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Section 3: Solutions

Processing options – Step 2 Point Cloud and Mesh

1. If you set the Minimum Number a. 3

of Matches to 5, how many im-
b. 5
ages must a feature be identi-
fied in for it to be reconstructed c. 7
in the densified point cloud? d. 2

Solution: B

Minimum Number of Matches determines the minimum number of images that

a feature must be identified in before it can be reconstructed in the densified
point cloud.
A higher Minimum Number of Matches will produce a sparser densified point
cloud, a lower Minimum Number of Matches will produce a denser densified
point cloud. Generally speaking, a point’s position will be more accurate when it
is identified in a greater number of images.

2. If “Classify Point Cloud” is a. Human Made Objects and Road Surface

enabled, which classes of
b. Human Made Objects and Buildings
the densified point cloud will
contribute to the digital terrain c. Ground and Road Surface
model (DTM)? d. Ground and Buildings

Solution: C

Classify Point Cloud automatically assigns each point in the densified point
cloud to a point group, including Road Surface, Ground, High Vegetation, Hu-
man Made Objects, and Buildings.
The point groups will be taken into consideration when generating the DTM.
For example, all points assigned to the Ground or Road Surface point group will
be considered representative of the terrain. Points assigned to any other point
group will be considered representative of an above-ground feature. If none of
the points in the densified point cloud are assigned to a point group, the DTM
will be generated by smoothing the Digital Surface Model.
You can reassign points in the densified point cloud to a different point group
with the Edit Densified Point Cloud tool.

Section 3: Solutions Processing options – Step 2 Point Cloud and Mesh

3. Mulitscale is enabled, by de- a. The image scale you selected to generate points.
fault. If Multiscale is disabled,
b. The full image scale to generate points.
Pix4Dmapper will use...
c. Both the full image scale and the image scale you selected to generate
d. The optimal scale, that it determines automatically, to generate points.

Solution: A

When Multiscale is enabled, points will be computed at multiple image scales,

including the selected image scale down to ⅛ image scale. For example, if you
select ½ image scale, points will be computed at ½, ¼, and ⅛ image scale.

4. Setting Point Density to High a. Denser densified point cloud.

will produce a...
b. Better densified point cloud.
c. Cleaner densified point cloud.
d. All of the above.

Solution: A

Point Density defines the density of the densified point cloud. Point Density is
set to Optimal by default.
High typically does not significantly improve the results. Low is up to four times
faster and uses up to four times less RAM compared to Optimal.

5. Do you need to generate the a. Yes, the 3D textured Mesh can only be generated while processing Step 2.
3D Textured Mesh when you
b. No, the 3D textured Mesh can be generated from the Processing drop-
process Step 2?
down menu after the point cloud has been generated.
c. Yes, otherwise you cannot generate a digital surface model.
d. No, the 3D textured Mesh is required before an Orthomosiac can be gener-

Solution: B

You can generate the 3D textured mesh while processing Step 2. Point Cloud
and Mesh or after you have finished processing Step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh.
High typically does not significantly improve the results. Low is up to four times
faster and uses up to four times less RAM compared to Optimal.

Section 1: Solutions Processing options – Step 1 General tab

6. Which export format is able to a. .PLY

be easily viewed without geo-
b. .FBX
spatial or CAD software?
c. .DXF
d. .OBJ
e. .3D PDF

Solution: E

The 3D PDF can be opened by Adobe Acrobat Reader and, practically, any other
software that supports PDF.

Useful links for this section

• Menu Process > Processing Options... > 2. Point Cloud and Mesh >
Point Cloud
• How to automatically generate a Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
• Pix4D Video Academy 18 - How to Edit the Point Cloud


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