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APA Citing

APA Citing Sources /Plagerism

Brittany Clayton

Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana

APA Citing

One thing I learned from the APA website was the proper way to make a cover

page. In many of the classes I have taken, this has been different. Some teachers want

their name on it and others don't, for example. After reading through the information, I

know now how to properly make one. Another thing that I found interesting was the link

for the Purdue Owl website. I looked through this and found helpful information on

quoting when what you are quoting was already quoted. This is something that I have

had to ask for help with many times because I wasn’t sure that I correctly cited it and

now I know where to look to make sure I have. I also learned that when making a

reference sheet, the citations should be in alphabetical order. I have always put the

references in the order they were found in the paper.

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