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1215-9102 TRACTION MOTOR CONTROLLER AND HAND SET N30-40—45 XMR N25-30 XMDR N50 XMA SAFETY PRECAUTIONS MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ‘When lifting parts or assemblies, make sure that all slings, chains or cables are correctly fastened and that the load being lifted is balanced, Make sure that the crane, cables and chains have the capacity to support the weight of the load, Do not lift heavy parts by hand. Use a lifting mechanism. Wear safety glasses. DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CONNECTOR before doing any ‘maintenance or repair on electric lift trucks. Disconnect the battery ground cable on internal combustion lift trucks. Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See “How To Put The Lift Truck On Blocks” in the OPERATING MANUAL or the PERIODIC MAINTENANCE section. Keep the unit and working area clean and in order. Use the correct tools for the job. Keep the tools clean and in good condition. Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts must meet or exceed the specifications of the original ‘equipment manufacturer. Make sure that all nuts, bolts, snap rings and other fastening devices are removed before using force to remove parts. Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE sign to the controls of the unit when making repairs or if the unit needs repairs. Make sure you follow the DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION notes in the instructions. Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), and Diesel are flammable fuels. ‘Make sure that you follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these fuels and when working on these fuel systems, Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks away from the area, Make sure the area has ventilation, CONTENTS PROGRAMMER HANDSET .... DESCRIPTION/FEATURES SCROLL DISPLAY KEYS . CHANGE VALUE KEYS MORE INFO KEY ... PROGRAM MENU . TEST MENU . DIAGNOSTICS MENU... SPECIAL PROGRAM MENU DIAGNOSTIC HISTORY .. ‘TRACTION MOTOR CONTROLLER .... DESCRIPTION/FEATURES REMOVAL ... INSTALLATION TESTING BENCH TEST SET-UP FOR PROGRAMMING . PROGRAMMER SELF TEST . CONNECTING THE HAND SET TO THE TRACTION MOTOR CONTROLLER DISCONNECTING THE HAND SET ...... ce PROGRAMMING THE TRACTION MOTOR CONTROLLER PROGRAM MENU ... TEST MENU . DIAGNOSTICS MENU... ‘TRANSISTORIZED TRACTION MOTOR CONTROLLERS - THEORY OF OPERATION ..... BASIC CONTROLLER OPERATION ..... MOTOR CIRCUIT THAT OPERATES WITH PULSES . FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR (FET) INDUCTION CURRENT FROM THE MOTOR . PLUGGING CIRCUIT . CONTROL CIRCUIT SRO (STATIC-RETURN-TO.OFF) FUNCTION HIGH PEDAL DISABLE THERMAL PROTECTION FUNCTION LOW VOLTAGE PROTECTION FUNCTION . POWER CIRCUIT . ‘This section is forthe following models: 30-40-45 XMR, N25-30 XMDR, NSO XMA @HYSTER COMPANY 1996 “THE QUALITY KEEPERS” HYSTER APPROVED PARTS PROGRAMMER HAND SET FOUR LINE LCD DISPLAY WINDOW SELECTS. SELECTS PROGRAM MENU, CHANGES VALUE OF SELECTED TEM SCROLLS DISPLAY UP AND DOWN, ‘SELECTS MORE INFO, SPECIAL. PROGRAM AND DIAGNOSTIC MENUS FIGURE 1. CURTIS MODEL 1307 PROGRAMMER HAND SET DESCRIPTION/FEATURES ‘The Programmer Hand Set (Hyster P/N 2309750) is a hand held tool that allows the user to PROGRAM, ‘TEST and DIAGNOSE the Traction Motor Controller. It has been designed for ease of use with eight keys to control all functions. A MORE INFO key is included to expand on any display item. NOTE: The Programmer Hand Set includes the nec- essary interface cable, Replacement interface cables can be purchased under Hyster P/N 2311805. ‘The programmer is powered by the controller. When the programmer is plugged into the controller, it will ac- ‘quire all the controller function values and display the model number, date of manufacture and revision code. After the initial display, the programmer will prompt the user with further instructions. ‘The display window contains a four line LCD display. This display is visible in most lighting conditions. When PROGRAM, TEST or DIAGNOSTICS is selected, the programmer will display four different items of that ‘menu, The item listed at the top is the selected item, In the PROGRAM menu, the selected item will be high- lighted with a flashing arrow. To the left of the PROGRAM, TEST and DIAGNOS- TICS menu, a small scroll is displayed. This bar repre- sents the location of the selected item in relation to the entire menu. That is, when the scroll bar is at the top of the window, the top of the menu is displayed. When scrolling through the menu, the bar will move down- ward. When the bar appears at the bottom, you have reached the end of the menu SCROLL DISPLAY KEYS ‘Two SCROLL DISPLAY arrow keys move the display up and down throughout the full list. The UP arrow moves toward the top of the list, while the DOWN arrow moves toward the bottom of the list. The selected item will always appear on the top line. In the PROGRAM ‘menu, the selected item is highlighted by a flashing ar- row. To modify one of the function values, or to obtain ‘more information on the menu items, the item must be scrolled to the top of the display window. ‘The display may be scrolled either by repeatedly de- pressing or by holding down one of the SCROLL DIS- PLAY keys. When the SCROLL DISPLAY key is held down, the display will start to stowly scroll then increase in speed the longer the key is held down. Ifthe key is re- leased and held, the display will again start scrolling at the slow rate. CHANGE VALUE KEYS ‘The CHANGE VALUE arrow keys increase or d the value of the selected menu item. There is an LED on each arrow key to indicate when the key is active and a change is permissible. When the LED is off, the limit setting (max. or min.) of the funetion has been reached. The CHANGE VALUE keys may be repeatedly de- pressed or held in the same manner as the SCROLL, DISPLAY keys. The longer the key is held the faster the value will change. This allows rapid changing of any function value, ‘When in the PROGRAM menu, only the selected item, at the top of the display window, may be changed. Addi- tional information will be displayed after the MORE INFO key has been depressed, In this mode, the user can see the present value and minimum and maximum val- ues available. If either limit has been reached, the Pro- ‘grammer will indicate the reason the limit was obtained. NOTE: Many function values are dependent on other values. Changing one function value may be dependent upon the limits of another. For example, M2 ACCEL~ ERATION RATE (Mid Mode) must be equal to or less than (quicker) MI ACCELERATION RATE (Turtle Mode) and equal to or greater than (slower) M3 AC- CELERATION RATE (Rabbit Mode). In this example, ‘when attempting to reduce the M2 ACCELERATION RATE (quicker acceleration), a message may be dis- played indicating that the M2 ACCELERATION RATE, is dependent upon the M3 ACCELERATION RATE. Dependencies are shown on the bottom line of the pro- grammer display in place of the MIN / MAX values once the minimum or maximum value has been pro- grammed. Dependencies are only displayed if the MORE INFO key has been depressed (PROGRAM and MORE INFO keys are illuminated). “MORE INFO” KEY ‘The MORE INFO key has two functions; to display additional information about the selected item and to ac- cess the SPECIAL PROGRAM MENU and the DIAG- NOSTICS HISTORY. When the programmer is in any of its menus, the MORE INFO key may be pressed to display additional information about a selected item. Pressing the MORE INFO key again will return the dis- play to the original list. In the PROGRAM menu, a bar ‘graph is displayed along with the minimum and maxi- mum values available. If the minimum or maximum value has been programmed, a message stating so will replace the bar graph and any dependencies will be listed. In the TEST or Diagnostic menu, additional in- formation is displayed. Refer to SPECIAL PROGRAM. MENU and DIAGNOSTIC HISTORY in this section for additional information. PROGRAM MENU Depress the PROGRAM menu key to put the program- mer into the PROGRAM mode. In this mode, the LED in the comer of the PROGRAM key will be illuminated. Alladjustable functions and features, with their current set values will be displayed, four at a time, within the display window. The selected item (top line with the ar- row) is the function or menu item that may be changed. A list of the available menu items are found in TABLE I. 2 PROGRAM (MENU DISPLAY (CREEP SPEED VALUE Creep Speed in % of Full Throttle % of Max. Available Acceleration Gain quick sTART M1 MAIN CiL_ Mi PLUG CL M1 ACCEL RATE | Mode 1 Acceleration Rate (SECS.) ‘Mt MAX SPEED [Mode 1 Max. Speed Available in % M2 MAIN GIL [Mode 2 Main Current Limit (AMPS) M2 PLUG CL | Mode 2 Plug Current Limit (AMPS) ‘M2 ACCEL RATE | Mode 2 Acceleration Rate (SECS.) M2 MAX SPEED [Mode 2 Max. Speed Available in %. M3 MAIN GiL_ [Mode 8 Main Current Limit (AMPS) M3 PLUG CiL_|Mode 3 Plug Current Limit (AMPS) M3 ACCEL RATE | Mode 3 Acceleration Rate (SECS) M3 MAX SPEED [Mode 3 Max. Speed Available in % ‘TABLE 1.~ PROGRAM MENU. ‘Mode 1 Main Current Limit (AMPS) Mode 1 Plug Current Limit (AMPS) A warninc NEVER attempt to adjust any of the function settings without using the procedures and setting numbers (values) given in this section. Program changes will affect lift truck performance and operation. If function settings are changed, make sure all operators of the lift truck know that the truck can now operate differently. Each function of each traction motor controller has a range of setting numbers (min/max values) so that the traction motor controller can be used on different models of lift trucks. This variation is needed for lift trucks of different sizes and operating voltages. Adjustment of the function setting to the ‘wrong number for your lift truck model can cause the truck to operate differently than normal. Do not set a function value outside of the recommended ‘minimum/maximum range. This different operation of the truck can cause an injury or damage to the lift truck, TEST MENU Depress the TEST menu key to put the programmer into the TEST mode. In this mode the LED in the comer of, the TEST key is illuminated, The TEST menu displays information about the current status of the inputs, out- [ SAGNOSTIOS puts and controller temperature, For example, the pro- | MENU DISPLAY DEFINITION grammer can display the status of the Forward Switch NOKROWN [no krown Faults have Ocouves indicating if itis activated. A list ofthe available menu items are found in TABLE 2. PROGRAMMER | programmer Faut THEBWAL | Thermal Guback veto Temperature TEST ale Return iv Poe VALUE SRO___| Sialic Retuin to Off Activated THROTTLE % _ | Tavotle Reading in Percent of Ful See BATT VOLTAGE | Battery Voltage on comm pam Shorted (Controler Mo Ternina!) HEATSINK "© _[Heatsink Temperature in WELDED [Direction Contactor Welded Mode Select Input 7 i MoE aiNpuT | Mode Select n ‘OVERVOLTAGE | Battery Voltage too High Weds Seiee np CONT DAVE OG | Contactor Diver Overourent MODE B INPUT | Made Select In HWFAILSAFE | Hardware Failsafe Activated BRAKE INPUT _| Brake Switch On or Of LOW BATTERY DW BATTERY | ow Battery Voliage FORWARD | Forward Switch On or Of MISSING INPUT CalSSING | wissing Contactor REVERSE | reverse Switch On or Of INPUT THROTTLE [Trou np Fut FWO CONT _ | Forward Contactor On or Off ae REV CONT | Reverse Contactor On or Off FAULT 2 __| Throttle Low input Fault ‘TABLE 4. DIAGNOSTIC MENU TABLE 2. TEST MENU SPECIAL PROGRAM MENU ‘The SPECIAL PROGRAM MENU is entered by simul- DRIVE MODE taneously pressing the PROGRAM key and the MORE TESTMENU |— Toe] MIDDLE | RABBIT INFO key, This menu is one of the most powerful fea- One tures of the programmer. It allows the user to: revert to INPUT OFF on on previous settings, save controller settings into the pro- MODES ‘grammer memory, load programmer memory settings INPUT ot i on io the controller, clear diagnostic history, adjust con- ‘TABLE 3. DASH DISPLAY DRIVE MODE INPUTS DIAGNOSTICS MENU Depress the DIAGNOSTICS menu key to put the pro- ‘grammer into the DIAGNOSTICS mode. In this mode, the LED in the comer of the DIAGNOSTICS key isillu- minated, The DIAGNOSTICS menu will display all currently active faults detected by the controller. Its ca- pable of displaying 16 different faults, with any four be- ing displayed ata time. A listing of the available menu items are found in TABLE 4.. trast, select language, display controller information and display programmer information. The SPECIAL PROGRAM MENU is accessed by holding down the MORE INFO key and pressing down on the PRO- GRAM key at the same time, Depress the SCROLL, DISPLAY key until the desired function is on the top line, Press the MORE INFO key again, and the display will prompt you to allow the change or cancel by de- pressing the CHANGE VALUE arrow keys. ‘When the programmer hand set is first connected to the controller, it acquires all the controller function value settings and stores them in its temporary memory. This allows the user to revert back to the original settings at any time by accessing the SPECIAL PROGRAM MENU, (press PROGRAM and MORE INFO keys) and 3 selecting, RESET ALL SETTINGS, by depressing the MORE INFO key again and following the instructions. ‘Any inadvertent change to any of the function values can he “undone” in this manner, as long as the pro- grammer has not been unplugged or the key switch turned off (power disconnected). A list of the avail- able menu items are found in TABLE 5... ‘The SPECIAL PROGRAM MENU also allows the user to copy the settings from one controller to another. After ‘one traction motor controller is programmed to all the desired values, those values may be saved in the pro- ‘grammer memory. The programmer may then be used to program any number of the same model controllers to the same values. These menu functions are called “CONT SETTINGS--PROG” and PROG SET- TINGS-*CONT” respectively. See TABLE 5.. ‘SPECIAL PROGRAM >ECIAL PROGR DEFINTION RESET AL RESET ALL |povert to Previous Setings ‘ConT | Save Tracion Was Conroe, SETTINGS--PROG_|Setingein roganmer Hand St PROG |Load Programmer Hand Se St Serres soon _|ting in facton Mot Contotar LEAR On CLEAR DIAG | clear Diagnostic History Memory NTRAST ARONTRAST | acs Dipay Contrast TANGUA LANGUAGE | sees Displayed Language PROGRANMER INFO | Display Programmer Information CONTROLLER INFO [Display Controller Information ‘TABLE 5. SPECIAL PROGRAM MENU. (MORE INFO + PROGRAM KEY) DIAGNOSTIC HISTORY ‘The DIAGNOSTIC HISTORY menu is entered by si- multaneously pressing the DIAGNOSTICS key and the MORE INFO key. This is a historical listing of all the faults observed and recorded by the controller since the history was last cleared. The DIAGNOSTICS HISTORY menu is ac- cessed by holding down the MORE INFO key and de- pressing the DIAGNOSTICS key. Press the SCROLL, DOWN key to display the diagnostic history of the con- troller. Each fault will be listed only once, regardless of 4 the number of times the fault may have occurred. See TABLE 6.. The diagnostic history can be cleared from the control- ler using the SPECIAL PROGRAM MENU function, “CLEAR DIAG HISTORY”. Press the PROGRAM key while holding the MORE INFO key. Press the SCROLL DOWN key until CLEAR DIAG HISTORY appears in the top line of the display. Press MORE INFO key again, ‘and then press the VALUE UP key to clear the history or the VALUE DOWN key to cancel the operation. See TABLE 5... NOTE: If the programmer hand set fails to respond when keys are depressed or “locks up”, first disconnect the programmer from the controller, then reconnect. Re- fer to DISCONNECTING THE HAND SET FROM THE TRACTION MOTOR CONTROLLER and CONNECTING THE HAND SET TO THE TRAC- TION MOTOR CONTROLLER. Check all function value settings and adjust as necessary. See TABLE 7.. Refer to PROGRAMMING THE TRACTION MO- TOR CONTROLLER. DIAGNOSTICS. MENU DISPLAY oeanoN NOKNOWN OFBOWN Tho Known Fauts have Occured PROGRAMMER SRANNER rogram Faut THERWAL | Thermal Guback eto Temperature Sho | Sate Rowe OF Aclvatea THEO | Fgh Pedal Disable Acvatea T= SHORT — = Shore (Contoter = Tera BIRCONT | ovecton Conair Welded OVERVOLTAGE [Grenotage ‘CONT DAVA OC [Contactor Driver Overcurrent FW FAILSAFE | Hardware Falale Activated "VOLTAGE |W Battery Votage cgNiacton _|Mssing Contato TERUT I _ [Tote input Faut TERGUTS® _[TetteLow input Faut TABLE 6. DIAGNOSTIC HISTORY (MORE INFO + DIAGNOSTIC KEY) TRACTION MOTOR CONTROLLER DESCRIPTION/FEATURES ‘The Curtis Model 1215-9102 traction motor controller is rated at 550 amperes. It has full diagnostic and setup capability using a Curtis Model 1307 Programmer Hand Set. The hand held programmer tool can be used to pro- gram, test and diagnose the traction motor controller used on these lift trucks, Refer to PROGRAMMER HAND SET for instructions on using the programmer tool This controller has the capability of communicating to and from the dash display for both mode control and fault reporting. The traction mode control feature allows for the selection of three different performance modes. ‘The acceleration, top speed, and plugging can be inde- pendently programmed for each mode using the pro- grammer hand set. Mode selection is done by pushing a button on the dash display unit. Simplified diagnostic information is communicated to the dash display to alert the operator of controller over, temperature, operator sequence error and actual con- troller malfunction. Fault code information from the traction motor control- ler can be retrieved using the Programmer Hand Set or by reading the code blinked out by a LED located on the front of the traction motor controller. The LED code will only display current faults, When there are no fault codes present, the LED flashes approximately once a se- cond, Ifthe traction motor controller detects a fault, a 2 digit code is flashed continuously until the fault is cor- rected. The first and second digits of the fault code are separated by a short pause, a longer pause occurs and then the sequence is repeated. The fault code 3,2 (welded directional contactor) would cause the LED to flash the following sequence: 200 09 = 909 90000 09 ete Refer to DIAGNOSTICS MENU, Page 21 for informa- tion on LED codes and hand set fault messages. See FIGURE 4. for LED location, Refer to PROGRAM- MER HAND SET for information on using the hand set. x4 FIGURE 3. TRACTION MOTOR CONTROLLER CONNECTIONS. CONNECT PROGRAMMER HAND SET CABLE HERE X14 PIN 1 FAULT 1 OUTPUT. X14 PIN2 FAULT 2 OUTPUT X3PINT X-3 PIN2: X-3 PINS: X-3 PIN4: X-3 PINS: X-3 PING: X-3 PIN 7: Key SWITCH BRAKE SWITCH DRIVE MODE SELECT #1 INPUT DRIVE MODE SELECT #2 INPUT NOT USED NOT USED NOT USED X-3PIN8: NOT USED X-3 PINS: NOT USED X-3 PIN 10: FORWARD SWITCH INPUT X-3 PIN 11: REVERSE SWITCH INPUT X-14 CONNECTOR: X-3 CONNECTOR, X-3 PIN 12: NOT USED X-3 PIN 13: NOT USED X-3 PIN 14: THROTTLE REFERENCE VOLTAGE X-3 PIN 15: 0-5 VOLT THROTTLE SIGNAL INPUT X-3 PIN 16: NOT USED X-3 PIN 17: NOT USED X-3 PIN 18: FORWARD CONTACTOR DRIVER OUTPUT X-3 PIN 19: REVERSE CONTACTOR DRIVER OUTPUT, X-3 PIN 20: NOT USED X-3 PIN 21: NOT USED X-3 PIN 22: NOT USED X-3 PIN 23: NOT USED X-3 PIN 24: NOT USED FIGURE 4. TRACTION MOTOR CONTROLLER PIN ARRANGEMENT REMOVAL ‘The traction motor controller is located beside the oper- ator’s compartment cover on the right hand side of the lift truck, To access the traction motor controller the cover must be removed. 1. Move the lift truck to a safe level area. Tur the key switch off and remove the key. Put a “DO NOT OPER- ATE” tag on the multi-function control handle, Put blocks under the drive wheels to keep the lift truck from moving. See the section, PERIODIC MAINTE- NANCE, 8000 SRM 578, for HOW TO PUT A LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS. 6 A warninc Disconnect the battery and separate the connector before opening the compartment cover or inspecting or repairing the electrical system. If a tool causes a short-circuit, the high current flow from the battery can cause an injury or parts damage. 2. Disconnect and separate the battery connector. 3, Remove the operator's compartment cover for access. to the traction motor controller, Remove the socket head. capscrews retaining the cover to the frame, A WARNING ‘The capacitor in the traction motor controller can hold an electrical charge after the battery is disconnected. To prevent electrical shock and injury, discharge the capacitor before inspecting or repairing any component. Wear safety glasses. Make certain the battery has been disconnected. Discharge the capacitors in the controller by connecting a load (such as a contactor coil or a horn) across the controller’s B+ and B- terminals (center 2 terminals). DO NOT use a screwdriver to discharge the traction motor controller. 4, Discharge the controller by connecting a load across terminals B+ and B~. 5. Disconnect the X-3 and X-14 plugs from the traction motor controller, Tag and disconnect the wires to the ter- minals. 6. Remove the four capscrews, lockwashers and the three brackets retaining the controller to the lift truck frame, Carefully remove the traction motor controller from the lift tuck. The traction motor controller cannot be repaired. The traction motor controller is sealed and contains no ser- viceable parts. If testing has determined the traction mo- tor controller to be faulty, it must be replaced. INSTALLATION 1. Make certain that the mounting surface for the trac- tion motor controller is clean. There should be no dirt between the frame and the traction motor controller. Align the traction motor controller in the lift truck. Install the lower mounting bracket and the capscrews and washers. Install the upper brackets and the caps- crews and washers, 2. Connect the wires to the terminals. See the section, DIAGRAMS, 8000 SRM 579 for wiring details. Con- nect the plugs X-3 and X-14 to the controller. 3, Adjust the traction motor controller using the pro- ‘grammer hand set. See PROGRAMMING THE TRAC- TION MOTOR CONTROLLER. 4, Remove the blocks from under the drive wheels, re- move the “DO NOT OPERATE” tag and install the key. TESTING Refer to PROGRAMMER HAND SET for testing and troubleshooting procedures on the Traction Motor Con- troller, BENCH TEST FOR PROGRAMMING The 1215-9102 traction motor controller may be pro- grammed without having to install the unit into a lift truck. This will allow initial, routine changes in the con- troller’s function values. The configuration allows com- munication between the 1307 programmer and the trac- tion motor controller to check or change program menu values and observe the diagnostics history. This set-up is not intended to operate as a functional test set-up, only as a means to allow communication between the con- troller and the programmer. See FIGURE 5. for the wir- ing diagram necessary for the bench test. ‘The bench power supply must be capable of providing 1 amp of current to the controller. The logic enable switch allows key switch power to be cycled without tuning, the bench power supply on and off. The 10KQ resistor is required to provide the necessary throttle inputs and pre- vent a throttle fault from being generated. The 1307 pro- ‘grammer hand set is plugged into the four terminal Mo- lex connector using the Hyster P/N 2311805 interface cable, Refer to PROGRAMMING THE TRACTION MOTOR CONTROLLER for instructions to program the traction motor controller. When powering up the controller and programmer, tum on the bench power supply first and let its voltage stabilize. Then close the Logic Enable Switch to apply power to the controller's logic functions. The controller and programmer should power up without any faults indicated. When removing, power from the unit, switch off the Logic Enable Switch first, then turn off the power supply. This will prevent a LOW BATTERY VOLTAGE error from being stored in the DIAGNOSTIC HISTORY file as the internal capac- itors slowly discharge. F] toe resistor LOGIC ENABLE ‘SWITCH (OFF / ON) POWER SUPPLY 24 TO 36 VOLTS D.C. FIGURE 5. 1215-9102 TRACTION MOTOR CONTROLLER BENCH TEST WIRING DIAGRAM PROGRAMMER SELF TEST ‘You can test the programmer by displaying two special test screens, Press and hold the MORE INFO key while the programmer is powering up. During the SELF TEST, you can toggle between the two test screens by pressing the SCROLL DISPLAY keys. The first screen tums on every LCD element, and the second screen dis- plays all the characters used in the various menus. As part of the SELF TEST, you can also test the keys by pressing each one and observing whether its comer LED lights up. To exit the SELF TEST, unplug the program- mer or turn off the controller. FIGURE 6, PROGRAMMER HAND SET SELF TEST CONNECT THE HAND SET TO THE TRACTION MOTOR CONTROLLER 1, Turn the key switch to the “OFF” position. 8 2. Disconnect and separate the battery connector. 3, Remove the two screws retaining the metal cover lo- ated on the right side of the operator compartment, Re-~ move the cover. Awarninc The capacitor in the traction motor controller can hold an electrical charge after the battery is disconnected. Yo prevent electrical shock and injury, discharge the capacitor before inspecting or repairing any component. Wear safety glasses. Make certain the battery has been disconnected. Discharge the capacitors in the controller by connecting a load (uch as a contactor coil or a horn) across the controller's B+ and B— terminals (center 2 terminals). DO NOT use a screwdriver to discharge the traction motor controller. 4, Discharge the capacitors in the traction motor control- ler by connecting a load (such as a contactor coil or a hom) across the controller’s B+ and B= terminals (center 2 terminals). A caution The Programmer Hand Set should only be connected and disconnected with the key switch in the off position. 5. Connect the Programmer Hand Set to the 4 pin Molex connector on the traction motor controller. See FIGURE 4.. 6, Reconnect the battery. NOTE: The brake pedal must be released (up posi- tion) during step 7 7. Tarn the key switch to the “START” position and then to the “ON” position (main contactor is closed). DISCONNECT THE HAND SET FROM THE TRACTION MOTOR CONTROLLER 1. Tum the key switch to the “OFF” position. 2. Disconnect and separate the battery connector. 3. Discharge the capacitors in the traction motor control- ler by connecting a load (such as a contactor coil or a hom) across the controller’s B+ and B— terminals, (center 2 terminals). A warning ‘The capacitor in the traction motor controller can hold an electrical charge after the battery is disconnected. To prevent electrical shock and inj discharge the capacitor before inspecting or repairing any component. Wear safety glasses, Make certain the battery has been disconnected. Discharge the capacitors in the controller by connecting a load (such as a contactor coil or a horn) across the controller’s B+ and B- terminals (center 2 terminals). DO NOT use a screwdriver to discharge the traction motor controller. 4, Disconnect the Programmer Hand Set from the 4 pin Molex connector on the traction motor controller. A caution The Programmer Hand Set should only be connected and disconnected with the key switch in the off position. 5S, Install the cover in the operator’s compartment. Install the two screws. 6, Reconnect the battery PROGRAMMING THE TRACTION MOTOR CONTROLLER 1. Tur the key switch to the * FF” position. 2. Disconnect and separate the battery connector. 3, Remove the two screws retaining the metal cover lo- cated on the right side of the operator compartment. Re~ ‘move the cover. A warning The capacitor in the traction motor controller can hhold an electrical charge after the battery i disconnected. To prevent electrical shock and injury, discharge the capacitor before inspecting or repairing any component. Wear safety glasses. Make certain the battery has been disconnected. Discharge the capacitors in the controller by connecting a load (such as a contactor coil or a horn) across the controller's B+ and B— terminals (center 2 terminals), DO NOT use a screwdriver to discharge the traction motor controller. 4, Discharge the capacitors in the traction motor control- ler by connecting a load (such as a contactor coil or a hom) across the controller’s B+ and B— terminals (center 2 terminals). 5. Connect the PROGRAMMER HAND SET to the traction motor controller. The cord of the hand set plugs, into the 4 pin Molex, Mini-Fit Jr. receptacle. Refer to CONNECTING THE HAND SET TO THE TRAC- [ION MOTOR CONTROLLER. 6, Reconnect the battery. NOTE: The brake pedal must be released (up posi- tion) during step 7. 7. Tum the key switch to the “START” position and then to the “ON” position (main contactor is closed). ‘See FIGURE 7. for the numbers shown in the ( ). 8. At the HAND SET display (1) prompt: PRESS PROGRAM, TEST, OR DIAGNOSTICS TO SELECT A MENU. Press the PROGRAM button (2) on the PROGRAM- MER HAND SET. A green LED located on the PRO- GRAM button will turn on to indicate that the HAND SET is in the PROGRAM mode. 9, Use the SCROLL DISPLAY buttons (3) until the de sired function appears on the top line of the LCD display MENU. Scroll display up {4 oF scroll cisplay down W. 10. Press the MORE INFO button (4) to display all available HAND SET information on the selected func- tion. A green LED located on the MORE INFO button will tur on. NOTE: Step 10 is optional. 11, Use the CHANGE VALUE buttons (5) to change the function value higher JA or lower W. Green LED's will be illuminated on the CHANGE VALUE buttons. NOTE: Function values can only be increased if the up button is illuminated. Function values can only be de~ creased if the down button is illuminated. If the green LED's are not illuminated on one ot both of the CHANGE VALUE buttons, this indicates that the value is at it’s upper Aor lower W limit and cannot be changed A warninc NEVER attempt to adjust any of the function settings without using the procedures and setting numbers (values) given in this section. 10 Program changes will affect lift truck performance and operation. If function settings are changed, make sure all operators of the lift truck know that the truck can now operate differently. Each function of each traction motor controller has a range of setting numbers (min/max values) so that the traction motor controller can be used on different models of lift trucks. This variation is needed for lift trucks of different sizes and operating voltages. Adjustment of the function setting to the wrong number for your lift truck model can cause the truck to operate differently than normal. Do not set a function value outside of the recommended minimum/maximum range. This different operation of the truck can cause an injury or damage to the lift truck. 12, Press the MORE INFO button (4) to return to the PROGRAM menu. NOTE: Step 12 is optional and only necessary if Step 10 was performed. 13, Repeat steps 9 thru 12 until all the functions listed on. the MENU are set to the desired values. Refer to PROGRAMMER HAND SET, SPECIAL, PROGRAM MENU, to reset all settings to original val- ues if necessary. 14, Tum the key switch to the “OFF” position. 15, Disconnect and separate the battery connector. 16. Discharge the capacitors in the controller by connecting a load (such as a contactor coil or a horn) across the controller's B+ and B — terminals (center 2 terminals), Refer to capacitor WARNING previous page 17. Disconnect the PROGRAMMER HAND SET cord from the traction motor controller. Refer to DISCON- NECTING THE HAND SET FROM THE TRACTION MOTOR CONTROLLER. 18, Install the cover in the operator's compartment. Install the two screws. 19, Reconnect the battery. wen FUNCTION DESCRIPTION racronv | wna. ants OF ITEM CPAOGRAM MENU) Watoe™ | vaLues aLtoweo | MEASURE 7 [Creer Sod ‘0 D2 ot Tate 2 |ovicx stan 6 ern 2 | eae an Gove nt te Moe a woes Tas «_ |NeiesPuncuron | vakwets ony [200 [asa mit (Turtle Mode) | 36 volt trucks only 100 25 to 250 3 | ede Acairaon at te Mode) 25 ors Sens &_ | edo Wax Spo0d Taro) 75 2510100 | at FalSpoed 7] ed Wain Gon Lit ed Mode 350 Tones = [ado 2 Pug Curent | 2AvoHvete ony [a0 [7 aswaso Limit (Mid Mode) 36 volt trucks only 100 25 to 250 9 Mode 2 Acceleration Rate (Mid Mode) 15 0.1103 ‘Seconds. TO [lo ax Spode Mode 700 2100 | Dee Fu pond 7 Mose 3 ae Cure Lin (Be Node 380 Tones = te [Nose sPun caren | 24vertuesoniy [ano | asoaso [ Limit (Rabbit Mode) 36 volt trucks only 100 25 to 250 73 | Wado 5 Acar at Rabies) 7 ows Second 1a [oso 3 ax. Sea Rabo) 700 2100 | Se Fa Spend ‘TABLE 7. TRACTION MOTOR CONTROLLER PROGRAM MENU VALUES N30-40-45 XMR, N25-30 XMDR, N50 XMA MODEL TRUCKS A warning NEVER attempt to adjust any of the function settings without using the procedures and setting numbers (values) given in this section. Program changes will affect lift truck performance and operation. If function settings are changed, make sure all operators of the lift truck know that the truck can now operate differently. Each function of each traction motor controller has a range of setting numbers (min/max values) so that the traction motor controller can be used on different models of lift trucks. This variation needed for lift trucks of different sizes and operating voltages. Adjustment of the function setting to the wrong number for your lift truck model can cause the truck to operate differently than normal. Do not set a function value outside of the recommended minimum/maximum range. This different operation of the truck can cause an injury or damage to the lift truck. u FOUR LINE LCD DISPLAY WINDOW ‘SELECTS ‘PROGRAM” MENU ‘SCROLLS DISPLAY UP AND DOWN |. SELECTS “MORE INFO’, “SPECIAL PROGRAM" AND “DIAGNOSTIC MENUS" CHANGES VALUE OF SELECTED ITEM SELECTS “DIAGNOSTICS” MENU SELECTS “TEST” MENU FIGURE 7. - PROGRAMMER HAND SET PROGRAM MENU This shaded box indicates whatis seen | [This shaded box Mustiates whats sean ]| Factory allowed Min Max. values. ‘on the top line of the LCD display with | in the LCD display with the PROGRAM || Determined by particular Truck Model. the PROGRAM button iluminated. and MORE INFO buttons illuminated. Factory Setting Factory alowed Min Max. setings. Determined by particular Truck Model Current Function Factory value Current Function Value PROGRAM MEN. ECOMMEY/DATION ‘ALLOWED RANGE Display Factory} Factory Setting (Factory Values Sho\\y) |} / Setting Value Min/Max. Cd CREEP SPEED > 10 » oorrecies an[ Baa eet 10% 01025 0% to 25% incton Value] [ Special NOTES and explanations cof the functions will be listed here, ‘Current Bar graph indicating current value] Function minimax. values, can be limited by another (Current value vs. available range). || function. If function being programmed is dependant Note: Bar graph not shownif value || on another function then this other function will be is at min. or max. controler value. || shown once the value is changed to the min. or max. 2 range of setting numbers (min/max values) so that A warnine the traction motor controller can be used on NEVER attempt to adjust any of the function ferent models of lift trucks. This variation is settings without using the procedures and setting needed for lift trucks of different sizes and operating ‘numbers (values) given in this section, voltages. Adjustment of the function setting to the wrong number for your lift truck model can cause the truck to operate differently than normal. Do not set a function value outside of the recommended ‘minimum/maximum range. This different operation of the truck can cause an injury or damage to the lift mn of each traction motor controller has truck. Program changes will affect lift truck performance and operation. If function settings are changed, make sure all operators of the lift truck know that the truck can now operate differently, Each fun Press PROGRAM key. ‘Scroll display until CREEP SPEED is shown on the top line. For Additional Information: Press MORE INFO key. PROGRAM MENU RECOMMENDATION ‘ALLOWED RANGE Display Factory Setting in lax. Values (Factory Values Shown) | Setting Min/Max. nh a) CREEP SPEED > 10 (CREEP SPEED / MINIMUM DUIVCYCE® 46) (0% to 25% of full throttle femee MIN MAX 25 at minimum throttle setting. % of controller operation (on time) at minimum throttle setting, ING: Refer to WARNINGS Page 13. Press PROGRAM key. Scroll display until QUICK START is shown on the top line. For Additional Information: Press MORE INFO key. PROGRAM MENU RECOMMENDATION ‘ALLOWED RANGE Display Factory | Factory in. (Factory Values Shown) | Setting Value eee QUICK START > 45 SU SSAA 33% to 55% of available acceleration 45 gain MIN 33 MAX 100 INITIAL ACCELERATION GAIN-Controller reaction time between initial throttle setting and subsequent throtle setting, Increase the value to decrease the time required to reach the throttle value (Faster acceleration). Decrease the value to increase the time required to reach the throttle value (Slower acceleration) WARNING: Refer to WARNINGS Page 13. B Press PROGRAM key. Scroll display until M1 MAIN C/L is shown on the top line. For Additional Information: Press MORE INFO key. PROGRAM MENU RECOMMENDATION ‘ALLOWED RANGE Display Factory | Factory (Factory Values Shown) Value Mi MAIN G/L MODE 4 MANN LMT, AMS toniesso | 100Ampe10 50 Amps waxumr 580 MAIN CURRENT LIMIT-TURTLE MODE: NOTE: Must be equal to or less than MAIN CURRENT LIMIT-MID MODE (M2 MAIN C/L, Menu item #7). WARNING: Refer to WARNINGS Page 13. Press PROGRAM key. Scroll display until M1 PLUG C/L is shown on the top line. For Additional Information: Press MORE INFO key. PROGRAM MENU RECOMMENDATION ALLOWED RANGE Display Factory | Factory Setting (24 volt truck shown) Setting Value sank. ‘Min/Max. Values Allowed MiPLUGG/L 200 200 200Amps | 25 10.950 25 Amps to 350 Amps. MODE 1 PLUG LIMIT, 24 volt truck | 24 volt truck | 24 volt truck 24 volt truck ce an 200 100 too Amps | 2510250 25 Amps to 250 Amps. M2 PLUG Ci. 36 volt truck | 36 volt ruck | 36 volt truck 36 volt truck MAXIMUM PLUG CURRENT-TURTLE MODE NOTE: Must be equal to or less than MAXIMUM PLUG CURRENT-MID MODE (M2 PLUG C/L, Menu Item #8). WARNING: Refer to WARNINGS Page 13. Press PROGRAM key. Scroll display until M1 ACCEL RATE is shown on the top line. For Additional Information: Press MORE INFO key. PROGRAM MENU RECOMMENDATION ALLOWED RANGE Display Factory | Factory (Factory Values Shown) | Setting Value ‘Min/Max. Values Allowed Mi ACCEL RATE > 25 MODE 1 ACCELERATION 2.5 Seconds | 0.1 103.0 1011 Seconds to 3.0 Seconds RATE, SECS 9 ERE MIN 1.5, MAX 3.0 ‘TIME DELAY TO FULL CONTROLLER OUTPUT-TURTLE MODE 'NOTE: Must be equal fo or less than ACCELERATION RATE-MID MODE (M2 ACCEL RATE, Menu item #9), WARNING: Refer to WARNINGS Page 13. 4 Press Scroll PROGRAM key. display until M1 MAX SPEED is shown on the top line. For Additional Information: Press MORE INFO key. ‘PROGRAM MENU RECOMMENDATION "ALLOWED RANGE ‘Menu Press Scroll Display tory lowed (Factory Values Shown) | Setting : eee MiMAX SPEED > 75 MODE 1 MAXIMUM SPEED, % 2510 100 25% to 100% of full throttle heruorgeere = 7D MIN MAX 100 MAXIMUM TRAVEL SPEED-TURTLE MODE NOTE: Must be equal to or less than MODE 2 MAXIMUM SPEED-MID MODE (M2 MAX SPEED, Menu Iter #10). WARNING: Refer to WARNINGS Page 13, PROGRAM key. display until M2 MAIN C/L is shown on the top line. For Additional Information: Press MORE INFO key. PROGRAM MENU RECOMMENDATION ‘ALLOWED RANGE Display Setting (Factory Values Shown) eng Min.Max. Values Allowed Press Scroll For Additional Information: Press MORE INFO key. M2MAINCI 550 MODE 2 MAIN LIMIT, AMPS 100 to 850 100 Amps to 550 Amps wnumt 950 M1 MAIN G/L MAIN CURRENT LIMIT-MID MODE NOTE: Must be equal to or less than MAIN CURRENT LIMIT-RABBIT MODE (M3 MAIN CIL, Menu Item #11). NOTE: Must be equal to or greater than MAIN CURRENT LIMIT-TURTLE MODE (M1 MAIN C/L, Menu ten #3), WARNING: Refer to WARNINGS Page 13. PROGRAM key. display until M2 PLUG GIL is shown on the top line. PROGRAM MENU RECOMMENDATION ALLOWED RANGE Display Factory | Factory Setting fin/Max. Values Allowec (24 Volt Shown) Setting Value Min/Max. Min/Max. Values Allowed M2PLUGCA — -»200 200 200 Amps | 250.350 25 Amps to 350 Amps MODE 2 PLUG LIMIT, 24 volt truck | 24 volt truck | 24 volt truck 24 volt truck AMPS 9QQ] 1% soo Amps | 2510250 25 Amps to 250 Amps MIN LIMIT Mi PLUG CA 36 volt truck | 96 volt truck | 36 volt truck 36 volt truck PLUG CURRENT LIMIT MID MODE NOTE: Must be equal to or less than PLUG CURRENT LIMIT-RABBIT MODE (M3 PLUG GIL, Menu tem #12) NOTE: Must be equal to or greater than PLUG CURRENT LIMIT-TURTLE MODE (Mi PLUG C/L, Menu ltem #4). WARNING: Refer to WARNINGS Page 13. 15 Press PROGRAM key. Scroll display until M2 ACCEL RATE is shown on the top line. For Additional Information: Press MORE INFO key. PROGRAM MENU (ALLOWED RANGE ‘Menu Display Fé (Factory Values Shown) Min Max. Values Allowed M2 ACCEL RATE = 1.5 MODE 2 ACCELERATION rare, SECS 4 1.5 Seconds | 0.11030 0.1 Seconds to 3.0 Seconds fewame MIN.7 MAX 2.5 ‘ACCELERATION RATE-MID MODE NOTE: Must be equal to or less than ACCELERATION RATE-RABBIT MODE (M3 ACCEL RATE, Menu Item #13) NOTE: Must be equal to or greater than ACCELERATION RATE-TURTLE MODE (M1 ACCEL RATE, Menu item #5). WARNING: Refer to WARNINGS Page 13. Press PROGRAM key. Scroll display until M2 MAX SPEED is shown on the top line. For Additional Information: Press MORE INFO key. PROGRAM MENU RECOMMENDATION ‘ALLOWED RANGE Display Factory | Factory Setting in /Max. Values (Factory Values Shown) | Setting Value Min Max. ee cereal M2MAXSPEED 100 MODE 2 MAXIMUM SPEED, % 25% 10 100% ol ote uacumr 100 MAXIMUM SPEED-MID MODE NOTE: Must be equal to or less than MAXIMUM SPEED-RABBIT MODE (MS MAX SPEED, Menu item #14). NOTE: Must be equal to or greater than MAXIMUM SPEED-TURTLE MODE (M1 MAX SPEED, Menu Item #6). WARNING: Refer to WARNINGS Page 13. Press PROGRAM key. Scroll display until M3 MAIN C/L is shown on the top line. For Additional Information: Press MORE INFO key. PROGRAM MENU RECOMMENDATION ‘ALLOWED RANGE Display Factory | Factory | Setting (Factory Values Shown) Setting Value ‘Min/Max. Min/Max. Values Allowed MSMAINGIL 550 MODE 3 MAIN LIMIT, 550 Amps | 10010 550 100 Amps to 550 Amps aes wim 950 M2 MAIN C/L. MAIN CURRENT LIMIT-RABBIT MODE NOTE: Must be equal to or greater than MAIN CURRENT LIMIT-MID MODE (M2 MAIN CL, Menu Item #7) WARNING: Refer to WARNINGS Page 13. 16 Press PROGRAM key. Scroll display until M3 PLUG C/L is shown on the top line. For Additional Information: Press MORE INFO key. PROGRAM MENU. RECOMMENDATION ‘ALLOWED RANGE Display Factory | Factory (24,Vott Shown) Setting value . Min.Max. Values Allowed MBPLUGCL 200 200 200 Amps | 250.950 25 Amps to 350 Amps. MODE 3 PLUG LIMIT, 24 volt truck | 24 volt truck | 24 volt truck 24 volt truck APS 95Q0| 1% too Amps | 2510250 £25 Amps to 250 Amps: MIN LIMIT M2 PLUG CL 36 volt truck | 36 volt truck | 36 volt truck 36 volt truck PLUG CURRENT LIMIT-RABBIT MODE NOTE: Must be equal to or greater than PLUG CURRENT LIMIT-MID MODE (M2 PLUG C/L, Menu item #8). WARNING: Refer to WARNINGS Page 13, Press PROGRAM key. Scroll display until M3 ACCEL RATE is shown on the top line. For Additional Information: Press MORE INFO key. PROGRAM MENU RECOMMENDATION ‘ALLOWED RANGE Display Factory | Factory (Factory Values Shown) | Setting Value Ch M3 ACCEL RATE > 7 MODE 3 ACCELERATION RATE, SECS 7 7 Seconds | 0.11030 0.1 Seconds to 3.0 Seconds agaue c MIN.t MAX 1.5, ACCELERATION RATE-RABBIT MODE NOTE: Must be equal to or greater than ACCELERATION RATE-MID MODE (M2 ACCEL RATE, Menu item #9). WARNING: Refer to WARNINGS Page 13, Press PROGRAM key. Scroll display until M3 MAX SPEED is shown on the top line. For Additional Information: Press MORE INFO key. PROGRAM MENU RECOMMENDATION ‘ALLOWED RANGE 9 Display (Factory Values Shown) Min/Max. Values Allowed M3MAX SPEED 100 MODE 3 MAXIMUM SPEED, % wiv 100 M2 MAX SPEED 2510 100, 25% to 100% of full throttle MAXIMUM SPEED-RABBIT MODE NOTE: Must be equal to or greater than MAXIMUM SPEED-MID MODE (M2 MAX SPEED, Menu ltem #10). WARNING: Refer to WARNINGS Page 13. uv TEST MENU A warning Do not make repairs or adjustments unless you have both authorization and training. Repairs and adjustments that are not correct can create a dangerous operating condition. Do not operate a lift truck that needs repairs. Report the need for repairs to your supervisor immediately. If repair is necessary, put a “DO NOT OPERATE” tag on the multi-function control handle. Remove the key from the key switch. Disconnect the battery and separate the connector before opening the compartment cover or inspecting or repairing the electrical system. If a tool causes a short-circuit, the high current flow from the battery ‘can cause an injury or parts damage. ‘The capacitor in the traction motor controller can hold an electrical charge after the battery is Press TEST key isconnected. To prevent electrical shock and injury, ischarge the capacitor before inspecting or repairing any component. Wear safety glasses. Make certain the battery has been disconnected. Discharge the capacitors in the controller by connecting a load (such as a contactor coil or a horn) across the controller’s B) and B* terminals (center 2 terminals). DO NOT use a screwdriver to discharge ‘the traction motor controller. Some checks require the battery connected. Do not connect the battery until the procedure tells you to connect the battery. Make sure the drive wheel raised to prevent truck movement and possible injury. Raise the drive wheel. See the section, PERIODIC MAINTENANCE, 8000 SRM 578 for HOW TO PUT A LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS. The blocks must prevent the lift truck from falling and jury or damage. OPERATING RANGE % Menu ‘TEST MENU tem (Neutral position shown) Scroll display untit For Additional THROTTLE % is shown on | _ Information: Press the top line. MORE INFO key. THROTTLE % 0 | THROTTLE INPUT, (O% to 100% ‘with mutt-function control handle in neutral 90 to 100 (rabbit mode-MIB defauit values) with ‘multi-function control handle positioned for full speed travel (forward or reverse). Throttle % should gradually increase as the ‘mult-function control handle is moved from the neutral position tothe full speed position (forward and Feverse}, 0 Throtte signal is generated by the MIB and dependant on mode (rab Displays throtte reading in percent of full as seen by the traction motor controller. it, mid, turtle), MIB settings and throttle pot position Press TEST key ‘tem (eevatttuek shown) OPERATING RANGE ‘Scroll display until BATT For Additional | Approximately 20.76 to 26.4 ..... 24volt truck VOLTS is shown on the | — Information: Press top ine. MORE INFO key. | Approximately 31.14 10 38.6 ..... 96 volt truck 2 BATT VOLTS’ 24 [BATTERY VOLTAGE, {average 1.73 volts per cell discharged) VOLTS 94 |{averane 22 vots per co charged) Indicates actual battery voltage to the traction motor controller. 18 Press TEST key ‘Menu ‘TEST MENU tem 22°C (71.5°F) shown CSR TRG Bale ‘Scroll display until For Additional Between ~25°C (13°F) and 85 °C (185 °F) HEATSINK “Cis shown on | Information: Press MORE INFO key. 3 |HEATSINK °c the top line 2 [HEATSINE TEMPERATURE ies 22 Indicates traction motor controller heatsink temperature. Press TEST key Menu TEST MENU tem: (Rabbit mode shown) OPERATING BABEL ‘Scroll display unt MODE | For Additional | Turle Mode OFF INPUTA's shown on the | Information: Press topline. MORE INFO key. | Mid Mode on 4 |MODEINPUTA ON” [MODE SELECTINPUTA™| ranoit Mode - Pa 'S ON Press TEST key Controlled by the drive mode switch on the dash display. Menu TEST MENU Item (Rabbit mode shown) OPS BATRNG REBEL) ‘Scroll display unt MODE For Additional | Turlle Mode ON INPUT B's shown on the | Information: Press top line. MORE INFO key. | Mid Mode OFF 5 [MODEINPUT8 ON” |MODE'SELECTINPUT®” | rabbit Mode on 5S ON 6 | BRAKE INPUT Controlled by the drive mode switch on the dash display. Press TEST key Menu ‘TEST MENU tem (Brake pedal up shown) Co id ‘Scroll display until BRAKE For Additional | Brake pedal “UP OFF INPUT Is shown on the top | __ Information: Press line. MORE INFO key. | Brake pedal DOWN’ on (OFF) BRAKE INPUT | OEE ‘Shows status of brake switch input at traction motor controller. Indicates brake pedal positon. » Press TEST key Menu TEST MENU tem | (Multi-function control handle positioned for forward travel.) OC SE ATG ANGE) Scroll display until For Additional | Forward switch "OPEN" OFF FORWARD INPUT is Information: Press ‘shown on the top line. MORE INFO key. | Forward switch “CLOSED" oN 7 [FORWARD IWPUT “ON” | FORWARD INPUT * ON ‘Shows status of forward swith input attraction motor controller. Output of MIB Press TEST key Menu TEST MENU Item | (Multi-function control handle positioned for reverse travel.) ee eee ‘Scroll display until For Additional | Reverse switch “OPEN OFF REVERSE INPUT is shown | Information: Press ‘on the topline. MORE INFO key. | Reverse switch “CLOSED on [REVERSE INPUT ON” | REVERSE INPUT 8 ON ‘Shows status of reverse switch input attraction motor controller. Qutput of MIB Press TEST key Menu TEST MENU ‘tem | (Multi-function control handle positioned for forward travel.) Sena! foroh cteplay until For Additional Forward switch “OPEN” OFF FWD CONT's shown on | Information: Press the top ine. MORE INFO key. | Forward switch ‘CLOSED’ on 9 |FWOCONT ‘ON | FORWARD CONTACTOR prveR SON ‘Shows status of traction notor controle forward contactor diver. Output to forward contactor col | Press TEST key Menu TEST MENU ttem | (Mult-function control handle positioned for reverse travel.) Ga fe Sorol display. until For Additional Reverse switch “OPEN” OFF EV CONT is shown on | Information: Press the op ine. MORE INFO key. | Reverse switch “CLOSED: on 10 |REVCONT ‘ON | REVERSE CONTACTOR oAVER 18 ONY ‘Shows status of tration mator controller raverse contactor diver, Quipu fo reverse contactor col | 20 DIAGNOSTICS MENU Hand set is plugged into the traction motor controller. Key switch is in the "ON position. ‘TRUCK RESPONSE Traction may or may not function normally. POSSIBLE CAUSES AND TEST PROCEDURES, + Brake pedal is depressed when programmer hand set is connected. Turn key switch to the "OFF” position. Release the brake pedal. Turn the key switch to the “START” position and then to the “ON” position (main contactor is closed). * Interface cable between traction motor controller and programmer hand set is defective. Replace the interface cable. LED CODE DASH DISPLAY MESSAGE PROGRAMMER HAND SET DISPLAY MESSAGE ‘COMMUNICATION ERROR WITH CONTROLLER. 1,0 “Any Message” PRESS SCROLL DOWN TO , ane ‘ATTEMPT TO RESTART PROGRAMMER FAULT ‘CONDITION. Loaic Initial communication between the traction motor controller and the programmer hand set is not valid Hand set is plugged into the traction motor controller. Key ‘switch is in the “ON” position. Diagnostic menu is selected. ‘TRUCK RESPONSE ‘Traction functions normally. POSSIBLE CAUSES AND TEST PROCEDURES. + No faults that are diagnosable by the traction motor controler exist. LED CODE DASH DISPLAY MESSAGE PROGRAMMER HAND SET DISPLAY MESSAGE NO KNOWN FAULTS 1,0 “Any Message” z "NO KNOWN FAULTS HAVE ‘OCCURRED ‘CONDITION Loaic. Displayed when no known faults are present. a LED CODE DASH DISPLAY MESSAGE PROGRAMMER HAND SET DISPLAY MESSAGE “Any LED Code” "Any Message” "PROGRAMMER FAULT ‘CONDITION Hand set is plugged inte the traction motor controller. Key ‘switch is in the ON" positon. Diagnostic menu is selected. ‘TRUCK RESPONSE ‘Traction may or may not function normaly POSSIBLE CAUSES AND TEST PROCEDURES + Caused by a defective hand set Replace the hand set LoaiC Displayed when the internal check logic of the traction motor controller does not get the correct communication from the programmer hand set. Hand set is plugged inte the traction motor controller. Key ‘switch is in the ON" positon. Diagnostic menu is selected. ‘TRUCK RESPONSE ‘Traction speed is reduced. POSSIBLE CAUSES AND TEST PROCEDURES + Temperature of the traction motor controller is greater than. 85° C (185 °F) or less than ~25" C(~ 13°F), Determine the cause ofthe out of range temperature and ‘correct (low battery, cverloading et.) Can be caused by excessive load on vehicle, operation in extreme environments, or improper mounting of controler. When controller cools off or warms up normal operation will resume. If controller is improperly mounted, remount according 10 specifications. Reler_ to TRACTION MOTOR CONTROLLER INSTALLATION. LED CODE DASH DISPLAY MESSAGE PROGRAMMER HAND SET DISPLAY MESSAGE ace ae THERMAL CUTBACK am 4,3 THERMAL CUT SreeeUUCEE TO OVERIUNDER TEMP. ‘CONDITION LoGic Displayed when the internal temperature ofthe traction motor controller is beyond the operating range of ~25° to +85" C. The internal temperature can be read by accessing the test menu on the hand set. LED CODE DASH DISPLAY MESSAGE PROGRAMMER HAND SET DISPLAY MESSAGE iB ee 1.4 “Any Message” ‘STATIC RETURN TO OFF ACTIVATED, ‘CONDITION Hand set is plugged into the traction motor controller. Key switch is in the "ON" position. Diagnostic menu is selected. ‘TRUCK RESPONSE ‘Traction is disabled until fault condition is corrected, POSSIBLE CAUSES AND TEST PROCEDURES, + Forward or reverse direction is selected before the brake is released (operator is on the truck, inital start-up only). ‘Check brake switch for proper operation, an open brake ‘switch can cause this faut (Check direction switches for proper operation, a shorted direction switch can also cause this faut. Logic ‘With multi-function control handle in neutral and brake pedal depressed pin 1 (key switch) and pin 2 (brake) on the traction motor controler should be near battery volts, and pin 10 (forward) and pin 11 (reverse) should be near zero volts. LED CODE DASH DISPLAY MESSAGE PROGRAMMER HAND SET DISPLAY MESSAGE HPD. 2,3 “Any Message” "HIGHPEDALDISABLE ACTIVATED CONDITION] Hand set is plugged into the traction motor controller. Key switch is in the "ON position. Diagnostic menu is selected ‘TRUCK RESPONSE ‘Traction is disabled until fault condition is corrected. (The HPD ‘function has a three second delay during the normal operation, ‘of the truck. Example: The brake can be released while traveling, i the operator depresses the brake pedal within three seconds HPD will not be activated. I the operator waits more than three seconds, HPD will be activated and the handle wil have to be returned to neutral to resume normal operation of the truck) POSSIBLE CAUSES AND TEST PROCEDURES: ' Throttle greater than 25% before the brake pedal is depressed (operator is on the truck). ‘Check multunction control handle to ensure itis in the neutral position. Check for near zero (approximately 0.2) vots at pin 15 on the traction motor controller with the multi-function control handle in neutral. Also check throtle pot adjustment, LoGic Displayed when a direction switch is closed and the traction ‘motor controller determines that the brake switch has been ‘open longer than 3 seconds. Hand set is plugged into the traction motor controller. Key Switch isin the “ON’ postion. Diagnostic menu is selected. TRUCK RESPONSE Traction is cisabled uni fault conctonis corrected POSSIBLE CAUSES AND TEST PROCEDURES ‘+ M- output shorted or internal shot inthe traction motor. ‘Verify voltage between battery ~ and M~ to be 10% less than battery vols withthe multi-function control handle in neutral. + Traction motor shorted Check traction mator for sherted condition + Forward or reverse switch circuitry shorted. Pin 10 (forward) and pin tt (everse) should measure near 2210 vols with multi-function contrel handle in neutral and near battery vs (pn 10 for jorward and in 11 for reverse) witha direction selected. + Direction contactor not closing or nat closing fast enough could also cause ths faut ‘Check direction contactors tor proper operation. Direction Contactors shoud close quickly upon pin 10 or pin 11 going high. LED CODE DASH DISPLAY MESSAGE PROGRAMMER HAND SET DISPLAY MESSAGE WM FAULT ae | 1,3 DRIVE CTRL FAULT ‘CONDITION LOGIC IM bus bar should measure approximately 10% less than battery volts. Pin 10 and pin 11 should measure near zero with muti-function control handle in neutral and pin 10 near battery volts for forward direction and pin 11 near battery volts for reverse. Hand set is plugged into the taction motor controler. Key switch isin the "ON" position. Diagnostic menu is selected. ‘TRUCK RESPONSE Traction is disabled until fault condition is corrected. POSSIBLE CAUSES AND TEST PROCEDURES + Forward or reverse contactor stuck closed. (Check forward and reverse contactors for proper operation and replace malfunctioning contactors. LED CODE DASH DISPLAY MESSAGE PROGRAMMER HAND SET DISPLAY MESSAGE DIRGONTWELDED 3,2 DRIVE CTRL FAULT |ECTION CONTACTOR WELDED. ‘CONDITION Locic Direction contactors should be open with handle in neutral. ‘The forward contactor closes when forward direction is, selected and reverse contactor closes when reverse direction is selected. 4 LED CODE DASH DISPLAY MESSAGE PROGRAMMER HAND SET DISPLAY MESSAGE 4,2 DRIVE CTRL FAULT OVERVOLTAGE OVERVOLTAGE ‘CONDITION Hand set is plugged into the traction motor controller. Key switch isin the "ON" position. Diagnostic menu is selected, ‘TRUCK RESPONSE Traction is disabled until faut condition is corrected. POSSIBLE CAUSES AND TEST PROCEDURES + Truck voltage greater than 45 volt. Check to ensure proper battery isin the truck. ‘+ Plugging the charger into the truck instead of the battery can also cause ths fault. Check to ensure the proper battery charging procedure is followed. LOGIC Traction motor controler is designed to operate with 24 and 36 volt batteries only. LED CODE DASH DISPLAY MESSAGE PROGRAMMER HAND SET DISPLAY MESSAGE CONTDAVAOG 3,1 DRIVE CTRL FAULT CONTACTOR DRIVER OVERCURRENT ‘CONDITION Hand set is plugged into the traction motor controller. Key switch is in the "ON" position. Diagnostic menu is selected ‘TRUCK RESPONSE Traction is disabled until fault condition is corrected. POSSIBLE CAUSES AND TEST PROCEDURES. AE * + Direction contactor coil shorted 3 ? (Check forward and reverse contactor coils for a shorted Condition. Direction contactor coils should measure approximately 17 + 1 ohms, Loaic Displayed when higher than normal current is sensed in the forward or reverse contactor coils Hand set is plugged into the traction motor controller. Key [switch is in the “ON' position. Diagnostic menu is selected. ‘TRUCK RESPONSE Traction is disabled until fault condition is corrected. POSSIBLE CAUSES AND TEST PROCEDURES. * Defective traction motor controller. Replace traction motor controler. LED CODE DASH DISPLAY MESSAGE PROGRAMMER HAND SET DISPLAY MESSAGE HW FAILSAFE Ee | 1,2 ORIVE CTRL FAULT HARDWARE FAILSAFE ACTIVATED, ‘CONDITION Locic Displayed when the internal check logic ofthe traction motor controler determines an internal failure of the traction motor controller. Hand set is plugged into the traction motor controller. Key ‘switch is in the "ON' position. Diagnostic menu is selected ‘TRUCK RESPONSE ‘Traction is disabled until fault condition is corrected. POSSIBLE CAUSES AND TEST PROCEDURES. + Battery voltage less than 16 volts, Check battery voltage to ensure proper voltage for truck. Check for loose or corroded connections between the battery and the traction motor controler. LED CODE, DASH DISPLAY MESSAGE PROGRAMMER HAND SET DISPLAY MESSAGE LOW BATTERY VOLTAGE 44 DRIVE CTRL FAULT LOW BATTERY VOLTAGE ‘CONDITION Loaic B+ bus bar on traction motor controller should measure near ‘ruck battery voltage. Connections should be tight and corrosion free. 26 LED CODE DASH DISPLAY MESSAGE PROGRAMMER HAND SET DISPLAY MESSAGE nee |_______ PROGAWIRING FAULT 3 Bocas DRIVE CTRL FAULT PROCEDURE OR WIRING FAULT ‘CONDITION Hand set is plugged into the traction motor controller. Key [switch is in the "ON" position. Diagnostic menu is selected. ‘TRUCK RESPONSE Traction is disabled until fault condition is corrected. POSSIBLE CAUSES AND TEST PROCEDURES + Traction motor controller is not wired properly or is missing required inputs, ‘Check controller connections. DIAGRAMS, 8000 SRM 579. See the section, Loaic Displayed when internal logic ofthe traction motor controller detects improper inputs. LED CODE DASH DISPLAY MESSAGE PROGRAMMER HAND SET DISPLAY MESSAGE 3,4 DRIVE CTRL FAULT ~_ MISSING CONTAGTOR MISSING CONTACTOR. (CONDITION Hand set is plugged into the traction motor controller. Key switch is in the "ON" position. Diagnostic menu is selected ‘TRUCK RESPONSE Traction is disabled until fault condition is corrected. POSSIBLE CAUSES AND TEST PROCEDURES. ‘+ Open wire between brake switch and contactor col ‘Check for battery voltage on wire #56 at the contactor coil with brake pedal depressed. + Direction contactor missing or contactor cil open Check direction contactor coils for open condition Forward or reverse contactor coils should measure approximately 17 1 ohms. ia contactor coil is open, replace it + Open wire between the traction motor controller and the direction contactor coils ‘Check for continuity between pin 18 at the traction motor controller and wire #26 at the forward direction contactor col. Check for continuity between pin 19 at the traction motor controller and wire #27 at the reverse direction contactor cc ‘These checks should read near zero ohms, if they do not, locate the open and repair it Loic Displayed when lower than normal current is sensed in the forward or reverse contactor coils ” TED GODE | DASH DISPLAY MESSAGE PROGRAMMER HAND SET DISPLAY MESSAGE THROTTLE FAULT 1 Hand set is plugged into the taction motor controler. Key switch isin the "ON" position. Diagnostic menu is selected. ‘TRUCK RESPONSE Traction is disabled until fault ccndition is corrected. POSSIBLE CAUSES AND TEST PROCEDURES + Throttle input wire (pin 15, wire #29) out of range. Check wire #29 for short to B= or B+. Also check for Continuity between J1-20 (wire #29) atthe MIB and pin 15 (wire #29) at the traction mctor controller. You should read near zero ohms, if this wie is open find the open and repair at + MIB failed ‘Check the MIB for proper operation. The MIB provides the throtle signal to the traction motor controller via wire #29 (01-20). Refer to LOGIC. With muit-lunction control 1andle in neutral pin 15 (wire #29) should measure approximately 0.2 volts. As the handle is moved in a ‘“ORWARD" or “REVERSE” direction the voltage shoule increase to near 5 vols. DRIVE CTRL FAULT 24 oh THROTTLE INPUT FAULT THROTTLE FAULT (OUT OF RANGE) ‘CONDITION Loaic With the muti-function control handle in neutral wire #29 (pin 18 at the traction motor controler, and Jt-20 at the MIB) should measure approximately 0.2 volts. As the handle is moved in a "FORWARD" or “REVERSE” direction wire #29 voltage should increase from approximately 0.2 volts to near Hand set is plugged into the traction motor controller. Key ‘switch is in the “ON' position. D.agnostic menu is selected. ‘TRUCK RESPONSE ‘Traction is disabled until fault condition is corrected. POSSIBLE CAUSES AND TEST PROCEDURES + Throttle low wire (wire #80) cpen or shorted. (Check wire #30 (pin 14 at the traction motor controler) for ashort to B— or B+. Check continuity between pin 14 (wire #30) at the traction ‘motor controller and J1-1€ (wire #30) at the MIB. You should read near zero ohms. Ifthe wire is open, find the ‘open and repair it. Wire #30 (pin 14 at the traction motor controller) should measure approximately 0.2 volts. nak Tl a THROTTLE FAUT 24 DANE TRL FAULT THROTTLE Low neu ur coNoON Loaic Pin 14 (wire #0) atthe traction motor controller should measure approximately 0.2 volts. 28 TRANSISTORIZED TRACTION MOTOR CONTROLLERS. A warninc Do not make repairs or adjustments unless you have both authorization and training. Repairs and adjustments that are not correct can create a dangerous operating condition. Do not operate a lift truck that needs repairs. Report the need for repairs to your supervisor immediately. If repair is necessary, put a “DO NOT OPERATE” tag on the multi-function control handle. Remove the key from the key switch, Disconnect the battery and separate the connector before opening the compartment cover or inspecting or repairing the electrical system. If a tool causes a short-circuit, the high current flow from the battery can cause an injury or parts damage. The capacitor in the traction motor controller ca hold an electrical charge after the battery disconnected. To prevent electrical shock and injury, discharge the capacitor before inspecting or repairing any component. Wear safety glasses. Make certain the battery has been disconnected. Discharge the capacitors in the controller by connecting a load (such as a contactor coil or a horn) across the controller’s B) and B* terminals (center 2 {erminals). DO NOT use a screwdriver to discharge the traction motor controller. Some checks require the battery connected. Do not connect the battery until the procedure tells you to connect the battery. Make sure the drive wheel is raised to prevent truck movement and possible injury. Raise the drive wheel. See the sect PERIODIC MAINTENANCE, 8000 SRM 378 for HOW TO PUT A LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS. The blocks must prevent the lift truck from falling and causing injury or damage. THEORY OF OPERATION ‘This traction motor controller controls the speed of the traction motor. The direction of rotation of the motor is, controlled by the Forward/Reverse switch and contac- tors. See FIGURE 8. through FIGURE 10.. The con- ‘roller is sealed in an aluminum case and no parts can be repaired or replaced. The complete unit must be re- placed if correct troubleshooting methods show that the unit is malfunctioning, NOTE: In the following figures, the gray lines on the circuit show positive voltage with respect to battery negative. Slash lines show negative voltage with respect to battery positive. The line codes do not always indicate full battery voltage. The gray tone is used only for the circuits being described. Some parts of the energized circuit are not shown with gray tones or slashes. The thick (bold) lines show the control circuits. Positive | Zo NEGATIVE a . BATTERY . TRACTION MOTOR ARMATURE ‘TRACTION MOTOR FIELD. . REVERSE CONTACTOR CONTACTS . FORWARD CONTACTOR CONTACTS . FET'S SWITCH. FIGURE 8. ~ BASIC TRACTION MOTOR CIRCUIT External contactors are used to control the direction of, rotation of the traction motor. Contactors are electrical switches that use an electromagnet to operate the power contacts of the switch, A small electric signal is used to energize the electromagnet to close the power contacts and control the large current flow needed for the motor circuit. The electromagnetic field in the coil moves the armature against spring pressure to close the power con tacts. When the coil is deenergized, the spring pressure moves the armature and opens the contacts. When a spring holds the contacts of a switch open, the switch is called normally open (NO). If the switch spring holds the contacts of a switch closed, the switch is called nor- ‘mally closed (NC). » Contactors are used to energize and deenergize motors, but cannot control the speed. The traction motor con- troller applies battery voltage in shor, fast pulses to a DC motor to control the speed. How this circuit controls the speed of a motor with pulses is described in this see- tion, ‘The direction and speed control will operate the For- ward or Reverse switch to energize the direction contac- tor. The control also supplies the speed input to the trac- tion motor controller. Posirive 77 NEGATIVE | i F ] F | CURRENT FLOW FIGURE 9. - CURRENT FLOW THROUGH THE FIELD IN THE FORWARD DIRECTION ‘There are two contactors that control the direction of ro- tation of the traction motor. Each direction contactor has ‘two sets of contacts on the same plunger assembly, Each contactor has a set of NO contacts and a set of NC con- tacts. When one set of contacts is closed, the other set of contacts must be open. This arrangement prevents a wrong sequence of closed contacts that could cause an open circuit, This arrangement of contactors also per- er di ‘its current flow through the motor field in ci tion. One set of contacts causes the motor armature to rotate in the forward direction, See FIGURE 9... The other set of contacts causes the motor armature to rotate in the reverse direction. See FIGURE 10.. Other contac- tors used for control functions on the lift truck only have one set of contacts because a forward and reverse opera- tion is not required. An example isthe hydraulic pump motor contactor. 30 ] ~~ REVERSE 1 ROTATION Posmive 77. NEGATIVE (CURRENT FLOW FIGURE 10, - CURRENT FLOW THROUGH THE FIELD IN THE REVERSE DIRECTION Basic Controller Operation This traction motor controller has a power section and a logic section with solid-state electronic circuits that control the operation of a DC motor. The speed of DC motors is controlled by the average applied voltage. The higher the average applied voltage, the faster the motor will rotate, Ifa switch is putin the traction motor circuit (see FIGURE 8.) and the switch is changed to OFF and ON quickly (see FIGURE 11.) the traction motor will rotate, The speed of rotation increases as the time the switch is ON increases. The speed of rotation will de- ‘crease ifthe ON time decreases. OFF time will increase at the same time. The speed of the motor can be con- trolled using this principle. This controller uses an electronic device called a Field Effect Transistor (FET) to generate the rapid ON and OFF pulse times. It has no moving parts. The FET s are ‘tured on and off by the logic circuits in the controller to act as the switch, Several power FETS are connected in parallel to carry the necessary motor current. When FETs are used as a switch: a. The FETs are ON when the electric current flows through them (gate voltage applied). b. The FETs are OFF when the electric current cannot flow through them (no gate voltage), Lal 6 5 Posmive 7 NEGATIVE . BATTERY . TRACTION MOTOR GATE DRIVE |. FET INPUT (+) FET OUTPUT (-) FET GATE (+) POSITIVE SUPPLY THROUGH MOTOR |. POSITIVE GATE SIGNAL fp, . NO GATE SIGNAL FET OFF FIGURE 11. ~ TRANSISTOR CONTROL Motor Circuit That Operates With Pulses ‘A schematic that shows the controller and FETs in a traction circuit is shown in FIGURE 11. When a signal is applied to the gate of the FETs, the FETs are ON and ‘current flows from the battery through the motor. When the gate signal is removed, the FETs are changed to OFF. ‘The battery voltage is applied to the motor in pulses. The pulses of energy through the FETS to the motor are very fast (15,000 onjoff cycles per second). The motor can- not follow each pulse, but the motor runs smoothly based on the average voltage generated by the ON and OFF times. The average motor voltage applied to the traction motor is shown in FIGURE 12.. The length of the ON TIME of the pulses changes the average motor voltage. As the ON TIME of each pulse increases (OFF ‘TIME decreases), the average motor voltage increases. ‘This change in the ratio of ON TIME to OFF TIME of the pulses is called pulse width modulation, ‘The control circuit has an oscillator and a pulse width modulator. The oscillator generates a saw tooth waveform at a constant frequency of 15,000 cycles per second (15 kHz). The pulse width modulator uses this saw tooth waveform to generate a pulse output that can ‘be smoothly changed from a full ON to a full OFF con- dition. This pulse output is used by the gate driver circuit for the high pulse currents needed to tum the FETs ON and OFF. The pulse width modulator controls the ON and OFF times of the FETs through the gate driver. The ratio of ON TIME to OFF TIME sets the average mo- tor voltage and the motor speed. The accelerator poten- tiometer at the speed control of the lift truck, produces a voltage that changes as the operator sets the speed of op- eration. This voltage is an input to the controller and the pulse width modulator. As the voltage changes with the selected speed, a direct change in the ratio of FET ON IME to FET OFF TIME also occurs. The voltage for ‘maximum speed changes the ratio to pulses with the maximum ON TIME, to produce a maximum average motor voltage. See FIGURE 12.. The pulse rate (15 kHz) stays the same for all speeds. aT ‘GATE PULSES CONSTANT FREQUENCY FETS PULSES —_ GATE PULSES. CONSTANT FREQUENCY (LONG “ON rue) FIGURE 12. - AVERAGE MOTOR VOLTAGE, Field Effect Transistor (FET) AFET is a soli fast switch, A FET is a transistor that has an element tate device that operates like a very called a gate, FETS are electronic devices that permit electricity to flow as long as there is a gate voltage, See R FIGURE 11.. Electricity flows easily from the input to the output. A FET will only permit current flow when there is a positive voltage at the input, a negative voltage atthe output and a positive voltage applied to the gate. A FET will permit electricity to flow from the input to the source as long as there is the signal voltage at the gate. ‘The FETs ON time is the same as the gate pulse ON time as shown in FIGURE 12.. Current flows as shown in FIGURE 11.. The FET stops conducting when the sig~ nal voltage is removed from the gate. Induction Current From The Motor When a DC motor is controlled by a pulsed circuit, the ‘magnetic field in the armature and field windings is con- tinuously expanding and decreasing. The fields expand when voltage is applied (ON TIME) and decreases when the voltage is removed (OFF TIME). The voltage causes an increasing current flow through the windings to make the expanding magnetic field. When the voltage is removed, the decreasing magnetic field causes cur- rent to flow in the same direction through the windings. See FIGURE 13.. This expansion and decrease of the ‘magnetic field is lost energy for doing work unless the controller is designed to use this energy. A Flyback Di- ode (sometimes called a “Freewheel” Diode) is in the controller circuit for this purpose. ‘The Flyback Diode permits the current, from the de- creasing magnetic field, to flow through the field and ar- ‘mature again to do work. ‘The torque of a series DC mo- toris directly proportional to the amount of current flow through it, At slower speeds, the OFF times are longer. When the FETS are OFF, the decreasing magnetic field generates a voltage and current in the motor. This cur- rent is often called the “flyback current”. The Flyback Diode permits the current to flow through the field and armature again to do work. At slower speeds, the motor ccurrent is part battery current and part “flyback current”, ‘There is less battery current used for the specific torque requirement. High current draw from the battery is to be avoided, if possible, because it is less efficient. At higher speeds, the OFF time is less, so that less induc- tion current (“flyback current”) is generated. Most of the motor current must come from the battery at higher speeds. However, the torque and current requirements, are also usually less. BEGINNING CONDITIONS AS THE SWITCH IS. ICLOSED: 1. LARGE CURRENT FLOW FROM BATTERY THROUGH INDUCTOR. 2. INCREASING MAGNETIC FIELD GENERATES| REVERSE VOLTAGE WITHIN INDUCTOR. 3, REVERSE VOLTAGE DECREASES CURRENT THROUGH INDUCTOR. CURRENT ENERGY. CHANGED TO ENERGY IN MAGNETIC FIELD. CONSTANT CONDITIONS AFTER SWITCH IS CLOSED FOR A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME: 1. VOLTAGE AND CURRENT FLOW IS THE ‘SAME IN ALL PARTS OF THE CIRCUIT. 2, MAGNETIC FIELD IS CONSTANT. swircn “OFF Qo MK _ < ES ENDING CONDITIONS AS THE SWITCH IS OPENED: 1. DECREASING MAGNETIC FIELD GENERATES VOLTAGE WITHIN INDUCTOR. 2, DECREASING MAGNETIC FIELD GENERATES CURRENT FLOW IN ORIGINA. DIRECTION, FIGURE 13.— INDUCTANCE Posmive 12898 77 NEGATIVE IoucTION CURRENT PEAK MOTOR ‘CURRENT AVERAGE ‘BATTERY CURRENT ‘BATTERY CURRENT . BATTERY . MOTOR ARMATURE | MOTOR FIELD . CONTROLLER . FETS ( NOT “ON") . FLYBACK DIODE FIGURE 14, - INDUCTION MOTOR CURRENT Plugging Circuit The plugging circuit is a feature of the controller that provides smooth electrical braking when the operator ‘wants to change the truck’s direction of travel. The plug ing feature also saves wear and tear on the drive tires and the drive unit gears. Plugging occurs when the truck is traveling in one direc- tion but the operator has switched the directional control 3B to the opposite direction. In this instance, the motor ar- mature is rotating in one direction while the magnetic forces of the fields are trying to force the armature the other way. This reaction generates current that is al- lowed to flow through a loop formed by the plugging diode in the controller. This generated current helps to slow the truck’s speed magnetically in the same manner that compression in a gas engine will help to control the speed of an automobile when itis coasting. When a lift truck is in the plugging mode, the pulse rate of the con- troller must be maintained at a slow rate. To accomplish this the logic section of the controller signals that the truck is in a plugging mode and controls the oscillating rate, The oscillating rate pulses slowly no matter what position the directional control is in. ‘The plugging function of the controller is designed to al- low the truck to travel 1 to 2 times the length of the lift truck after the truck is plugged before it reverses direc~ tion. The plugging distance is adjustable, Refer to PRO- GRAMMING THE TRACTION MOTOR CON- TROLLER, this section. Plugging an electric lift truck is not a harmful practice, however, avoid plugging the traction motor when the drive wheel is jacked off the ground. During plugging, the pulse rate is also decreased from 15 kHz to | kHz, The controller regulates the pulse widths of the pulses to the motor field for the correct amount of plugging. The accelerator circuit is also set to a low speed so that normal acceleration in the opposite direction will occur. The plugging adjustment on the controller changes the amount of motor field current al- lowed. The plugging adjustment can be changed as needed for an application, Control Circuit ‘The control circuit has operator inputs from the key and brake switches as well as the accelerator potentiometer. The circuit also has internal inputs from the power ci cuit for thermal protection, plugging sensing, low volt- age protection and motor current (current limit). ‘The control circuit uses these inputs to regulate the ON ‘TIME pulses to the FETs for speed control, current limit and plugging strength ‘SRO (Static-Return-To-Off) Function ‘The control circuit includes a function to prevent the op- eration of the lift truck if the starting sequence is not cor- ey rect. The function uses the inputs to the control circuit t0 make sure the operator is ready to operate the controls. ‘The starting sequence is as follows: a, Tum the key switch to the “START” position and then to the “ON” position (main contactor is, closed). The key switch supplies the battery voltage to the brake switch, b. Depress the brake pedal and operator sensing, pad, The brake switch and the operator sensing, switch must be closed to supply battery voltage to the control circuit. Positive 77. NEGATIVE! 1. BATTERY 2. MOTOR ARMATURE 4. CONTROLLER, 3, MOTOR FIELD 5. PLUGGING DIODE| FIGURE 15. PLUGGING CURRENT CIRCUIT ¢. Move the Direction/Speed control in the de- ired direction of travel to select travel direction and speed. If step c is done before both steps a and b are complete, the lift truck will not move in either direction. The con- ‘rol circuit must get battery voltage through both the key and brake switches before it gets a speed signal from the accelerator potentiometer. Ifthe starting sequence is not correct, the control circuit will not send a gate pulse to the FETs for traction motor current, High Pedal Disable ‘The HPD function prevents the lift truck from going to full speed operation because of a malfunction in the ac- celerator circuit. This is accomplished by monitoring the voltage of the accelerator circuit. In neutral the ac- ccelerator signal will be approximately 0.2 volts. At full throttle this signal increases to near 5 volts. High Pedal Disable occurs ifthe accelerator circuit has a voltage of greater than approximately 1.25 volts in neutral. The circuit will retum to normal operation after the malfunc- tion is repaired. Thermal Protection Function A.caution ‘Truck performance is reduced during Thermal Protection. ‘There is a senscr to sense the heat within the controller housing, Ifthe controller gets to0 hot or too cold for cor- rect operation, the control circuit will reduce the ON TIME of the pulses to decrease the current to protect the controller. The lift truck will still operate at a slower speed to permit it to be moved to a location out of the ‘work area, The controller can then retum to a normal op- crating temperature. Low Voltage Protection Function A caution ‘Truck performance is reduced during Low Voltage Protection. This function protects the controller and the battery. The controller will not operate correctly if there is not a mini- mum voltage from the battery. A 12 volt controller re- quires at least 9 volts to function properly while a 24 volt controller requires a minimum of 16 volts to function properly. A dual voltage controller (24 or 36 volts) is de~ signed to operate between 16 and 45 volts. The battery current drain increases as the battery voltage decreases. Too large a battery drain will damage the battery. If the battery voltage is low, the control circuit will decrease the ON TIME of the pulses to decrease the current drain, The battery can still operate the lift truck to move it for battery charging or replacement. A caution ‘Truck performance is reduced during Current Limit Protection. ‘The control circuit limits the traction motor current to a ‘maximum value to protect the controller, motor and bat- tery. The control circuit will decrease the ON TIME of the motor pulses to keep the motor current less than the ‘maximum value. The maximam value is set by the ‘manufacturer, Power Circuit ‘The power circuit is controlled by the control circuit. The complete power circuit is inside the controller and has the following parts: + Field Effect Transistors, + Flyback Diode + Plug Diode + Filter Capacitors 35 Hyster Easy Language Program HYSTER tecunicat pustications 2200 SRM 608 1/96 (2/90) (6/87) (8/86) (5/85) (12/82) (2/80) (12/78) Litho in U.S.A.

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