Traditional Meal in Indonesia: Lima (Food Carts), Including Fruity Refreshments and Sugar-And Cream-Filled Teas

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Traditional Meal In Indonesia

The combination of geographic and cultural diversity in Indonesia has resulted in one
of the most unique cuisines in the world. Although meals are generally simple, the
plentiful use of various roots, spices, grasses, and leaves adds zest to most dishes.
The common use of the chili pepper may mislead some to believe that all Indonesian
dishes are spicy and hot. On the contrary, the most widely used spices are coriander
(which has a faint orange flavor), cumin, and ginger, all relatively mild spices. In
addition, most Indonesian food is prepared with contrasting flavors, such as a spicy
sweet or hot sauce served over a bed of plain white rice, a popular meal throughout
the country.

Rice is Indonesia's most important staple food. It normally accompany every meal
and is often the main ingredient for desserts and beverages. The two most common
types are nasi putih (long-grain white rice) and nasi ketan (glutinous rice), a rice that
is most often used to make cakes, snacks, and other sweet treats. Those who
cannot afford rice, or who live in a region with poor soil or low rainfall, must rely on
an alternative staple, such as yams or soybeans. The reliable abundance of seafood
across the country can also bring relief to hungry families. Most social classes,
however, can afford drinks sold at warungs (street-lined food stalls) and kaki
lima (food carts), including fruity refreshments and sugar- and cream-filled teas.

The most common method for preparing food is frying, though grilling, simmering,
steaming, and even stewing (most often with coconut milk) are also popular. Some
of the most commonly fried items are bumbu (basic spice paste), which frequently
accompanies rice, and various meats such as chicken, goat, or beef. The final
preparation for many meals consists of adding coconut milk, an essential cooking
ingredient and a thickener for many sauces. Most Indonesians also enjoy durian , an
oval, football-sized fruit, although many foreigners consider its smell to be foul and

Name : Herwina Susanti

Class : BK /B

NIM : 10.0301.0054
Traditional Beverages

One of the traditional beverages in Indonesia is Es Campur. Es campur literally

means ‘mixed ice' and although you may expect an ice cream cone or a sorbet, the

ice in this sweet little dish stands for ice cubes. The ice cubes float in

a mangkok (bowl) filled with milk, coconut shavings, avocado, nangka (jackfruit) and

several kinds of jelly.

Indonesians seem to have a thing for jelly. With Es Campur, you have the chance to

taste three kinds of jelly at the same time. First of, there are little cubes of cing-

cau jelly made from the cing-cau leaf. Next there’s sekotang which are little pink balls

made of tapioca. Finally there is the cengakeleng which is made of coconut.

They all differ in taste and texture but share the ever present sweetness factor. Es

Campur is a very colourful dessert with the green of the avocado and the pink and

black of the jelly. As far as taste is concerned, it is probably a tad on the sweet side

for the average Westerner. Still, the Sundanese prove to be masters in combining

different tastes turn out to fit together. Es Campur can be found in most food courts

located in malls or in traditional Sundanese warungs. Make sure the milk that is used

is fresh and the ice cubes are made of purified water which in this day and age is

almost always the case. Expect to pay about Rp.5000 for a large bowl of jelly filled


Name : Herwina Susanti

Class : BK /B

NIM : 10.0301.0054
Preparing A Traditional Meal
Getuk, one of the most famous traditional food in Magelang. I was born in Magelang
so I pretty know how to make Getuk Magelang, it’s easy to make, the ingredients’s
also easy to obtain, and it taste so delicious. Let's make our own.


1 kg of steamed cassava

200 grams caster sugar

1 teaspoon salt

4 drops of pink dye

1 / 8 teaspoon brown paste

Prepare a baking sheet size of 16 × 16 cm trays with plastic 


1. Mix the cassava, sugar and salt, then grind finely with a rolling pin getuk or

ground meat. Do it now in a state of cassava is still hot.

2. For the dough into 3 parts. One section plus the pink dye, another plus

chocolate pasta, another let remain white.

3. Pour pink batter into the pan, be compact enough. Stack withwhite batter,

compact enough. Stack again with chocolate batter,compact enough.

4. Cut into pieces getuk, wrap each piece with plastic to prevent dry.

The Getuk is ready to serve.

Name : Herwina Susanti

Class : BK /B

NIM : 10.0301.0054
Getuk Trio, salah satu makanan tradisional yang terkenal, ternyata gampang banget
membuatnya, bahannya gampang diperoleh, rasanya dijamin yahud. Yuk kita bikin sendiri…

Bahan :

1 kg singkong kukus

200 gr gula pasir halus

1 sdt garam

4 tetes pewarna merah muda

1/8 sdt pasta coklat

Siapkan loyang ukuran 16×16 cm yang dialasi plastik

Cara Membuat :

1. Campur singkong, gula pasir dan garam, kemudian giling halus dengan gilingan getuk
atau gilingan daging. Lakukan saat singkong masih dalam keadaan panas.

2. Bagi adonan menjadi 3 bagian. Satu bagian ditambah pewarna merah muda, satu lagi
ditambah coklat pasta, satu lagi biarkan tetap putih.

3. Tuang adonan merah muda ke dalam loyang, padatkan. Tumpuk dengan adonan putih,
padatkan. Tumpuk lagi dengan adonan coklat, padatkan.

4. Potong-potong getuk trio, bungkus masing-masing potongan dengan plastik agar tidak

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