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Subject Code: HACA

Name :

Register No. :


B.A., LL.B. (Hons) Degree Course

Third Year – Fifth Semester – Mid Semester Examination, September 2015


Time: 1 ½ Hours Maximum Marks: 20 Marks

Part – A (5 X 4 = 20 Marks)

Answer any FIVE questions of your choice from the following questions in not
less than 600 words:

1 (i) State the ‘Six principles of Political Realism’ proposed by Hans J.


1 (ii) Critically analyse the concept and practice of Disarmament during Cold
war and post-Cold war period? Examine the idea and practice of
Disarmament from the neo-realist and neo-liberal perspectives; illustrate
few examples.

2 (i) Discuss the relevance/use and growth of International Relations as an

autonomous academic discipline within the Social Science?

2 (ii) “Constructivists argue that the nuclear arsenals of the United Kingdom
and South Korea/North Korea, though comparably destructive, have very
different meanings to the United States that translate into very different
patterns of interaction” (Wendt, A. 1995). Critically analyze the
statement both from the constructivist approach and the neo-realist
paradigm in International Relations.

3 (i) What is a ‘norm’ in International Relations (IR)? Discuss the key
differences between ‘norm’ and ‘institution’? Explain the Norm Cycle
model/concept? Illustrate with an example.

3 (ii) “World System Theory argues that the global economic system is
inherently unfair.” Critically analyse this statement, substantiate with

4 (i) Explain the main elements of National Power in International Relations?

Discuss each of the elements with examples.

4 (ii) What is ‘Balance of Power’? Discuss the meaning / definition from the
neo-realist and neo-liberalist perspectives with examples.

5 (i) What is ‘Complex Interdependence’, discuss this in the context of

following statement “military force has become a less reliable and less
important policy option”. Give examples.

5 (ii) “Whether in the physical or social sciences, the observer/researcher may

choose to focus upon the parts or upon the whole, upon the components
or upon the system…What that frame of reference should be, or will be,
cannot be said with much certainty, but it does seem clear that it must
exist”, analyse this statement from the perspective of ‘level of analysis’
method in International Relations? Illustrate with relevant examples.


Subject Code: HACB

Name :

Register No. :


B.A., LL.B. (Hons) Degree Course

Third Year – Fifth Semester – Mid Semester Examination, September 2015


Time: 1 ½ Hours Maximum Marks: 20 Marks

Part – A (2 X 4 = 8 Marks)

Answer any TWO of the following problems applying legal principles and
decided cases:

1. Joseph & Company Limited is an incorporated company. Joseph, in his

capacity as Director of the company signed a cheque as per the Articles of
Association of the company. The Company’s name in the cheque was
mentioned as Joseph & Company. As the cheque was returned by the
Banker’s of Mary, the payee, she filed a suit against the company for the
recovery of the amount covered by the cheque. Is the suit maintainable?
Also discuss the liability of Joseph, the Director of the Company.

2. The Directors of Ram and Co., Ltd. Paid dividends out of the profits of the
company for a period of 10 years in succession. In its eleventh year of
operation profits were not earned by the company and hence the company
chose to pay dividends to its shareholders out of the Capital of the company.
Is this action of the Directors justified? If not, what is legal stand which the
company can take?

3. A company was formed to protect the cyclists against the motorists on the
public roads. The company sought to alter its objects to protect the
motorists also. This alteration was objected to by some of the shareholders
and creditors of the company. Is not the objection valid? If not, why?

Part – B (2 X 4 = 8 Marks)

Answer any TWO of the following questions in about 300 words:

4. “A Company is a person different all together from its members”. Elucidate.

5. Define “Memorandum of Association”. State the Clauses to be incorporated

in Memorandum of Association and specifically explain the significance of
‘Name Clause’.

6. Explain “Doctrine of Indore Management”. Are there exceptions to this


Part – C (2 X 2 = 4 Marks)

Write short notes on any TWO of the following in about 100 words:

7. Small Company.

8. Government Company.

9. Illegal Association.


Subject Code: HACC

Name :

Register No. :


B.A., LL.B. (Hons) Degree Course

Third Year – Fifth Semester – Mid Semester Examination, September 2015


Time: 1 ½ Hours Maximum Marks: 20 Marks

Part – A (2 X 2 = 4 Marks)

Answer any TWO of the following questions in about 50 words each:

1. Sopher v. Adminstrator General of West Bengal

2. Contingent Interest
3. Doctrine of Holding Out
4. Tulk v. Mokhay

Part – B (2 X 3 = 6 Marks)

Answer any TWO of the following questions in about 150 words each:

5. Vishal, orally transfers his immovable property to Shukla on the condition

that Shukla should not alienate without Vishal’s consent. Decide the
validity of the condition.

6. Vishnu and Maran are brothers. They partitioned their family property.
One operative portion of the partition deed provided that the property
allotted to each party could be sold only to the other party. Is it valid

7. Nithilan, gives by an instrument Rs. 750 to Manshuk. By the same
instrument Nithilan transfers Manshuk’s property worth of Rs. 600 to
Mitchell. Manshuk elects to keep his property. Decide the rights to

8. Narain executes an agreement for the sale of a house in favour of Nalan.

Mayan, brings a suit for recovery of the house against Narain. Pending the
suit, Narain executes a sale deed in favour of Nalan in pursuance of the
agreement for sale. Mayan obtains a decree in favour of him. Is the decree

Part – C (2 X 5 = 10 Marks)

Answer any TWO of the following questions in about 250 words:

9. “Property of any kind may not be transferable subject matter”. Analyse with
the help of relevant provisions of the Transfer of Property Act.

10.“An absolute restraint on alienation is void; but a partial restraint is not”.

Explain with decided case laws and state the exceptions.

11.“Transfer of Property Act is not only favour the transfer between living
persons”. Critically examine this statement with the help of relevant
provisions of the Transfer of Property Act.

12. “The right conferred by Section 53-A is a right available only to the
defendant to protect his possession” - Elucidate.


Subject Code: HACD

Name :

Register No. :


B.A., LL.B. (Hons) Degree Course

Third Year – Fifth Semester – Mid Semester Examination, September 2015


Time: 1 ½ Hours Maximum Marks: 20 Marks

Part – A (2 X 6 = 12 Marks)

Answer the following questions:

1. (a) “Industrial Relations are inclusive of all the relationships that grow out
of the fact of the employment” – Elucidate.
(b) Discuss in detail about the Core Labour Standards of ILO with special
reference to India?

2. (a) Critically analyze the triple test laid down by the Supreme Court in
Bangalore Water Supply & Sewage Board v. Rajappa?.
(b) Explain the salient features of the Industrial Disputes (Amendment) Act,

Part – B (2 X 2 = 4 Marks)

Answer any TWO of the following questions:

3. ‘Employer’ under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.

4. Declaration of Philadelphia.

5. Labour and Directive Principles of State Policy.

Part – C (1 X 4 = 4 Marks)

Answer any ONE of the following questions:

6. XYZ is a Research Department under a Textile Industry and employing

technical and other staffs. The research is conducted with a view to find
greater efficiency, rationalization and reduction of costs etc. The Workmen
in research department raises a dispute regarding the terms of employment.
Decide whether the activity carried on by research department fell within the
definition of Industry under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947?

7. ABC is a Public Company has its registered Office in Chennai, Tamil Nadu
and a branch office in Hyderabad, Telangana. An industrial dispute arose in
its manufacturing sector under Hyderabad branch. The Telangana
Government referred the dispute to the Labour Court in Hyderabad.
ABC contends that Telangana Government has no jurisdiction in this
industrial dispute as the head office is in the state of Tamil Nadu and only
the Tamil Nadu Government can refer the dispute to the appropriate
authority. Decide the validity of reference by Telangana Government under
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947?


Subject Code: HACE

Name :

Register No. :


B.A., LL.B. (Hons) Degree Course

Third Year – Fifth Semester – Mid Semester Examination, September 2015


Time: 1 ½ Hours Maximum Marks: 20 Marks

Part – A (2 X 5 = 10 Marks)

Answer any TWO of the following questions, each question carries 5 marks:

1. The legislature provides the gun and prescribes the target, but leaves to the
executive the task of pulling the trigger- Discuss.

2. Exercise of discretion must not be arbitrary, fanciful and influenced by

extraneous consideration- Elucidate.

3. Define Administrative Law and describe the reasons for the growth of
administrative law.

Part – B (1 X 4 = 4 Marks)

Answer any ONE of the following questions, each question carries 4 marks:

4. Explain the concept of Rule of Law.

5. Ram Jawaya Kapoor vs., State of Punjab AIR 1955 SC 549.

Part – C (2 X 3 = 6 Marks)

Answer BOTH the questions by referring to relevant provisions of law and

decided cases with cogent reasons:

6. As per the circular passed by the Tamil Nadu Government, the Public
Service Commission of Tamil Nadu made six divisions of candidates
(on territorial basis) for the purpose of applying to the exam.
Separate selection list was made for each division based on merit.
Even though a candidate secured higher marks than those in the other
division, he could not get admission in his division. The circular of the
State Government has been challenged as violation of Article 14 of the
Constitution of India. The state has taken the defence that the circular is
only an administrative Instruction and not under any statutory rules.

7. The democratic Government of Barbia has decided to use its

parliamentary majority to bypass the Supreme Court’s defence of the
Constitution. So, it has enacted “High Court of Barbia Parliament Act,
1952”. The said Act supported to turn Parliament itself into a court,
empowered to hear appeals from appellate division. When the said Act
was challenged on the grounds of despotism, the Government of Barbia
has taken the defence of Functional overlapping (separation of powers).
Decide the validity of the Act.


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