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Código: AC-F-14

Versión: 1
Vigencia: 18/09/2019
Página: 1 DE 1
Teacher: Andrey Ruiz Date: 9 nov / 23 nov 2019
Students will be able to understand and express their opinion
Objective: Levels: B1+
about news and media using a set of expressions.

1. Can ask for opinion regarding news and media 2. Can use Tabloids, spreadsheets, daily - weekly - monthly
brief and complex expressions to describe their opinion 3. Can Keywords news, gutter press, editorial, periodical, paparazzi,
understand questions related to the news and media. headline.

Enviroment Informal environment: A news broadcast e.g.

The situation is developed among the different news anchors that there are in a news set (sports anchor, weather anchor,
Participant Roles
fashion anchor, so forth).
Pre-Task Task Cycle Language Focus
Time _30__ Minutes Information-Gap Activity Time 10 Minutes
Time: 10 minutes

1. T asks Ss about their exposure to news. Students will work in pairs and will look for news in
What are the most frequent sources they any source they like (google, youtube, instagram,
tend to visit and what was the last news newspaper, magazines). They will discuss their
they heard or read about. opinions about the news they choose.
2. Ss conduct an improvisation exercise to
practice speech patterns. The idea is for
Reason-Gap Activity
the Ss to talk about their segments and
pass the word to another S so they act and Time: 5 minutes T will provide an useful vocabulary list
talk on sheer instinct. For example, -Okay, ( and
Each pair will rehearse and will think about a way to
in today's broadcast we're addresing the will write on the board a few headlines used by the
present the news to the class. T will provide support
involvement of Korea in peace treaties, students during the task with a few blank spaces.
to any difficulty they may encounter.
what can you tell us ¨juan¨(so S Juan will Students discuss the meaning and what would be
improvise and say something related to Opinion-Gap Activity the most appropiate term for each line.
the topic, then he will proceed to involve T will play or hand out a news article to Ss and
Time: 10 minutes
another student) Ok so that's it about they will highlight the most important parts using
Korea, now, we have the Fashion segment the vocabulary previously learned.
with Juliana (so Juliana needs to say
something about it, and so on).
3. T introduces the video of a news The class will listen to the news, their task is to give
segment their opinion about them. They can ask questions
( after the presentation. Teacher gives feedback on the
v=cLxhG0FrYZQ). The idea is for Ss to content. Students will choose the best news
give their opinions to each of the news

Resources: Internet connection, Video Resources: Internet connection. Resources: Internet connection.
Beam, Screen.
Students might find difficult to understand the video, T can use subtitles or pause the video when
Anticipated Problems necessary. Moreover, it is likely for students to not provide any opinion since sometimes they tend to be

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