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The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the fundamental core of Islam that is ​gratitude​ and
how does it enlighten the righteous path to self development. Moreover, it explains the idea
of equanimity as an incredible advantage of gratitude, which shapes the life ‘individually’ and
the society, ‘collectively’

Keywords​: Islam, equanimity, gratitude

The profound reality of Human existence is that Each fragment of human's heart has been
originated from sensations. The sculpture of heart has scriptures of desire, despair, craving,
attachment, profoundness and guidance. The ecstasy of all emotions in individuality, drive
the life, in its purest essence; ahead. Any journey that is emerged out is due to the seed of
desire. To redefine desire in a perspective is 'a will to gain." And when this gain is lost, Pain
takes over.


​ ​~Gratitude through pain.  
Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tried? 
Surah Ankabut:2 

​ nd indeed, will we be test.

Pain, being the fundamental guide to the core of life serves itself with its highest potential
when is sermoned down from sky, ceasing the recipient at a state where all that his heart
begets is shortly, stopped and forever. Leaving his rhetoric clay to face his utter destiny,
futility and vanity. Neither on which he stands remain Earth nor which he gazes to beg, stay
sky. The extreme form of testament to make human- the super creation of Lord , realize its
own worth-less-ness and beyond. And upon whom, then two ways are revealed.
Insurrection or the path of Gratitude.
For instance if you ask yourself to thank people around and BE thankful, you would indeed
respond- for what? And even if you are revealed a trillion reasons to, the contentment state
of acceptance and thankfulness would soon wither away. However, back to the portrayal of
testament of human when firmness is such ecstatic that even your desires and sense to
create a desire is taken away. YOU choose, the path of gratitude. As you step up the
staircase, completely detached from the world around and raptured.

You notice stars.

"And it is he who hanged for you the stars that you may be guided by them through
darknesses of the land​."

And you notice flowers.

"​He has raised for them trees bringing forth fruits, flowers and fragrances. This is a
mercy that Allah prepared for his creatures before he created them."

And witness rain.

Say, "​ Have you considered: if your water was to become sunken [into the earth], then
who could bring you flowing water ? "

And sent down from the rain clouds, pouring water. (Surah Naba 78:14)

And enjoy Family and affection,

“​ He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and
He placed between you affection and mercy.” (Surah Ar-Rum 30:21)

And witness destiny.

“And if Allah touches you with harm, none can remove it but He. And if he touches
you with good, none can impair it. For he is able to do all things.

and what would happen to your day if no night would ever come? How would your sky
appear if all the stars are to be vanished out? How would you breathe if Allah stops the wind
to blow, all at once? How would you walk if the earth beneath your feet would turn upside
down? What if the sky above you, suddenly melts down onto you? After all, Allah is able to
do all. How would you justify yourself?
If these blessings seem so general and common and shared with all. Let's ponder with
another visionary.

How if the coming second takes away your ability to see, sense or smell? After all,
thousands of people suffer these disability for no reason. How if from the next day you are
counted among them?
Then why do you not feel thankfulness? And for those, who suffer lack ness in physical,
mental or emotional form. Allah has promised a great reward that your mind can not even
imagine. And he has increased you in other things. Then why do you not realize his kind
favors. And if he is to resurrect your deeds without a kind vision on you, how would you
justify yourself? Then why do you not realize your worth; that if Allah wills, is lesser than the
wing of a bee. The friends who accompany you today, can become disheartened by the
same you and you would feel loneliness at its highest strength and you would soon come to
know what worth your existence holds. Then why do you not realize your obligation to thank
God. And even that you speak is by Allah’s mercy then what would you do if you turn disable
to clearly express that which you feel? The ones you love, if he turn their hearts away how
would you bring them back? Till Allah would will?. Then why do you not fall into sujood and
remind yourself, the great favors of your Lord.
Until you realize one of these hittings, banged on your head. Things remained ordinary and
unworthy to you only until you experience their lacking.
And as you keep climbing the staircase of gratitude you notice all the most ordinary and
common things of the world. You, been given all reasons to thank, all the luxuries and
fantasies; couldn't walk on earth with a word of true thankfulness and here the same you,
walk towards the zenith of gratitude witnessing the most ordinary things. This is where the
profoundness of life encircles. The pain, the separation of one from oneself, to witness vanity
and to be united back does enough to perceive the gems of most ordinary. To gain rebirth in
the same world but with a sense of gratitude.

“ Fear of death on the lash slides off the curtain of infatuations of life. The fierce truth of
death penetrates in oneself to enlighten the real essence of life. Theres is a contrast
between breath- and when it is ceased. life ties death incubating the knots. Knots of-
existence. The two diametrically opposite phases preaches the knots - ​THE GRATITUDE 

The gratitude has nothing to do with the “give and take condition” rather it massively deals
with the state of 'acceptance', ‘equanimity’ and ‘faith’.

Gratitude is the ​nectar of pain.​ It takes long to realize.

Gratitude in its authentic form is always enrooted from endurance and patience. Patience is
always enrooted from suffering and pain. Pain, in all forms is enrooted from attachment and
love. While love has ways from desire. Desire, desire.
Desire, of heart which separates inhuman from human. That desire, which made human-
The highest in all creation.

Desire leading to attachment; to love; to sufferings; to separation; to pain; to endurance; to

patience and finally to, ​Gratitude​. It is the journey from clot to light- Body to soul. Inhuman to
human. The accomplishment of conquering all and holding nothing is the stage of
contentment which we realize wide-eyed at Gratitude.

To infer the power of gratitude, the most basic bit of the foundation is to belief in the
Omnipotent Allah~ To whom all praises belong to. The rope of gratitude emerges to spread
from the faith in divinity tying that to the Divine~ Allah .
Every religion has a science or belief as a foundation to associate their gratitude to, their
reasons to, which can be elucidate by the type of science known as Metaphysics~ the
reason of thing for being that thing
And even atheism belief is founded upon the science through which they associate their
reasons to~ mostly of their higher self, that proves the power of gratitude in all subjects of
To be grateful is to be faithful. To be faithful is to be nearer to Allah. To be nearer to the lord
of heaven and the earth, mankind need to have faith in His plan. Whatever has been
planned, is for the enormous benefit of mankind.
At this point an important point to realize is that
Happiness is not the only attribute of an ideal life, but sometimes what we gain from pain,
from endurance, from patience, from tolerance, from willing, from accepting brings us to
meet the higher form of an ideal man.

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