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31ournal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 1996;60:318-325


Topographic amnesia: spatial memory disorder,

perceptual dysfunction, or category specific
semantic memory impairment?
Rosaleen A McCarthy, Jonathan J Evans, John R Hodges

Abstract contrast, Pallis' described a patient whose spa-

A 60 year old patient, SE, who presented tial memory was good, such that he was able
with a severe difficulty in finding his way to describe on a map of Cardiff the appropri-
around previously familiar environments ate route from the hospital to the railway sta-
and a mild prosopagnosia is described. tion, but was at a loss when asked to find his
SE had herpes simplex encephalitis way when in the city. He reported that places
resulting in selective right temporal lobe looked unfamiliar to him. Whitely and
damage. He showed normal spatial learn- Warrington4 also described a topographic
ing, but was severely impaired in his abil- amnesic patient who was poor at identifying
ity to recognise pictures of buildings and familiar buildings and was impaired on a
landmarks. The disorder was not con- memory test for buildings although relatively
fined to the visual modality, but rather normal on other visual memory tests. Spatial
involved a loss of knowledge about famous memory was not formally tested, although
buildings or landmarks when tested from Whitely and Warrington suggest that it was
their spoken name. SE was contrasted normal on the basis of the patient's ability to
with a more severely prosopagnosic successfully find his way around using maps
patient, PHD, who showed normal ability and verbal instructions.
to recognise buildings and landmarks, Many of the reported cases of topographic
indicating that recognition of people dis- disorientation resulting from a place agnosia
sociates from recognition of buildings/ also show some degree of prosopagnosia.5 This
landmarks. It is concluded that SE's fail- raises the question of whether this finding is an
ure of place knowledge represents a anatomical coincidence (places and faces are
category specific supramodal semantic processed by separate cognitive systems, but
memory impairment. systems which are anatomically close), or
whether it is a result of the fact that a single
(7 Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1996;60:318-325) cognitive system subserves face and place pro-
cessing. Prosopagnosic patients have often
been reported to be equally impaired at recog-
Keywords: topographic amnesia; spatial memory disor- nising other unique exemplars of categories of
der; perceptual dysfunction; category specific objects. For example, the patient extensively
supramodal semantic memory impairment
documented by DeHann and coworkers6 7 had
difficulties recognising specific flowers and
Topographical amnesia is a disorder of finding makes of car. However, the prosopagnosia lit-
one's way around familiar environments and erature has tentatively moved in the direction
in learning to navigate in new environments. of the conclusion that faces are "special," in
Two major subdivisions of the disorder have the sense that they may be highly selectively
been postulated-namely, a primary disorder impaired. There are examples of patients who
of spatial memory and a failure to recognise are impaired at recognising faces, but unim-
Department of places. ' To date, however, there have been few paired at recognising unique exemplars of
Psychology, University descriptions of patients with topographic other classes of visual stimuli,89 with the double
of Cambridge, amnesia, and a very limited number on which dissociation provided by patients who are able
Cambridge, UK detailed neuropsychological analysis has been to recognise faces, but impaired on recognis-
R A McCarthy
MRC Applied
carried out. ing other visual stimuli (such as the farmer
Psychology Unit, DeRenzi et aP described a patient who, after who could recognise his family, but not his
Cambridge, UK a right parietotemporal stroke, showed cows.'0) Fewer case reports in the prosopag-
J J Evans
extreme difficulty in finding her way about nosia literature describe associated topo-
University of both new and previously familiar environ- graphic amnesia, and this has rarely been
Cambridge Neurology ments. Her ability to recognise places was not assessed in any detail.
Unit, Addenbrookes
Hospital, Cambridge, formally tested, although it is reported that she We report a patient, SE, with topographic
UK had no difficulty in recognising visual objects amnesia and mild prosopagnosia, who has had
JR Hodges and people from their faces. She also had ade- detailed neuropsychological assessment,
Correspondence to:
quate space perception, and performed nor- including tests of both his spatial memory and
Dr J R Hodges, University
Neurology Unit, mally on a series of verbal and visual memory his place recognition skills. The results suggest
Addenbrooke's Hospital, tasks. She was, however, extremely impaired that his deficit is in place recognition. In this
Hills Road, Cambridge
CB2 2QQ, UK. on learning a route through a visual maze, fail- case, however, the disorder is not confined to a
Received 20 July 1994 ing to learn after 275 trials. She is, therefore, visual deficit, but rather seems to involve some
and in final revised form loss of semantic knowledge for places. We also
13 November 1995 representative of topographic amnesic patients
Accepted 21 November 1995 with a primary disorder of spatial memory. By explore the relation between prosopagnosia
Topographic amnesia: spatial memory disorder, perceptual dysfunction, or category specific semantic memory impairment? 319

Figure 1 MRI showing

gross destruction of the
right hippocampus,
parahippocampal gyrus,
temporal pole, and inferior
and middle temporal gyri
on the coronal Tl
weighted (A) and
horizontal T2 weighted
(B) reconstructions of the
3D SPGR sequences. On
the left side there was a
small area of damage
involving the anterior
amygdala and uncus
(see arrows).

a long distance out of his way to attempt to get

on to it. He also reported that he had difficulty
recognising some less familiar people such as
politicians and TV personalities, although
most of his close family and friends were
recognised. He had no major problems with
past or current autobiographical details, his
day to day (episodic) memory for ongoing
events was good, he was capable of leading an
independent life, and indeed maintains an
active role within a number of local organisa-
Neurological examination confirmed the
presence of severe bilateral anosmia; he was
unable to detect or identify common odours
used in clinical practice (coffee, oil of cloves,
etc). The remainder of the bedside evaluation
was normal: visual acuity 6/6 bilaterally, no
errors on the Ishihara colour charts, fields full,
and pupils fully reactive. On bedside cognitive
evaluation, he was fully oriented and alert,
obtaining a score of 30/30 on the mini mental
state examination." His speech was fluent and
well articulated without paraphasic errors.
Naming of common objects and repetition
and place recognition deficits by comparing were flawless. He was able to retain a name
SE with another patient, PHD, who has a and address after a filled delay and exhibited
more severe prosopagnosia but normal recog- an excellent grasp of current and recent news
nition for places. events. There was no evidence of visuospatial
or other basic perceptual deficits.
Clinical history
SE, a left handed ex-railwayman, was 60 when Brain imaging
he came to our attention in December 1991. Magnetic resonance imaging was carried out
Five years previously he had been admitted to using axial multiecho and 3D SPGR
hospital in Great Yarmouth with a three day sequences with coronal reconstructions. The
history of headache, nausea, pyrexia, confu- Ti weighted sequence showed (fig 1A) gross
sion, and disorientation. A putative diagnosis destruction of the right temporal pole, uncus,
of viral encephalitis due to herpes simplex was hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus, and
made and at that time CT showed low density inferior and middle temporal gyri to the level
areas in the right temporal lobe. He was dis- of the insula with compensatory dilation of the
charged home from hospital three weeks later, temporal horn of the right lateral ventricle.
described as being better oriented, but having The left side was normal with the exception of
memory impairment. When seen by us he a small region of high signal on the T2
complained of having great difficulty finding weighted sequence in the region of the uncus
his way around places that were previously and amygdala (fig iB), with a corresponding
familiar to him, including his home town in low signal region on the coronal TI images
which he had lived all of his life. On one occa- (fig 1A). Diencephalic and frontal lobe struc-
sion he was shown a photograph of a house in tures were normal.
which he had lived for many years and was
unable to identify it. Places which he knew
should be familiar he described as appearing General cognitive functioning
unfamiliar. He had managed to learn one SE was assessed on a range of standard neu-
route home from town and he always had to ropsychological tests. Table 1 gives the results.
use this particular route, even if it meant going He had well preserved general intellectual
320 McCarthy, Evans, Hodges

Table 1 SE's performance on standardised neuropsychological assessments description subtest was within the normal
Assessment Score range, although all his errors were with ani-
General intellectual: WAIS-R:
mals (SE 20/24; controls 22-4 (SD 1-3)). At
Performance IQ 101 the time the present set of experiments were
Verbal IQ 99 conducted, his picture naming (SE 32/48;
Full scale IQ 100
National adult reading test (NART) 100 controls 43-5 (SD 2 3)) and word-picture
Estimated premorbid IQ matching (SE 43/48; controls 47-1 (SD 1-1))
Perception: fell outside the normal range suggesting that
Fragmented letters (VOSPt) 20/20
Cube analysis (VOSP) 10/10 SE has a mild semantic disorder. This was
Position discrimination (VOSP) 19/20 supported by his mildly impaired performance
Benton and van Allen facial recognition test 44/54
Benton line orientation test 39/40 on the pyramids and palm trees test17 of asso-
Memory: ciative semantic knowledge. He obtained a
Wechsler memory scale-revised (index score) score of 45/52 where controls make less than
General memory index 94
Visual memory index 100 three errors. On the Snodgrass and
Visual reproduction I (immediate) 77th percentile Vanderwart corpus of 260 line drawings, SE
Verbal memory index 92
Logical memory I 44th percentile was able to name 75 of the 100 pictures of nat-
Delayed memory index 76* ural kinds (animals, fruit, and vegetables, etc)
Logical memory II 24th percentile
Visual reproduction I 2nd percentile compared with 152 of the 160 (96%) man
Warrington recognition memory test: faces 33/50* made items (vehicles, furniture, tools, cloth-
Warrington recognition memory test: words 38/50
Rey complex figure: copy 34/36 ing, etc). Further investigation showed that, in
Rey complex figure: recall 9/36* addition to his problems with buildings and
Rivermead behavioural memory test
(screening score) 10/12 places, SE has a mild, but significant, deficit in
Autobiographical memory interview his associative knowledge of animals and
Personal semantic information 61-5/63
Autobiographical incidents 27/27 details of this aspect of his case have been
Executive: described in a separate paper.'8
Wisconsin card sorting test 6 categories
Verbal fluency (FAS 60 s each) 33
Trail making test A 22 5 s
Trail making test B
Cognitive estimates test
76 s Experimental investigations
7 errors
Token test 36/36 To examine the possibility that SE's topo-
Test for the reception of grammar (TROG) 76/80 graphic amnesia was the result of a primary
Boston naming test 39/60*
disorder of spatial memory, we carried out a
*Impaired performance. series of investigations of his spatial learning
tVOSP = Visual object and space perception battery (Warrington and James'-). and knowledge.
skills, with his current IQ, as measured by the Supraspan learning
Wechsler adult intelligence scale-revised'2 On a Corsi block tapping task, SE had a spa-
being no different from his predicted premor- tial short-term memory span of five. To assess
bid IQ, based on his performance on the supraspan learning, two further steps were
national adult reading test.'3 He also had satis- added and SE was able to learn the extended
factory perceptual, language, and executive span in three trials, a performance considered
functioning. His performance on memory tests to be within normal limits."'
showed satisfactory verbal, but impaired visual
memory functioning. Although he scored in Maze learning
the normal range on the Rivermead behav- SE was assessed on two maze learning tasks.
ioural memory test and his general memory One task involved learning a route through an
index on the WMS-R was normal and com- array of blocks or "stepping stones", similar in
mensurate with his IQ, SE showed impair- form to that described by Milner,20 and the
ment in delayed recall of visual information other involved discovering and remembering a
(for example, visual reproduction and Rey fig- route through a complex maze, similar in type
ure). To assess his semantic memory abilities to the Porteus mazes.2' With both tasks, once
we compared his performance on a battery of the routes had been learned, the mazes were
experimental tests previously described in systematically rotated to investigate whether
detail'9 to that of 25 age and IQ matched con- SE's learning was orientation dependent. For
trols.'t On the category fluency test, his total both tasks his performance was compared with
scores for the number of correct exemplars that of five age and sex matched controls
generated from three living and three man (mean age 64-4 (SD 2-61)).
made categories fell within the normal range Maze I (stepping stones)-This task involved
(SE living total 52 (controls 58-3 (SD 12-2)), learning a 16 step route through a 6 x 6 array
man made 51 (controls 55-5 (SD 8 5))). of blocks or "stepping stones". Subjects were
Likewise his performance on the naming to required to discover the route (involving either

Table 2 Performance (trials to criterion) of SE and controls on the stepping stone maze test
Maze I Maze 1
Maze 1 (90° rotation) (180° rotation) Maze 2
Criterion = 3 correct Criterion = 2 correct Criterion = 2 correct Criterion = 1 correct
SE 8 4 2 8
Controls (n = 5) 9-0 (4-3) 6-3 (3 3) 3 3 (2 3) 5 5 (2 4)
Values for controls are mean (SE).


c~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Topographic amnesia: spatial memory disorder, perceptual dysfunction, or category specific semantic memory impairment?

-i - Ta =
error was made subjects were prompted

vertical or horizontal, but not diagonal moves)

through the maze by trial and error; when an
immediately to find an alternative step. Trials
continued until the route could be reproduced
without error on three consecutive occasions.
After three correct trials the maze was rotated
90 degrees and trials continued until a crite-
rion of two consecutive error free trials was
reached. A further 90 degree rotation followed
and once again trials continued until a crite-
rion of two consecutive error free trials was
reached. Finally, a second maze was learnt and
trials continued until error free performance
was obtained.
I I.3 L:Z.X II
Table 2 shows the performance of SE and
controls on each of the mazes and shows that
SE was essentially normal on this task, though
he was a little slower to learn the second maze
1L=I3ZIL X i =i than the controls (possibly the result of proac-

ri rn
tive interference).
Maze 2-On this task subjects were presented
with a complex labyrinth maze (fig 2A) and
asked to find the path through the maze from
start to finish. The time taken to do this was
r.x recorded. To assess learning, subjects were
repeatedly re-presented with the same maze.

in _xrx]xr Having reached a plateau in speed of comple-

tion, various manipulations were carried out
including (a) rotating the original maze 180
.~~~~~~~~~~~~ degrees, but keeping the same start and finish
positions, (b) rotating the original maze 180
degrees, reversing the original start and finish
positions, and (c) rotating the original maze 90
degrees, reversing the original start and finish
B positions. Figure 2B shows SE's rapid learning
200 r
of the original maze, evidenced by reduced
times to completion, and also shows that the
o Initial orientation (SE) manipulations of orientation had little impact
180 F 1o Initial orientation (controls)
o 180° rotation, sannne start/finish (SE) on speed of completion. His performance
A 1800 rotation, sanne start/finish (controls) shows virtually no difference from the mean of
160 F + 1800 rotation, revfersed start/finish (SE) the controls.
* 1800 rotation, revtersed start/finish (controls)
* 900 rotation, reve,rsed start/finish (SE)
140 H
v 900 rotation, reve Xrsed start/finish (controls) Locomotor route learning
SE was tested on a route within
Addenbrooke's Hospital. The route, previ-
co 120 F ously unfamiliar to SE, involved 10 decision
E points (go left, go right, or go straight on). The
C) route was first demonstrated to SE and after
100 H walking back to the beginning he was asked to
E0 retrace the route. Errors were noted and cor-
0 4' rected when they happened. SE took four tri-
80 H 'Ci
'I als to learn the route successfully, making six
E errors across the four trials. After a 20 minute
60K 114 delay he was retested and was able to recall the
I \
route correctly. Five age matched control sub-
jects (mean age 60-0 (SD 1-58)) were also
I \
tested on the route. Four of the subjects
>~~~~~-o> ~ o C). CC \ I*
+ OL learned the route after only one trial and one

subject made a single error on the first trial.

20 F- All five recalled the route correctly after the 20
minute delay. It is clear that although this was
0 L
a relatively simple route, SE was impaired
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 compared with the controls. Nevertheless,
Trial No given his self reports of problems with routes,
we were surprised at his effective learning of
the route. On discussing this with him it
became apparent that he was relying on very
Figure 2(A) The complex labyrinth maze. (B) Performance of SE and controls on the specific verbal strategies to aid in the learning
complex labyrinth maze. process (for example, "turn left at the physio-
322 Evans, Hodges

Figure 3 SE's drawing

from memory of his home
.J :\.5 . curt

_ WI
c..,c tM.c. WI ....'.I... _______________________


'I -

F7VB -- - ,i/, ,,,_____ 1' II (

V.kb4cAAThi / rc1i 1!!

. Li /1

therapy sign, turn right when I see ward C2"). severely prosopagnosic patient. PHD, a 34
This approach, however, occasionally let him year old left handed man, was previously a
down; for example, on trial 1 he had used the trainee draughtsman. He sustained a severe
strategy, "go past the doors and turn left head injury at the age of 18 and has experi-
where there is a man sitting down," which enced persisting problems with face recogni-
resulted in errors at stages five and six on trial tion, recognition of animals, reading, and
2, when the man had moved! To contrast with writing (with a pattern of surface dyslexia and
the hospital route we also assessed SE on a dysgraphia) and episodic memory.
route in the city centre of Cambridge. The
route was chosen to have the same number of PEOPLE AND PLACES
decision points as the hospital route and the Famous people
same procedure was used. The result was a SE and PHD were shown photographs of 53
similar performance, SE learning the route very famous people who had been prominent
after four trials, making a total of 10 errors, over the past four decades (politicians, TV and
and successfully retracing the route after a 20 film stars, etc) and asked to provide the name
minute delay. Once again he relied on specific of the person, or if unable to name the person,
verbal strategies (usually street names) to help to provide specific identifying information. On
him navigate and his errors were almost always another occasion SE and PHD were given the
at decision points where there were no obvious names of the famous people and asked to pro-
street signs. vide as much information about them as possi-
ble. In the second condition, and when
Geographical knowledge identifying information was given by the
SE was asked to draw a map of his home town, patient rather than the name in the photo-
which he did very successfully (fig 3). graph condition, two independent raters
assessed each response. A scoring criteria was
adopted such that a response was scored as
Commnent correct if the general occupation plus at least
The results of the preceding investigations one other piece of correct information was
suggest that SE's spatial knowledge and learn- given. For example, an answer "actor" or
ing are virtually normal, although we saw "sportsman" would not be sufficient, but
some evidence of his topographical navigation "English actor" or "comedy actor" or
problems, as well as his use of compensatory "Sport-tennis player" or "football player"
strategies, on the locomotor routes. We moved were all scored as correct. Agreement between
on to investigate the possibility that SE's topo- the raters was almost 100%; any disagree-
graphic disorientation was the result of an ments were resolved by discussion. Control
agnosia for familiar places. At the same time, data were obtained from members of the
we carried out parallel investigations into his MRC Applied Psychology Unit subject panel
difficulty with familiar faces to explore the and staff of British Rail, Cambridge. In total,
potential relation between problems with faces 37 subjects (mean age 49-0 (SD 17-6), range
and places. In this set of investigations we con- 20-82 years) were given the face identification
trasted SE's performance with that of a more task and 27 (mean age 53-7 (SD 15-4), range
Topographic amnesia: spatial memory disorder, perceptual dysfunction, or category specific semantic memory impairment? 323

Figure 4 Performance of 100

SE and PHD on the
famous people and famous
places tasks in which they
are first asked to identify 90
people and places from
photographs and then asked
to give information about
people and places when :::
provided with the name. 80
Also shown is the mean *:
performance (SD) of a
healthy control group on
the face and name 70 ::
identification tasks as well
as the place identification :::
from pictures and names .1-

and the performance of 60

SE's wife on the places
photograph task.

o 50





_ .....

u0U1) 0 U)


a) tn
U) U) 0
a) E C)
C.) c; LL V
z aL Z Z z z CL

People Places People Places People Places Places

SE PHD Controls Mrs E

26-80 years) were given the name identifica- the name of each place and asked to provide as
tion task. SE and PHD are considerably differ- much information as possible about it. As with
ent in age, but because age did not correlate the famous faces task, in the second condition,
significantly with performance on either the and when identifying information was given by
face or name tasks, data from the whole con- the patient rather than the name in the photo-
trol group are included. To compare the per- graph condition, two raters rated each
formance of the two patients across tasks their response to determine if it included sufficient
raw scores were converted to z scores. information to clearly identify the famous
The results, (fig 4) show that PHD was building or landmark. Once again agreement
severely impaired (score = 16-98%, z = between the raters was almost 100%, with the
-4- 15), being well outside the range of normal few disagreements resolved by discussion.
controls in identifying famous faces, and SE is Control data were obtained from SE's wife
clearly poor (score = 39-62%, z = 264), - (who was tested on the photographs) and age
falling just below the range of normal controls and education matched control subjects from
(43T4%-98d1%). On the identification from the Applied Psychology Unit subject panel.
name task, PHD was well within the normal Twenty nine subjects (mean age 56-79 (SD
range (score = 73-58%, z = 1.51), whereas - 16-1 1)) were asked to identify the places from
SE's performance (score = 66-04%, z = photographs and a further 14 (mean age 43-79
2 33) fell at the bottom of the range of nor- (SD 17-76)) were asked to identify them from
mal controls (62-3%-100%). their names.
The results (fig 4) show that SE was
Famous Places severely impaired (z = -3-46) on recognising
SE and PHD were shown a set of photographs buildings or landmarks from photographs. For
of 25 famous places (for example, the Statue example, he thought that the Leaning Tower
of Liberty, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Pyramids, of Pisa was the Empire State Building, that
Eiffel Tower) and asked to provide the name Sydney Opera House was "Somewhere in
or as much identifying information as possible. Africa", and that Trafalgar Square was
On another occasion they were provided with "Somewhere like Greece." When asked to
324 McCarthy, Evans, Hodges

identify places from their names he was some- recognition impairment extends into the
what better, but still significantly poorer than anterograde domain: not only did he fail to
control subjects (z = - 300). In this condition identify previously familiar places, but he also
it was striking that he was often unable to pro- had problems in coding those aspects of the
vide any information about what a landmark environment that stand as cues to location.
looked like, even when information such as the His preserved ability to code and process spatial
location of the landmark was provided. By information provided him with some topo-
contrast, PHD was within the normal range graphic "tools". Knowledge of spatial routes
for both the photograph and the name condi- and the availability of a mental map of the
tions. environment, even one as complex as that
recalled by SE, are insufficient for normal nav-
igation; knowing where you are at any one
Discussion time and knowing when you have finished
We have described a patient with a severe dis- your journey requires the coding of places.22
order of building and place recognition. Failure at this level must be particularly dis-
Despite having normal spatial short term turbing in the context of an environment that
memory, normal maze learning, and excellent is familiar. The fact that SE could learn simple
recall of pre-morbidly acquired spatial infor- routes in the hospital and in Cambridge
mation, SE, nevertheless, had a grave disorder demonstrates that verbal cues may compen-
in finding his way around familiar places. Our sate to some extent for place recognition
investigations have established that SE's sen- impairments.
sory and higher order perceptual skills were He was impaired on tasks involving the
intact. He was normal on a range of visual recall of visual forms after a delay. However,
tests that are failed by patients with disorders an anterograde visual memory deficit is not
of visual sensory or perceptual processing and sufficient to account for his difficulties with
he performed at a normal level on tasks requir- finding his way around; many of his route
ing him to identify common objects. SE's fail- finding difficulties involved places previously
ure to name or identify familiar and famous very familiar to him. Furthermore his autobio-
places therefore seems to be a relatively iso- graphical memory for facts and events was
lated cognitive deficit, although as we have normal. Because SE showed moderate clinical
noted, and discuss in a separate paper,'8 he difficulties in recognising and identifying
had an additional mild deficit in his associative familiar faces as well as in recognising places,
knowledge of animals. SE's difficulty with we were concerned to establish whether there
buildings and places appeared to extend was a more pervasive visual information pro-
beyond the visual recognition domain; we cessing deficit that could account for both
have documented a significant deficit in his aspects of his case. Damasio and Damasio23
ability to provide semantic information about have proposed that prosopagnosia arises from
places in response to their spoken names. In impaired differentiation between visually simi-
particular, his knowledge of the appearance of lar tokens and in view of the common co-
places seemed to be substantially impover- occurrence of prosopagnosia and topographic
ished. amnesia it seems plausible to suggest that
These findings raise a number of issues places and faces are on a continuum of task
regarding the organisation of those cognitive difficulty. Our investigation of a patient with
processes required for spatial orientation and severe prosopagnosia served as a control for
navigation. Firstly, we shall consider the rela- this set of possibilities. Despite grave difficul-
tive status of place recognition and spatial ties in identifying faces (PHD's ability to iden-
memory in topographic orientation; secondly, tify famous people from their names was
we shall discuss the possibility that failure to strikingly better than his face identification, as
recognise buildings and places is part of a is the case in classic prosopagnosia), PHD was
more pervasive information-processing deficit entirely normal in recognising places and
affecting the ability to identify exemplars buildings. We would argue that these findings
within a class consisting of visually similar are inconsistent with a simple visual informa-
types. Finally, we shall discuss the implica- tion processing explanation of SE's disorder.
tions of our findings for cognitive theories of A cross over dissociation of the type demon-
memory organisation. strated here (although not a strong double dis-
We have documented normal levels of per- sociation in view of SE's mild impairment on
formance on formal tests of short term and the famous faces test) indicates that faces and
long-term spatial memory in a patient who is places cannot lie on a single continuum of task
deficient in his recognition of landmarks. We difficulty.2425
were able to establish that SE could learn both Further evidence against the visual informa-
"stepping stone" and "labyrinth" mazes effec- tion processing hypothesis can be drawn from
tively. His learning and memory for locomotor the finding that SE's deficit extended to
space were also explored on tests conducted in include impoverished knowledge of the spoken
hospital and town environments. Although we names of famous places. To the best of our
found evidence of substantial learning, SE's knowledge, SE is the first documented case of a
learning in locomotor space did not seem to be concordant verbal and visual deficit in the
entirely normal; he was over-reliant on ver- knowledge of buildings and landmarks.
bally labelled cues and he made occasional Previous cases of "building agnosia" have typi-
errors in his selection of appropriate land- cally been assumed to have a primary failure in
marks. We suggest, therefore, that SE's place processing visual information, rather than a
Topographic amnesia: spatial memory disorder, perceptual dysfunction, or category specific semantic memory impairment? 325

disorder which affects their conceptual knowl- College, Cambridge. We would also like to thank staff of British
Rail, Cambridge, who gave their time to provide control data in
edge (indeed the very notion of an agnosic this study, and two anonymous referees for their helpful com-
contribution to topographic disorders arose in ments on earlier versions of this paper.
the context of differentiating impairments of
perceptual processing from disorders of mem- 1 Paterson A, Zangwill OL. A case of topographic disorienta-
ory).' The evidence for a "supramodal" deficit tion associated with a unilateral cerebral lesion. Brain
1945;68:188-21 1.
in SE suggests that his disorder arises cen- 2 DeRenzi E, Faglioni P, Villa P. Topographical amnesia. J7
trally, beyond information detection, parsing, Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1977;40:498-505.
3 Pallis CA. Impaired identification of faces and places with
and perceptual organisation. We suggest that agnosia for colours. Report of a case due to cerebral
it implicates his semantic memory for build- embolism. J Neurol, Neurosurg Psychiatry 1955;18:
ings and landmarks. 4 Whitely AM, Warrington EK. Selective impairment of
It is now widely recognised that disorders of topographical memory: a single case study. Jf Neurol
Neurosurg Psychiatry 1978;41:575-8.
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We are grateful to John Pilling for making the original referral people following temporal lobe damage. Brain 1989;112:
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supported by a grant from the Leverhulme Trust to Kings lobe atrophy: a new syndrome? Brain 1995;118:1-13.

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