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Ghost story

It was Halloween’s night and I was going home after a scary party
with my school friends. It was midnight and I was walking fast. I came
across an old house and heard strange noises coming from the inside.
Usually I’m very fearful but this time I decided to see what was going on.
Then it all happened really fast. When I came in, I saw a dancing
skeleton, a horrible monster with three eyes and a zombie getting out
from a tube. Suddenly a ghost appeared from the wall. It was blue with a
giant mouth and small teeth, he was wearing a scarf and glasses. I
thought he was very weird. The ghost decided to talk with the monster,
but then five eyes were staring at me. At that moment, I was really
scared, because the ghost was coming to me! Then, I ran as fast as
possible, but they were still behind me. I hid myself inside a closet and
stayed there a few minutes. I thought they went to another room to talk
to other monsters.
I was very relived and at that moment I could escape. I only stopped
running when I was in my house. What a night!

Gonçalo Moita L2

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