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TABLES FOR THE GENERAL DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS OF MATERIALS 2.39 Table 2-3 Applicable ASTM Specifications for Various Structural Shapes F,Min. | F, ‘Applicable Shape Series Yield | Tensile HSS Steel | ASTM —_| Stress | Stress* | | Type | Designation | (ksi) | (ksi) | W | M | S | HP | C | MC| L jRect.) 3 | Pipe xo _| = | oo [A cr AS3 Gr.B 35 60 | T 42 58 aes 8 ae [ss Carbon 46 62 Gc 30 | 62 A501 36 | 88 [eso | 50 sos Gr. 55 55 | 70-100 Gr. 42 42 6.50 | 50 ‘AS72| Gr55 | 55 Gr. 60° 60 High | rest | 65 stength || Gctair| 507 tow. | A618 Gril 50 Alloy 50 50" o | 6 asa | 7% | 70 A992 50-65! Corrosion acs = £ Resistant A242 46k 67* Ey High | so | 70! t strength [as so [70 lowly haa 50. 70 Std I = Preferred material specication. C1 = Material specification does not apply. Win ules a ange Is shown For shapes over 426 ft, nly te minimum at 58 ks apps. For shapes with a flange thickness less than or equal to 11 in. onty. To improve weldability a maximum carbon equivalent can be specified (per ASTM Supplementary Requirement $78). If desired, maximum tensile stress of 90 ksi can be specified (per ASTM Supplementary Aequrement $79) i cesied maximum tense stress of 70 ks canbe specified (er ASTM Supplementary Requement 9) For stapes with flange thickness less than r equal 2. ony. ASTM BIB can alo be spectig as corosin-esitant soe ASTM A618 Minimum pps fr was nominal 3 hk and under For wal hikes oer in, FAB kl and F,—67 si H¥ Gesired, maximum yield stess of 65 ksi and maximum yield to-tersile strength ratio of 0.85 can be specified (per ASTM Supplementary Aequremert $75) ‘A maximum ye-o-tensilestrongt ato of 0.85 and carbon eqivalet formula ar included as mandatory in ASTM A. For shapes wit a lange thickness grater tan 2 i. ony For shapes wth a age thickness grater than Tin. and ls than or equal to in. ony For shapes with a ange thickness less than or equal o 194i. nl AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Table 2-4 Applicable ASTM Specifications for Plates and Bars Plates and Bars F,Min. | F, ‘over | over | over | over | over | over | over | over Yield |Tensile| to /0.75|125| 15 |2t0| 25 | 4to | St | 6to Steel | ASTM —_| Stress |Stress*|0.75| to | to |to2/ 25 |to4| 5 | 6 | 8 | over Type | Designation | (ksi) | (ksi) | incl, | 1.25 | 1.5 | incl. | incl, | inct. | incl. | incl. | incl. | 8 32__| 58-80 t 136 aaa - 36_ | 58-80 50 | 50_| 70-100 [ K $9 Tec | 55 _| 10-10 fe ee eal 2 | 6 fy ree ae High: eso | 50 | 65 ait Strength ar tow. |4872[ 6.85 [55 70 [ERS i ‘Alloy 60 | 60 | 75 fl oes | 65 | 80 fo ra SEER Conesion | gaz 4687 BF i ae “| ae High- pees i Strength 42_| 63 ie Low-Alloy | A588 46 | 67 0 | 70 fQuenched a 90 | 100-130 Tempered | AS14° ‘Alloy 100 }110-130 (Quenched eam and Hl emperea | A882" mo | oto Low-Alloy I = Prefered material spectiation. EE = Other applicable material specification, the availabilty of which should be confirmed prior to specification. C= Matera! specification does not apply ‘Minimum unless a range s shown, by Appicabl to bars ony above tin thickness. © Available as plates only AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. ‘TABLES FOR THE GENERAL DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS OF MATERIALS 241 Table 2-5 Applicable ASTM Specifications for Various Types of Structural Fasteners High- | |s ] Strength | ik © | Anchor Rods Bolts iS 3 F 3 Be 2 Is |2 | | min, | F, gigs & tals |z sl Yield | Tensile Bs 5 $82 |? /s lz lf Stress* | Diameter Range z Bei e|2/2 Be|e|s 3 3 |s2 (ksi) (in) 28| 3/2 | ese |e 2 | Beal 65 | 037510078, im = 105 over 1 to 1.5 incl. 7 120 | _05t0 nc 150 | 050015 = [105 1135 | es = 120 0.5 to 1, incl. mum | — | — | o2swe oe AS63 ne = 0.25 to4 { F436 = _ 0.25 to4 F959 Eo Ea 0.5 to1.5 736 36 [38-00 ‘010 z =| 100 | over 4107 aiaerer [— [115 | oerasa = 125 | 25 and under a FSA = [0 [2504 z= GC Trad 58-80 0.25 to 4 = [140 [250 ined ee = 150. 0.25 to 2.5, incl. ee ee A449 = [05 [7125 015, ind | © = 120 0.25 to 1, incl. i: we] 2 | 60 6 50 | 60 | 65 04 AS72 | Gr. 55. 55 70 to2 G60 | eo | 75 125 Gr. 65. 65. 80, to 1.25 E az | 63 | Overt 8 088 46 | 67 | Over 4105 nc so| 70 | 4and under ne7 | 105 150 max | 0625 03 Fisss| or36 | a5 | 50-00 | 025004 Gr. 55 55. 75-95 0.25 to4 ea eheade ss. 105] 105 | 125-150] 025103, TeaEE referred material specification. Other applicable material specification, the availability of which should be confirmed prior to specification. faterial specification does not apply. — nats hata vale ot petod nthe mala pecan, ainmamuniessarange i town or maximum (ax nde > Special washer requreents may apy per ROS Spctcaon Table 61 fr same to le boing appatons an per Part 1 fo zechor0 appeats. « See ASC Specteatn Seton 3 formato on use of ASTM AA bots ¢ en mcrperic cores resstances deste, Tpe 3 can e spect, © For anchor ds wih pete and coroson resistance caracestis "AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC.

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