125, II 100 650 (A) (C) : Ele. (B) (D)

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30. a- A mechanic is expected to make engine parts with axle diameter of 1.75 cms.

A random sample
Reg. No.
of 10 parts shows a mean diamaer of 1.85 cms, with a SD of 0.10 cms. On the basis of this
sample, would you conclude that the work ofthe mechanic is infedor?
b_ Data on the hair and eye colours are given in the following table. Test whether there is any Fifth Semester
association between the hair colour and eye colour.
(For the candidates admitted during the academic year 2013 2014)
Brown t5 20 5 (Statistical tobles and gaph sheets for statistical q ality control charts are to be proided)
Hair colour Grey 20 20 10 Note:
Block 25 20 15 (i) Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within first 45 minutes and OMR sheet should be handed over
of456 mhute.
to hall invigilator at the end
31. a- A computff while calculating correlation between X and Y from 25 pais of observations, (i1) Part - B and Port - C should be answered iD answer booklet.
obtained the following results:
2X =125, II=100 I -17 = 508 Time: Three Hours Max. Marks; 100

2X2 =650; 2I2 = 460, PART-A(20x I =20 Marks)

It vras, however, later discovered at the time of checking that he had copied down two pairs as Answer ALL Questions
[6 lt4
l. IfA and B are dependent events, then P(A^B) is,
(A) P(A).P(B) (B) P(A)+P(B)
While the corect values were (c) P(A).P(B/A) (D) P(A)+P(B)-P(A^B)
tx tY l
8 2. If F(r) is the cumulative distributioa function of a landom vffiable X, and if a<b, then Pfa<rsbl
Ele. ls
(A) P(x=a)+F(b)-F(a) (B) F(b)-F(a)-P(x=b)
Obtain the correlation coefficient of X and Y.
(C) P(a<x<b)+P(x=a)+P(x=b) (D) F(b)-F(a)
b. Dry seeds were inadiated with 3 different doses of gamma rays. Germination 7o is given below. 3. LetXbe a random.variable ifVar.(.1):4, then the value ofVar (4X+5) is
Use one way ANOVA,VA, analyze )1 our data statisti callv at 1 9/o levr , of significan(
cance. (A) 2t (B) 16
Gamma Ray Doses (c) 64 (D) 04
Replicates 1O KR 20 KR 30 KR o' tx>o, then the moment generating
90 85 75 A random variable Xhas the pdfgi,
,errby f(*) =[1e
2 95 80 80 r<0 i.0:
3 90 85 75 function of, is.
4 85 75 60 (A) 2 (B) l
5 80 70 65 2-t 3-t
(c) (D) 3
32. a. The values of sample mean i
and sample SD s for 15 samples, each of size 4 , drawn from a (z-,)' (t -,)'
population process are given below, draw tle apprcpriate mean ()l)
and range (R) charts and
comment on the state ofcontrol. 5, For a binomial distuibution, the mean is 6 and variance is 2, tlle value of the parameter p is,
(A) 1 (B) I
Sample No. I 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 l0 l1 t2 l3 t4 15

Mean 't5.0 10.0 12.5 13.0 12.5

13.0 13.5 11.5 13.5 13.0 14.5 9.5 12.0 10.5 11.5
(c) 1
(D) ?

3 3
S.D 3.1 2.4 3.6 5.2 5.4 6.2 4.3 3.4 4.1 3.9 5.1 4.7 3.3 3.3 6. On an average a D?ist makes 2 mistakes per page. What is the pobabiliry that a typist will make
no errors on a page?
(oR) (A) (B) el
b. l0 Samples each of size 50 were impected and the number ofdefectives in the inspections were: (C) "1 (D) e2
2, l, 1,2,3, 5, 5, 1, 2, 3. Draw the appropdate np-chart and p-chart for defectives, and comment "2
on the conhol. 7. For a standard normal distribution, the mean and variance are respectivsly
(A) 0 and I (B)
I and 0
(C) ---oo and oo (D)
-3 and 3
19. In the contol chart, the central line CL is plotted as a line.
8. The mean ofa geometric distribution whose pmf is pq''r, for r:1,2,...."o is
(A) p (B) q (A) Dotted (B) Double
p (C) Border (D) Bold
(c) I (D) fp 20. In statistical quality control chars, the np-chart and p-chart are used, when p 2 0.05andnp 2
s (A) 0 (B) 2

9. A finite subset of a population is known as

(c) 4 (D) 1

(A) Sample (B) Mean
(C) Variance (D) Standard deviation
Answer ANY FfVE Questions

10. Which value ofthe sampling dist'ibution is called standard error? 21. The p.d.f of a continuous random variable -I is giYen by f(x) ).x(2- x),totl<x<2 ' Find the
(A) Sample size (B) Mean

(C) Variance (D) Standard deviation value of '1,' and the cumulative distibution

11. Type I eror is: 22. If the probability that a person will believe a rumour is 0'75, find the probability that the 8t
(A) Reject ff ,,/fl, istiue (B) Acceptllo,,/11oisFalse person to hear the rumour will be the 5t person to believe it.

(C) Reject Ar,r/l1l istrue (D) Accept 1{,f l{isFalse

23. Suppose that the amount of waiting time a customer spend at a rcstaurant has an exponential
diJtribution with a mean of 6 minutes, calculate the probability that a custome! will spend more
12. The degrees of freedom for testing a sample mean of a sample of size n is
than l2 Einules in the restaumnt.
(A) n (B)
(C) n+l (D) n-l 24. Dehne: The terms (a) Parameters and statistics (b) Nutl and altemative Hypotlesis.
13. The coeflicient ofconelation (simple) lies between 25. W}lat are the applications of Chi-squa.e test?
(A) -1 and 1 (B) 0 and 1
26. What is meant by ANOVA? Also state the assumptions fur ANOVA.
(C) 0 and oo (D) --o and
"o 27. Get the lower and upper conrol limits for the C-chan. when i = 6.
14. ln repeated ranks, the value of correction factor is PART-C(5x 12 = 60 Mrrks)
(A) m(mz +t) (B) m1m? -t) Answer
Questions ALL
, 2 28. a. The amount ofbread (in hundreds ofkgs) that a certain bakery is able to sell in a day is a random
(c) n(n2 +1) (D) m(n2 -1) variable X, with a pdf is given by
tz t2 lAr-ifo<t<5
[lr) = )' A(0 - x)' if 5< x <10
15. Correlation coefficient is the mean between the rcgrcssion coefiicients.
(A) Geometric (B) Addmetic 10, otherwise
(C) Harmonic (D) Weighted (i) Determine the value of A
(ii) Find the probability that in a day the sales is more than 500 kgs.
16. The means ofx and y ofthe two regression lines: x + 2y = 5; and2x+3y:8 are. (iii) Obtain the probability that in a day tlle sales is between 250 and 750 kgs.
(A) -t,1 (B) -1,2 (oR)
(c) 1, -2 (D) 1,2 b. Estimate: E(zX+ 1)2, Nd v u QX+ t ) from
17. Control charts provides cdteria for detecting lack of-
,x: -3 6
(A) Physical (B) Chemical P(r): 1/6 U2 1/3
(c) Statistical (D) Biological
29. a. Obtain the moment genelating fimction of Poisson distribution, and hence find its mean and
18. If'd' is the number ofdefectives in a sample of'n' items, then the defective problem is, variance.
(A) d (B) n (oR)
nd b. X is a normal variate with mean 30 and SD.5. find the probabilities that
(c) d (D) n (D 269xa4o (ii) Y24s, and (iiD lx - 30] > 5
G77 ltNASMAltX's I8NA'MAlOO5

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