Read The Non-Chronological Report Below and Answer Question Numbers 1-3

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Review Work (comprehension)

Read the non-chronological report below and answer question numbers 1-3.


Review Work (grammar)

1. Write the plural form of these nouns.

i. zoo zoos

ii. tomato tomatoes

iii. mango mangos/mangoes

iv. wife wives

v. city cities

vi. key keys

vii. fox foxes

viii. giraffe giraffes

ix. eyelash eyelashes

x. roof roofs

2. Underline the nouns in these sentences and write them in correct column according to their

i. My brother is an engineer and my sister works in a hospital.

ii. Your niece and my nephew are friends. They go to park together.

iii. My cousin has a beautiful pencil.

iv. I have a duck and a peacock.

Masculine Feminine Common Neuter

brother sister engineer hospital
nephew niece friends park
peacock duck cousin pencil
3. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles-a, an, the.

i. Give me an apple, please.

ii. My dad wants a pen.

iii. The sun is shining brightly today.

iv. The mountains look very beautiful.

v. It is raining today. You must take an umbrella with you.

vi. We have a playground in our school.

vii. Did you see the moon last night?

viii. A man came to meet me.

ix. We are taking the next train to Dhaka.

x. They live in an old house.

4. Fill in the blanks with correct present tense form of the verbs in the brackets.

i. We walk (walk) to school every day.

ii. Tina likes (like) cold coffee.

iii. I love (love) her mother.

iv. She wants (want) to go with you.

v. My parents read (read) newspaper every day.

vi. My grandparents live (live) in Dhaka.

vii. He plans (plan) to go to Assam now.

viii. Mr. Abul Hasan speaks (speak) four languages.

ix. The offices here close (close) at 6.30 p.m.

x. It usually rains (rain) heavily in the month of June.

5. Fill in the blanks with correct past tense form of the verbs in the brackets.

i. We went (go) to cox’s bazar last month.

ii. She ate (eat) a lot of fresh fruits.

iii. You wrote (write) the letter last week.

iv. We swam (swim) in the pool.

v. We laughed (laugh) at her jokes.

vi. They requested (request) the conductor for their tickets.

vii. He waited (wait) for you for an hour.

viii. I have already talked (talk) with you about the problem.

ix. My brother slept (sleep) at 12a.m. last night.

x. They lost (lose) the game.

6. Fill in the blanks with correct future tense form of the verbs in the brackets.

i. We will/shall meet (meet) the new teacher soon.

ii. Ruchi will draw (draw) the picture.

iii. I will/shall return (return) the book tomorrow.

iv. The train will stop (stop) at the next station.

v. We will/shall watch (watch) a cricket match next week.

vi. You will paint (paint) the house.

vii. I will/shall buy (buy) a new story book.

viii. He will return (return) the book tomorrow.

ix. I will/shall call (call) you later, not now.

x. My sister will help (help) me with my project.

7. Fill in the blanks with the adverb form of the adjectives given in the brackets.

i. Don’t drive the car carelessly (careless).

ii. She is looking at me angrily (angry).

iii. You must write nicely (nice).

iv. She speaks well (good).

v. The Principal comes very early (early) to school.

vi. The train is moving slowly (slow).

vii. The teacher speaks loudly (loud).

viii. Talk quietly (quiet) in the library.

ix. The bird fly high (high).

x. Don’t talk to me rudely (rude).

8. Join the sentences using and, but or or.

i. I can speak Bangla. I can speak English.

I can speak Bangla and English.

ii. She cooks for everyone. She has no time to eat.

She cooks for everyone but she has no time to eat.

iii. Do you want chocolate? Do you want cupcake?

Do you want chocolate or cupcake?

iv. It was very cold. She opened all the windows in her room.

It was very cold but she opened all the windows in her room.

v. You can get money from the bank. You can borrow it from me.

You can get money from the bank or you can borrow it from me.
9. Fill in the blanks with in, on or under correctly.

i. The shoes are in the box.

ii. We are swimming in the pool.

iii. Do you want more sugar in your tea.

iv. The dog slipped under the gate and ran away.

v. They are sitting on the sofa.

vi. We are taking rest under a tree.

vii. There is a mirror on the wall.

viii. I was looking for my friend in the library.

ix. There are no clouds in the sky.

x. The lady in the picture is my mother.

10. Rewrite the sentences using full stops, question marks or exclamation marks suitably.
i. how beautiful the sky was

How beautiful the sky was!

ii. can you play football

Can you play football?

iii. oops I forgot to get my books again

Oops! I forgot to get my books again!

iv. the photograph is beautiful

The photograph is beautiful.

v. do you want an apple

Do you want an apple?


c a u g h t

l h a t e

m o

o u

s g t

t h o

t o o

N.B. Please follow Grammar Gear book, note books and revision worksheet for
Final Assessment.

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