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INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES This Mock Test contains 190 questions tut ary torment scrave tur swore Enginn Language & Comprunanaian Carers Kreme Reaaneg Section - 1 Legal Aetiate Note that ths booklet Nas 10 ovestioms Ad questions carry 4 tow) marks each There ail be sepates mating of | mart for every correct anew Read the drectons careh ity to at questions No cutout OMR Sheet wil be provident ‘Stem acton wil be taken unter means are adopt’ © the earn, In the event of any Spute the ecinion of ee ST meglatar wil be that Anwwrenng the questions Dy any Meta! her han Pe metho wxicated above shall be considered incorrect and no marks wil be awarded to the same More then one response to « question shal be courted as Wrong The candidate shal not wrte anything on the OMA Answer Steet citer hen the Getails requred ari in the spaces provided tor Impersonation is an oflence and the candidate. apart trom dacuaiiication. may have to tace criminal prosecution Gectrone gadgets tke mobile phones, pagers or calcuistors are strictly not permitted inside the Test Contrertalt, ‘The concidstes shell not leave the hail betore the Test ls over. Section - |; English Language & Comprehension Oirection for questions 1 to 4: Find the synonym of each of the words given in the question. 1 Mathy (a) Sombre (b) Tima (c) Naive (@) Lustrous 2. Slaughter (a) Conclusion —(b) Annihdation {¢) Benedicton (prologue 10. One makes more Inends by being heiptul and nice, than by being: - (a) bethgerent (b) amicable (c) lackadarsical — (d) fragmented Direction tor questions 11 to 13: Find the correct meaning of each of the given ions 11 | alwist someon@igearn Ba) Tom by twisting that person's arms t > [b) To order 10 do something that 1s against thelr gral prnaple c)To presi someone into doing one lh » (9) To insult somedie in front of a huge crowd Fe Sa bgt (ya 70 wat Ya ‘and take no action aghnd' wy day 3 ofto gammeone for several years 4 comfortable and sate journey Look tke « ition doar 2) To be extrgmelynich (0) To feel &: good (c) To ater (4) To chastge, someone Direction for quéstiods 14 to 19: Choose the speting of word ‘each question with the correct word to text meaningfully and logically. (b) Interecine “yo 7. Mythend's Spare yErosiona al pas wh (a) Disconandd (b) Orsonnance (a) fidelity (b) chauvinisti. (epDrssonandB..(¢) Disonance (c) unsteady (d) perfigy y . (a) Recaicirant...\(b) Recalcetrant 8. Since the oe t (c) Recaletrant.._.(d) Recalcerant were not . _ mrs monotonous. ~ (a) Niphanous “9 (b) Nifanous: cian ia en (c) Nephanous, (4) Netanous (c) adept (3) 18. (a) Quintessential (b) Quitessential 9 ae ema eatea neta (c) Quinessential (4) Quientessential an review rooms restaurant. 19. (a) Dissamble —_(b) Discemble (a) raucous (b) irenic (c) Diseambie (@) Dissemble (c) acrid (2) placia LST Mock Test - 48 aéCL| cist (197 S077 Meptenten w eter enawterned san of Wis metered is PreMed by te capyght lows of mete Et Direction for questions 20 and 21: Choose the Sentence which is grammatically correct 20. (a) Several people were put behind the bars from creating havoc in the Mail on Sunday. (b) Historical analyze cannot be done through ry methods. (c) The Maldivian government appears to be Softening it's stand against the opposition Parties under mounting pressure from the international community, (d) The Minister said that he would ensure that the State of Emergency 1s lifted as soon as the threats posed to national security are addressed satisfactonily. (a) Political Activism in Kashmir has usually ‘seen men at the forefront. (b) Facing all the challenges in an uncertain atmosphere, some new faces prefer to work silently while serving people irrespective of faith and bel (c) Activists have become the voice of the people, trying there best to ding about socio-political changes in the valley (@)After several generations, women is no longer passive victims, but agents of change. Direction for questions 22 to 24: Choose the correct phrasal verb for the blank to complete the 21. text meaningfully. ~ 22. My father told my mom'thathe wouid the guests’ see through —_(b) see to ; (c) see for (d) see into \ 23. Because of the heavy rain, the event @ealledon —_(b) called offs. (c)called upon (4) calledin. 24, While in the mall, | unex a very old friend. Pe (a) come forward (b) came up (©) come in (d) came across.» Directions for questions 25 to 29: The given has blanks numbered 26 to 30. Choose the correct option to fill each blank and complete the text meaningfully. India close to 60 million tons of garbage every day and of this, around 45 to 50 million tons is me? SCL SS ir Page 2 ™ ted as of now, Throwing of houbehold yar, untreal = snot unusual Open a on the streets | remains a part of rural We houses are yet to build tolets Spitting anc in the open. 26 of the de _ is. an ordinary practice for rill 26 in India, ay these actions add to growing iliness and make the country sicker 7 of these actions can make India a dean plac. live, decrease diseases and hugely reduce thy treatment burden on the economy It we personal hygiene. our collective re towards cleanliness of our surrounding roads, parks, drainage systems, river Weak. Indians are so 28 waste on the open that garbage bins hardly our mind. We distike others throwing garb: ‘open but never mind our own actions. S 29 to make India clean is chan approach to cleanliness-it must be ingrained i= our behaviour (a) unmingtul (b) conscious (c) cognizant (d) vigitant 26 (a) aptness (b) bawdiness (c) propnety (d) rectitude 27. (a) Compliance (b) Acknowledgement (c) Eradication“ (4) Evasion 28. (a) unacquainted _(b) accustomed (c) not versed" (d) eccentric 29.) a) voluntary”. (b) imperative > (c) paltry (d) dainty for questions 30 to 33: Read the passage ‘Given below and answer the questions that follow Notilong ago, mentioning the word meme would either bring confusion or disc People around, judge you for it. But now. we have table news sources with articles about menes OF articles on which memes are in go these day and people constantly talking about memes. In hS digital world, where people spend the maximum o their time on the internet, the expresso" nine Sentiments and emotions has found salvation forms of memes. When internet was being entoze™ for being obnoxious in the terms of expresso” © emotions. ithas certainly found a wormhole thor” the means of memes. From politics to SP" List LST Mock © LET 2017 Ropero or or usutrted we ot mata chtied bythe copyright of meta entertainment to literature, historical characters to fictional characters there is hardly any field that les, notin the domain of memes. The intriguing magic of memes has spread all over the spaces occupied by digital technology and media. Even the different interest groups are using memes to run their propaganda. I's both funny and interesting as to how Wdeologically opposite interest groups would use the very same meme to support and promote their ideology. Thus, the distracted boytnend meme was, Unsurpnsingly used by both socialists and capitalists to show how youth these days are attracted by their respective ideologies even when a different system might operate “ere they liv Memes have aiso become the most popular tool for internet trolls to satisfy themselves with the sllusion of self-esteem. Almost every c: depending upon t ativity of the topic of discussion, diverges completely off direction woth just ‘one comment involving meme, Internet users preter to use GIFs instead of writing, to let ther teekng and ideas be known to the world Ar GIF are mostly popular memes that actually more attention than what their written comments ‘might have had. Psychologically, memes are having an immense influence on the world, That feeling when a meme is made on something you have seen, heard or read or based on the cult you follow, subconsciously involves you in the topic and fulfils your need for affiliation in the world which is Désoming morgland more secluded and self-contained. When an intelligent or rather interesting meme goss vi greatly impacts PR ratings of whosoever the) is about. There is a great effect in Google results, which may define the approach of the sut togo about the topic. Memes have far more react effects, with which as a layman we even, might’not be able to connect. 30. Yih te ftning can vealed from the above passage? (2) Soon there wal be ‘memes’ on mates 1s (b) rosa ‘we cannot express our sertonts without the use of ‘memes’. {c) The effectiveness of memes lies in their randomness and how the viewer relates with them. (d) There has been a transition in how people react to the word ‘meme’ 31. Which of the following is factually true? (a)The culture of memes is not only entertaining, but also enlightening, (b) The culture of memes 1s So popular that it is being used in marketing as well {c) The culture of memes is so unique that wo competing parties use equally competing ‘memes to display their products or ideas. {d) The culture of memes made on politics is spoiling the seriousness of politics in a democracy. 32 Which of the following is true according to the given passage? {a)Memes have become popular as it criticizes the modern system via internet {b) People share their ives and along with it, their emotions, only through GIFs these days {c) Memes cater only to smaller sections of internet audience, thus making relatable {c) Similar memes are used by rival groups to express their respective propagandas less The following statements cannot be inferred from the given passage, EXCEPT. (a) Psychologically memes have a Deja vu effect on its audience: (b) Memes make ordinary people connect to ‘things with which normally one might not. (c) Today, most Memes are presented through GIFs 16 ineroase their entertainment & — quotients, © {d)People can earn money from publishing {> memes a8 enhances the PR ratings. Direction for questions 34 to 37: Read the passage given below and angwer the questions that follow. The divide between peopl who have intemet access, ~) which lac down the jegisiators may de Who is the gutter charperson of the Space Reseach Orpansaten ISRO}? (a) Dr Kaasavagvoo Svan Naser (b) Aura Seo hey Kumar (c) Tapan an ()G. Maw (@) Tamil Nadu >) wna (c) Kamataka (@) Rajasthan a 6200 works Peseees suanensi” Which among the following largest country in Oceania @pd t sixth-largest country by total area? (b) Australia (d) Indonesia Two countries have joined as full members to | 6% the Beijing-backed Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in June 2017. Name the two countries. (@) India and Pakistan (b) India and Brazil (¢) India and Russia (d) India and Israel aé CL|i bridge kn fs “Chartes Kuonen Suspension opened a) China a } ®) Qwkrectans (c) Funtand MUSA arena Which ithe only state fe shine a cannulation drop in the cenaus YY (a) Nagatant (©) Goa wet @) Sku x Pages (© LST 2017 Reptcetion or other unnuthorined wee of thin materi! proited By He competent fs of Ye 84. Rajya Sabha passed The Constitutional 123d Amendment) Bill, 2017 that seeks to give Constitutional status to the (@) National Commission for Minority (b) National Commission for Women (c)National Commission for Backward Classi (4) National Commission for Schedule Caste 65. Who was included in the LIMCA book of records for being first Indian woman to represent the same Li ‘on the same party ti row? (a) Indira Gandhi (c) Meira Kumar 66. The King who gave permission to establish East India Company in | (a) Jahangir ngzeb (©) Shanjahan hershan 67. Rajasthan became t to awar rapists, (a) Haryana ) (©) Madhya Pradesh (4) Bi 68. Who has inaugurated the 100th Annual Conference of in Guntur of Andhra (a) Shri N. Chandrababu Naik (b) Shri Arun Jaitley (c) Shri Narendra Modi (d) Shri Ramnath Kovind \ of testing must be balanced against that of Potentially many years of expensive medical Care and, quite likely, social support and special educational needs. in addition, the cost of many tests becomes relatively cheaper as they become better established and'more readily What is the official currency of Mauritius (bv) Dollar R ie we (d) Pound 69, Cholera is an infectious disease caused py 70. (b) Protozoa fe ages (0) Bacteria Tig Who has launched India’s first sentiment inde. “& ICriSidEx' fof'micro and small enterprises (MSMEs) in India? “{a) Shri Arun Jaltley _{b) Shr Narendra Modi P(e) Shri Raje ‘Singh (4) Smt. Smniti Zubin Irani 72. ‘The Mahanadiinses in the highlands of (a) Maharashtra (b) Madhya Pradesh Se (c) Chhattisgarh, (d) Andhra Pradesh ae - 73. Savitri Devi Jindal is associated with which among the following? (a) Banking © /(c) Journalism =: data of the National Crime State of India has recorded heinous crimes in 20167 (b) Bihar (d) Madhya Pradesh (b) Business (@) Cricket According to Records, whi the highest n (a) Uttar Prai ? (c) Andhra Pradesh Parker Solar Probais a planned NASA robotic ‘Spacecraft to probe the outer corona of the (a) Mars (b) Sun (c) Saturn (¢) Moon, 1 Which of the féllowing is the main point of the author in the abov® argument? (2) The cost of saving a life by treating a serious disease f (b) The balance of treating a disease by its early diagnosises o— (c) The return ‘ON investment of early diagnosis of a serious but non-fatal disease (d) The method of lating the cost of a ‘Serious dis available, Page 6 a€CL (LET 7 hapenion oer ttt 00 ema prone FO cmrO on tt est LST Mook Test - 48 77. Arocontly discovered shor fim by Satyajit Ray | 79. In Pandora, severe water shortage has been has crouted quite a stir in the himmaking reported. It has resulted from a drought. The community. The film couldn't have been made ‘authorities has gone forward and passed an ‘outside the time frame of 1985-1992. The film order restricting residential water use dopicts an event that occurred only in May However, the level of reservoir water is now at 1985, Ray passed away in 1992 but he had the same height as it was 6 years ago when @ stopped taking new projects since 1989. So, similar situation had come up. No restrictions it is safe to conclude that Ray made this were imposed then and none proved documentary between 1985 and 1989. ier epnecessary. . the residents believe vat the rest gon premature. Which of the following, if true, weakens the : given argument most convincingly? nich one GF HG following will weaken the (a) Ray worked on a filnt@yer a course of many ‘conclusion ‘by the residents? years. ee RN fa) The priceof using reservoir water is (b) The camera reel n canta significantly high now compared to what it analyzed with exa ‘year |” was 6 years batk. of recording (b) Today wateris:tised more judiciously than (c) Ray didn't mak it was 6 years back. 1983, when he suf (c) There are more reservoirs now than there stroke. were 6 years DaCK. (9) Ray had an adv nowledge of the (c) The population of the locality is three times event the film dep Jat wag 6 years back 78, Anew research has jons for questions 80 to 83: Each of the ‘Casablanca’ was inspi questions fimsi@'statement followed by two folklore depicting a tale of urses of action Vand Il, Find out if the challenges the popular noton that Casablanca | given course of action Is logically valid and advisable. was actually inspired by @ short story written Mark your option agy") in 1931 by a litte known Amencan writer who | (a) only t's valid, also happened to be a close friend of the | (>) only Il is valid. producer of Casablar we yeh | (c) neither norhts valid can't be true as none Ofthe maker® of | (3) {both | and [hare valid. Casablanca ever went to Russia or had any | Russian connection. No one Figee | 80. Statement: A new scandal has rocked Britain had any knowledge of this story as Nediict wherein a US billionaire has been accused of ‘even published in any format until 1952, a having waged a psychological war against the decade after Casablanca released. 4 Bntish demogfiiéy by interfering with the Brexit "e referendum. ‘Yo Which of the following is an var 7 which the above argument de _o€Oilrse of action? (a) The Russian folklore was WL The present government of Britain must be in America where Casabi . held ac for the Brexit fiasco (b) The writer of the 1931 shor stofy né IL The laws m- Britain related to electoral went to Russia. y interference must be updated and (c) The writer of Casablanca didn't know how strengthened to account for new kinds of to read Russian. threat , (d) There was no other short story similar to the one in 1931 which could have influenced Casablanca. ‘LST Mock Test - 48 ae CL Page (©-L97 2017 mepicoton ex ter uneuthoried use of tis metre Is probed bythe copyright les of indy 81, Statement: Yet another large glacier has collapsed dramatically in Antarctica raising concems about the rate of global warming Course of action: | Every country in the world must unite to fund the Paris Climate Accord. 1 Every country which leaves the Paris Climate Accord must be heavily penalised. 82. Statement: The University of Camel has come up with a circular that student elections and jissolved in the next the student union will academic year. ‘Course of Action: 1 The general st the authority unt is taken back. WL The general student @ discussion with the announcement. 83. Statement: In yet rage, a 19 year old the driver of another over @ parking space. Course of Action: 1 The accused driver must be convictec without any leniency. WL The victim's far Directions for questions 84 to following questions has a group o} Choose the word which doesn't belong to 84. Sweater, Muffler, Gloves, Hat (e) Hat (0) Gloves (c) Mutter (4) Sweater 85. Tooth,Hand, Nail Har “SN (2) Hair (b) Tooth (c)Hand = (d) Nail AS 86. Pole, Roll, Soul, Shawi (a) Soul (b) Pole () Rot (¢) Shawt Pages Directions for questions 66 to 91: Each uf thy following questions has @ question paw where the two words share a particular type of relabonehi, From the given options choose another pair wticr ‘shows a relationship similar to the one exhiotes ty the question pair. 88. Partisan Remote (a) Impartial mab) Ethical 1c) Sumy ‘Crédulous [d) Ignoble abs 89.) Menacing Baletuh sal (a) Destined § Capfioous © {b) Genial Intolerant Ac) Ominous ¢Minatory 1a) Yeomaniy Cow dy 9. Infuse Permeate (a)Take Away (b) Dish . Ci (c) Retrain Directions tor qi following informal questions given A tamity of 10 mer spreads across ABCD. EFGHLL- such that TB is the grar 1, who is the mother of A. FH is me son Number of are 2 more than the number of WN is married Yoh? yc WE @s How many are there in the femwty? (a)4 (oy 6 (7 All the pairs followia certain pattem, mark the one whic doesn't: (a) (D)H-F (C)AD (G) BE 95. Who are the two daughters of F? CG b) CE {c) GE (d) Cannot be determined 96. Who among these is definitely the chiks of D7 aé CLIits! (apc )S 8 we LST Mock Test - 48 (©0157 2017 Repliceton or other uneutrerioed use of Bs metre le prohtted by Ow copyright tows of tate 97 ina certan code language, CAREER coded 8 708 onc MOCK is coded 4a $24 Then how Wil LAW be coded 10 the same code language? 74 PSST (c) 621 (a) 654 Directions tor questions 98 to 102: Susy ne following informebon Caretully and answer the Questions given below 104 105 For a school drama out of 12 students A. B.C... FGM JK. L thewe teaene |. Itt were formed of equal membery i A Band Caren int Wand itn E ond f aren the wing Kand | are in the wath | z « g as (8) Carnot be Who among the folowing are fe mentars | twa iit? (a) O46 OO (0) KLG ant, ‘Aline pars fotow a cenaen paca, one is not. (a) He (0) E-O-G (o) Fee (9) HEF Which of the folowing the team members with A? (a) HE (EF (c) FH (¢) Alot 100. 101 n 102. Find the next two terms in the following series | "12 4,7, 93,25, 49,97, (a) 193, 385 (b) 194, 387 (c) 189. 377 (d) 187, 373 ~f"" oT (15 (9) 5 08 2 bud aé CL| its! Find the missing term in the following senes 311,13. 29 31.7. 97 a 45 (bat (cp 49 4a) 38 Fing the next term inthe senes 3.10.5, 14.8 23.12. (a) 33) 95) ST) 38 n@BORBs ABD, JKM. STV, BCE, pase s (a) 87 (W) B70 wc) 86 (A) 283 ong 8 ‘at @ point P, tacing ast respectvely Then. B me 90" cho and waiks 10m Simitarty Auene night nd was for 20 m and then he here 138° and walks for 10m. tn oe yBIBA and B tacng now? Norty " (b) SouthSouth-west c) West South (d) South-west/South oe Sree wate apont A She moves 10m towards the south then she tums nght and wats for 25Mhp ben she tums left and walks tor Ben and then Finady she turns tef again and walks for 1Onth Mowtar is she trom the staring pore? ' 7 9) 20,2 nf (b) 20 m (a) 15m. (<) 18¥2 m su tones Add S. T and U are sitting « in facing north. R is sitting Q U on its left side, and 0 inends between S and Q but U and 3 ore ng together. Then who is sitting at the edges? (a) P and T (b) Q ang U (€) U and § mg (2) Qand P 28) march, 2005 was Monday then what was the day on 6th march 20047 (2) Tuesday (b) Wednesday (c) Sunday (8) Saturday (©LET 2017 iaptoaten wr etter enacted 200 of i MEE! SONA by te cog teu of bu 113, Principle 1 - There is no formal treaty on outer space. Principle 2 - Area upto 500 km above the land is mutually considered sovereign temtory of that state. Facts - UAE has planned a space mission to Mars. The name of this mission is Farzad I and the space craft is named Tuglag. When Tuglaq would be at 200 km above ground it would be over Saudi Arabia then when itis 450 km it would be above Bahrain and finally when itis at 700 km it would be above Kuwait. Finally at 1500 it would be over Iran. Which all countries sovereign territory is infringed by UAE? . (a) UAE, Saudi Arabia, Baain and Iran (b) Saudi Arabia and Bahrain (c) Iran and Kuwait. (4) Saudi Arabia, Iran, Bahrain and Kuwait = : Principle - Use of force le iceainy of state. Mh ise» Facts - Velenti is a law graduate from Harvay Law School. After graduation she planned to work on women rights. She got a job offer from a NGO Kal-Kajeerauin Komap. a Islamic country. She witnessed the restrictions placed especially on women there. She was appallec by the attire of women. Women nad to completely cover their body. Not even their face could be visible in public. She along a A enackovte praca demanding equal rights for women. The procession consisted of over a thousand women in micro shorts and spaghetti tank 114, tops. It received huge international med: 10, recive Pe eee blasphemy laws and citing threat to ‘of Koman, ordered the women to be shot dead |» by police. Decide. 5 t (a) The action ‘of Koman is justifiedd. {b) The action of Koman is justified for shooting only Velenti and not the other protestors. (c) The action of Koman is unjustified. (a) The action of Koman is very subjective, 115. Principle - Nothing 1s an offence which is done by a person who, at the time of doing i. is, by reason of intoxication, incapable of knowing the nature of the act, or that he is doing what is either wrong, oF contrary to law provided that the thing which intoxicated him was administered to him without his knowledge or ‘against his will. Facts - Arpita went on a party with Nikhil Arpita was a tea-totaller. Nikhil drank only on special occasions. He persuaded Arpita to drink and Arpita gave in ashe blindly trusted Nikhil Arpita got drunk and started abusing everyone who came across her including the restaurant manager. Decide (a) Arpita is liable. (b) Arpita is not liable as she was drunk, (c) Arpita is not lable as Nikhil made her drink {d) Arpita is not yable as she is @ tea-totaller a 1416 Principle - Any man who follows @ women ‘and contacts, of attempts or monitors the use by a woman of the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication, commits the offence offstatking Facts - Gopal Made friends with Sukrati on facebook. The.two did not know each other but had some mutual friends so Sukrati accepted the friend request. Gopal had a crush ‘on Sukrati. He saw.all her uploaded pictures was fascinated by her elegant charm Supposing Sukrati gets to know about Gopal’s act and complainsin the police station, cecie, (a) Gopal is liable for stalking (b) Gopal saw Sukrat’s pictures continuously which is f@epy. QUI Have not sent friend request ind only seen her public (4) Gopal is not ligble for stalking 117. Principle - A act to electronically hack into the servers hosting government data using electronic device is punishable with ten years imprisonment. Page 10 LST Mock Test 48 aéCL vst = (©.L87 2017 Raplcaion or other unautatoed ae of tis materiel fe profited by the copyright laws of Indy 118. 119. Facts - Shruti was a Sotware-She designed ancy sono eutet could easily hack into the files of rex ot computer. She sells the software tone keow Monu uses the software to heck me government files, Decide, me (a) Only Shrut is liable. (b) Neither Monu nor Shrutiis ti (c)Monu alone is liable, Nabe (a) Both Monu and Shruti are liable. Principle - High court of a state has to jurisdiction to try cases cause of action of which is on its territory or within 12 nautical miles from state coastal boundary: Facts - German vessel was going to Jave docked at Kerala coast anid set sailing agai After sailing a few hundred nautical miles, as it neared a few nautical miles away from Tamil Nadu coast, there was @ fight between two crewman - Shephard and Alex. Alex had a revolver and shot Shephard, Shephard dies, The Marine Corps of India arrest the two Germans. Decide. (a) Shephard and Alex will be tried in German court. (b) Alex will be tried in Tamil Nadu Court. (c) Alex will be tried in Kerala Court. (a) Alex will be tried in Supreme Court of India. Principle 1 - Right to Privacy is a fundamental right ‘ Principle 2 - Bio-metrics of one’s self do not come within ambit of privacy. Facts - The government of India introduced @ new bio-metric system for identification. It was, called Kadhar. It had eye retinajimage, fingerprint and mobile number, Garg) wasie leading actress of film industry. She refused to give her details and files a PIL against the Kadhar Act. Decide. {a) Gargi will succeed as her fundamental right is getting violated. (b) Gargi will succeed as her right to privacy is being violated. 120. 121 (c) Gargi will ose as her right to privacy is not violated. (2) Gargi will lose as her modelling career may be jeopardized. Principle - Instant triple talag is arbitrary and violative of fundamental right besides being a criminal offence. Facts - Nawaz was married to Afreen. They had three children - Zoya, Sultan and Shahrukh, ‘They were a happy married couple. Jannat, a young girl aged 20 years used to work in Nawaz clinic as nurse. Nawaz fell for her beauty and offered to marry her. Jannat agreed ‘on condition he divorced Afreen. Nawaz rang up Afreen and recited ‘talaq-talaq-talaq’. Afreen and her three children feel devastated and seek your counsel. (a) Afreen need not worry as the triple talag is entails punishment. (b) Afreen should speak to Nawaz and try to win him back, (c) Afreen can file. a case against Jannat for destroying her marital life. (a) Afreen is must find another man and marry him. Principle 1 - Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) ‘extends upto two hundred nautical miles. Principle 2.-/A state has exclusive right for commercial exploitation of EEZ. Facts - Chile found Magnesium reserves on its coast at 300 nautical miles. It: ‘started drilling activities to extract Magnesium ore and further refine it, Ecuador objected to it on grounds that it is beyond the exclusive economic zone of Chile. Chile argued that since there are no other claimants it has right to extract ‘Magnesium. The matter goes to International Forum, Suppose you a judge in the forum. How would you decide ? (a) | would rule in favour of Ecuador. (b)| would try a common ground between Ecuador and Chile, (c)Lwill go by Chile's argument. (a) would pass and let remaining judges decide, eT Page 11 LST Mock Test - 48 aéCL ¥LST See (© LET 2017 Replication or other uneuthorised use of this material fs prohibited by the copyright laws of Inde 122. Principle - Whoever, intending to take dishonestly any moveable property out of the Possession of any person without that Person's consent, moves that property in order to such taking, is said to commit theft. Facts - Shivam visits Shikhar's home and Sees a book. Genuinely thinking it to be his ‘own book which Shikhar must have stolen from him, Shivam puts the book in his pocket in order to take it back. Has Shivam committed thet? (a) Shivam has not d genuinely thought twas did not have disho (b) Shivam has not committed theft as he only Put it in his pocket and did not take it with him, (c) Shivam has aft as he should have asked SI ‘Clarification first (d) Shivam has commitiéd theft as he moved the book out of the sion of Shikhar in order to take it. " 123. Principle 1 - Whoever, by words! either spoken or written, or by signs, oF by visible representation, or otherwise. brings or attempts to bring intg hatred or contempt. or excites or attempts disaffection towards the Government in India is said to commit (a)A has committed sedition 4 (b)A has not committed abe only expressing his opinion. | (c)A has not committed sedition a newspaper article cannot incite violence. (d)A has committed sedition because he is a traitor 124. Principle - A private nuisance is an interference with @ person's eryoyment ang use of his land Facts - A woman shifts into a new neighborhood full of old people. She is a singing teacher and takes singing classes with children each morning at 5. The neighbors are greatly disturbed by it especially a particularly ld couple thathas special needs and so they file a suit for nuisance against the woman (a) The woman has committed nuisance as ‘she can take glasses at some other time as well “{b) The woman has committed nuisance because sheis interfering with the enjoyment of the land for the old couple. SH (c) The woman, has not committed nuisance 48 this is her Means of livelihood (0) The has not committed nuisance Sas she hag. coupke way. fay of finding out that the sensitive than the rest 1425 Principle - Where a party has, after the solemnization of the marriage has shown conduct or behavior which suggests avordance offfatrimonial duties or obligations adversely affecting the other would be termed as cruelty. The cruelty can be physical or mental. a wea? Facts - A’ a husband use to abuse his wife every evening after'retuming from work. One he had an argument with his wife B dunng " the course of which he threw the paperweight © which hit BOW her head and she started bleeding. A pagsed her the first aid box and then went to sleep. Later that week B asked a eqpdlice inspector WHO was her relative to arrest Sher husband asa result of which A was arrested the next day and stayed in jail for 3 days. Is A liable foreruelty against B? (a) Yes, as he hit Rer causing the head injury (b) Yes, ad’his bahavior suggest avoidance of matrimonial duties (c) No, as his behavior did not suggest avoidance of matrimonial dutes: (4) Both (a) and (b) Page 1 CL x 187 2017 Rapcaton or ober enero oro tle mat! raed by te cenright ies of ne er eareaTealy ‘fhe » bors wo act on | fie counct of rire ans () Mee Kanancider Ae bend t5. On eOvce of Tetangaita’s cue! mwrwster and | hes Count of minster. {e) The Tetangana pean ertere im the state. () The Mactyya treneter should aah the Governor taiiged Telangana chuet Mmurweter and hes COMBS aavice as it is in Public interest 127 Principte ‘The Present may impose state emergency in any state on failure of constiutonal mactunery im that state Facts - VK. » national political party got tected in five mayor states of Inca - Madhya Pradesh Munarusttra Kamaiana Guyarat and Uttar Pradesh The election commesion dectared the electons mull and vOld OR BCAA 0 alt bee states {6) The Pressdert may empone © erreeyeney in Karnatans oer \ Principe - Sectariem in Indian consituton (omer equa respect for a rebgons. Facts - The government of Uttar Pradesh Orgarered Kurth Metal Mt sanctioned crores of rapes fort The reason green for such mrastire expenditure on a apparent rebgons. Kineton was tat serdar financial contrition are made tor everits of other retagous taths pro Derie ? fa) sertar ARBABED contnbuton is made for other rengiouW fixths then seculansm mentaned,. Dp) Secutoram Wrotated as Kurta Matas Hindu tent {c) Seculansmausinot violated @s mayonty populaton of Uttar Pradesh is Hindus. (¢) Secutansm js folated as a non-Hindy tax- payer would never want his money to be spent on Hindu faith tunctons. 129. Principle - Parkament may amend any part of the constuion except ts base structure Facts - The Parliament amended the constituton and gave power to decade cases to miltary officers. This was done to curb the unrelenting pendamey of cases. This resulted in a big backlog Deing Geared in just @ couple of days whiehitaok the courts years to complete Decde (a) Basic stryghwerot the constihuton 1s not votated >) Parham Bipreme amend any pan of tha pston fs justice dened f the conshtution 1s hustce 4) Basi ‘wotated structure Principle - A persdn may be extradited trom the country of hep actual presence to the county aheng he a bery Comanded provided tnere 9 0 kegel ety oF Custom between the counanes Fecte - Fowden was @ USA national. He had jomne state sectety which Ne revealed 10 mete belore fying to Russie. Russian government gave hen aoyhen Acrenmmal case of sedition was ted in USA courts. The court —_ eer aé CL|i12! Issued a extraciton request to Russia ve that Fowden can be wied in USA courts Decite (a) Russia is bound to honour the courts demang (b) Russia 1s not bound to honour the demang (c)Russia 8 not bound as tne extradition Fequest is from a non-Russ (4) Russia is bound to 1 the domand only if there 1s a extradition treaty between USA and Russia courts hone ourts 131. Principle - A diplomats enjoy avsviuie immunity in the country of their presence. Facts - Gordon was a Braziian citizen posted @8 Brazian ambassador ui | cuodor He wo | 07 a holiday trip to Argentina In Argentina he went to @ bar and had drinks e Argentingan drinks Nave thigh alcor percentage of which Mr, Gordon w saa he got drunk. Next day he hax aed with local, Jeff and punched bin Jett wqures | Decide (@) Gordon +s hate to Braziian government (b) Gordon is not hable as he enjoys diplomatic imeunity (c) Gordon is liable he does not have diplomatic immunity in Argentina (8)Gordon is not tiable as he got drunk unintentionally, 132, Principle - It shall be the duty of @ state to allow @ non-wartare vessel trom its terntorial waters if such vessel poses no threat to the Passing state. Facts - A Sri Lankan ship was carrying all to Singapore. It had to pass though the Malate Strait which is within the terntorlal waters of Malaysia, Malaysia refused the passage and, asked for a commission for passage, Sri Lankan government took, the matter to international forum. Decide. 4 (a) Malaysia can refuse entry as the véssel has ot paid the commission (b) Malaysia cannot refuse entry to the vessel. (c) Malaysia can refuse the entry of the vessel as its is carrying oll which will be used for military purposes by Singapore. (4)Malaysia can retu: Sri Lanka is covertly building ties with Singapore. Depiction 6 any manner ot y Prineipie 133 figure ees able 134 Principle - Nowing isan oflence wt ' by aceddent oF misfortune. and with Gremnal tention orknuwiedge in the o a tawtl act in@ laytul manner by kawts nd with proper care and caubon Facts - Kart was working in his backyar was cutting a small tee with a t had a son Mohammad aged Mohammad was playing inside and k locked the door from outside as a Measure. Mohammad however window frame which was unusual for a & year Old kid and went to see what his father was doing. Just then Kaif finishes Cutting the tr ‘and the tree fails on Mohammad Mohar Survived though with a fractured arm, Decide (a) Kaif is table, (b) Kaif's not able (c) Kad ang Me Page 14 wECLI ist ere O LST 2017 Repitendon or other ieediaidiiniasindn acces yr 4136. Principle - There iS N0 Nght of private defence 136. 5 in cases in which there is is time recourse to the protection of the pane authorities. bublic Facts - Virat threatened Koll of kiling h Kol was residing in Mumba and had to com to Delhi to testify in a court of law. Kol thou "on the only way to get nd of such threats is to kill Virat. He hires a professional killer Goli who shoots Virat dead. Decide ithe (a) Koli is not .liable. (b) Kol is liable. (c) Both Koli and Goll are liable (d) Only Goll is lable Principle 1 - Negligent tort means a tort committed by failure to act as a reasonable person to someone to whom sihe owes a duty as required by law under the circumstance Principle 2 - Negligent torts may not be deliberate. Principle 3 - There must be an injury resulting from the breach of the duty. Facts - Nishant got recently married with Rupali. They go on vacation together to San Francisco which is known for skydiving, While diving Nishant’s parachute developed some snag and did not open. He opened a emergency parachute but his speed was too much and suffered injures though survived Apparently the parachute was a expired one Now he wishes to sue the sky-diving company. Decide. {@)Nishant can sue the company (or negligence. (b) Nishant cannot sue the company for negligence. (c) Nishant should have checked the expiry date of the parachute and asked for a replacement. - (d) It is the duty of the sky-diving company to take good care of couples. 137 138, 139 140. 141 Principle - Grave o provocabion 16 a general defence under Indian Penal Code. Facte «Ishwvar wan travelling wits tus wie 0 8 party Enroute Ioterar aks ts a sto dross quickly nea! tne drosuing up they got lle in every F gets angry as (Lis the other way found 9 her opinion. A brawl ensues and Ishwar gets infuriated. He stups the car and asks Sweta to get out and come on her own to the party ‘Sweta cannot understand Ishwar's behaviour She gets out and takes a auto, Decade (a) Ishwar is Hable. {b) Sweta is liable, (c) No one 'sliable as there is no legal offence committed (d) Both Ishwar and Sweta are liable as both are late dressers. To enter into a Contract there must be a common intention of the parties to enter into 3 al relationship", was held in which of the case. (a) Rv. Clarke (b) McGregor v. McGregor (c) Balfour v. Balfour (d) Calll v, carbolic Smoke Ball Co. case Which of the following is not a valid defence under law of Torts? (a). Volenti Non Fit injuria (b) Scienti non fit injuria (c) Plaintiff the wrongdoer (a) Inevitable Accident In which of the following case hon'ble Supreme Court upheld the constitutional validity of Criminal defamation uls 499 of IPC. (a) Subramanain Swamy v. UO! & Ors. (b) Rahul Gandhi V. UO! & Ors (c) Arvind kejriwal v. Arun Jaitely (d) It’s not valid ‘A commits house-trespass by entering B's house through the door, having lifted a latch by putting a wire through a hole in the door This is. (a) Lurking house-trespass (b) Lurking house- trespass by night (c) House: breaking (4) Both (a) and (c) eis! ‘prohierted by the conto Hews of Ine UST Mock Test - 48 aéCL La tar srr ppteaten oor ens ove te mae 142 Dacoty is committed when (0) Winer 3 oF more person conjoantty comrvrats OF attempts to commit a robbery (0) When 5 of more person conjowitly commits &F attempts to coment a rebbery (c) Wren 7 oF more person conjottty coments 0F atempts to commit a robbery (0) When 5 or more persons are engaged in e@xtortions with arms 143. Witch of the following does not amount to a 146. The Legal nanin “mpenuin 6 enpern/ (a) A democracy witli a demovracy {b) A sovorengnty vettur @ (6) A repubiic wittun a repuataie (0) None of the above 147 Whuch of the following 8 98 6 Tee ret tir Human Raght? eget a) Right to Cevelpnent TS (b) Right to neatimy Human Envranment {c) Right to Seit-geterrrunation proft a prendre? (0) Bounoerec social end Cultured Ragrns (a) The nght of taking sme purt of the sod uf the land sie Ma. dew fee Of & toderad Conittin tw) The right to fan He water an Prat the Constition is (c) The night to erect « pele on oe. ts not writin bs wrmtertend provides for separat:» Ba (c) Proves for grymon of powers « wring 144. Who has been elected wb te 2) Prowdes {9° paar ation of power Aap conenan High Gatto oF mere Stes 2° be estatlien by the (©) Prrynenr Ragpaa (2) Respectv® State Asserntity (€) Prryanka cagaa 1b) Saapreme Gout of indie (0) Akhaosh Rajput (the (6) The Preedent™ 145. Under the Evidence Act tact maans re (a) Factum probandum “dae ad rem neart (®) tectum probans. (a) Oxty 10 aggnt (€) Both (a) & (b) (>) Right to align (2) none of the above 6) Oxty ta a Du (0) Nort ofthe Bye y oxen Only for academic purposes CL Educate ‘does not assume the responsibly for any of the views of the authors “ Page 16 (© LST 2017 Reptaaton ws other ensuite wot tts matali praia’ bythe eeeygh tw ob iene LST Mock Fest - 48

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