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Subject Code: HBBA

Name :

Register No. :


B.Com., LL.B. (Hons) Degree Course

Second Year –Third Semester – Mid Semester Examination, September 2015


Time: 1 ½ Hours Maximum Marks: 20 Marks

Part – A (5 X 2 = 10 Marks)

Answer any FIVE of the following questions:

1. Write short notes on

(i) Capital Market
(ii) Money Market

2. What is a Smart Card?

3. What do you mean by Depositories?

4. What is Book Building?

5. What is Dematerialization?

6. State any two functions of Stock Exchanges

7. Give any two points of distinction between Brokers and Jobbers

Part – B (1 X 10 = 10 Marks)

Answer any ONE of the following questions:

8. Explain the classification of Financial Markets in India.

9. Explain the procedure for buying shares through IPO in primary market.

Subject Code: HBBB

Name :

Register No. :


B.Com., LL.B. (Hons) Degree Course
Second Year –Third Semester – Mid Semester Examination, September 2015


Time: 1 ½ Hours Maximum Marks: 20 Marks

Part – A (5 X 2 = 10 Marks)

Answer any FIVE of the following questions. Each question carries 2 marks:

1. What do you mean by Calls in Arrear?

2. What is Issue of shares at Discount?

3. Give the meaning of Capital Redemption Reserve.
4. Define preferential share.

5. Write a note on Under Subscription.

6. What is share forfeiture?
7. Give the meaning of Net Asset Method of valuation of Shares.

Part – B (1 X 10 = 10 Marks)

Answer any ONE of the following questions:

8. A Company issued 20,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each payable as follows:

On application Rs.4 per share
On allotment Rs.2 per share
On first and final call Rs.4 per share

Subscriptions were received for 23,000 shares. The excess money

was refunded and the allotment money was received in full. The first and
final call was made in due course and the amount due was received with the
exception of 100 shares. These shares were forfeited and subsequently
re-issued as fully paid for Rs.8 per share. Pass Journal entries for the above
9. The Balance sheet of XY Ltd as on 31.12.2008 is as follows:

Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.

Share capital:
Fixed assets less depreciation 4,00,000
Equity shares of Rs.10 each 5,00,000
6% Investment 1,00,000
General Reserve 2,00,000
(face value Rs.1,00,000)
P&L Account 1,00,000
Current assets 4,00,000
Current Liabilities 1,00,000
9,00,000 9,00,000

Net profit (after taxation)

First year 1,30,000
Second year 1,25,000
Third year 1,50,000

Goodwill for the purpose of amalgamation may be taken as 4 years’

purchase of average super profit trading on the basis of 15% normal profit on
closing capital employed. The current assets of XY Ltd., are to be taken as


Subject Code: HBBC

Name :

Register No. :


B.Com., LL.B. (Hons) Degree Course

Second Year – Third Semester – Mid Semester Examination, September 2015


Time: 1 ½ Hours Maximum Marks: 20 Marks

Part – A (2 X 3 = 6 Marks)

I. Answer any TWO of the following questions. Each question carries 3 marks.

1. Differentiate the right of subrogation and contribution of a surety.

2. Discuss on the concept of master-servant relationship as to agency?

3. Principle of absolute liability is the very basic foundation for the whole
concept of Indemnity- Brief on the same.

Part – B (1 X 5 = 5 Marks)

II. Answer any ONE of the following questions:

4. Siddhartha had borrowed a fridge from Sringar Rental Shop to be used for
3 months of summer, April to June in Trichy upon a payment of rent of
Rs.1300 every month. But Siddartha continued to use the fridge till the month
of November without paying any rents after June. In November due to some
technical faults, the freezing system of the fridge collapsed fully. Can the
Sringar Rental Shop claim their fridge back? And also can they seek
compensation for the damages caused?

5. Dhanalakshmi Bank and TN Mercantile Bank are two co-sureties for

Mr. Sudhakar, undertaking a responsibility of one-quarter & three-quarter of
the 50 lakhs debt respectively to one Mr. Adnan due on 25th November,

2015. Mr. Sudhakar contacts Mr. Adnan and decides to postpone the date of
payment to 25th May, 2016. Mr. Sudhakar leaves to Australia immediately,
after the change of date and forget to intimate the same to his sureties.
But Dhanalakshmi Bank comes to know about the same and consents for the
same. When the time of repayment neared, TN Mercantile Bank refused to
pay. Is such a refusal permitted?

Part – C (1 X 9 = 9 Marks)

III. Answer any ONE of the following questions:

6. Mr. Nithin was strolling in the busy streets of Mumbai on one fine evening.
Suddenly, he finds a shimmering object in the pavement. When he picks it
up, he finds it to be a golden pin which is studded with a costly diamond.
He goes to the nearby police station and registers a lost notice. Also,
he makes an arrangement with his local bank for the special safe custody
service as he found out that the golden pin might cost more than 10 Crores.
He waited for around 6-7 months in search of the owner spending money
travelling and enquiring various diamond merchants. After, one year he was
in some financial constraint, and decided to pledge this particular golden
pin. Now, the actual owner, one Mrs. Rajalakshmi Thirunal somehow comes
to know about the pin and claims it back from Mr. Nithin. Can Mr. Nithin
exercise any right of lien over the golden pin?

7. Nazir, was a small scale milk distributor in the rural village of Sonapet.
He owns around 25 cows and 14 buffalos. He decided to expand his
business and therefore, shifted his working place from his home to a new
factory nearby. In order to transport his cows and buffalos, he had sought
the service of Stephen’s Transporters. When Stephen’s Transporters,
transported the cows and buffalos, it was found that many had red bruises
and scar marks and two of the animals indeed has fatal injuries. Enraged by
the same, Nazir decides to seek the help of court. Advice him.


Subject Code: HBBD

Name :

Register No. :


B.Com., LL.B. (Hons) Degree Course

Second Year – Third Semester – Mid Semester Examination, September 2015


Time: 1 ½ Hours Maximum Marks: 20 Marks

Part – A (3 X 4 = 12 Marks)

Answer any THREE of the following questions. Each question carries 4 marks.

1. Avinash and Preeti got married under Prarthana Samaj Ceremonies. Due to
their busy schedule, they failed to register their marriage. After 5 years
Preeti filed for divorce and claimed maintenance. Decide upon the validity
of marriage and maintainability of suit.

2. Vaidehi and Rajan are cousins, they got married at the age of 15 and 25
respectively. Decide the validity of marriage.

3. Suresh and Rekha got married under Hindu customary rites in 1970.
In 1973 Rekha filed divorce petition on the ground that, Suresh committed
solitary act of adultery. Decide.

4. Rohini and Rahul entered into marriage at the age of 15 and 21 respectively
under Arya Samraj ceremonies. After 3 years of marriage Rahul, during his
short visit to Punjab married Amita. Marriage in Punjab was as per
ceremonies in Hindu Marriage Act. Decide on the following:

(i) Maintainability of RCR petition filed by Rohini.
(ii) Validity of marriage between Rahul and Amita.
(iii) Explain the legal status of child marriage under HMA.

Part – B (1 X 8 = 8 Marks)

Answer any one of the following questions:

5. Critically analyse S.9 of HMA, 1955.

6. Hindu marriage is a sacrament as well as a contract – Comment.


Subject Code: HBBE

Name :

Register No. :


B.Com., LL.B. (Hons) Degree Course
Second Year – Third Semester – Mid Semester Examination, September 2015


Time: 1 ½ Hours Maximum Marks: 20 Marks

Part – A (1 X 10 = 10 Marks)

Answer the following question:

1. The legitimacy of the Constituent Assembly has been attacked on several

grounds. One such ground of criticism is that it was not adequately
representative, and that therefore, the Constitution of India, 1950 does not
express the will of the Indian People. How may we rescue the Assembly,
and therefore, the Constitution, from such criticism?

Part – B (2 X 5 = 10 Marks)
Answer any TWO of the following questions. Each question carries 5 marks.

2. The Department of Stationery in the Ministry of Office Supplies,

Government of India, wishes to award a tender for procuring stationery
items, like pens, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, highlighters etc. Based on the
response, the Secretary of the Department shortlists three suppliers, and
invites them to his office to give their quotations. A will sell the items for
Rs.100, B for Rs.110, and C for Rs.190. A wears pink pants to the
Secretary’s office. Pink happens to be the Secretary’s favourite colour, and
he believes that everyone should wear pink pants at all times. It is not
known if A was aware of the Secretary’s colour-preferences. The Secretary
of the Department finally awards the tender to A.
On what grounds can B and C challenge the award of tender to A?
Briefly discuss the constitutional provisions and cases they may rely upon.

3. If the Union of India wishes to cede a part of its territory in the north-east to
China, what procedure must it follow? Answer on the basis of constitutional
provisions and cases.

4. Has the notion of Indian citizenship shifted its emphasis from jus soli to jus
sanguinis? Consider constitutional provisions and recent politicking on the
issue in your response.

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