Active Lesson Plan Brittany Clayton Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana

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Active Lesson Plan

Brittany Clayton

Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana

1. Goals and Objectives are what you want the children to learn or accomplish. You must

list at least one goal or objective.

The goal of the activity that I chose was to keep children active while learning their colors

and helping with memory.

2. Procedures are a short description of what the children will do during the course of the


The children will be given a card with a circle on it that is colored. For example, they would

start with a red circle. Once they have their color, they must check under cones that are lined

up and find the one with another red circle under it. Once they have found the red circle, they

say which cone it was under and get another color. They will continue this cycle until all the

colors have been found.

3. Material list is everything you will need to complete the activity

To complete this activity cards, different colored markers and cones are needed.

4. Differentiation or Accommodations are the strategies or support you will put in place for a

child with special needs. You must identify what the disability is along with the support.

For a child in a wheelchair, the cones could be replaced with a board that has the colors

covered up. Using the board instead of the cones will make it so the child is able to reach the

colors to try and find the correct ones.

5. Assessment strategies are what you will do to determine if the children are successful at

meeting the objective. Keep in mind these are preschoolers (written exams are not

appropriate) so determine what you can do to make a record or document of the children’s

responses to the activity.

In order to determine if the children are successful at this game, I would keep track of how long

it takes them to finish the activity and each time it is played I would see if the time decreases

any. You could also change the game by making it numbers instead of colors.

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