Cartilla 1ra Mitad 2020

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For each gap, choose the correct option.

For each gap, choose the correct option.

Complete using Present Perfect or Past Simple.

Sentence Transformation Alexa had not been to ballet classes before. HAS
1. Charles has never had a tablet before. It is the ..................................................... been to ballet classes.
This is the ............................................................ that Charles has had a tablet.
This will be her first time in Spain. NEVER
2. Most Valencians love rice. ALL She has ............................................................... to Spain before.
Nearly .............................................. love rice.
Joe said that he had never been to Rome. BEEN
3. We haven't been to the theatre for a long time. WENT Joe said, "I .................................................................. to Rome.
It's a long time since .......................................................... to the theatre.
The Greek restaurant has a lovely garden. IS
4. Nick joined a golf club a year ago. HAS At the Greek restaurant .................................................................. a lovely garden.
Nick .................................................................... of a golf club for a year.
I haven't seen John since Friday. LAST
5. There are only a few swimming pools in my town. GOT The ............................................................. John was Friday.
My town .......................................... swimming pools.
The last time Claire went on holiday was five years ago. GONE
6. It costs nothing to open a gmail account. MONEY Claire ............................................................... on holiday for five years.
It doesn't ..................................................... to open a gmail account
Nick's golf club had an important competition last month. THERE
7. They have not been to South Korea before. FIRST ......................................................................... competition at Nick's golf club last month
It .......................................................... they have been to South Korea.
It is essential to be on time. NOT
8. This will be my first visit to Brazil. TO It's essential ........................................................... late.
I've ........................................................... Brazil before.
Nick walks to the golf club in 10 minutes. TAKES
9. I haven't been to the beach for a long time. LONG It ...................................................................................... to walk to the golf club.
It's a .........................................................I was on the beach.
Nick loves playing golf. KEEN
10. Each section has three parts. THERE Nick is very .................................................................... golf.
....................................................... parts in each section.
It's a long time since our last conversation. HAD
11. I watched one film this morning and one this afternoon. HAVE
We .......................................................... a conversation for a long time.
I ......................................................................... so far today.
Fill in: A / AN or THE

Choose the best option.

7. Bill's tablet is very similar to his son's tablet. SAME
Bill's tablet is nearly the ....................................................... his son's tablet.

8. A smartphone is Sarah's favourite possession. MORE

Sarah likes her ........................................................any of her other possessions.

9. Gmail accounts are generally better than other email services. GOOD
Other email services are .............................................................. gmail accounts.

10. The Italian restaurant is cheaper than the Greek restaurant. COSTS
The Italian restaurant ....................................................... the Greek restaurant.

11. He prefers playing soccer to playing rugby. THAN

He likes playing soccer ......................................................................... rugby.
Mixed Verb Tenses and Use of English
Use GET and the correct word from the list to complete the sentences.

Put the adjectives in the correct group.

POSITIVE: ______________________________________________________

NEGATIVE: _____________________________________________________
Rewrite the story. Use the linkers from the list.

l woke up at 7. I had a shower. My mom was cooking

breakfast. lt was raining. I had to go to
school. l left my house quickly. I didn't want to miss
the bus. I arrived to school. My friends weren't in the
playground. They always wait in the playground. I
went to my Maths class. My teacher was preparing
the lesson. My friends arrived.
I left school. I felt sick. I went to the library to rent
some books. I went to buy sorne food. I went home.

CONSEQUENCE: so therefore
REASON: because since as
CONTRAST: although despite however
TIME: then after that finally while

Now, invent your own ending.

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