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360-degree Enterprise Automation Playbook

April 2020

Copyright © 2020 Everest Global, Inc.

This document has been licensed for exclusive use and distribution by UiPath
Table of contents (page 1 of 2)

Topic Page no.

Preface 4

Section I: Introduction to 360-degree enterprise automation 5

⚫ Traditional operations and underlying business problems 6
⚫ Taking a 360-degree view of a business ecosystem 8
⚫ Key digital levers and their benefits 12
⚫ RPA acting as an accelerator for adopting other digital levers at scale 18

Section II: Leveraging digital levers to reimagine journey experiences 24

⚫ Customer journey experience management 25
⚫ Employee journey experience management 36
⚫ Partner journey experience management 46
⚫ Supplier journey experience management 56
⚫ Compliance journey experience management 67

Section III: Steps and strategies to develop a connected business ecosystem 79

⚫ Understanding the current state and market capabilities 81
⚫ Building a business case – what is the right outcome target state? 87
⚫ Determining the capabilities required to achieve identified outcomes 94
⚫ Identifying all determinants and map path 96
⚫ Executing against mapped path 100
– Key execution challenges and best practices for enterprises to overcome them 101
– Tools and frameworks for successful execution 103

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Table of contents (page 2 of 2)

Topic Page no.

Section IV: Enterprise case studies 107

Appendix 122
⚫ Appendix A: Benefits of improving touchpoints across key stakeholder groups 123
⚫ Appendix B: Key digital levers, their benefits, and use cases 128
⚫ Appendix C: Order management and fulfillment process value chain 143
⚫ Appendix D: Mapping journey experiences across key stakeholder groups 146
⚫ Appendix E: Identifying and addressing challenges/bottlenecks – illustrative use cases 153

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.


The 360-degree Enterprise Automation Playbook aims to empower enterprises with practical advice
and guidance on how Intelligent Automation (IA) can help them develop a connected business
ecosystem by enhancing journey experiences across multiple touchpoints for customers, employees,
partners, suppliers, and regulators.
At the time of publishing this playbook, the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the world into an
unprecedented crisis, stress-testing organizations’ business continuity plans. Every industry has been
impacted one way or the other. The importance of automation is significantly amplified in this crisis, and
organizations are looking to accelerate their automation journeys to make their business models more
scalable and resilient to pandemic-like situations. Taking a 360-degree view becomes even more critical
to ensure that key stakeholder groups are kept in consideration as enterprises embark on the journey to
redefine their business models.
This playbook complements our previously published Smart RPA Playbook, which provides enterprises
with winning strategies to achieve best-in-class business outcomes from their automation investments.

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key contents

⚫ Introduction to 360-degree enterprise automation

⚫ Leveraging digital levers to reimagine journey experiences

⚫ Steps and strategies to develop a connected business ecosystem

⚫ Enterprise case studies

⚫ Appendix

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Evolving into a digital-first business is becoming increasingly important for organizations to
remain competitive

Legacy business Drivers of change Digital-first business

Value The need to keep pace with evolving customer expectations and Value
business situations in a digital-first world
Cost reduction Reimagine processes
Efficient process Eliminate manual work
SLA compliance Ensuring business continuity during pandemic (e.g., Covid-19)
Enhance stakeholder experience
Employee productivity Focus on business metrics
Saturation of benefits from traditional processes – such as
Levers Levers
shared services, offshore labor arbitrage, and Enterprise
Shared services Resource Planning (ERP)
Labor arbitrage Challenges on account of increasing administrative AI technologies (ML, NLP, etc.)
Lean Six Sigma expenses due to expanding coverage and regulatory stringency Cloud
Internet of Things (IoT) / Mobility
Legacy tools and wrappers
The need to improve employee engagement and reduce attrition Analytics
Manual processes

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Manual operations result in multitude of challenges, and companies should shift to digital,
automated, and intelligent business processes

Strategic process Knowledge-based process Transactional process Human workforce RPA/AI robots

Traditional operations Digital operations

Digital operations

Legacy systems Centralized database technologies

Digital levers such as RPA, AI, cloud, mobility, IoT,

Blockchain, and advanced analytics support digital
ERP 1 32
ERP ERP 3 operations

AI-based chatbots / IVA

handle customer queries

Inquiry Customer inquiry through omnichannel platforms

Customers Customers

Key challenges / business problems in traditional enterprise journeys Business outcomes

⚫ Disjointed operations resulting in high turnaround time ⚫ Cost elimination and profit maximization ⚫ Enhanced customer experience

⚫ Heavy reliance on manual tasks and human errors; high risk during pandemic ⚫ Touchless transactions ⚫ Improved governance and compliance

⚫ High volumes of unstructured data ⚫ Process efficiencies ⚫ Higher flexibility and capacity creation

⚫ Legacy systems not compatible with modern applications ⚫ Increased workforce productivity ⚫ Better partner/supplier enablement

⚫ Seasonal spikes in demand and transaction volumes ⚫ Enhanced employee experience ⚫ Improved collaboration across teams

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Automated and intelligent processes can enhance journey experiences across multiple
touchpoints for all the key stakeholders’ groups constituting a business ecosystem

Key constituents of a business ecosystem for enterprises

Suppliers impact an organization's bottom
line by providing goods and services to
support the delivery of a service or product
(direct) or support running the business
Businesses are established to address Partners
specific customer needs. Customers/ Partners (entities other than suppliers)
consumers are the primary stakeholders help deliver products and services by
that directly impact a business’ top line providing access to new markets,
Business complementary capabilities, and alternate
ecosystem sales channels

Regulators help ensure that organizations
follow defined standards and best practices;
Employees contribute significantly to an
their decisions can significantly impact
organization by providing their services
business operations
for both front- and back-office operations

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The benefits of focusing on customer touchpoints and journey experiences are quite evident

Increased customer

Evolving customer expectations are driving enterprises

Benefits of improving customer journey experiences

to increase their focus on customer experience

Personalization Higher brand recall/equity

Well-informed and empowered customers demand resulting in improved cross-
personalized experiences and support sell/up-sell

In addition to demanding real-time support, customers
expect consistency and continuity across channels, Improved customer engagement/
based on past interactions satisfaction/loyalty

Customers today expect businesses to abide by data
privacy laws to ensure that their personal data remains Product/service
protected improvement based on past
customer experiences

Reduced servicing costs

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

At the same time, enterprises should also need to realize the benefits of improving
touchpoints and journey experiences for employees, partners, suppliers, and regulatory

1 Refer to Appendix pages 122-127 for the detailed benefits of improving touchpoints and journey experiences for employees, partners, suppliers, and regulators

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Enterprises should take a 360-degree view across all key stakeholder groups to develop a
connected business ecosystem and generate superior business outcomes

A 360-degree view involves designing experiences/interfaces not only at the end-customer touchpoints, but across all the key
constituents of a business ecosystem, including employees, partners, suppliers, and regulators

Supplier experience
Improving the supplier experience can strengthen supplier
relationships, which could go beyond transactional
procurement activities and result in process improvement
and innovation – thereby creating market differentiation

Customer experience Partner experience

Enhancing the customer experience requires Improving the partner experience includes better
managing a brand’s customer perception, both partner enablement and creation of channels to
in terms of customer touchpoint management gather partner feedback, ascertain performance,
and product/service design and reward high performers

Employee experience Regulatory experience

Employee experience refers to an employee’s perception This involves taking stock of the impact of regulatory
created due to different interactions with the work changes and enhancing compliance journey experience
environment, leaders, and supervisors, which affect the by improving ease and transparency in reporting
employee’s attitudes, and behavior toward the organization

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Digital levers provide opportunities to enterprises to significantly transform touchpoints and
journey experiences across all key stakeholder groups

Robotic Process IoT and Mobility

Automation (RPA)


Artificial Intelligence (AI)



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Understanding key digital levers, their benefits, and use cases1 (page 1 of 4)

1 Refer to Appendix pages 128-142 for details

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Understanding key digital levers, their benefits, and use cases1 (page 2 of 4)

1 Refer to Appendix pages 128-142 for details

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Understanding key digital levers, their benefits, and use cases1 (page 3 of 4)

1 Refer to Appendix pages 128-142 for details

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Understanding key digital levers, their benefits, and use cases1 (page 4 of 4)

1 Refer to Appendix pages 128-142 for details

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

However, digital levers should be adopted in combination with each other to achieve
dramatic impact and desired business outcomes

Use case: logistics management ILLUSTRATIVE

⚫ Manual tracking of orders

⚫ Lack of real-time communication and data-sharing between sellers and multiple logistics partners
⚫ Manual updates of order handovers
Challenges ⚫ Limited communication to customers on order status

Low High

Stakeholder Impact of challenges/bottlenecks on stakeholder experience Digital levers Reimagined workflow to address the challenges

Poor customer service due to delays and lack of transparency ⚫ RPA ⚫ Mobile apps drive communications between sellers and various
in order updates and deliveries logistics partners
⚫ AI ⚫ AI-based intelligent routing system coordinates between multiple
Difficult to keep track of order handovers, manage multiple logistics partners (road freight, cargo ships, etc.) and auto-assigns a
isolated order management systems, and keep buyers informed ⚫ Analytics partner based on goods’ location
Lack of coordination between suppliers and inward logistics ⚫ RPA robots proactively monitor orders and update order handover
Supplier ⚫ Mobile applications details in near-real time
partners can impact inventory availability
⚫ RPA robots trigger notifications (based on defined criteria) to customers
Lack of timely communication and coordination with multiple ⚫ IoT regarding their orders and direct any L2 and L3 queries to human
Partner agents
logistics partners (road freight, cargo ships, etc.)
⚫ Blockchain ⚫ Order delivery system integrated with logistics for proactive updates in
Involvement of regulators if logistics partners back out of case of outages
Regulator contracts or in case of customer disputes due to unfulfilled or ⚫ Cloud ⚫ Self-service on website and mobile apps enables customers to check
delayed orders status and also reduces helpdesk workload

⚫ Improved visibility into the logistics process, with real-time tracking of orders
⚫ Enhanced customer experience, with proactive and real-time updates on order status
⚫ Higher efficiency in order handling
⚫ Real-time information-sharing between sellers and logistics partners
Business ⚫ Ability to manage more logistics partners
outcomes ⚫ Improved business coverage, with ability to manage cross-border shipments

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

In many cases, RPA acts as an accelerator for enterprise adoption of other digital levers
at scale

IoT and Mobility


RPA as a



® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

RPA eases the consumption of AI services/skills by making it easier to act on the data
processed by AI

Use case 1 RPA can act on data collected by AI-based Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) solutions in processes such as claim reimbursement

IDP converts data from receipts Employee

database ⚫ Enterprises are increasingly employing AI-based IDP solutions for the employee
into a structured format
claim reimbursement process
⚫ IDP robots can read through receipts submitted by employees and collect relevant
information, such as date and amount
IDP solution Spreadsheet ⚫ RPA robots can also validate data based on claim limits, send claims for manual
approval if required, and automatically trigger payments for approved expenses
RPA robot validates data from
employee database and triggers
Employee submits claim receipts
in varying unstructured formats

Use case 2 RPA accelerates the adoption of AI-based chatbots / IVAs by enabling instantaneously addressal of customer requests
⚫ Various enterprises provide a conversational interface that leverages AI-based
IVA understands the customer request and chatbots / IVAs to respond to customer requests/queries
triggers an RPA robot to fetch bill amount – For instance, when a customer interacts with an IVA deployed on a banking
website to inquire about his/her credit card bill amount, IVA triggers an RPA
robot to fetch the required information
AI-based chatbot / IVA RPA robot ⚫ IVA also recognizes customer intent behind the inquiry and offers the option to
pay the bill amount on the customer’s behalf
In addition to providing the On customer confirmation, IVA ⚫ RPA enhances IVA’s functionality by processing such requests instantaneously.
requested information, IVA triggers an RPA robot to complete IVA can trigger an RPA robot to fetch a registered customer’s account. As soon as
interprets customer intent and the payment and send notification the customer confirms payment initiation, the RPA robot can input relevant details,
proposes the option to pay the bill
such as credit card number and accountholder name on the payment site, to
initiate payment
Customer opens a bank’s ⚫ Upon customer confirmation, the payment is triggered, and the customer receives
website and raises an inquiry a notification

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

RPA aids data migration and can expand the scope of analytics to include task-level

Use case 1 Operational/task-level analytics

⚫ Structured data is required for wide-scale analytics adoption
⚫ RPA can help collate isolated and dysfunctional data and turn it into a structured format so that
RPA robots’ interactions with underlying
big-data analytics tools can use it
systems generate event logs that can be fed into ⚫ RPA robots generate considerable amounts of logs by recording and monitoring their interactions
analytics tools to generate operational/task-level insights with underlying systems that were previously manual and hence time-consuming and tedious
– For example, in the pre-RPA setup’s accounts payable process, a clerk on seeing an email with
an invoice attached, enters the invoice details in the system, requests the superior to approve
the payment, enters the payment into the online banking system, and then passes it on to
Event logs Analysis Reports another approver who reconciles all the supporting documents before finalizing the payment
⚫ The human agent needs to check data from multiple sources, such as emails, the procurement
Core applications system, and an online banking system. Human agents might not follow the same order of steps
CRM 1 CRM 2 ERP 1 ERP 2 every time, resulting in variations of the process
⚫ When processing such tasks, RPA robots generate data for each step in the application log,
leaving a detailed data trail that can be used to mine, visualize, and identify the process’ optimal

Use case 2 Data migration

⚫ For corporate acquisitions or mergers, data acquired from different data stores of the two
Disjointed enterprise applications enterprises needs to consolidated
RPA robot interacts with the enterprise application ⚫ Two enterprises that use multiple legacy information technology (IT) systems and datasets
Enterprise 1

CRM 1 to migrate data to a shared data store need to migrate to modern ERP systems
ERP 1 ⚫ RPA can act as a data migration tool, especially as it can interact with legacy systems (which
lack API access) at the UI level, which avoids impacting the underlying systems and
databases, making it easier to use
Enterprise 2

CRM 2 ERP cloud


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RPA can support blockchain-based transactions by facilitating seamless data transfer

Use case 1 RPA accelerates blockchain adoption by supporting seamless data transfer from/to legacy apps

⚫ Blockchain has found application in invoice processing for flagging and addressing issues
related to incomplete invoices with partially filled orders or damaged goods, which is otherwise
Transaction using blockchain an extremely labor-intensive task
⚫ Instead of manually processing and verifying invoices, manufacturers and suppliers can use an
evaluated receipt settlement process that automatically posts and pays invoices based on the
purchase order and settled goods receipt record in the blockchain
ERP Purchase order Invoice ERP ⚫ However, it would require an enterprise to build an interface to connect all supplier and
enterprise systems to the blockchain. RPA can act as an integration mechanism to connect
multiple disjointed systems with the blockchain
⚫ RPA robots can operate seamlessly across IT infrastructure, avoiding the uprooting and
replacement of legacy systems
⚫ This also cuts down costs of developing these interfaces, resulting in faster blockchain
RPA robot validates data from employee deployment
database and then triggers payment

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

RPA can act as an accelerator for IoT adoption, strengthening the business case for IoT

Use case 1 Operational optimization and autonomous responses to events

IoT sensors track real- ⚫ IoT enables real-time data collection from devices in an automated manner
time stock data and ⚫ When an item is received at a warehouse and tagged, it automatically gets
store it on the cloud entered into the inventory system
⚫ IoT data sensors track stock variations in real-time and store it on the cloud
Cloud Cross-check Trigger auto-replenishment ⚫ RPA robots can cross-check the collected data against customer order tracking
with customer and send alerts
data and predefined stock management business rules
order data
⚫ RPA robots can also trigger auto-replenishment orders based on the above
⚫ They can also send alert notifications in case of expected delays
Sensor data

Use case 2 Predictive maintenance

⚫ IoT-based predictive maintenance allows manufacturing companies to identify
RPA robots can read and potential failures and increase the production of highly critical assets
consolidate data from
multiple connected devices
⚫ For example, in an oil and gas manufacturing plant, IoT-based predictive
maintenance can help identify corrosion and pipeline damage
Trigger auto- ⚫ The solution uses sensors installed across the pipeline to obtain data on pH and
Cloud Analytics Prediction gaseous content. It fetches real-time sensor data and passes it to the cloud for
replenishment and
send alerts evaluation, analysis, and prediction
⚫ RPA robots can act on this information and help avoid any delays attributed to
manual labor
Sensor data ⚫ The interplay between RPA and IoT could speed up response time and improve
consolidation and comprehension of data produced by IoT-connected devices

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

RPA can help integrate various applications with modern cloud and mobile apps

Use case 1 RPA accelerates cloud adoption by bridging the gap between legacy and cloud apps

⚫ Many legacy applications are only accessible through the GUI app interface
⚫ RPA can provide an integration mechanism to transfer data from these
applications to modern cloud apps, removing the barrier to adopt cloud solutions
⚫ Conversely, to minimize the impact of potential failure of the source system (i.e.,
Legacy application Spreadsheet ERP cloud application the cloud), enterprises can leverage RPA to ensure 24/7 backup for data transfer
from the cloud to the on-premise record system

RPA robot logs into a legacy RPA robot then logs into
app, downloads data, and ERP cloud, updates data,
transfers it to a spreadsheet and sends confirmation

Use case 2 RPA helps integrate front-end mobile apps with enterprise systems, accelerating the adoption of mobile apps

⚫ Mobile apps provide an interactive communication channel, which enhances

customer experience
⚫ RPA can help integrate these apps with various underlying systems
⚫ Various banking/fintech mobile applications allow customers to place request for
Customer reaches information updates and upload proofs via mobile cameras
Customer enquiry out through the Mobile app Updated information
mobile app and ⚫ RPA robots can automatically update information (such as addresses) in
requests to update underlying applications, helping address customer requests instantaneously
address from the ⚫ Several wealth management firms have also come up with mobile apps to provide
uploaded address RPA robot reads the document advisory services to customers
proof document using OCR, fetches the customer’s
⚫ These apps leverage RPA robots to continuously interface with various data
record in the underlying legacy
system, and updates address sources to track market conditions, automatically send recommendations to
customers based on latest information, and also activate trade in real-time

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key contents

⚫ Introduction to 360-degree enterprise automation

⚫ Leveraging digital levers to re-imagine journey experiences

– Customer journey experience management
– Employee journey experience management
– Partner journey experience management
– Supplier journey experience management
– Compliance journey experience management

⚫ Steps and strategies to develop a connected business ecosystem

⚫ Enterprise case studies

⚫ Appendix

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Customers are becoming more demanding of their brands

⚫ Availability of customer service
across a customer’s channel of choice
⚫ Consistency and continuity of
experience across channels

Ease of use
⚫ Automation and self-service,
to the extent possible, to
reduce customer effort Reliability
⚫ Agent access to interaction A strong data protection system
history across channels for to protect customer data
fast resolution

Personalization Understanding of current needs, as well as
Context-aware and tailored anticipation of potential needs to preempt
engagement based on past customer issues and reduce any friction
interactions across channels

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

To meet these demands, enterprises need to address multiple challenges in their existing
CX delivery

Challenges enterprises face in their existing CX delivery

Siloed operations
Operations running in silos inhibit information flow or the ability to build a single repository of customer or agent data that can be leveraged to personalize experiences

Poor agent productivity

Agents have to navigate through multiple disconnected systems and applications when managing their interactions with a single customer and are often required to
manage additional call-related work afterward

Many services are processed manually, which can result in significant errors and delays, along with rising contact center costs

Security threats
Old legacy systems are more vulnerable to malwares or breaches, as they lack updates or modules that adhere to new security standards due to discontinued vendor

Fear of change
Internal resistance on account of governance issues and HR and IT policies hinder the adoption and integration of digital solutions

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

The traditional customer experience delivery model yields suboptimal outcomes for all
stakeholders involved

Impact on customers Impact on enterprises

Traditional CX
Long wait time and response time delivery Dissatisfied customers

Incomplete/shoddy resolution Poor first contact resolution rate

Impersonal interactions Limited cross-sell or up-sell

Long, tedious processes High customer churn

Variable experience across channels Underutilized data

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Hence, brands are leveraging digital levers to enhance customer journey experience

Key customer interaction touchpoints

Termination Awareness Onboarding Payments Product/ Ongoing Billing Termination

and research and rewards service upgrade support disputes

CX can be transformed with the following digital levers

Mobility Analytics RPA Chatbots AI (including

IVA and IDP)

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Digital levers can help brands achieve multiple benefits by transforming the customer

Process Subprocesses Digital interventions Business benefits

⚫ Multichannel information access

⚫ Complete and accurate information
Awareness and research ⚫ Moderated content RPA, mobility
across channels
⚫ Digital marketing

⚫ Customer registration and KYC ⚫ Less application dropouts

Onboarding ⚫ Account setup Mobility, RPA, chatbots, AI ⚫ Reduced customer effort
⚫ Account notifications and alerts ⚫ Better customer engagement

⚫ Purchase completion support

⚫ Better customer retention
Payments and rewards ⚫ Data and transaction security RPA, analytics, mobility
⚫ Improved customer communication
⚫ Loyalty program management

⚫ Personalized upgrade options ⚫ Targeted upgrade options

Product/service upgrade ⚫ Self-service capability RPA, analytics, chatbots, mobility ⚫ Improved top line
⚫ Notifications and alerts ⚫ Increased security

⚫ Maintaining of customer information ⚫ Improved CSAT and NPS

Ongoing support ⚫ Multichannel interactions RPA, analytics, chatbots ⚫ Higher agent productivity
⚫ Proactive support ⚫ Shorter handle time

⚫ Dispute filing ⚫ Reduced processing errors

Billing disputes ⚫ Dispute categorization RPA, IDP, analytics, mobility chatbots ⚫ Preemption of dispute cases
⚫ Dispute investigation and processing ⚫ Instant refunds

⚫ Initiation of termination ⚫ Customers won back

Termination ⚫ Understanding of customer issues RPA, analytics, mobility ⚫ Optimization of existing processes
⚫ Personalized offers/alternatives ⚫ Preemption of similar issues

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Use case: customer onboarding
Customer journey and key challenges
Workflow phases

Customer registration KYC verification Account setup Relationship initiation Query management

⚫ Choose a bank ⚫ Verify customer identity and ⚫ Receive welcome pack ⚫ Set up meeting with the ⚫ Explore self-service and
Customer journey

⚫ Visit a bank branch address ⚫ Browse account features relationship manager FAQs
⚫ Ask clarifying questions ⚫ Provide requested documents ⚫ Update information ⚫ Discuss banking and financial ⚫ Raise any queries through the
⚫ Complete the application ⚫ Assess risk ⚫ Make initial transaction matters channel of choice
form ⚫ Update the application status ⚫ Understand loyalty program/s
⚫ Submit necessary Send notifications to the ⚫ Gather details on additional
documents customer products

⚫ Paper-based, cumbersome ⚫ Protracted process due to ⚫ Manual entry of data across ⚫ Limited availability of the ⚫ Limited channels for raising
Key issues

processes manual checks multiple, siloed systems relationship manager queries

⚫ Extensive documentation ⚫ High degree of subjectivity ⚫ Limited information to ⚫ Generic, ineffectual ⚫ High response time for query
requests accentuated by changing properly use account recommendations resolution
⚫ Manual data inputs result in regulations ⚫ Inconsistent CX across
delays and errors channels

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Use case: customer onboarding | customer registration
Reimagine the customer registration process by offering a mobile account opening service with limited or no
manual inputs

Customer registration KYC verification Account setup Relationship initiation Query management

Customer registration Level 1 Level 2

Digital levers ⚫ Mobility ⚫ Mobility

⚫ Rule-based chatbots ⚫ Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVAs) / AI-based chatbots
⚫ Optical Character Recognition (OCR) ⚫ IDP
⚫ AI-enabled intelligent routing system ⚫ AI-enabled intelligent routing system

Digitally enabled ⚫ A customer has the option of applying for an online account through the ⚫ A customer has the option of applying for an online account through the mobile or web-based
workflow mobile or web-based channel channel
⚫ L1 support queries, such as documentation requirements, annual fee, and ⚫ L1 and L2 support queries are answered by IVA robots. L3 support queries and any
minimum balance, are answered by a rule-based chatbot escalations are routed to the best-fit agent through an AI-enabled intelligent routing system
⚫ L2 and L3 support queries, such as determining the appropriate credit card, ⚫ A self-learning IVA robot observes agent behavior as he/she resolves queries and
are intelligently routed to the best-fit agent through an AI-enabled intelligent automatically updates its knowledge base
routing system ⚫ An RPA robot pulls out customer data with the bank, as well as third-party verified sources,
⚫ An RPA robot pulls out customer data with the bank to pre-fill specific fields to pre-fill certain fields
⚫ The OCR software pulls out information such as name or date of birth from a ⚫ The customer uploads all the remaining documents and the IDP software extracts the
standardized format (government ID) and auto-fills the registration form customer data from standardized and non-standardized (handwritten) formats to eliminate
⚫ The customer manually enters other details, such as address the need for manual inputs

Benefits ⚫ Cost impact: moderate cost savings, as rule-based chatbots handle L1 ⚫ Cost impact: significant cost savings, as IVA robots handle both L1 and L2 support queries
support queries ⚫ Operational impact: significant improvement in average time to complete registration, given
⚫ Operational impact: moderate improvement in average time to complete high digital intervention
registration due to fewer manual inputs ⚫ Business impact: improvement in customer acquisition rate
⚫ Business impact: improvement in customer effort score

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Use case: customer onboarding | KYC verification
Focus on automatically verifying and validating customer identity in real-time

Customer registration KYC verification Account setup Relationship initiation Query management

KYC verification Level 1 Level 2

Digital levers ⚫ RPA ⚫ RPA

⚫ Advanced analytics

Workflows ⚫ An RPA robot pulls out customer information from public databases or ⚫ An RPA robot pulls out customer information from a broad set of data sources, such as
consumer reporting agencies public databases, consumer reporting agencies, social media, and the internet
⚫ The RPA robot connects multiple, disparate internal systems to extract or ⚫ The RPA robot browses news articles to flag up any concerns regarding the customer’s
review existing customer information with the bank business activities
⚫ The RPA robot reviews the application in real-time and automatically notifies ⚫ The RPA robot performs additional risk analysis to identify the likelihood of him/her becoming
the customer in case of any additional/missing documents dormant
⚫ The RPA robot determines whether to approve or reject the application and ⚫ The RPA robot reviews the application in real-time and automatically notifies the customer
based on confidence level automatically notifies the customer about the about any additional/missing documents
application status ⚫ The RPA robot determines whether to approve or reject the application and based on
⚫ Agents review applications that the RPA robot is not equipped to handle and confidence level automatically notifies the customer about the application status
work on cases that demand an increased level of scrutiny ⚫ Agents review applications that the RPA robot is not equipped to handle and work on cases
that demand an increased level of scrutiny

Benefits ⚫ Cost impact: moderate cost savings, as it helps avoid costly fines for non ⚫ Cost impact: significant cost savings by avoiding to sign customers with higher chances of
compliance Operational impact: moderate process improvement, as it becoming dormant
reduces KYC processing time ⚫ Operational impact: accurate risk profiling that can mitigate fraud risk
⚫ Business impact: improved compliance with KYC standards ⚫ Business impact: increased agent productivity, as there is better utilization of compliance

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Use case: customer onboarding | account setup
Make the customer account setup process easy and engaging

Customer registration KYC verification Account setup Relationship initiation Query management

Account setup Level 1 Level 2

Digital levers ⚫ Mobility ⚫ Mobility

⚫ Cloud ⚫ Cloud
⚫ Rule-based chatbot ⚫ IVAs / AI-based chatbots
⚫ AI-enabled intelligent routing system ⚫ Intelligent document processing
⚫ AI-enabled intelligent routing system

Workflows ⚫ An RPA robot enters customer data into all relevant systems and sends ⚫ An RPA robot enters customer data into all relevant systems and sends across the welcome
across the welcome pack, if the application is approved pack, if the application is approved
⚫ The customer can log into his/her account anytime, anywhere on-the-go ⚫ The customer can log into his/her account anytime, anywhere
⚫ An RPA robot prevents unauthorized users from accessing the customer ⚫ An RPA robot prevents unauthorized users from accessing the customer account by adding
account by adding multi-layer authentication, digital signatures, or other forms voice and facial recognition features
of security such as biometrics ⚫ L1 and L2 support queries are answered by IVA robots. L3 support queries and any
⚫ L1 support queries, such as account features and PIN generation, are escalations are routed to the best-fit agent through an AI-enabled intelligent routing system
answered by a rule-based chatbot ⚫ A self-learning IVA robot observes agent behavior as he/she resolves queries and
⚫ L2 and L3 support queries, such as linking of accounts, are intelligently routed automatically update its knowledge base
to the best-fit agent through an AI-enabled intelligent routing system ⚫ The customer uploads any new/updated documents, such as new mailing address, and the
IDP software extracts details and updates them accordingly in relevant systems

Benefits ⚫ Cost impact: moderate cost savings, as L1 support queries are handled by ⚫ Cost impact: significant cost savings, as both L1 and L2 support queries are handled by IVA
rule-based chatbots robots
⚫ Operational impact: quick service activation and improved data security ⚫ Operational impact: improved user flexibility to choose security measures
features ⚫ Business impact: increased customer engagement
⚫ Business impact: improved customer retention rate

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Use case: customer onboarding | relationship initiation
Deliver a personalized and contextualized customer experience based on past behavior

Customer registration KYC verification Account setup Relationship initiation Query management

Relationship initiation Level 1 Level 2

Digital levers ⚫ RPA ⚫ RPA

⚫ Advanced analytics ⚫ Advanced analytics

Workflows ⚫ RPA robots monitor customer behavior within banking to assist relationship ⚫ RPA robots monitor customer behavior even outside of banking to assist relationship
managers to personalize customer relations, e.g., to provide inputs on better managers to enhance customer relations, e.g., by providing loan options to customers filing
yield options based on current saving mechanisms college applications
⚫ RPA robots conduct periodic due-diligence on customers’ transaction ⚫ RPA robots build end-to-end customer journey maps to help relationship managers identify
behavior (type of transaction, activity pattern, payment methods, etc.) and flag pain points and drive proactive reachouts
up existing customers who could become a risk factor in the future ⚫ RPA robots leverage a vast set of customer behavior parameters to conduct periodic due
diligence on customer transactions (spikes in activities, out-of-area or unusual cross-border
activities, inclusion of people on sanctions list, or adverse media mentions) and flag up
existing customers who could become a risk factor in the future

Benefits ⚫ Cost impact: moderate cost savings, given reduction in fraudulent cases ⚫ Cost impact: significant cost savings, given improved ability to mitigate fraud risk
⚫ Operational impact: personalization at scale ⚫ Operational impact: proactive reachouts to reduce support requests
⚫ Business impact: improvement in cross-sell/up-sell rate ⚫ Business impact: creation of new revenue streams

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Use case: customer onboarding | query management
Focus on delivering a seamless experience across multiple channels

Customer registration KYC verification Account setup Relationship initiation Query management

Query management Level 1 Level 2

Digital levers ⚫ RPA ⚫ RPA

⚫ Advanced analytics ⚫ Advanced analytics

Workflows ⚫ A customer raises a support request from any channel, such as voice, email, ⚫ A customer raises a support request from any channel, and the agent gets details of the
chat, social media, or messaging, but an agent treats every interaction as interaction history, which allows her/him to drive conversations smoothly
separate and unrelated ⚫ An RPA robots extract customer information available across structured, semi-structured,
⚫ RPA robots extract customer information available across structured data and unstructured data sources to provide the agent with a unified customer view
sources to assist agents in query resolution ⚫ RPA robots quickly analyze past customer activities, other customers with a similar profile,
⚫ The agents manually perform post-interaction work, such as data entry or geographic location, etc., to predict the context of the customer interaction
status updates ⚫ RPA robots determine customer sentiment in real-time to direct the interaction toward
⚫ RPA robots analyze speech/text interactions to assess customer issues and problem resolution
recommend targeted training for agents ⚫ The robots listen in on the conversation for appropriate triggers and present the agent with
rapid access to answers and advice
⚫ RPA robots automate agents’ post-interaction work

Benefits ⚫ Cost impact: moderate cost savings, as non-voice channels are more cost- ⚫ Cost impact: significant cost savings owing to improvement in first contact resolution rate
effective than voice-based channels ⚫ Operational impact: improved average handle time, as agents have a unified customer view
⚫ Operational impact: improved agent productivity owing to targeted training and support on next-best action
sessions ⚫ Business impact: increased CSAT and NPS scores
⚫ Business impact: improvement in customer effort score

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key contents

⚫ Introduction to 360-degree enterprise automation

⚫ Leveraging digital levers to re-imagine journey experiences

– Customer journey experience management
– Employee journey experience management
– Partner journey experience management
– Supplier journey experience management
– Compliance journey experience management

⚫ Steps and strategies to develop a connected business ecosystem

⚫ Enterprise case studies

⚫ Appendix

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Employee needs and expectations are constantly evolving

⚫ Availability of employee services across
an employee’s channel of choice
⚫ Consistency and continuity of
experience across channels

Ease of use Flexibility

Automation and self-service Flexibility in not only the
channels, to reduce employee way of working, but also
effort and increase where they work and how

Continuous development
Personalization Continuous learning
Tailored and contextualized opportunities to ensure
content that takes into account personal development
unique needs and preferences

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However, enterprises still face multiple challenges that impact employee experience and

Challenges enterprises face in their existing models

High focus on cost

Enterprises still continue to focus on costs, which results in short-term orientation and inadequate initiatives to improve employee experience

Siloed process-centric view

Employees often have to navigate siloed systems and services, each with its own interface and workflow, which results in a disjointed experience and high

Lack of consumable data

The technology landscape is highly fragmented, and the data available within enterprise systems often exists in isolation and is of inadequate quality, which further
makes it difficult to glean strategic insights to improve experience

Technology gap
Most solutions are still primitive and the overall HR technology ecosystem is quite fragmented. While technologies such as analytics, intelligent automation, and AI are
finding their way into the ecosystem, the lack of integration limits avenues for cost reduction and process improvement

Changing regulatory landscape

HR is also riddled with multiple laws and regulations, particularly regarding data privacy, payroll, and benefits, which further impact the pace at which technology can be
improved and adopted

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A suboptimal employee experience results in suboptimal outcomes for all stakeholders

Impact on employees Impact on enterprises

Traditional HR
Low engagement delivery High employee churn

Inconsistent experience across touchpoints Lower ROI

Impersonal interactions Poor customer experience

Long, tedious, and duplicated processes Lack of innovation

Lower productivity level Underutilized data

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Hence, enterprises are leveraging digital levers to enhance employee journey experience

Key employee interaction touchpoints

Termination Search and Onboarding Pay and Development Conflict Ongoing Exit
acquisition benefits interventions resolution support

Employee experience can be transformed with the following digital levers

Mobility Analytics RPA Chatbots AI (including AR and VR

IVA and IDP) tools

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Digital levers can help enterprises achieve multiple benefits by transforming employee

Process Subprocesses Digital interventions Business benefits

⚫ Establishing qualifying criteria ⚫ Access to relevant talent

Search and acquisition ⚫ Employer branding RPA, mobility, AI, chatbots ⚫ Smoother hiring process and hiring of
⚫ Screening and selection best-fit candidates

⚫ Employee registration ⚫ Fewer candidate dropouts

Onboarding ⚫ Employee setup Mobility, RPA, chatbots, AI ⚫ Reduced employer effort
⚫ Notifications and alerts ⚫ Better engagement

⚫ Self-service capability ⚫ Higher employee retention

Pay and benefits Mobility, RPA, chatbots, AI
⚫ Personalized financial wellness solutions ⚫ Improved employee communication

⚫ Better employee retention

⚫ Tailored development opportunities
Development interventions RPA, AI, analytics, chatbots, mobility ⚫ Reduced skill gap
⚫ Self-service and on-demand capability
⚫ High employee engagement

⚫ Dispute filing ⚫ Improved employee retention

Conflict resolution ⚫ Dispute categorization Chatbots, analytics ⚫ Preemption of negative branding
⚫ Dispute investigation and processing ⚫ Improved transparency

⚫ Maintaining of employee information ⚫ Reduced processing errors

Ongoing support ⚫ Multichannel interactions RPA, analytics, mobility, chatbots ⚫ Improved productivity
⚫ Proactive support ⚫ Higher NPS

⚫ Termination initiation ⚫ Greater retention

Exit ⚫ Understanding of employee issues RPA, analytics, mobility ⚫ Optimized existing processes
⚫ Personalized resolution ⚫ Preemption of similar issues

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Use case: development interventions – learning
Employee journey and key challenges
Workflow phases

Course selection Course scheduling Course consumption

⚫ Explore learning needs ⚫ Identify learning paths and courses ⚫ Undertake training
Employee journey

⚫ Evaluate available courses ⚫ Schedule training ⚫ Undertake assessment and/or tests

⚫ Seek clarification ⚫ Complete the application form ⚫ Provide/gather feedback
⚫ Receive notifications about course details ⚫ Receive regular notifications about next-level

⚫ Inadequate course information ⚫ Manual data inputs resulting in delays and errors ⚫ Ineffective delivery channels
Key issues

⚫ Limited content availability ⚫ Inflexible scheduling options ⚫ Ineffective measurement tools

⚫ Manual matching ⚫ Long and lengthy courses
⚫ Generic, ineffectual feedback
⚫ Limited reinforcement tools/opportunities

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Use case: learning intervention | awareness and research
Enhance employee experience by empowering employees with insights to choose the right training interventions
for their career development

Course selection Course scheduling Course consumption

Course selection Level 1 Level 2

Digital levers ⚫ Mobility ⚫ Mobility

⚫ Rule-based chatbots ⚫ IVAs / AI-based chatbots
⚫ AI-enabled intelligent matching system

Digitally enabled ⚫ An employee can explore learning opportunities proactively or on account of ⚫ An employee can explore learning opportunities proactively or as a result of development
workflow development needs through a mobile or web-based channel needs through a mobile or web-based channel
⚫ Historical data provides the most frequent courses undertaken by employees ⚫ The AI-enabled intelligent matching system suggests trainings based on past preferences
in similar roles (most popular, most frequent, etc.,) and/or training undertaken by employees in similar roles
⚫ Rule-based chatbots can support L1 queries and provide basic additional ⚫ Rule-based chatbots can support L1 queries and provide basic additional information about
information about the courses and schedule the courses and schedule
⚫ L2 and L3 queries such as best-fit courses which are quite contextualized are ⚫ AI-based chatbots address L2 contextualized queries, while the complex L3 queries are
routed to human HR service agents routed to human HR service agents

Benefits ⚫ Cost impact: moderate cost savings, as rule-based chatbots handle L1 ⚫ Cost impact: significant cost savings, as IVA robots handle both L1 and L2 support queries
support queries ⚫ Operational impact: significant improvement in time to decide on the right course due to
⚫ Operational impact: moderate improvement in time to decide on the right significant AI intervention
course given digital and rule-based chatbot intervention ⚫ Business impact: improvement in employee experience score because customized options
⚫ Business impact: moderate improvement in employee effort score and suggestions are provided

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Use case: learning intervention | course scheduling
Simplify training registration and scheduling to minimize manual intervention and improve experience

Course selection Course scheduling Course consumption

Course scheduling Level 1 Level 2

Digital levers ⚫ Mobility ⚫ Mobility

⚫ RPA ⚫ IVAs / AI-based chatbots
⚫ Rule-based chatbots / digital assistant ⚫ RPA
⚫ AI-enabled intelligent routing system

Digitally enabled ⚫ Employees can use mobile or web-based applications to register themselves ⚫ Employees can use mobile or web-based applications to register themselves for the
workflow for the selected/suggested course selected/suggested course
⚫ Rule-based robots or digital assistants create a learning path for the ⚫ AI-based bots create a learning path for the employee based on potential employee career
employee based on the path established by the enterprise path – this would depend on the employee’s performance report, other employee data,
⚫ RPA robots pull out s employee records from the enterprise database and and/or paths established by the enterprise
pre-populate the training options according to role/designation ⚫ RPA-enabled robots pull out requisite data and auto-fill the application form
⚫ RPA robots can also auto-fill the application form ⚫ AI-enabled robots pull out relevant information from other development initiatives to fill
⚫ The employee manually enters other details, such as reason for taking the qualitative information
course and availability, among others ⚫ AI-enabled robots can suggest scheduling options based on seat availability and employee
⚫ The employee can schedules training based on seat availability and his/her availability for instructor-led/physical training programs

Benefits ⚫ Cost impact: moderate cost savings, as employees spend less time ⚫ Cost impact: moderate cost savings, as manual intervention is reduced
performing administrative tasks ⚫ Operational impact: significant improvement in the average time to complete registration,
⚫ Operational impact: moderate improvement in the average time to complete given high digital intervention
registration due to fewer manual inputs ⚫ Business impact: improvement in employee engagement
⚫ Business impact: improvement in employee effort score

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Use case: learning intervention | course consumption
Use digital tools to not only improve consumption channels, but also ensure higher content retention

Course selection Course scheduling Course consumption

Course consumption Level 1 Level 2

Digital levers ⚫ Mobility ⚫ Mobility

⚫ Analytics ⚫ Analytics
⚫ AI-based gamification tools ⚫ AI-based gamification tools
⚫ AI-based chatbots ⚫ AI-based chatbots
⚫ AR/VR tools

Digitally enabled ⚫ Employees can use web-based or mobile-enabled apps to undertake training, ⚫ Employees can use web-based or mobile-enabled apps to undertake training, which can be
workflow which can be broken down into bite-sized modules to be consumed over broken down. into bite-sized modules to be consumed over multiple channels to ensure
multiple channels to ensure retention retention
⚫ AI-based gamification tools help identify key employee incentives to minimize ⚫ AI chatbots can address L1 and L2 employee queries regarding the training material. L3
employee dropout queries can be routed to the actual instructor
⚫ RPA bots monitor learner/employee learning pattern and consumption ⚫ AR-/VR-based training tools can be used to provide a more immersive experience to
behavior to further enhance experience employees, further increasing retention
⚫ AI-based assessment tools can help evaluate open-ended questions and provide real-time
⚫ AI-enabled tools can suggest the next course of action to ensure employee retention

Benefits ⚫ Cost impact: moderate cost savings, as training material can be reused ⚫ Cost impact: significant cost savings, as both L1 and L2 support queries are handled by AI
across a wide cross-section of employees robots
⚫ Operational impact: improvement in employee productivity levels ⚫ Operational impact: significant improvement in employee and HR productivity levels on
⚫ Business impact: improved employee experience account of better training retention
⚫ Business impact: improved training efficacy due to increased retention

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key contents

⚫ Introduction to 360-degree enterprise automation

⚫ Leveraging digital levers to re-imagine journey experiences

– Customer journey experience management
– Employee journey experience management
– Partner journey experience management
– Supplier journey experience management
– Compliance journey experience management

⚫ Steps and strategies to develop a connected business ecosystem

⚫ Enterprise case studies

⚫ Appendix

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Enterprises are increasingly seeking partners to achieve business outcomes and growth

Service providers and

system integrators Key areas of collaboration

Market expansion

Speed to market
Consultancies and
professional services firms

partner Better services
Resellers, dealers, brokers,
agents, and distributors Product enhancement and innovation

Risk mitigation

Other channel partners (e.g.,

tech partners in the IT industry

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Currently, enterprises face many challenges in running partner programs

Challenges enterprises face in running partner programs

The costs of administering partner programs, including complex discounts and payment models, which can, in turn, include initial and ongoing commissions

The need for bundled services when offering a broad set of requirements to support partners, e.g., training, early product trials, support, and maintenance of partner
communication channels

Robust information-sharing, e.g., quotes for approval, leads, deals completed, commissions, format and quality of data shared with/by partners, and reporting and

Siloed systems
Lack of integration between partner relationship management systems and enterprise applications such as ERP

Access management
End-to-end management of partner identity and access to commercially sensitive product and commercial information, ensuring that partners have access to resources
and information at appropriate levels

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The traditional partner management approach results in suboptimal outcomes for all
stakeholders involved

Impact on partners Impact on enterprises

Traditional partner
Slow payments and likelihood of errors and management Lost sales opportunities
Increased time-to-market and reduced
No incentives for collaboration bottom line

Impersonal interactions Lost opportunity for product leadership

Data errors, e.g., partner-generated sales Delayed delivery and supplier

Incomplete dispute resolution
Regulatory, IP, and commercial risks

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Hence, enterprises are leveraging digital levers to enhance partner experience management

Key partner interaction touchpoints

Termination Onboarding Training Payments and Joint marketing Ongoing support Product-/ Relationship
rewards and issue service-related termination
resolution commissions
and planning

Partner processes seldom make it to the transformation agenda; if focused upon, they can be modernized with the following commonly used digital levers

Mobility Analytics RPA Chatbots AI (including

IVA and IDP)

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Digital levers can help enterprises achieve multiple benefits by transforming the partner

Process Subprocesses Digital interventions Business benefits

⚫ Partner registration and account setup ⚫ Seamless and quick onboarding

Onboarding, initial, and
⚫ Training administration/certification RPA, mobility ⚫ Reduced partner effort and
ongoing training
⚫ Partner enablement dropouts
⚫ Multichannel access to portal information, catalogues and
Knowledge and ⚫ Reduced time for partner training
other assets
information sharing, and RPA, IDP, mobility ⚫ Improved access to business
⚫ Maintaining collaboration channels, portal moderation,
collaboration information
notifications, and alerts
⚫ Access to product information, and marketing and campaign ⚫ Faster partner response time to
Shared assets, plans, plans/collateral RPA, IDP including AI for translating customer requests/queries
software, and collateral ⚫ Support for sales enablement, and quote and lead information, mobility ⚫ High conversion rate for generated
management leads
⚫ Monitoring of partner and client interactions via audit trails RPA, IDP, blockchain for assuring
Compliance with ⚫ Reduced risk of non-compliance
⚫ Data security checks and protection, as required by relevant trusted access and information
regulatory requirements ⚫ Improved accountability
regulations distribution
Early access to products ⚫ Secure and early access to information on new ⚫ Faster and better product
and services, and trials products/services RPA, IDP, AI-based chatbots development
and feedback ⚫ Proactive support and feedback discussion ⚫ Enhanced scope for co-innovation
⚫ Partner and customer events planning ⚫ Improved market visibility, brand
Events and joint
⚫ Management of partner participation RPA, IDP, mobility, chatbots recognition, and recall
marketing campaigns
⚫ Joint marketing and promotional activities ⚫ Positive word of mouth
⚫ Improved partner loyalty
⚫ Design and management of incentives and reward payments
Rewards and payments RPA, IDP, blockchain ⚫ Better business partnering and
⚫ Management of sales and commission payments
sales growth

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Use case: partner onboarding
Partner journey and key challenges
Workflow phases

Partner registration Initial training and certification Partner enablement

⚫ Register online ⚫ Receive a welcome pack of training and product ⚫ Get access to and navigate dealing systems,
Partner journey

⚫ Submit necessary documents vouchers service/product information, advertising, and

⚫ Wait for acknowledgement from administration to ⚫ Navigate the training site for relevant information marketing collateral
complete partner’s registration process ⚫ Ask for help from partner’s support staff in case of any ⚫ Request for details on additional services
⚫ Get access to portal-based information and other difficulties in finding relevant information ⚫ Get material translated in his/her language to share
assets with staff
⚫ Gather details on leads to generate sales

⚫ Manual and paper-based cumbersome processes ⚫ Delays in partner training resulting in increased time ⚫ Delay from the partner in registering new leads and
leading to slow onboarding and cost to complete training courses getting quotes approved
Key issues

⚫ Manual data entry leading to delays, errors, and ⚫ Longer wait times for requested information due to the ⚫ Delays in partners’ marketing campaigns when
duplicated effort need for consultation with multiple support staff and marketing collateral gets translated
⚫ Increased cost of partner onboarding more senior partnership program staff ⚫ Missed or reduced sales and growth opportunity
⚫ Reduced capacity to manage more partners ⚫ Planned partner training programs running at
suboptimal capacity or getting frequently cancelled

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Use case: partner onboarding | partner registration
Reimagine partner registration process by offering registration and account setup service in near real-time, with
limited or no manual input

Partner registration Initial training and certification Partner enablement

Level 1 Level 2

Digital levers ⚫ Rule-based chatbots ⚫ IVAs / AI-based chatbots

⚫ Mobility ⚫ AI-enabled intelligent routing system and mobility

Digitally enabled ⚫ A partner can apply for registration online through a partner mobile app or a ⚫ A partner can apply for registration online through a partner mobile app, a web-based portal, or a
workflow web-based portal conversational interface
⚫ A rule-based chatbot notifies the partner about documentation requirements ⚫ The partner is connected to an IVA robot that polls the registration page for new joiner requests and
and company policies asks the partner to upload relevant documents
⚫ The partner uploads all relevant supporting documents ⚫ The partner uploads the required documents, and the IDP software extracts data from standardized
⚫ The OCR software pulls out information such as name of the registered and non-standardized (handwritten information) formats to eliminate the need for any manual input
partner entity from a standardized format and auto-fills the registration form ⚫ An RPA robot check the new partner’s details against reference sources, e.g., approved partner
⚫ RPA robots check new partner details against reference sources, e.g., lists and access levels, as well as third-party verified sources to prefill any remaining fields
approved partner lists and access levels, and requests the partner for ⚫ The RPA robot approves partner registration using extensive knowledge base and rules,
manually providing any additional information designates a partner ID, and grants access to the partner portal and collaboration sites according
⚫ The information collected is routed to a human agent, who approves partner to its permitted access level, in near real-time
registration, sets up partner account, and grants access to the partner portal ⚫ The robot also sends the partner a welcome pack, which could include training vouchers with a
and collaboration sites based on his/her permitted access level welcome message and acknowledgements

Benefits ⚫ Cost impact: moderate cost savings, as rule-based chatbots handle ⚫ Cost impact: significant cost savings, as IVA and IDP robots handle all interactions and document
interactions for account setup processing respectively
⚫ Operational impact: moderate improvement in average time to complete ⚫ Operational impact: instantaneous onboarding of new partners that provides quick access rights
registration and reduction in manual inputs to relevant information
⚫ Business impact: improved ability to onboard more partners ⚫ Business impact: reduced partner effort and dropouts

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Use case: partner onboarding | training and certification
Provide a seamless experience to complete training and certification program appropriately suited for the
respective partner

Partner registration Initial training and certification Partner enablement

Level 1 Level 2

Digital levers ⚫ Mobility ⚫ Mobility

⚫ Rule-based chatbots ⚫ IVAs / AI-based chatbots
⚫ Analytics

Digitally enabled ⚫ A robot gets activated following the completion of the registration process to register the ⚫ Not only does the robot automatically register the new partner, it also provides
workflow new partner on the training portal, provide access to relevant material, and handle L1 recommendations on introductory training appropriate to the partnership status, along
queries with access to online courses
⚫ The partner navigates the training app/portal to identify available self-paced learning ⚫ AI-based chatbots provide on-screen agent guidance to help partners navigate the
materials and interactive training sessions and reaches out to the training staff for L2 and training portal and also answer natural language queries (L2 and L3) to locate
L3 queries (e.g., to identify courses relevant for particular geographies / industry partners) specific information. AR-/VR-based training tools are used to provide more engaging
⚫ The training robot (rule-based chatbot) provides a list of options with different times, dates, experiences to partners
and locations for in-person hands-on courses ⚫ Ai-enabled tools provide partners with analytics on the most opted training courses by
⚫ Once the partner confirms his/her training options, a training robot completes the booking, other partners and suggest the next course of action/training based on certification
and sends the confirmation and joining instructions from a training knowledge base test scores
⚫ The training robot handles test administration, results confirmation, certification, and

Benefits ⚫ Cost impact: moderate cost savings, as no manual intervention is required to start partner ⚫ Cost impact: significant cost savings, as AI-based chatbots can address L2 and L3
training inquiries
⚫ Operational impact: reduced time and effort to schedule partner training sessions ⚫ Operational impact: reduced time and effort in training partners on products and
⚫ Business impact: moderate improvement in partner confidence in terms of services
product/company knowledge ⚫ Business impact: significant improvement in partner confidence in terms of
product/company knowledge

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Use case: partner onboarding | partner enablement
Leverage digital levers to better enable partners by improving partner support, easing the post-sales process, and
collaborating for joint events

Partner registration Initial training and certification Partner enablement

Level 1 Level 2

Digital levers ⚫ Rule-based chatbots ⚫ Mobility

⚫ RPA ⚫ IVAs / AI-based chatbots
⚫ Advanced analytics

Digitally enabled ⚫ On completion of initial training, an RPA robot provides the partner with access to sales, ⚫ Partners leverage voice-enabled support in the partner app/portal to request
workflow leads or dealing systems, product knowledge base, as well as partner support systems customer/product information, quotes, discounts, etc.
⚫ Partners raise support requests via email. A rule-based chatbot responds to L1 queries ⚫ RPA robots extract information available across structured, semi-structured, and
and recommends targeted training based on the partner’s product understanding. L2 unstructured data sources to provide agents/brokers with information in their preferred
queries are routed to support staff language using IDP and NLP for prior processing and translation
⚫ On completing a sales order, a partner can submit sales/order information in various ⚫ Partner queries are analyzed to update training/support staff to create new collaterals or
formats (spreadsheets, pdfs, etc.). It gets intelligently routed for account settling and translate existing collaterals into preferred languages
post-sales processes ⚫ IDP solutions process sales/order information in varying formats. RPA robots are
⚫ RPA robots also help in automated registration for joint marketing events and provide deployed to automate the post-sales process (e.g., account settling and documentation)
information on discounts, sponsorship, and service brochures ⚫ In addition to helping in event registration, AI tools help match geography and partner
profiles for administration of advertising events (e.g., assigning stand positions)

Benefits ⚫ Cost impact: moderate cost savings, as L1 partner queries are handled by rule-based ⚫ Cost impact: significant cost savings in handling partner queries and administration of
chatbots events by AI-enabled robots
⚫ Operational impact: moderate improvement in average time for new partners to start ⚫ Operational impact: significant improvement in average time for new partners to start
responding to customer queries sharing lead and quote information
⚫ Business impact: partners start servicing customer requirements quickly, increasing ⚫ Business impact: reduced effort in post-sales process and improved partner
their contribution to sales growth collaboration for business growth

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key contents

⚫ Introduction to 360-degree enterprise automation

⚫ Leveraging digital levers to re-imagine journey experiences

– Customer journey experience management
– Employee journey experience management
– Partner journey experience management
– Supplier journey experience management
– Compliance journey experience management

⚫ Steps and strategies to develop a connected business ecosystem

⚫ Enterprise case studies

⚫ Appendix

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Enterprises’ expectations from suppliers are shifting from cost and risk management to
strategic collaborations

Changing enterprise expectations from suppliers over the years

⚫ Spend reduction
⚫ Supply chain security
⚫ Risk management
⚫ Regulatory compliance
⚫ Reduced time-to-market
1980- 2015-
2000 present

⚫ Timely availability of ⚫ Strategic collaborations
products and services ⚫ Co-innovation
⚫ Accurate processing of ⚫ Joint objectives with interlinked
transactions profits and losses
⚫ Total life cycle cost optimization
⚫ Outcome-based partnership
⚫ Focus on customer experience

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To keep pace with increasing expectations, suppliers need enterprise support on multiple

Timely communication
Prompt notifications regarding purchase
orders, disputes, and payments

Demand planning support Incentives for co-innovation

Shared demand forecasting Innovation and collaboration
for products/services for better on mutually beneficial projects
production planning

Personalization Reliability
Tailored engagement and Adherence to SLAs and
interactions based on context commitment to building
gained from previous dealings long-term relationships

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A traditional supplier management approach poses numerous challenges that hinder
strategic collaboration

Challenges enterprises face in traditional supplier management

Excessive focus on costs

An overemphasis on cost indicates a short-term orientation and hinders mutually beneficial supplier relationships that can drive innovation and growth for both the parties

Lack of trust
Issues such as late deliveries, delayed payments, long lead times, and non-adherence to SLAs indicate a lack of trust between suppliers and enterprises. Trust is crucial
for strategic collaborations with overlapping objectives

Poor visibility
Lack of information-sharing between enterprise and supplier systems leads to poor process visibility, with both the parties facing difficulties in tracking product/service
deliveries, invoices, payments, and other process-related information

Technology gap
Enterprises and suppliers continue to leverage legacy systems, with no mechanisms for integration. Lack of technologies such as analytics, intelligent automation, and AI
further limits cost reduction, process optimization, and strategic insights

Increased risks and uncertainties

Risks and uncertainties are major concerns for suppliers and enterprises in today’s global supply chain. Any major disruption on either side will have a major impact on
operations and may even pose a threat to business continuity

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Poor supplier experience leads to suboptimal business outcomes for all stakeholder

Challenges Impact on suppliers Impact on enterprises

Sole focus on cost Lack of ability to add strategic value Lack of innovation

Lack of trust No long-term collaboration Frequent switching of suppliers

Poor visibility Inefficient resource planning Limited supplier insights and ineffective communication

Technology gap Incompatible systems with limited information-sharing Incompatible systems, with limited information sharing

Increased risks and uncertainty Late payments / PO cancellations Delayed deliveries / unfulfilled orders

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Hence, enterprises are using digital levers to enhance the supplier journey experience

Key partner interaction touchpoints

Termination Identification Registration Supplier Delivery and Co-innovation Supplier Performance

and and onboarding selection payments collaboration inquiries management

Supplier experience can be transformed with the following digital levers

Mobility Analytics RPA Chatbots AI (including Blockchain

IVA and IDP)

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Digital levers can help enterprises achieve multiple benefits by transforming the supplier

Process Subprocesses Digital interventions Business benefits

⚫ Qualification criteria finalization RPA, analytics, AI

Identification and ⚫ Rationalized qualification process
⚫ Prequalification and identification
qualification ⚫ Reliable supplier selection
⚫ Qualification audit
⚫ Supplier registration ⚫ Faster onboarding
Registration and RPA, chatbots, AI, IDP, chatbots
⚫ Vendor setup ⚫ Reduced supplier effort
⚫ Account notifications and alerts ⚫ Better supplier engagement
⚫ RFX response RPA, analytics, IDP, AI ⚫ Increased process visibility
Supplier selection ⚫ Negotiating and contracting ⚫ Improved communication
⚫ SLA creation ⚫ Real-time tracking
⚫ Purchase order
RPA, analytics, mobility, AI, blockchain ⚫ Better service delivery
Delivery and payments ⚫ Products/services delivery
⚫ Improved supplier loyalty
⚫ Supplier payment
⚫ Collaboration planning RPA, analytics
Co-innovation ⚫ Faster and better product development
⚫ Innovation and solution development
collaboration ⚫ Lower development costs
⚫ Solution implementation
⚫ Inquiry filing RPA, IDP, analytics, mobility, AI, ⚫ Reduced processing errors
Supplier inquiries ⚫ Investigation and processing chatbots ⚫ Preemption of disputes
⚫ Inquiry resolution ⚫ Faster inquiry resolution
⚫ Ongoing relationship support ⚫ Optimized processes
⚫ Performance measurement RPA, analytics, mobility, AI ⚫ Reduced supplier risks
⚫ Supplier development ⚫ Better supplier insights

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Use case: supplier inquiries
Supplier journey and key challenges
Workflow phases

Inquiry filing Investigation and processing Resolution

⚫ Choose the medium of communication ⚫ Receive status updates ⚫ Receive inquiry response
Supplier journey

⚫ Fill supplier details in inquiry/dispute form ⚫ Provide clarifications (if required) ⚫ Evaluate response
⚫ Update inquiry details ⚫ Wait for inquiry response ⚫ Follow-up and seek clarifications
⚫ Attach supporting documents ⚫ Escalate inquiry if required
⚫ Submit inquiry

⚫ Paper-based communication ⚫ Time consuming ⚫ Incomplete/shoddy resolution

Key issues

⚫ Manual data inputs ⚫ Processing errors due to manual tasks ⚫ Delayed response
⚫ Lack of standardized template to file inquiry ⚫ Poor process visibility ⚫ Multiple follow-ups
⚫ Disconnected databases ⚫ Poor first contact resolution rate

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Use case: supplier inquiries | inquiry filing
Simplify supplier inquiry filing process by setting up a dedicated portal for filing inquiries

Inquiry filing Investigation and processing Resolution

Level 1 Level 2

Digital levers ⚫ Mobility ⚫ Mobility

⚫ Rule-based chatbots ⚫ IVAs / AI-based chatbots

Digitally enabled ⚫ A supplier has the option to file an inquiry through a dedicated portal accessible on a ⚫ A supplier has the option to file an inquiry through a dedicated portal accessible on a
workflow mobile or a web-based channel mobile or a web-based channel
⚫ A rule-based chatbot files simple L1 support queries such as FAQs, PO details, and ⚫ An AI-based chatbot files L1 and L2 inquiries and assists the agent in filing L3 queries
password change requests ⚫ The IDP software extracts all relevant information (including unstructured content) from
⚫ The OCR software extracts structured information from paper-based inquiries. The paper-based inquiries
human agent pulls out the content present in unstructured format ⚫ The RPA robot automatically fills supplier details from the supplier database for L2 and L3
⚫ The RPA robot automatically fills supplier details from the supplier database to inquiries
support L2 and L3 inquiries ⚫ The IVA robot identifies inquiry type in real time, suggests a customized template with pre-
⚫ The supplier provides inquiry-related details in a standardized template, attaches filled details, and lists the required supporting documents
supporting documents, and submits the inquiry on the portal ⚫ The supplier submits the inquiry on the portal with the required documents
⚫ The RPA robot sends inquiry receipt confirmation and provides the reference number ⚫ The RPA robot sends inquiry receipt confirmation along with the reference number and
provides an estimated time for resolution

Benefits ⚫ Cost impact: moderate cost savings due to fewer manual inputs ⚫ Cost impact: significant cost savings, as IVA robots handle both L1 and L2 support
⚫ Operational impact: moderate improvement in average time to file the inquiry queries
⚫ Business impact: reduction in supplier effort and improvement in inquiry filing ⚫ Operational impact: significant improvement in average time to file the inquiry, given high
process digital intervention
⚫ Business impact: significant reduction in supplier effort and streamlined inquiry filing

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Use case: supplier inquiries | investigation and processing
Minimize manual processing to make the process faster and more accurate

Inquiry filing Investigation and processing Resolution

Level 1 Level 2

Digital levers ⚫ Mobility ⚫ Mobility

⚫ Rule-based chatbots ⚫ IVAs / AI-based chatbots
⚫ AI-enabled intelligent routing system ⚫ Advanced analytics
⚫ AI-enabled intelligent routing system

Digitally enabled ⚫ A support agent categorizes inquiries into different types ⚫ The IDP software categorizes inquiries into different types
workflow ⚫ A rule-based chatbot processes simple L1 inquiries in real-time ⚫ An AI-based chatbot processes simple L1 and most of L2 inquiries in real-time
⚫ An RPA robot extracts relevant information from different sources, such as supplier ⚫ An AI-enabled intelligent routing system routes unresolved L2 and L3 inquiries to the best-
databases and PO databases fit agent
⚫ An AI-enabled intelligent routing system routes L2 and L3 inquiries such as contract ⚫ An attended robot suggests relevant possible responses to support agents based on
disputes and delivery discrepancies to the best-fit agent previous supplier interactions
⚫ The agent manually processes L2 and L3 inquiries and collects additional information ⚫ The self-learning IVA robot observes agent behavior as he/she resolves queries and
from internal and external stakeholders automatically updates its knowledge base
⚫ The RPA robot sends processing updates to the supplier and seeks additional ⚫ The RPA robot sends processing updates to the supplier and seeks additional
clarifications, if needed clarifications, if needed

Benefits ⚫ Cost impact: moderate cost savings, as rule-based chatbots handle L1 support ⚫ Cost impact: significant cost savings, as IVA robots handle and process both L1 and L2
queries support queries
⚫ Operational impact: moderate improvement in processing time and accuracy due to ⚫ Operational impact: significant improvement in processing time, accuracy, and agent
reduced manual involvement productivity
⚫ Business impact: moderate improvement in agent satisfaction and process visibility ⚫ Business impact: significant improvement in agent satisfaction and process visibility

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Use case: supplier inquiries | resolution
Improve supplier satisfaction through swift inquiry resolution and thorough follow-up

Inquiry filing Investigation and processing Resolution

Level 1 Level 2

Digital levers ⚫ Mobility ⚫ Mobility

⚫ Rule-based chatbots ⚫ IVAs / AI-based chatbots
⚫ AI-enabled intelligent routing system

Digitally enabled ⚫ A rule-based chatbot resolves L1 inquiries in real-time ⚫ An AI-based chatbot resolves L1 and most L2 inquiries in real-time
workflow ⚫ A human agent resolves L2 and L3 inquiries ⚫ A human agent resolves L2 exceptions and L3 inquiries with the support of an attended
⚫ An RPA robot sends a response on the inquiry portal and notifies the supplier through RPA robot
their preferred medium ⚫ An RPA robot sends a response on the inquiry portal and notifies the supplier through
⚫ The supplier manually closes the inquiry, seeks further clarifications, or escalates the their preferred medium
inquiry ⚫ The IVA robot assists the supplier to close the inquiry, seek further clarifications, or
⚫ The RPA robot redirects suppliers to the relevant page to seek clarifications escalate the inquiry
⚫ The RPA robot routes back the supplier’s response to the assigned agent for further ⚫ An AI-enabled intelligent routing system routes the supplier’s response to the best-fit
investigation and processing, if required agent and/or account manager for further investigation and processing, if required
⚫ The agent reaches out to the relevant stakeholders, processes additional information, ⚫ An attended RPA robot helps the agent collect and process additional information to
and follows up on with the suppler to address the inquiry resolve the inquiry
⚫ The RPA robot updates the inquiry status on the portal ⚫ The RPA robot regularly updates the inquiry status on the portal

Benefits ⚫ Cost impact: moderate cost savings, as rule-based chatbots handle L1 support ⚫ Cost impact: significant cost savings, as IVA robots handle both L1 and L2 support
queries queries
⚫ Operational impact: moderate improvement in average inquiry resolution time ⚫ Operational impact: significant improvement in average inquiry resolution time
⚫ Business impact: moderate improvement in supplier satisfaction and first contact ⚫ Business impact: significant improvement in supplier satisfaction and first contact
resolution rate resolution rate

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key contents

⚫ Introduction to 360-degree enterprise automation

⚫ Leveraging digital levers to re-imagine journey experiences

– Customer journey experience management
– Employee journey experience management
– Partner journey experience management
– Supplier journey experience management
– Compliance journey experience management

⚫ Steps and strategies to develop a connected business ecosystem

⚫ Enterprise case studies

⚫ Appendix

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Regulatory compliance is becoming more significant as regulatory pressure on enterprises
is rising

Total value of fines

Regulatory pressure is increasing (US$ million)
Enforcement actions and fines related to AML globally
Number of actions
Increasing fines and Regulatory 12000 10,838 22 25

Total value of fines

Enterprises have had to cough out heavy 20

Number of actions
15 15
fines for non-compliance with Anti-Money 14
12 6,190 15
Laundering (AML), Know Your Customer
(KYC) and sanctions regulations 9 4,471
6 3,150
3000 4 2,176 1,807 5
891 909 720
0 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Data breaches
Data breaches and number of records exposed Records exposed
Increasing number of data breaches (millions)
1800 446 500
and frauds
Number of data breaches

With an increase in data breaches and 1500

frauds, regulatory compliance becomes 1,244

Records exposed
even more significant 1200 1,091
900 783 780 198
662 614 200
600 498 471
421 92 85.6 169.1
300 36.5
16.2 22.9 17.3

0 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Source: Financial times, Insurance information institute, McKinsey and Company

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

However, enterprises face multiple challenges that result in inefficient regulatory

Challenges enterprises face in ensuring regulatory compliance

Increased number of regulations

Regulations have been increasing in recent years both in scope and number. Increasing number of screenings and checks require enterprises to continuously update
processes and train personnel to ensure regulatory compliance

Inefficiency in current systems

Old legacy systems are unequipped to handle current regulations and also more vulnerable to malwares or breaches, as they lack the updates to adhere to new security

Changing business environment

Technology has improved speed, performance, and reliability across multiple industries, shifted customer preferences, and made the already complex task of compliance
even more challenging

Increasing globalization
Increasing globalization means enterprises must follow different regulations in different geographies, making regulatory compliance an even more challenging task

Divergent regulations
Divergent regulations such as GDPR and open banking regulations often expect enterprises to put efforts in different directions, increasing compliance efforts

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Inefficient regulatory compliance not only increases enterprises’ overhead costs, but also
mars the customer and regulator experience

Reasons for declining regulatory experience

Inconsistent data standards and archaic processes result in silos of information and different
No single source of truth
versions of the same document with different business units

Many enterprises still follow paper-based processes, which require significant effort from both
Paper-based compliance processes
the enterprise and the regulator

In the absence of proper compliance processes, regulatory queries need more time, resulting
Delayed responses
in delayed responses

⚫ For example, most banks agree that KYC due diligence requirements are impacting onboarding times
⚫ The cost of onboarding a new client has increased for more than 60% of banks, with the average increase pegged at between 11% and 20% in the last five years
⚫ A higher onboarding time mars customer experience

Source: LexisNexis, Thomson Reuters, Finextra

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To improve the experience for regulators and customers, enterprises need to transition from
a check-the-box regulatory compliance view to a more holistic compliance view

Check-the-box compliance view Holistic compliance view

Viewed as set of rules to adhere to, framework to Best-in-class corporate governance and
run and manage integrity standards

No focus on customer and regulatory experience Superior regulatory experience with real-time
compliance view
No collaboration with market players
Compliance ecosystem development
Reactive approach to compliance
Compliant-by-design approach
Risk mitigation processes defined based on
regulations Compliance as a competitive advantage

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Digital levers can facilitate this transition and help enterprises achieve a holistic
compliance view

Predictive analytics, along with Big Data, can Blockchain
help institutions form a uniform view of their Blockchain-based solutions can help carry out a single
customers across business units. KYC for clients accessible to multiple institutions.
Use case: Analytics can help organizations to Use case: Blockchain-based solutions are enabling
develop a single view of compliance for regulators to not only view KYC data, but also check
regulators in different banking business units associated data such as transactions for AML checks,
thereby making the regulator a partner in the
compliance process

Artificial intelligence
AI applications can reduce human involvement in
various processes and AI solutions can be trained to
understand changing regulatory frameworks as well
as deliver workflow automation.
Use case: AI is being leveraged for fraud analytics, Automation
where it can analyze hundreds of variables and Automation can be a key driver to reduce compliance
parameters to identify a fraud very quickly costs and improve regulator experience.
Use case: Automation is being leveraged to automate
regulatory reporting at various levels, which not only
improves the quality of reports, but also reduces the time
taken to deliver a report to regulators

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Digital levers can help banks achieve multiple business benefits by transforming the
regulatory journey experience

Process Subprocesses Digital interventions Business benefits

⚫ Customer identification
⚫ Robust compliance experience
⚫ Customer registration and KYC
Onboarding RPA, analytics, AI, blockchain ⚫ Faster onboarding process
⚫ Customer risk assessment
⚫ Higher customer engagement
⚫ FATCA compliance

⚫ Data and transaction security

⚫ Improved customer retention
Anti Money Laundering ⚫ Suspicious activity monitoring
RPA, analytics, AI, blockchain ⚫ Reduced fraud losses
(AML) ⚫ Trade surveillance
⚫ Decreased compliance cost
⚫ Screening

⚫ Increased security
⚫ Payment screening and tampering checks
Fraud management RPA, analytics, AI ⚫ Reduced frauds
⚫ Fraud recovery and reporting
⚫ Prevention of compliance penalties

⚫ Customer information management ⚫ Improved data protection

⚫ Information security RPA, analytics, AI ⚫ Increased security
⚫ Information updates ⚫ Prevention of compliance penalties

⚫ Reduced processing errors

⚫ Dispute filing and categorization
⚫ Robust regulatory reporting
Chargeback and disputes ⚫ Dispute investigation and processing RPA, analytics, AI
⚫ Preemption of dispute cases
⚫ Data and transaction management
⚫ Instant refund

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Use cases
Regulatory journey and key challenges

Use case 1 – customer onboarding Use case 2 – trade finance

Trade contract

Importer Shipment of goods Exporter


Customer identification Credential verification Advanced due diligence LC issue
Importer’s bank Payment Exporter’s bank

Regulatory journey Challenges Regulatory journey Challenges

⚫ Collect basic information ⚫ Paper-based cumbersome processes ⚫ Collect documents, including the sales ⚫ Paper-based manual processes
⚫ Cross reference with consumer ⚫ Delays and errors due to manual data agreement between the exporter and the
⚫ Manual data inputs at various levels
reporting agencies and public databases inputs importer to perform KYC and know your
third party ⚫ Multiple parties involved and different
⚫ Perform risk assessment ⚫ Too many / repeated documentation KYC process standards in different
requests ⚫ Contact customers to access information
⚫ Assess levels of due diligence required countries
such as location of incorporation,
⚫ Verify customer identity ⚫ Slow KYC process, as agents manually ⚫ Siloed systems
ownership structure, regulatory status,
check documents
⚫ Screen for sanctions outstanding legal proceedings, and types ⚫ Multiple regulatory parties involved
⚫ Considerable delay in communicating of financial transactions anticipated resulting in numerous accounting, tax,
⚫ Identify source of funds
the decision and reporting obligations
⚫ Check for expected pattern of activity in ⚫ Conduct goods inspection by the
⚫ Demotivated agents customs agent ⚫ Incomplete, unreliable, and inaccessible
terms of transaction type, dollar value,
and frequency ⚫ Siloed systems ⚫ Perform AML checks data
⚫ Maintain audit trail and secure archive of ⚫ Incomplete, unreliable, and inaccessible ⚫ High risk of fraud, money laundering,
the documents data and terror financing

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Use case 1: customer onboarding | customer identification
Focus on automatically verifying customer identity accurately

Customer identification Credential verification Advanced due diligence

Level 1 Level 2

Digital levers ⚫ Rule-based system ⚫ RPA

⚫ RPA ⚫ AI-enabled routing system

Digitally enabled ⚫ The bank requests the customer for basic customer information such as ⚫ The bank requests the customer for basic customer information such as customer identity
workflow customer identity number number
⚫ An RPA robot pulls out customer data available with the bank to pre-fill certain ⚫ An RPA robot pulls the customer information from a broad set of data sources such as
fields and cross references it with consumer reporting agencies and public public databases, consumer reporting agencies, social media, and other secondary
databases sources available on internet
⚫ The customer manually enters other details ⚫ The customer manually enters other details
⚫ An agent reviews applications to check the information from data bases and ⚫ The RPA robot verifies identity by matching document numbers with government agency
handle cases that demand an increased level of scrutiny records (e.g., passport number, social security)
⚫ The agent scans the identity verification documents and stores them digitally for ⚫ The RPA robot verifies information and performs risk assessment. L1 and some level of
future reference L2 required for exception. L3 support resolves/routes any exceptions to the best-fit agent
⚫ The RPA robot reviews applications and documents in real-time and through an AI-enabled intelligent routing system
automatically notifies the customer about any additional/missing documents ⚫ The RPA robot saves customer profile for regulators and company wide Customer
Identification Program (CIP)

Benefits ⚫ Cost impact: moderate cost savings due to fewer manual processes ⚫ Cost impact: significant compliance cost savings, as document collection is automated
⚫ Operational impact: moderate improvement in average time to collect ⚫ Operational impact: significant improvement in average time to collect documents and in
information and in data quality data and document quality
⚫ Business impact: improvement in customer effort score ⚫ Business impact: significant improvement in customer acquisition rate

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Use case 1: customer onboarding | credential verification
Reimagine KYC process with limited manual inputs and a single source of truth

Customer identification Credential verification Advanced due diligence

Level 1 Level 2

Digital levers ⚫ Rule-based system ⚫ RPA

⚫ RPA ⚫ Advanced analytics
⚫ Analytics ⚫ Data management

Digitally enabled ⚫ An RPA robot verifies customer information; scans sanction lists, watchlists, and ⚫ An RPA robot connects multiple, disparate internal systems, watchlists, sanctions list and
workflow news; and flags doubtful customers news to extract customer’s background information. The robot automatically informs the
⚫ An agent verifies the information and requests additional documents customer if additional documents are required
⚫ The RPA robot determines whether to approve or reject the application and ⚫ The RPA robot performs additional risk analysis to identify likelihood of the fraud and flags
automatically notifies the customer about the application status up high-risk profiles for advanced due diligence
⚫ The agent performs quality assessment for approved applications ⚫ The RPA robot determines whether to approve or reject the application and automatically
⚫ The agent reviews applications that the RPA robot is not equipped to handle and notifies the customer about the application status
works on cases that demand an increased level of scrutiny ⚫ The robot performs quality assessment for approved applications and marks a score with
⚫ The agent stores all documents and verification proofs in a single system for the profile for regulatory authorities
regulatory audits ⚫ The robot generates audit reports and sends them to designated regulatory authorities

Benefits ⚫ Cost impact: moderate cost savings, as document verification is automated ⚫ Cost impact: significant cost savings due to fewer manual processes and reduced fines
⚫ Operational impact: improved security and compliance and non-compliance costs
⚫ Business impact: improved customer experience with quick response time to ⚫ Operational impact: significant improvement in average time to complete registration,
accept/reject a customer given high digital intervention
⚫ Business impact: improvement in regulatory experience

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Use case 1: customer onboarding | advanced due diligence
Focus on faster and more robust due diligence

Customer identification Credential verification Advanced due diligence

Advanced due
Level 1 Level 2

Digital levers ⚫ Rule-based system ⚫ RPA

⚫ RPA ⚫ AI-enabled routing system
⚫ Analytics ⚫ IDP

Digitally enabled ⚫ An RPA robot creates a case report and pulls out customer data ⚫ An RPA robot creates a case report and pulls out data from various sources to create a
workflow ⚫ It then carries out sanctions list screening and news screening for any negative single view of client information
news ⚫ The robot performs sanctions list screening with automated tax compliance checks, such
⚫ An agent performs judgment-intensive due diligence checks such as OFAC as the FATCA compliance check, and flags up profiles that require a manual review
screening and tax compliance checks such as the FATCA check ⚫ An AI-enabled routing system routes any exceptions to the best-fit agent and also
⚫ The agent then performs any physical checks required, such as address proof suggests the next best action to support decision-making
verification, and valuation and audit checks ⚫ The robot prepares the due diligence report and updates the customer about the
⚫ The agent sends the due diligence report for onboarding decision onboarding decision
⚫ The agent flags up high-risk profiles for future monitoring and reports them to ⚫ The robot is also equipped to perform detailed analysis on the collected data. It stores the
regulatory authorities via a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) data for future use and also shares it with regulatory authorities, if required

Benefits ⚫ Cost impact: moderate reduction in compliance cost ⚫ Cost impact: significant cost savings, with reduced fines and noncompliance cases
⚫ Operational impact: faster due diligence process and increased agent ⚫ Operational impact: improved average request handling time, as agents have a unified
productivity customer view and guidance for next-best action
⚫ Business impact: improved compliance with KYC standards ⚫ Business impact: improved regulatory experience and reduced fraud risk and losses

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Use case 2: trade finance
Reimagine monitoring in the trade finance process by offering live regulatory oversight using blockchain

Trade finance Level 1 Level 2

Digital levers ⚫ Blockchain ⚫ Enterprise-level blockchain

⚫ Rule-based system ⚫ Trade digitization solution

Digitally enabled ⚫ Documents on purchases made are linked and made accessible through ⚫ Documents on purchase are linked and made accessible through blockchain; an RPA
workflow blockchain that can be reviewed and approved in real time, reducing the total robot pulls out already-existing customer data and contacts third-party verified sources to
processing time pre-fill certain fields
⚫ The associated parties (e.g., bank) get a transparent view into subsequent short- ⚫ In real-time, the import bank will be able to review the purchase agreement, draft terms of
term financing (letter of credit) and insurance credit, and submit the obligation to pay the export bank
⚫ The notary ensures invoice uniqueness ⚫ Banks facilitating trade finance through enterprise-level blockchain do not require a
⚫ Bills of lading are tracked through blockchain, eliminating the possibility of double trusted intermediary to assume risk and double check, as bills of lading are tracked
spending through blockchain, eliminating the possibility of double spending
⚫ Digital documents are available on the blockchain to assist in enforcement and ⚫ Regulators are provided with a real-time view of essential documents to assist in
AML activities enforcement and AML activities
⚫ The bank can perform further retrospective analysis to predict criminal activities

Benefits ⚫ Cost impact: moderate cost savings with fewer manual processes ⚫ Cost impact: significant cost savings, with reduced fraud cases and non-compliance
⚫ Operational impact: moderate improvement in processing time and compliance costs
costs ⚫ Operational impact: improved regulatory compliance with reduced manual intervention,
⚫ Business impact: improved efficiency, reduced processing time, and lower proof of ownership, and automated settlement features
regulatory risk ⚫ Business impact: improved regulatory experience and improved bottom-line by reducing
resource wastage and costs

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key contents

⚫ Introduction to 360-degree enterprise automation

⚫ Leveraging digital levers to reimagine journey experiences

⚫ Steps and strategies to develop a connected business ecosystem

⚫ Enterprise case studies

⚫ Appendix

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key steps for enterprises to develop a connected business ecosystem

2 4
1 Assess market capabilities
and create a business case
for the desired outcome
3 Identify all determinants
and map path 5
⚫ Evaluate technologies ⚫ Identify the factors that
available in the market to Determine capability determine the execution
Execute against mapped
Understand current state reimagine the process, as target state path
path, including
well as stakeholder journey environmental ones
⚫ Identify and prioritize the experiences ⚫ Based on the outcome ⚫ Execute based on the
⚫ Identify the best-fit path,
process ⚫ Explore possible outcomes desired, determine the planned path
based on both automation
⚫ For the identified process, with the technologies available capability level required ⚫ Course correct if and when
capability and
discover the as-is state ⚫ For the outcome desired, ⚫ Identify capability environmental new information comes to
– Map the current journey detail the business case components that would determinants light
experiences / touchpoints of need to be created/achieved ⚫ Identify key execution
⚫ Fine-tune the target state
all the stakeholder groups as part of the execution path challenges and best practices
outcome if the business case
– Identify the key challenges/ does not stand to overcome them
bottlenecks in their current ⚫ Identify tools and frameworks
journeys for successful execution
– Determine existing
⚫ Continuously monitor, seek
automation capabilities and
to improve, and systematize
associated outcomes

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key steps for enterprises to develop a connected business ecosystem

2 4
1 Assess market capabilities
and create a business case
for the desired outcome
3 Identify all determinants
and map path 5
⚫ Evaluate technologies ⚫ Identify the factors that
available in the market to Determine capability determine the execution
Execute against mapped
Understand current state reimagine the process, as target state path
path, including
well as stakeholder journey environmental ones
⚫ Identify and prioritize the experiences ⚫ Based on the outcome ⚫ Execute based on the
⚫ Identify the best-fit path,
process ⚫ Explore possible outcomes desired, determine the planned path
based on both automation
⚫ For the identified process, with the technologies available capability level required ⚫ Course correct if and when
capability and
discover the as-is state ⚫ For the outcome desired, ⚫ Identify capability environmental new information comes to
– Map the current journey detail the business case components that would determinants light
experiences / touchpoints of need to be created/achieved ⚫ Identify key execution
⚫ Fine-tune the target state
all the stakeholder groups as part of the execution path challenges and best practices
outcome if the business case
– Identify the key challenges/ does not stand to overcome them
bottlenecks in their current ⚫ Identify tools and frameworks
journeys for successful execution
– Determine existing
⚫ Continuously monitor, seek
automation capabilities and
to improve, and systematize
associated outcomes

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Use case: An organization evaluating its Order Management and Fulfilment (OMF) process
for automation should start by understanding the as-is process state, including the key sub-
processes and activities STEP 1

Detailed description of subprocesses and activities in the OMF process ILLUSTRATIVE

Lead and quote Order receipt Order Inventory After-sales

Subprocesses Order delivery
management and entry processing management service

⚫ Lead generation ⚫ Order received through ⚫ Customer helpdesk ⚫ Claims/warranty ⚫ Consolidate and ship ⚫ Demand forecasting
⚫ Obtain and respond to various channels follow-up management order ⚫ Vendor Managed
Activities Request for Proposal ⚫ Order validation ⚫ PO / invoice / Advanced ⚫ Returns ⚫ Shipping document Inventory (VMI) support
(RFP) / Request for ⚫ Order entry Service Notification management management ⚫ Management of
Quote (RFQ) (ASN) matching ⚫ Service contract ⚫ Track and trace shipment warehouse network
⚫ Acknowledgement and
⚫ Quote generation receipt generation ⚫ Schedule product management ⚫ Receive and verify
receipt product receipt

Business outcomes of successfully managing the OMF process

Revenue growth by Better demand-supply Enhanced customer Improved On Time In Full Reduced supplier risk Reduced employee
processing more orders planning, with improved experience and (OTIF) delivery and and improved supplier effort resulting in
successfully supply chain visibility improved sales reduced order to delivery experience enhanced employee
cycle time and delays experience

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This exercise would also involve identifying the key stakeholders and systems involved in the
process, as well as other processes impacted by OMF process


Key processes impacted by

Key stakeholders involved Key systems involved in OMF
OMF outcomes

⚫ Customers ⚫ Customer Relationship Management (CRM) ⚫ Incentive management for internal and external teams
⚫ Sales teams system ⚫ Audit process
⚫ Operational teams for order entry ⚫ Channel management systems (compiling ⚫ Supplier payment processing
orders across sales channels, such as website,
⚫ Customer helpdesk / customer service staff ⚫ Customer account management
mobile applications, retails stores, etc.)
⚫ Warehouse and logistics providers
⚫ Product Information Management (PIM) system
⚫ Manufacturing department
⚫ Order entry system
⚫ Products/services suppliers
⚫ Contract management system
⚫ Procurement teams
⚫ Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system
⚫ Finance and accounting department
⚫ Forecasting and purchasing
⚫ Service providers for claims/warranty processing
⚫ Logistics management and order tracking
⚫ Marketing team
⚫ Order management platform/module
⚫ After-sales service partners for repair/return
⚫ Payment processing / cash collection systems

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Having mapped the value chain, enterprises should map current journey
experiences/touchpoints of all the stakeholders and identify the key issues associated with
the touchpoints STEP 1


Subprocess 1 Subprocess 2 Subprocess 3 Subprocess 4 Subprocess 5 Subprocess 6

Stakeholder’s role in the ⚫ Interact with sales team ⚫ Generate purchase order ⚫ Communicate order ⚫ Track order shipment ⚫ File disputes/ warranty
⚫ Request for RFXs ⚫ Receive order modifications ⚫ Check order accuracy claims
confirmation Seek clarifications and quality
Stakeholder journey

Impact of the process on ⚫ Behavior of the sales ⚫ Multi-channel support for ⚫ Delays in order ⚫ Sub-optimal inventory ⚫ Timely and accurate ⚫ Swift resolution of
team, RFQ process, and order placement, timely processing, response to management can lead to deliveries with regular claims/disputes with
stakeholder experience
negotiation process updates on order, and customer delayed / partial updates will lead to minimal follow-ups

Stakeholder’s impact on ⚫ Sales channel, lead ⚫ Order placement process, ⚫ Processing times vary ⚫ Size of customer’s order ⚫ The process is designed ⚫ Organizations should
generation, RFX process, channel support, and depending on customer’s impacts inventory to meet customer’s ensure that
the process
payment terms, and customer assistance planning delivery products/services are
prices are decided based during
on customer

Key issues/challenges ⚫ Behavior of the sales ⚫ Multi-channel support for ⚫ Delays in order ⚫ Sub-optimal inventory ⚫ Timely and accurate ⚫ Swift resolution of
team, RFQ process, and order placement, timely processing, response to management can lead to deliveries with regular claims/disputes with
negotiation process updates on order, and customer delayed / partial updates will lead to minimal follow-ups

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Journey experiences must be mapped for each of the key stakeholder groups across

1 Refer to Appendix pages 146-152 for a detailed illustration mapping the stakeholder journey for the above five key stakeholder groups, taking OMF process as an example

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Enterprises should also understand their existing automation capabilities and associated
outcomes, as well as goals and capabilities for the desired target state

1 Refer to Everest Group’s Smart RPA Playbook for more details

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key steps for enterprises to develop a connected business ecosystem

2 4
1 Assess market capabilities
and create a business case
for the desired outcome
3 Identify all determinants
and map path 5
⚫ Evaluate technologies ⚫ Identify the factors that
available in the market to Determine capability determine the execution
Execute against mapped
Understand current state reimagine the process, as target state path
path, including
well as stakeholder journey environmental ones
⚫ Identify and prioritize the experiences ⚫ Based on the outcome ⚫ Execute based on the
⚫ Identify the best-fit path,
process ⚫ Explore possible outcomes desired, determine the planned path
based on both automation
⚫ For the identified process, with the technologies available capability level required ⚫ Course correct if and when
capability and
discover the as-is state ⚫ For the outcome desired, ⚫ Identify capability environmental new information comes to
– Map the current journey detail the business case components that would determinants light
experiences / touchpoints of need to be created/achieved ⚫ Identify key execution
⚫ Fine-tune the target state
all the stakeholder groups as part of the execution path challenges and best practices
outcome if the business case
– Identify the key challenges/ does not stand to overcome them
bottlenecks in their current ⚫ Identify tools and frameworks
journeys for successful execution
– Determine existing
⚫ Continuously monitor, seek
automation capabilities and
to improve, and systematize
associated outcomes

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Use case: logistics management (page 1 of 2)
Enterprises need to identify the challenges/bottlenecks and their impact on stakeholder experience

Use case: logistics management
⚫ Manual tracking and tracing of orders
⚫ Lack of real-time communication and data-sharing between sellers and multiple logistics partners
⚫ Manual updates of order handovers
Challenges ⚫ Limited communication to customers on order status

Low High

Stakeholder Impact of challenges/bottlenecks on stakeholder experience Digital levers Reimagined workflow to address the challenges

Poor customer service due to delays and lack of transparency in ⚫ RPA ⚫ Mobile apps drive communications between sellers and various
order updates and deliveries logistics partners
⚫ AI ⚫ AI-based intelligent routing system coordinates between multiple
Difficult to keep track of order handovers, manage multiple logistics partners (road freight, cargo ships, etc.) and auto-assigns a
isolated order management systems, and keep buyers informed ⚫ Analytics partner based on goods’ location
⚫ RPA robots proactively monitor orders and update order handover
Lack of coordination between suppliers and inward logistics
Supplier ⚫ Mobile applications details in near-real time
partners can impact inventory availability
⚫ RPA robots trigger notifications (based on defined criteria) to
Lack of timely communication and coordination with multiple ⚫ IoT customers regarding their orders and direct any L2 and L3 queries to
Partner human agents
logistics partners (road freight, cargo ships, etc.)
⚫ Blockchain ⚫ Order delivery system integrated with logistics for proactive updates in
Involvement of regulators if logistics partners back out of case of outages
Regulator contracts or in case of customer disputes due to unfulfilled or ⚫ Cloud ⚫ Self-service on website and mobile apps enables customers to check
delayed orders status and also reduces helpdesk workload

• Improved visibility of the logistics process with real-time tracking of orders

• Enhanced customer experience with pro-active and real-time updates on order status
• Higher efficiency in order handling
• Real-time information sharing between sellers and logistics partners
Business • Feasibility of managing higher number of logistics partners
outcomes • Improved business coverage with ability to manage cross-border shipments

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Use case: logistics management (page 2 of 2)
Evaluate digital levers available in the market to reimagine the process and stakeholder experiences for the
desired business outcomes STEP 2

Use case: logistics management
⚫ Manual tracking and tracing of orders
⚫ Lack of real-time communication and data-sharing between sellers and multiple logistics partners
⚫ Manual updates of order handovers
Challenges ⚫ Limited communication to customers on order status

Low High

Stakeholder Impact of challenges/bottlenecks on stakeholder experience Digital levers Reimagined workflow to address the challenges

Poor customer service due to delays and lack of transparency in ⚫ RPA ⚫ Mobile apps drive communications between sellers and various
order updates and deliveries logistics partners
⚫ AI ⚫ AI-based intelligent routing system coordinates between multiple
Difficult to keep track of order handovers, manage multiple logistics partners (road freight, cargo ships, etc.) and auto-assigns a
isolated order management systems, and keep buyers informed ⚫ Analytics partner based on goods’ location
⚫ RPA robots proactively monitor orders and update order handover
Lack of coordination between suppliers and inward logistics
Supplier ⚫ Mobile applications details in near-real time
partners can impact inventory availability
⚫ RPA robots trigger notifications (based on defined criteria) to
Lack of timely communication and coordination with multiple ⚫ IoT customers regarding their orders and direct any L2 and L3 queries to
Partner human agents
logistics partners (road freight, cargo ships, etc.)
⚫ Blockchain ⚫ Order delivery system integrated with logistics for proactive updates in
Involvement of regulators if logistics partners back out of case of outages
Regulator contracts or in case of customer disputes due to unfulfilled or ⚫ Cloud ⚫ Self-service on website and mobile apps enables customers to check
delayed orders status and also reduces helpdesk workload

• Improved visibility of the logistics process with real-time tracking of orders

• Enhanced customer experience with pro-active and real-time updates on order status
• Higher efficiency in order handling
• Real-time information sharing between sellers and logistics partners
Business • Feasibility of managing higher number of logistics partners
outcomes • Improved business coverage with ability to manage cross-border shipments

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Similarly, enterprises should identify other use cases that have a direct or indirect impact
on the process under consideration1

1 Refer to pages 153-158 for other use cases on the OMF process

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

An important precursor to the business case is examining possible target state options
based on available technologies

Use case: logistics management ILLUSTRATIVE

State 5
State 4
State 3
State 2 Chatbots AI Increasing
Chatbots level of
State 1
RPA RPA Mobile apps RPA Mobile apps RPA Mobile apps

Digital levers used

Target states (all examples additive to previous state)

None – present state ⚫ Robots monitor ⚫ Mobile apps drive ⚫ Chatbots handle basic ⚫ AI-based intelligent routing
a large number of orders communication between customer inquiries and system coordinates between
24/7 and update order sellers and various logistics create tickets multiple logistics partners
handover details in near-real partners (road freight, cargo ships,
time for all relevant systems ⚫ Self-service option on etc.)
⚫ Robots also trigger website and mobile apps ⚫ Robots auto-assign a
notifications to customers in enables customers to check delivery partner based on
case of any expected delays order status goods location

Enterprises need to examine the different potential states they can achieve with available technologies for the desired outcomes. With increasing sophistication of technologies, larger
parts of the process can be automated/transformed

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Building a business case – what is the right outcome/target state? (page 1 of 2)
Numerous automation states can be considered; the key is to understand all of the available components against
the likelihood of diminishing returns STEP 2

Scenario 1: logistics management; 40 initial FTEs Net business benefit including only
hard criteria, such as FTE reduction
Net business benefit including both hard and soft
criteria, such as employee experience gains and
customer satisfaction gains

Net business benefit (US$ ’000)

$400 At this scale, investing
in additional
$300 technologies, may not
$200 be cost effective on an
incremental basis
State 1 State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5

RPA Mobile apps Chatbots AI

None – present state ⚫ Order monitoring and Mobile applications to drive Chatbots to handle basic AI-based intelligent routing
Automation states
downloads communication customer inquiries system
(additive to
⚫ Automatic triggering of
previous state)

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Building a business case – what is the right outcome/target state? (page 2 of 2)
Numerous automation states can be considered; the key is to understand all of the available components against
the likelihood of diminishing returns STEP 2

Scenario 2: logistics management; 160 initial FTEs Net business benefit including only
hard criteria, such as FTE reduction
Net business benefit including both hard and soft
criteria, such as employee experience gains and
customer satisfaction gains


Net business benefit (US$ ’000)








State 1 State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5

RPA Mobile apps Chatbots AI

None – present state ⚫ Order monitoring and Mobile applications to drive Chatbots to handle basic AI-based intelligent routing
Automation states
downloads communication customer inquiries system
(additive to
⚫ Automatic triggering of
previous state)

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key steps for enterprises to develop a connected business ecosystem

2 4
1 Assess market capabilities
and create a business case
for the desired outcome
3 Identify all determinants
and map path 5
⚫ Evaluate technologies ⚫ Identify the factors that
available in the market to Determine capability determine the execution
Execute against mapped
Understand current state reimagine the process, as target state path
path, including
well as stakeholder journey environmental ones
⚫ Identify and prioritize the experiences ⚫ Based on the outcome ⚫ Execute based on the
⚫ Identify the best-fit path,
process ⚫ Explore possible outcomes desired, determine the planned path
based on both automation
⚫ For the identified process, with the technologies available capability level required ⚫ Course correct if and when
capability and
discover the as-is state ⚫ For the outcome desired, ⚫ Identify capability environmental new information comes to
– Map the current journey detail the business case components that would determinants light
experiences / touchpoints of need to be created/achieved ⚫ Identify key execution
⚫ Fine-tune the target state
all the stakeholder groups as part of the execution path challenges and best practices
outcome if the business case
– Identify the key challenges/ does not stand to overcome them
bottlenecks in their current ⚫ Identify tools and frameworks
journeys for successful execution
– Determine existing
⚫ Continuously monitor, seek
automation capabilities and
to improve, and systematize
associated outcomes

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Having determined an achievable outcome state, enterprises should map out corresponding
automation capability requirements to achieve desired outcomes1

1 Refer to Everest Group’s Smart RPA Playbook for more details

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key steps for enterprises to develop a connected business ecosystem

2 4
1 Assess market capabilities
and create a business case
for the desired outcome
3 Identify all determinants
and map path 5
⚫ Evaluate technologies ⚫ Identify the factors that
available in the market to Determine capability determine the execution
Execute against mapped
Understand current state reimagine the process, as target state path
path, including
well as stakeholder journey environmental ones
⚫ Identify and prioritize the experiences ⚫ Based on the outcome ⚫ Execute based on the
⚫ Identify the best-fit path,
process ⚫ Explore possible outcomes desired, determine the planned path
based on both automation
⚫ For the identified process, with the technologies available capability level required ⚫ Course correct if and when
capability and
discover the as-is state ⚫ For the outcome desired, ⚫ Identify capability environmental new information comes to
– Map the current journey detail the business case components that would determinants light
experiences / touchpoints of need to be created/achieved ⚫ Identify key execution
⚫ Fine-tune the target state
all the stakeholder groups as part of the execution path challenges and best practices
outcome if the business case
– Identify the key challenges/ does not stand to overcome them
bottlenecks in their current ⚫ Identify tools and frameworks
journeys for successful execution
– Determine existing
⚫ Continuously monitor, seek
automation capabilities and
to improve, and systematize
associated outcomes

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

The automation journey can take different forms based on two sets of determinants –
automation-related (science) and environmental (art)1

Determination of the target state Execution path to be followed

Automation capability Environmental determinants
determinants ⚫ Organization structure
⚫ Current outcome and capability ⚫ People centricity
⚫ Business case ⚫ Sensitivity to change
⚫ Achievable target state ⚫ Technology savviness
⚫ Corresponding target state ⚫ Initiating stakeholder(s)
capability ⚫ Risk appetite
⚫ Level of control over operations
⚫ Existing partnerships

1 Refer to Everest Group’s Smart RPA Playbook for more details

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Given the same start and target states, execution paths will differ based on enterprises’
environmental determinants1 (page 1 of 2)

1 Refer to Everest Group’s Smart RPA Playbook for more details

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Given the same start and target states, execution paths will differ based on enterprises’
environmental determinants1 (page 2 of 2)

1 Refer to Everest Group’s Smart RPA Playbook for more details

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key steps for enterprises to develop a connected business ecosystem

2 4
1 Assess market capabilities
and create a business case
for the desired outcome
3 Identify all determinants
and map path 5
⚫ Evaluate technologies ⚫ Identify the factors that
available in the market to Determine capability determine the execution
Execute against mapped
Understand current state reimagine the process, as target state path
path, including
well as stakeholder journey environmental ones
⚫ Identify and prioritize the experiences ⚫ Based on the outcome ⚫ Execute based on the
⚫ Identify the best-fit path,
process ⚫ Explore possible outcomes desired, determine the planned path
based on both automation
⚫ For the identified process, with the technologies available capability level required ⚫ Course correct if and when
capability and
discover the as-is state ⚫ For the outcome desired, ⚫ Identify capability environmental new information comes to
– Map the current journey detail the business case components that would determinants light
experiences / touchpoints of need to be created/achieved ⚫ Identify key execution
⚫ Fine-tune the target state
all the stakeholder groups as part of the execution path challenges and best practices
outcome if the business case
– Identify the key challenges/ does not stand to overcome them
bottlenecks in their current ⚫ Identify tools and frameworks
journeys for successful execution
– Determine existing
⚫ Continuously monitor, seek
automation capabilities and
to improve, and systematize
associated outcomes

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Having mapped the best-fit execution path, enterprises should follow best practices to
successfully overcome/avoid the challenges they may face (page 1 of 2)

Challenges Best practices / lessons learned

Identification of ⚫ Difficult to scale up adoption and automate higher-level processes ⚫ Leverage process mining tools to discover the as-is process and
processes ⚫ Lack of process standardization increases costs and lowers returns identify process improvement opportunities
⚫ Look into process standardization and optimization before automating

Talent availability ⚫ Shortage of skills and practical knowledge to develop, manage, and ⚫ Consider leveraging experienced RPA resources from service
implement automation solutions providers / system integrators to help with initial deployment
⚫ Vendors can also play a significant role in helping enterprises train in-
house resources

Lack of focus on ⚫ Sole focus on process improvement objectives and less emphasis on ⚫ Create stakeholder journey maps to understand journey experiences
enhancing stakeholder stakeholder experience and key associated issues
experience ⚫ Lack of 360-degree view toward all stakeholder groups involved ⚫ Reimagine stakeholder journey experiences, along with processes
⚫ Consider adopting a business partnering approach to craft and
enhance stakeholder journey experiences

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Having mapped the best-fit execution path, enterprises should follow a set of best practices
to overcome/avoid potential challenges

Challenges Best practices / lessons learned

Lack of sufficient ⚫ It often takes huge volumes of clean data to train AI to attain the ⚫ One approach is to use data from past transactions, anonymize it if
data to train AI required accuracy levels required, and quality check for AI-based automation training
⚫ Extracting this data and making it relevant for training purposes is a ⚫ Making the right process choices for AI automation can get the
task, which hampers smooth AI adoption company off to a good start

Transparency in AI ⚫ Ethics and transparency are key concerns in AI adoption ⚫ Organizations with concerns over ethics, accuracy, and correctness of
decision-making ⚫ Determining or tracking the path taken by AI software to arrive at AI tend to use supervised learning that involves a human overseeing AI
certain decisions can be difficult

Organizational ⚫ Organizational change resulting from automation adoption ⚫ Automation implementations should be treated as change programs,
readiness ⚫ Getting stakeholder buy-in which are managed using best practice change management
methodologies, establishing a CoE, and partnering with enterprise IT
⚫ Concerns from IT team

Implementation ⚫ Scaling up adoption takes longer than expected ⚫ Expectations around time and effort should be managed effectively to
⚫ Business users lack required automation skills and IT developers lack create the desired impact
business context ⚫ Enterprises should create the right environment (through CoEs, for
example) so that business SMEs can work efficiently with the
development team

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

They could leverage a variety of tools and adoption frameworks to accelerate their
automation journeys

Factors critical to the successful execution of an enterprise’s automation journey

1 Identifying and prioritizing processes for optimization/automation

2 Optimizing processes before automating

3 Selecting enterprise-grade automation tools

4 Establishing and executing an automation CoE

5 Identifying and sourcing relevant automation skills

6 Developing an effective change management program

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Tools and adoption frameworks for successful execution1 (page 1 of 3)


1 Identifying and prioritizing processes for optimization/automation 2 Optimizing processes before automating

⚫ As enterprises look to scale up adoption, it is important to leverage a ⚫ Organizations should undertake an in-depth analysis of the as-is state and
repeatable framework to identify and prioritize processes process optimization, regardless of the automation initiative, to increase
organizational readiness
⚫ Enterprises could consider leveraging process mining technologies to
adopt a data-driven approach to automatically capture/discover as-is ⚫ Process mining tools can also help optimize processes by identifying
processes, identify potential tasks / use cases for automation, and prioritize bottlenecks and inefficiencies, and also recommending ways to optimize
them based on their automation potential existing processes, such as resource reallocation and step elimination

1 Refer to Everest Group’s Smart RPA Playbook for more details

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Tools and adoption frameworks for successful execution1 (page 2 of 3)


3 Selecting enterprise-grade automation tools 4 Establishing and executing an automation CoE

1 Refer to Everest Group’s Smart RPA Playbook for more details

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Tools and adoption frameworks for successful execution1 (page 3 of 3)


5 Selecting enterprise-grade automation tools 6 Establishing and executing an automation CoE

1 Refer to Everest Group’s Smart RPA Playbook for more details

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key contents

⚫ Introduction to 360-degree enterprise automation

⚫ Leveraging digital levers to reimagine journey experiences

⚫ Steps and strategies to develop a connected business ecosystem

⚫ Enterprise case studies

⚫ Appendix

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Enterprise journey 1 – KLM (page 1 of 2)
The key drivers for KLM’s digital journey were to enable its employees digitally and to improve employee

KLM is the Netherlands’ flag carrier. Established in 1919 and headquartered in Amstelveen, the KLM Group served its global network with a fleet of 214 aircraft in 2018,
employing 33,000 people. Following the merger with Air France in 2004, KLM has pursued the concept of one Air France-KLM Group, two airlines, and three core
activities (passengers, cargo, and engineering & maintenance). KLM began its digital journey with RPA implementation in the finance function. This project by KLM
Digital Studio, the corporate incubator of innovative solutions and digital technologies, aimed to empower the airline’s employees with digital tools and minimize the time
Enterprise spent on repetitive and administrative tasks. KLM has now deployed solutions across business domains including HR, engineering and maintenance, cargo, passenger
overview operations (inflight and ground services, and other corporate functions).

Objectives for automation adoption Challenges

⚫ Enhance employee experience by reducing/eliminating mundane repetitive work and ⚫ Complex IT infrastructure
enabling them to focus on creative, engaging, and judgment-intensive work
⚫ Employee apprehensions and mindset – helping employees understand how RPA would
⚫ Upskill employees to deliver value-added tasks such as analyze processes to derive aid their jobs and get them onboard to start using RPA; also, helping them realize that
business insights and improve product delivery RPA is not a temporary fix
⚫ Add a layer of IT sophistication on existing legacy systems to improve internal processes ⚫ IT challenges during deployment, especially when working with legacy systems

Current status of the automation program

⚫ Over two years since the initiation of automation journey More than 40 virtual employees (automated workflows) across more than five
departments, namely cargo, engineering & maintenance, HR, ground and inflight services,
⚫ 28 RPA licenses in production
and corporate functions
⚫ Exploring AI technologies such as NLP to augment RPA

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Enterprise journey 1 – KLM (page 2 of 2)
A hub-and-spoke COE and strong focus on involving and empowering employees to own automation
helped achieve success

Strategy and approach Key business outcomes achieved

⚫ A successful POC for a finance use case with an RPA vendor helped secure buy-in. The ⚫ More than 2,300 manual work hours saved with RPA in the
organization conducted a showcase of RPA providers to understand their capabilities and identify start-up year, looking to save 12,000 hours every year
the right-fit vendor
⚫ Enhanced employee experience, with people realizing that RPA allowed
⚫ KLM conducted story-mapping sessions with actual process users to map processes; also them to focus on more complex tasks
encouraged people to develop their own robots during virtual employee design sessions to
⚫ Significant cost savings and an increase in the number of requests handled
convince them that robots are meant to automate mundane tasks and not replace humans
with improved processes
⚫ A hub-and-spoke governance model, with shared ownership and members from both business and
⚫ Reduction in hiring administration for temporary workforce
IT teams, led to wider acceptance
⚫ The airline adopted thorough development standards to address maintenance issues and
documented the learnings for later use

⚫ The organization implemented a hub-and-spoke governance model with ownership shared among the product and business/operational teams. It also constituted a
centralized automation community comprising CoE, leadership board, and business/IT teams
⚫ Involving employees in the entire RPA journey and explaining the key benefits and influence of the new technology through small pilots can smoothen the onboarding
journey, prevent negative perceptions, and minimize change management effort

Winning ⚫ It is vital to maintain close contact with all the stakeholders, and most importantly, the actual users, to ensure that they correctly understand processes instead depending
insights only on the available process documentation
⚫ Enterprises should be clear on the outcomes they want to achieve with digital levers, build clear roadmaps, look for the right partners, and, most importantly, optimize
before automating

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Enterprise journey 2 – Siemens (page 1 of 2)
A strategy of optimizing before automating and an inclusive culture to implement its automation programs
led to substantial cost savings, productivity improvements, and quick payback

Siemens is a leading industrial manufacturer that began its RPA journey with its shared services function, which carried out a large number of transactional services. The
firm manufactures electrical and electronics products and services. It has a strong focus on R&D and holds over 50,000 patents worldwide. In recent years, Siemens has
integrated RPA with IoT to optimize shop floors, carry out predictive maintenance for factories, and is also exploring blockchain use cases. A strong focus on identifying
Enterprise new use cases to implement IA and a robust change management strategy helped Siemens achieve its desired business objectives.

Objectives for automation adoption Challenges

⚫ Increase productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness ⚫ Investment in the RPA project was a leap of faith for the organization, as the firm had
of processes with a scalable model faced many issues with its legacy systems in earlier automation efforts
⚫ Enrich employee experience by allowing employees to focus on creative, customer- ⚫ The CoE became a bottleneck in the centralized system that the firm had been ere
centric, and judgment-intensive activities following since the beginning
⚫ Enhance customer experience by providing consistent and superior engagement ⚫ Scaling up RPA and IA projects was challenging, especially in business units
⚫ Generate cost savings ⚫ The company also had to develop an effective change management strategy to address
any employee apprehensions regarding job security
⚫ It was also required to continuously identify new use cases to implement intelligent

Current status of the automation program

450 successful IA use-case deployments in less than 36 months since the IA journey 50% of IA deployments have been in finance & accounting
began Automation initiatives resulted in 0% layoff; employees were reskilled, upskilled, and

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Enterprise journey 2 – Siemens (page 2 of 2)
A hub-and-spoke COE and strong focus on involving and empowering employees to own automation helped
achieve success

Strategy and approach Key business outcomes achieved

⚫ The company started by implementing Lean Six Sigma to improve processes and then embedded ⚫ Significant cost savings achieved by adopting IA technologies such as RPA,
automation within it BPM, and AI at large scale
⚫ A hub-and-spoke automation CoE model with presence in many business units eased the scaling ⚫ More than 650,000 manual work hours automated only with RPA
up process
⚫ On an average, less than 12 months to breakeven on intelligent automation
⚫ Members from GBS and IT collectively formed the COE. GBS identifies, deploys and runs the use investments
cases to be automated, IT acts as a partner for security & infrastructure support
⚫ Democratization of technology having group of people from business lines, instead of only a
centralized team, led to wider acceptance
⚫ Siemens also encouraged its employees to develop their own robots to convince them that robots
are meant to automate mundane tasks and not replace humans
⚫ Integrating RPA with IoT helped optimize shop floors and carry out predictive maintenance for

⚫ It is important to effectively implement change management by developing team leaders into digital leaders, chalking out alternate career paths for employees, and
creating new automation-focused roles
⚫ Business, IT, and Global Business Services (GBS) teams should collaborate closely to achieve desired outcomes
⚫ An inclusive culture for implementing automation programs proves to be more acceptable and effective
⚫ Technologies such as AI, chatbots, IoT, process mining/discovery, and blockchain should be combined to extend the ecosystem

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Enterprise journey 3 – DHL (page 1 of 2)
The enterprise embarked on its automation journey to streamline internal processes, improve
productivity, and provide high-quality services

The Deutsche Post AG, operating under the trade name Deutsche Post DHL Group, is a multinational package delivery and supply chain management company
headquartered in Bonn, Germany. DHL Global Forwarding, Freight (DGFF) is the leading provider of air, ocean, and overland freight-forwarding services within Deutsche
Post DHL Group. Its business model is based on brokering transport services between customers and freight carriers. DGFF has a Global Service Center unit with five
centers and more than 4,500 employees. The company decided to embark on its digital transformation journey in 2017 to enhance its Global Service Centers’ efficiency
Enterprise and productivity by using innovative technologies such as RPA to streamline internal processes, remove internal process bottlenecks, and provide high-quality services
overview to its customers and partners.

Objectives for automation adoption Challenges

⚫ While cost reduction was a known benefit, it was never the primary objective for RPA ⚫ Dealing with apprehensions and hype around process automation; helping employees
adoption understand the key benefits of RPA and how it would impact their jobs and the services
they deliver
⚫ Provide relevant information and insights to employees to consistently provide high-
quality services to customers and partners ⚫ Selecting and prioritizing the right processes for automation, especially for initial use
⚫ Free up internal resources by eliminating time-consuming, manual, repetitive tasks and
upskilling employees to focus on value-adding tasks ⚫ Identifying human resources possessing the right business knowledge and acumen to
support automation initiatives
⚫ Derive insights that help remove internal process bottlenecks and improve the quality of
services provided
⚫ Improve employee productivity and utilization of available assets

Current status of the automation program

⚫ Over three years since the initiation of automation journey Looking to combine RPA with other advanced technologies, such as intelligent OCR and
machine learning, to automate processes that involve both structured and unstructured
⚫ DGFF has deployed more than 150 RPA robots across 16 service lines in logistics

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Enterprise journey 3 – DHL (page 2 of 2)
The enterprise embarked on its automation journey to streamline internal processes, improve
productivity, and provide high-quality services

Strategy and approach Key business outcomes achieved

⚫ Created a global process automation hub in partnership with the selected RPA vendor; leveraged ⚫ Robots perform the workload of about 450 FTEs, who are now free to focus on
the RPA vendor’s consulting partner support to develop the project roadmap, create an RPA more value-added work initiatives
deployment plan, establish a governance model, identify new use cases, and technologies that
⚫ Improved service quality, along with significant cost savings
can be used to automate them
⚫ Achieved ROI for the pilot project in just one month
⚫ Conducted a pilot project automating the post-flight process that leveraged RPA to extract data
from the underlying operating system and combine it with critical flight data to provide insights to ⚫ Increased supply chain transparency, enabling employees to provide
better manage operations and improve customer service proactive updates on potential delays
⚫ Established a Center of Excellence (CoE) to define robust standards for developing enterprise-
grade automations, along with a dedicated team called the Virtual Delivery Center (VDC) to
provide the respective configuration, monitor live automations, and manage the process
automation life cycle across the entire DGFF division
⚫ Established a centralized enterprise-wide service management platform to orchestrate work
between the human and virtual workforce

⚫ As enterprises shift their focus from cost reduction to enabling growth via improvements in vital internal processes as the primary driver, it becomes easier for them to
manage organizational change
⚫ It is vital to maintain a close contact with all stakeholders, explain the key benefits of the new technology, and share best practices to prevent any negative perceptions
from setting in
Winning ⚫ Companies should also develop a change management strategy to help employees adapt to a robot+FTE environment and encourage them to use RPA-based
insights solutions to provide improved services to their customers
⚫ They should develop and adopt a structured approach to identify processes for automation by brainstorming with process owners who have deeper process
knowledge; documenting and optimizing processes before automating could help achieve accelerated benefits

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Enterprise journey 4 – AXA (page 1 of 2)
AXA UK leverages automation to eliminate time-consuming, manual tasks, so that employees can
spend more time on value-augmenting tasks

Headquartered in Paris, France, AXA is a multinational insurance firm involved in global insurance, investment management, and other financial services. AXA employs
around 170,000 people in over 60 countries serving around 105 million clients globally. In 2018, AXA’s senior management witnessed several discussions around
automation that caught their attention. The company started to look at RPA to address the increasing demand to improve productivity and boost consistency in services
delivered across customer-facing functions such as claims processing. The project’s primary aim was to free up staff from mundane and repetitive tasks. AXA’s UK arm
Enterprise embarked on its automation journey by conducting a POC in the claims processing function. While the firm initially leveraged support from an implementation partner, it
overview later decided to develop internal skills to deploy and manage automations. AXA UK currently deploys automations in all key business lines in the UK, including general
insurance and healthcare businesses, as well as back-office functions such as HR, finance, and IT.

Objectives for automation adoption Challenges

⚫ Leverage technology to simplify business operations and reduce backlog ⚫ Dealing with unrealistic expectations around benefits from RPA adoption and speed of
realizing benefits without considering ongoing costs
⚫ Improve employee productivity and free up capacity that can be either reinvested to
drive growth or accounted as financial savings ⚫ Changing employees’ mindset, to help them realize that RPA is not a temporary fix
⚫ Enhance customer experience by improving service across customer journey ⚫ Rigorously developing business cases for each use case to obtain stakeholder buy-in
⚫ Debugging the causes of robot failures/errors and issues during implementation, especially at
⚫ Improve ability to deliver services more cost effectively the start of the journey
⚫ Free up internal resources by eliminating time-consuming, manual repetitive tasks ⚫ Ensuring adherence to robust standards and best practices for developing automations
and upskilling employees to focus more on value-adding tasks
⚫ Addressing sustainability issues in working with an implementation partner

Current status of the automation program

⚫ Over 1.5 years since the initiation of automation journey Over 1 million transactions executed by robots in the last 12 months
⚫ Over 100 robots in production, with about 40 tasks automated across business Exploring use cases to leverage AI technologies such as computer vision, machine learning,
lines and NLP to complement RPA

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Enterprise journey 4 – AXA (page 2 of 2)
A strong focus on developing internal skills and an objective-driven approach to identify and prioritize
use cases increased the enterprise’s realized benefits from automation adoption

Strategy and approach Key business outcomes achieved

⚫ Identified processes with significant backlog to ensure higher business impact with initial use cases; ⚫ Over 21,000 man hours saved in the last 12 months
designed a standardized framework leveraging decision trees to compute achievable outcomes
⚫ Improved employee engagement, with repetitive tasks being automated,
⚫ Established a Centre of Enablement (CoE) for centralized governance control; the CoE acted as a enabling employees to focus on more value-added work
platform for collaboration between business and IT stakeholders and established standards and best
⚫ Reduced and maintained backlogs at zero for a number of processes
practices for automation development
across business lines
⚫ Leveraged consulting partner support to identify initial use cases; later developed internal skills for
⚫ Person hours saved helped the firm realize significant productivity gains
developing and managing automations
⚫ Constituted a command center comprising internally trained employees; encouraged employees to
leverage the vendor’s training modules to develop requisite skills
⚫ Optimized license usage by managing robot schedules, reusing robots across different processes and
recycling licenses

⚫ Construct and implement a framework to prioritize use cases based on simplicity of the process logic and expected returns from automating it; have dedicated
conversations with process owners to determine if a process needs to be redesigned before automating
⚫ Invest more time in prioritizing use cases, and ensure rigorous business case development for each process / use case
⚫ Ensure early education for relevant stakeholders to overcome unrealistic expectations created by a technology’s oversold potential

Winning ⚫ Focus on having regular communication with employees to dispel any concerns around robots replacing human workers
insights ⚫ Consciously decide for how long to continue with the SI partner and when to increase focus on developing internal skills/capabilities; while implementation partners can
be of significantly help to set up quickly when starting from scratch, sustainability issues might arise
⚫ Learn from the mistakes and experiences of others, and solicit help from the automation vendor, especially to develop internal capabilities

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Enterprise journey 5 – Dentsu Aegis Network (page 1 of 2)
To improve business operations and elevate human potential to deliver more value to its clients, the
organization embarked on its automation journey in 2017

Headquartered in London, Dentsu Aegis Network, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Japanese advertising and public relations firm Dentsu, offers media, digital, and
creative communications services. It operates in 145 countries and features 10 global network brands, including Carat, iProspect, and Isobar. In 2017, the firm embarked
on its automation journey, starting with RPA adoption, to automate manual processes and enable its employees to take up more strategic tasks. The organization
Enterprise believes that automation is a journey that requires planning for scale and has a strong focus on democratizing technology, making it accessible and easy to adopt for
overview business users.

Objectives for automation adoption Challenges

⚫ Elevate the human potential and improve employee engagement and skill sets to ⚫ Identifying C-level executives who believe in the technology and can direct investments and help
enable them to focus on value-adding strategic activities make automation a strategic priority
⚫ Improve work-life balance and free up workforce from highly manual, mundane, ⚫ Getting buy-in from senior management and making the middle management stakeholders
and transactional activities aware about automation’s benefits
⚫ Reduce costs and achieve higher quality and reliability ⚫ Dealing with apprehensions and the hype around AI and automation technologies
⚫ Improve resource utilization and give hours back to the business ⚫ Identifying the right place and time to start the adoption of automation and different emerging
⚫ Enhance customer satisfaction with higher value output
⚫ Handling siloed, disconnected processes and systems, including legacy applications

Current status of the automation program

⚫ Automation journey initiated with RPA adoption in key global markets three Successfully leveraging AI-based solutions for data analysis, data transformation, work
years ago orchestration, repetitive task execution, document processing, and computer vision-based process
⚫ Over 300 RPA licenses in production, globally

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Enterprise journey 5 – Dentsu Aegis Network (page 2 of 2)
The enterprise derived various tangible and intangible benefits from automation and continues to
explore new technologies to enhance its business

Strategy and approach Key business outcomes achieved

● The firm’s Chief Automation Officer, Max Cheprasov, developed a detailed eight-year roadmap for automation to clearly ● Up to 95% reduction in manual effort
define the desired outcomes; also established an automation CoE for the development and maintenance of automation
● An average payback period of six months
solutions and to develop a robust governance mechanism
● 600% average ROI per automation
● Though the firm adopted a top-down approach, with automation solutions being developed by the CoE, it has a strong focus
on enabling business users / citizen developers to own and develop automation solutions as a secondary bottom-up ● Enhanced employee experience
approach ● Faster client response time
● Early successes with multiple POCs reinforced the CoE’s credibility to deliver value at scale ● Improved efficiency, accuracy, and quality
● The CoE’s cross-functional workshops boosted interest in new projects and resulted in a growing pipeline of new use cases ● Global and cross-functional focus on automation
● The firm continuously evaluates emerging AI startups, piloting various solutions and validating fit for its use cases such as
AI-powered desktop process mining, OCR, NLP, ML, and chatbots

⚫ Enterprises should have clarity in vision, mission, and outcomes they want to achieve, as their planning is heavily dependent on the desired outcomes
⚫ Assessing technologies available in the market, spending time on R&D, and talking to technology providers to understand the current state of the market, along with an
assessment of the organization’s internal capabilities, can help define a clear roadmap and approach
⚫ Enterprises need to identify the right partners that can support their long-term vision and provide strategic advice throughout the automation journey, along with tactical
support and technical guidance to help them better understand and adopt the technology
Winning ⚫ Successful automation journeys often start with process mining, process redesign, and better integration of current platforms and systems
insights ⚫ Firms should identify use cases in the initial stages to demonstrate quick value to business users, as well as clear ROI to executive stakeholders; initial planning should
also take into consideration scalability required in the future
⚫ It is vital to maintain close contact with all stakeholders and, engage with end users to set expectations and explain the key benefits of the new technology
⚫ Enterprises should ensure that robots are engineered using a design-thinking approach and are simple and easy to adopt, with minimal change management required.
They should also empower employees to make changes to their automations to better address ever-changing business needs

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Enterprise journey 6 – PwC (page 1 of 2)
The key drivers of PwC’s automation journey were empowering employees to use automation to
increase productivity and re-imagine services through digital upskilling

PwC is a multinational professional services firm providing assurance, tax, and consulting services to businesses globally. It has offices in 157 countries and more than
276,000 employees. As part of consulting, PwC provides technology consulting services, using RPA and other technologies, to help its clients enhance their business
operations. Additionally, PwC has developed internal capabilities around RPA and has deployed unattended robots to improve the efficiency of its back-office operations.
It then shifted focus to its client facing businesses such as Audit and Tax and invested in a robot-for-every-user vision by providing RPA toolkit access to almost 50,000
Enterprise employees. PwC believes in democratizing RPA and empowers its ground workforce to identify opportunities for automation and build robots. The company has also built
overview its in-house digital store that allows employees to upload and share their automations for use by other colleagues across functions.

Objectives for automation adoption Challenges

⚫ Reimagining service and product delivery by leveraging next-generation technologies ⚫ Highly distributed and federated nature of the services business, with different teams
adopting different approaches to perform similar tasks
⚫ While cost reduction was a known benefit, it was never the driving objective for RPA
adoption ⚫ Encouraging employees to build and adopt automations while maintaining a robust
governance to ensure quality and scalability
⚫ Improving employee productivity to deliver more business with the assets available and
upskilling them to take up more strategic tasks
⚫ Developing a culture of innovation and encouraging employees to identify new opportunities
for automation

Current status of the automation program

⚫ Automation journey initiated about 18 months ago Investing in more advanced technologies to complement RPA, including intelligent
document processing, process mining/discovery, and advanced analytics
⚫ RPA licenses made available to over 50,000 employees in the US; looking to roll out RPA
globally to over 200,000 employees

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Enterprise journey 6 – PwC (page 2 of 2)
Developing a culture of innovation that empowered employees to own automation accelerated PwC’s
automation journey

Strategy and approach Key business outcomes achieved

● The company incubated a digital lab that provides employees a platform to develop automations for • Enhanced employee experience with improved productivity and ability to
routine tasks and share these with other employees after formal code review add greater value
● The firm conducted workshops/hackathons to improve employee participation/engagement • Reduced cost to deliver
● It embedded governance into the digital lab; employee desktops were connected to a central • Enhanced quality of services
orchestrator to verify any automations being developed and deployed locally
• Improved asset utilization, which helped deliver greater business value with
● PwC constituted a central team to review/monitor/verify assets being developed/shared by the assets available
employees and identify ways to make these enterprise-grade and scalable
● The enterprise also tried to understand different business requirements and explored opportunities to
adopt complementary technologies such as analytics and AI-/ML-based data extraction tools for the
tax business and process mining for its consulting business

⚫ The organization drove the robot-for-every-user vision by establishing a digital accelerator program. The program provided specialized and in-depth training to a set of
employees to groom them as coaches for others and drive firmwide adoption of RPA. The firm also decided to reduce work targets of selected employees to encourage
⚫ Involving people in the RPA journey and encouraging employees to learn and develop automation skills significantly reduces the change management effort

Winning ⚫ Efforts to improve employee participation/engagement in automation initiatives help increase the adoption of technologies such as RPA. For example, PwC devised an
insights incentive program to reward employee efforts in driving adoption based on the number of automation uploads/downloads
⚫ Understanding organization-specific risks, establishing robust governance model to address them, and implementing a well-thought-out change management strategy
pays off when scalability is required

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Enterprise journey 7 – Electrocomponents PLC. (page 1 of 2)
The key drivers for the enterprise’s automation journey were to improve employee productivity and
give hours back to business

Headquartered in London, UK, Electrocomponents is a global, multichannel provider of industrial and electronic products and solutions. The group comprises six
operating brands: RS Components, Allied Electronics & Automation, RS PRO, OKdo, DesignSpark, and IESA. Electrocomponents distributes over 500,000 products,
including electronic components, electrical, automation and control, test and measurement equipment, and engineering tools and consumables, in more than 80
countries and sourced from over 2,500 suppliers. The company started its automation journey in 2018, looking to leverage automation technologies with the aim to give
Enterprise hours back to business. The organization conducted a detailed vendor assessment to find and select a suitable vendor. Due to its global coverage and the variety of
products the company deals in, the inventory management function – which involves stakeholders such as trade counter / sales employees, inventory planning and
overview management team, marketing team, suppliers, and reseller partners – emerged as one of the top candidates for RPA adoption.

Objectives for automation adoption Challenges

⚫ Give hours back to the business by reducing employees’ time spent on high volume ⚫ RPA ownership and governance control – IT vs. business teams’ roles
transactions involving repetitive/administrative work
⚫ Getting the much-needed infrastructure for RPA implementation
⚫ Provide faster and accurate visibility into the inventory status to help employees
⚫ Deciding on the RPA team composition – internal vs. external hiring
better handle customer queries
⚫ Familiarizing team members with the vendor’s RPA platform and getting employees onboard to
⚫ Increase process efficiency and transform operations to be future-ready
start identifying and submitting processes for RPA
⚫ Improve employee productivity to manage higher business volume and upskill
⚫ Selecting and prioritizing the right processes for automation, especially initial use cases
employees for more value-added tasks to drive organizational growth, process
simplicity, and scalability ⚫ Maintaining / taking charge of live robots and providing live support to reduce downtime

Current status of the automation program

⚫ Automation journey initiated over 18 months ago Achieved 70-90% license utilization for RPA licenses in production
⚫ Close to 30 processes automated across almost 10 functions globally Looking to standardize processes and scale up RPA globally
Over 100 processes / use cases in automation pipeline

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Enterprise journey 7 – Electrocomponents PLC. (page 2 of 2)
The enterprise's automation journey was accelerated by considerable focus on stakeholder buy-in
and a dedicated automation team (an RPA CoE) comprising in-house and externally hired resources

Strategy and approach Key business outcomes achieved

● Created a strategy playbook and ROM to obtain stakeholder buy-in from sponsors and senior • 50% reduction in time required to update systems with the products’
stakeholders for mobilizing resources; also, conducted a detailed robotic feasibility assessment for inventory codes and make information available to trade counter
evaluating process / use case feasibility employees
● Adopted a hybrid talent approach by identifying relevant people from within the organization and hiring • Enhanced employee experience, with more near real-time visibility into
some external resources with the required experience the inventory available to better handle customer requirements
● Placed RPA in Global Shared Business Services (GSBS), with a specialized business team leading • Improved supplier experience, with more frequent supplier
the initiative, and the IT function was involved from the start to ensure a sense of co-ownership and interactions/feedback on product offerings, which improved commercials
availability of IT support/feedback
• Increased throughput of inventory management processes involving daily
● Clearly defined the roles and responsibilities of the teams and people involved updates to 30,000 product codes across five to six internal
● Constructed and implemented a process prioritization framework that factored in almost 30 variables
and conducted in-depth as-is process analysis to identify/prioritize processes for automation

⚫ It is important to identify the right sponsors for the automation initiative from within the organization and obtain stakeholder buy-in
⚫ A centralized RPA CoE pays off when scalability is required and acts as a forum to share best practices between different business units / functional departments
⚫ RPA should be owned by the business unit and supported by other teams, such as IT
⚫ Organizations should create a dedicated automation team, and hire in-house resources possessing company-specific knowledge and external resources, if required, to
Winning better plan/manage automation initiatives
insights ⚫ It is important to establish best practices for implementing and managing maintenance activities/issues to ensure high license utilization
⚫ License usage must be optimized as much as possible by managing robot schedules and reusing similar bot workflows across different processes
⚫ All projects should be funneled through a standard prioritization framework. Creating ready-to-use templates for analyzing and assessing processes before automating
them can increase the enterprise’s realized benefits from automation adoption

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key contents

⚫ Introduction to 360-degree enterprise automation

⚫ Leveraging digital levers to reimagine journey experiences

⚫ Steps and strategies to develop a connected business ecosystem

⚫ Enterprise case studies

⚫ Appendix
– Appendix A: Benefits of improving touchpoints across key stakeholder groups
– Appendix B: Key digital levers, their benefits, and use cases
– Appendix C: Order management and fulfillment process value chain
– Appendix D: Mapping journey experiences across key stakeholder groups
– Appendix E: Identifying and addressing challenges/bottlenecks – Illustrative use-cases

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

The benefits of focusing on customer touchpoints and journey experiences are quite evident

Increased customer

Evolving customer expectations are driving enterprises

Benefits of improving customer journey experiences

to increase their focus on customer experience

Personalization Higher brand recall/equity

Well-informed and empowered customers demand resulting in improved cross-
personalized experiences and support sell/up-sell

In addition to demanding real-time support, customers
expect consistency and continuity across channels, Improved customer engagement/
based on past interactions satisfaction/loyalty

Customers today expect businesses to abide by data
privacy laws to ensure that their personal data remains Product/service
protected improvement based on past
customer experiences

Reduced servicing costs

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Benefits of focusing on employee touchpoints and journey experience

The key factors driving the need to improve employee Improved decision-making and
experience are evolving workforce and talent models, the know-how about business
need to ensure employee productivity and engagement,
talent shortage, high training costs, and increasing Strong and powerful
importance of employer branding employer brand Increased employee
accountability and trust

Improved productivity and

customer satisfaction

Increased employee
Enhanced employee

Greater connect between

employees and the enterprise

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Benefits of focusing on partner touchpoints and journey experience

Better business fulfillment

Focusing on partner relationships helps an enterprise develop a shared vision with its partners that provides the basis for
working toward mutually beneficial outcomes. Partners’ complementary capabilities, skills, and knowledge can enable
businesses to enhance their value offerings and meet evolving customer expectations.

Improved customer access to support and training

Partners play an important role in servicing end clients, and their direct interaction with customers gives them the opportunity to inform, influence, and
improve customer experiences across customer lifetime. Better enabled partners improve customers’ access to products and their overall experience.

Higher collaboration support

A rewarding partner experience provides more opportunities for collaboration, increased sales opportunities, and lower administration costs. An enterprise
can collaborate with its partners to organize events and run joint campaigns, as well as test early product releases or new marketing messages

Faster growth by access to new markets

Building more partnerships helps an organization diversify its network to expand its reach and build a strong portfolio of clients
across geographies and industries. Partners’ loyalty and advocacy can help enterprises gain significant competitive advantage.

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Benefits of focusing on supplier touchpoints and journey experience

By considering suppliers as strategic business partners, organizations can maximize value through supplier innovation and gain
competitive advantage.

Streamline internal operations and reduce procurement costs by leveraging

technology for supplier enablement (e.g., electronic ordering and invoicing)

Access better resources and drive co-innovation by

becoming suppliers’ customer of choice

Better serve and support customers by leveraging suppliers that are more
reliable, have better service levels, and offer more industry-leading solutions

Enhance process and information visibility by taking a supplier-view of

technology requirements to streamline supplier information flows

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Benefits of focusing on compliance touchpoints and journey experience

Streamlined compliance procedures and Conformity with constantly changing Improved data management capabilities
improved accountability Avoidance of noncompliance regulatory environment and management of financial crimes
An enhanced compliance journey Noncompliance costs may directly result in An improved compliance journey Increasing compliance with strict data
experience would streamline compliance penalties and sanctions, while fallouts in experience can help better integrate security standards would improve
procedures, improve reporting, and terms of consumer trust and employee compliance requirements with control over sensitive customer data and
deliver high-quality information to help morale are also substantial. An enhanced business/operational goals. the. ability to manage financial crime
enterprises make better-informed compliance journey experience can help Remaining abreast with the changing cases, as well as mitigate growing
decisions. improve market sentiment and reputation, regulatory regime can help enterprises cybersecurity threats.
along with avoiding penalties/fines. better plan their actions.

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key contents

⚫ Introduction to 360-degree enterprise automation

⚫ Leveraging digital levers to reimagine journey experiences

⚫ Steps and strategies to develop a connected business ecosystem

⚫ Enterprise case studies

⚫ Appendix
– Appendix A: Benefits of improving touchpoints across key stakeholder groups
– Appendix B: Key digital levers, their benefits, and use cases
– Appendix C: Order management and fulfillment process value chain
– Appendix D: Mapping journey experiences across key stakeholder groups
– Appendix E: Identifying and addressing challenges/bottlenecks – Illustrative use-cases

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key digital levers and their benefits | RPA
(page 1 of 2)

RPA is a non-invasive form of automation that interacts through User Interface (UI) / user objects of software applications involved in a process. It helps
automate rules-based business tasks by mimicking a user’s activities and is generally easier to use and deploy than traditional IT tools.

Key RPA capabilities Key business benefits of RPA solutions

Key characteristics
⚫ Mimics a user’s activities
⚫ Follows a non-invasive approach
⚫ Can process structured and some semi-structured data
⚫ Rules-based automation; no learning capabilities Reduced cost and Increased Enhanced customer and Improved governance and
⚫ Highly deterministic; used mostly for transactional activities optimized operations workforce productivity employee experience compliance
and standardized processes
RPA streamlines and RPA robots enhance RPA improves process Rules-based automation
Differentiating capabilities optimizes the core operational efficiencies timelines, accuracy, can enforce compliance
operations and can enable and workforce security, and business requirements. RPA
⚫ Screen scraping improved agility, speed, productivity by enabling continuity, providing a robots generate regular
⚫ Rules engine and quality, resulting in employees to move from seamless experience to audit trails, which can be
⚫ Basic analytics significant cost savings. tactical tasks to customers. analysed to identify any
⚫ Library of pre-built automations judgment-based RPA robots can also be instances of compliance
⚫ Robot performance analytics activities. deployed to provide agent breach.
guidance in near-real-time,
Key limitation enhancing employee
Unable to process unstructured and most semi-structured experience.

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key digital levers and their benefits | RPA
(page 2 of 2)

Case study | A leading European bank adopted RPA to resolve challenges related to manual work
Business challenge/objective
A leading European bank was experiencing challenges related to productivity and response time due to the large number of manually handled customer service requests (CSRs)

Approach/solution Impact
The bank deployed RPA, which enabled the following: ⚫ Significant reduction in the number of FTEs required
⚫ Auto-download, categorization, and analysis of incoming assorted CSRs from the CRM ⚫ Enhanced customer service, with faster query resolution
⚫ Management of complex requests, such as ATM dispute resolution

⚫ Auto-flagging of exceptions for manual resolution

⚫ Data transfer and execution of service requests across various banking systems

⚫ Automatic ingestion, assimilation, traceability, and response to CSRs without any

manual intervention

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key digital levers and their benefits | AI
(page 1 of 2)

AI technologies augment RPA by mimicking human thought process through vision, language, and pattern detection. They can learn and improve their own
performance over time without being explicitly programmed, based on the data collected. AI technologies such as ML, NLP, and deep learning are often used
to enable solutions such as Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVAs) and Intelligent Document Processing (IDP); IDP leverages AI to process unstructured data from
emails, contracts, handwritten documents, etc. and AI-powered conversational robots / virtual agents offer round-the-clock support for enterprises to enhance
customer experience.
Key AI technologies/capabilities Key business benefits of AI-powered solutions

Cognitive computing

Computer vision Enhanced Improved Increased Better compliance

customer experience employee experience operational efficiencies
Customer-facing IVAs Robots with AI-based skills, AI-enabled robots can AI applications, can reduce
ML / Deep learning leverage such as ability to handle deal with exceptions human involvement in the
AI technologies to unstructured data and and improve STP rate, diligence process.
understand/predict provide recommendations process accuracy, cycle AI techniques can be
Natural language processing customer behavior and on cross-/up-sell time, and staff trained to understand
provide personalized opportunities based on past productivity. changing regulatory
recommendations. purchases, can enable frameworks and streamline
employees to provide better procedures to improve
Data mining
service. compliance.

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key digital levers and their benefits | AI
(page 2 of 2)

Case study | A leading global insurance provider adopted AI technologies to manage complex claims
Business challenge/objective
A leading global insurance provider was looking to achieve a unified view of customers from disparate internal and external data sources to better complex claims. Due to huge
volumes, and siloed customers and product data (including unstructured data from multiple sources), extracting relevant information to respond to customer queries was difficult and
took longer if done manually. This reduced agent productivity and increased the average handle time.

Approach/solution Impact
⚫ AI-powered robots were deployed to combine data from disparate sources – both structured and ⚫ The time taken for complex claims processing reduced from two days to 10
unstructured – in formats such as documents and images minutes
⚫ These robots presented a unified view for agents and also assisted them to identify and ⚫ It supports 14,000 agents, saving an average of three seconds in call handle
eliminate fraud and leakage time

Case study | Multinational financial services firm UBS Group adopted AI solutions to improve productivity and efficiency
Business challenge/objective
UBS realized that its traders were spending a significant amount of their business hours on mundane and repetitive tasks, such as scanning data from multiple sources, which
impacted their productivity and took away time from more critical activities, such as calling clients.

Approach/solution Impact
⚫ UBS implemented AI solutions that use ML to develop new strategies for trading volatilities by The time taken to perform certain post-trade activities, such as funds allocation,
scanning vast amounts of trading data. It then formulated strategies based on market data now take less than three minutes as compared to 45 minutes when carried out
⚫ The solution also dealt with post-trade allocation requests, where client emails were scanned to manually
identify ways of allocating blocks of trades among funds and executing orders

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key digital levers and their benefits | blockchain
(page 1 of 2)

Blockchain is a cryptographic or encoded ledger that functions as a transactions database in the form of blocks arranged in a chain. Multiple users validate
these transactions through consensus mechanisms (such as proof-of-work in bitcoin mining) shared across a public or private network.

Key features of blockchain technology Key business benefits of blockchain

No double spending
Transactions in one block do not conflict with each other or
with any of the previous blocks in the chain
The ledger containing the transactions is stored in a
distributed manner, which removes the need for a central Improved traceability Reduced operational Improved transaction Faster and effective
authority to validate a transaction and transparency costs and transactional security and efficiency auditing

✓ The transactions are validated through a consensus

mechanism (also called proof-of-work)
Blockchain can help
store and define the
ownership of any
It helps eliminate
intermediaries and
administrative effort,
Blockchain transactions
are irrevocable and
supervisors, and
regulators can audit
Immutability of transactions
tangible or intangible thereby reducing offering increased and monitor effectively
The distributed nature of blockchain preserves the entire
asset, thereby making transit/cycle time, accuracy and using Blockchain. The
history of transactions and is tamper-proof
transactions more operational costs, and instantaneous immutability of trails
Removal of single node of failure transparent and transactional complexity. settlement. reduces the effort
Blockchain’s shared and replicated nature removes the traceable. involved in an audit
possibility of a single node of failure in a transaction- exercise.
processing system

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key digital levers and their benefits | blockchain
(page 2 of 2)

Case study | A Spanish bank introduced a blockchain-powered cross-border payment system in four countries
Business challenge/objective
A Spanish bank was using the SWIFT banking system to facilitate cross-border payments, but it could not provide its clients payment tracking or the visibility to see the exact cost to
complete a payment. This required their customers to spend time and effort to reconcile their overseas transactions

Approach/solution Impact
⚫ The bank introduced a blockchain-powered cross-border payment system in four countries – Spain, Brazil, Poland, and Cross-border payments based on blockchain
the United Kingdom technology are on an average 81% less expensive than
⚫ The technology enabled the bank’s customers to make same-day international payments, provided them with real-time the traditional method of internal payments
trading and transaction details, and helped them ensure faster reconciliations by streamlining reconciliation systems

Case study | A consortium adopted blockchain to improve the supply chain process
Business challenge/objective
A consortium comprising AB InBev, Accenture, APL, Kuehne + Nagel, and a European customs organization were looking to reduce operating costs and increase supply chain visibility
using blockchain.

Approach/solution Impact
⚫ The consortium tested a solution that could eliminate paper-based shipping documents by enabling digital exchange of ⚫ The solution expedited the entire flow of transport
documents documents and reduced data entry requirements by
⚫ The relevant data was shared and distributed using blockchain technology under single ownership principles determined up to 80%
by the type of information. It provided a detailed review of existing documentation processes and helped examine the ⚫ It simplified data amendments across the shipping
re-allocation of information ownership and accountability process and streamlined checks required for cargo.
⚫ The solution was tested on 12 real-world shipments, all of which were sent to different jurisdictions that had their own It also reduced the risk of penalties for customs
distinct regulatory requirements compliance

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key digital levers and their benefits | cloud
(page 1 of 2)

The cloud or cloud computing refers to on-demand storing and retrieval of data and applications over a shared network instead of locally on an organization’s
own hardware. The goal of cloud computing is to provide easy, scalable access to computing resources and IT services. With the cloud becoming
mainstream, enterprises looking to leverage the benefits of both public and private clouds are showing increasing interest in the hybrid cloud model. The
business case and drivers for cloud adoption have evolved from efficiency improvement by simplifying operations to deploying the cloud for digital
Types of cloud hosting Key business benefits of cloud computing
Public cloud
⚫ A public cloud provides infrastructure and services to the
public on the internet
⚫ Organizations can secure a part of that infrastructure and
network (e.g., Amazon Web Services)
Better business continuity Improved adaptability Enhanced customer IT modernization, cost
Private cloud and scalability service experience reduction, and improved
⚫ A private cloud is a proprietary network or a data center disaster recovery
that supplies hosted services to a limited number of people The cloud enables rapid Cloud-based solutions A cloud environment Cloud adoption reduces
⚫ Private cloud solutions utilize infrastructure that is either build, iteration, delivery of, autonomously and improves collaboration the cost of system
owned and controlled by an organization or a service and access to service seamlessly adapt to efficiency between internal upgrades and
provider features/functionalities changes in business stakeholders, leading to management and
based on business operation volumes, helping superior and consistent maintenance of one’s own
Hybrid cloud
dynamics. businesses to quickly adapt customer service IT infrastructure. Cloud-
A hybrid cloud is a combination of public cloud services and to changing requirements experience, irrespective of based infrastructure is
an on-premises private cloud, with orchestration and and scale faster. the point, mode, or scale of more resilient and provides
automation between the two consumption. enhanced data security.

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key digital levers and their benefits | cloud
(page 2 of 2)

Case study | Leading airlines Etihad Airways adopted the hybrid-cloud platform to create a seamless and integrated digital experience for its customers
Business challenge/objective
Etihad Airways’ online passenger check-in process was unable to meet the expectations of smooth and reliable customer service. In fact, the check-in process had become so complex
that it could no longer cater for the personalization that the airlines aimed to offer. The company wanted to leverage rich data on passenger preferences to create a more seamless,
integrated, and customized digital experience to complement its in-flight travel experience.

Approach/solution Impact
⚫ The airlines created a flexible open-service orchestration platform based on cloud technology and microservices to develop ⚫ Cloud and microservices platforms enabled the
cost-effective cloud-native applications company to reduce delivery time for web check-in
⚫ By adopting a microservices architecture on an open, highly scalable, hybrid cloud platform, the airline could assemble applications from nine months to just 15 weeks
reusable components to accelerate the delivery of new applications — the first of which was a new web check-in solution ⚫ It helped boost success rates for online check-in
⚫ The hybrid cloud approach enabled the airline to optimize response times by moving workloads between cloud centers to and reduce wait times at airport terminals,
reduce latency with back-end systems enhancing passenger experience

Case study | US-based floral and gourmet foods gift retailer and distribution company 1-800-FLOWERS.COM Inc. migrated to the cloud to deliver seamless service
Business challenge/objective
1-800-FLOWERS.COM Inc., one of the world’s most popular online gift retailers worked with diverse order management systems and experienced challenges in managing these
disjointed systems and integrating order fulfillment processes

Approach/solution Impact
⚫ The company decided to start a migration project, moving 10 major brands to a public cloud platform ⚫ Cloud adoption helped deliver a seamless service experience across
environment brands, improving efficiency and driving down costs
⚫ The cloud-based approach was undertaken to consolidate the order fulfilment process into one ⚫ It is also expected to help the firm scale up much faster
integrated platform

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key digital levers and their benefits | analytics
(page 1 of 2)

Analytics refers to a suite of applications, ranging from worker performance analytics and process/business intelligence to diverse advanced analytics
solutions, such as predictive, prescriptive, and big data analytics. The technology architecture of an analytics solution is complex and comprises data storage
and integration systems, core statistical/analytical tools, and user interface and visualization tools to provide dashboards on key business KPIs. Predictive
analytics, along with Big Data, can help institutions form a uniform view of their customers across business units. Business users are increasingly demanding
enterprise-wide analytics solutions to extract better insights from coherent data and address data security concerns.
Analytics solution technology architecture Key business benefits of analytics

User interface /
visualization Wrapper tools

Analytics core Analytics platform/ Advanced predictive Insights into business Improved operational Enhanced customer Better demand-supply
engine tool (e.g., R) and prescriptive tools
opportunities efficiencies experience planning

Structured data Analytics can help Analyzing information Customer data can be Analyzing trends can
Data storage
Data Warehouse (DWH) / Data Mart (DM) identify leads by from operational analyzed to provide provide clearer insights
and integration
analyzing customer processes data can help customized through data visualization
systems Data processing systems
preferences and past identify gaps and areas recommendations and enhance decision-
Structured/unstructured data
interactions. that need to be and identify reasons making in terms of optimal
streamlined. for churn. product mix and demand-
Data sources Sensor News Social supply planning.
data feeds media

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key digital levers and their benefits | analytics
(page 2 of 2)

Case study | An Australian bank leveraged analytics to gain visibility into customer behavior and predict churn
Business challenge/objective
An Australian bank was facing increasing attrition of its mortgage customers over three years. The bank’s loan portfolio’s runoff rate was roughly 13%, 4% higher than the industry
average. The bank was struggling with customer insights and segmentation, with a lack of visibility into varying customer behavior.

Approach/solution Impact
⚫ The bank created two predictive analytics models to determine customer attrition propensity by accurately segmenting ⚫ The predictive model enabled the bank to generate
customers who were likely to refinance with another bank insights into customer behavior and helped reduce
⚫ To build the model, it analyzed multiple variables, such as customer and branch information, transaction attributes, the attrition rate of home loan customers by 10%
customer complaints, and risk factors, to identify data patterns ⚫ It also enabled cross-selling of products to 10% of
⚫ Siloed datasets and data marts were integrated to create a unified view and provide access to all relevant stakeholders the bank’s mortgage customers

Case study | A biotechnology manufacturer employed analytics to examine its production process
Business challenge/objective
A biotechnology manufacturer was struggling with a 3.6% increase in downtime in its production line as compared to the previous quarter. This downtime stemmed from an unexplained
viscosity in one product in the production line, resulting in pipe blockages. The investigative team could not identify the reason for this, as all relevant production parameters were in the
approved working range.

Approach/solution Impact
⚫ The company implemented a predictive analytics tool that analyzed historical and online data ⚫ The plant regained the expected production capacity and the production team
from the production line and identified the correlation of variables – specific variations in was able to pinpoint the right predictive maintenance schedule
mixing duration, distillation time and reaction temperature – which were causing the blockage ⚫ Overall, the downtime in events reduced by 83%, with 72% reduction in
⚫ Based on these findings, the tool provided a prediction alert to the operational team before a downtime costs. On-time delivery improved by 98% while production capacity
blockage could occur again increased by 5.1%

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key digital levers and their benefits | IoT
(page 1 of 2)

Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and connectivity that enable them to exchange data
with connected devices. IoT refers to the concept of creating an ecosystem of connected machines, processes, and people by transforming physical objects
into virtual elements. IoT use cases include asset management and remote tracking, process optimization, supply chain visibility, and customer

Key features of blockchain technology Key business benefits of blockchain

Device management
Enabling low power and high processing capability in devices,
along with open and secure management protocols at the
device layer
Connectivity enablement
Developing remote and high density connectivity management Improved process Enhanced process Improved safety and Enhanced user
capabilities at the network and connectivity layer visibility efficiency security experience

Infrastructure integration IoT sensors improve IoT enables remote Continuous monitoring With reduced human
Creating scalable and secure IoT networks that also conserve visibility into the tracking of assets, with IoT helps protect effort and increased ease
network bandwidth inventory and help in reducing downtime and against physicals of controlling multiple
better supply-side improving asset utilization. threats, ensuring devices, IoT can
Data management planning, e.g., supply It helps cut down improved employee significantly enhance
Supporting edge analytics and big data capabilities to generate chain processes. maintenance costs with safety. user experience.
real-time insights real-time diagnosis and
predictive maintenance.
Application development kits
Developing kits to reduce the cost and complexity of
application development and improve application usability

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key digital levers and their benefits | IoT
(page 2 of 2)

Case study | The world’s largest dockless bicycle-sharing platform, Ofo, adopted an advanced communication solution to meet its connectivity needs
Business challenge/objective
Beijing-based bicycle sharing company Ofo was looking for solutions to make its processes (such as hiring bikes, finding and unlocking bikes, and payments) seamless to enhance
user experience.

Approach/solution Impact
⚫ Ofo deployed an IoT solution that enabled bikes to be connected in low-network areas ⚫ NB-IoT made it easier for users to find a hire bike through the Ofo app with
through Narrowband-IoT (NB-IoT), which is designed to give higher coverage improved coverage
⚫ The solution reduced the time taken to unlock a bike and lock it again at the end
of the hire period

Case study | Dynisco adopted IoT-based inventory management system to reduce costs and improve efficiencies
Business challenge/objective
Pressure sensor manufacturer Dynisco needed to reduce costs generated by excess inventory and inefficient use of supplies. Improving design and implementing assembly practices
helped, but there was still significant inventory, as well as issues with lead time and quality.

Approach/solution Impact
⚫ Dynisco solved its overstock problem by adopting an automated inventory system integrated ⚫ Using automated inventory tracking saved up to 18 hours of manual labor a
with IoT. The IoT-based inventory system used Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) month
technology, along with the cloud, to help businesses store and track real-time inventory data ⚫ The firm registered 40% reduction in active inventory across all facilities, thereby
⚫ The firm was able to monitor customer usage and send customers reminders to place new reducing the cost of maintaining excess inventory
orders when required, enhancing customer experience

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key digital levers and their benefits | mobility
(page 1 of 2)

With increasing focus on customer satisfaction, enterprises are adopting mobile-based solutions/apps to provide on-the-go services. Service providers are
building mobile-based apps through which business users can monitor their processes, approve invoices, and raise/answer queries, enabling quicker
decision-making. Vendors and employees can also use mobile solutions to submit invoices and reimbursement claims anywhere, any time. Organizations
have also established IT security and management policies to support mobile-based applications. With enterprise mobility expanding its horizons,
organizations can no longer avoid managing their mobile app portfolios.
Key business benefits of mobile apps

Enhanced customer engagement Improved employee experience and productivity Better partner and supplier relationship Improved access and brand visibility

Due to their interactive nature and Mobile apps can provide real-time updates to Apps for vendors and suppliers help Mobile apps offer an easy to access
scope to personalize messages, mobile employees, enabling faster resolution of improve supply chain management by platform that improves brand visibility
apps enable enterprises to better customer issues. They help streamline field faster processing of orders, and among its customers especially among
reciprocate customer requirements. operations by easily communicating site transparent and faster invoice settlement, younger demographics. This leads to
Initiatives such as loyalty programs locations, and scheduling employees and the thereby leading to better partner and effective communication between the
further improve customer retention. required resources, enhancing the overall supplier enablement. brand and its customers.
employee experience.

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key digital levers and their benefits | mobility
(page 2 of 2)

Case study | A French multinational company providing construction solutions introduced mobile apps to improve delivery experience
Business challenge/objective
A French multinational construction solutions company could not give its clients precise information on when their shipments would arrive, as it had limited visibility into when the goods
were loaded onto trucks and the time they would be delivered to client sites. The firm recognized that improving information availability would also enhance its own efficiency and its
network of transportation partners, as well as enable better visibility to track any in-transit damages.

Approach/solution Impact
⚫ The company created a real-time mobile app for clients to check the status of their deliveries and a second mobile app for ⚫ The solution resulted in >99.9% faster provision
delivery drivers to input their estimated arrival time, provide updates on any unforeseen delays, and to take photographs of of information to clients, reducing working capital
damaged goods or incorrect deliveries in the event of a delivery claim requirements and out-of-stock scenarios
⚫ The firm realized that providing the right front-end experience to both customers and delivery agents and strong integration ⚫ It improved efficiency throughout the delivery
of the mobile database with back-end systems to get timely updates from SAP® ERP were imperative for success chain, from the warehouse to the client site
⚫ The creation of a single, cross-platform app in HTML5 and CSS, from which the apps are packaged for use on both Android ⚫ Rapid, iterative mobile development helped
and iOS, saved significant development time, effort, and expense minimize time-to-market

Case study | A leading provider of food and agricultural commodities, Cargill, developed a mobile app to provide real-time updates to its farmers
Business challenge/objective
Leading food and agricultural commodities provider Cargill’s animal nutrition unit wanted to help shrimp farmers reduce the mortality rate of their yields

Approach/solution Impact
⚫ The company developed iQuatic, a mobile data-tracking app, to predict biomass in shrimp ponds based on environmental Working directly with shrimp farmers enabled
factors, such as temperature, pH and nutrition Cargill’s data scientists to deliver real-time insights
⚫ Farmers save data from the app to the cloud and have access to an operations dashboard that helps visualize pond that impacted the growth and cost of their operations
performance and provides key measures and predictive analytics (such as feeding management strategies and optimal
harvest dates) that help them better manage shrimp health and increase yields

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key content

⚫ Introduction to 360-degree enterprise automation

⚫ Leveraging digital levers to reimagine journey experiences

⚫ Steps and strategies to develop a connected business ecosystem

⚫ Enterprise case studies

⚫ Appendix
– Appendix A: Benefits of improving touchpoints across key stakeholder groups
– Appendix B: Key digital levers, their benefits, and use cases
– Appendix C: Order management and fulfillment process value chain
– Appendix D: Mapping journey experiences across key stakeholder groups
– Appendix E: Identifying and addressing challenges/bottlenecks – Illustrative use-cases

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

OMF value chain (page 1 of 2)

Detailed description of subprocesses and activities in the OMF process ILLUSTRATIVE

Lead and quote Order receipt Order Inventory After-sales

Subprocesses Order delivery
management and entry processing management service

⚫ Detailed description ⚫ Order received through ⚫ Customer helpdesk ⚫ Claims/warranty ⚫ Consolidate and ship ⚫ Demand forecasting
of subprocesses and various channels follow-up management order ⚫ Vendor Managed
activities in the OMF ⚫ Order validation ⚫ PO / invoice / Advanced ⚫ Returns ⚫ Shipping document Inventory (VMI)
process ⚫ Order entry Service Notification management management support
⚫ Acknowledgement and (ASN) matching ⚫ Service contract ⚫ Track and trace shipment ⚫ Management of
receipt generation ⚫ Schedule product receipt management ⚫ Receive and verify warehouse network
product receipt

Business outcomes of successfully managing the OM&F process

Revenue growth by Better demand-supply Enhanced customer Improved On Time In Full Reduced supplier risk Reduced employee
processing more orders planning, with improved experience and (OTIF) delivery and and improved supplier effort resulting in
successfully supply chain visibility improved sales reduced order to delivery experience enhanced employee
cycle time and delays experience

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

OMF value chain (page 2 of 2)


Key processes impacted by

Key stakeholders involved Key systems involved in OM&F
OM&F outcomes

⚫ Customers ⚫ Customer Relationship Management (CRM) ⚫ Incentive management for internal and external teams
⚫ Sales teams system ⚫ Audit process
⚫ Operational teams for order entry ⚫ Channel management systems (compiling ⚫ Supplier payment processing
orders across sales channels, such as website,
⚫ Customer helpdesk / customer service staff ⚫ Customer account management
mobile applications, retails stores, etc.)
⚫ Warehouse and logistics providers
⚫ Product Information Management (PIM) system
⚫ Manufacturing department
⚫ Order entry system
⚫ Products/services suppliers
⚫ Contract management system
⚫ Procurement teams
⚫ Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system
⚫ Finance and accounting department
⚫ Forecasting and purchasing
⚫ Service providers for claims/warranty processing
⚫ Logistics management and order tracking
⚫ Marketing team
⚫ Order management platform/module
⚫ After-sales service partners for repair/return
⚫ Payment processing / cash collection systems

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key content

⚫ Introduction to 360-degree enterprise automation

⚫ Leveraging digital levers to reimagine journey experiences

⚫ Steps and strategies to develop a connected business ecosystem

⚫ Enterprise case studies

⚫ Appendix
– Appendix A: Benefits of improving touchpoints across key stakeholder groups
– Appendix B: Key digital levers, their benefits, and use cases
– Appendix C: Order management and fulfillment process value chain
– Appendix D: Mapping journey experiences across key stakeholder groups
– Appendix E: Identifying and addressing challenges/bottlenecks – Illustrative use-cases

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Mapping journey experiences of the five key stakeholder groups


Lead and quote Order receipt Order Inventory After-sales

Order delivery
management and entry processing management service

Stakeholder’s role in the ⚫ Interact with sales team ⚫ Generate purchase order ⚫ Communicate order ⚫ Track order shipment File disputes/ warranty
⚫ Request for RFXs ⚫ Receive order modifications ⚫ Check order accuracy and claims
confirmation Seek clarifications quality
Stakeholder journey

Impact of the process on Behavior of the sales team, Multi-channel support for Delays in order processing, Sub-optimal inventory Timely and accurate Swift resolution of
RFQ process, and order placement, timely response to customer management can lead to deliveries with regular claims/disputes with minimal
stakeholder experience
negotiation process updates on order, and delayed / partial deliveries, updates will lead to follow-ups

Stakeholder’s impact on the Sales channel, lead Order placement process, Processing times vary Size of customer’s order The process is designed to Organizations should ensure
generation, RFX process, channel support, and depending on customer’s impacts inventory planning meet customer’s delivery that products/services are
payment terms, and prices customer assistance during
are decided based on

Key issues/challenges Behavior of the sales team, Multi-channel support for Delays in order processing, Sub-optimal inventory Timely and accurate Swift resolution of
RFQ process, and order placement, timely response to customer management can lead to deliveries with regular claims/disputes with minimal
negotiation process updates on order, and delayed / partial deliveries, updates will lead to follow-ups

It is imperative to take a 360-degree view of the

journey experiences of various stakeholder groups
to develop a connected business ecosystem. Customer Employee Partner Supplier Regulator

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Mapping journey experiences of the five key stakeholder groups | customer


Lead and quote Order receipt and Order processing Inventory After-sales
Order delivery
management entry management service

Customer’s role ⚫ Interact with sales team ⚫ Generate purchase order ⚫ Communicate order ⚫ Track order shipment ⚫ File disputes / warranty
in the process ⚫ Request for RFXs ⚫ Receive order confirmation modifications ⚫ Check order accuracy and claims
⚫ Negotiate prices and ⚫ Seek clarifications quality ⚫ Provide supporting
payment terms ⚫ Communicate order documents (e.g., invoices)
⚫ Review and sign the discrepancies

Impact of the The sales team’s behavior, Multichannel support for Delays in order processing, Suboptimal inventory Timely and accurate Swift resolution of
process on RFQ process, and order placement, timely and response to customer management can lead to deliveries with regular claims/disputes, with minimal
Customer negotiation process updates on orders, and inquiries/requests may result delayed/partial deliveries, updates help increase follow-ups, enhances the
Experience (CX) significantly impact CX, streamlined processes can in late and/or incorrect poor quality products, and customer satisfaction. after-sales customer
which has a direct impact on reduce customer effort and deliveries, which adversely higher costs, resulting in experience.
securing orders. improve satisfaction. impact customer experience. contract termination.

Customer’s The sales channel, lead The order placement The processing time varies A customer’s order size The process is designed to Organizations
impact on the generation, RFX process, process, channel support, depending on a customer’s impacts inventory planning meet customers’ delivery should ensure that
process payment terms, and prices and customer assistance importance, order size, and and management. requirements and ensure products/services are in line
are decided based on the during order placement are request for modifications. timely delivery. with customer expectations.
customer segments an designed per customer
organization serves. preferences.

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Mapping journey experiences of the five key stakeholder groups | employee


Lead and quote Order receipt and Order processing Inventory After-sales
Order delivery
management entry management service

Employee’s role ⚫ Generate leads ⚫ Provide multichannel ⚫ Manage customer ⚫ Forecast demand to ⚫ Consolidate and ship ⚫ Provide multichannel support
in the process ⚫ Respond to RFXs support for order requests/clarifications maintain optimal orders to customers for raising
⚫ Negotiate prices and placement ⚫ Process orders inventory ⚫ Manage shipping service requests
payment terms ⚫ Enter orders into systems ⚫ Schedule delivery and ⚫ Coordinate with documents ⚫ Process requests and
⚫ Acknowledge order provide regular updates suppliers ⚫ Track and trace shipment coordinate with servicing
receipts ⚫ Communicate order ⚫ Receive and verify partners
specifications and timelines product receipt ⚫ Respond and resolve
to relevant stakeholders requests

Impact of the Employee incentives and Process standardization and Well-defined workflows and Well-defined workflows and Well-designed policies,
process on performance depend on prefilled forms reduce processes expedite processes ensure timely maintained audit trails, and
Employee leads generated and/or employee effort and enhance processing and improve delivery and improved documented SOPs to manage
Experience (EX) converted. productivity. employee performance and employee performance and customer requests minimize
satisfaction. satisfaction. ambiguity and improve EX.

Employee’s Employees generate sales They interact with customers Well-trained employees can Employees carry out Employees coordinate with Employee training on
impact on the leads and ensure favorable and provide assistance ensure seamless, faster order demand forecasting & customers and logistics communication with customers,
process prices through negotiation. during order placement. processing when coordinating planning to maintain partners to ensure timely partners, and internal
with internal and external optimal inventory. order delivery. stakeholders help ensure swift
stakeholders. and accurate resolution of
customer requests.

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Mapping journey experiences of the five key stakeholder groups | partner1


Lead and quote Order receipt and Order processing Inventory After-sales
Order delivery
management entry management service

Partner’s role in ⚫ Sales/channel partners ⚫ Channel partners receive Service providers manage ⚫ Logistics partners manage ⚫ Logistics partners ⚫ Reverse logistics partners
the process provide access to new orders from customers customer inquiries inward logistics coordinate order delivery manage returns
markets and sales ⚫ Enter order details into ⚫ Coordinate with scheduling ⚫ Servicing partners process
channels enterprise systems stakeholders for inventory ⚫ Ship orders to customers customer claims/disputes
⚫ Generate customer leads ⚫ Acknowledge order receipt planning and scheduling ⚫ Provide updates on ⚫ Raise requests for material
⚫ Coordinate with internal delivery status requirements
sales teams ⚫ Resolve claims/disputes

Impact of the Well-established Integrated systems and well- Real-time information Involving partners in Sufficient notice period for Connected systems and well-
process on communication channels defined workflows improve sharing and well-defined inventory planning and order delivery and timely defined workflows reduce
partner with clearly defined roles and the order placement process. workflows improve agent scheduling minimizes ad communication minimize partner effort to resolve
experience processes enhance partner experience. hoc requests and improves delays and improve partner customer claims/disputes.
experience. partner experience. performance.

Partner’s impact ⚫ Access to new sales Multichannel support to ⚫ Cost savings due to Optimized inventory by Timely order delivery to Faster and more
on the process channels and markets customers for placing orders streamlined customer ensuring timely material customers, along with regular accurate resolution
⚫ Increased speed to market support delivery delivery status updates to of claims/disputes
⚫ Access to better talent relevant stakeholders
and best practices

1 A partner refers to external partner companies such as technology partners, service providers, and consultancies and professional services firms

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Mapping journey experiences of the five key stakeholder groups | supplier


Lead and quote Order receipt and Order processing Inventory After-sales
Order delivery
management entry management service

Supplier’s role in Some strategic suppliers Respond to ⚫ Collaborate with Provide materials such as
the process may assist enterprises in materials/services queries procurement teams for spare parts to fulfill servicing
market expansion and for orders with custom inventory planning and needs
generation of new customer specifications scheduling
leads ⚫ Respond to ad hoc
materials/services requests
to fulfill customer orders

Impact of the Suppliers may have to exert Too many customization Lack of sufficient notice Integrated systems and well-
process on higher effort due to requests may impact period when placing orders defined communication
supplier customers requiring suppliers’ ability to meet for materials/services may channels with enterprise and
experience adherence to certain customer requirements, stretch suppliers to fulfill servicing partners ensure
environmental, social, and increase supplier effort, and requirements and result in a better demand planning.
industrial regulations. adversely impact supplier bad supplier experience.

Supplier’s impact Suppliers’ compliance with Suppliers’ ability to handle Supply assurance of quality Swift resolution of
on the process environmental, social, and customer requests enables materials/services helps claims/disputes through
industrial regulations may be faster order processing and maintain optimal inventory timely delivery of spare parts
an important criterion for fulfillment. levels. helps fulfill servicing needs.
some customers.

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Mapping journey experiences of the five key stakeholder groups | regulator


Lead and quote Order receipt and Order processing Inventory After-sales
Order delivery
management entry management service

Regulator’s role ⚫ Regulate access to different ⚫ Set guidelines for order Resolve any liability issues, Ensure that certain highly Resolve disputes arising ⚫ Provide a medium/channel
in the process global markets and sales invoices such as violation of contract regulated industries keep due to violation of contract for customers to raise
channels ⚫ Define the taxes to be terms at the time of order minimum inventory levels terms, such as late/no escalations and file
⚫ Monitor marketing charged processing payment, inaccurate or complaints
campaigns and sales unfulfilled orders, and ⚫ Process and resolve
initiatives to ensure fair quality issues customer complaints over
competition and prevent warranty claims/disputes
firms from misleading
Impact of the Adherence to regulations, fair Levy of applicable taxes and Well-defined workflows Maintaining optimal inventory Well-defined policies and Well-maintained audit trails
process on marketing/sales campaigns, adherence to invoicing ensure smooth order and regulatory compliance adherence to procedures and secure archive of
regulator’s and well-maintained standards minimize liability processing per contract minimize liability issues. (e.g., custom formalities in sales/service documents can
experience documentation can minimize issues and the number of terms and reduce regulatory case of cross-border orders) enhance regulator
and ease regulatory cases flagged to regulators. effort to assess the issues ensure smooth delivery and experience in handling
intervention process and flagged. minimize escalations and disputes/claims.
oversight. legal complications.
Regulator’s Regulators set the regulations Regulators define details to Inventory planning and Regulators resolve disputes Regulators ensure that
impact on the governing the market be included in invoices and scheduling are dependent on related to order delivery and customers are treated fairly
process expansion, sales channel tax rates applicable on the specific regulations may also take legal actions and may also take legal
strategies, and marketing different products applicable in an industry. as required. actions against the
campaigns. enterprise in case of gross
violations (e.g., product bans
and recalls).

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Key content

⚫ Introduction to 360-degree enterprise automation

⚫ Leveraging digital levers to reimagine journey experiences

⚫ Steps and strategies to develop a connected business ecosystem

⚫ Enterprise case studies

⚫ Appendix
– Appendix A: Benefits of improving touchpoints across key stakeholder groups
– Appendix B: Key digital levers, their benefits, and use cases
– Appendix C: Order management and fulfillment process value chain
– Appendix D: Mapping journey experiences across key stakeholder groups
– Appendix E: Identifying and addressing challenges/bottlenecks – Illustrative use-cases

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Identifying and addressing challenges/bottlenecks
Use case 1 – inventory management

⚫ Legacy inventory management systems

⚫ Inaccurate reporting of inventory status resulting in overcommitment and under delivery
⚫ Manual processes and fragmented supply chain
Challenges/ ⚫ Limited process visibility
bottlenecks ⚫ Poor communication between stakeholders

Low High

Stakeholder Impact of challenges/bottlenecks on stakeholder experience Digital levers Reimagined workflow to address the challenges

Bad customer experience due to rejected orders, and late or ⚫ RPA ⚫ IoT sensors deployed at warehouses provide accurate updates
inaccurate delivery ⚫ AI (IDP) on available inventory
⚫ Analytics ⚫ IDP capability reads data from supplier receipts during inventory
Pressure to fulfill order commitments and meet performance ⚫ Mobile check-in and check-out at the warehouse and provides
standards applications structured data to RPA robots, which can update inventory status
⚫ IoT in near real-time
Poor communication, ad hoc requests, and insufficient notice period to
Supplier ⚫ Mobile apps drive partner and supplier interactions, with
suppliers to meet inventory requirements
automated reporting of inventory status
Lack of timely communication and coordination with sales and ⚫ Predictive analytics on ability to fulfill customer orders based on
Partner expected inventory inflow provides real-time guidance to
logistics partners
employees to accept/reject incoming orders
Liability issues due to unfulfilled orders or violation of contract terms ⚫ RPA robots trigger mails/messages, providing regular and
Regulator might get the regulators involved; impact of regulators could increase proactive updates to customers in case of any delays
in industries mandated to maintain minimum inventory levels

⚫ Superior customer experience, with accurate and timely deliveries

⚫ Digitally enabled processes reduce employee effort and provide significant cost savings
⚫ Enhanced operational efficiencies, with near real-time visibility into inventory status
⚫ Increased ability to manage more customer orders driving top-line growth
Business ⚫ Ability to manage wider network of suppliers and partners that helps improve order fulfillment capabilities
outcomes ⚫ Enhanced supplier and partner experience
⚫ Fewer customer complaints and liability issues

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Identifying and addressing challenges/bottlenecks
Use case 2 – incentive management

⚫ Limited or no attention from enterprises to understand how employee actions in the order management process are driven by the association between orders processed/fulfilled and
sales incentives
⚫ Lack of validations and checks in customer account management systems could allow employees to manipulate the systems to inflate the number of orders by entering multiple
orders from a single customer entity in different names
⚫ Loopholes in manual processes for customer credit assessment allow scope for manipulation
⚫ Isolated systems that require manual feeding of data from one system to another pose another key challenge
Low High

Stakeholder Impact of challenges/bottlenecks on stakeholder experience Digital levers Reimagined workflow to address the challenges

Inaccurate storage of customer information, such as order history, ⚫ RPA ⚫ Automate customer onboarding process (including KYC) using
may impact future customer interactions ⚫ Mobile RPA robots to minimize manual processing
applications ⚫ Leverage RPA robots to cross-verify details of new customer
Inflated incentives for some employees may impact the performance ⚫ Analytics accounts with the existing customer database using multiple
Employee and/or incentives of other employees datapoints to identify duplicate entries
⚫ Provide multichannel support to customers to place orders
NA directly on the company’s systems
Supplier ⚫ Develop internal controls to eliminate fraudulent practices and
leverage RPA robots to monitor compliance
Orders from same customer under multiple accounts confuse logistics ⚫ Leverage RPA to conduct regular audits on customer accounts to
Partner identify any discrepancies
partners and hamper the overall partner experience

Inability to put relevant checks and validations in the process can lead
to serious compliance issues

⚫ Robust validation process to assess customer creditworthiness

⚫ Fewer manual processes reduce scope for data manipulation
⚫ Robust customer account management ensures that a single customer entity cannot have multiple accounts
Business ⚫ Fair allocation of employee incentives based on performance
outcomes ⚫ Minimal compliance issues on account of unfair business practices

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Identifying and addressing challenges/bottlenecks
Use case 3 – logistics management

⚫ Legacy order management systems

⚫ Manual tracking and tracing of orders
⚫ Lack of real-time communication and data-sharing between sellers and multiple logistics partners
Challenges/ ⚫ Manual updates of order handovers
bottlenecks ⚫ Limited communication to customers on order status

Low High

Stakeholder Impact of challenges/bottlenecks on stakeholder experience Digital levers Reimagined workflow to address the challenges

Poor customer service due to delay and lack of transparency in order ⚫ RPA ⚫ Mobile apps drive communication between sellers and various
updates and delivery ⚫ AI-based routing logistics partners
system ⚫ AI-based intelligent routing system coordinates between multiple
Immense pressure on employees due to the need to keep track of ⚫ IVA/chatbots logistics partners (road freight, cargo ships, etc.) and auto-
Employee order handovers, manage multiple isolated order management ⚫ Mobile assigns a partner based on goods’ location
systems, and keep buyers informed applications ⚫ RPA robots proactively monitor orders and update order
Lack of coordination between suppliers and inward logistics partners handover details in near-real time
Supplier ⚫ RPA robots trigger order-related notifications (based on defined
can impact inventory availability
criteria) to customers and direct any L2 and L3 queries to human
Lack of timely communication and coordination between multiple agents
Partner ⚫ Integrated order delivery system with logistics for proactive
logistics partners (road freight, cargo ships, etc.)
updates in case of outages
Regulators may be involved if logistics partners back out of contracts ⚫ Self-service on website and mobile apps enables customers to
or in case of customer disputes due to unfulfilled or delayed orders check order status and reduces helpdesk workload

⚫ Improved visibility of the logistics process with real-time order tracking

⚫ Enhanced customer experience with proactive and real-time order updates
⚫ Higher efficiency in order handling
⚫ Real-time information-sharing between sellers and logistics partners
⚫ Feasibility of managing more logistics partners
⚫ Improved business coverage, with ability to manage cross-border shipments

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Identifying and addressing challenges/bottlenecks
Use case 4 – after-sales service

⚫ Manual processing of return requests and warranty claims

⚫ Ambiguity around the roles of different stakeholders and procedures
⚫ Siloed back-office operations involving processing of return requests, claim requests, etc.
Challenges/ ⚫ Poor communication between stakeholders resulting in increased request processing time
bottlenecks ⚫ Lack of knowledge of legal repercussions in case of disputes

Low High

Stakeholder Impact of challenges/bottlenecks on stakeholder experience Digital levers Reimagined workflow to address the challenges

Reduced customer satisfaction and brand loyalty due to incomplete ⚫ RPA ⚫ Mobile apps offers a self-service platform for customers to place
and delayed resolution of warranty claims and/or return requests ⚫ IDP service requests
⚫ IVA/chatbots ⚫ IVA/chatbots interact with customers to understand and place
Immense pressure to handle unsatisfied customers that also requires ⚫ Mobile requests in the system
Employee employees to coordinate with servicing partners to ensure timely applications ⚫ IDP capability reads data from various service request document
redressal ⚫ Blockchain formats (including manually filled receipts), and RPA robots
Multiple ad hoc servicing requests with insufficient notice periods capture and maintain service ticket data
Supplier ⚫ Mobile apps for third-party servicing and reverse logistics
impact suppliers
partners improve visibility on location, time of arrival, and
Lack of clarity on partner responsibilities and absence of streamlined duration to complete work in case of repairs
Partner ⚫ Blockchain streamlines warranty claims processing to avoid
procedures impact the experience of servicing and logistics partners
erroneous payments
Regulators may be involved in the event of escalations or legal ⚫ RPA robots use real-time tracking of return orders to send
actions by the customer acknowledgement emails to customers automatically

⚫ Faster and zero-touch processing of return requests and warranty claims

⚫ Higher probability of customer retention and fewer disputes
⚫ Improved communication between the customer helpdesk, servicing partners, and reverse logistics partners
Business ⚫ Digitally enabled processes reduce employee effort and time spent in backend processes, freeing up time to engage with dissatisfied customers
outcomes ⚫ Superior employee and partner experience

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Identifying and addressing challenges/bottlenecks
Use case 5 – Customer helpdesk

⚫ Delay in communicating order modifications / special requests to relevant stakeholders

⚫ Longer order processing time due to lack of coordination between different teams
⚫ Lack of sufficient notice period to suppliers and partners to adjust to order changes / special requests
⚫ Poor communication regarding order modifications / special requests between logistics partners and the company

Low High

Stakeholder Impact of challenges/bottlenecks on stakeholder experience Digital levers Reimagined workflow to address the challenges

Late and/or inaccurate order delivery, resulting in bad customer ⚫ RPA ⚫ Self-service options included in website and mobile apps for L1
Customer experience ⚫ AI-based routing requests
systems ⚫ RPA robots update customer requests in underlying systems in near
Immense pressure on employees to incorporate modifications / ⚫ IDP real-time and notify relevant teams (logistics partners for delivery-
Employee special requests while adhering to order fulfillment timelines ⚫ IVA/chatbots related requests, suppliers for increase in order size, etc.)
⚫ Mobile ⚫ AI-based intelligent routing systems route queries to best-fit agents,
applications who can connect with relevant teams
Multiple ad hoc requests for materials with insufficient notice periods ⚫ For L2 requests, agent-assisted robots suggest relevant possible
Supplier ⚫ Analytics
impact supplier performance responses to support agents, based on past customer interactions
⚫ Self-learning IVA robots observe agent behavior as he/she resolves
Lack of coordination for order modifications / specific requests (such queries and automatically update their knowledge base
Partner as changes in delivery schedule/place) impacts partners’ performance ⚫ Predictive analytics used to generate revised fulfillment time if
customer requests are accepted
Regulators may be involved in case of escalations or legal actions by ⚫ RPA robots notify customers and affected stakeholders (such as
Regulator the customer in the event of violation of contract terms/agreement logistics partners) of any changes in the delivery schedule

⚫ Improved customer experience, with enhanced flexibility to accommodate special requests

⚫ Reduced employee fatigue in coordinating with multiple stakeholders
⚫ Faster order processing and reduced errors
⚫ Reduced partner effort in accommodating last-minute customer requests
⚫ Improved ability to keep customers informed in case of delays
⚫ Improved brand loyalty

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Glossary of key terms used in this report (page 1 of 2)

Term Definition
Artificial Intelligence (AI) The ability of machines to use cognitive computing, including visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation, to mimic human intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) Technologies, applications, and practices for the collection, integration, analysis, and presentation of business information

Cognitive/smart automation The ability of a system to learn how to interpret unstructured content, such as natural language, and use analytical capabilities to derive and present inferences in a
pre-defined/structured manner, e.g., a system classifying the mood of a person into a pre-defined group based on his/her tone and language

Computer vision A type of AI technology that aims to achieve automatic visual understanding through an image or a sequence of images

Deep learning A type subfield of machine learning concerned with algorithms and inspired by artificial neural networks in the brain

Full Time Equivalent (FTE) A way to measure a worker's productivity and/or involvement in a project. A 1.0 FTE is equivalent to a full-time worker

General AI A machine that can perform multiple intellectual tasks across diverse domains by mimicking all activities performed by a human

Horizontal business processes Processes that are common across various departments in an organization and often not directly related to the key revenue-earning business, such as procurement, finance & accounting,
and human resource management

Intelligent Document Processing A software product or solution that captures data from documents (e.g., emails, text, PDFs, and scanned documents), categorizes, and extracts relevant data for further processing using AI
(IDP) technologies such as computer vision, OCR, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and machine/deep learning

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Key performance indicators for processes, services, products, or solutions

Machine Learning (ML) A type of artificial intelligence that provides computers with learning capabilities without explicit programming

Narrow AI A machine that performs a single narrow task; an expert system

Natural Language Processing (NLP) A machine’s ability to interpret human languages

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) A technology within computer vision that involves the recognition of printed characters using computer software

Proof-of-Concept (POC) A realization of a certain method or idea to demonstrate its feasibility, or a demonstration in principle to prove/verify that some concept or theory has practical potential

RPA A type of rules-based automation technology that helps automate repetitive tasks by mimicking user’s activities. It is non-invasive and typically interacts with a computer-centric task/process
through the User Interface (UI) of the underlying software applications

RPA deployments In-production or scaled-up deployments of RPA solutions

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

Glossary of key terms used in this report (page 2 of 2)

Term Definition
Semi-structured data Content that does not conform to a pre-defined structure but, nonetheless, contains tags / other markers to separate semantic elements and enforce hierarchies; in short, it has a self-
describing structure. The content placeholders can be in varied sequences

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) A software licensing and delivery model in which common platforms are built and standard functionality is developed while being integrated into an enterprise’s systems; it is expected to
bring about greater integration between the IT environment and business needs, thus making the IT infrastructure more agile and aligned with business changes

Structured data Content that conforms to a pre-defined structure in terms of tags that separate semantic elements and enforce hierarchies of records and fields; the content placeholders also have a pre-
defined sequence

Unstructured data Information that either does not have a pre-defined data model or is not organized in a pre-defined manner; unstructured information is typically
text-heavy, but may contain data such as dates, numbers, and facts too

Vertical-specific business processes Processes that are specific to a department within an organization and often directly related to the key revenue-earning business; examples include the lending process in the banking
industry and claims processing in the insurance industry

Virtual agent A computer-generated virtual character that can converse with human customers and take decisions; virtual agents are also known as chatbots or virtual assistants

® Copyright © 2020, Everest Global, Inc.

About Everest Group

® Everest Group is a consulting and research firm focused on strategic IT, business services, and sourcing. We are trusted
advisors to senior executives of leading enterprises, providers, and investors. Our firm helps clients improve operational and
financial performance through a hands-on process that supports them in making well-informed decisions that deliver high-
impact results and achieve sustained value. Our insight and guidance empower clients to improve organizational efficiency,
effectiveness, agility, and responsiveness. What sets Everest Group apart is the integration of deep sourcing knowledge,
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