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Case Studies of Acoustic Noise Emission From

Inverter-Fed Asynchronous Machines
Hans Tischmacher, Ioannis P. Tsoumas, Member, IEEE, Benjamin Eichinger, and Ulrich Werner

Abstract—The issue of noise emission from electric drives is nm Rotating speed of the fan (in 1/s).
becoming increasingly important. Motor manufacturers have to Nbl−d Number of fan blades or axial cooling ducts.
comply with certain standards in order to assure the high compet- p Number of pole pairs of the motor.
itiveness of their products. At the same time, with today’s variable
speed drives, which are supplied with nonsinusoidal voltages, the s Rotor slip.
issue of noise reduction has become more complex. This is because ZR Number of rotor slots.
the influence of additional factors, compared to machines supplied
with sinusoidal voltage, must be considered over a wide speed
range. The key to optimizing the machine’s acoustic behavior is I. I NTRODUCTION
the thorough knowledge of the influence of the different noise
sources and the excitation mechanisms over the complete speed
range. Apart from the theoretical analysis and the simulation, an
experimental investigation is necessary to obtain a better under-
T HE SOURCES of acoustic noise in electrical machines are
diverse. Apart from mechanical and aerodynamic noise,
noise of electromagnetic origin is a decisive factor for the total
standing of the previously mentioned factors and to minimize the sound pressure level, particularly for converter-fed variable
machine’s acoustic noise. This paper presents some characteristic speed electric drives. The electric motors are usually driven
case studies of acoustic noise emission in asynchronous machines
supplied from voltage source inverters in order to examine the by voltage-source inverters (VSIs), where a pulsed voltage is
influence of diverse factors on the total noise level. applied directly to the motor windings. This results in addi-
tional harmonic fields in the air gap of the electrical machine,
Index Terms—Acoustic noise, aerodynamic noise, asynchronous
rotating machines, electromagnetic noise, inverters. which, in turn, produce additional electromagnetic noise. The
radial force waves deform the stator core laminations, causing
N OMENCLATURE vibration. There is also a possibility of other parts of the motor
enclosure being strongly excited—such as cooling ducts, fan
fa Frequency of the tonal aerodynamic noise harmonic cowl, etc.
components. In addition to the sound pressure measurements using a
fk Frequency of the kth space harmonic due to the wind- suitable number of microphones and the standardized envelope
ing distribution. technique, the use of an acoustic camera is often necessary in
fn Frequency of the nth time harmonic due to converter order to precisely locate the excessive noise radiation and to
operation. take the necessary countermeasures regarding the mechanical
fs Fundamental stator supply frequency. design. Another aspect of the machine’s sound design is the
fsw Switching frequency. optimal choice of the stator and rotor slot combinations, which
ka Positive integer involved in the aerodynamic noise determine the frequencies of the corresponding harmonic fields
harmonic components. and radial force waves. If the latter coincide with the harmonic
n1 , n2 Positive and negative integers involved in the stator force waves due to inverter operation, this can lead to an
voltage harmonics due to converter operation. excessive noise increase in certain speed ranges.
µ, ν Positive and negative integers involved in the perme- By adopting suitable measures regarding the complete drive
ance Fourier series of stator and rotor, respectively. design, the objective is to find an optimum for minimal noise
LPA A-weighted sound pressure level [in dB(A)]. emissions over the complete speed range. The main areas to
m Spatial orders of the electromagnetic force waves. concentrate on to achieve this are the source of excitation itself,
i.e., the power electronic converter, and the actual source of the
noise, i.e., the motor. The main emphasis of this paper concerns
Manuscript received February 1, 2011; accepted March 16, 2011. Date the possibilities of optimizing the motor. Due to the diverse
of publication July 14, 2011; date of current version September 21, 2011. nature of the excitation sources, knowledge of the different
Paper 2011-EMC-038, presented at the 2010 International Conference on
Electrical Machines, Rome, Italy, September 6–8, and approved for publication noise generation mechanisms is of decisive importance in order
in the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NDUSTRY A PPLICATIONS by the Electric to define the appropriate corrective measures. This means that
Machines Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. special emphasis has to be given to the interaction, as well
The authors are with Large Drives, Drive Technologies Division, Industry
Sector, Siemens AG, 90441 Nuremberg, Germany (e-mail: hans.tischmacher@ as the transitions among the different excitation mechanisms.;; benjamin.eichinger@siemens. For example, the effects of the inverter supply can be covered
com; partially or completely by the noise of an external cooling
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at fan. Also, an unfavorable stator and rotor slot combination can
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2011.2161740 amplify the effects arising from the inverter operation.
0093-9994/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE

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Fig. 1. Transmission paths from the inverter to the radiated sound.

The possibilities of noise reduction depend strongly on the C. Electromagnetic Sources of Noise
aforementioned factors. Therefore, the purpose of this paper
The electromagnetic noise in electrical machines is mainly
is to examine the influence of the different noise sources on
due to the force waves produced by the air-gap magnetic flux
the total sound pressure level by experimentally investigating
waves. The principal source of electromagnetic noise is the
the noise characteristics of several asynchronous motors, with
radial component of the magnetic force (the tangential compo-
different nominal powers and cooling methods.
nent and magnetostriction effects are usually neglected [3]–[5]).
The radial force waves cause the laminated core to oscillate
(forced oscillations), producing structure-borne acoustic noise.
II. S OURCES OF N OISE IN E LECTRICAL M ACHINES Furthermore, these oscillations are transmitted to the surround-
The sources of noise in electrical machines can be classified ing enclosure as excitation. The enclosure now serves as the
into three different types [1]: aerodynamic or windage noise, transmission element, and when its eigenmodes are excited, it
mechanical noise, and electromagnetic noise. can also increase the level of noise that is radiated. The different
transmission paths from the supply voltage to the radiated noise
are shown in Fig. 1. In addition to the radial force waves,
A. Aerodynamic Noise torque pulsations and tangential forces can also contribute to
vibrations and magnetic noise [1].
The basic source of aerodynamic noise is the fan, which The magnetic force applied on the inner stator surface is
is either internal and shaft driven or external and indepen- proportional to the square of the air-gap magnetic flux density;
dently supplied. There are broad-band aerodynamic noise (100– the flux density is obtained from the product of the air-gap
10 000 Hz) and siren noise (tonal noise) [1]. The latter is permeance and the air-gap magnetomotive force (MMF).
produced by the interaction between fan blades, rotor slots, or For electric motors fed directly from the line supply, the most
rotor axial ventilation ducts. Its distinct frequency components important force waves regarding the acoustic noise radiation
appear at frequencies that are multiples of the product of the arise due to the following interactions [4].
rotating speed of the fan and the number of blades or the
1) Force waves due to the interaction of the µth stator and
number of ducts [1], [2]
the νth rotor slot harmonics with the following frequen-
cies and spatial orders:
fa = ka · nm · Nbl−d (1)  
f = fs q (1 − s) + 2 , for spatial order m = µ + ν
where Nbl−d is the number of the fan blades or axial cooling
ducts, nm is the rotating speed of the fan in revolutions per (2a)
second, and ka is a positive integer. The aerodynamic noise gen-  
erated by shaft-driven fans is dominant at high motor speeds. f = fs q (1 − s) , for spatial order m = µ − ν
B. Mechanical Sources of Noise
where q = ±1, ±2, ±3, . . ., fs is the stator supply fre-
The mechanical noise is mainly due to bearings and their quency, s is the slip, p is the number of pole pairs, and
defects, and shaft and rotor irregularities, e.g., rotor imbalance ZR is the number of rotor slots. The amplitudes of the
or shaft misalignment, as well as due to toothed gear trains [1]. magnetic field harmonics decrease with harmonic orders

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µ and ν; in addition, the force waves are noisier for low

spatial orders [4], [5].
2) Force waves due to the interaction of the permeance space
harmonics and the MMF space harmonics associated with
current harmonics due to the winding distribution. The
most important of the aforementioned force waves has the
following frequencies and spatial orders:

| ± fk − fs | 
f=  ,
fk ± fs + q ZpR (1 − s)fs 

for spatial order m = 0, 2 (3)

where fk is the frequency of the kth current harmonic.

These forces, which arise due to the nonsinusoidal wind-
ing distribution, become important as the load increases
[5], [6].
For converter-fed electric motors, besides the aforemen-
tioned force waves, additional force waves are produced
by the interaction of the MMF and permeance space har-
monics with the time harmonics due to converter operation.
The most important of these is produced by the interaction of
the fundamental flux density and its time harmonics and has the
Fig. 2. Line-to-line voltage waveform and its FFT for SVM with a switching
following frequencies and spatial orders [4], [5]: frequency of 2.5 kHz.

f = |fn − fs |, for spatial order m = 0 (4a)

f = |fn + fs |, for spatial order m = 2p (4b)

where fn is the frequency of the time harmonics due to con-

verter operation.
For the cases studied in this paper, the electric motors are
supplied from a VSI with space vector modulation (SVM) [7].
The frequency of the voltage time harmonics is given by the

fn = |n1 fsw + n2 fs | (5)

where fsw is the switching frequency and n1 and n2 are

integers, where, if n1 is an odd integer, n2 will be an even
integer and vice versa. The line-to-line voltage waveform and
its fast Fourier transform (FFT) for a switching frequency
of 2.5 kHz are shown in Fig. 2. The harmonic components
are arranged in groups of sidebands around multiples of the Fig. 3. Case study 1—Cooling process for open-circuit ventilation (IP23)
switching frequency. The components in the areas of the single- from the nondrive end to the drive end for the tested motor.
and double-switching frequencies are clearly dominant.
From the three different types of audible noise in electric is available with degrees of protection of IP23 and IP55. For
motors, this paper only examines two; mechanical noise is the IP23 motors, a separately driven external fan is used to
beyond the scope of this paper. Characteristic case studies of circulate the air from the nondrive end to the drive end, where
acoustic noise of aerodynamic and electromagnetic origins are the air is discharged to the environment through the slots in the
presented in the following sections. enclosure (Fig. 3). For IP55 motors, an external fan blows the
air through the cooling ducts in the stator core. With this type
of ventilation, the blades attached to the rotor end ring serve
III. A ERODYNAMIC N OISE as ventilation blades to circulate the air inside the motor. IP23
motors also have these blades, mainly for reasons related to the
A. Case Study 1—Aerodynamic Noise Due to the External Fan
manufacturing process.
and the Ventilation Blades Attached to the Rotor End Ring
The sound pressure level has been measured in a spe-
The first inverter-fed motor that is investigated is a four-pole cial chamber designed for acoustic noise measurements ac-
air-cooled asynchronous motor with a shaft height of 280 mm cording to ISO 3744. The enveloping surface method on
and a degree of protection of IP23. The specific motor series a parallelepiped measurement surface was applied [8] using

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measured separately and which is depicted with the straight

dotted line in Fig. 10, has been added to the filtered sound
pressure level (this addition is admissible for incoherent sound
sources [1]). As can be seen in Fig. 10, at speeds higher
than 1700 1/min, the difference between the computed sound
pressure level and that of the first configuration (external fan
in operation) is up to 8 dB(A), which is a significant noise
reduction. The harmonics of the 44th and 55th orders have
not been filtered out, since that would also diminish harmonics
caused by the inverter.
Subsequently, the rotor blades have been removed, and
the sound pressure level during the motor’s run-up has been
recorded again. The spectrogram of the run-up is depicted
Fig. 4. Case study 1—Microphone positions and measurement surface.
in Fig. 9. As can be seen in Fig. 10 (green curve), the measured
noise is up to 10 dB(A) lower compared to the motor with
14 microphones (Fig. 4). Several configurations have been the blades on the rotor. This is consistent with the expected
investigated, for different dc-link voltage levels of the inverter reduction, showing that the contribution of the broad-band
and different switching frequencies. In all of the tests, the motor noise and of the harmonics of the 44th and 55th orders to the
operated without a load. The asynchronous motor was always aerodynamic noise is very small compared to that of the first
started relatively slowly up to 3300 1/min. The motor noise three harmonics (the harmonics of 11th, 22nd, and 33rd orders)
was also measured as it coasted down after the supply was of the rotor blades. This is an example of how the feedback
switched off. This was done in order to distinguish aerodynamic from the motor noise measurements can be used to optimize
noise and mechanical noise from noise with an electromagnetic the machine’s design with regard to the aerodynamic noise
origin. The A-weighting function, which is the most widely reduction.
used, was applied to the measured sound pressure level.
The measured A-weighted sound pressure level for two IV. N OISE OF E LECTROMAGNETIC O RIGIN
characteristic configurations is shown in Fig. 5. In the first
configuration, the external fan is in operation, and in the second A. Case Study 2—Noise Reduction in a Rib-Cooled Standard
configuration, it has been switched off. As can be seen from the Motor Fed From an Inverter
diagram, for speeds higher than 1750 1/min, the aerodynamic The possibilities of optimizing the noise on the motor side
noise dominates; there is a very small difference between when will be also shown using a rib-cooled standard motor with
the motor is being accelerated and when it coasts down with a shaft height of 315 mm as an example. A more detailed
the power disconnected. The same was true for another six presentation of this optimization is available in [9]. The motor
configurations that have been tested, for different switching is fed from an inverter with a switching frequency of 2 kHz. In
frequencies and dc-link voltages. These are not shown in the di- order to measure the noise hot spots at the motor, an approach
agram since the sound pressure level above 1750 1/min was the that combines soundscaping using an acoustic camera and the
same as the ones shown. In the spectrogram in Fig. 6, the har- standardized enveloping surface method is applied. With the
monic components at the sidebands of the multiples of the in- enveloping surface method, it is possible to detect possible
verter’s switching frequency dominate at low speeds; on the increases in the sound pressure level in the time and frequency
other hand, at high speeds, the dominant harmonic components domains over the complete speed range. As a result of the
are due to the blades attached to the rotor ring (they have coupled soundscaping, the locations from where noise is being
frequencies that are multiples of the product of the shaft’s radiated can be localized.
rotating frequency and the number of the ventilation blades). With the motor used in the example, the fan cowl and the
In order to estimate the contribution of the rotor blades lateral cooling ducts at the motor enclosure were identified
to the total sound pressure level—to evaluate the possibilities as the locations from where sound was being radiated. This
of reducing noise as the ventilation blades are not necessary information is then the basis for the next stage of the optimiza-
for IP23 motors—the first three harmonic components coming tion procedure: modal analysis of the hot spot areas based on
from the rotor blades have been filtered out; specifically, the simulation, as well as defining possible measures to reduce the
harmonics of 11th, 22nd, and 33rd orders (the rotor shaft noise. Simulating the actual state helps to visualize the various
frequency is the first order, and the rotor has 11 blades), with operations and make them understandable, and this forms the
a Butterworth filter of the 10th order. The filtering has been basis for modifications to reduce the noise. The calculated
conducted in the sound pressure level spectrum of the second modal analysis of a simplified model of the fan cowl resulted
configuration (with the separately driven fan switched off), in in approximately 65 natural modes in the range extending from
order to ensure that any noise coming from the external fan is 1.2 to 4.2 kHz (Fig. 11).
not filtered out. The original and the filtered spectrograms are This calculation indicated that no significant improvements
shown in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. could be expected by modifying the fan cowl by changing the
In order to estimate the difference with the external fan in mass distribution or stiffness. This modification would only
operation, the sound pressure level of the fan, which has been mean that another natural mode would be excited. It appeared

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Fig. 5. Case study 1—Sound pressure level during the run-up for two different configurations and during the coasting down with the power disconnected (motor
with ventilation blades on the rotor).

Fig. 6. Case study 1—Spectrogram of the sound pressure level during the machine’s run-up for the first configuration (motor with ventilation blades on the
rotor + external fan in operation).

Fig. 7. Case study 1—Spectrogram of the run-up with the external fan Fig. 9. Case study 1—Spectrogram of the run-up after the rotor blades have
switched off (second configuration). been removed. The external fan is switched off.

that the most effective method to reduce the fan cowl noise
would be to decouple the fan cowl from the exciting motor. In
order to calculate the natural mode in the area of the cooling
duct, it makes sense to separate this area from the complete
motor. The limits of the area have been selected so that the
influence of the remaining structure on the natural mode being
searched for is as low as possible. The simulation of natural
modes between 1.2 and 4 kHz, in addition to several nonrele-
vant modes, indicated a distinct mode shape close to 2 kHz. For
this natural mode, only the cover panel of the duct oscillates in
the normal direction (Fig. 12).
Fig. 8. Case study 1—Spectrogram of the run-up with the external fan
switched off. The first three harmonics due to the rotor blades have been This result allows us to possibly assume that, at 2 kHz, the
filtered out. mode is excited by a harmonic field at the group of sidebands

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Fig. 10. Case study 1—Sound pressure level of the run-up for different configurations.

level as a result of the motor modification. The sound pressure

level was reduced by approximately 4 dB(A) by decoupling the
fan cowl. However, this resulted in a more distinct occurrence of
the tonal components of the lateral cooling duct. The additional
measures taken at the cooling duct also reduce this by 3 dB(A).
The hot spot on the cooling duct has disappeared (Fig. 13).

B. Case Study 3—Noise Increase in a Specific Speed Range

Due to Resonance
This case study deals with the increase in the sound pressure
level at a specific speed range due to the increase of a sideband
Fig. 11. Case study 2—Fan cowl eigenmode near 2 kHz. harmonic of the switching frequency. The inverter-fed motor
being investigated is a four-pole asynchronous motor with a
shaft height of 355 mm. The enveloping surface method on a
parallelepiped measurement surface was applied to measure the
noise under no-load operation, using 14 microphones.
The sound pressure level during run-up for two different
switching frequencies (2 and 2.5 kHz) is shown in Fig. 14. For
speeds lower than 1250 1/min, the noise of electromagnetic
Fig. 12. Case study 2—First air duct eigenmode (at a frequency of 2119 Hz). origin dominates. In particular, at a switching frequency of
2 kHz, there is a sudden increase of the noise level in the speed
around the first multiple of the switching frequency that excites range between 800 and 1000 1/min. The noise mainly comes
the airborne sound. The consequence is the 2-kHz tone. A from the laminated core—as can be seen in Fig. 15—in contrast
hammer test carried out on the cooling duct of the motor, used to 2000 1/min where the noise mainly comes from the louvres
in the example, also indicated a natural frequency at 2 kHz. (Fig. 16).
The finite-element (FE) model, verified by making appropriate The spectrogram of the motor’s run-up (Fig. 17) reveals a
measurements, is now a basis for the modifications that are considerable increase of the spectral components with frequen-
initially virtual. Calculations performed on various cooling duct cies fsw − 3fs and fsw − 5fs in the specific speed range, as
variants with thicker materials or rib reinforcements indicated it can also be clearly seen in Fig. 18, where the FFT of the
the influence of the variations on the number of natural modes sound pressure level at a speed of 910 1/min is illustrated.
and their positions in the frequency range. It was possible to Those frequencies correspond to two of the radial force waves
obtain significantly fewer natural frequencies in the range of produced by the interaction of the fundamental flux density and
interest. Furthermore, the natural mode can be shifted to fre- its time harmonics due to inverter operation.
quencies that are less critical. After the modifications, the first For a switching frequency of 2.5 kHz, the aforementioned
relevant natural mode of the channel is 2.9 kHz. A hammer test spectral components have frequencies far enough away from
performed on the modified motor used in the example indicated the motor eigenfrequencies, and the sound pressure level is
that this matches the simulation results. A new analysis using approximately 7 dB(A) lower in that speed range. This infor-
the acoustic camera indicated a reduction of the sound pressure mation about possible resonance points and the corresponding

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Fig. 13. Case study 2—Diagram showing modifications to the motor using soundscapes at 1000 1/min motor speed (fsw = 2 kHz).

Fig. 14. Case study 3 (open-circuit fan-cooled motor)—Sound pressure level during run-up for two different switching frequencies and with the motor coasting

noise increase for certain combinations of switching frequen- examined in the previous section, the motor is louder in a wide
cies and speed ranges obtained from the field tests is necessary speed range for a switching frequency of 2 kHz compared to a
in order to optimize the drive’s acoustic behavior. switching frequency of 1.25 kHz.
Another example of noise increase at certain speeds due to
resonance is shown in Fig. 19, where two run-ups for different
C. Case Study 4—Temperature Dependence of the Noise of
switching frequencies of the rib-cooled motor investigated in
Electromagnetic Origin
the previous case study (before the modifications) are depicted.
Usually, the motor gets quieter with increasing switching fre- The last case study presented in this paper deals with the
quency [1], [10]. In this case, however, due to the resonance potential influence of the motor’s temperature on the noise

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Fig. 18. Case study 3 (open-circuit fan-cooled motor)—FFT of the sound

pressure level at n = 910 1/min for fsw = 2 kHz.

Fig. 15. Case study 3 (open-circuit fan-cooled motor)—Acoustic photograph

(soundscape) of the motor surface at 930 1/min and fsw = 2 kHz.

Fig. 19. Case study 3 (rib-cooled motor)—Sound pressure level during run-up
for two different switching frequencies.

Fig. 16. Case study 3 (open-circuit fan-cooled motor)—Acoustic photograph

(soundscape) of the motor surface at 2000 1/min and fsw = 2 kHz.

Fig. 20. Case study 4—Sound pressure level of the motor’s run-up for a
Fig. 17. Case study 3 (open-circuit fan-cooled motor)—Spectrogram of the winding temperature of 40 ◦ C (fsw = 4 kHz).
sound pressure level during the machine run-up for fsw = 2 kHz.
measurement surface for operation with partially loaded motor,
level. The converter-fed motor being investigated is a four-pole using nine microphones.
asynchronous motor with a shaft height of 180 mm. Noise The spectrogram of the machine’s run-up for a wind-
measurements conducted on this motor in a cold condition ing temperature of 40 ◦ C is shown in Fig. 21. Regarding
(winding temperature of 40 ◦ C) have shown two peaks at the first peak of the sound pressure level at speeds 1600–
speeds 1600–1900 and 3900–4200 1/min (Fig. 20). The initial 1900 1/min, an increase of the harmonic with frequency
tests have revealed a strong dependence on the temperature, fsw − 3fs can be observed. In this range, this harmonic has a
particularly for the first peak mentioned before. In this paper, frequency close to 3820 Hz. The noise mainly comes from the
we focus on the temperature dependence of the latter (the peak motor’s laminated core, as shown in Fig. 22. The eigenmodes
close to 1700 1/min). In order to examine this behavior in detail, and the corresponding eigenfrequencies of a simplified 2-D
the sound pressure level at different winding temperatures has FE motor model have been calculated. The FE calculations
been measured. All of the measurements have been carried revealed that the seventh eigenmode has a frequency close to
out using the enveloping surface method on a parallelepiped 3800 Hz (the frequency where the increase in the sideband

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Fig. 21. Case study 4—Spectrogram of the sound pressure level of the motor’s
run-up for a winding temperature of 40 ◦ C (fsw = 4 kHz).

Fig. 24. Case study 4—Dependence of the motors’s eigenfrequencies on the

temperature as calculated by a simplified 2-D FE model.

Fig. 22. Case study 4—Acoustic photograph (soundscape) of the upper motor
surface at 1720 1/min for a winding temperature of 40 ◦ C (fsw = 4 kHz).

Fig. 25. Case study 4—Sound pressure level of the motor’s run-up for
different winding temperatures (fsw = 4 kHz).

fsw − 3fs , which also has spatial order m = 0 (pulsating force

As the motor’s temperature increases, the frequency of the
eigenmode decreases, and the amplitude of the sound pressure
level at the resonance point also drops. As can be observed in
Fig. 25, the sound pressure level at 1720 1/min is reduced by
approximately 6 dB(A) from when the motor is cold (40 ◦ C) to
Fig. 23. Case study 4—Seventh mode of vibration of the motor’s laminated when it is warm (80 ◦ C).
core calculated by a simplified 2-D FE model.

harmonic has been measured); more specifically, it is 3830 Hz
at a temperature of 30 ◦ C. The corresponding mode of vibra- Four characteristic case studies of acoustic noise emission
tion is shown in Fig. 23. As shown in Fig. 24, the specific in inverter-fed variable speed drives have been presented. The
eigenfrequency is temperature dependent, and for a temperature influences of various factors and the speed ranges where these
of 100 ◦ C, it has a value close to 3700 Hz, which is more factors dominate have been experimentally investigated.
than 100 Hz lower when compared to its value at 30 ◦ C. The The inverter modulation characteristics (modulation strategy
corresponding mode of vibration is a pulsating mode; therefore, and switching frequency) have a predominant role in the motor
it can be strongly excited by the force wave with frequency noise emission of adjustable speed drives, for speed lower

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than the rated motor speed. In this paper, only some examples [8] Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources Using Sound
from converters operating with the well-known SVM have been Pressure, EN ISO 3744, 1995.
[9] H. Tischmacher and B. Eichinger, “Sound optimization of a converter-
presented. It is important to note that, although, in the literature, fed drive system using an acoustic camera in combination with modal
higher modulation frequency is considered to decrease the analysis,” COMPEL, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 1106–1115, 2010.
generated motor noise, the experience from the field tests shows [10] R. Malfait, R. Reekmans, and R. Belmans, “Audible noise and losses
in variable speed induction motor drives with IGBT inverters—Influence
that, sometimes, this is not the case due to resonances that may of design and switching frequency,” in Conf. Rec. 29th IEEE IAS Annu.
take place in a higher switching frequency. This may happen Meeting, Denver, CO, 1994, vol. 1, pp. 693–700.
particularly in the switching frequency range of 1–3 kHz, where
most large drives (of several hundred kilowatts up to 1 MW)
operate. One example of such a resonance has been presented Hans Tischmacher was born in Wolfsburg,
Germany, in August 1966. He received the Dipl.-
in this paper. Eng. degree in electrical drives from the Technical
Apart from the inverter modulation characteristics that in- University of Braunschweig, Braunschweig,
fluence the frequencies and the amplitudes of the radial force Germany, in 1994.
He is currently with Large Drives, Drive Tech-
waves, as well as the mechanical motor design which defines nologies Division, Industry Sector, Siemens AG,
the motor eigenmodes and eigenfrequencies, one additional Nuremberg, Germany. He has 15 years of experience
important factor is the motor temperature; in some cases, the in the development and testing of electrical motors
and power electronic converters. He is the holder of
sound pressure level difference between cold and warm motors several patents in this field. His scientific interests
can be significant. As shown in the last case study presented include electric drive systems, power electronics, and electrical machines,
in this paper, this can be partially attributed to the change of particularly the effects of power electronic converters on electrical machines,
e.g., bearing currents, noise emission, insulation stress, etc.
the stiffness and, consequently, of the mechanical eigenfre-
quencies. However, the temperature change influences also the
damping coefficient, a factor that should also be investigated Ioannis P. Tsoumas (M’04) was born in Athens,
via experiment and FE analysis in a future work. Greece, in November 1976. He received the Dipl.-
Eng. and Dr.-Eng. degrees in electrical and computer
In addition to the noise measurements using the standardized engineering from the University of Patras, Patras,
enveloping surface method, the soundscaping technique using Greece, in 2000 and 2007, respectively.
an acoustic camera is often necessary for noise mapping in He is currently with Large Drives, Drive Tech-
nologies Division, Industry Sector, Siemens AG,
order to identify the points of excessive noise emission. This Nuremberg, Germany. His scientific interests include
allows us to make more effective modifications, if necessary, to electric drive systems, power electronics, electrical
the mechanical design in order to minimize the acoustic noise machines, and electric drives monitoring and fault
diagnosis, as well as the effects related to the inter-
level. action of power electronic converters and electrical machines.
Another useful tool for the identification of the sources of the Dr. Tsoumas is a member of the VDE and the Technical Chamber of Greece.
acoustic noise is the spectrogram of the sound pressure level.
As it has been shown in this paper, the latter can be also used
Benjamin Eichinger was born in Erlangen,
as a “sound design tool,” in order to estimate the possible noise Germany, in December 1980. He received the
reduction that can be achieved by making certain modifications. Dipl.-Eng. (FH) degree in mechanical engineering
and the M.Eng. degree from the University of
Applied Sciences, Nuremberg, Germany, in 2005
R EFERENCES and 2007, respectively.
He has been with Large Drives, Drive
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