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Proyecto Ingles

Nombre: Yasmin Fuentes Escobar

Carrera: Pedagogía en matemáticas y computación
Religion teacher interview Pamela Hernández Sepúlveda

- Where is your school located?

My school is located in the metropolitan region in the commune of Quilicura
- What is your name?
His name is Santiago Quilicura
- Is this a public or private school?
It is a private school
- What are some important professions and their responsibilities in this
Some of the important professions found in the school are psychology,
psychopedagogy, and differential education.
My responsibility at school has to do with the fact that I am the teacher of
religion and I have a leadership in charge.
- What are some of the rules and regulations of this school?
The rules of our school have to do with the experience of three fundamental
values: responsibility, honesty and respect.
- What is your daily routine?
My daily routine is:
Half past eight I go to class
Ten o'clock first recess
Ten twenty entered classes second block
From eleven fifty to twelve thirty five
Twelve thirty five to two five third class block
and two twenty-five to four in the afternoon class block fourth

- Where is your classroom? What does it look like? (Have them show you
At school it has been a challenge since I left, I started with a valuable
education and not a Catholic religion and that allowed me to start to get
interested in the religion class to have a good time motivating to learn and that
gave rise to the kind of religion was fundamental in his life.

- What is your favorite thing about your job?

I really like being able to provoke knowledge in students, my subject allows
us to know them more, understand them, and thus not criticize or judge them
for their actions.

- What is your least favorite thing about your job?

What I like least about my job since I started working at this school I found
different types of children and what I do not like is the little preparation that
the university provides in terms of inclusion, I found different types of
children and I felt without tools to help the child.

- Why is English important in your school?

English class is not a very important class, children don't learn English but I
can say that the methodology used by the teacher motivates students a lot.

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