Role of Biocementation To Improve Mechanical Properties of Mortar PDF

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Sådhanå (2019)44:50  Indian Academy of Sciences Sadhana(0123456789().,-volV)FT3

Role of biocementation to improve mechanical properties of mortar

Civil Engineering Department, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur 440010, India
Nagpur, India

MS received 16 February 2018; revised 8 August 2018; accepted 25 September 2018

Abstract. Biocementation or Microbially Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation (MICCP) is a naturally

occurring green technique which involves the deposition of calcium carbonate by peculiar action of ureolytic
bacteria, which improves the mechanical properties of cementitious materials. These bacteria require a protein
source, a vitamin source and a carbon source for optimum growth. Urea and calcium source are necessary to
carry out the ureolysis reaction to get CaCO3 depositions which fill the voids within the cementitious materials
thereby improving their mechanical properties. To make the process economical, it is necessary to find out
optimum concentrations of the various chemicals and ingredients used in the process. Present study aims at
finding out the best possible combination of urea and protein source to carry out the MICCP process suc-
cessfully. There was 22.44% increase in compressive strength and 16.62% reduction in the water absorption of
experimental mortar cubes at 28 days of curing with the optimum combination of urea and protein source

Keywords. Biocementation; MICCP; calcium carbonate; ureolysis.

1. Introduction particles and provide strength to the same as a whole

structure by occupying the voids in between substrate
In this era most of the population is looking forward to particles. Many natural structures such as ant hills on land
urbanization and the construction industry has gained a and coral reefs in water are best examples of calcification
supreme importance. Mortar is one of the largest and bulk occurring at ambient conditions and providing them
consumption items in construction industry as it is used as a sustainability.
binding material for bricks, stones and other masonry units Microbially induced calcium carbonate precipitation
due to its low cost and availability. Although mortar has (MICCP) is the utilization of this capability of microor-
many advantages, it is vulnerable to deterioration, corrosion ganisms for strengthening the construction materials
and cracks and hence loses its strength over a period of time thereby saving a lot of money and resources in an eco-
when subjected to variable weathering actions. Remedia- friendly and sustainable manner [4, 5]. The technique of
tion and repair of construction works is a very costly affair. MICCP has been found to have high potential to remediate
Various synthetic filler agents, epoxy, epoxy resins and cracks in building materials in an environmental friendly
different commercial admixtures are being used for this manner and also to protect and consolidate decayed con-
purpose. However, these remedies are immensely expen- struction materials [6, 7].
sive and in many cases are not eco-friendly, thus there is Ammonium concentration, oxygen availability, miner-
need of some alternative green and clean technology for alogy and soil particle size are part of the conditions that
saving enormous structures from damage [1–3]. may influence ureolytic activity of the bacteria that are
It is a well-known fact that calcium carbonate is most assessed [8]. Soil as a source of bacteria provided with
abundantly occurring mineral in nature. Various microor- nutrient rich environment, urea and a source of calcium are
ganisms have tendency to deposit calcium carbonate as a the main players of the process of biocementation [9].
part of their metabolic activity. These deposits are found Abo-El-Enein et al described that the incorporation of
out to be very good binders between loose substrate the moderately alkalophilic aerobic Sporosarcina pasteurii
increase the compressive strength of cement mortar cubes
T. Chakrabarti: Formerly MPCB, Civil Engineering Department, by about 33% at the age of 28th day of curing [10].
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur,
440010, India It has also been revealed in one study that the use of
Bacillus sp. CT-5 bacteria in cement mortar specimen led to
*For correspondence 40% increase in the compressive strength as compared to
50 Page 2 of 8 Sådhanå (2019)44:50

that of mortar specimen made with tap water and also about ions, to form CaCO3 precipitation at the surface of the
50% reduction in the porosity [11]. In another study done cell, which serves as a nucleation site [15].
by Achal et al it has been investigated that the lactose
mother liquor (LML) which is a waste from dairy industry Ca2þ þ Cell ! CellCa2þ ð6Þ
can be used to replace conventional standard nutrient media
used for the growth of calcifying bacteria. Thus this study
provides a more sustainable way of construction material CellCa2þ þ CO2
3 ! CellCaCO3 # ð7Þ
improvement which is as good as the conventional way
[12]. Charpe et al have used general soil bacteria (without Present study was done by using cost effective ingredi-
isolation) which proved to be as effective as isolated cul- ents such as sugar as a source of carbon instead of D-glu-
tures. The use of lentil seeds as a source of protein and cose and lentil seeds (Lens culinaris) powder as a source of
sugar as a source of carbon make the process more eco- protein instead of expensive peptone. Lentil seeds contains
nomically viable [9]. 25 g proteins/100 g dry weight [16].
In a study carried out by Sun-Gyu Choi, instead of using
calcium chloride or other calcium salts, soluble calcium
was produced by mixing eggshell with vinegar and used for 2. Materials and methods
the MICCP process which was just as good as that using
calcium chloride [13].
2.1 Preparation of experimental solution
The study carried out by Gomez et al extended an
attention to application of MICCP from small scale labo- For the present study, rhizospheric soil was used as a source
ratory tests to large scale on field construction. A large tank of bacteria instead of pure culture to make the process cost
of 1.7 m diameter containing 0.7 m3 of a poorly-graded effective. The quantity of soil taken was 200 g/l of water.
natural sand was treated with large cementation injections. Meat extract as a vitamin source and sugar as a carbon source
Results were found out to be satisfactory even in large scale were added in amounts 3 g/l and 0.5 g/l, respectively.
operation [14]. Commercial D-glucose was replaced by sugar as a carbon
The following reactions given by Eq. (1) to (7) explain source to reduce the cost. As a protein source for bacteria,
the sequence of processes occurring in MICCP [15]. commercially used peptone was replaced by lentil seed
powder as its cost is about 53 times less than peptone. Lentil
• Initially, in the presence of urease, urea gets hydro-
seed powder was added in variable amounts for different sets
lyzed to form carbamate and ammonia
of experiments to find out the optimum concentration. The
COðNH2 Þ2 þH2 O ! NH2 COOH þ NH3 ð1Þ resulting mixture was then incubated for 24 h at 37C. After
incubation, the optical density of the resulting mixture was
• Additional one mole of ammonia and carbonic acid are measured at 600 nm in spectrophotometer, which was found
formed due to hydrolyses of carbamate out to be 0.856. This value of optical density indicates suf-
ficient cell biomass in the experimental solution. The
NH2 COOH þ H2 O ! NH3 þ H2 CO3 ð2Þ supernatant of the experimental solution was then separated
from the soil. Urea and gypsum (as a calcium source) were
• These products subsequently form 1 mole of bicar-
then added to the solution to carry out the hydrolysis of urea
bonate and 2 moles of ammonium and hydroxide ions,
by the microbial mass in the experimental solution to form
CaCO3 precipitation. The amount of gypsum (calcium sul-
fate) used was double the urea concentration as calculated
H2 CO3 ! Hþ þ HCO
3 ð3Þ
from the stoichiometry of the chemical reaction.

2NH3 þ 2H2 O ! 2NHþ

4 þ 2OH

2.2 Preparation of control 1 solution
• The previous reactions give rise to a pH increase due to
Control 1 solution was prepared to study the effects of added
which the bicarbonate equilibrium is shifted and
chemicals and other ingredients on the mechanical properties
carbonate ions are formed.
of mortar in the absence of bacteria. This was made exactly
HCO þ þ
3 þ H þ 2NH4 þ 2OH
 like experimental solution but without adding soil.
! CO2
3 þ 2NH4 þ 2H2 O ð5Þ

• As the cell wall of a bacterium is generally negatively

2.3 Measurement of pH
charged, bacteria attract cations including Ca2? from
the environment which get deposited on their cell Since pH is an important parameter that indicates different
surface. Subsequently the Ca2?ions react with CO32- stages in a chemical reaction, the pH of the experimental
Sådhanå (2019)44:50 Page 3 of 8 50

Table 1. pH of the experimental solution at various experimental Table 3. Various combinations of concentrations of lentil seed
stages. powder and urea employed in the study.

Experimental stages pH range Combinations Lentil seed powder g/l Urea g/l
Before incubation 6.8–7.4 Combination 1 5 1
After incubation 4.7–5.2 Combination 2 10 1
After adding urea and gypsum 8.5–9.5 Combination 3 5 2
Combination 4 10 2
Combination 5 5 4
solution was measured at different stages of experiment. Combination 6 10 4
The values of pH of the experimental solution at different
stages are as shown in table 1.
concentration of lentil seed powder as a protein source and
concentration of urea were kept variable to suggest best
2.4 Sand and cement optimal combination of their concentrations. For every
combination of concentration of urea and lentil seed pow-
For the present study, locally available natural river sand der, six cubes for each 3, 7 and 28 days were cast. Table 3
was used confirming to IS 383 (1970) [17] of zone II having shows six different combinations of lentil seed powder and
specific gravity of 2.60. Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) urea. Three cubes of every combination were used for
confirming to IS 12269 (2013) [18] was used. The chemical compressive strength test and rest of the three cubes of were
composition of OPC is given in table 2. used for water absorption test for curing period of 3, 7 and
28 days.

2.5 Specimen preparation

The standard ratio of cement to sand i.e., 1:3 was main-
2.7 Curing conditions
tained; also water to cement ratio was maintained to 0.42 The control specimens were cured in water. Control 1 and
throughout the study. Control, control 1 and experimental experimental specimens were cured in curing solution
specimens of standard size 70.7 mm 9 70.7 mm 9 composed of sugar 0.5 g/l, urea 1 g/l and gypsum 2 g/l at
70.7 mm were cast as per IS 4031 (part 6) 1988 [19]. room temperature i.e. 27 ± 2C for 3, 7 and 28 days. This
Cylinders of size 100 mm 9 200 mm were prepared for was done to ensure that sufficient substrate, calcium source
rapid chloride permeability test (RCPT) as per ASTM and carbon source are available for the bacteria to carry out
C1202 [20]. All specimens were compacted well in vibra- the calcium carbonate formation reactions. Table 4 shows
tion machine. The specimens were demolded after 24 h of the compositions of curing solutions used for control 1 and
cast and kept for curing. experimental specimens.

2.6 Design of experiment 3. Results

Control specimens were made up of cement, sand and
water. Control 1 specimens were made up of cement, sand 3.1 Compressive strength test
and control 1 solution. Experimental specimens were made IS 4031 (part 6) 1988 [19] was followed for the compres-
up of cement, sand and experimental solution. The sive strength testing of control, control 1 and experimental
specimens of all six combinations mentioned in table 3 at
Table 2. Chemical components of ordinary Portland cement.

Material Components % Table 4. Compositions of curing solutions used for control 1 and
Ordinary Portland Cement Silicon dioxide (SiO2) 18.89 experimental specimens.
Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) 6.35
Sl. Type of Sugar g/l in Urea g/l in Gypsum g/l
Ferric oxide (FeO3) 3.87
no. specimen water water in water
Calcium oxide (CaO) 62.23
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 2.30 1 Control 0 0 0
Potassium oxide (K2O) 0.22 specimens
Sodium dioxide (Na2O) 0.17 2 Control 1 0.5 1 2
Sulphur trioxide (SO3) 0.83 specimens
Loss of ignition (LOI) 4.21 3 Experimental 0.5 1 2
Total 99.07 specimens
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Table 5. Average compressive strength of control, control and experimental specimens and % increase in average compressive strength
of experimental specimens as compared to control specimens at 3rd, 7th and 28th day of curing.

Average compressive
Average compressive Average compressive strength of
strength of control strength of control 1 experimental
specimens (N/mm2) specimens (N/mm2) specimens (N/mm2) p value (As per % Increase in
or MPa or MPa or MPa ANOVA) compressive strength

3 7 28 3 7 28 3 7 28 3 7 28 3 7 28
Combinations Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days
Combination 1 32.14 34.68 44.01 30.68 34.41 41.35 33.61 36.01 45.35 0.0034 0.0003 0.020 4.56 3.85 3.03
Combination 2 32.28 35.34 45.35 32.01 34.01 41.35 33.34 36.68 46.15 3.31 3.77 1.76
Combination 3 24.41 30.68 33.88 23.67 27.34 31.08 27.34 35.34 41.48 12.02 15.22 22.44
Combination 4 29.48 30.01 36.01 27.01 30.01 34.01 32.54 35.48 43.35 10.41 18.22 20.37
Combination 5 28.68 33.34 37.34 29.34 32.28 36.14 32.14 38.68 44.15 12.09 16.00 18.21
Combination 6 31.48 34.54 37.61 30.28 33.61 37.48 34.14 38.14 44.68 8.47 10.42 18.79

the curing age of 3, 7 and 28 days, respectively. Table 5 The increase in compressive strength and decrease in
shows the average compressive strengths of control, control water absorption in experimental specimens are due to
1 and experimental specimens and % increase in average calcium carbonate precipitation. This is due to the action of
compressive strength of experimental specimens as com- ureolytic bacteria which hydrolyse urea thus producing
pared to control specimens at the curing age of 3, 7 and carbonate ions. When gypsum (calcium sulfate) is added as
28 days, respectively for all the six combinations. The calcium source, calcium carbonate is formed which being
combination 3 i.e., 2 g/l of urea and 5 g/l of lentil seeds insoluble gets deposited in the pores of matrix of mortar
powder gave best results. specimens. This, in turn, causes increase in compressive
strength and decrease in water absorption (refer to chemical
reactions given in section 1). This is clear in the SEM
3.2 Water absorption test images presented in figure 2. It was also observed that there
was not much difference in the compressive strength and
Water absorption test was performed on all types of spec-
water absorption of control and control 1 specimens. This
imens as per ASTM C140-11a [21]. The specimens, after
indicates that the chemicals and ingredients added other
curing periods of 3, 7 and 28 days were drawn from
than bacteria do not have any effect on the mechanical
respective curing solutions and wiped with a dry cloth. The
properties of the mortar.
saturated weights of mortar specimens were taken. The
specimens were then kept in oven at a temperature range of
105C to 110C for 24 h. After 24 h of oven drying, dry
3.3 Statistical analysis
weights of specimens were noted down. The water
absorption was found out from difference between initial The data for compressive strength and water absorption was
and final weights. Combination 3 was found to give best analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The p value
results i.e., 11.77 %, 13.77% and 16.62% reduction at 3rd, for all the sets of experiments was found to be less than
7th and 28th days of curing, respectively (refer table 6).

Table 6. Percent reduction in water absorption at 3rd, 7th and 28th day of curing.

% Water absorption % Water absorption

% Water absorption of control 1 of experimental p value (As per % Reduction in water
of control specimens specimens specimens ANOVA) absorption

3 7 28 3 7 28 3 7 28 3 7 28 3 7 28
Combinations Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days
Combination 1 5.78 5.88 4.83 5.76 5.83 4.82 5.75 5.88 4.74 0.0008 0.003 0.0001 0.50 0.00 1.87
Combination 2 5.88 5.83 4.89 5.87 5.75 4.82 5.80 5.75 4.87 1.26 1.38 0.37
Combination 3 5.85 5.70 4.88 5.58 5.29 4.65 5.16 4.92 4.07 11.77 13.77 16.62
Combination 4 5.83 5.61 4.80 5.57 5.42 4.59 5.20 4.86 4.06 10.87 13.44 15.50
Combination 5 5.87 5.63 4.86 5.40 5.06 4.75 5.25 5.00 3.98 10.53 11.11 18.15
Combination 6 5.78 5.88 4.83 5.63 5.07 4.19 5.26 5.00 3.99 9.03 14.89 17.36
Sådhanå (2019)44:50 Page 5 of 8 50

0.05. This shows that there is a significant variation

amongst the samples (see tables 5 and 6).

3.4 Durability tests

3.4a Chloride, sulfate and carbonation tests: Since com-
bination 3 was found out to be the best combination,
chloride, sulfate and carbonation tests were conducted for
all types of mortar specimens made by using combination
3. According to IS 456; 2000 allowable chloride content for
mortar containing non-embedded metal is 3 kg/m3 [22].
The chloride concentration was found out in extracted
experimental sample by Argentometric method and was
0.02 kg/m3 which is well within the limit. The sulfate
concentration of the extracted experimental sample was
obtained by turbidimetric method according to IS 3025
(part 24) 1986 [23]. The soluble sulfate concentration of the
experimental sample was 15.76 mg/l. This is also within
the limit, i.e., 400 mg/l as per IS 456:2000. For the car-
bonation test, phenolphthalein solution was sprayed on a
freshly exposed surface of the control and experimental
specimens [24]. A pink colour was obtained in control as
well as experimental specimens indicating that sufficient
Ca(OH)2 is present (refer to figure 1). This indicates that
both the specimens were not much carbonated. These tests
results indicate that the mortar prepared using experimental
solution is durable and resistant to weathering and does not
cause additional carbonation due to MICCP reaction
3.4b Rapid chloride permeability test (RCPT): Rapid Figure 2. SEM images of (a) control specimen and (b) experi-
chloride permeability test for best combination i.e., com- mental specimen.
bination 3 was performed to determine ability of mortar
specimens to resist the chloride ion penetration and their
control specimens was low and for experimental specimens
electrical conductivities. Rapid chloride permeability test
was very low according to ASTM C1202.
was performed according to ASTM C1202 (ASTM C1202,
2017) [20]. Control and experimental specimens were tes-
ted for RCPT. The average values of charge passed for
3.5 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analysis
control and experimental specimens were found out to be
1220 C and 458 C, respectively. The permeability class for To study the effect of biocementation, the 28 days speci-
mens of both control and experimental were examined

Figure 1. Carbonation test on (a) control specimen and (b) experimental specimen using phenolphthalein.
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Figure 3. EDX analysis of (a) control specimen and (b) experimental specimen.

under scanning electron microscope (JSM- 6380A). On aragonite and calcite) of the calcium carbonate crystals.
comparison of the SEM images of control and experimental Using an XPERT-PRO diffractometer system, the XRD-
specimens, it was observed that the void spaces seen in the spectra were obtained with Cu anode (40 kV and 45 mA).
control specimen were not seen in the experimental speci- The specimens were crushed to an average particle size of
men. The Scanning Electron Micrographs are shown in less than 10 microns. The XRD patterns of both specimens
figure 2. were obtained as shown in figure 4a, b, by scanning spec-
imens by 2h value of 10 to 99 degrees. The experimental
specimen showed more number of peaks of vaterite, arag-
3.6 Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis onite and calcite crystals than control specimen. This may
be due to calcium carbonate formation in experimental
EDX analysis was done to confirm the presence of calcium
specimen’s matrix due to MICCP reaction by ureolytic
carbonate mineral in the matrix of both control and
experimental specimens. Figure 3a, b show the results of
EDX analysis for control and experimental specimens,
respectively. The amount of calcium is clearly more in
4. Discussion
experimental specimen than in control specimen which may
be because of CaCO3 deposition by bacteria in experi-
This study aimed to find out optimum concentrations of the
mental specimen.
two crucially important ingredients i.e., urea and protein
source to carry out the MICCP reaction successfully by
using low cost ingredients as mentioned in section 2.1.
3.7 X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis Table 5 shows the percent increase in compressive strength
The control and experimental specimens were analyzed by of experimental specimens in comparison with control
XRD to find out the type of crystalline forms (vaterite, specimens for all six combinations of concentrations of
Sådhanå (2019)44:50 Page 7 of 8 50

5. Conclusion

In this era, where there is a rapid increase in the demand of

construction materials, MICCP or biocementation has been
proved to be most promising and novel technique to
maintain sustainability in an ecofriendly manner. Various
studies are underway to make use of biocementation to
strengthen structures and increase their durability. From the
present study, it can be concluded that biocementation
using experimental solution having 2 g/l of urea, and 5 g/l
of lentil seed powder is better for strength enhancement as
compared to other combinations of various concentrations
tested. Future research is needed to replace meat extract by
some other vitamin source to further reduce the cost of
experimental solution. Also, studies with different calcium
sources (other than gypsum) can be done.


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