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The Islamic states remained united under the office of caliphate. The
closure of the office of caliphate in 1924 dispersed the power of
Muslims. The anti Islamic forces started working. In that time
organization was unavoidable from whose platform the Muslims could
show their power.

Reasons for formation of OIC

The main causes for its formation are as follows:

1. Unity of Islamic world

After the closure of office of caliphate the tortures inflicted by anti

Islamic forces were rising. Muslim minority’s areas were occupied
and Muslims were thrown out of that. So in these circumstances all
the Muslims strongly felt the need for unity of Islamic world.

2. Long awaited desire of the muslims of the world

The Muslims desired for a plat form where all Muslims could
become united. Where they could find solutions to their
problems. Where they could increase their mutual strength and
help each other.
3. Incident of Al Aqsa mosque
The Al-Aqsa masjid was set ablaze by anti islamic forces on August
1969. Muslims all over the world were strongly agitated and the
movement for the unity became strong after that.

4. Suggestions of Arab foreign ministers

Arab foreign minister held a conference to ponder over the
incident of Al-Aqsa mosque. A suggestion was made to hold a
conference of all heads of Muslim countries. The practical
implementation of this suggestion resulted in the formation of
Islamic conference.
Establishment of Islamic conference
The conference was held in Morocco in September 1969. In the
conference 24 countries participated and Pakistan was one of
them. This is how organization was formed.
Two important organizations of OIC are

The central office of OIC is in Jaddah a city of Saudi Arabi.

Under the Charter, the Organization aims to:

1. Strengthen:

a) Islamic solidarity among Member States;

b) Cooperation in the political, economic, social, cultural and scientific
c) The struggle of all Muslim people to safeguard their dignity,
independence and national rights.

2. Coordinate action to:

a) Safeguard the Holy Places;

b) Support the struggle of the Palestinian people and assist them in
recovering their rights and liberating their occupied territories.
3. Work to:

a) Eliminate racial discrimination and all forms of colonialism;

b) Create a favorable atmosphere for the promotion of cooperation and
understanding between Member States and other countries.

1. These conferences brought good effects in Islamic world.
2. All Muslims have got the opportunity to ponder over and solve
their problems by coming on the same platform.
3. The unity of Islamic world has increased and became much
4. The resolutions passed in these conferences have made Islamic
states to make honest efforts to end the effects of Israeli
5. These conferences have played an important role in freeing the
occupied areas and giving Palestinian the status of a nation
6. The voice of the Muslims have become effective
7. The Muslim countries rich in oil have provided a lot of help in
economic field to increase the pace of progress in poor
8. The conferences have proved successful in ending the the Iraq
The role of Pakistan is as follows
1. representation of unity of islamic world
Pakistan has always been a representative of the unity of
Islamic world. After its creation Pakistan made good relation
with the muslim world. Pakistan wants to unite all the
muslim countries.
2. Activities for the formation of OIC
Pakistan showed great enthusiasm in the formation of islamic
conference. Pakistan was very active in holding the Islamic
summit conference.
3. Hosting the Muslim countries
Pakistan has the honor of hosting the muslim countries twice
from the plat form of islamic organization. First in 1974 zulfiqar
Ali Bhutto was P.M. second in 1998.
5. representing the muslim world in United Nations

Pakistan represented the Islamic world in 1980. At that moment the

president of Pakistan General Zia ul Haq addressed to the GENERAL
Assembly of UN as the representative of the Muslim world.

6. Solution of Iraq-Iran war

Iran- Iraq war in 1979 shocked the unity of Islamic world.
Muslims realized that their efforts would be futile if they did
not do anything to stop this war. They made peace committee
and Pakistan was member of that. At last war was stopped.
6. Solution of Afghan invasion
In 1979Russia invaded Afghanistan. Pakistan insisted on
withdrawal of Russian forces from Afghanistan. At last Russia
had to call back its forces because of efforts of Pakistan.
7. Steps for Palestine problem
Pakistan insisted on the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the
occupied Arab. Besides, Pakistan rejected to accept Israel for
the support of Palestinian people
8. A platform used to gather support on Kashmir issue
Pakistan has always looked at the OIC as an important forum
for the political support on Kashmir. when India suddenly
revoked Kashmir’s autonomy in August, in violation of
international law, the OIC issued a strong condemnation. OIC
has also recently appointed a special representative on Jammu
and Kashmir.
Pakistan praises role of OIC in Kashmir issue
Pakistan P.M Imran Khan in march 2020 said
"Pakistan as well as Kashmiris looked towards the OIC and
Muslim Ummah for active support in the resolution of the
Jammu and Kashmir dispute ."

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