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Vatican 2 changed the aim of the Catholic Church from “SALVATION OF SOULS” to “how to deal
with human beings on earth...about how to live in peace on the earth with other people”

Now looks like God is reversing this wrong teaching. “QUARANTINE” is ‘THE WORD’ now, stay
away from other human beings. And connect back to God. If salvation is your aim, living in peace
automatically comes about.

I have heard Priests in Goa say very proudly that the church prior to Vatican 2, was obsessed with
“salvation of souls”, but now after Vatican 2, a fresh breath of air has entered inside and we no
longer teach you that saving your soul is important, but rather how to deal with other people on earth,
whom you meet and interact daily, including people of other faiths. Dealing with human beings is
more important than the salvation of your soul……that was the underlying message of Vatican 2.

This is the same reason the true Catholic rite of mass, the focal point Catholicism, ie. the Latin
Tridentine Mass was changed to the present form of Eucharist celebration (The Church documents
still show the Latin Tridentine mass as the official liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church). In the
Latin Tridentine mass also called the TLM in short, the Priest was leading the people in prayer and
facing God….hence his back to the people (Actually in the TLM, whenever the Priest addresses the
people, eg. The Lord is with Thee or the readings or the sermon; he turns around and faces the
people). After Vat 2, the orientation of the Priest was changed from facing God and with his back to
people to facing people and with his back to God (The living God in the Tabernacle). Then as a
compromise, they made the situation worse, they shifted the Living God in the Tabernacle to the
side, from the Centre.

The new mass stresses on the meal / banquet aspect & the celebration part and not much on the
sacrifice. Hence the Priest facing the people, with his back to God and the meal table instead of the
Alter of sacrifice, while he “presides over the gathering” compared to the TLM wherein the Priest
takes on the role of Our Lord Jesus starting from the Last Supper, right up to the Crucifixion and
Resurrection. Hence there is no concelebration in TLM ….as one Priest represents One Christ: which
results in more masses being said, since 2 or more Priest can’t say one mass, ie. one Priest one mass.

They changed the language of the mass, to make it more people friendly (however the churches
Europe and USA are empty now after the change). Latin is a sacred language (God has not permitted
any slang or even foul words in Latin) and till this day Latin continues as the official language of the
Roman Catholic Church. Latin is a dead language, ie. The meaning of words or sentences doesn’t
change over a period of time, unlike English or any other spoken language. Also note that in the
TLM, four languages are used, ie. Latin, Hebrews, Aramic and English. Some of the original words
spoken during Jesus’ time are retained in the original language in the TLM, for the fear of changing
the meaning when translated into another language. In fact the new mass is not just a translation; it is
a new “Eucharistic Celebration” wherein man is at the centre, not God.

Note the desecration of the Sacred Body of Christ happening during the new mass, in all the
Churches of the world through the Eucharistic Ministers and the system of communion in hand.
Imagine all the minute microscopic particles of communion, the Sacred Body of Christ stuck to the
palms of the Eucharistic Ministers and the lay people who receive in the hand, falling on the ground
and being trampled by the faithful day in and day out, especially on feast days when there are more
Eucharistic ministers than Alter servers, holding the Paten while distributing communion. Observe
the Priest after communion, how he cleans the Ciborium and the Paten and drinking the water. That
is to ensure that no particle of the communion, even by chance falls anywhere on the ground where it
can be trampled. My blood used to boil when I used to see the desecration happening and I stopped
attending the new mass and decided to attend the TLM only, because I didn’t want to be a part of this
sacrilege. I was wondering how long God would permit all this mass desecrations of the Sacred
Body of His Son to go on. I’m happy that there is a temporary respite, but don’t know, if men in his
pride would ever mend his ways and continue and invite a more severe wrath of God. (If this is not
so severe).

I have heard the modern Priests making fun of the TLM from the pulpits of our Churches, including
my Church in Navelim, especially during the sermons of big occasion like Maundy Thursday, Good
Friday and Easter. What an irony, on all these important days, the Church will be closed now and
these priests will not be able to ridicule the true mass, but the faithful will have to go without these
important ceremonies.

It is exactly 50 years on 22nd March 2020, when the old Holy Sacrifice of the mass ie. TLM was
stopped and the new mass, ie. Eucharistic Celebration introduced in all the churches of the Roman
Catholic Church. 22nd March 1970 was also a Sunday, what a coincidence that exactly 50 years later
on a Sunday, the Eucharistic Celebration was stopped in all Churches of the world.

We have made numerous requests since 2012 to many Parish Priests in Goa and also to our Goa
Archbishop, to allow the TLM in the Churches of Goa. Except Old Goa, all other Parish Priests say
that the Bishop’s permission is required, even though Pope Benedict XVI, during his Pontificate had
issued Apostolic Letter "Summorum Pontificum" which permits the TLM anywhere and no extra
permission is required from the local Bishop or any authority. But as my earlier PP, Fr. JRG said…
when he requested the Bishop, “he didn’t say yes or no”, therefore “matxe rau, goddbodd korcho

Along with the Mass everything else was changed, the sacraments, the ordination rites of priests, as
well as the consecration rite of the Bishops, the catechism, the prayers and even the definition of
marriage (hence more annulments now). In short nothing was left untouched.

In Goa we are aware that the even the Lord’s prayer…the Our Father was changed, which changes
the meaning of the prayer, the Hail Mary was changed even though most of it, are words from the
Bible and the new Hail Mary is insulting to Mother Mary & Jesus, than actually pleasing her. The
‘Noman Saibinn Bhitor Sortanam’ is changed from according a warm welcome to Mother Mary to
sort of putting petitions to Jesus. The “Via Sacra” or the “Way of the Cross” is also changed with the
focus shifted from the Passion of Christ to some worldly happenings.

If you observe the age group which is most susceptible to the Corona Virus or Covid-19, it is 80+
age group which is the most vulnerable. Well this is the age group which instead of standing by the
old Church, whole heartedly worked to destroy the old Church and build a new one, which is
contradictory to the true Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore at this point what we can do now, while we wait quarantined at home, is to dig out all our
old Catechism and prayers books…. Preferably the ones before 1970 and read them and start saying
the old prayers and hope that the Latin Tridentine mass will be rightfully restored in all the Churches
of the World. Amen

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