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Homework questions 4

Section 4 Homework Questions

Brittany Clayton

Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana

Homework questions 4

1. One reason that students from ethnically diverse backgrounds tend to perform more

poorly in school because of L.E.P., or limited English proficiency. For many of these

children, learning is hard and they may either drop out or fall behind. Another reason for

this is that many children from ethnically diverse backgrounds live in low income school

districts. Many of these children didn’t attend preschool and the school doesn’t have the

funds they need to teach all of the children they have attending the school.

2. When a child ends their third grade year being on honor roll the entire time, never

missing a day of school or being late and never getting in trouble, they may begin their

fourth year with these expectations for them by their new teacher. The third grade teacher

could have informed the fourth grade teacher that this student always did her best and got

good grades. She could also tell her about the child who struggled the entire year and

missed every chance he could. After hearing this, the teacher may put more focus on the

child that she knows has previously done well because she knows they are able to do the

work and the other child may fall farther behind because he isn’t getting enough focus

put on him. Many people will take information that they have and use it to make

assumptions about others and this can affect the way they react to them. Although the

first child may have had extra help at home and the second child was going through many

things in their life that took their focus off of school work, the teacher won’t know this

unless she takes the time to evaluate each student herself. A way that students tend to live

up to expectations is if they have a teacher who puts a focus on turning work in on time

or getting a B or higher on all tests, the children see this and they want to get the

acknowledgement that comes from achieving these things. When a child sees that

everyone in the classroom has gotten acknowledgement for these grades, it can make
Homework questions 4

them want it more and give them more incentive to try their best and to ask for help they

may not have otherwise.

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