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“Republican Change Committee” The RCC

Email explaining some of the basics of the RCC Plan, taken from minutes of the 7th Congressional
District meeting in January.
Authors note: There may be a valid reason for taking a look at the State Party Plan and the make-up of the SCC.
However, from what I have found, this RCC effort has nothing to do with winning elections, and more to do with
total control. Several key points in this email are in error. My author’s comments are in RED.

From: Lynn Mitchell <>

Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2020 5:43 PM
To: Andrea Epps <>
Subject: 7th District minutes

These are from the 7th Congressional District meeting....

(Minutes - Don Doyle is the new secretary and he’s also on RCC committee as is dewy

7th CDRC Quarterly Meeting - January 6, 2020

Fred Gruber statement- 7th district chairman 2014-2016

Fred Gruber explained the Republican Change Committee that he started after Election Day. He
was aghast at the results when the state went blue, that there were 43 positions with no
republican candidates. Goal-20 active conservatives state wide. He has 19 and speaking with
General Boykin to join. There is a debate to be had about the logic of running candidates in
every district. However, the district and local committees should be responsible for candidate
recruitment because they are best suited to know the district, and what individuals possess the
qualities to win in each district. The only “change” needed is for some of these units and CD’s
to actually start recruiting.

Phase 1-Find a candidate for chairman that we can get behind. Mike Schoelwer (attending) will
file and be our conservative candidate from the RCC, then we need a campaign to get the support
to get him elected. The Chairman needs to be cooperative and conservative.

This email is from January, and this RCC had already chosen a candidate for RPV Chair. I often
wonder why every Chairman and most Executive Directors are beloved and then thrown under a
bus within a year or two of a four year term. The current Chairman, Jack Wilson, is as
conservative as they come. Maybe the “c” that is missing… is control.

Phase 2 -Create an organizing campaign committee to get enough grassroots support to get Mike

Phase 3 -Change the SCC rules and reform the Republican Party plan.
This has been done several times within the last few years, and the SCC “rules” is the Plan.. It
seems as if every time someone doesn’t like the SPP rules, they ignore the Plan, and then amend
it to make whatever actions they took comply.

Phase 4 -Voter registration. Fred was not aware of any substantial effort to register voters, where
as democrats knocked on over 2 million doors and registered 300,000 voters.

Maybe Fred should ask a question. The RPV leadership has been on a very extensive registration
effort for a while now.

Mark Daniel will lead RCC.

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