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Perceiving Perspective

John C. Hart
Department of Computer Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

What Will We Learn?
• How do we perceive a 3-D world from
the 2-D image on our retina?
• How can this perception interfere with
the visual presentation of 2-D data?
• How can we avoid the perception of 2-D
data as 3-D data?
The Model Human Processor
Working Memory
Long-Term Memory Cognitive Processor
Size: 7 (5-9) chunks
Pure: 3 (2.5 – 4.2) chunks
Size:  Cycle: 70 (25 – 170) ms
Decay: 7 (5 – 226) sec.
Decay: 
Decay1: 73 (73 – 226) sec.
Decay3: 7 (5 – 34) sec.
Motor Processor

Visual Image Store Cycle: 70 (30 – 100) ms

Eye Size: 17 (7 – 17) letters

Decay: 200 (90 – 1000) ms Perceptual Processor
Cycle: 230 ms
(70 – 700) ms Cycle: 100 (50 – 200) ms
Auditory Image Store

Size: 5 (4.4 – 6.2) letters

Decay: 1500 (90 – 3500) ms

Card, Stuart K. "The model human processor: A model for making engineering calculations of human performance."
In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 25(1),1981. pp. 301-305
• Foreshortening: Objects at different
depth along a similar line of sight
project to nearby locations on the foreshortening
image plane
• Linear Perspective: Objects farther
away appear smaller
• Size Constancy: Objects do not
change size, so smaller objects must
be farther away than larger objects
Size Constancy

Size Constancy

Which is Longer, AB or BC?

Which is Longer, AB or BC?

Texture Constancy
• Expect objects to be same size in 3-D
• Differences must be due to perspective
Lighting Assumptions
What Did We Learn
• Our perception of size of an object is
influenced by our perception of the
distance to the object
• Avoid the incorporation of artificial 3-D
elements in the presentation of 2-D

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