preparer (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion View Receiving Receipt Notication
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion View Requisition

  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition for Internal Material
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating Transfers
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with  
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition with Changes to Deliver-to
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating Location
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with  
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition with Noncatalog Requests
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition with One Time Location
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Get Internal Transfer Requesting Organization
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating Price
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with  
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Manage Inventory Transfer Order
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Manage Requisition
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Submit Requisition with One Click
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 15
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Preparer (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

one-time locations, and changing deliver-to

locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, View Requisition
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. Review Inbound Shipment Details

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. Review Receiving Transaction History

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. View Purchase Order as Procurement Requester

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. View Requisition


Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. View Supplier Negotiation

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Check Funds
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Reserve Funds
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budget Impact
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budget Period Statuses
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budgetary Control Balances
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budgetary Control Transactions
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 15
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Preparer (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Transfer Budget Balances to Budget Cubes
  roles who perform transactions that are subject Continuously
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable  

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job View Funds Available Balances
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Procurement Preparer
abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Procurement Preparer can delete application Role: Procurement Requester
  aachment for the purchase order categories  
including miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
to receiver, to approver, and to payables  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Preparer can read application Role: Procurement Requester
  aachment for the negotiation categories  
including miscellaneous, to approver, to buyer, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
to payables, to receiver, and to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Preparer can read application Role: Procurement Requester
  aachment for the purchase order categories  
including document, miscellaneous, to supplier, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
to buyer, to receiver, to approver, and to  
payables Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Preparer can update application Role: Procurement Requester
  aachment for the purchase order categories  
including miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, Privilege: Update Application Aachment
to receiver, to approver, and to payables  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Public Person A Procurement Preparer can choose public Role: Procurement Requester
  person for all workers in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 15
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Preparer (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Requisition A Procurement Preparer can manage Role: Procurement Preparer

  requisition for themselves for the business units  
for which they are authorized Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)
Resource: Business Unit

Requisition A Procurement Preparer can manage Role: Procurement Requester

  requisition for themselves for the business units  
for which they are authorized Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)
Resource: Business Unit

Requisition A Procurement Preparer can manage Role: Requisition Self Service User
  requisition for themselves for the business units  
for which they are authorized Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)
Resource: Business Unit

Requisition A Procurement Preparer can manage Role: Requisition Self Service User
  requisition for themselves for the nancial  
business unit associated with their primary Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)
  Resource: Business Unit

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Procurement Preparer can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Procurement Preparer can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Procurement Preparer can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Procurement Preparer can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 15
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Preparer (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Organization Party A Procurement Preparer can view trading Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry
  community organization for all organizations in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Procurement Preparer can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community organization for all organizations in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Phone A Procurement Preparer can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Procurement Preparer can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community contact for all trading community  
persons in the enterprise except contacts Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
created by partners. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Preparer can view trading Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Preparer can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Preparer can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise other than sales accounts and sales Privilege: View Trading Community Person
prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 15
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Preparer (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Party A Procurement Preparer can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community person for all resources in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Procurement Preparer can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Procurement Preparer can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Procurement Preparer can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Procurement Preparer can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship A Procurement Preparer can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Procurement Preparer can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
except partner contact relationships, or Relationship (Data)
relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Procurement Preparer can view trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 15
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Preparer (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

except partner contact relationships, or Privilege: View Trading Community

relationships created by partners Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Procurement Preparer abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Person Phone A Procurement Preparer can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community person mobile phone number for  
all trading community person mobile phone Privilege: View Trading Community Person
numbers Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 16
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

16 Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

Prepares requisitions for themselves.

Role Hierarchy
The Procurement Requester abstract role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.
• Procurement Requester
◦ Business Intelligence Applications Worker
◦ Payables Invoice Inquiry
◦ Procurement Folder Reporting
◦ Receiving Management Requester
- Item Inquiry
◦ Requisition Self Service User
◦ Requisition Viewing
- Payables Invoice Inquiry
◦ Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control
- Business Intelligence Consumer

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Procurement Requester abstract role.

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring
  within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions,
Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.

Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence
  Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.
This role allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from
a subject area.

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.


Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 16
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

Duty Role Description

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.


Procurement Folder Reporting Grants access to the Procurement web catalog folder.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts, and return receipts.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, searching, and viewing requisitions, creating noncatalog
  requests, creating requisitions with one-time locations, and changing deliver-to locations on
requisition lines.

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents.


Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform transactions that are subject to
  budgetary control, such as accounts payable manager.

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Procurement Requester abstract role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Aachment

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Catalog

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Global Search

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Unit of Measure

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item Organization Association

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item Relationship

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. Manage Payables Invoices

Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 16
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Procurement Requester Prepares requisitions for themselves. Cancel Purchase Order as Procurement

Procurement Requester Prepares requisitions for themselves. Change Purchase Order as Procurement

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Correct Self-Service Receiving Receipt
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Create Self-Service Receiving Receipt
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Manage Inventory Transfer Order
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Manage Self-Service Receiving Receipt Return
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Monitor Self-Service Receiving Receipt Work
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts, Area
and return receipts.  

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Review Inbound Shipment Details
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Review Receiving Receipt Summary
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Review Self-Service Receiving Receipt
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion View Purchase Order
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion View Receiving Receipt Notication
  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion View Requisition

  iProcurement to receive items, correct receipts,  
and return receipts.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 16
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition for Internal Material
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating Transfers
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with  
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition with Changes to Deliver-to
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating Location
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with  
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition with Noncatalog Requests
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition with One Time Location
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Get Internal Transfer Requesting Organization
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating Price
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with  
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Manage Inventory Transfer Order
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Manage Requisition
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Submit Requisition with One Click
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, View Requisition
  searching, and viewing requisitions, creating  
noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to
locations on requisition lines.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 16
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. Review Inbound Shipment Details

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. Review Receiving Transaction History

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. View Purchase Order as Procurement Requester

Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. View Requisition


Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents. View Supplier Negotiation

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Check Funds
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Reserve Funds
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budget Impact
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budget Period Statuses
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budgetary Control Balances
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Review Budgetary Control Transactions
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job Transfer Budget Balances to Budget Cubes
  roles who perform transactions that are subject Continuously
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable  

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job View Funds Available Balances
  roles who perform transactions that are subject  
to budgetary control, such as accounts payable

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 16
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Procurement Requester
abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Procurement Requester can delete Role: Procurement Requester

  application aachment for the purchase order  
categories including miscellaneous, to supplier, Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
to buyer, to receiver, to approver, and to  
payables Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Requester can modify Role: Procurement Requester

  application aachment for the purchase order  
categories including miscellaneous, to supplier, Privilege: Update Application Aachment
to buyer, to receiver, to approver, and to  
payables Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Requester can view application Role: Procurement Requester
  aachment for the negotiation categories  
including miscellaneous, to approver, to buyer, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
to payables, to receiver, and to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Procurement Requester can view application Role: Procurement Requester
  aachment for the purchase order categories  
including document, miscellaneous, to supplier, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
to buyer, to receiver, to approver, and to  
payables Resource: Application Aachment

Public Person A Procurement Requester can choose public Role: Procurement Requester
  person for all workers in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Requisition A Procurement Requester can manage Role: Procurement Requester

  requisition for themselves for the business units  
for which they are authorized Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)
Resource: Business Unit

Requisition A Procurement Requester can manage Role: Requisition Self Service User
  requisition for themselves for the business units  
for which they are authorized Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)
Resource: Business Unit

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 16
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Requisition A Procurement Requester can manage Role: Requisition Self Service User
  requisition for themselves for the nancial  
business unit associated with their primary Privilege: Manage Requisition (Data)
  Resource: Business Unit

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Procurement Requester can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Procurement Requester can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Procurement Requester can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Procurement Requester can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party A Procurement Requester can view trading Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry
  community organization for all organizations in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Procurement Requester can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community organization party for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 16
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Organization Phone A Procurement Requester can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Procurement Requester can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community party for all people in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Requester can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community party for all people in the enterprise  
other than sales accounts and sales prospects. Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Requester can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community party for all resources in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Requester can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community party for all trading community  
persons in the enterprise except contacts Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
created by partners. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Procurement Requester can view trading Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Procurement Requester can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Procurement Requester can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Contact Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 16
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Trading Community Person Address

Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Procurement Requester can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Procurement Requester can manage trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
Preference community legal contact preference for all  
  trading community contact preferences not of Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship A Procurement Requester can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Procurement Requester can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
except partner contact relationships, or Relationship (Data)
relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Procurement Requester can view trading Role: Requisition Self Service User
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
except partner contact relationships, or Relationship (Data)
relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Procurement Requester abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Person Phone A Procurement Requester can view trading Role: Procurement Requester
  community person phone for all trading  
community person mobile phone numbers Privilege: View Trading Community Person
  Mobile Phone Number

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 16
Security Reference for Procurement Procurement Requester (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 17
Security Reference for Procurement Purchase Analysis (Abstract Role)

17 Purchase Analysis (Abstract Role)

Allows a user to preform line of business analysis on requisitions, purchase orders, and suppliers.

Role Hierarchy
The Purchase Analysis abstract role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.
• Purchase Analysis
◦ Procurement Folder Reporting
◦ Purchase Order Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
- Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
◦ Purchase Requisitions Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
- Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference
◦ Supplier Master Data Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
- Transactional Analysis

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Purchase Analysis abstract role.

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring
  within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions,
Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.

Procurement Folder Reporting Grants access to the Procurement web catalog folder.

Procurement Transactional Analysis This role is used to get the supported currencies in Procurement and Spend Transactional Analysis
Currency Preference module.

Purchase Order Transaction Analysis Analyzes Purchase Order transactional information

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 17
Security Reference for Procurement Purchase Analysis (Abstract Role)

Duty Role Description


Purchase Requisitions Transaction Analyzes Purchase Requisitions transactional information


Supplier Master Data Transaction Analysis Analyzes Supplier Master Data information

Transactional Analysis This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and ltering purposes and is therefore required for
  all OTBI users.

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Purchase Analysis
abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Payables Standard Invoice A Purchase Analysis can view payables Role: Purchase Analysis
  standard invoice for the business units for  
which the user is authorized Privilege: Report Payables (Data)
Resource: Business Unit

Payables Standard Invoice A Purchase Analysis can view payables Role: Purchase Analysis
  standard invoice for themselves for the nancial  
business unit associated with their primary Privilege: Report Payables (Data)
  Resource: Business Unit

Person Email A Purchase Analysis can view person email for Role: Purchase Analysis
  all workers in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Person Email (Data)
Resource: Person Email

Public Person A Purchase Analysis can choose public person Role: Purchase Analysis
  for all workers in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Purchase Analysis can view public person for Role: Purchase Analysis
  all workers in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 17
Security Reference for Procurement Purchase Analysis (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Public Person A Purchase Analysis can view public person for Role: Purchase Analysis
  persons and assignments in their person and  
assignment security prole Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Purchasing Document Header A Purchase Analysis can view purchasing Role: Purchase Analysis
  document header for the requisitioning  
business units for which they are authorized Privilege: View Purchasing Document Header
Resource: Business Unit

Purchasing Document Header A Purchase Analysis can view purchasing Role: Purchase Analysis
  document header for themselves for the  
nancial business unit associated with their Privilege: View Purchasing Document Header
primary assignment (Data)
Resource: Purchasing Document Header

Requisition A Purchase Analysis can view requisition for the Role: Purchase Analysis
  requisitioning business units for which they are  
authorized Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)
Resource: Business Unit

Requisition A Purchase Analysis can view requisition for Role: Purchase Analysis
  themselves for the nancial business unit  
associated with their primary assignment Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)
Resource: Requisition

This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Purchase Analysis abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Person Phone A Purchase Analysis can view trading Role: Purchase Analysis
  community person phone for all trading  
community person mobile phone numbers Privilege: View Trading Community Person
  Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 17
Security Reference for Procurement Purchase Analysis (Abstract Role)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 18
Security Reference for Procurement Sourcing Project Collaborator (Abstract Role)

18 Sourcing Project Collaborator (Abstract


Key organization stakeholder helping to determine negotiation strategies, award decision criteria, and objective scoring
on behalf of their organization.

Role Hierarchy
The Sourcing Project Collaborator abstract role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.
• Sourcing Project Collaborator
◦ Negotiation Management
◦ Negotiation Response Evaluation
◦ Negotiation Update
◦ Negotiation Viewing
◦ Seller Negotiation Management
◦ Seller Negotiation Response Evaluation
◦ Seller Negotiation Viewing

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Sourcing Project Collaborator abstract role.

Duty Role Description

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the
  collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation responses.


Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations.


Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details pages.


Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 18
Security Reference for Procurement Sourcing Project Collaborator (Abstract Role)

Duty Role Description

Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and other such

Seller Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, and shortlist seller negotiation responses.

Seller Negotiation Viewing Search and view seller negotiation details.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Sourcing Project Collaborator abstract role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Cancel Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Close Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Complete Supplier Negotiation Stage One For
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Two Stage Negotiation
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Create Supplier Negotiation Response as
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Surrogate
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Disqualify Supplier Negotiation Response
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Extend Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Lock Negotiation Supplier Out
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Manage Negotiation Supplier Invitation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 18
Security Reference for Procurement Sourcing Project Collaborator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Manage Project Task Progress
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Manage Supplier Negotiation Collaboration
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Team
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Manage Supplier Negotiation Requirements
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Manage Supplier Negotiation Response as
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Surrogate
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Manage Supplier Negotiation Scoring
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Monitor Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Pause Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Research Suppliers
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Search Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unlock Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unlock Supplier Negotiation Response Draft as
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Surrogate
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unlock Supplier Negotiation Stage One For Two
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Stage Negotiation
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 18
Security Reference for Procurement Sourcing Project Collaborator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unlock Supplier Negotiation Stage Two For Two
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Stage Negotiation
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unseal Supplier Negotiation
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unseal Supplier Negotiation Stage One For Two
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Stage Negotiation
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Unseal Supplier Negotiation Stage Two For Two
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Stage Negotiation
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, Update Supplier Qualication Question
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the Response
collaboration team, and other such operations.  

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, View Supplier Business Classication
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, View Supplier Eligibility
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, View Supplier Negotiation Response
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Management Manage the negotiation open and close dates, View Supplier Negotiation Response History
  add suppliers to the invitation list, update the  
collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Analyze Negotiation Response

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Apply Internal Cost Factors

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Change Supplier Negotiation Response
  responses. Shortlist Status

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Close Supplier Negotiation Scoring

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 18
Security Reference for Procurement Sourcing Project Collaborator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Override Supplier Negotiation Response Score

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Research Suppliers

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Score Supplier Negotiation Response

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Search Supplier Negotiation

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation Update Response Scores for Another Member

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation View Question Response History

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation View Supplier Business Classication

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation View Supplier Eligibility

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation View Supplier Negotiation Response

Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation View Supplier Negotiation Response History

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Author Standard Contract Terms and

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Edit Supplier Negotiation


Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Manage Negotiation Line Default

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Manage Supplier Negotiation Draft

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Research Suppliers


Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Search Supplier Qualication Area

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Search Supplier Qualication Question

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 18
Security Reference for Procurement Sourcing Project Collaborator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. Unlock Supplier Negotiation Draft Owned by

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. View Contract Terms


Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. View Supplier Eligibility


Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. View Supplier Negotiation


Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. View Supplier Qualication Area

Negotiation Update Update draft supplier negotiations. View Supplier Qualication Question

Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details Create Supplier Negotiation Online Message

Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details Reply Supplier Negotiation Online Message

Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details Search Supplier Negotiation

Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details View Contract Terms

Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details View Supplier Negotiation

Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details View Supplier Negotiation Online Message

Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Cancel Seller Negotiation
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and  
other such operations.

Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Close Seller Negotiation
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and  
other such operations.

Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Delete Draft Seller Negotiation
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and  
other such operations.

Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Manage Seller Negotiation Bidder Invitation
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and  
other such operations.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 18
Security Reference for Procurement Sourcing Project Collaborator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Monitor Seller Negotiation
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and  
other such operations.

Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Pause Seller Negotiation
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and  
other such operations.

Seller Negotiation Management Manage the seller negotiation open and close Unlock Seller Negotiation Draft Owned by
  dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and Others
other such operations.  

Seller Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, and shortlist seller negotiation Analyze Seller Negotiation Response

Seller Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, and shortlist seller negotiation Disqualify Seller Negotiation Response

Seller Negotiation Response Evaluation Analyze, and shortlist seller negotiation View Seller Negotiation Response

Seller Negotiation Viewing Search and view seller negotiation details. Search Seller Negotiation

Seller Negotiation Viewing Search and view seller negotiation details. View Seller Negotiation

Sourcing Project Collaborator Key organization stakeholder helping to Edit Seller Negotiation
  determine negotiation strategies, award  
decision criteria, and objective scoring on
behalf of their organization.

Sourcing Project Collaborator Key organization stakeholder helping to Manage Contract Deliverable
  determine negotiation strategies, award  
decision criteria, and objective scoring on
behalf of their organization.

Sourcing Project Collaborator Key organization stakeholder helping to Manage Sourcing Program
  determine negotiation strategies, award  
decision criteria, and objective scoring on
behalf of their organization.

Sourcing Project Collaborator Key organization stakeholder helping to Manage Supplier Negotiation Watchlist by Web
  determine negotiation strategies, award Service
decision criteria, and objective scoring on  
behalf of their organization.

Sourcing Project Collaborator Key organization stakeholder helping to Monitor Sourcing Program
  determine negotiation strategies, award  
decision criteria, and objective scoring on
behalf of their organization.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 18
Security Reference for Procurement Sourcing Project Collaborator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Sourcing Project Collaborator Key organization stakeholder helping to Search Purchase Agreement
  determine negotiation strategies, award  
decision criteria, and objective scoring on
behalf of their organization.

Sourcing Project Collaborator Key organization stakeholder helping to View Purchase Agreement
  determine negotiation strategies, award  
decision criteria, and objective scoring on
behalf of their organization.

Sourcing Project Collaborator Key organization stakeholder helping to View Purchase Order
  determine negotiation strategies, award  
decision criteria, and objective scoring on
behalf of their organization.

Sourcing Project Collaborator Key organization stakeholder helping to View Requisition Lifecycle as Procurement
  determine negotiation strategies, award Agent
decision criteria, and objective scoring on  
behalf of their organization.

Sourcing Project Collaborator Key organization stakeholder helping to View Sourcing Program
  determine negotiation strategies, award  
decision criteria, and objective scoring on
behalf of their organization.

Sourcing Project Collaborator Key organization stakeholder helping to View Supplier Negotiation Work Area
  determine negotiation strategies, award  
decision criteria, and objective scoring on
behalf of their organization.

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Sourcing Project
Collaborator abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can delete Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application aachment for the negotiation  
award categories including sourcing negotiation Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
award and miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can delete Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application aachment for the negotiation  
categories including internal to sourcing, Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
miscellaneous, to approver, to buyer, to  
payables, to receiver, and to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 18
Security Reference for Procurement Sourcing Project Collaborator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation


Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can delete Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application aachment for the negotiation  
response categories from supplier, from Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
supplier: technical, from supplier: commercial  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can delete Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application aachment for the purchase  
document categories including miscellaneous, Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to  
payables, and internal to purchasing Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can delete Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application aachment for the seller  
negotiation categories including internal to Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
sourcing and to bidder  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can delete Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application aachment for the seller  
negotiation category including seller Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
negotiation award  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can modify Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application aachment for the negotiation  
award categories including sourcing negotiation Privilege: Update Application Aachment
award and miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can modify Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application aachment for the negotiation  
categories including internal to sourcing, Privilege: Update Application Aachment
miscellaneous, to approver, to buyer, to  
payables, to receiver, and to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can modify Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application aachment for the negotiation  
response categories from supplier, from Privilege: Update Application Aachment
supplier: technical, from supplier: commercial  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can modify Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application aachment for the purchase  
document categories including miscellaneous, Privilege: Update Application Aachment
to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to  
payables, and internal to purchasing Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can modify Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application aachment for the seller  
negotiation categories including internal to Privilege: Update Application Aachment
sourcing and to bidder  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 18
Security Reference for Procurement Sourcing Project Collaborator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  modify application aachment for the  
seller negotiation category including seller Privilege: Update Application Aachment
negotiation award  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application aachment for the negotiation  
award categories including sourcing negotiation Privilege: Read Application Aachment
award and miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application aachment for the negotiation  
categories including internal to sourcing, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
miscellaneous, to approver, to buyer, to  
payables, to receiver, and to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application aachment for the negotiation  
response categories from supplier, from Privilege: Read Application Aachment
supplier: technical, from supplier: commercial  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application aachment for the purchase  
document categories including document, from Privilege: Read Application Aachment
supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to  
receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal Resource: Application Aachment
to purchasing  

Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application aachment for the seller  
negotiation bid category including from bidder Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application aachment for the seller  
negotiation categories including internal to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
sourcing and to bidder  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application aachment for the seller  
negotiation category including seller Privilege: Read Application Aachment
negotiation award  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application aachment for the supplier  
qualication question categories including Privilege: Read Application Aachment
miscellaneous and to supplier  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 18
Security Reference for Procurement Sourcing Project Collaborator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  Resource: Application Aachment


Application Aachment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application aachment for the supplier  
qualication response categories including Privilege: Read Application Aachment
from supplier, miscellaneous, to buyer, and to  
supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Prole Value A Sourcing Project Collaborator can update Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  application prole value for all applications  
common applications data Privilege: Update Application Prole Value
Resource: Application Prole Value

Contract Expert Rule A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  contract expert rule for all the business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Expert Rule

Contract Library Clause A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  contract library clause for all business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause Folder A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  contract library clause folder for all the business  
units Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause Folder

Person Assignment A Sourcing Project Collaborator can search Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  person assignment for persons and  
assignments in their person and assignment Privilege: Search Worker (Data)
security prole  
  Resource: Person Assignment

Person Type A Sourcing Project Collaborator can choose Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  person type for person types in their person  
type security prole Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)
Resource: Person Type

Position A Sourcing Project Collaborator can choose Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  position for positions in their position security  
prole Privilege: Choose Position (Data)
Resource: Position

Public Person A Sourcing Project Collaborator can choose Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  public person for all workers in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 18
Security Reference for Procurement Sourcing Project Collaborator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view public Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  person for persons and assignments in their  
person and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Sourcing Negotiation Document and Template A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  sourcing negotiation document and template  
for the agents and business units for which they Privilege: View Sourcing Negotiation Document
are authorized and Template Analysis (Data)
Resource: Sourcing Negotiation Document and

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Sourcing Project Collaborator can manage Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
Preference trading community org address email contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Sourcing Project Collaborator can manage Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
Contact Preference trading community org address phone contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Sourcing Project Collaborator can manage Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
Contact Preference trading community organization address  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Sourcing Project Collaborator can manage Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
Preference trading community organization email contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  trading community organization party for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 18
Security Reference for Procurement Sourcing Project Collaborator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Organization Phone A Sourcing Project Collaborator can manage Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
Contact Preference trading community organization phone contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  trading community party for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  trading community party for all people in the  
enterprise other than sales accounts and sales Privilege: View Trading Community Person
prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  trading community party for all resources in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  trading community party for all trading  
community persons in the enterprise except Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
contacts created by partners. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Sourcing Project Collaborator can manage Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
Preference trading community person address contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Sourcing Project Collaborator can manage Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
Contact Preference trading community person address phone  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Sourcing Project Collaborator can manage Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
Preference trading community person email contact  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 18
Security Reference for Procurement Sourcing Project Collaborator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Sourcing Project Collaborator can manage Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
Preference trading community person phone contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  trading community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
except partner contact relationships, or Relationship (Data)
relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource Prole A Sourcing Project Collaborator can remove Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  trading community resource prole for all  
resources in the enterprise Privilege: Remove Trading Community
  Resource (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Resource Prole

This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Sourcing Project Collaborator abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Person Phone A Sourcing Project Collaborator can view Role: Sourcing Project Collaborator
  trading community person phone for all trading  
community person mobile phone numbers Privilege: View Trading Community Person
  Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 19
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist (Job Role)

19 Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist

(Job Role)

Manages invoices and payments for the supplier company. Primary tasks include submiing invoices as well as tracking
invoice and payment status.

Role Hierarchy
The Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.
• Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
◦ Aachments User
- CRM Stage Write
◦ Business Intelligence Applications Worker
◦ Business Intelligence Consumer
◦ Payee Bank Account Management
- FSCM Load Interface Administration
◦ Self Service Payables Invoice Entry
- Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
◦ Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist job role.

Duty Role Description

Aachments User UCM application role for access to aachments using the integrated user interface or the standalone

Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring
  within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions,
Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.

Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence
  Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 19
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist (Job Role)

Duty Role Description

This role allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from
a subject area.

CRM Stage Write Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Self Service Payables Invoice Entry Enters invoices using self-service functionality.

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole information as a supplier.

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load File to Interface

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load Interface File for Import

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Manage File Import and Export

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Transfer File

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Import Supplier Bank Accounts
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage External Payee Payment Details
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Payment Instrument Assignment
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 19
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other View Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Self Service Payables Invoice Entry Enters invoices using self-service functionality. Enter Matched Payables Invoice As Supplier

Self Service Payables Invoice Entry Enters invoices using self-service functionality. Enter Unmatched Payables Invoice As Supplier

Self Service Payables Invoice Entry Enters invoices using self-service functionality. Review Inventory Consumption Advice

Self Service Payables Invoice Entry Enters invoices using self-service functionality. Review Receiving Receipt Summary

Self Service Payables Invoice Entry Enters invoices using self-service functionality. View Payables Invoice as Supplier

Self Service Payables Invoice Entry Enters invoices using self-service functionality. View Payables Payment as Supplier

Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Manages invoices and payments for the Access Supplier Portal Overview
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
submiing invoices as well as tracking invoice
and payment status.

Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Manages invoices and payments for the Access Supplier Portal Overview Summary Tab
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
submiing invoices as well as tracking invoice
and payment status.

Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Manages invoices and payments for the Download Contract for External Parties
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
submiing invoices as well as tracking invoice
and payment status.

Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Manages invoices and payments for the Manage Item Aachment
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
submiing invoices as well as tracking invoice
and payment status.

Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Manages invoices and payments for the Manage Item Catalog
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
submiing invoices as well as tracking invoice
and payment status.

Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Manages invoices and payments for the Manage Item Global Search
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
submiing invoices as well as tracking invoice
and payment status.

Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Manages invoices and payments for the Manage Trading Partner Item Reference
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
submiing invoices as well as tracking invoice
and payment status.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 19
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Manages invoices and payments for the Request Supplier Payment Information Change
  supplier company. Primary tasks include as Supplier
submiing invoices as well as tracking invoice  
and payment status.

Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Manages invoices and payments for the Review Receiving Receipt Summary
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
submiing invoices as well as tracking invoice
and payment status.

Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Manages invoices and payments for the Review Receiving Transaction History
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
submiing invoices as well as tracking invoice
and payment status.

Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Manages invoices and payments for the View Contract Terms
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
submiing invoices as well as tracking invoice
and payment status.

Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Manages invoices and payments for the View Item
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
submiing invoices as well as tracking invoice
and payment status.

Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Manages invoices and payments for the View Item Organization Association
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
submiing invoices as well as tracking invoice
and payment status.

Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Manages invoices and payments for the View Item Relationship
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
submiing invoices as well as tracking invoice
and payment status.

Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Manages invoices and payments for the View Overdue Invoices on Landing Page as
  supplier company. Primary tasks include Supplier
submiing invoices as well as tracking invoice  
and payment status.

Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Manages invoices and payments for the View Purchase Order
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
submiing invoices as well as tracking invoice
and payment status.

Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Manages invoices and payments for the View Supplier Bank Account as Supplier
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
submiing invoices as well as tracking invoice
and payment status.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 19
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Manages invoices and payments for the View Supplier Payment Information as Supplier
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
submiing invoices as well as tracking invoice
and payment status.

Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Manages invoices and payments for the View Supplier Performance Report
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
submiing invoices as well as tracking invoice
and payment status.

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Location of Final Discharge
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Party Fiscal Classication
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Address as Supplier
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Business Classication as
  information as a supplier. Supplier

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Contact Change Request
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Contact User Account as Supplier
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Contact as Supplier
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Products and Services Categories
  information as a supplier. as Supplier

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Prole as Supplier
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Tax Information as Supplier
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Third-Party Site Tax Prole
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Third-Party Tax Prole
  information as a supplier.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 19
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist (Job Role)

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Supplier Accounts
Receivable Specialist job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
  view application aachment for the purchase  
document categories including document and Privilege: Read Application Aachment
to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
  view application aachment for the supplier  
categories from supplier, miscellaneous, and to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Contract Expert Rule A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
  view contract expert rule for all the business  
units Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Expert Rule

Contract Library Clause A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
  can manage contract library clause for all non  
standard clauses irrespective of business unit Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
  view contract library clause for all business  
units Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause Folder A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
  view contract library clause folder for all the  
business units Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause Folder

Payables Standard Invoice A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Self Service Payables Invoice Entry
  manage payables invoice for all business units  
in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Payables Standard Invoice

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 19
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Payment Card A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  view employee credit card for any employee  
corporate cards in the enterprise Privilege: View Employee Credit Card (Data)
Resource: Payment Card

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
Preference manage trading community org address email  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Contact Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
Contact Preference manage trading community org address phone  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Contact Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
Contact Preference can manage trading community organization  
  address contact preference for all trading Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
community contact preferences not of type Contact Preference (Data)
  Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Preference can manage trading community legal contact  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 19
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
Preference manage trading community organization email  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  view trading community organization for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Self Service Payables Invoice Entry
  view trading community organization for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  view trading community organization for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
  view trading community organization party for  
all organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Phone A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Contact Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
Contact Preference can manage trading community organization  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 19
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  phone contact preference for all trading Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
community contact preferences not of type Contact Preference (Data)
  Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
  view trading community party for all people in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
  view trading community party for all people in  
the enterprise other than sales accounts and Privilege: View Trading Community Person
sales prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
  view trading community party for all resources  
in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
  view trading community party for all trading  
community persons in the enterprise except Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
contacts created by partners. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  view trading community person for all people in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Self Service Payables Invoice Entry
  view trading community person for all people in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  view trading community person for all people in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 19
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Party A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  view trading community person for all people  
in the enterprise other than sales accounts and Privilege: View Trading Community Person
sales prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  can view trading community person for all  
resources in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
Preference manage trading community person address  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Contact Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
Contact Preference manage trading community person address  
  phone contact preference for all trading Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
community contact preferences not of type Contact Preference (Data)
  Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
Preference manage trading community person email  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 19
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
Preference manage trading community person phone  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Role: Self Service Payables Invoice Entry
  can view trading community relationship for  
all trading community relationships in the Privilege: View Trading Community
enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
  can view trading community relationship for  
all trading community relationships in the Privilege: View Trading Community
enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  can view trading community relationship for  
all trading community relationships in the Privilege: View Trading Community
enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist Role: Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist
  can view trading community relationship for  
all trading community relationships in the Privilege: View Trading Community
enterprise except partner contact relationships, Relationship (Data)
or relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 19
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist (Job Role)

This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Party Tax Prole A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  manage party tax prole for any party tax  
prole dened in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party Tax Prole (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Prole

Supplier A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  maintain supplier individual identiers pii for  
the supplier for which they are associated Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual
  Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Tax Registration A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  manage tax registration for any tax registration  
dened in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration

Trading Community Person Phone A Supplier Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  view trading community person mobile phone  
number for all trading community person Privilege: View Trading Community Person
mobile phone numbers Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 20
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role)

20 Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role)

Manages supplier prole and user provisioning.

Role Hierarchy
The Supplier Administrator abstract role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

• Supplier Administrator
◦ B2B Messaging Administration
- Collaboration Messaging Manager
- Collaboration Messaging Read Only
- Collaboration Messaging Setup
- SOA Infra Designer
◦ FSCM Load Interface Administration
◦ Party Taxpayer Identier PII
◦ Procurement Folder Reporting
◦ Supplier Master Data Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Supplier Prole Management
- Payee Bank Account Management
◦ FSCM Load Interface Administration
- Supplier Qualication Viewing
◦ Supplier Registration Management
◦ Upload data for Supplier Import

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Supplier Administrator abstract role.

Duty Role Description

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 20
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role)

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring
  within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions,
Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.


Collaboration Messaging Read Only Searches and views collaboration messaging setup and administration information.

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.


FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import

Party Taxpayer Identier PII View personally identiable information for tax registration number of type taxpayer ID.

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Procurement Folder Reporting Grants access to the Procurement web catalog folder.

SOA Infra Designer This role grants view/edit dictionary privileges for a user in SOA Rules Composer. This is a business
  administrator type role. Any team using the Rules Composer would need to grant this role to their
admin enterprise role. This role is granted to SOAAdmin and BPMWorkowAdmin. By default this
application role is granted to "Administrators" enterprise role.

Supplier Master Data Transaction Analysis Analyzes Supplier Master Data information

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information.


Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualications.

Supplier Registration Management Manages supplier registration requests.


Upload data for Supplier Import Allows import of suppliers, supplier site, supplier site assignment and supplier contact

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Supplier Administrator abstract role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Cancel Collaboration Message
  administration tasks.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 20
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Create Collaboration Messaging Setup Data File
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Create External Partner
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Get Message Processing Conguration
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Get Message Transformation Conguration
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Application Partner
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Application Partners by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Associated External Partner
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage B2B Customer Trading Partners
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage B2B Locations by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage B2B Message Transactions using a
  administration tasks. REST Service

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage B2B Supplier Trading Partners
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage B2B Trading Partners
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Document Data Access
  administration tasks. for Users

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Message Denitions by
  administration tasks. Web Service

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Message Logging
  administration tasks.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 20
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Messages
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Messaging Conguration
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Messaging Domain
  administration tasks. Value Map

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Messaging History
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Customer Account Collaboration
  administration tasks. Conguration

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage External Partner
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage External Partner Message
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Failed Collaboration Messages
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Message Delivery Endpoint
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Service Provider
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Service Providers by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Supplier by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Trading Partners by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Monitor Collaboration Messaging
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Process Brazil Electronic invoices
  administration tasks.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 20
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Process Collaboration Message
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Process Inbound Collaboration Document
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Reprocess Collaboration Message
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Review Collaboration Messaging Setup Data
  administration tasks. Import

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Send Outbound Collaboration Messaging
  administration tasks. Document

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Validate Inbound Collaboration Messaging
  administration tasks. Setup

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Validate Outbound Collaboration Messaging
  administration tasks. Setup

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Collaboration Message Output Document
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Collaboration Message Source Document
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View B2B Locations by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Collaboration Message
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Collaboration Message Denitions by Web
  administration tasks. Service

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Collaboration Message Payload
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Collaboration Message Setup Details
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Output Document
  administration tasks.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 20
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Service Providers by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Supply Chain Collaboration B2B Infolets
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Undelivered Collaboration Messages
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Cancel Collaboration Message

  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Get Message Processing Conguration
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Get Message Transformation Conguration
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Invoke Collaboration Message Inbound Service
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Manage B2B Message Transactions using a
  administration tasks. REST Service

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Manage Collaboration Message Logging
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Manage Collaboration Messaging History
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Manage Failed Collaboration Messages
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Manage Message Delivery Endpoint
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Monitor Collaboration Messaging

  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Process Brazil Electronic invoices
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Process Collaboration Message

  administration tasks.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 20
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Process Inbound Collaboration Document
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Reprocess Collaboration Message

  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Send Outbound Collaboration Messaging
  administration tasks. Document

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Validate Outbound Collaboration Messaging
  administration tasks. Setup

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging View Collaboration Message

  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging View Collaboration Message Payload
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging View Supply Chain Collaboration B2B Infolets
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Read Only Searches and views collaboration messaging View Application Partners by Web Service
  setup and administration information.  

Collaboration Messaging Read Only Searches and views collaboration messaging View B2B Locations by Web Service
  setup and administration information.  

Collaboration Messaging Read Only Searches and views collaboration messaging View Collaboration Message Denitions by Web
  setup and administration information. Service

Collaboration Messaging Read Only Searches and views collaboration messaging View Service Providers by Web Service
  setup and administration information.  

Collaboration Messaging Read Only Searches and views collaboration messaging View Trading Partners by Web Service
  setup and administration information.  

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Create Collaboration Messaging Setup Data File

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Create External Partner

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Application Partner

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Application Partners by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Associated External Partner

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 20
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage B2B Customer Trading Partners

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage B2B Locations by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage B2B Message Transactions using a
    REST Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage B2B Supplier Trading Partners

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage B2B Trading Partners

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Collaboration Document Data Access
    for Users

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Collaboration Message Denitions by
    Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Collaboration Messages

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Collaboration Messaging Conguration

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Collaboration Messaging Domain
    Value Map

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Customer Account Collaboration

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage External Partner

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Service Provider

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Service Providers by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Supplier by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Trading Partners by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Review Collaboration Messaging Setup Data

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. View B2B Locations by Web Service

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 20
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. View Collaboration Message Denitions by Web

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. View Service Providers by Web Service

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load File to Interface

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load Interface File for Import

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Manage File Import and Export

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Transfer File

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Import Supplier Bank Accounts
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage External Payee Payment Details
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Payment Instrument Assignment
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other View Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Supplier Administrator Manages supplier prole and user provisioning. Import Supplier

Supplier Administrator Manages supplier prole and user provisioning. Maintain Reports and Analytics Region

Supplier Administrator Manages supplier prole and user provisioning. Manage File Import and Export

Supplier Administrator Manages supplier prole and user provisioning. Manage Scheduled Job Denition

Supplier Administrator Manages supplier prole and user provisioning. Merge Supplier

Supplier Administrator Manages supplier prole and user provisioning. Run Send Pending LDAP Requests Process

Supplier Administrator Manages supplier prole and user provisioning. Submit Supplier Registration

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 20
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Access Suppliers Work Area Overview

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Cancel Pending Supplier Prole Change

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Create Location of Final Discharge

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Create Party Fiscal Classication

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Create Third-Party Site Tax Prole

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Create Third-Party Tax Prole

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Edit Supplier Prole Change Request

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Import Party Tax Prole

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier


Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Address

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Aachment

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Business Classication

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Contact

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Contact Change Request

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Contact User Account

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Income Tax

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Payment

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Products and Services

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Site

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Site Assignment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 20
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Site B2B Communication

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Site Invoicing Information

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Site Purchasing Information

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Site Receiving Information

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Transaction Tax

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Manage Tax Fiscal Classication Import and
    Export Services

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Manage Tax Third-Party Import and Export

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Run Supplier Background Scheduler

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Search Supplier


Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Update Location of Final Discharge

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Update Party Fiscal Classication

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Update Third-Party Site Tax Prole

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Update Third-Party Tax Prole

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. View Location of Final Discharge

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. View Party Fiscal Classication

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. View Supplier Contact Change Request

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. View Supplier Prole Change Request

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. View Supplier Registration Bank Account

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. View Supplier Registration Request

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. View Third-Party Site Tax Prole

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 20
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. View Third-Party Tax Prole

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier Search Supplier Assessment

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier Search Supplier Qualication

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Assessment

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication Initiative

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication Question

Supplier Registration Management Manages supplier registration requests. Edit Supplier Registration Bank Account

Supplier Registration Management Manages supplier registration requests. Edit Supplier Registration Request

Supplier Registration Management Manages supplier registration requests. Search Supplier Registration Request

Supplier Registration Management Manages supplier registration requests. View Supplier Match Results

Supplier Registration Management Manages supplier registration requests. View Supplier Registration Bank Account

Supplier Registration Management Manages supplier registration requests. View Supplier Registration Request

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Supplier Administrator
abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Supplier Administrator can delete application Role: Supplier Administrator
  aachment for the supplier categories from  
Privilege: Delete Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 20
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

supplier, miscellaneous, to buyer, to receiver,  

and to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Administrator can modify Role: Supplier Administrator

  application aachment for the supplier  
categories from supplier, miscellaneous, to Privilege: Update Application Aachment
buyer, to receiver, and to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Administrator can read application Role: Supplier Prole Management
  aachment for the supplier assessment  
categories including internal to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Administrator can read application Role: Supplier Prole Management
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
categories including internal to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Administrator can read application Role: Supplier Prole Management
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
question category including to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Administrator can read application Role: Supplier Prole Management
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
response categories including from supplier, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
from internal responder, miscellaneous, to  
buyer, to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Administrator can view application Role: Supplier Administrator
  aachment for the supplier categories from  
supplier, miscellaneous, to buyer, to receiver, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
and to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Payment Card A Supplier Administrator can view employee Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  credit card for any employee corporate cards in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Employee Credit Card (Data)
Resource: Payment Card

Tax Exemption A Supplier Administrator can manage tax Role: Supplier Administrator
  exemption for the tax setup applicable to the  
business units for which they are responsible Privilege: Manage Tax Exemption (Data)
Resource: Business Unit

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Supplier Administrator can manage trading Role: Supplier Administrator
Preference community org address email contact  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 20
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Supplier Administrator can manage trading Role: Supplier Administrator
Contact Preference community org address phone contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Supplier Administrator can manage trading Role: Supplier Administrator
Contact Preference community organization address contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Supplier Administrator can manage trading Role: Supplier Administrator
Preference community organization email contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Administrator can view trading Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  community organization for all organizations in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Administrator can view trading Role: Supplier Administrator
  community organization party for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Phone A Supplier Administrator can manage trading Role: Supplier Administrator
Contact Preference community organization phone contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Supplier Administrator can view trading Role: Supplier Administrator
  community party for all people in the enterprise  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 20
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  Privilege: View Trading Community Person

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Administrator can view trading Role: Supplier Administrator
  community party for all people in the enterprise  
other than sales accounts and sales prospects. Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Administrator can view trading Role: Supplier Administrator
  community party for all resources in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Administrator can view trading Role: Supplier Administrator
  community party for all trading community  
persons in the enterprise except contacts Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
created by partners. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Administrator can view trading Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Supplier Administrator can manage trading Role: Supplier Administrator
Preference community person address contact preference  
  for all trading community contact preferences Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Supplier Administrator can manage trading Role: Supplier Administrator
Contact Preference community person address phone contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Supplier Administrator can manage trading Role: Supplier Administrator
Preference community person email contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 20
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Supplier Administrator can manage trading Role: Supplier Administrator
Preference community person phone contact preference  
  for all trading community contact preferences Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Administrator can view trading Role: Supplier Administrator
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Administrator can view trading Role: Supplier Administrator
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
except partner contact relationships, or Relationship (Data)
relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Supplier Administrator abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Party Tax Prole A Supplier Administrator can manage party tax Role: Supplier Prole Management
  prole for any party tax prole dened in the  
enterprise Privilege: Manage Party Tax Prole (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Prole

Party Tax Prole A Supplier Administrator can manage party Role: Party Taxpayer Identier PII
  tax prole taxpayer identier for organizations  
of type individual party tax prole taxpayer Privilege: Manage Party Tax Prole Taxpayer
identier dened in the enterprise. Identier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Prole

Supplier A Supplier Administrator can maintain Role: Supplier Registration Management

  supplier corporate identiers for all supplier  
registrations for nonindividual types for the Privilege: Maintain Supplier Corporate
business units in which they are authorized Identiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 20
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Supplier A Supplier Administrator can maintain Role: Supplier Registration Management

  supplier corporate identiers for all supplier  
registrations for nonindividual types for which Privilege: Maintain Supplier Corporate
they are approvers Identiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Supplier A Supplier Administrator can maintain supplier Role: Supplier Prole Management
  corporate identiers for all suppliers for  
nonindividual types in the enterprise Privilege: Maintain Supplier Corporate
  Identiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Supplier A Supplier Administrator can manage supplier Role: Supplier Administrator

  for all supplier registrations of type individual  
for the business units in which they are Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual
authorized Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Supplier A Supplier Administrator can manage supplier Role: Supplier Administrator

  for all supplier registrations of type individual  
for which they are approvers Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual
  Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Supplier A Supplier Administrator can manage supplier Role: Supplier Administrator

  for all supplier sites in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual
Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Supplier A Supplier Administrator can manage supplier Role: Supplier Administrator

  for all suppliers in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual
Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Supplier A Supplier Administrator can manage supplier Role: Supplier Administrator

  for all suppliers of type individual in the  
enterprise Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual
  Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Supplier Prole Change Request A Supplier Administrator can maintain supplier Role: Supplier Prole Management
  corporate identiers for all supplier prole  
change requests for nonindividual suppliers for Privilege: Maintain Supplier Corporate
which they are approvers Identiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier Prole Change Request

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 20
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Supplier Prole Change Request A Supplier Administrator can maintain supplier Role: Supplier Prole Management
  individual identiers pii for all supplier prole  
change requests of type individual for which Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual
they are approvers Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier Prole Change Request

Supplier Prole Change Request A Supplier Administrator can manage supplier Role: Supplier Administrator
  prole change request for all supplier prole  
change requests for nonindividual suppliers for Privilege: Maintain Supplier Corporate
which they are approvers Identiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier Prole Change Request

Supplier Prole Change Request A Supplier Administrator can manage supplier Role: Supplier Administrator
  prole change request for all supplier prole  
change requests of type individual for which Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual
they are approvers Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier Prole Change Request

Tax Registration A Supplier Administrator can manage tax Role: Supplier Prole Management
  registration for any tax registration dened in  
the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration

Trading Community Person Phone A Supplier Administrator can manage trading Role: Supplier Prole Management
  community person mobile phone number for  
all trading community person mobile phone Privilege: Manage Trading Community Person
numbers Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Trading Community Person Phone A Supplier Administrator can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Management
  community person mobile phone number for  
all trading community person mobile phone Privilege: View Trading Community Person
numbers Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Withholding Party Tax Prole A Supplier Administrator can manage party Role: Party Taxpayer Identier PII
  tax prole taxpayer identier for organizations  
of type individual party tax prole taxpayer Privilege: Manage Party Tax Prole Taxpayer
identier dened in the enterprise. Identier (Data)
Resource: Withholding Party Tax Prole

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 21
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Bidder (Abstract Role)

21 Supplier Bidder (Abstract Role)

Sales representative from a potential supplier responsible for responding to requests for quote, requests for proposal,
requests for information and reverse auctions.

Role Hierarchy
The Supplier Bidder abstract role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

• Supplier Bidder
◦ Aachments User
- CRM Stage Write
◦ Business Intelligence Applications Worker
◦ Business Intelligence Consumer
◦ Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier
◦ Negotiation Response Management as Supplier
◦ Seller Negotiation Response

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Supplier Bidder abstract role.

Duty Role Description

Aachments User UCM application role for access to aachments using the integrated user interface or the standalone

Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence
  Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.
This role allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from
a subject area.

CRM Stage Write Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server

Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier Create negotiation responses as a supplier.


Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 21
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Bidder (Abstract Role)

Duty Role Description

Negotiation Response Management as Manage negotiation responses as a supplier.


Seller Negotiation Response Manage all aspects of seller negotiation responses including creating, updating, and managing as a

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Supplier Bidder abstract role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier Create negotiation responses as a supplier. Create Supplier Negotiation Response

Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier Create negotiation responses as a supplier. Edit Supplier Negotiation Response

Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier Create negotiation responses as a supplier. Manage Supplier Negotiation Response Draft

Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier Create negotiation responses as a supplier. Submit Supplier Negotiation Participation

Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier Create negotiation responses as a supplier. Submit Supplier Negotiation Response

Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier Create negotiation responses as a supplier. Unlock Supplier Negotiation Response Draft
    Owned by Others

Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier Create negotiation responses as a supplier. View Supplier Business Classication as

Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier Create negotiation responses as a supplier. View Supplier Negotiation Response as Supplier

Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier Create negotiation responses as a supplier. View Supplier Negotiation as Supplier

Negotiation Response Management as Supplier Manage negotiation responses as a supplier. Analyze Supplier Negotiation Response as

Negotiation Response Management as Supplier Manage negotiation responses as a supplier. Create Supplier Negotiation Online Message as

Negotiation Response Management as Supplier Manage negotiation responses as a supplier. Manage Supplier Negotiation Response as

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 21
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Bidder (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Negotiation Response Management as Supplier Manage negotiation responses as a supplier. Reply Supplier Negotiation Online Message as

Negotiation Response Management as Supplier Manage negotiation responses as a supplier. View Supplier Business Classication as

Negotiation Response Management as Supplier Manage negotiation responses as a supplier. View Supplier Negotiation Online Message as

Negotiation Response Management as Supplier Manage negotiation responses as a supplier. View Supplier Negotiation Response History as

Negotiation Response Management as Supplier Manage negotiation responses as a supplier. View Supplier Negotiation Response as Supplier

Negotiation Response Management as Supplier Manage negotiation responses as a supplier. View Supplier Negotiation as Supplier

Seller Negotiation Response Manage all aspects of seller negotiation Create Seller Negotiation Response
  responses including creating, updating, and  
managing as a bidder.

Seller Negotiation Response Manage all aspects of seller negotiation Delete Draft Seller Negotiation Response
  responses including creating, updating, and  
managing as a bidder.

Seller Negotiation Response Manage all aspects of seller negotiation Edit Seller Negotiation Response
  responses including creating, updating, and  
managing as a bidder.

Seller Negotiation Response Manage all aspects of seller negotiation Manage Seller Negotiation Response
  responses including creating, updating, and  
managing as a bidder.

Seller Negotiation Response Manage all aspects of seller negotiation Submit Seller Negotiation Response
  responses including creating, updating, and  
managing as a bidder.

Seller Negotiation Response Manage all aspects of seller negotiation Unlock Seller Negotiation Response Draft
  responses including creating, updating, and Owned by Others
managing as a bidder.  

Seller Negotiation Response Manage all aspects of seller negotiation View Seller Negotiation Response History
  responses including creating, updating, and  
managing as a bidder.

Seller Negotiation Response Manage all aspects of seller negotiation View Seller Negotiation Response as Bidder
  responses including creating, updating, and  
managing as a bidder.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 21
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Bidder (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Seller Negotiation Response Manage all aspects of seller negotiation View Seller Negotiation as Bidder
  responses including creating, updating, and  
managing as a bidder.

Supplier Bidder Sales representative from a potential supplier Access Supplier Portal Overview
  responsible for responding to requests for  
quote, requests for proposal, requests for
information and reverse auctions.

Supplier Bidder Sales representative from a potential supplier Access Supplier Portal Overview Summary Tab
  responsible for responding to requests for  
quote, requests for proposal, requests for
information and reverse auctions.

Supplier Bidder Sales representative from a potential supplier Download Contract for External Parties
  responsible for responding to requests for  
quote, requests for proposal, requests for
information and reverse auctions.

Supplier Bidder Sales representative from a potential supplier Manage Contract Deliverable
  responsible for responding to requests for  
quote, requests for proposal, requests for
information and reverse auctions.

Supplier Bidder Sales representative from a potential supplier View Contract Terms
  responsible for responding to requests for  
quote, requests for proposal, requests for
information and reverse auctions.

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Supplier Bidder abstract

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Supplier Bidder can delete application Role: Supplier Bidder
  aachment for the negotiation response  
categories from supplier, from supplier: Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
technical, from supplier: commercial  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Bidder can delete application Role: Supplier Bidder
  aachment for the seller negotiation bid  
category including from bidder Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 21
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Bidder (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Supplier Bidder can modify application Role: Supplier Bidder
  aachment for the negotiation response  
categories from supplier, from supplier: Privilege: Update Application Aachment
technical, from supplier: commercial  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Bidder can modify application Role: Supplier Bidder
  aachment for the seller negotiation bid  
category including from bidder Privilege: Update Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Bidder can view application Role: Supplier Bidder
  aachment for the negotiation category to  
supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Bidder can view application Role: Supplier Bidder
  aachment for the negotiation response  
categories from supplier, from supplier: Privilege: Read Application Aachment
technical, from supplier: commercial  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Bidder can view application Role: Supplier Bidder
  aachment for the seller negotiation bid  
category including from bidder Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Bidder can view application Role: Supplier Bidder
  aachment for the seller negotiation category  
including to bidder Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Contract A Supplier Bidder can view contract for the Role: Supplier Bidder
  business units for which they are authorized  
  Privilege: View Contract (Data)
Resource: Contract

Contract Expert Rule A Supplier Bidder can view contract expert rule Role: Supplier Bidder
  for all the business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Expert Rule

Contract Library Clause A Supplier Bidder can manage contract library Role: Supplier Bidder
  clause for all non standard clauses irrespective  
of business unit Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 21
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Bidder (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Contract Library Clause A Supplier Bidder can view contract library Role: Supplier Bidder
  clause for all business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause Folder A Supplier Bidder can view contract library Role: Supplier Bidder
  clause folder for all the business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause Folder

Partner Member File Import Object A Supplier Bidder can view partner member le Role: Supplier Bidder
  import object for all partner member le import  
objects of object type 'partner member' Privilege: View Partner Member File Import
  Object Type (Data)
Resource: Partner Member File Import Object

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use A Supplier Bidder can view trading community Role: Supplier Bidder
  customer account site use for the reference  
data sets for which they are authorized Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use
Resource: Trading Community Customer
Account Site Use

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Supplier Bidder can manage trading Role: Supplier Bidder
Preference community org address email contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Supplier Bidder can manage trading Role: Supplier Bidder
Contact Preference community org address phone contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Supplier Bidder can manage trading Role: Supplier Bidder
Contact Preference community organization address contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Supplier Bidder can manage trading Role: Supplier Bidder
Preference community organization email contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 21
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Bidder (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Trading Community Organization

Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Bidder can view trading community Role: Supplier Bidder
  organization party for all organizations in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Phone A Supplier Bidder can manage trading Role: Supplier Bidder
Contact Preference community organization phone contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Supplier Bidder can view trading community Role: Supplier Bidder
  party for all people in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Bidder can view trading community Role: Supplier Bidder
  party for all people in the enterprise other than  
sales accounts and sales prospects. Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Bidder can view trading community Role: Supplier Bidder
  party for all resources in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Supplier Bidder can manage trading Role: Supplier Bidder
Preference community person address contact preference  
  for all trading community contact preferences Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Supplier Bidder can manage trading Role: Supplier Bidder
Contact Preference community person address phone contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 21
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Bidder (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Supplier Bidder can manage trading Role: Supplier Bidder
Preference community person email contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Supplier Bidder can manage trading Role: Supplier Bidder
Preference community person phone contact preference  
  for all trading community contact preferences Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Bidder can view trading community Role: Supplier Bidder
  relationship for all trading community  
relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource Prole A Supplier Bidder can manage trading Role: Supplier Bidder
  community resource prole for their resource  
skills Privilege: Manage Trading Community
  Resource Skill (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Resource Prole

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 22
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Customer Service Representative (Job Role)

22 Supplier Customer Service Representative

(Job Role)
Manages inbound purchase orders and communicates shipment activities for the supplier company . Primary tasks
include tracking, acknowledging or requesting changes to new orders. Communicates order schedules that are ready
to be shipped by submiing advance shipment notices, and monitors the receipt activities performed by the buying

Role Hierarchy
The Supplier Customer Service Representative job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.
• Supplier Customer Service Representative
◦ Aachments User
- CRM Stage Write
◦ Business Intelligence Applications Worker
◦ Business Intelligence Consumer
◦ Purchase Agreement Management as Supplier
◦ Purchase Order Management as Supplier
◦ Shipment Management Supplier-Facing
- Item Inquiry
- Payables Invoice Import Submission
◦ FSCM Load Interface Administration

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Supplier Customer Service Representative job role.

Duty Role Description

Aachments User UCM application role for access to aachments using the integrated user interface or the standalone

Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring
  within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions,
Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 22
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Customer Service Representative (Job Role)

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence
  Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.
This role allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from
a subject area.

CRM Stage Write Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.


Payables Invoice Import Submission Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice import program.

Purchase Agreement Management as Perform purchase agreement change management tasks as a supplier.

Purchase Order Management as Supplier Perform purchase order change management tasks as a supplier.

Shipment Management Supplier-Facing Manages inbound shipments, creates and uploads advance shipment notices and advance shipment
  billing notices.

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Supplier Customer Service Representative job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load File to Interface

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load Interface File for Import

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Manage File Import and Export

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Transfer File

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 22
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Customer Service Representative (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Catalog

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Global Search

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Unit of Measure

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item Organization Association

Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. View Item Relationship

Payables Invoice Import Submission Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice import Create Payables Invoice by Web Service

Payables Invoice Import Submission Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice import Import Payables Invoice

Payables Invoice Import Submission Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice import View Payables Invoice

Purchase Agreement Management as Supplier Perform purchase agreement change Acknowledge Purchase Agreement
  management tasks as a supplier.  

Purchase Agreement Management as Supplier Perform purchase agreement change Cancel Purchase Agreement
  management tasks as a supplier.  

Purchase Agreement Management as Supplier Perform purchase agreement change Change Purchase Agreement
  management tasks as a supplier.  

Purchase Agreement Management as Supplier Perform purchase agreement change Create Blanket Purchase Agreement Line
  management tasks as a supplier.  

Purchase Agreement Management as Supplier Perform purchase agreement change Search Purchase Agreement as Supplier
  management tasks as a supplier.  

Purchase Agreement Management as Supplier Perform purchase agreement change View Purchase Agreement
  management tasks as a supplier.  

Purchase Order Management as Supplier Perform purchase order change management Acknowledge Purchase Order
  tasks as a supplier.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 22
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Customer Service Representative (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Order Management as Supplier Perform purchase order change management Cancel Purchase Order
  tasks as a supplier.  

Purchase Order Management as Supplier Perform purchase order change management Change Purchase Order
  tasks as a supplier.  

Purchase Order Management as Supplier Perform purchase order change management Search Purchase Order as Supplier
  tasks as a supplier.  

Purchase Order Management as Supplier Perform purchase order change management View Purchase Order
  tasks as a supplier.  

Shipment Management Supplier-Facing Manages inbound shipments, creates and Create Advance Shipment Billing Notice
  uploads advance shipment notices and advance  
shipment billing notices.

Shipment Management Supplier-Facing Manages inbound shipments, creates and Create Advance Shipment Notice
  uploads advance shipment notices and advance  
shipment billing notices.

Shipment Management Supplier-Facing Manages inbound shipments, creates and Export Customer Account
  uploads advance shipment notices and advance  
shipment billing notices.

Shipment Management Supplier-Facing Manages inbound shipments, creates and Manage Inbound Shipment - Shipment Notice
  uploads advance shipment notices and advance  
shipment billing notices.

Shipment Management Supplier-Facing Manages inbound shipments, creates and Review Inbound Shipment Details
  uploads advance shipment notices and advance  
shipment billing notices.

Shipment Management Supplier-Facing Manages inbound shipments, creates and Review Supplier Facing Receiving Receipt
  uploads advance shipment notices and advance  
shipment billing notices.

Shipment Management Supplier-Facing Manages inbound shipments, creates and Review Supplier Facing Receiving Receipt
  uploads advance shipment notices and advance Return
shipment billing notices.  

Shipment Management Supplier-Facing Manages inbound shipments, creates and Search Trading Community Organization
  uploads advance shipment notices and advance  
shipment billing notices.

Shipment Management Supplier-Facing Manages inbound shipments, creates and Upload Advance Shipment Notice or Advance
  uploads advance shipment notices and advance Shipment Billing Notice
shipment billing notices.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 22
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Customer Service Representative (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Shipment Management Supplier-Facing Manages inbound shipments, creates and View Customer Account
  uploads advance shipment notices and advance  
shipment billing notices.

Shipment Management Supplier-Facing Manages inbound shipments, creates and View Customer Account Information
  uploads advance shipment notices and advance  
shipment billing notices.

Supplier Customer Service Representative Manages inbound purchase orders and Access Supplier Portal Overview
  communicates shipment activities for the  
supplier company . Primary tasks include
tracking, acknowledging or requesting changes
to new orders. Communicates order schedules
that are ready to be shipped by submiing
advance shipment notices, and monitors the
receipt activities performed by the buying

Supplier Customer Service Representative Manages inbound purchase orders and Access Supplier Portal Overview Summary Tab
  communicates shipment activities for the  
supplier company . Primary tasks include
tracking, acknowledging or requesting changes
to new orders. Communicates order schedules
that are ready to be shipped by submiing
advance shipment notices, and monitors the
receipt activities performed by the buying

Supplier Customer Service Representative Manages inbound purchase orders and Download Contract for External Parties
  communicates shipment activities for the  
supplier company . Primary tasks include
tracking, acknowledging or requesting changes
to new orders. Communicates order schedules
that are ready to be shipped by submiing
advance shipment notices, and monitors the
receipt activities performed by the buying

Supplier Customer Service Representative Manages inbound purchase orders and Review Receiving Receipt Summary
  communicates shipment activities for the  
supplier company . Primary tasks include
tracking, acknowledging or requesting changes
to new orders. Communicates order schedules
that are ready to be shipped by submiing
advance shipment notices, and monitors the
receipt activities performed by the buying

Supplier Customer Service Representative Manages inbound purchase orders and Review Receiving Transaction History
  communicates shipment activities for the  
supplier company . Primary tasks include
tracking, acknowledging or requesting changes
to new orders. Communicates order schedules
that are ready to be shipped by submiing
advance shipment notices, and monitors the
receipt activities performed by the buying

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 22
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Customer Service Representative (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Customer Service Representative Manages inbound purchase orders and View Contract Terms
  communicates shipment activities for the  
supplier company . Primary tasks include
tracking, acknowledging or requesting changes
to new orders. Communicates order schedules
that are ready to be shipped by submiing
advance shipment notices, and monitors the
receipt activities performed by the buying

Supplier Customer Service Representative Manages inbound purchase orders and View Supplier Performance Report
  communicates shipment activities for the  
supplier company . Primary tasks include
tracking, acknowledging or requesting changes
to new orders. Communicates order schedules
that are ready to be shipped by submiing
advance shipment notices, and monitors the
receipt activities performed by the buying

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Supplier Customer
Service Representative job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
  can view application aachment for the  
purchase document categories including Privilege: Read Application Aachment
document and to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Contract Expert Rule A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
  can view contract expert rule for all the  
business units Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Expert Rule

Contract Library Clause A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
  can manage contract library clause for all non  
standard clauses irrespective of business unit Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
  can view contract library clause for all business  
units Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 22
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Customer Service Representative (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Contract Library Clause


Contract Library Clause Folder A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
  can view contract library clause folder for all the  
business units Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause Folder

Payables Standard Invoice A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Payables Invoice Import Submission
  can manage payables invoice for all business  
units in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Payables Standard Invoice

Trading Community Customer Account A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Shipment Management Supplier-Facing
  can view customer account for all customer  
accounts in the enterprise Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Customer

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Shipment Management Supplier-Facing
Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
Preference can manage trading community org address  
  email contact preference for all trading Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
community contact preferences not of type Contact Preference (Data)
  Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Shipment Management Supplier-Facing
Contact Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
Contact Preference can manage trading community org address  
  phone contact preference for all trading Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
community contact preferences not of type Contact Preference (Data)
  Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Shipment Management Supplier-Facing
Contact Preference can manage trading community legal contact  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 22
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Customer Service Representative (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
Contact Preference can manage trading community organization  
  address contact preference for all trading Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
community contact preferences not of type Contact Preference (Data)
  Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Shipment Management Supplier-Facing
Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
Preference can manage trading community organization  
  email contact preference for all trading Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
community contact preferences not of type Contact Preference (Data)
  Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Payables Invoice Import Submission
  can view trading community organization for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Shipment Management Supplier-Facing
  can view trading community organization for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
  can view trading community organization party  
for all organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Phone A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Shipment Management Supplier-Facing
Contact Preference can manage trading community legal contact  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 22
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Customer Service Representative (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
Contact Preference can manage trading community organization  
  phone contact preference for all trading Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
community contact preferences not of type Contact Preference (Data)
  Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Shipment Management Supplier-Facing
  can view trading community contact for all  
trading community persons in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
except contacts created by partners. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
  can view trading community party for all people  
in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
  can view trading community party for all people  
in the enterprise other than sales accounts and Privilege: View Trading Community Person
sales prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
  can view trading community party for all  
resources in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
  can view trading community party for all  
trading community persons in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
except contacts created by partners. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Payables Invoice Import Submission
  can view trading community person for all  
people in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 22
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Customer Service Representative (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Party A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Shipment Management Supplier-Facing
  can view trading community person for all  
people in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Shipment Management Supplier-Facing
  can view trading community person for all  
people in the enterprise other than sales Privilege: View Trading Community Person
accounts and sales prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Shipment Management Supplier-Facing
  can view trading community person for all  
resources in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Shipment Management Supplier-Facing
Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
Preference can manage trading community person address  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Shipment Management Supplier-Facing
Contact Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
Contact Preference can manage trading community person address  
  phone contact preference for all trading Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
community contact preferences not of type Contact Preference (Data)
  Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Shipment Management Supplier-Facing
Preference can manage trading community legal contact  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 22
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Customer Service Representative (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
Preference can manage trading community person email  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Shipment Management Supplier-Facing
Preference can manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
Preference can manage trading community person phone  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Shipment Management Supplier-Facing
  can view trading community relationship for  
all trading community relationships in the Privilege: View Trading Community
enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
  can view trading community relationship for  
all trading community relationships in the Privilege: View Trading Community
enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Shipment Management Supplier-Facing
  can view trading community relationship for  
all trading community relationships in the Privilege: View Trading Community
enterprise except partner contact relationships, Relationship (Data)
or relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Customer Service Representative Role: Supplier Customer Service Representative
  can view trading community relationship for  
all trading community relationships in the Privilege: View Trading Community
enterprise except partner contact relationships, Relationship (Data)
or relationships created by partners  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 22
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Customer Service Representative (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  Resource: Trading Community Relationship


Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 23
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Demand Planner (Job Role)

23 Supplier Demand Planner (Job Role)

Manages supplier scheduling, supplier managed inventory and consigned inventory for the supplier company.

Role Hierarchy
The Supplier Demand Planner job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

• Supplier Demand Planner

◦ Aachments User
- CRM Stage Write
◦ Business Intelligence Applications Worker
◦ Business Intelligence Consumer

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Supplier Demand Planner job role.

Duty Role Description

Aachments User UCM application role for access to aachments using the integrated user interface or the standalone

Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring
  within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions,
Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.

Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence
  Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.
This role allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from
a subject area.

CRM Stage Write Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 23
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Demand Planner (Job Role)

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Supplier Demand Planner job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Demand Planner Manages supplier scheduling, supplier Access Supplier Portal Overview
  managed inventory and consigned inventory  
for the supplier company.

Supplier Demand Planner Manages supplier scheduling, supplier Access Supplier Portal Overview Summary Tab
  managed inventory and consigned inventory  
for the supplier company.

Supplier Demand Planner Manages supplier scheduling, supplier Commit to Order Forecasts as Contract
  managed inventory and consigned inventory Manufacturer
for the supplier company.  

Supplier Demand Planner Manages supplier scheduling, supplier Commit to Order Forecasts as Supplier
  managed inventory and consigned inventory  
for the supplier company.

Supplier Demand Planner Manages supplier scheduling, supplier Download Contract for External Parties
  managed inventory and consigned inventory  
for the supplier company.

Supplier Demand Planner Manages supplier scheduling, supplier Edit Order Forecasts as Contract Manufacturer
  managed inventory and consigned inventory  
for the supplier company.

Supplier Demand Planner Manages supplier scheduling, supplier Manage Item Aachment
  managed inventory and consigned inventory  
for the supplier company.

Supplier Demand Planner Manages supplier scheduling, supplier Manage Item Catalog
  managed inventory and consigned inventory  
for the supplier company.

Supplier Demand Planner Manages supplier scheduling, supplier Manage Item Global Search
  managed inventory and consigned inventory  
for the supplier company.

Supplier Demand Planner Manages supplier scheduling, supplier Manage Trading Partner Item Reference
  managed inventory and consigned inventory  
for the supplier company.

Supplier Demand Planner Manages supplier scheduling, supplier Review Receiving Receipt Summary
  managed inventory and consigned inventory  
for the supplier company.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 23
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Demand Planner (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Demand Planner Manages supplier scheduling, supplier Review Receiving Transaction History
  managed inventory and consigned inventory  
for the supplier company.

Supplier Demand Planner Manages supplier scheduling, supplier View Contract Terms
  managed inventory and consigned inventory  
for the supplier company.

Supplier Demand Planner Manages supplier scheduling, supplier View Item

  managed inventory and consigned inventory  
for the supplier company.

Supplier Demand Planner Manages supplier scheduling, supplier View Item Organization Association
  managed inventory and consigned inventory  
for the supplier company.

Supplier Demand Planner Manages supplier scheduling, supplier View Item Relationship
  managed inventory and consigned inventory  
for the supplier company.

Supplier Demand Planner Manages supplier scheduling, supplier View Purchase Order
  managed inventory and consigned inventory  
for the supplier company.

Supplier Demand Planner Manages supplier scheduling, supplier View Supplier Performance Report
  managed inventory and consigned inventory  
for the supplier company.

Supplier Demand Planner Manages supplier scheduling, supplier View Supply Chain Collaboration infolets as
  managed inventory and consigned inventory Suppliers
for the supplier company.  

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Supplier Demand Planner
job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Supplier Demand Planner can view Role: Supplier Demand Planner
  application aachment for the purchase  
document categories including document and Privilege: Read Application Aachment
to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 23
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Demand Planner (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Supplier Demand Planner can manage Role: Supplier Demand Planner
Preference trading community org address email contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Supplier Demand Planner can manage Role: Supplier Demand Planner
Contact Preference trading community org address phone contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Supplier Demand Planner can manage Role: Supplier Demand Planner
Contact Preference trading community organization address  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Supplier Demand Planner can manage Role: Supplier Demand Planner
Preference trading community organization email contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Demand Planner can view Role: Supplier Demand Planner
  trading community organization party for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Phone A Supplier Demand Planner can manage Role: Supplier Demand Planner
Contact Preference trading community organization phone contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Supplier Demand Planner can view trading Role: Supplier Demand Planner
  community party for all people in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 23
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Demand Planner (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Party A Supplier Demand Planner can view trading Role: Supplier Demand Planner
  community party for all people in the enterprise  
other than sales accounts and sales prospects. Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Demand Planner can view trading Role: Supplier Demand Planner
  community party for all resources in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Demand Planner can view trading Role: Supplier Demand Planner
  community party for all trading community  
persons in the enterprise except contacts Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
created by partners. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Supplier Demand Planner can manage Role: Supplier Demand Planner
Preference trading community person address contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Supplier Demand Planner can manage Role: Supplier Demand Planner
Contact Preference trading community person address phone  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Supplier Demand Planner can manage Role: Supplier Demand Planner
Preference trading community person email contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Supplier Demand Planner can manage Role: Supplier Demand Planner
Preference trading community person phone contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Demand Planner can view trading Role: Supplier Demand Planner
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 23
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Demand Planner (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  Privilege: View Trading Community

Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Demand Planner can view trading Role: Supplier Demand Planner
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
except partner contact relationships, or Relationship (Data)
relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 24
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

24 Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

Manages supplier information and authorizes promotion of prospective suppliers to spend authorized.

Role Hierarchy
The Supplier Manager abstract role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

• Supplier Manager
◦ B2B Messaging Administration
- Collaboration Messaging Manager
- Collaboration Messaging Read Only
- Collaboration Messaging Setup
- SOA Infra Designer
◦ FSCM Load Interface Administration
◦ Party Taxpayer Identier PII
◦ Procurement Folder Reporting
◦ Supplier Master Data Transaction Analysis
- Business Intelligence Authoring
◦ Supplier Prole Management
- Payee Bank Account Management
◦ FSCM Load Interface Administration
- Supplier Qualication Viewing
◦ Supplier Registration Management
◦ Upload data for Supplier Import

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Supplier Manager abstract role.

Duty Role Description

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 24
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring
  within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions,
Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.


Collaboration Messaging Read Only Searches and views collaboration messaging setup and administration information.

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.


FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import

Party Taxpayer Identier PII View personally identiable information for tax registration number of type taxpayer ID.

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Procurement Folder Reporting Grants access to the Procurement web catalog folder.

SOA Infra Designer This role grants view/edit dictionary privileges for a user in SOA Rules Composer. This is a business
  administrator type role. Any team using the Rules Composer would need to grant this role to their
admin enterprise role. This role is granted to SOAAdmin and BPMWorkowAdmin. By default this
application role is granted to "Administrators" enterprise role.

Supplier Master Data Transaction Analysis Analyzes Supplier Master Data information

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information.


Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualications.

Supplier Registration Management Manages supplier registration requests.


Upload data for Supplier Import Allows import of suppliers, supplier site, supplier site assignment and supplier contact

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Supplier Manager abstract role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Cancel Collaboration Message
  administration tasks.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 24
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Create Collaboration Messaging Setup Data File
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Create External Partner
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Get Message Processing Conguration
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Get Message Transformation Conguration
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Application Partner
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Application Partners by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Associated External Partner
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage B2B Customer Trading Partners
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage B2B Locations by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage B2B Message Transactions using a
  administration tasks. REST Service

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage B2B Supplier Trading Partners
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage B2B Trading Partners
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Document Data Access
  administration tasks. for Users

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Message Denitions by
  administration tasks. Web Service

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Message Logging
  administration tasks.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 24
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Messages
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Messaging Conguration
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Messaging Domain
  administration tasks. Value Map

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Collaboration Messaging History
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Customer Account Collaboration
  administration tasks. Conguration

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage External Partner
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage External Partner Message
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Failed Collaboration Messages
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Message Delivery Endpoint
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Service Provider
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Service Providers by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Supplier by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Trading Partners by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Monitor Collaboration Messaging
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Process Brazil Electronic invoices
  administration tasks.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 24
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Process Collaboration Message
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Process Inbound Collaboration Document
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Reprocess Collaboration Message
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Review Collaboration Messaging Setup Data
  administration tasks. Import

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Send Outbound Collaboration Messaging
  administration tasks. Document

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Validate Inbound Collaboration Messaging
  administration tasks. Setup

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and Validate Outbound Collaboration Messaging
  administration tasks. Setup

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Collaboration Message Output Document
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Collaboration Message Source Document
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View B2B Locations by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Collaboration Message
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Collaboration Message Denitions by Web
  administration tasks. Service

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Collaboration Message Payload
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Collaboration Message Setup Details
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Output Document
  administration tasks.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 24
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Service Providers by Web Service
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Supply Chain Collaboration B2B Infolets
  administration tasks.  

B2B Messaging Administration Manages collaboration messaging setup and View Undelivered Collaboration Messages
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Cancel Collaboration Message

  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Get Message Processing Conguration
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Get Message Transformation Conguration
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Invoke Collaboration Message Inbound Service
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Manage B2B Message Transactions using a
  administration tasks. REST Service

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Manage Collaboration Message Logging
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Manage Collaboration Messaging History
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Manage Failed Collaboration Messages
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Manage Message Delivery Endpoint
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Monitor Collaboration Messaging

  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Process Brazil Electronic invoices
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Process Collaboration Message

  administration tasks.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 24
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Process Inbound Collaboration Document
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Reprocess Collaboration Message

  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Send Outbound Collaboration Messaging
  administration tasks. Document

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging Validate Outbound Collaboration Messaging
  administration tasks. Setup

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging View Collaboration Message

  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging View Collaboration Message Payload
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Manager Manages collaboration messaging View Supply Chain Collaboration B2B Infolets
  administration tasks.  

Collaboration Messaging Read Only Searches and views collaboration messaging View Application Partners by Web Service
  setup and administration information.  

Collaboration Messaging Read Only Searches and views collaboration messaging View B2B Locations by Web Service
  setup and administration information.  

Collaboration Messaging Read Only Searches and views collaboration messaging View Collaboration Message Denitions by Web
  setup and administration information. Service

Collaboration Messaging Read Only Searches and views collaboration messaging View Service Providers by Web Service
  setup and administration information.  

Collaboration Messaging Read Only Searches and views collaboration messaging View Trading Partners by Web Service
  setup and administration information.  

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Create Collaboration Messaging Setup Data File

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Create External Partner

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Application Partner

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Application Partners by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Associated External Partner

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 24
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage B2B Customer Trading Partners

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage B2B Locations by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage B2B Message Transactions using a
    REST Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage B2B Supplier Trading Partners

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage B2B Trading Partners

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Collaboration Document Data Access
    for Users

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Collaboration Message Denitions by
    Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Collaboration Messages

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Collaboration Messaging Conguration

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Collaboration Messaging Domain
    Value Map

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Customer Account Collaboration

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage External Partner

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Service Provider

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Service Providers by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Supplier by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Manage Trading Partners by Web Service

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. Review Collaboration Messaging Setup Data

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. View B2B Locations by Web Service

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 24
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. View Collaboration Message Denitions by Web

Collaboration Messaging Setup Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks. View Service Providers by Web Service

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load File to Interface

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load Interface File for Import

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Manage File Import and Export

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Transfer File

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Import Supplier Bank Accounts
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage External Payee Payment Details
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Payment Instrument Assignment
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other View Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Supplier Manager Manages supplier information and authorizes Create Supplier

  promotion of prospective suppliers to spend  

Supplier Manager Manages supplier information and authorizes Import Supplier

  promotion of prospective suppliers to spend  

Supplier Manager Manages supplier information and authorizes Maintain Reports and Analytics Region
  promotion of prospective suppliers to spend  

Supplier Manager Manages supplier information and authorizes Maintain Supplier Business Relationship
  promotion of prospective suppliers to spend  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 24
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Manager Manages supplier information and authorizes Manage File Import and Export
  promotion of prospective suppliers to spend  

Supplier Manager Manages supplier information and authorizes Manage Scheduled Job Denition
  promotion of prospective suppliers to spend  

Supplier Manager Manages supplier information and authorizes Merge Supplier

  promotion of prospective suppliers to spend  

Supplier Manager Manages supplier information and authorizes Run Send Pending LDAP Requests Process
  promotion of prospective suppliers to spend  

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Access Suppliers Work Area Overview

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Cancel Pending Supplier Prole Change

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Create Location of Final Discharge

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Create Party Fiscal Classication

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Create Third-Party Site Tax Prole

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Create Third-Party Tax Prole

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Edit Supplier Prole Change Request

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Import Party Tax Prole

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier


Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Address

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Aachment

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Business Classication

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Contact

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Contact Change Request

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 24
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Contact User Account

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Income Tax

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Payment

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Products and Services

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Site

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Site Assignment

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Site B2B Communication

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Site Invoicing Information

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Site Purchasing Information

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Site Receiving Information

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Maintain Supplier Transaction Tax

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Manage Tax Fiscal Classication Import and
    Export Services

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Manage Tax Third-Party Import and Export

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Run Supplier Background Scheduler

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Search Supplier


Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Update Location of Final Discharge

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Update Party Fiscal Classication

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Update Third-Party Site Tax Prole

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. Update Third-Party Tax Prole

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. View Location of Final Discharge

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 24
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. View Party Fiscal Classication

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. View Supplier Contact Change Request

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. View Supplier Prole Change Request

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. View Supplier Registration Bank Account

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. View Supplier Registration Request

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. View Third-Party Site Tax Prole

Supplier Prole Management Manages supplier prole information. View Third-Party Tax Prole

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier Search Supplier Assessment

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier Search Supplier Qualication

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Assessment

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication Initiative

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication Question

Supplier Registration Management Manages supplier registration requests. Edit Supplier Registration Bank Account

Supplier Registration Management Manages supplier registration requests. Edit Supplier Registration Request

Supplier Registration Management Manages supplier registration requests. Search Supplier Registration Request

Supplier Registration Management Manages supplier registration requests. View Supplier Match Results

Supplier Registration Management Manages supplier registration requests. View Supplier Registration Bank Account

Supplier Registration Management Manages supplier registration requests. View Supplier Registration Request

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 24
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Supplier Manager
abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Supplier Manager can delete application Role: Supplier Manager
  aachment for the supplier categories from  
supplier, miscellaneous, to buyer, to receiver, Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
and to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Manager can modify application Role: Supplier Manager
  aachment for the supplier categories from  
supplier, miscellaneous, to buyer, to receiver, Privilege: Update Application Aachment
and to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Manager can read application Role: Supplier Prole Management
  aachment for the supplier assessment  
categories including internal to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Manager can read application Role: Supplier Prole Management
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
categories including internal to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Manager can read application Role: Supplier Prole Management
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
question category including to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Manager can read application Role: Supplier Prole Management
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
response categories including from supplier, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
from internal responder, miscellaneous, to  
buyer, to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Manager can view application Role: Supplier Manager
  aachment for the supplier categories from  
supplier, miscellaneous, to buyer, to receiver, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
and to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 24
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Payment Card A Supplier Manager can view employee credit Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  card for any employee corporate cards in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Employee Credit Card (Data)
Resource: Payment Card

Tax Exemption A Supplier Manager can manage tax exemption Role: Supplier Manager
  for the tax setup applicable to the business  
units for which they are responsible Privilege: Manage Tax Exemption (Data)
Resource: Business Unit

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Supplier Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Manager
Preference community org address email contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Supplier Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Manager
Contact Preference community org address phone contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Supplier Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Manager
Contact Preference community organization address contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Supplier Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Manager
Preference community organization email contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Manager can view trading Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  community organization for all organizations in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 24
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Manager
  community organization party for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Phone A Supplier Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Manager
Contact Preference community organization phone contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Supplier Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Manager
  community party for all people in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Manager
  community party for all people in the enterprise  
other than sales accounts and sales prospects. Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Manager
  community party for all resources in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Manager
  community party for all trading community  
persons in the enterprise except contacts Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
created by partners. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Manager can view trading Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Supplier Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Manager
Preference community person address contact preference  
  for all trading community contact preferences Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 24
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Trading Community Person Address

Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Supplier Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Manager
Contact Preference community person address phone contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Supplier Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Manager
Preference community person email contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Supplier Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Manager
Preference community person phone contact preference  
  for all trading community contact preferences Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Manager
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Manager
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
except partner contact relationships, or Relationship (Data)
relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Supplier Manager abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Party Tax Prole A Supplier Manager can manage party tax Role: Supplier Prole Management
  prole for any party tax prole dened in the  
enterprise Privilege: Manage Party Tax Prole (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 24
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Party Tax Prole

Party Tax Prole A Supplier Manager can manage party tax Role: Party Taxpayer Identier PII
  prole taxpayer identier for organizations  
of type individual party tax prole taxpayer Privilege: Manage Party Tax Prole Taxpayer
identier dened in the enterprise. Identier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Prole

Supplier A Supplier Manager can maintain supplier Role: Supplier Registration Management
  corporate identiers for all supplier  
registrations for nonindividual types for the Privilege: Maintain Supplier Corporate
business units in which they are authorized Identiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Supplier A Supplier Manager can maintain supplier Role: Supplier Registration Management
  corporate identiers for all supplier  
registrations for nonindividual types for which Privilege: Maintain Supplier Corporate
they are approvers Identiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Supplier A Supplier Manager can maintain supplier Role: Supplier Prole Management
  corporate identiers for all suppliers for  
nonindividual types in the enterprise Privilege: Maintain Supplier Corporate
  Identiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Supplier A Supplier Manager can manage supplier for all Role: Supplier Manager
  supplier registrations of type individual for the  
business units in which they are authorized Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual
  Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Supplier A Supplier Manager can manage supplier for Role: Supplier Manager
  all supplier registrations of type individual for  
which they are approvers Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual
  Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Supplier A Supplier Manager can manage supplier for all Role: Supplier Manager
  supplier sites in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual
Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Supplier A Supplier Manager can manage supplier for all Role: Supplier Manager
  suppliers in the enterprise  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 24
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual

Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Supplier A Supplier Manager can manage supplier for all Role: Supplier Manager
  suppliers of type individual in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual
Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Supplier Prole Change Request A Supplier Manager can maintain supplier Role: Supplier Prole Management
  corporate identiers for all supplier prole  
change requests for nonindividual suppliers for Privilege: Maintain Supplier Corporate
which they are approvers Identiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier Prole Change Request

Supplier Prole Change Request A Supplier Manager can maintain supplier Role: Supplier Prole Management
  individual identiers pii for all supplier prole  
change requests of type individual for which Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual
they are approvers Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier Prole Change Request

Supplier Prole Change Request A Supplier Manager can manage supplier Role: Supplier Manager
  prole change request for all supplier prole  
change requests for nonindividual suppliers for Privilege: Maintain Supplier Corporate
which they are approvers Identiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier Prole Change Request

Supplier Prole Change Request A Supplier Manager can manage supplier Role: Supplier Manager
  prole change request for all supplier prole  
change requests of type individual for which Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual
they are approvers Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier Prole Change Request

Tax Registration A Supplier Manager can manage tax Role: Supplier Prole Management
  registration for any tax registration dened in  
the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration

Trading Community Person Phone A Supplier Manager can manage trading Role: Supplier Prole Management
  community person mobile phone number for  
all trading community person mobile phone Privilege: Manage Trading Community Person
numbers Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Trading Community Person Phone A Supplier Manager can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Management
  community person mobile phone number for  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 24
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

all trading community person mobile phone Privilege: View Trading Community Person
numbers Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Withholding Party Tax Prole A Supplier Manager can manage party tax Role: Party Taxpayer Identier PII
  prole taxpayer identier for organizations  
of type individual party tax prole taxpayer Privilege: Manage Party Tax Prole Taxpayer
identier dened in the enterprise. Identier (Data)
Resource: Withholding Party Tax Prole

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 24
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Manager (Abstract Role)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 25
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Qualication (Discretionary Role)

25 Supplier Qualication (Discretionary Role)

This is a discretionary role provisioned to end-users on an as required basis for the purpose of performing supplier
qualication duties. Supplier qualication is the process of qualifying suppliers according to a set of predened criteria
to meaningfully support the procurement function within an organization. Supplier qualication includes dening the
requirements that a supplier should meet, qualifying the supplier by performing the required verication and audits,
and assessing and maintaining supplier qualications.

Role Hierarchy
The Supplier Qualication discretionary role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.
• Supplier Qualication
◦ Business Intelligence Consumer
◦ Procurement Folder Reporting
◦ Supplier Qualication Administration
◦ Supplier Qualication Initiative Evaluation
- Supplier Qualication Viewing
◦ Supplier Qualication Initiative Management
◦ Supplier Qualication Management
◦ Supplier Qualication Questionnaire Response Management as Internal
◦ Supplier Qualication Supplier Eligibility Management
◦ Supplier Qualication Viewing
◦ Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
- Transactional Analysis

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Supplier Qualication discretionary role.

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence
  Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.
This role allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from
a subject area.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 25
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Qualication (Discretionary Role)

Duty Role Description

Procurement Folder Reporting Grants access to the Procurement web catalog folder.

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier qualication questions, areas, and models.

Supplier Qualication Initiative Evaluation An enterprise user can access the Manage Initiatives page and evaluate a qualication or assessment.

Supplier Qualication Initiative An enterprise user can monitor, delete, and cancel supplier qualication initiatives.

Supplier Qualication Management An enterprise user can manage and cancel supplier qualications.

Supplier Qualication Questionnaire An enterprise user can respond to requests for supplier qualication information on behalf of their
Response Management as Internal organization.

Supplier Qualication Supplier Eligibility An enterprise user can manage supplier eligibility.

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualications.

Transactional Analysis This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and ltering purposes and is therefore required for
  all OTBI users.

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Supplier Qualication discretionary role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Qualication This is a discretionary role provisioned to Manage Supplier Qualication Watchlist by Web
  end-users on an as required basis for the Service
purpose of performing supplier qualication  
duties. Supplier qualication is the process
of qualifying suppliers according to a set of
predened criteria to meaningfully support the
procurement function within an organization.
Supplier qualication includes dening the
requirements that a supplier should meet,
qualifying the supplier by performing the
required verication and audits, and assessing
and maintaining supplier qualications.

Supplier Qualication This is a discretionary role provisioned to Research Suppliers

  end-users on an as required basis for the  
purpose of performing supplier qualication
duties. Supplier qualication is the process

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 25
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Qualication (Discretionary Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

of qualifying suppliers according to a set of

predened criteria to meaningfully support the
procurement function within an organization.
Supplier qualication includes dening the
requirements that a supplier should meet,
qualifying the supplier by performing the
required verication and audits, and assessing
and maintaining supplier qualications.

Supplier Qualication This is a discretionary role provisioned to View Supplier Qualication Workarea
  end-users on an as required basis for the  
purpose of performing supplier qualication
duties. Supplier qualication is the process
of qualifying suppliers according to a set of
predened criteria to meaningfully support the
procurement function within an organization.
Supplier qualication includes dening the
requirements that a supplier should meet,
qualifying the supplier by performing the
required verication and audits, and assessing
and maintaining supplier qualications.

Supplier Qualication This is a discretionary role provisioned to View Supplier Registration Request
  end-users on an as required basis for the  
purpose of performing supplier qualication
duties. Supplier qualication is the process
of qualifying suppliers according to a set of
predened criteria to meaningfully support the
procurement function within an organization.
Supplier qualication includes dening the
requirements that a supplier should meet,
qualifying the supplier by performing the
required verication and audits, and assessing
and maintaining supplier qualications.

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier Edit Supplier Qualication Area
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier Edit Supplier Qualication Model
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier Edit Supplier Qualication Question
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier Edit Supplier Registration Rule Set
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier Requalify Supplier Qualication
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier Search Supplier Qualication Area
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 25
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Qualication (Discretionary Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier Search Supplier Qualication Automation Error
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier Search Supplier Qualication Model
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier Search Supplier Qualication Question
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier Search Supplier Registration Rule Set
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier View Supplier Qualication Area
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier View Supplier Qualication Model
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Administration An enterprise user can set up supplier View Supplier Qualication Question
  qualication questions, areas, and models.  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Evaluation An enterprise user can access the Manage Evaluate Supplier Assessment
  Initiatives page and evaluate a qualication or  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Evaluation An enterprise user can access the Manage Evaluate Supplier Qualication
  Initiatives page and evaluate a qualication or  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Evaluation An enterprise user can access the Manage Finalize Supplier Assessment
  Initiatives page and evaluate a qualication or  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Evaluation An enterprise user can access the Manage Finalize Supplier Qualication
  Initiatives page and evaluate a qualication or  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Evaluation An enterprise user can access the Manage Monitor Supplier Qualication Initiative
  Initiatives page and evaluate a qualication or  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Evaluation An enterprise user can access the Manage Search Supplier Assessment
  Initiatives page and evaluate a qualication or  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Evaluation An enterprise user can access the Manage Search Supplier Qualication
  Initiatives page and evaluate a qualication or  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 25
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Qualication (Discretionary Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Qualication Initiative Evaluation An enterprise user can access the Manage Search Supplier Qualication Initiative
  Initiatives page and evaluate a qualication or  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Evaluation An enterprise user can access the Manage View Question Response History
  Initiatives page and evaluate a qualication or  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Evaluation An enterprise user can access the Manage View Supplier Assessment
  Initiatives page and evaluate a qualication or  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Evaluation An enterprise user can access the Manage View Supplier Business Classication
  Initiatives page and evaluate a qualication or  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Evaluation An enterprise user can access the Manage View Supplier Qualication
  Initiatives page and evaluate a qualication or  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Evaluation An enterprise user can access the Manage View Supplier Qualication Initiative
  Initiatives page and evaluate a qualication or  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Management An enterprise user can monitor, delete, and Accept Supplier Qualication Questionnaire
  cancel supplier qualication initiatives. Response

Supplier Qualication Initiative Management An enterprise user can monitor, delete, and Cancel Supplier Qualication Initiative
  cancel supplier qualication initiatives.  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Management An enterprise user can monitor, delete, and Create Supplier Qualication Initiative
  cancel supplier qualication initiatives.  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Management An enterprise user can monitor, delete, and Create Supplier Qualication Questionnaire
  cancel supplier qualication initiatives. Response as Surrogate for Internal

Supplier Qualication Initiative Management An enterprise user can monitor, delete, and Create Supplier Qualication Questionnaire
  cancel supplier qualication initiatives. Response as Surrogate for Supplier

Supplier Qualication Initiative Management An enterprise user can monitor, delete, and Delete Supplier Qualication Initiative
  cancel supplier qualication initiatives.  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Management An enterprise user can monitor, delete, and Edit Supplier Qualication Initiative
  cancel supplier qualication initiatives.  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Management An enterprise user can monitor, delete, and Launch Supplier Qualication Initiative
  cancel supplier qualication initiatives.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 25
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Qualication (Discretionary Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Qualication Initiative Management An enterprise user can monitor, delete, and Maintain Supplier Business Classication
  cancel supplier qualication initiatives.  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Management An enterprise user can monitor, delete, and Monitor Supplier Qualication Initiative
  cancel supplier qualication initiatives.  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Management An enterprise user can monitor, delete, and Review Supplier Qualication Questionnaire
  cancel supplier qualication initiatives. Response

Supplier Qualication Initiative Management An enterprise user can monitor, delete, and Search Supplier Qualication Initiative
  cancel supplier qualication initiatives.  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Management An enterprise user can monitor, delete, and View Question Response History
  cancel supplier qualication initiatives.  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Management An enterprise user can monitor, delete, and View Supplier Business Classication
  cancel supplier qualication initiatives.  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Management An enterprise user can monitor, delete, and View Supplier Qualication Initiative
  cancel supplier qualication initiatives.  

Supplier Qualication Initiative Management An enterprise user can monitor, delete, and View Supplier Qualication Questionnaire
  cancel supplier qualication initiatives. Response

Supplier Qualication Management An enterprise user can manage and cancel Cancel Supplier Assessment
  supplier qualications.  

Supplier Qualication Management An enterprise user can manage and cancel Cancel Supplier Qualication
  supplier qualications.  

Supplier Qualication Management An enterprise user can manage and cancel Edit Supplier Assessment
  supplier qualications.  

Supplier Qualication Management An enterprise user can manage and cancel Edit Supplier Qualication
  supplier qualications.  

Supplier Qualication Management An enterprise user can manage and cancel Search Supplier Assessment
  supplier qualications.  

Supplier Qualication Management An enterprise user can manage and cancel Search Supplier Qualication
  supplier qualications.  

Supplier Qualication Management An enterprise user can manage and cancel View Supplier Assessment
  supplier qualications.  

Supplier Qualication Management An enterprise user can manage and cancel View Supplier Qualication
  supplier qualications.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 25
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Qualication (Discretionary Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Qualication Questionnaire Response An enterprise user can respond to requests for Create Supplier Qualication Questionnaire
Management as Internal supplier qualication information on behalf of Response as Internal
  their organization.  

Supplier Qualication Questionnaire Response An enterprise user can respond to requests for Search Supplier Qualication Questionnaire
Management as Internal supplier qualication information on behalf of Response as Internal
  their organization.  

Supplier Qualication Questionnaire Response An enterprise user can respond to requests for Submit Supplier Qualication Questionnaire
Management as Internal supplier qualication information on behalf of Response as Internal
  their organization.  

Supplier Qualication Questionnaire Response An enterprise user can respond to requests for View Supplier Qualication Questionnaire
Management as Internal supplier qualication information on behalf of Response as Internal
  their organization.  

Supplier Qualication Supplier Eligibility An enterprise user can manage supplier Edit Supplier Eligibility
Management eligibility.  

Supplier Qualication Supplier Eligibility An enterprise user can manage supplier View Supplier Eligibility
Management eligibility.  

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier Search Supplier Assessment

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier Search Supplier Qualication

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Assessment

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication Initiative

Supplier Qualication Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier View Supplier Qualication Question

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 25
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Qualication (Discretionary Role)

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Supplier Qualication
discretionary role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can delete application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier assessment  
categories including internal to supplier Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can delete application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
area category including internal to supplier Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can delete application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
categories including internal to supplier Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can delete application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
initiative category including internal to supplier Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can delete application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
model category including internal to supplier Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can delete application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
question categories including internal to Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
supplier qualication, miscellaneous, to internal  
responder, and to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can delete application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
questionnaire categories including to internal Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
responder, to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can delete application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 25
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Qualication (Discretionary Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

response categories including from supplier, Privilege: Delete Application Aachment

from internal responder, miscellaneous, to  
buyer, to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can delete application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
response category including from internal Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can delete application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication rule set  
categories including to internal responder, to Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can modify application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier assessment  
categories including internal to supplier Privilege: Update Application Aachment
qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can modify application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
area category including internal to supplier Privilege: Update Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can modify application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
categories including internal to supplier Privilege: Update Application Aachment
qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can modify application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
initiative category including internal to supplier Privilege: Update Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can modify application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
model category including internal to supplier Privilege: Update Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can modify application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
question categories including internal to Privilege: Update Application Aachment
supplier qualication, miscellaneous, to internal  
responder, and to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can modify application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 25
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Qualication (Discretionary Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

questionnaire categories including to internal Privilege: Update Application Aachment

responder, to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can modify application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
response categories including from supplier, Privilege: Update Application Aachment
from internal responder, miscellaneous, to  
buyer, to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can modify application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
response category including from internal Privilege: Update Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can modify application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication rule set  
categories including to internal responder, to Privilege: Update Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can view application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier assessment  
categories including internal to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can view application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
area category including internal to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can view application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
categories including internal to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
qualication, miscellaneous  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can view application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
initiative category including internal to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can view application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
model category including internal to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can view application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 25
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Qualication (Discretionary Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

question categories including internal to Privilege: Read Application Aachment

supplier qualication, miscellaneous, to internal  
responder, and to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can view application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
question category including to internal Privilege: Read Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can view application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
questionnaire categories including to internal Privilege: Read Application Aachment
responder, to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can view application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
response categories including from supplier, Privilege: Read Application Aachment
from internal responder, miscellaneous, to  
buyer, to supplier Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can view application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication  
response category including from internal Privilege: Read Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Qualication can view application Role: Supplier Qualication
  aachment for the supplier qualication rule set  
categories including to internal responder, to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Public Person A Supplier Qualication can choose public Role: Supplier Qualication
  person for all workers in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Public Person A Supplier Qualication can view public person Role: Supplier Qualication
  for persons and assignments in their person  
and assignment security prole Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public Person

Supplier Qualication A Supplier Qualication can view supplier Role: Supplier Qualication
  qualication for the agents and business units  
for which they are authorized Privilege: View Supplier Qualication Analysis
Resource: Supplier Qualication

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 25
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Qualication (Discretionary Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Supplier Qualication Assessment A Supplier Qualication can view supplier Role: Supplier Qualication
  qualication assessment for the agents and  
business units for which they are authorized Privilege: View Supplier Qualication
  Assessment Analysis (Data)
Resource: Supplier Qualication Assessment

Supplier Qualication Initiative A Supplier Qualication can view supplier Role: Supplier Qualication
  qualication initiative for the agents and  
business units for which they are authorized Privilege: View Supplier Qualication Initiative
  Analysis (Data)
Resource: Supplier Qualication Initiative

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Supplier Qualication can manage trading Role: Supplier Qualication
Preference community org address email contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Supplier Qualication can manage trading Role: Supplier Qualication
Contact Preference community org address phone contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Supplier Qualication can manage trading Role: Supplier Qualication
Contact Preference community organization address contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Supplier Qualication can manage trading Role: Supplier Qualication
Preference community organization email contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Qualication can view trading Role: Supplier Qualication
  community organization party for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Phone A Supplier Qualication can manage trading Role: Supplier Qualication
Contact Preference community organization phone contact  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 25
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Qualication (Discretionary Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Supplier Qualication can view trading Role: Supplier Qualication
  community party for all people in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Qualication can view trading Role: Supplier Qualication
  community party for all people in the enterprise  
other than sales accounts and sales prospects. Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Qualication can view trading Role: Supplier Qualication
  community party for all resources in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Qualication can view trading Role: Supplier Qualication
  community party for all trading community  
persons in the enterprise except contacts Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
created by partners. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Supplier Qualication can manage trading Role: Supplier Qualication
Preference community person address contact preference  
  for all trading community contact preferences Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Supplier Qualication can manage trading Role: Supplier Qualication
Contact Preference community person address phone contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Supplier Qualication can manage trading Role: Supplier Qualication
Preference community person email contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 25
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Qualication (Discretionary Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Trading Community Person Email

Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Supplier Qualication can manage trading Role: Supplier Qualication
Preference community person phone contact preference  
  for all trading community contact preferences Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Qualication can view trading Role: Supplier Qualication
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
except partner contact relationships, or Relationship (Data)
relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Supplier Qualication discretionary role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Person Phone A Supplier Qualication can view trading Role: Supplier Qualication
  community person phone for all trading  
community person mobile phone numbers Privilege: View Trading Community Person
  Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 26
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Sales Representative (Job Role)

26 Supplier Sales Representative (Job Role)

Manages agreements and deliverables for the supplier company. Primary tasks include acknowledging or requesting
changes to agreements in addition to adding catalog line items with customer specic pricing and terms. Updates
contract deliverables that are assigned to the supplier party and updates progress on contract deliverables for which the
supplier is responsible.

Role Hierarchy
The Supplier Sales Representative job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.
• Supplier Sales Representative
◦ Aachments User
- CRM Stage Write
◦ Business Intelligence Applications Worker
◦ Business Intelligence Consumer
◦ Purchase Agreement Management as Supplier
◦ Purchase Order Management as Supplier
◦ Supplier Bidder
- Aachments User
◦ CRM Stage Write
- Business Intelligence Applications Worker
- Business Intelligence Consumer
- Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier
- Negotiation Response Management as Supplier
- Seller Negotiation Response
◦ Supplier Qualication Questionnaire Response Management as Supplier

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Supplier Sales Representative job role.

Duty Role Description

Aachments User UCM application role for access to aachments using the integrated user interface or the standalone

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 26
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Sales Representative (Job Role)

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring
  within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions,
Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.

Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence
  Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Oce.
This role allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from
a subject area.

CRM Stage Write Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server

Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier Create negotiation responses as a supplier.


Negotiation Response Management as Manage negotiation responses as a supplier.


Purchase Agreement Management as Perform purchase agreement change management tasks as a supplier.

Purchase Order Management as Supplier Perform purchase order change management tasks as a supplier.

Seller Negotiation Response Manage all aspects of seller negotiation responses including creating, updating, and managing as a

Supplier Qualication Questionnaire A supplier user can respond to requests for qualication information.
Response Management as Supplier  

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Supplier Sales Representative job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier Create negotiation responses as a supplier. Create Supplier Negotiation Response

Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier Create negotiation responses as a supplier. Edit Supplier Negotiation Response

Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier Create negotiation responses as a supplier. Manage Supplier Negotiation Response Draft

Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier Create negotiation responses as a supplier. Submit Supplier Negotiation Participation

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 26
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Sales Representative (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier Create negotiation responses as a supplier. Submit Supplier Negotiation Response

Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier Create negotiation responses as a supplier. Unlock Supplier Negotiation Response Draft
    Owned by Others

Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier Create negotiation responses as a supplier. View Supplier Business Classication as

Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier Create negotiation responses as a supplier. View Supplier Negotiation Response as Supplier

Negotiation Response Creation as Supplier Create negotiation responses as a supplier. View Supplier Negotiation as Supplier

Negotiation Response Management as Supplier Manage negotiation responses as a supplier. Analyze Supplier Negotiation Response as

Negotiation Response Management as Supplier Manage negotiation responses as a supplier. Create Supplier Negotiation Online Message as

Negotiation Response Management as Supplier Manage negotiation responses as a supplier. Manage Supplier Negotiation Response as

Negotiation Response Management as Supplier Manage negotiation responses as a supplier. Reply Supplier Negotiation Online Message as

Negotiation Response Management as Supplier Manage negotiation responses as a supplier. View Supplier Business Classication as

Negotiation Response Management as Supplier Manage negotiation responses as a supplier. View Supplier Negotiation Online Message as

Negotiation Response Management as Supplier Manage negotiation responses as a supplier. View Supplier Negotiation Response History as

Negotiation Response Management as Supplier Manage negotiation responses as a supplier. View Supplier Negotiation Response as Supplier

Negotiation Response Management as Supplier Manage negotiation responses as a supplier. View Supplier Negotiation as Supplier

Purchase Agreement Management as Supplier Perform purchase agreement change Acknowledge Purchase Agreement
  management tasks as a supplier.  

Purchase Agreement Management as Supplier Perform purchase agreement change Cancel Purchase Agreement
  management tasks as a supplier.  

Purchase Agreement Management as Supplier Perform purchase agreement change Change Purchase Agreement
  management tasks as a supplier.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 26
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Sales Representative (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Purchase Agreement Management as Supplier Perform purchase agreement change Create Blanket Purchase Agreement Line
  management tasks as a supplier.  

Purchase Agreement Management as Supplier Perform purchase agreement change Search Purchase Agreement as Supplier
  management tasks as a supplier.  

Purchase Agreement Management as Supplier Perform purchase agreement change View Purchase Agreement
  management tasks as a supplier.  

Purchase Order Management as Supplier Perform purchase order change management Acknowledge Purchase Order
  tasks as a supplier.  

Purchase Order Management as Supplier Perform purchase order change management Cancel Purchase Order
  tasks as a supplier.  

Purchase Order Management as Supplier Perform purchase order change management Change Purchase Order
  tasks as a supplier.  

Purchase Order Management as Supplier Perform purchase order change management Search Purchase Order as Supplier
  tasks as a supplier.  

Purchase Order Management as Supplier Perform purchase order change management View Purchase Order
  tasks as a supplier.  

Seller Negotiation Response Manage all aspects of seller negotiation Create Seller Negotiation Response
  responses including creating, updating, and  
managing as a bidder.

Seller Negotiation Response Manage all aspects of seller negotiation Delete Draft Seller Negotiation Response
  responses including creating, updating, and  
managing as a bidder.

Seller Negotiation Response Manage all aspects of seller negotiation Edit Seller Negotiation Response
  responses including creating, updating, and  
managing as a bidder.

Seller Negotiation Response Manage all aspects of seller negotiation Manage Seller Negotiation Response
  responses including creating, updating, and  
managing as a bidder.

Seller Negotiation Response Manage all aspects of seller negotiation Submit Seller Negotiation Response
  responses including creating, updating, and  
managing as a bidder.

Seller Negotiation Response Manage all aspects of seller negotiation Unlock Seller Negotiation Response Draft
  responses including creating, updating, and Owned by Others
managing as a bidder.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 26
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Sales Representative (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Seller Negotiation Response Manage all aspects of seller negotiation View Seller Negotiation Response History
  responses including creating, updating, and  
managing as a bidder.

Seller Negotiation Response Manage all aspects of seller negotiation View Seller Negotiation Response as Bidder
  responses including creating, updating, and  
managing as a bidder.

Seller Negotiation Response Manage all aspects of seller negotiation View Seller Negotiation as Bidder
  responses including creating, updating, and  
managing as a bidder.

Supplier Bidder Sales representative from a potential supplier Access Supplier Portal Overview
  responsible for responding to requests for  
quote, requests for proposal, requests for
information and reverse auctions.

Supplier Bidder Sales representative from a potential supplier Access Supplier Portal Overview Summary Tab
  responsible for responding to requests for  
quote, requests for proposal, requests for
information and reverse auctions.

Supplier Bidder Sales representative from a potential supplier Download Contract for External Parties
  responsible for responding to requests for  
quote, requests for proposal, requests for
information and reverse auctions.

Supplier Bidder Sales representative from a potential supplier Manage Contract Deliverable
  responsible for responding to requests for  
quote, requests for proposal, requests for
information and reverse auctions.

Supplier Bidder Sales representative from a potential supplier View Contract Terms
  responsible for responding to requests for  
quote, requests for proposal, requests for
information and reverse auctions.

Supplier Qualication Questionnaire Response A supplier user can respond to requests for Create Supplier Qualication Questionnaire
Management as Supplier qualication information. Response as Supplier

Supplier Qualication Questionnaire Response A supplier user can respond to requests for Search Supplier Qualication Questionnaire
Management as Supplier qualication information. Response as Supplier

Supplier Qualication Questionnaire Response A supplier user can respond to requests for Submit Supplier Qualication Questionnaire
Management as Supplier qualication information. Response as Supplier

Supplier Qualication Questionnaire Response A supplier user can respond to requests for View Question Response History as Supplier
Management as Supplier qualication information.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 26
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Sales Representative (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Qualication Questionnaire Response A supplier user can respond to requests for View Supplier Assessment as Supplier
Management as Supplier qualication information.  

Supplier Qualication Questionnaire Response A supplier user can respond to requests for View Supplier Qualication Questionnaire
Management as Supplier qualication information. Response as Supplier

Supplier Qualication Questionnaire Response A supplier user can respond to requests for View Supplier Qualication as Supplier
Management as Supplier qualication information.  

Supplier Sales Representative Manages agreements and deliverables for Access Supplier Portal Overview
  the supplier company. Primary tasks include  
acknowledging or requesting changes to
agreements in addition to adding catalog line
items with customer specic pricing and terms.
Updates contract deliverables that are assigned
to the supplier party and updates progress on
contract deliverables for which the supplier is

Supplier Sales Representative Manages agreements and deliverables for Access Supplier Portal Overview Summary Tab
  the supplier company. Primary tasks include  
acknowledging or requesting changes to
agreements in addition to adding catalog line
items with customer specic pricing and terms.
Updates contract deliverables that are assigned
to the supplier party and updates progress on
contract deliverables for which the supplier is

Supplier Sales Representative Manages agreements and deliverables for Download Contract for External Parties
  the supplier company. Primary tasks include  
acknowledging or requesting changes to
agreements in addition to adding catalog line
items with customer specic pricing and terms.
Updates contract deliverables that are assigned
to the supplier party and updates progress on
contract deliverables for which the supplier is

Supplier Sales Representative Manages agreements and deliverables for Manage Contract Deliverable
  the supplier company. Primary tasks include  
acknowledging or requesting changes to
agreements in addition to adding catalog line
items with customer specic pricing and terms.
Updates contract deliverables that are assigned
to the supplier party and updates progress on
contract deliverables for which the supplier is

Supplier Sales Representative Manages agreements and deliverables for Manage Item Aachment
  the supplier company. Primary tasks include  
acknowledging or requesting changes to
agreements in addition to adding catalog line
items with customer specic pricing and terms.
Updates contract deliverables that are assigned
to the supplier party and updates progress on

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 26
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Sales Representative (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

contract deliverables for which the supplier is


Supplier Sales Representative Manages agreements and deliverables for Manage Item Catalog
  the supplier company. Primary tasks include  
acknowledging or requesting changes to
agreements in addition to adding catalog line
items with customer specic pricing and terms.
Updates contract deliverables that are assigned
to the supplier party and updates progress on
contract deliverables for which the supplier is

Supplier Sales Representative Manages agreements and deliverables for Manage Item Global Search
  the supplier company. Primary tasks include  
acknowledging or requesting changes to
agreements in addition to adding catalog line
items with customer specic pricing and terms.
Updates contract deliverables that are assigned
to the supplier party and updates progress on
contract deliverables for which the supplier is

Supplier Sales Representative Manages agreements and deliverables for Manage Trading Partner Item Reference
  the supplier company. Primary tasks include  
acknowledging or requesting changes to
agreements in addition to adding catalog line
items with customer specic pricing and terms.
Updates contract deliverables that are assigned
to the supplier party and updates progress on
contract deliverables for which the supplier is

Supplier Sales Representative Manages agreements and deliverables for Review Receiving Receipt Summary
  the supplier company. Primary tasks include  
acknowledging or requesting changes to
agreements in addition to adding catalog line
items with customer specic pricing and terms.
Updates contract deliverables that are assigned
to the supplier party and updates progress on
contract deliverables for which the supplier is

Supplier Sales Representative Manages agreements and deliverables for Review Receiving Transaction History
  the supplier company. Primary tasks include  
acknowledging or requesting changes to
agreements in addition to adding catalog line
items with customer specic pricing and terms.
Updates contract deliverables that are assigned
to the supplier party and updates progress on
contract deliverables for which the supplier is

Supplier Sales Representative Manages agreements and deliverables for View Contract Terms
  the supplier company. Primary tasks include  
acknowledging or requesting changes to
agreements in addition to adding catalog line

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 26
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Sales Representative (Job Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

items with customer specic pricing and terms.

Updates contract deliverables that are assigned
to the supplier party and updates progress on
contract deliverables for which the supplier is

Supplier Sales Representative Manages agreements and deliverables for View Item
  the supplier company. Primary tasks include  
acknowledging or requesting changes to
agreements in addition to adding catalog line
items with customer specic pricing and terms.
Updates contract deliverables that are assigned
to the supplier party and updates progress on
contract deliverables for which the supplier is

Supplier Sales Representative Manages agreements and deliverables for View Item Organization Association
  the supplier company. Primary tasks include  
acknowledging or requesting changes to
agreements in addition to adding catalog line
items with customer specic pricing and terms.
Updates contract deliverables that are assigned
to the supplier party and updates progress on
contract deliverables for which the supplier is

Supplier Sales Representative Manages agreements and deliverables for View Item Relationship
  the supplier company. Primary tasks include  
acknowledging or requesting changes to
agreements in addition to adding catalog line
items with customer specic pricing and terms.
Updates contract deliverables that are assigned
to the supplier party and updates progress on
contract deliverables for which the supplier is

Supplier Sales Representative Manages agreements and deliverables for View Supplier Performance Report
  the supplier company. Primary tasks include  
acknowledging or requesting changes to
agreements in addition to adding catalog line
items with customer specic pricing and terms.
Updates contract deliverables that are assigned
to the supplier party and updates progress on
contract deliverables for which the supplier is

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Supplier Sales
Representative job role.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 26
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Sales Representative (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Supplier Sales Representative can delete Role: Supplier Bidder
  application aachment for the negotiation  
response categories from supplier, from Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
supplier: technical, from supplier: commercial  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Sales Representative can delete Role: Supplier Bidder
  application aachment for the seller  
negotiation bid category including from bidder Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Sales Representative can delete Role: Supplier Sales Representative
  application aachment for the supplier  
qualication response category including from Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Sales Representative can modify Role: Supplier Sales Representative
  application aachment for the supplier  
qualication response category including from Privilege: Update Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Sales Representative can read Role: Supplier Bidder
  application aachment for the negotiation  
category to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Sales Representative can read Role: Supplier Bidder
  application aachment for the negotiation  
response categories from supplier, from Privilege: Read Application Aachment
supplier: technical, from supplier: commercial  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Sales Representative can read Role: Supplier Bidder
  application aachment for the seller  
negotiation bid category including from bidder Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Sales Representative can read Role: Supplier Bidder
  application aachment for the seller  
negotiation category including to bidder Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Sales Representative can update Role: Supplier Bidder
  application aachment for the negotiation  
response categories from supplier, from Privilege: Update Application Aachment
supplier: technical, from supplier: commercial  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 26
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Sales Representative (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Supplier Sales Representative can update Role: Supplier Bidder
  application aachment for the seller  
negotiation bid category including from bidder Privilege: Update Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Sales Representative
  application aachment for the negotiation  
category to supplier Privilege: Read Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Sales Representative
  application aachment for the purchase  
document categories including document and Privilege: Read Application Aachment
to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Sales Representative
  application aachment for the supplier  
qualication question category including to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
internal responder  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Sales Representative
  application aachment for the supplier  
qualication question category including to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Sales Representative
  application aachment for the supplier  
qualication questionnaire category including Privilege: Read Application Aachment
to supplier  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Sales Representative
  application aachment for the supplier  
qualication response category including from Privilege: Read Application Aachment
internal responder  
  Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Sales Representative
  application aachment for the supplier  
qualication response category including from Privilege: Read Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Contract A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Bidder

  contract for the business units for which they  
are authorized Privilege: View Contract (Data)
Resource: Contract

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 26
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Sales Representative (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Contract Expert Rule A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Sales Representative
  contract expert rule for all the business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Expert Rule

Contract Expert Rule A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Bidder
  contract terms library for all the business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Expert Rule

Contract Library Clause A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Sales Representative
  contract library clause for all non standard  
clauses irrespective of business unit Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Bidder
  contract terms library for all non standard  
clauses irrespective of business unit Privilege: Manage Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Sales Representative
  contract library clause for all business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Bidder
  contract terms library for all business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause Folder A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Sales Representative
  contract library clause folder for all the business  
units Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause Folder

Contract Library Clause Folder A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Bidder
  contract terms library for all the business units  
  Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)
Resource: Contract Library Clause Folder

Partner Member File Import Object A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Bidder
  partner member le import object type for all  
partner member le import objects of object Privilege: View Partner Member File Import
type 'partner member' Object Type (Data)
Resource: Partner Member File Import Object

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 26
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Sales Representative (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Bidder
  customer account site use for the reference  
data sets for which they are authorized Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use
Resource: Trading Community Customer
Account Site Use

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Bidder
Preference trading community legal contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Sales Representative
Preference trading community org address email contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Bidder
Contact Preference trading community legal contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Sales Representative
Contact Preference trading community org address phone contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Bidder
Contact Preference trading community legal contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Sales Representative
Contact Preference trading community organization address  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 26
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Sales Representative (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Bidder
Preference trading community legal contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Sales Representative
Preference trading community organization email contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Bidder
  trading community organization for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Sales Representative
  trading community organization party for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Phone A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Bidder
Contact Preference trading community legal contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Sales Representative
Contact Preference trading community organization phone contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Sales Representative
  trading community party for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 26
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Sales Representative (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Party A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Sales Representative
  trading community party for all people in the  
enterprise other than sales accounts and sales Privilege: View Trading Community Person
prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Sales Representative
  trading community party for all resources in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Sales Representative
  trading community party for all trading  
community persons in the enterprise except Privilege: View Trading Community Contact
contacts created by partners. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Bidder
  trading community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Bidder
  trading community person for all people in the  
enterprise other than sales accounts and sales Privilege: View Trading Community Person
prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Bidder
  trading community person for all resources in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Bidder
Preference trading community legal contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Sales Representative
Preference trading community person address contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 26
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Sales Representative (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Trading Community Person Address

Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Bidder
Contact Preference trading community legal contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Sales Representative
Contact Preference trading community person address phone  
  contact preference for all trading community Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
contact preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Bidder
Preference trading community legal contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Sales Representative
Preference trading community person email contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Bidder
Preference trading community legal contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Sales Representative
Preference trading community person phone contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Bidder
  trading community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Relationship (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 26
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Sales Representative (Job Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Trading Community Relationship


Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Sales Representative
  trading community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Sales Representative can view Role: Supplier Sales Representative
  trading community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
except partner contact relationships, or Relationship (Data)
relationships created by partners  
  Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource Prole A Supplier Sales Representative can manage Role: Supplier Bidder
  trading community resource skill for their  
resource skills Privilege: Manage Trading Community
  Resource Skill (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Resource Prole

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 27
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Administrator (Abstract Role)

27 Supplier Self Service Administrator

(Abstract Role)
Manages the prole information for the supplier company. Primary tasks include updating supplier prole information
and requesting user accounts to grant employees access to the supplier application.

Role Hierarchy
The Supplier Self Service Administrator abstract role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.
• Supplier Self Service Administrator
◦ Aachments User
- CRM Stage Write
◦ Payee Bank Account Management
- FSCM Load Interface Administration
◦ Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier
◦ Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Supplier Self Service Administrator abstract role.

Duty Role Description

Aachments User UCM application role for access to aachments using the integrated user interface or the standalone

CRM Stage Write Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Supplier Prole Change Request as Requests changes to supplier prole as a supplier user.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 27
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Administrator (Abstract Role)

Duty Role Description

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole information as a supplier.

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Supplier Self Service Administrator abstract role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load File to Interface

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load Interface File for Import

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Manage File Import and Export

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Transfer File

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Import Supplier Bank Accounts
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage External Payee Payment Details
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Payment Instrument Assignment
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other View Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a Request Supplier Address Change as Supplier
  supplier user.  

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a Request Supplier Business Classication
  supplier user. Change as Supplier

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a Request Supplier Contact Change as Supplier
  supplier user.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 27
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Administrator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a Request Supplier Contact User Account Change
  supplier user. as Supplier

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a Request Supplier Products and Services
  supplier user. Categories Change as Supplier

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a Request Supplier Prole Change as Supplier
  supplier user.  

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a Request Supplier Tax Information Change as
  supplier user. Supplier

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a View Location of Final Discharge
  supplier user.  

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a View Party Fiscal Classication
  supplier user.  

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a View Third-Party Site Tax Prole
  supplier user.  

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a View Third-Party Tax Prole
  supplier user.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Location of Final Discharge
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Party Fiscal Classication
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Address as Supplier
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Business Classication as
  information as a supplier. Supplier

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Contact Change Request
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Contact User Account as Supplier
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Contact as Supplier
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Products and Services Categories
  information as a supplier. as Supplier

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 27
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Administrator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege


Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Prole as Supplier
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Tax Information as Supplier
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Third-Party Site Tax Prole
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Third-Party Tax Prole
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Self Service Administrator Manages the prole information for the Access Supplier Portal Overview
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
updating supplier prole information and
requesting user accounts to grant employees
access to the supplier application.

Supplier Self Service Administrator Manages the prole information for the Access Supplier Portal Overview Summary Tab
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
updating supplier prole information and
requesting user accounts to grant employees
access to the supplier application.

Supplier Self Service Administrator Manages the prole information for the Maintain Supplier Contact User Account as
  supplier company. Primary tasks include Supplier
updating supplier prole information and  
requesting user accounts to grant employees
access to the supplier application.

Supplier Self Service Administrator Manages the prole information for the Maintain Supplier Contact as Supplier
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
updating supplier prole information and
requesting user accounts to grant employees
access to the supplier application.

Supplier Self Service Administrator Manages the prole information for the View Supplier Payment Information as Supplier
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
updating supplier prole information and
requesting user accounts to grant employees
access to the supplier application.

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Supplier Self Service
Administrator abstract role.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 27
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Administrator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Self Service Administrator
  delete application aachment for the supplier  
category from supplier Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Self Service Administrator
  modify application aachment for the supplier  
category from supplier Privilege: Update Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Self Service Administrator
  view application aachment for the supplier  
categories from supplier, miscellaneous, and to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Payment Card A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  view employee credit card for any employee  
corporate cards in the enterprise Privilege: View Employee Credit Card (Data)
Resource: Payment Card

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
Preference manage trading community legal contact Supplier
  preference for all trading community contact  
preferences not of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
Contact Preference manage trading community legal contact Supplier
  preference for all trading community contact  
preferences not of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Contact Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 27
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Administrator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Trading Community Org Address

Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
Contact Preference manage trading community legal contact Supplier
  preference for all trading community contact  
preferences not of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Contact Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
Preference manage trading community legal contact Supplier
  preference for all trading community contact  
preferences not of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  view trading community organization for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  view trading community organization for all Supplier
organizations in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 27
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Administrator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  view trading community organization for all  
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Phone A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
Contact Preference manage trading community legal contact Supplier
  preference for all trading community contact  
preferences not of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Contact Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Supplier Self Service Administrator can view Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  trading community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Self Service Administrator can view Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  trading community person for all people in the Supplier
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Self Service Administrator can view Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  trading community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Self Service Administrator can view Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  trading community person for all people in the Supplier
enterprise other than sales accounts and sales  
prospects. Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 27
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Administrator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Party A Supplier Self Service Administrator can view Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  trading community person for all people in the  
enterprise other than sales accounts and sales Privilege: View Trading Community Person
prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Self Service Administrator can view Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  trading community person for all resources in Supplier
the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Self Service Administrator can view Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  trading community person for all resources in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
Preference manage trading community legal contact Supplier
  preference for all trading community contact  
preferences not of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
Contact Preference manage trading community legal contact Supplier
  preference for all trading community contact  
preferences not of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Contact Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 27
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Administrator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
Preference manage trading community legal contact Supplier
  preference for all trading community contact  
preferences not of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
Preference manage trading community legal contact Supplier
  preference for all trading community contact  
preferences not of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Preference manage trading community legal contact  
  preference for all trading community contact Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
preferences not of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Self Service Administrator can view Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  trading community relationship for all trading Supplier
community relationships in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Self Service Administrator can view Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  trading community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 27
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Administrator (Abstract Role)

This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Supplier Self Service Administrator abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Party Tax Prole A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  manage party tax prole for any party tax Supplier
prole dened in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Manage Party Tax Prole (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Prole

Party Tax Prole A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  manage party tax prole for any party tax  
prole dened in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party Tax Prole (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Prole

Supplier A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  maintain supplier individual identiers pii for Supplier
the supplier for which they are associated  
  Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual
Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Supplier A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  maintain supplier individual identiers pii for  
the supplier for which they are associated Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual
  Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Supplier Prole Change Request A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  maintain supplier individual identiers pii for Supplier
the supplier for which they are associated  
  Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual
Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier Prole Change Request

Tax Registration A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  manage tax registration for any tax registration Supplier
dened in the enterprise  
  Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration

Tax Registration A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  manage tax registration for any tax registration  
dened in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 27
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Administrator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Tax Registration


Trading Community Person Phone A Supplier Self Service Administrator can Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  manage trading community person mobile Supplier
phone number for all trading community  
person mobile phone numbers Privilege: Manage Trading Community Person
  Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Trading Community Person Phone A Supplier Self Service Administrator can view Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  trading community person mobile phone Supplier
number for all trading community person  
mobile phone numbers Privilege: View Trading Community Person
  Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Trading Community Person Phone A Supplier Self Service Administrator can view Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  trading community person mobile phone  
number for all trading community person Privilege: View Trading Community Person
mobile phone numbers Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 27
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Administrator (Abstract Role)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 28
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Clerk (Abstract Role)

28 Supplier Self Service Clerk (Abstract Role)

Manages the prole information for the supplier company. Primary tasks include updating supplier prole information
and requesting user accounts to grant employees access to the supplier application.

Role Hierarchy
The Supplier Self Service Clerk abstract role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.
• Supplier Self Service Clerk
◦ Aachments User
- CRM Stage Write
◦ Payee Bank Account Management
- FSCM Load Interface Administration
◦ Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier
◦ Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Supplier Self Service Clerk abstract role.

Duty Role Description

Aachments User UCM application role for access to aachments using the integrated user interface or the standalone

CRM Stage Write Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Supplier Prole Change Request as Requests changes to supplier prole as a supplier user.

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole information as a supplier.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 28
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Clerk (Abstract Role)

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Supplier Self Service Clerk abstract role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load File to Interface

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Load Interface File for Import

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Manage File Import and Export

FSCM Load Interface Administration Manages load interface le for import Transfer File

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Import Supplier Bank Accounts
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage External Payee Payment Details
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Payment Instrument Assignment
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other Manage Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other View Third Party Bank Account
  payment details.  

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a Request Supplier Address Change as Supplier
  supplier user.  

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a Request Supplier Business Classication
  supplier user. Change as Supplier

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a Request Supplier Contact Change as Supplier
  supplier user.  

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a Request Supplier Contact User Account Change
  supplier user. as Supplier

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 28
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Clerk (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a Request Supplier Products and Services
  supplier user. Categories Change as Supplier

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a Request Supplier Prole Change as Supplier
  supplier user.  

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a Request Supplier Tax Information Change as
  supplier user. Supplier

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a View Location of Final Discharge
  supplier user.  

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a View Party Fiscal Classication
  supplier user.  

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a View Third-Party Site Tax Prole
  supplier user.  

Supplier Prole Change Request as Supplier Requests changes to supplier prole as a View Third-Party Tax Prole
  supplier user.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Location of Final Discharge
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Party Fiscal Classication
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Address as Supplier
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Business Classication as
  information as a supplier. Supplier

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Contact Change Request
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Contact User Account as Supplier
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Contact as Supplier
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Products and Services Categories
  information as a supplier. as Supplier

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Prole as Supplier
  information as a supplier.  

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 28
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Clerk (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Supplier Tax Information as Supplier
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Third-Party Site Tax Prole
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier prole View Third-Party Tax Prole
  information as a supplier.  

Supplier Self Service Clerk Manages the prole information for the Access Supplier Portal Overview
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
updating supplier prole information and
requesting user accounts to grant employees
access to the supplier application.

Supplier Self Service Clerk Manages the prole information for the Access Supplier Portal Overview Summary Tab
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
updating supplier prole information and
requesting user accounts to grant employees
access to the supplier application.

Supplier Self Service Clerk Manages the prole information for the Request Supplier Contact Change as Supplier
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
updating supplier prole information and
requesting user accounts to grant employees
access to the supplier application.

Supplier Self Service Clerk Manages the prole information for the Request Supplier Contact User Account Change
  supplier company. Primary tasks include as Supplier
updating supplier prole information and  
requesting user accounts to grant employees
access to the supplier application.

Supplier Self Service Clerk Manages the prole information for the View Supplier Payment Information as Supplier
  supplier company. Primary tasks include  
updating supplier prole information and
requesting user accounts to grant employees
access to the supplier application.

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Supplier Self Service
Clerk abstract role.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 28
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Clerk (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Supplier Self Service Clerk can delete Role: Supplier Self Service Clerk
  application aachment for the supplier  
category from supplier Privilege: Delete Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Self Service Clerk can modify Role: Supplier Self Service Clerk
  application aachment for the supplier  
category from supplier Privilege: Update Application Aachment
Resource: Application Aachment

Application Aachment A Supplier Self Service Clerk can view Role: Supplier Self Service Clerk
  application aachment for the supplier  
categories from supplier, miscellaneous, and to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
  Resource: Application Aachment

Payment Card A Supplier Self Service Clerk can view employee Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  credit card for any employee corporate cards in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Employee Credit Card (Data)
Resource: Payment Card

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
Preference trading community legal contact preference for Supplier
  all trading community contact preferences not  
of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Preference trading community legal contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
Contact Preference trading community legal contact preference for Supplier
  all trading community contact preferences not  
of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Org Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Contact Preference trading community legal contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 28
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Clerk (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Trading Community Org Address

Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
Contact Preference trading community legal contact preference for Supplier
  all trading community contact preferences not  
of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Contact Preference trading community legal contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
Preference trading community legal contact preference for Supplier
  all trading community contact preferences not  
of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Preference trading community legal contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Self Service Clerk can view trading Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  community organization for all organizations in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Self Service Clerk can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  community organization for all organizations in Supplier
the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 28
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Clerk (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Organization Party A Supplier Self Service Clerk can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  community organization for all organizations in  
the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization

Trading Community Organization Phone A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
Contact Preference trading community legal contact preference for Supplier
  all trading community contact preferences not  
of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Contact Preference trading community legal contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Organization
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party A Supplier Self Service Clerk can view trading Role: Payee Bank Account Management
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Self Service Clerk can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  community person for all people in the Supplier
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Self Service Clerk can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Self Service Clerk can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  community person for all people in the Supplier
enterprise other than sales accounts and sales  
prospects. Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 28
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Clerk (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Party A Supplier Self Service Clerk can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  community person for all people in the  
enterprise other than sales accounts and sales Privilege: View Trading Community Person
prospects. (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Self Service Clerk can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  community person for all resources in the Supplier
  Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party A Supplier Self Service Clerk can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  community person for all resources in the  
enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community Person
Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
Preference trading community legal contact preference for Supplier
  all trading community contact preferences not  
of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Contact A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Preference trading community legal contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
Contact Preference trading community legal contact preference for Supplier
  all trading community contact preferences not  
of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Contact Preference trading community legal contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Address
Phone Contact Preference

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 28
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Clerk (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
Preference trading community legal contact preference for Supplier
  all trading community contact preferences not  
of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Preference trading community legal contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Email
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
Preference trading community legal contact preference for Supplier
  all trading community contact preferences not  
of type legal. Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
  Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
Preference trading community legal contact preference for  
  all trading community contact preferences not Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal
of type legal. Contact Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone
Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Self Service Clerk can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  community relationship for all trading Supplier
community relationships in the enterprise  
  Privilege: View Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship A Supplier Self Service Clerk can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  community relationship for all trading  
community relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View Trading Community
  Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 28
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Clerk (Abstract Role)

This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Supplier Self Service Clerk abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Party Tax Prole A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage party Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  tax prole for any party tax prole dened in Supplier
the enterprise  
  Privilege: Manage Party Tax Prole (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Prole

Party Tax Prole A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage party Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  tax prole for any party tax prole dened in  
the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party Tax Prole (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Prole

Supplier A Supplier Self Service Clerk can maintain Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  supplier individual identiers pii for the supplier Supplier
for which they are associated  
  Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual
Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Supplier A Supplier Self Service Clerk can maintain Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  supplier individual identiers pii for the supplier  
for which they are associated Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual
  Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier

Supplier Prole Change Request A Supplier Self Service Clerk can maintain Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  supplier individual identiers pii for the supplier Supplier
for which they are associated  
  Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual
Identiers PII (Data)
Resource: Supplier Prole Change Request

Tax Registration A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage tax Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  registration for any tax registration dened in Supplier
the enterprise  
  Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration

Tax Registration A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage tax Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  registration for any tax registration dened in  
the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 28
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Clerk (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Resource: Tax Registration


Trading Community Person Phone A Supplier Self Service Clerk can manage Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  trading community person mobile phone Supplier
number for all trading community person  
mobile phone numbers Privilege: Manage Trading Community Person
  Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Trading Community Person Phone A Supplier Self Service Clerk can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Change Request as
  community person mobile phone number for Supplier
all trading community person mobile phone  
numbers Privilege: View Trading Community Person
  Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Trading Community Person Phone A Supplier Self Service Clerk can view trading Role: Supplier Prole Inquiry as Supplier
  community person mobile phone number for  
all trading community person mobile phone Privilege: View Trading Community Person
numbers Mobile Phone Number
Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 28
Security Reference for Procurement Supplier Self Service Clerk (Abstract Role)

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 29
Security Reference for Procurement Team Collaborator (Abstract Role)

29 Team Collaborator (Abstract Role)

Identies the person in a project organization as a member who can perform, track, and report progress on project and
non-project work.

Role Hierarchy
The Team Collaborator abstract role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.
• Team Collaborator
◦ Projects Folder Reporting

This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Team Collaborator abstract role.

Duty Role Description

Projects Folder Reporting Grants access to the Projects web catalog folder.

This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Team Collaborator abstract role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Team Collaborator Identies the person in a project organization Access Tap Application
  as a member who can perform, track, and  
report progress on project and non-project

Team Collaborator Identies the person in a project organization Customize Project Execution UI
  as a member who can perform, track, and  
report progress on project and non-project

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 29
Security Reference for Procurement Team Collaborator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Team Collaborator Identies the person in a project organization Launch Oracle Social Network
  as a member who can perform, track, and  
report progress on project and non-project

Team Collaborator Identies the person in a project organization Manage My Welcome Tab
  as a member who can perform, track, and  
report progress on project and non-project

Team Collaborator Identies the person in a project organization Manage Oracle WebCenter Services
  as a member who can perform, track, and  
report progress on project and non-project

Team Collaborator Identies the person in a project organization Manage Project Changes
  as a member who can perform, track, and  
report progress on project and non-project

Team Collaborator Identies the person in a project organization Manage Project Deliverables
  as a member who can perform, track, and  
report progress on project and non-project

Team Collaborator Identies the person in a project organization Manage Project Issue Action Items
  as a member who can perform, track, and  
report progress on project and non-project

Team Collaborator Identies the person in a project organization Manage Project Issues
  as a member who can perform, track, and  
report progress on project and non-project

Team Collaborator Identies the person in a project organization Manage Project Issues Service
  as a member who can perform, track, and  
report progress on project and non-project

Team Collaborator Identies the person in a project organization Manage Project Task Service
  as a member who can perform, track, and  
report progress on project and non-project

Team Collaborator Identies the person in a project organization Manage Project Tasks
  as a member who can perform, track, and  
report progress on project and non-project

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 29
Security Reference for Procurement Team Collaborator (Abstract Role)

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Team Collaborator Identies the person in a project organization Manage Reports and Analytics
  as a member who can perform, track, and  
report progress on project and non-project

Team Collaborator Identies the person in a project organization Manage Scheduled Processes
  as a member who can perform, track, and  
report progress on project and non-project

Team Collaborator Identies the person in a project organization Manage Task E-Mail Notication Service
  as a member who can perform, track, and  
report progress on project and non-project

Team Collaborator Identies the person in a project organization Receive E-Mail Updates Service
  as a member who can perform, track, and  
report progress on project and non-project

Team Collaborator Identies the person in a project organization Update Project Enterprise Resource Prole
  as a member who can perform, track, and  
report progress on project and non-project

Team Collaborator Identies the person in a project organization Update Project Work Plan Progress
  as a member who can perform, track, and  
report progress on project and non-project

Team Collaborator Identies the person in a project organization View Project

  as a member who can perform, track, and  
report progress on project and non-project

Team Collaborator Identies the person in a project organization View Project Enterprise Resource Prole
  as a member who can perform, track, and  
report progress on project and non-project

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Team Collaborator
abstract role.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 29
Security Reference for Procurement Team Collaborator (Abstract Role)

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Aachment A Team Collaborator can view application Role: Team Collaborator
  aachment for the categories including  
document, from supplier, miscellaneous, to Privilege: Read Application Aachment
supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to  
payables, and internal to purchasing Resource: Application Aachment

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 30
Security Reference for Procurement Unassigned Duties

30 Unassigned Duties

This table lists Procurement oering duties dened but not assigned to any job or abstract role in the reference

Duty Role Role Description

Manage Procurement Approval Actions Manage all approval actions for procurement human tasks.

Procurement REST Service Allows users to call methods for Procurement REST services.

Oracle Procurement Cloud Chapter 30
Security Reference for Procurement Unassigned Duties


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